Basic hairdressing techniques. Scotch Terrier How to cut a Scotch Terrier dog with a clipper

Funny Scotch Terriers have a bright and unusual appearance: squat, stocky and quite muscular dogs, black as pitch. By nature, representatives of this breed are stubborn, determined and brave, all these qualities remind of the origin of the dog and its original purpose, compact dogs with an oblong body were bred as hunting animals and were previously used to hunt burrowing animals: badgers and foxes.

Today, Scottish Terriers are increasingly being bred as decorative dogs, thanks to its small size, the dog feels comfortable even in a small apartment.

Breed Cost of haircut at home Full complex
Scottish Terrier 1390 rubles 1790 rubles

Free groomer visit Free groomer visit
A haircut A haircut
Nail trimming
Trimming Ear cleaning
+ 390 - 1000 rubles the washing up

Additional grooming services:

  • Combing out mats + 300 rubles
  • Nail trimming + 200 rubles
  • Express molt
  • Glitter tattoo from 300 rubles
  • Wool dyeing from 500 rubles
  • Rhinestone decoration from 150 rubles
  • Shaving a pattern from 300 rubles
  • Anti-scratch + 1100 rubles
  • Departure to the Moscow region + 300-500 rubles

Dogs of this breed have double coat, consisting of:

  • soft, dense and short undercoat;
  • wiry, thick outer hair.

The hard coat is not prone to tangling and matting; if you cut a dog with a clipper, the structure of the coat changes almost completely, it becomes soft, does not hold its shape and gets tangled. Therefore, grooming industry experts and breeders do not recommend cutting Scotch Terriers with a clipper.

Caring for a dog is not difficult, but it requires professional intervention, since few owners can pluck (trim) the old guard hair on their own. A qualified groomer will easily and painlessly treat the terrier's coat and remove all old hairs.

Removing old fur comes first in grooming; a hygienic haircut is enough to do once every three months. During the hygiene procedure, the master shaves with a clipper the hair on the face, ears, between the pads and toes, under the tail and in the groin area.

It is necessary to trim your dog, this is the only way to achieve a neat appearance. appearance, preserve the quality of the animal’s wool and skin health. Not all hairs will be removed, but only the old ones that stick out in all directions, leaving a young coat. After professional grooming, the Scotch Terrier looks simply gorgeous; the procedure needs to be carried out 1-2 times every six months, so caring for the dog’s coat is relatively inexpensive.

It is not at all necessary to take your pet to a salon or hairdresser; you can do trimming right at home, to do this you just need to call a specialist at your home address. There are many groomers in Moscow who work on-site, and their services are several times cheaper than in grooming salons.

Price for cutting and trimming a Scotch Terrier at home

If you have repeatedly visited grooming salons in Moscow, then you know how expensive each session is. And there are quite a few disadvantages to a trip to a zoo hairdresser:

  • transportation causes stress for many dogs;
  • the pet is left alone with the master and the owner can only hope that his animal is treated well;
  • many salons use anesthesia when grooming animals;
  • The inflated cost of grooming services is not justified, especially in the city center.

Today there is an excellent alternative - calling a groomer to your home in Moscow and the Moscow region, you can find it on the Internet great amount offers from private masters and salons conducting similar practices.

Benefits of grooming at home:

  1. Trimming and hygienic grooming of a Scotch Terrier will be cheap if you call a professional at home.
  2. The problem of transporting the animal to the salon disappears.
  3. The owner independently chooses the time and date.
  4. Departure of the master and that’s it necessary materials, are included in the cost of grooming a dog at home.
  5. Carrying out hairdressing and hygiene procedures on your territory will be stress-free for your dog.
  6. The owner can either watch the process, delving into the nuances, or mind his own business.
  7. Grooming a dog at home includes trimming nails, cleaning ears and glands, while in salons these services are paid separately.

If you decide to call a groomer to cut or trim your Scotch Terrier at home, you can contact us, call the phone number listed on the website and make an appointment with the master right at your home.

