An old man talks to himself. Talking out loud to yourself helps you develop your brain and achieve success.

Have you ever noticed that you talk to yourself out loud? This happens when a person is very tense, concentrated, or his emotions are “overflowing.”

Surely, when you catch yourself doing this, you will think: “Horror, I’m talking to myself! Am I really sick? That’s it... schizophrenia is on the doorstep!” Is this really true? Let's figure out whether talking to yourself always means mental disorder and whether it is necessary to consult a doctor in this case.

I'm talking to myself, does that mean I'm crazy?

Any disease related to the object of psychiatry has not one, but several symptoms. If, apart from the rare occasions when you notice yourself communicating with yourself, nothing else suspicious has happened to you, there is nothing to worry about. But still, knowledge of these signs will not be superfluous:

  • hallucinations (auditory and visual);
  • frequently recurring feeling of déjà vu;
  • obsessive ideas, as if someone is stalking you, wishing you harm, spying on you, constantly mocking you;
  • a feeling of unreality of what is happening;
  • complete apathy, reluctance and/or inability to do anything;
  • strong causeless fear, out of nowhere extreme anxiety and similar sensations.

In sick people they are greatly exaggerated and have the character of obsessive delirium, annoying and painful. Often these symptoms can be combined with purely physiological reactions. For example, during panic attack (strong fear) the person begins to choke, his hands sweat, and other intense sensations arise. If something like this happens to you, you need to see a psychotherapist. There is nothing scary or shameful about this. Perhaps you have experienced some kind of tragedy and cannot cope with it on your own.

In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between mental illnesses themselves and neuroses. The latter are temporary and are usually caused by some kind of strong shock. Mental illness often accompanies the patient throughout his life (for example, schizophrenia). It is accompanied by a whole “bouquet” of extremely severe symptoms.

Self-talk as a child's learning method

Have you noticed that children often talk to themselves while playing? So they play out some situations, play roles (matter or her daughter, a scary bear, etc.). For kids, talking to themselves out loud is absolutely normal and even useful. This is how they learn. This is a very good way to focus. As soon as a person grows up, he tries to avoid talking to himself out loud, just so as not to seem strange to others.

Why do people talk to themselves as adults?

Have you ever wondered why people talk to themselves as adults? We are talking about mentally healthy citizens. Our thinking is structured as follows: millions nerve cells constantly interact and send each other nerve impulses. We literally find ourselves “attacked” by different thoughts, memories, questions and suspicions.

IN human head as if some kind of “hell brew” was bubbling. Moreover, this process does not stop for a minute. It is especially pronounced in women, whose thinking is not linear by nature. It is similar to many open tabs in the browser that are active at the same time.

Often people talk to themselves in order to focus on one thing, to highlight this thought and completely direct their mental flow to it. Especially if the question concerns something very important and urgent. Emotional people often use this method in tense situations. In this case, talking to yourself is normal and has nothing to do with mental disorders.

Talking to yourself is normal and sometimes even useful

IN different time There have been studies done on why people talk to themselves. It has been found that in some situations this method of self-organization helps to better cope with the task. When people talk to themselves, it is as if they are programming themselves verbally for a certain result. In other words, they lead themselves.

For example, if you lost a key in your apartment, then commenting on your actions will help you quickly build a logical chain and find the loss. After all, why does a person talk to himself? Using this simple method, it forces the brain to concentrate as much as possible on one thing, to collect all resources to solve the problem. And it works well. In addition, talking to yourself, you can, for example, from the same lost key.

Bitter feeling of loneliness

But it also happens that a person starts a dialogue with himself solely from a lack of communication. Every person has a need for communication, and if he does not find interlocutors, it does not disappear anywhere. This is the saddest reason why a person talks to himself. In such a situation, we can recommend starting to correct the situation as soon as possible: sign up for a club, take master classes, start going to Gym or any other public place. Do not get drawn into this state of loneliness, otherwise the habit of communicating with yourself will develop into a painful strangeness.

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Thinking out loud is not a sign of madness and can be much more beneficial than it might seem at first glance.

website will talk about why it is possible and important to talk to yourself at least occasionally.

The first thing to say is that talking to yourself out loud is a sure sign of genius. The smartest people our planet often talked to themselves. This is reflected in scientific works, poetry, painting, and history confirms this.

For example, Albert Einstein loved to think aloud about mathematical formulas and complex theories, and sometimes even consulted with himself. Besides, in There have been many studies confirming that thinking out loud speeds up and structures the thought process.

“Keys, keys, keys. Where did I put them? And here they are, right on the table!” Experimentally, it was found that a person found the desired object faster by repeating its name out loud. Saying the name of what we are looking for this moment, stimulates memory, and we concentrate faster, and therefore find the desired item much faster.

However, you should understand that this only works if you know exactly what what you need looks like.

Children often learn by talking and repeating what they do. And at the same time they remember for the future how they solved the problem that arose. And, probably, everyone knows that when you are trying to remember something, it is better to say it out loud. Thanks to the fact that we hear the information we need in the voice most familiar to our brain, it is remembered much faster and for a long time.

