Standard time definition 8th grade geography. Practical work “Determination of standard time for different cities of Russia” geography simulator (8th grade) on the topic. What time is there in geography?

Standard time

a time counting system based on dividing the Earth's surface into 24 time zones: at all points within one zone at every moment of the Second World War. the same, in neighboring zones it differs by exactly one hour. In the standard time system, 24 meridians, spaced 15° apart in longitude, are taken as the average meridians of time zones. The boundaries of the belts in the seas and oceans, as well as in sparsely populated areas, are drawn along meridians located 7.5° east and west from the average. In other regions of the Earth, for greater convenience, boundaries are drawn along state and administrative boundaries, railways, rivers, mountain ranges, etc., close to these meridians. (cm. time zone map ). By international agreement The meridian with longitude 0° (Greenwich) was taken as the initial one. The corresponding time zone is considered to be zero; The time of this zone is called universal time. The remaining belts in the direction from zero to the east are assigned numbers from 1 to 23. The difference between the P. of. in any time zone and universal time equal to the belt number.

The times of some time zones have special names. So, for example, the time of the zero zone is called Western European, the time of the 1st zone is Central European, the time of the 2nd zone is foreign countries called Eastern European time. Time zones from 2 to 12 inclusive pass through the territory of the USSR. To make the most efficient use of natural light and save energy in many countries, summer time Clocks are moved forward one hour or more (so-called summer time). In the USSR, maternity time was introduced in 1930; The clock hands were moved forward an hour. As a result, all points within a given zone began to use the time of the neighboring zone located east of it. Maternity time of the 2nd time zone in which Moscow is located is called Moscow time.

In a number of states, despite the convenience of zone time, they do not use the time of the corresponding time zone, but use either the local time of the capital or a time close to the capital throughout the entire territory. The astronomical yearbook “Nautical almanac” (Great Britain) for 1941 and subsequent years contains descriptions of the boundaries of time zones and the accepted account of time for those places where P.E. is not used, as well as all subsequent changes.

Before the introduction of P. century. was widespread in most countries civil time, different at any two points whose longitudes are unequal. The inconveniences associated with such an accounting system became especially acute with the development of the railway. messages and telegraphic communications. In the 19th century in a number of countries they began to introduce a single time for a given country, most often the civil time of the capital. However, this measure was unsuitable for states with a large length of territory in longitude, because the accepted account of time on the distant outskirts would differ significantly from the civil one. In some countries, a single tense was introduced only for use in railways and telegraph. In Russia, the civil time of the Pulkovo Observatory, called St. Petersburg time, served for this purpose. P.v. was proposed by the Canadian engineer S. Fleming in 1878. It was first introduced in the United States in 1883. In 1884, at a conference of 26 states in Washington, an international agreement on timekeeping was adopted, but the transition to this timekeeping system dragged on for many years. On the territory of the USSR P. v. introduced after the Great October Revolution socialist revolution, from July 1, 1919.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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Time Zones. In order to regulate differences in time resulting from the rotation of the Earth around its axis, the globe is conventionally divided into 24 time zones . Without them, no one would be able to answer the question: “ What time is it in other parts of the world?" The boundaries of these belts approximately coincide with lines of longitude. In each time zone, people set their clocks according to their own local time, depending on the location on Earth. The gap between the belts is 15°. In the USA, Greenwich Mean Time was introduced in 1884, which is calculated from the meridian passing through the Greenwich Observatory.

The 180° lines of east and west longitude coincide. This general line is called International Date Line. Time at points on Earth located west of this line is 12 hours ahead compared to time at points east of this line. The time in these neighboring zones is the same, but traveling east takes you to yesterday, traveling west takes you to tomorrow.

Therefore, in the logbook of a ship that sails from west to east, one day must be counted twice. And a ship moving from east to west, as it were, “skips” one day, after December 31 it immediately ends up on January 2.

Local time. Standard time

Solar time at points located on the same meridian is called local . Due to the fact that at every moment of the day it is different on all meridians, it is inconvenient to use. Therefore, according to international agreement, it was introduced standard time . The entire surface of the Earth was divided along the meridians into 24 zones of 15° longitude. Belt (same within each zone) time – this is the local time of the median meridian of a given zone. Zero belt is a belt whose median meridian is the Greenwich (prime) meridian. From there, the belts are counted to the east.

