British cats. Solid colors. Colors of British cats with photos and descriptions Fawn spotted color of cats

Truly royal animals come from Abyssinia (Ethiopia). The breed was formed far from its historical homeland. Cats brought to Europe looked somewhat different from modern cats. So, as a result of selection, tabby stripes on the limbs and tassels on the ears were developed. The uniqueness of the species lies not only in the natural elegance and grace, but also in the unusual color of Abyssinian cats.

What is ticking

"Fur coat" abyssinian cat dense, shiny, perfectly smooth, well fitting to the body, short, without patterns on the tail and legs. Distinctive feature, which is a kind of “business card” of the Abyssinian breed, is the coloring of each hair in different (dark, light) shades at the same time.

Such a non-standard, rare pattern is called ticking, and the reason for its occurrence lies in the special predominant agouti gene “A” (agouti) present in the genotype. It is thanks to him that the colors of Abyssinian cats do not have the characteristic tabby pattern inherent, for example, in British Shorthairs.

Ticking (zonal color) can be double or triple. Preference is given to the latter species, as it is the rarest.

The cat's entire body is evenly colored, but if you draw it against the fur, you can see a clear, bright undercoat, a tone lighter than the main color. Abyssinian cats do not acquire full coloring immediately, but after a year and a half. An Abyssinian kitten will not have such a bright aesthetic color at an early age.

At first, his fur looks dull and uncolored, but as he matures, the “ugly duckling” will turn into a magnificent royal individual with an amazingly beautiful, bright “fur coat.”

The coat of an adult animal should not have spots, rosettes or stripes, with the exception of white spots on the collar and chin. The richness of the ticking should not be obscured by the depth of the coloring.

If a cat of the Abyssinian breed has disadvantages in the form of differences between the main color and the shade of the paw pads, “rings” on the tail and paws, darkened spots under the chin, visually reminiscent of a closed necklace (marking), a “fur coat” of a dull gray cold tone, then these signs serve as grounds for disqualification.

Today International Association The CFA (Cat Fanciers' Association) has officially recognized the following colors of the Abyssinian cat breed: wild, blue, sorrel, fawn.

Classic wild color

Wild color (ruddy, designated as ABY n) is considered the fundamental color of the Abyssinian coat. Until 1963, it was the only one officially approved for this breed.

New, one might say the newest, colors in the British breed. They are very popular and in demand, but are still very rare. Although several articles have already been published on this color, we think it would be useful to briefly recall the history and development of this color.
The first attempts to introduce cinnamon and fawn colors to the British were made in the 90s. Moreover, this happy thought came to several breeders for us different countries Europe. So, almost at the same time, British breeders in England, Belgium and Holland began to introduce this color into British breed.
Moreover, the Belgians and Dutch used mainly Abyssinians and Persians, and the descendants from these interbreed marriages were tied to the British CASH.
English breeders acted differently; they used cinnamon-colored Orientals when mating directly with the British. Now you can argue which breeding path was more correct and correct, we will not do this. In my opinion, the British only benefited from this, the breed received for the development of the cinnamon color, several different blood lines that did not intersect with each other. This greatly facilitated the selection of manufacturers for further work.
Cinnamon is lighter than chocolate and has a warmer tone. It owes its appearance to the b’ – brown light gene, which promotes further oxidation of melanin. In this case, the nose is colored pinkish-brown (almost beige), as are the paw pads. As cinnamon-colored cats grow up, they acquire a warmer tone with a reddish-brown sheen, while the undercoat at the base is always slightly lighter than the main coat and this is not considered a disadvantage in cinnamon. With the cinnamon color: the coat color is red-brown (cinnamon color), the undercoat is yellow-brown, lighter than the main tone, and the red tone of the coat is light copper, sometimes bronze (in bicolors), and not orange like in reds and is never brick-gray . In kittens, the paw pads, nose mirror and rims of the lips and eyes are very light, almost white with a slightly pinkish tint, and in adult animals they are the color of cocoa with milk, darkening to the color of milk chocolate when stressed.
The faun's light beige, sandy color is sometimes called Fawn. The nose, paw pads and rims of the fawn color are pink-beige, very delicate in tone.
Due to its recessiveness, the cinnamon color is very difficult to breed, which means that to obtain it you need to have several different blood lines carrying this color, and at the same time select the right partners so as not to get a simplified type. But what a joy it is when kittens live up to your expectations!
A more detailed article about these new and unique colors can be found here.