Grooming and trimming a Scotch Terrier at home: prices, technicians and services

If you need to trim your Scotch Terrier at home, our hairdressers will be happy to help you in this matter. Our groomers are the best in their field; hairdressing and hygiene procedures for animals are carried out in comfortable conditions, without anesthesia.
The following services are offered for Scottish Terriers:

  • Hygienic haircut.
  • Trimming.
  • Full trim.
  • Model haircut according to standard.

The master arrives on call with everything necessary to carry out the procedure, the only thing that is required from the owner is to prepare the place, it should be well lit, it is better if the table is located near the window.

Our groomers value your time and always arrive on time. Having established contact with the dog, the specialist immediately begins the procedure. Our employees use high-quality professional tools and special cosmetics for animals. After each session, the master disinfects the instrument, so your pet will not contract fleas or skin diseases.

The complex includes the following procedures:

  • Haircut or trimming,
  • Nail trimming
  • Cleaning eyes, ears and glands.

Reasonable prices for dog grooming in Moscow allow you to call a groomer to your home whenever necessary, so your pet will always look well-groomed and irresistible.
The Scottish Terrier has a hard coat; caring for it is not difficult, but it must be done correctly, otherwise plucking will be annoying for the dog. painful sensations, and cutting will ruin the structure of the coat.

Only a qualified master knows how to properly care for the rough coat of terriers.

  1. Hairs on the throat and cheekbones are shaved or removed using a trimmer.
  2. The nose is cut short, and a mustache and beard are formed on the sides, which are business card breeds
  3. Thick eyebrows are carefully trimmed, and craftsmen give the Scotch Terrier’s eyebrows a triangle shape.
  4. The ears are shaved with a machine, leaving relatively long hair.
  5. The head is also shaved with a machine, taking into account the structural features of the skull.
  6. The body and tail are processed by trimming using a special knife.
  7. On the chest, paws, belly and lower sides, the hair is left long, removing only the protruding guard hairs.

The basic rule for cutting a Scotch Terrier is to maintain a natural silhouette. If the dog takes part in exhibitions, then trimming and cutting should be done in advance, approximately 8 weeks before the event.

Grooming and trimming of the Scottish Terrier. Price: 2,500 rub. -a haircut; 3,000 rub. -haircut + trimming; 3,500 rub. -complex (haircut + trimming, washing, ears, claws, paraanal glands);

Grooming and trimming of the Scottish Terrier. Price: 2,500 rub. -a haircut; 3,000 rub. -haircut + trimming; 3,500 rub. -complex (haircut + trimming, washing, ears, claws, paraanal glands);

Grooming and trimming of the Scottish Terrier. Price: 2,500 rub. -a haircut; 3,000 rub. -haircut + trimming; 3,500 rub. -complex (haircut + trimming, washing, ears, claws, paraanal glands);

Grooming and trimming of the Scottish Terrier. Price: 2,500 rub. -a haircut; 3,000 rub. -haircut + trimming; 3,500 rub. -complex (haircut + trimming, washing, ears, claws, paraanal glands);

Grooming and trimming of the Scottish Terrier. Price: 2,500 rub. -a haircut; 3,000 rub. -haircut + trimming; 3,500 rub. -complex (haircut + trimming, washing, ears, claws, paraanal glands);

Grooming and trimming of the Scottish Terrier. Price: 2,500 rub. -a haircut; 3,000 rub. -haircut + trimming; 3,500 rub. -complex (haircut + trimming, washing, ears, claws, paraanal glands);