Almost every one of us has a complete mess going on in our heads, and our thoughts are rushing from side to side. But saying what’s bothering you out loud allows you to sort everything out and calm your nerves. Renowned psychologist Linda Sapadin believes that speaking out loud helps us make important and difficult decisions: “This allows you to clarify your thoughts, decide what is important, and strengthen your decision.”

“That’s it, I’ll start running on Monday, learning foreign language“and I’ll definitely sign up for painting courses,” we often tell ourselves. But we all know how difficult it is to make a list of goals and start moving towards achieving them. By talking through each step, you can make this task much easier for yourself, making everything less difficult and more specific. This allows you to put things into perspective and move forward with more confidence.

And finally, the person who knows absolutely everything about you is yourself. Don't be afraid to listen to your inner voice and confidently, loudly answer it.

Are you talking to yourself? Do not rush to classify yourself as crazy. There are no psychological abnormalities or diseases in this. People tend to communicate, and who do we trust the most? Of course for myself. Psychologists around the world claim that such communication is beneficial to a person. Before we do something, we weigh the pros and cons; some people just do it out loud. It has been proven that people who consult with themselves are less likely to make mistakes in their actions. Also, when communicating with your inner voice, we recognize ourselves as individuals. There is a category of people who cannot help but communicate with themselves - these are audits. They perceive the world through sounds. For them, a verbal explanation of an act, process or action is much more important than just thoughts or reading. For example: the audit assembles a cabinet according to the instructions. After reading it, he may not understand how to proceed. But after reading it aloud, he will understand better written.

Sometimes people even quarrel when alone. They may talk loudly, scold someone or shout. So a man splashes out negative emotions, accumulated in his soul. There is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed about this, this is normal, moreover, it is useful.

Our thoughts have no emotions. They are like a calm stream, flowing and flowing. Try saying “What a good day!” in your head, and now say it out loud. Agree that there is a difference. The way we speak gives an emotional coloring to our feelings and thoughts. If you say good things out loud more often, your mood will always be high!

How to concentrate if something bothers you? For example: you are doing homework, you need to concentrate, but you can’t. Various thoughts come into your head, distracting you from work. It's very easy to concentrate! We must speak out loud. By reading, for example, the solution to a problem, you will no longer be able to get distracted. The brain will focus not on thoughts, but on sounds. This is also one of the reasons why people talk to themselves.

A person has several ways to remember information. For example: you go to the store and made a shopping list in your head. Are you sure you won't forget him? Good way- write it all down, but what if it’s not possible? Say out loud what you want to buy. It will start working for you auditory memory. This doesn't just apply to your shopping list. You can also plan your daily routine, important things that are unforgivable to forget, and much more.

Another reason for such conversations is boredom. We may sometimes feel lonely or sad. Or just bored. Then we start talking to ourselves. If we don't receive sufficient quantity communication, we may feel bad. This is one of the causes of depression. So keep talking to yourself and don't listen to anyone. Enjoy communicating with a smart person!

“It’s like I’m writing subtitles for my life,” admits 37-year-old Alexandra. – Everything I’m going to do, I comment out loud: “It’s warm today, I’ll wear a blue skirt”; “I’ll withdraw a couple of thousand from the card, that should be enough.” If my friend hears it, it’s not scary - he’s used to it. But in public place people start looking at me sideways and I feel stupid.”

It helps me concentrate. By saying our actions out loud, we are not at all striving for communication - so why don’t we just remain silent? “The need for comments appears when the task facing us requires concentration,” notes psychotherapist Andrei Korneev, a specialist in somatic psychology. – There was a period in the lives of each of us when we described out loud everything that we did or were going to do. Although we may not remember it: it happened at the age of about three years. Such speech, addressed to no one, is a natural stage of development; it helps the child to navigate the objective world, move from spontaneous reactions to conscious actions and learn to manage them. Then external speech “collapses”, turns into internal speech, and we stop noticing it.” But it can “unfold” again and sound out loud if we perform some complex sequence of operations, for example, assembling an electronic circuit or preparing a dish according to a new recipe. Its function is the same: it makes it easier for us to manipulate objects and helps us plan them.

Elena, 41 years old, Norwegian language teacher

“Criticizing myself out loud, or even scolding, was a habit for me. I never thought about it and somehow involuntarily made a remark to myself in the psychotherapist’s office. And he asked: “Who told little Lena that she was a klutz?” It was like an epiphany: I remembered that this is exactly how my school teacher scolded me. And I stopped saying that - because I don’t think so, these words are not mine!”

I'm letting out my emotions. Exclamations that have no addressee can be a manifestation of strong feelings: indignation, delight. One day, Pushkin, alone, “clapping his hands and shouting, “Oh yes Pushkin! what a son of a bitch!” - I was so pleased with my work. Replies: “At least it’s gone!” student before an exam, “so what to do about it?” the accountant over the quarterly report and the things we say while looking after the train we missed - they all have the same reason. “A statement in such a situation serves as an emotional release and is often accompanied by an energetic gesture,” explains Andrei Korneev. “Strong is a surge of energy, and it requires some kind of manifestation outside so that we can get rid of excess tension.” I continue to have an internal dialogue. Sometimes we seem to look at ourselves from the outside - and evaluate, scold, and lecture. “If these are monotonous statements in which the same assessments are made, little dependent on changes in circumstances, this is a consequence of emotional trauma, most likely received in childhood,” says Andrei Korneev. “An unresolved conflict turns into an internal one: one part of us conflicts with another.” Strong feeling that we experienced in the past found no outlet (for example, we could not express anger towards our parents) and remained locked inside. And we relive it, repeating out loud the words once addressed to us.