British cats, whose breeding began in late XIX centuries, to this day are the true pride of Great Britain. Large cats with plush fur, according to legend, inherited their smile from the Cheshire cat. The first snow-white beauty belonging to this breed was officially presented at the exhibition in 1987. To this day, the colors of British cats are of particular interest to cat lovers. Fold-eared Britons do not exist, this anatomical feature characteristic of Scottish cats.

Since then, the popularity of the breed has been steadily growing. The British attract not only their intelligent character and plush fur, but also a huge variety of colors, of which there are more than 25 types. A table with photos will help you study the colors of British cats, as well as a description of the types and types of colors of this breed. Among the color range of wool there are very rare combinations that are extremely highly valued by both professional breeders and breed lovers. Let's figure out what colors British cats come in.

Types of colors

Selection work on representatives of the British breed with the involvement of different bloods led to a diversity of both colors and breed species. If initially the British had short hair with a thick undercoat, then crossing with Persian cat made it possible to obtain semi-long-haired animals. The colors of British longhair cats correspond to the colors of shorthair cats.

Many people only imagine the British as smoky, blue or tabby cats and they don’t even realize what a variety of colors the breed has. Even a pair of quite ordinary parents can produce a kitten of a rare color.

To organize the variety of colors of British cats, they are divided into types and groups according to color, pattern and method of pigmentation.

Types of colors of British cats:

  • solid (or plain);
  • typed: smoky, veiled, shaded;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • tortoiseshells;
  • color point;
  • particolors: harlequin, bicolor, van, mitted;
  • tabbies: spotted, striped, marbled, ticked.

A table of the colors of British cats will help you imagine all the diversity.

Blue solid

This is the color that comes to mind when thinking about the British, so we'll start with it. It is often called classic, or simply gray. The coat should be a single color, the undercoat may be lighter, but white hairs are not allowed. A lighter color is considered valuable. U little kitten There may be stripes that disappear with age. Beautiful rich amber Blue Britons' eyes appear with age, although kittens are born with gray and blue irises.


In addition to blue, there are six more solid colors: black, white, chocolate, lilac, red, cream. The color is uniform and uniform, without white hairs, spots or patterns. The wool is soft, thick, plush.

Charcoal black plush Britons look extremely impressive, they have rich pigmentation of the undercoat, fur and skin, but purchasing such a kitten is not easy. This is due to the fact that in adolescence kittens can change their coat color to chocolate.

The fur of a white British cat is snow-white, without yellowness or spots. In kittens, blue or black stripes on the forehead are acceptable, which disappear without a trace with age. It is difficult to obtain kittens with perfectly white fur, and breeding cats of this color is associated with the risk of producing sick offspring. Since 1997, breeding work has not been carried out with this color.

In warm chocolate color, richness and depth of shade are appreciated. The darker the color, the better. This color is called havana, or chestnut.

Considering the solid colors of British cats, lilac is the most difficult to imagine. This color is a combination of pink and blue. The paw pads and nose are colored to match the fur. Obtaining this color is the result of professional breeding. There is no gene responsible for the purple color. The goal is achieved by a rare combination of parental genes. Kittens are born a delicate, almost pink color, and the color of an adult animal resembles a latte.

Red British cats are most often called ginger cats. The wool is uniformly dyed, without stains or patterns. The nose and paw pads are brick red. Intensity of color is valued.

Delicate creamy Britons are often called beige or peach. Their nose and paw pads are pink.

Rare colors of British cats

Today, relatively new and rare uniform colors stand out - cinnamon and fawn. Dark colors British cats are dominant, so bleached kittens are rarely born.

Cinnamon is a very rare and desirable color, its name comes from the English cinnamon, which translates as cinnamon. The color is similar to lightened chocolate. The gene for this color, discovered 50 years ago, is recessive, so cinnamon kittens are born quite rarely.

Fawn is an even rarer color, which is a bleached cinnamon. It was recognized quite recently, in 2006, and is of particular interest to breeders, as it makes it possible to develop new lightened colors.

Fawn-like kittens, i.e., fauns, and cinnamon cinnamon kittens are classified as cream and blue at birth. To identify a rare color, a DNA examination is carried out, which confirms that the animal belongs to a rare color.