Scottish Terrier ( Scottish Terrier ) is a breed of dog bred in Scotland.
This breed of dog is used to hunt fox, badger and many burrowing animals. There are many breeds of terriers in Scotland, but this particular one received the name Scottish thanks to Captain G. Murray and S. E. Shirley, who worked on improving the breed. Directed development has been going on since the beginning of the 19th century. The standard was adopted in Great Britain in 1883. The breed is distributed almost throughout the world.
A strong, strong, muscular dog. The head is long, but proportionate to the body. The neck is very powerful. The transition from forehead to muzzle is smoothed. Height at withers 25.4-28 cm, weight 8.6-10.4 kg. The eyes are small, oval, dark, widely spaced. The ears are erect and small. The chest is wide and deep. The tail is quite short, carried high, and may be slightly curved. The paws are large, designed for digging. The coat is long, hard, with a soft undercoat, forming eyebrows, mustaches and beards. Colors: black, sand (wheaten) or brindle.
The Scottish Terrier is a cute, lively, hardy dog ​​with a decisive and persistent character. Many people believe that Scottish Terriers are very proud and stubborn dogs with their own inner world and needs. However, these terriers really need the love of their owners. Scottish Terriers are often called " big dog in a small package” because, despite their small stature, they have very powerful teeth and necks. He trains very well, does not bark without a reason, although he can stand up for himself. It has a huge reserve of strength and energy and adapts well to life in the city and countryside. Wool protects well in any weather. Needs regular physical activity and long walks.
Terriers are predisposed to many cancers (especially blood cancer, stomach cancer and some others). Studies have shown that cancer occurs most often in females over 11 years of age. On average, terriers live up to 13 years. To take care of your dog's health, you need to choose a diet that contains many vitamins and organic food (that is, food is not advisable). The only dog ​​that can smile when it sees a person it knows, and smile like a human.
Scotch terriers named Blob were the constant partners of the clown Pencil in the circus arena. The Scottish Terrier is also the traditional dog of the President of the United States. They belonged to Roosevelt and Bush Jr. Two Scottish Terriers were raised by Eva Braun. The puppy was Mayakovsky's favorite. The black Scotch Terrier and the white West Highland White Terrier are used as symbols of whiskey.
Origin: UK. Date of publication of the previously valid standard: 06.24.87

  • General Appearance: Stocky, of suitable size for a burrowing dog, short-legged, alert in carriage, suggestive of great strength and energy in a small volume. The head gives the impression of being long for the dog's height. Very agile and active, despite short legs.
  • Behavior and temperament: Loyal, devoted. Having feeling self-esteem, independent and reserved, but important and very smart. Bold, but by no means aggressive.
  • Head: Long, in correct ratio to the dog's growth.
  • Skull: The length of the almost flat skull allows it to be quite broad and yet retain a narrow appearance.
  • Transition from forehead to muzzle: Subtle but distinct, just before the eyes
  • Front part:
  • Nose: Large; in profile, the line from the nose to the chin is inclined back.
  • Muzzle: The forceps are strong, deep along the entire length. The skull and muzzle are the same length.
  • Jaws and Teeth: The teeth are large with a perfect and regular scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth tightly overlap the lower ones and stand perpendicular to the jaws.
  • Cheekbones: The zygomatic arches do not protrude.
  • Eyes: Almond-shaped, dark brown, fairly wide apart. Set deep under the eyebrows, with a penetrating, intelligent gaze.
  • Ears: Neat, fine, pointed, erect and set on top of the skull, but not too close together. Large ears with wide bases are extremely undesirable.
  • Neck: Muscular and of medium length.
  • Last (body): The top line is straight and level.
  • Back (withers to forelock): Proportionally short and very muscular.
  • Loin: Muscular, strong.
  • Chest: Well rounded ribs, flattened in depth and set back. Strong connection between the ribs and the back.
  • Tail: Medium length, in harmony with the dog, thick at the base and tapering towards the end. Placed vertically, straight or slightly curved.
  • Forequarters: The head is carried with dignity on a muscular neck of medium length, set at slanting shoulders. The chest is quite wide and descends between the front legs. Well developed sternum in front of straight, very bony forelimbs.
  • Elbows: Should not be turned outward or tucked under the body.
  • Pasterns: Straight.
  • Hindquarters: Unusually powerful for the size of the dog. Full, wide seat.
  • Hips: Deep.
  • Knees: Well arched.
  • Hocks: Short, strong, turning neither in nor out.
  • Feet: Good size, very dense, toes well arched and well balled, front feet slightly larger than hind feet.
  • Movement: Smooth, free. The hind and forelimbs move in a straight line, with a push from the rear and evenly throughout.
  • Coat: Close-lying, double coat: a short, dense and soft undercoat and a hard, dense and wiry outercoat combine to create a weather-resistant coat.
  • Color: Black, fawn or brindle of any shade.
  • Height and weight: at the withers 25.4-28 cm (10-11 inches); weight 8.6-10.4 kg (19-23 lbs.)
  • Defects: Any deviation from the above points should be regarded as a defect or defect depending on the severity.
  • Note: Males must have two apparently normal testes fully descended into the scrotum.