Time in Russia is regulated Federal law“On the calculation of time”, according to which it was established 11 time zones. Moscow time (MSK, MSK) “corresponds to the third time zone in the national time scale Russian Federation UTC (SU) +3". Eleven time zones, from 1 to 11, correspond in international numbering to time zones from 2 to 12. The boundaries of time zones run along the borders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; each subject of the federation is included in one time zone, with the exception of Yakutia, the territory of which is located in three time zones (MSK+6, MSK+7, MSK+8). Daylight saving time does not apply (seasonal clock change was abolished in 2011).

Table. Time zones of Russia (2018)

When traveling around the world, people inevitably find themselves in different time days - this is due to the movement of the planet around its axis. Russia is a very large country, occupying an impressive territory. For greater convenience, its area was divided into a certain number of zones corresponding to the number of time zones in Russia.

What determines time on Earth?

Our planet, as you know, has a spherical shape. In 24 hours, it manages to make a full revolution around its axis, that is, 360°. Accordingly, in one hour the Earth rotates around its axis by 15°.

In different parts of the world, people experience sunset or sunrise at different times. In places located on different meridians, at the same moment, the clock hands will show different times of day. For example, in Yakutsk it will be 21 hours, while in Yekaterinburg it will be only 17.

But at the same time, on the same meridian along its entire length from the North to the South Pole, the time of day will be the same. This time is called local or solar.

However, using local time is extremely inconvenient: it makes the development of relations between countries very difficult. To eliminate this discomfort, astronomers have proposed introducing a standard time system around the world.

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As a result, the entire planet was divided along the meridians into 24 zones, each of which included 15° longitude. Thus, the time in each time zone differs from the time in neighboring zones by 1 hour.

Zero is considered the time zone in the center of which the Greenwich meridian passes. He is also the 24th in a row. Time zones are counted from zero from west to east.

Rice. 1. Reference point – Greenwich meridian.

Time zones of Russia

The extent of Russia from west to east is very large, covering 11 time zones. The capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow - is located in the second time zone, and, say, Chukotka autonomous region- in the twelfth.

Moscow time serves as the reference point for determining local time anywhere in Russia. The difference is calculated by the number of full hours: the count of minutes and seconds is the same in all time zones.

To avoid confusion on Russian territory, all work of river, sea, aviation and railway transport, as well as various types of communications are carried out only according to Moscow time.

Rice. 2. Time zones of Russia on the map.

For greater convenience, the second and eleventh time zones in Russia were combined into one. For this reason, within the Russian Federation they are encountered not eleven, but ten times.

It’s not difficult to independently calculate the standard time of each individual locality. It is enough to know the boundaries of its location and the number of the time zone in which it is located. For example, if in Moscow, located in the second zone, it is 8 o’clock in the morning, then in Yekaterinburg, located in the fourth zone, it will be 10 o’clock in the morning, since the difference with Moscow will be 2 hours.

Table by city (time difference)

Maternity and summer time

In 1930, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars, clock hands throughout Russia were moved one hour ahead of relative standard time. The country lived in this regime for more than 50 years on the so-called “maternity” time. It was believed that the transition to a new time was established in order to save electricity. The return to seasonal time occurred only in 1981.

In the same year, summer time was introduced on the territory of the USSR. Between April 1 and October 1, clocks across the country were moved forward an hour. The official reason for this transition is the rational use of daylight hours and energy savings.

Rice. 3. Physiologists are against the transition to a new time.

However, physiologists are confident that such jumps in time have a very negative impact on people’s well-being. For any organism, the transition to a new time is stressful, and it takes some time to life cycles adapted to new conditions.

Daylight saving time in the Russian Federation was canceled in 2011.

What have we learned?

While studying one of the topics in the 8th grade geography program, we found out how many time zones there are in Russia. We found out that their number of time zones corresponds to the number of meridians, and the time difference in each neighboring zone is exactly one hour. Moscow time is considered the main time in Russia, according to which all types of transport operate and connections are established throughout the country.

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Standard time was introduced in the United States in 1883. In 1884, in Washington, 26 countries agreed to make time zones the reference point Greenwich meridian. And only on July 1, 1919, standard time was introduced in Russia.