Silver and gold

Silver color is one of the most popular among British cats. It can be of the following types:

  • shaded;
  • veiled;
  • smoky;
  • tabby

Golden color is also not found in pure form. This bright color is one of the most expensive among British cats. It can be represented by the following types:

  • shaded;
  • veiled;
  • tabby

Ticked tabby, shaded and veiled colors are called chinchilla. It is the representatives of golden and silver colors that are called chinchilla and golden chinchilla.


Tortoiseshell cats are a favorite among breeders. From these mothers you can get a wide variety of offspring. Their unique color, also called torti, combines two groups of colors at once - red and black, and this is possible only in females. Tortoiseshell cats can only be born as a result of a genetic anomaly - mosaicism. Such animals are infertile and have the XXY genotype.

The tortoiseshell color consists of black and red spots evenly distributed throughout the body (or derivatives of these colors, for example, blue and cream, chocolate and cream, lilac and cream, etc.).

There are a huge number of British tortoiseshell species:

  1. Classic turtle (black-red, chocolate-red, lilac-cream, fawn-cream, cinnamon-red, lilac-cream).
  2. Smoky turtle (black and red smoky, chocolate red smoky, etc.).
  3. Tortoiseshell tabby, or torby (black and red tabby, chocolate red tabby, etc.).
  4. Tortoiseshell color point, or tortie (tortie point - black tortoiseshell, blue cream point - blue tortoiseshell, etc.).
  5. Bicolor tortoiseshells or calicos (black and red bicolor tortoiseshell, etc.).
  6. Bicolor tabby tortoiseshell, or torbico (marbled, striped, spotted bicolor tortoiseshell).

Kitty tortoiseshell color may be born from parents different groups colors, for example, mom is red, and dad is black.


The patterned cats resemble wild ones in color. They have spots, stripes, rings on the body and paws and the obligatory letter "M" on the forehead. Tabby color also has several types:

  1. Spotted, spotted, or leopard print is the most common tabby. Cats of this color look like miniature leopards.
  2. Striped, mackerel, or tiger. Narrow frequent stripes should not be interrupted or intersect with each other. After a year, the brindle color may turn into leopard if the stripes begin to break up.
  3. The merle color is very impressive, bright and the most complex of the tabbies. The stripes on the back are straight, but on the sides they form clearly visible circles and rings.
  4. The ticked color stands apart - it has no pattern and looks like a plain one with “spraying”. Resembles shaded or veiled. Each hair has its own stripes.

Color point

The British are color point light color body and dark markings on the muzzle, ears, paws, tail - points. This color is also called Himalayan or Siamese. The color of the points corresponds to one of the main colors, and the body color is in harmony with it.

Types of color point:

  • solid;
  • shaded;
  • veiled;
  • bicolor;
  • smoky;
  • turtle;
  • tabby

Colors with white

The combination of any basic, patterned or tortoiseshell color with white is called the general name bicolor - these are colored spots without white fibers, with clear boundaries. There are several groups of this color:

  1. Bicolor - from 1/3 to 1/2 white- muzzle, chest, paws, belly. Colored - one or two ears, head, back, tail.
  2. Harlequin - only 5/6 white - collar, neck, chest, paws.
  3. Van - main color - white. Colored spots on the head, but the ears are white, colored tail, colored spots on the back are allowed.
  4. Tricolor, or calico, is a tortoiseshell (i.e., two-color) color with white.
  5. Mitted - is not recognized by the standard and is considered a disadvantage. There is little white, no more than 1/4, the head, neck, collar, belly and paws are white.

Now you know what the colors of British cats are. The table with photos helped us understand the variety of types and types of colors.

The Abyssinian cat is rightfully considered one of the most ancient breeds. There is an opinion that it was these animals that the ancient Egyptians meant when they called them “radiant cats” or “lapis lazuli cats of the horizon.”

In addition, the figurines of large-eared felines that have come down to us have a striking resemblance to this breed. In the features of the sculptures one can recognize the same elongated graceful body and long limbs. On the tomb paintings you can see that attention is focused on the tip of the tail, which has a dark, uniform color.

Many people love Abyssinian cats for their activity, playfulness, and great mobility. However, pets of this breed also attract attention with their unusual colors of different shades.

The main set of features consistent with the standard is given in the table.