Now let's try to figure it out and How can you cut our Scottish Terriers? . Having more than 10 years of experience working with this breed, I believe that if your Scottish Terrier is not a show dog, that is, does not currently participate in such events, then the haircut options can be absolutely anything. Dear owners of Scotch Terriers, the dog is an addition, a part of you and your style and taste, it is simply necessary to trim the Scotch Terrier. Scottish Terrier the breed you need Scotch Terrier trimming and grooming. Her coat needs proper care, only under this condition will it look great.

Haircut and trimming of the Scottish Terrier's body:

  • “Grooming, trimming according to the breed”, the hair is cut and trimmed strictly in accordance with the breed standards and the wishes of the owner.
  • “Home haircut”, when all parts of the body are cut in accordance with the wishes of only the dog’s owner.
  • “Hygienic haircut”, when everything is cut to “0”, you can only leave the hair on the head and where possible.

Haircut, trimming of the Scottish Terrier's muzzle:

  • “Beard haircut”, ears are trimmed, trimmed top part the head and part of the neck are short. We leave only a strip of beard around the perimeter of the nose. The length of the fur left varies depending on the wishes of the owner and the dog’s appearance.
  • “Hygienic haircut”, all the hair on the face is cut off if it is matted or has an unsightly coat color. In this case, the ears are cut to “0”.

Grooming and trimming the Scottish Terrier's tail:

  • The tail is cut short around the anus. The length of hair left on the tail varies depending on the wishes of the owner and the dog’s conformation.
  • Or the tail is cut off entirely.

Haircut and trimming of Scottish Terrier paws:

  • “Paw cutting according to breed”, only the pads and fur on the paws are cut to “0”, the rest of the hair on the paw is formed depending on the exterior and wishes of the dog’s owner.
  • “Hygienic paw cutting”, on the paws, not only the pads and hair on them are cut to “0”, but also higher up, the so-called “socks”, up to the 5th toe (like a Poodle).

Dear Scottish Terrier owners, let's move away from the stereotypes imposed on us. You and only you choose to be an “exclusive individuality” for you and your Scottish Terrier or a “gray mass” like everyone else!

You just need to decide which master’s work you liked. We will do the rest. You don't even need to call yourself.

  • You simply sign up on the website to see the master, and send the application to us.
  • Or you can order a call back on the website, and we will call you back at a time convenient for you.

Well, when could we even dream that caring for our beloved DOGS and further maintaining all this DOG beauty would be so simple.
We decided to move away from the stereotypes of the past imposed on us. Now you don’t need to sign up for a beauty salon and go to a specialist whose work you sometimes don’t know and aren’t sure whether you’ll like the result. And then you will have to pay quite a small amount for the procedures at the cash register at the administrator. The result in most cases is the same:

  • Either you liked the master and you would like to continue to be serviced by him, but we all know that prices are high good salon, where there are good, professional and experienced craftsmen.
  • Either you didn’t like the master and you have to look for a new one...

We offer you, without leaving your home:

  • Choose a suitable master for yourself by looking at his work.
  • Agree on the place and time of the procedure (at your home or in the specialist’s office).
  • You will get an attractive price, unlike what they can give you in any beauty salon, for high-quality, professional treatments.