Each of the 24 time zones is assigned a corresponding number from 0 (zero) to 23. The zone whose middle meridian is Greenwich, from which the belts are numbered from west to east. The middle meridian of the first belt is located 15° east of the Greenwich meridian, or 1 hour in time; the middle meridian of the second zone has an eastern longitude of 30°, and its local time differs from universal time (Greenwich) by 2 hours, etc. Thus, the number of each time zone shows how many whole hours the time of this zone differs from universal (ahead of it); at the same time, the minutes and seconds in all zones remain the same. Consequently, standard time when moving from one zone to an adjacent one changes abruptly by 1 hour. If we denote the zone number by n, then the zone time is equal to world time plus n.
If you draw the boundaries of time zones exactly along the meridians, then in the east of the time zone noon will occur at 11:30 a.m., on the main (middle) meridian - at 12:00, and on western border time zone - at 12:30.
On land, the boundaries of time zones are drawn along state and administrative boundaries, so the time of noon in each specific time zone differs slightly from the time interval 11:30 - 12:30.
If a time zone boundary divides a region into 2 parts, then the time of the zone located to the east is usually set here. For example, the western part of the Moscow region is located in the II zone, and the eastern part in the third. In 1919, Moscow was assigned to the II zone, although it most of located in III.

In 1930, the clock hands were moved forward 1 hour, the entered time was called maternity leave. Guided by the rules for drawing the boundaries of time zones, it should be said that time zones have been introduced in Moscow. time III time zone. Indeed, noon in the Moscow region occurs at 12:19 (in the east) and at 12:39 (on the western border). By the time of noon it is easy to understand that the eastern part of the region, stretching over 11 minutes in longitude, falls into the III time zone, and the western part (9 minutes of longitude) falls into the II time zone.

On the territory of our country until March 28, 2010 there was 11 time zones from II to XII, therefore, New Year on the territory of Russia could be found 11 times (from 15.00 Moscow time to 1 am). Now there are 9 time zones in our country: from II to XI, excluding IV. Now the New Year in our country will be celebrated only 9 times: at 16.00 Moscow time, then at 18.00, 19.00 and so on until 1 am. In the second zone - only Kaliningrad region, in III - Moscow, Voronezh, Kazan, Izhevsk, Samara and many other cities, and in XI - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatka Territory and Magadan Region. Thus, the time difference between Anadyr and Kaliningrad is 9 hours.
Our country “extends” in longitude by 171 degrees. If we divide this number by 15 (the width of the time zone), we get the number 11.5. This means there should be 11 or 12 time zones in Russia. Look at the globe: the meridians converge at the poles, which means that the time zone becomes wide when moving south, and narrow when moving north.
In the northern territories, you can drive 600-800 km in a western or eastern direction, and we will find ourselves in a different time zone, but at the equator we need to move about 1500 km.

Is it important for everyone to know what time it is in other parts of the world and in Russia? Why do people in Moscow say: “ Good night!”, and at the same time in Vladivostok the greeting sounds: “With Good morning! This lesson will help you gain an understanding of time differences across Russia. During the lesson, you will learn how local time differs from zone time, what the “date line” is, how many times a year you can celebrate the New Year in Russia.

Topic: Geographical location of Russia

Lesson: Time differences in Russia

Our country stretches from west to east for almost 10,000 km, and this feature geographical location influenced the time difference in Russia. (see Fig. 1)

Rice. 1. Extent of Russia from west to east

Day is a natural unit of measurement of time. Noon- this is the highest position of the sun relative to the observation point. Noon occurs simultaneously for all points of one meridian - from the North to the South Poles, i.e. along the entire meridian the time is the same. This time is called solar time, or local

They have approximately the same local time Saint Petersburg, Cairo, Ankara, Harare (Zimbabwe), Pretoria, since the longitudes of these settlements differ slightly.