Table 1. Abyssinian breed standards

Part of the bodyStandard
HeadThe shape resembles a blade that turns into a graceful and elongated neck
EarsWide and deep, have ends of a darker shade. Sometimes there are tassels
EyesAlmond-shaped, distinguished by dark rims that surround “glasses” of a more delicate color
ChinNeat and not beveled. An exception is made for adult cats with a protruding chin.
FrameFlexible and flexible, with well-developed musculature
PawsOval and compact. Five toes on the front paws and four on the hind paws
TailTapering towards the end and thickening towards the base

Possible deviations

Abyssinian cats may have deviations from generally accepted standards, which are called faults. A list of these deviations is given below.

Table 2. Deviations from the Abyssinian breed standards


Abyssinian cats exhibit a fairly lively as well as intelligent temperament. The main traits of their character are curiosity and quick learning, thanks to which animals almost immediately learn the rules of behavior in the house.

Pets of this breed are great for families with children. After all, despite constantly demonstrating their independence, they are quite sociable and playful.

In addition, cats are neat, love to show care and attention, and are stress-resistant, but they can start to growl and hiss if they get very scared. And because animals love to eat well, they can sometimes attack domestic dogs or other pets.

What colors do Abyssinian cats have?

Today, Abyssinian cats are considered one of the most expensive breeds. To some extent, this is due to a beautiful “fur coat” with a beautiful color. The most common animals in the world with this coat color are:

  • classic wild;
  • sorrel;
  • blue;
  • faun;
  • brown;
  • lilac;
  • tortoiseshell;
  • silver.

Among all other colors, wild is the most popular

Thanks to uniform ticking throughout, these cats have a kind of “calling card” - each hair along its entire length is colored in different (light and dark) shades.

Classic wild color

The wild classic color is the fundamental color of the “fur coat” of representatives of this breed.

Interesting! Until 1963, this color was the only one that the relevant organizations approved as the standard for Abyssinian cats.

The classic wild color is characterized by the following features:

  1. Presence of uniform ticking throughout all parts of the body.
  2. The body is distinguished by a more saturated orange-brown color.
  3. On the inside of the paws, as well as on the tummy, the fur is colored buffy.
  4. Both on the front and on hind limbs there is black fringe. In many animals it even transfers to the pads.
  5. Along the entire ridge line there is a fairly wide black stripe, which smoothly ends at the very tip of the tail;
  6. The brick-colored nose is outlined along the edges with a darker edging.
  7. Abyssinians may have eyes different colors: green, nutty or golden. However, it is worth noting that all kittens are light blue until about ten months of age.

Wild color is also the most commercial

To date wild color most common among Abyssinian cats. In addition, many cats have this coloring at the genetic level.

Sorrel color

The sorrel color (red) is a lightened tone of the classic color. This shade was officially recognized for the Abyssinian breed in 1963, but until the late 70s it was most often called red.

Animals that have this color attract attention because the color of their coat is a mixture of several rich shades: reddish, copper, bright apricot, and chocolate brown.

TO characteristic features Sorrel includes the following features:

  1. Most pets have coats that are bright copper in color.
  2. There are two types of ticking: both dark chocolate and cinnamon shade.
  3. The inner side of the limbs and the abdominal area are covered with the lightest hair.
  4. A red-brown stripe runs along the spine, which is much darker than the dominant shade of the coat. The color of the tail is rich brown.
  5. There are beige-pink pads on the paws, and light chocolate flesh is visible between them.
  6. The nose has a pink tint. It is edged with a dark red rim.
  7. The most common eye colors among representatives of the breed are copper and gold. However, some Sorrel-colored pets have greenish or light brown eyes.

Sorrel - business card Abyssinians, not found in other breeds

Interesting! Sorrel-colored wool is very rarely found in representatives of other breeds. At the same time, according to standards, the Abyssinian coat should not contain black hairs.

Organizations have officially approved the blue color for Abyssinian cats. Such animals are distinguished from others by their “fur coat” of a delicate and very impressive color.