What to do?

Separate your thoughts from others

Who speaks to us during such monologues? Are we really expressing our own thoughts and opinions or are we repeating what our parents, relatives or close friends once told us? “Try to remember who it was. Imagine that this person is now in front of you, suggests Andrei Korneev. - Listen to his words. Find an answer that you can give now, as an adult, taking into account your life experience and knowledge. As a child, you may have been confused or scared, unsure of how to respond, or afraid. Today you have something to say, and you will be able to defend yourself.” This exercise helps complete the experience.

Try to speak more quietly

“If talking through actions helps you, you don’t need to try to get rid of it,” reassures Andrey Korneev. – And if disapproving glances or comments from others who do not want to be aware of your plans interfere with this, then try to avoid them. What should I do for this? Speak more quietly, in a whisper. This is just that rare case when the more illegible, the better. Then those around you will not suspect for a second that you are addressing them, and awkward situations will become smaller. Gradually you can switch to silent pronunciation, it’s a matter of training.” Look closely and you will notice other people moving their lips near a store shelf with twenty types of cereals. But this doesn't bother anyone.

Prepare in advance

Make a grocery list when going to the store. Calculate your time when getting ready for the train. Learn all exam papers. Planning and careful preparation will eliminate the need to think on your feet and worry out loud. Of course, there are emergencies that are beyond our control and that cannot be foreseen. But, hand on heart, we admit that they happen rarely.

Each person perceives the world in his own way. It is rare on the street, but you can meet a man or woman talking to an invisible interlocutor, so the question is: “What is the name of the disease when a person talks to himself?” requires an answer. Unaware that others can hear him, a person talks to himself out loud.

If a person communicates like this for only a day or two, then this is not a pathology. He may be in this state due to emotional overload. When there is a specific family issue that needs to be resolved urgently, a person thus looks for answers out loud. If a person for a long time talks to himself and this behavior is accompanied by hallucinations, social isolation and strange behavior, then you need to think about and help such a person with the help of consultation with experienced psychiatrists.

People are in a state of psychosis when hallucinations begin. They perceive current events falsely, unlike everyone else. There is no external stimulus, and they see, hear or even feel the touch of an object that is not really there. Hallucinations during psychosis are often visual.

Why does a person talk to himself, and there is no one nearby? Because the interlocutor is made up. Persistent hallucination develops into a disease such as schizophrenia. The patient can hear commanding voices that supposedly force him to do something. He goes into complete panic and submits to protect himself. Schizophrenia often leads to patient suicide.

It is worth distinguishing illusions from hallucinations. The former appear without a stimulus, while the latter form a stimulus that is perceived falsely by a person. Schizophrenia has its own symptoms - a loss of contact with the surrounding reality. The person behaves very strangely because he receives inappropriate commands. The patient's speech becomes confused and inconsistent, and his thinking becomes primitive. You can observe a decrease in the emotional background. The person withdraws into himself and does not want to communicate with anyone. Symptoms for each patient are combined individually.

Schizophrenia should not be confused with split personality syndrome and multiple personality syndrome. In schizophrenia, disorders occur in the brain. This disease is inherited from sick parents to children. Symptoms do not appear immediately after the baby is born. If it is a boy, the disease begins to progress in adolescence or from the age of twenty. If it is a girl, then the disease appears by the age of 20-30.

It all starts with hallucinations and delusions and then the person talks to himself. The diagnosis of schizophrenia can only be made by a doctor. A person may imagine strange pictures, for example, that he is sitting at a table with demons, or that he is the son of God. The patient believes in what is happening to him in its unreality. He cannot concentrate, cannot take initiative. The patient does not have a daily routine and specific plans, so he cannot fully exist in society.

Tourette's syndrome is a disease in which the patient suffers from motor and vocal tics. Manifests itself in childhood when a child starts shouting obscene language. With growing up, the syndrome can smooth out and the patient is completely cured of it. Although there are cases when the central nervous system does not cope, and on the street you can meet an adult with such a syndrome shouting curses.

Many people talk to themselves if they have an important meeting. This is a kind of rehearsal for self-confidence. Or an important conversation took place, emotions go off scale and an invisible interlocutor helps to throw out everything that has accumulated. A person can talk while walking down the street, with flowers, birds, sitting in his car, addressing her. It's okay if it's just normal thinking. It’s easy to focus on an important process at work if you say your actions out loud.

A person talking with his voice stimulates memory, so before going to the store, in order not to buy too much, you need to say the names necessary products aloud. Conversation clears up thoughts that need to be organized. When a lot of important things have accumulated and a person does not know what to grab onto, he needs to talk through the order of his actions, as psychologists recommend.