A difference in longitude between two localities of just 1º will result in a difference between their local times of 4 minutes. The Earth makes a full rotation of 360º in 24 hours, or 1440 minutes, therefore it rotates 1º in 4 minutes. So the difference in longitudes between Moscow (37° east). and St. Petersburg (30° E) is 7º, thus, the local time of these settlements differs by 28 minutes (i.e. almost half an hour). (see Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Differences in local time between Moscow and St. Petersburg

In a relatively large territory, using local time in everyday life turns out to be inconvenient: it is necessary one system countdown. For example, having moved from the western outskirts of Moscow to the eastern one, we must set the clock forward one and a half minutes, and having moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg - almost half an hour ago. Therefore, most countries in the world have adopted a system standard time.

It was proposed in 1878 by Canadian engineer Sandford Fleming (see Fig. 3), which in 1884 was adopted at the International Astronomical Congress in the USA (Washington), where 26 countries were present.

Rice. 3. Sandford Fleming (1827-1915)

According to S. Fleming's idea, the entire surface of the globe is conventionally divided by meridians into 24 time zones, each 15° (1 hour) long in longitude. (see Fig. 4)

Rice. 4. Time zones ()

At all points in each time zone, the time corresponding to the middle meridian of that zone is set. The entire belt lives according to the time of its middle meridian. The time difference between neighboring meridians (time zones) is exactly 1 hour, and the minute and second hands move the same all over the Earth. The belts are counted in the direction from west to east. Accordingly, when moving from west to east hour hand translated forward, from east to west - backward.

Rice. 5. Time zone counting scheme

Belts are designated by Roman numerals. The zero belt, also known as XXIV, is taken to be the middle meridian of which is Greenwich. Greenwich time is considered worldwide ( sometimes the term Western European is used) . (see Fig. 6)

Rice. 6. Zero time zone ()

Widely used name Central European time is the time of the 1st time zone.

The 180° meridian opposite the Greenwich meridian is date line. This line runs from pole to pole along the 180° meridian with some deviations so that it does not intersect countries and archipelagos. (see Fig. 7)

Rice. 7. Date line

As already noted, time zones start from the zero (Western European) time zone. Most European countries (with the exception of Great Britain and Portugal), as well as the Kaliningrad region of Russia, are located in the I (Central European) time zone. Moscow is located in II ( Eastern European) time zone. Moscow standard time, the middle meridian of which 30 East lies slightly west of St. Petersburg, differs by one hour from the European average.

Geographically, Russia is located within 11 time zones - from II to XII

(from the extreme western point - the Baltic Spit (19º E) - to Ratmanov Island - the extreme eastern point of Russia (169 W). (see Fig. 8-9). The difference between them is 172 º (172 º:15 º =11.5 hours).

Rice. 8. Extreme western point of Russia

Rice. 9. Extreme eastern point of Russia

In fact, the time difference throughout the entire territory of Russia is 9 hours. [L1] For example, when it’s 15 o’clock in Kaliningrad, in Anadyr, Uelen, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky- 24 hours.

Rice. 10. Time zones of Russia

On land, the boundaries of time zones that have a submeridional extension are drawn not strictly along meridians, but along natural boundaries (mountains, rivers) and administrative boundaries. At the same time, the entire territory of one or another subject of the Russian Federation - republic, territory, region - turns out to be in the same time zone.

In fact, the time difference between Moscow and, for example, Berlin or Paris is not one, but two hours. This is due to the fact that throughout Russia there is de-crete time differing by one hour from standard time.

In 1930, by government decree (decree), the clock hands were moved one hour ahead compared to standard time. This was done in order to make fuller use of daylight hours, and therefore to save energy. Maternity time of the II time zone, where Moscow is located, is called Moscow time.

Since 1981, in Russia from March to September it operates summer time. On the last Sunday in March, the clock hands were moved one more hour ahead compared to maternity time. Since 2008, returning to maternity time usually took place on the last Saturday of October by moving the clock hand back one hour. Since October 2011, transfer to winter time is not implemented.

. Day- a natural unit of measurement of time.

Time on a given meridian is called local, and within a time zone - waist.

Due to the large extent of Russia's territory from west to east, it is located in 11 time zones - from II to XI, but the real time difference between two points located on the territory in Russia is 9 hours.

Valid throughout Russia maternity time, differing from the zone one by 1 hour.


  1. Determine from the time zone map () what time zone is your republic, region, city located in?
  2. What changes will occur when crossing the International Date Line from west to east? From east to west?