The following standards are established for these animals:

  1. On the head, back, and head there is a characteristic pattern resembling a tailcoat, which has a beautiful bluish-gray color.
  2. On the chin inside limbs, in the belly and chest area the coat color is lighter - fawn, beige, pale brown, cream or apricot.
  3. The undercoat is a lighter shade than the main color.
  4. Ticking is present throughout the body and has the characteristic shade of an overcast sky.
  5. A fairly thin stripe runs along the entire spine, which stands out against the background of the ticking in a brighter blue color.
  6. The nose of these animals is either brown or gray-blue, but always has a dark edging.
  7. Pale pink paw pads are covered with sparse bluish hair.
  8. Eyes with a blue color are often golden and copper, but cats with green and hazel are often found. At the same time, many people pay attention to their special expressiveness and unique beauty.

Important! According to the standard, Abyssinian cats have hair blue color the undercoat should not be bleached.

Fawn color

The unique color fawn (translated as “fawn”) was approved in 1989. Today, this color is considered the rarest and most modern coat color. In essence, it is a shade of sorrel, but lighter.

Fawn - the lightest and softest of all colors

Important! Faun is not as common as the above variants. However, it is highly valued by many breeders. Pets have such an exquisite “fur coat” that they resemble little lionesses, attracting attention with their special sophistication.


  1. The fur on the body is a coffee or cocoa-with-milk color.
  2. A stripe with a darker beige-pink color runs along the spine.
  3. At the tip of the tail the fur is a rich pink-beige color.
  4. The guard bones, like the undercoat, are colored cream or pale sand.
  5. Throughout the body there is ticking of a combined color: cream with lilac-beige.
  6. In the tummy area and on inner surface All paws near the body have a specific oat-colored coat.
  7. Pink nose with reddish edging.
  8. The paw pads are covered with sparse beige-pink fur.
  9. Different eye colors: copper, golden, greenish, dark hazel.

To participate in exhibitions, Abyssinian fawn cats must not have a bleached undercoat.

It should be noted that representatives of this breed can have other colors: brown, tortoiseshell, lilac or silver. However, despite the fact that in Lately They are found quite often, they are not considered to be generally recognized coat colors.

What genes are responsible for the color and tone of the coat?

A particular coat color is determined by the level of melanin, as well as the coloring pigment present in the animal’s body. Experts distinguish two types of substances that provide the basic colors of cats:

  1. Eumelanin is responsible for the presence of black ticking.
  2. Pheomelanin is responsible for the red tint of fur.

The black series of colors includes several different shades. They depend on the following set of genes:

  1. B (black) is a dominant gene responsible for black color.
  2. b (brown) is a recessive gene relative to B, and a dominant gene relative to bl. The presence of a rich chocolate shade depends on it.
  3. bl (brown light) is a recessive gene that is present in the body of pets with the Sorrel color.

Thanks to the above genes, which belong to the so-called “black group,” active synthesis of eumelanin occurs. And the O gene is responsible for the red color of the coat, thanks to which pheomelanin is produced.

According to research, the color of animals depends not only on color, but also on tone. The gene code contains a dominant gene D (dense), as well as a recessive gene d (diluted), which, in fact, give a rich light or dark color.

Dominance, like recessivity, manifests itself in such a way that dominant DD genes or a dominant gene with a recessive Dd can be combined - these combinations give a dark shade. In addition, recessive dd genes are also combined, resulting in a lightened coat tone.

In the pedigree trees of Abyssinian cats (abbreviation ABY), the letters n, o, a and p are used to designate colors.

Table 3. Dependence of color on a set of genes



ABY oblblDD, blblDd

ABY aBBdd, Bbldd

ABY pblbldd

Due to its compact size and uniform color, the Abyssinian cat was nicknamed “rabbit”

The color of the Abyssinian breed belongs to the tabby color group. The Agouti A gene is responsible for it, which determines the alternation of dark and light areas on all hairs.

How to care for Abyssinian cats?

If you properly care for an Abyssinian, he can live for about twenty years. However, some animals exhibit genetic pathologies such as polycystic kidney disease, atrophic retinopathy of the eye, and blood diseases caused by the destruction of red blood cells. In addition, cats often suffer from gingivitis and leukemia.

Abyssinian cats can safely be called long-livers

To prevent the development of many diseases and all kinds of complications, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Maintaining a proper diet.
  2. Brush your teeth twice a month.
  3. Brush the coat once a week special brush to remove dead hair.
  4. Trim nails as needed.
  5. Get checked by a veterinarian.
  6. Get vaccinated.

Video - Characteristics of the breed and methods of care

What to feed Abyssinian cats?

To maintain the health of pets and a beautiful “fur coat,” it is important that they have complete diet. It can be either natural or industrial.

Diet from natural products It’s better to work it out with your veterinarian so that the cat gets everything it needs along with food. important vitamins and minerals. To do this, the animal should be given the following products:

  1. Boiled meat (preferably lamb and beef) and poultry.
  2. Sea fish.
  3. Boiled vegetables in chopped form.
  4. Dairy products.
  5. Eggs.
  6. It is recommended to add a little flaxseed or olive oil to your food.
  7. Vitamin complexes.

Many owners of Abyssinian cats prefer industrial food. However, it should only be used dry and wet food extra-premium class, as well as holistic, based on only natural ingredients. In case of intolerance to certain food ingredients, the Abyssinian cat may experience. Read more about its symptoms and treatment on our portal.

We will look in more detail below at the foods that under no circumstances should be given to an Abyssinian cat.

Cost of the Abyssinian breed

In a Moscow nursery you can buy a kitten for 10,000-45,000 rubles. In Ukraine, the cost of such an animal is approximately 2000-11000 hryvnia.

Interesting! Female Abyssinian cats are valued higher than males. The difference in cost is explained by the relatively rare birth rate of girls compared to boys, who are born three to four times more often.

Buying an Abyssinian kitten

Many breeders are engaged in breeding Abyssinians. Some of the large nurseries where you can buy a cat with documents are:

  1. Moscow nursery “SAVAGE*RU”.
  2. Minsk nursery “Fiery Cristal”.
  3. Kyiv nursery “SUNRISE”.

Abyssinian cats are playful animals that require attention and affection. They are the owners of a luxurious “fur coat” different colors and are very popular among cat lovers.

Solid colored British cats are also called solid (emphasis on the first syllable). Solid colored cats are all one color.

White color

White color - white coat without traces of other colors. In English this color is called WHITE, and when encoded it is designated by the letter w (For example, BRI w 61). A feature of this color can be called the colored spots that are present on the head of adult individuals. Basically, they are only permissible for kittens at the beginning of their growth. Based on the colored spot, one can guess what color is masked by white. The active gene for this color is white dominant - W, in which the cat has a fur coat snow-white color. White British cats must have a pink nose and pink paw pads. Eye color in British White cats can be orange, blue or the eyes can be colored different colour(orange and blue).

Black color

The black color of British cats is a coal-black coat, without a reddish tint or gray undercoat. The nose and paw pads are also black. Eye color - orange, yellow, copper, golden. Adult black looks especially impressive British cat or a cat with lovely plush fur and bright copper/orange eyes. As kittens grow, their black color changes greatly. In childhood (1-2 months), the coat often has white hairs, which then fade, and then the kitten will gradually begin to darken. Then, in next period growth (3-8 months), the coat may be slightly drilled (rusty tint). After a serious adult molt, the color is finally established: coal black. Sometimes even adult British cats have a grayish undercoat, this is considered a fault at cat shows.

Black color sounds like Black, when encoded it is denoted by the letter n (for example, BRI n - black British cat).

Blue color

The blue color is classic for the British cat breed. Blue color is a gray coat color that contains various shades. The wool is dominated by tones ranging from light blue to a medium shade of blue. A lighter color of gray is preferred, but without tipping (these are whitish tips of the coat). Nose and paw pads - blue color. Eyes - orange, yellow, golden. In English, this color sounds like blue, when encoded it is denoted by the letter a (for example, BRI a - British blue cat (or cat)). At exhibitions you can quite often see British cats and cats of this color.

The blue color is the most famous and in demand among fans of the British breed. Typically, British Blue cats have excellent quality coats.

Lilac color

Lilac color is a color in which pink and blue colors shimmer. It is very difficult not only to describe this color, but also to convey it correctly in photographs. The WCF system standard describes the coat color as cool gray with a slight pinkish tint. The same shade is characteristic of the nose and paw pads. The lilac color has several shades: there is a very light lilac, almost pink; there is a mid-tone lilac; there is a dark purple, which is more reminiscent of the color of coffee with milk. Over time, even the lightest purple color on a kitten can darken. Light purple is preferred for breeding. The eye color of lilac British cats is copper, orange, and in some cases gold, yellow. The fur of British Lilac cats is often of excellent quality.

In English, this color sounds like lilac, and when encoded it is designated by the letter c (for example, BRI c is a lilac British cat). This color is also a classic for the British, and can often be seen at shows.

Chocolate color

Chocolate color - the coat is predominantly brown in color, without reddish or gray undercoat. The nose and paw pads have a milky chocolate tint. Eyes - orange, yellow, copper, golden. The main disadvantage, which can be observed in other cats, but is especially noticeable in the chocolate one, is the presence of residual tabby, which is undesirable in adult cats. When breeding British chocolate-colored cats, it is recommended to select individuals with optimally colored undercoat. On this moment It is very rare to find a British cat or a chocolate-colored cat with a perfectly colored undercoat.

In English this color sounds like Chocolate, denoted by the letter b (BRI b - chocolate British cat or cat). At the moment, the chocolate color is becoming popular, including not only among breeders, but also just cat lovers. A chocolate British cat will be a wonderful decoration for your home.

Cinnamon color

Cinnamon is a fairly new and rare color found in Abyssinian and Oriental cats, often compared to the color of cinnamon. Cinnamon color looks much lighter than chocolate, has a warmer reddish tone. The nose and paw pads are pinkish-brown. It is worth noting that a chocolate British kitten has a brown nose and is darker than the main color of the coat, while sometimes the paw pads of a chocolate kitten as it grows can be pink, and only in an adult chocolate British cat (cat) the paw pads also become dark. Korchinev. In British cinnamon-colored kittens and adults, the nose and paw pads are always slightly lighter than the fur, pinkish-brown.

This color is one of the most difficult to breed. Many breeders do not recommend making such matings, in which a male and female are of cinnamon color. It is believed that in in this case, the type of British kittens is often simplified. To get kittens of the cinnamon color, it is better to breed either two carriers of this color, or one partner can be a cinnamon orcas, and the second can be its carrier. The EMS code for this color is o, that is, BRI o is a British cinnamon color cat.

Fawn color

Fawn - the coat has a warm light beige shade, can be compared to the color of coffee with a lot of milk. The nose and paw pads are beige-pink. Do not confuse with the lilac color, there are significant differences between them: lilac cats have darker, cooler-colored fur, and a nose and paw pads that match the coat or darker, gray. Faun is also compared to the color of a fawn. This color is a lightened variation of cinnamon, so it is also quite difficult to breed. EMS code - p (BRI p - British fawn color cat). This color is also considered rare among British cats, although now it can already be seen at exhibitions, especially in large cities.

Red color

Red color - wool of a deep, dark, warm red color. The more common name for this color for ordinary people is red, which is exactly how we perceive it given color. The nose and paw pads are also brick red in color. It is quite difficult to find a representative of this color that has a uniform color, especially in short-haired breeds. In this regard, animals are allowed: the presence of a small, barely visible pattern on the forehead and a pattern of open rings located on the legs. Also, even on the body of a red British cat, a pattern is often visible: this is a spot, or marble. Recently, breeders have introduced the new kind pattern - ticked. And sometimes on websites you can find the following wording: red, genetically ticked. This means that the color on the body of this red cat will be quite even, without a pronounced pattern.

In English this color is designated as red, and the encoding is d (BRI d - British red cat). Red British cats are quite rare, so this is a rare color for cats.

Cream color

Cream color - cream-colored wool, without the presence of red. Sometimes tabby markings are present (picture). In cats and cats cream color, similarly, like red, sometimes you can observe a slightly visible pattern that appears on the forehead or legs (the so-called letter M on the forehead, stripes on the legs, on the tail). However, in general, cream colors have a less pronounced pattern than red ones. The nose and paw pads are characterized by a pink color, as well as the absence age spots. The eyes have a copper, orange or gold tint. Some cat lovers call this color fawn, but look closely, it is more similar to delicate pink, beige, cream. In childhood, cream British kittens have a very light, delicate shade of cream; with age they darken a little.

In English this color is called cream, and the encoding is denoted by the letter e (BRI e - cream British cat). Please note that there are much more cream British cats than cream British cats. Therefore, cream British cats are very rare at exhibitions.

Photos of the colors of British cats will be gradually updated.

Basically, these are photographs of our graduates, our cats and kittens.

Sincerely, Elena Naumenko.