We do not skimp on the quality of services, we were able to seriously reduce prices for procedures and services due to the fact that we do not rent expensive premises, All our masters receive clients in their equipped offices. Or they come to your home. A pet salon in Moscow website offers the following services: cutting a Scotch Terrier, exhibition and home haircut and Scottish Terrier trimming, dog washing, dog ear cleaning, terrier nail trimming, dog nail trimming, dog teeth cleaning, dog gland cleaning. Inexpensive dog grooming in Moscow at home or in a salon is a vital necessity for pet owners; it allows you to keep the dog’s coat clean, especially if it participates in exhibitions and needs a model haircut. Our best professional groomers do their work inexpensively (reasonable price) and with high quality. We work in Reutov, Novokosino, Kosino, Nekrasovka, Saltykovka, Balashikha, Novogireevo, Zhulebino, Lyubertsy, Shchelkovo, Kotelniki, Lytkarino, Perovo, Vykhino, Zheleznodorozhny, Ivanovskoye, Golyanovo, Izmailovo, Tekstilshchiki, Kuzminki, Maryino, Brateevo, Kapotnya.

We really value each of our clients!

A haircut
Head: cut against the grain, starting from an imaginary line running from the inside of the base of the ears to an imaginary line running along the eyebrows. Care must be taken not to cut off too much hair at the base of the eyebrows at the level of the brow ridges.
The cheeks are cut from the base of the ears to an oblique line running from the corner of the eye (outer) to the corner of the mouth. Under lower jaw the hair is removed down to the wart, from which vibrises (thick hairs) grow. Fig.1, 2.
Neck: the front of the neck (throat) Fig. 1 is cut to the edge sternum or a little lower. The sides of the neck are cut diagonally from the outer part of the base of the ears to the end of the chest bone Fig. 1, 2

Ears: cut both outside and inside. Fig. 2 Closer to the inner side, a tuft of the longest hair is left on the front part in front of the ears, near the imaginary line from which the haircut of the head begins. The edges of the ears are trimmed to the point of attachment to the skull. Rice. 5, 6.
Front (front): cut with a machine according to the wool, turning the part trimmed with a triangle when cutting the neck into a rectangle. This part can also be processed with a trimming knife or thinning scissors. Rice. 1, 2, 3, 8.
Rear end: the anal area is clipped against the grain with a clipper, and a strip is cut in width equal to the width of the tail. Rice. 2, 3, 7.
Haircuts are carried out at least 8 days before the exhibition. After a few days, the machine-cut parts undergo final processing.

Neck and body: using a trimming knife, begin trimming the top of the skull from occipital protuberance to the border with the clipper-trimmed area. They descend along the neck and along the entire length of the body to the tail. At the request of the dog owner, the hair in these areas can be from 3 to 7 cm long. By leaving more hair, you create the appearance of greater compactness, Fig. 3 of high front power.
In Fig. Figure 3 schematically shows three zones with different coat lengths: A - relatively short or long (optional), B - medium length (transitional area from longer to shorter coat) and C - very short coat. There should be no sharp boundaries between these areas. They need to be smoothed either with sharp trimming or thinning scissors.
Zone B is treated by combing out the undercoat and partially removing excess guard hair using a trimming knife. If you left long hair in zone A, then the wool in zone B most likely will not need to be trimmed, but only remove loose hairs on it.

Tail: The hair on the tail for exhibition is lightly combed with a trimming knife and trimmed with scissors to give the tail a “carrot” shape. In order for the tail to look shorter, it is necessary to leave long hair on the rump so that it can be pulled over inner side the bottom of the tail. The hair on the sides of the tail on the croup should not bristle. At this point it is trimmed with scissors or trimming. After this general processing you need to vigorously comb the dog and look again to see if there is any excess hair that needs to be cut or trimmed. Now you can begin detailed cutting of individual parts of the body.

Head: using thinning scissors against the grain, the central part of the bangs between the eyes is processed to a width of approximately 1.5 cm in such a way as to divide this “tuft” into two eyebrows. Then, using the same scissors, but using the wool, they lightly process the bridge of the nose itself from the nose to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle. In this case, the skin on the bridge of the nose should not be visible. Rice. 4 Then the areas of the bridge of the nose in front of the eyes are treated. Rice. 4 A. Using regular scissors, cut the edges of the eyebrows diagonally so that you get right triangle. Rice. 4 B. Eyebrows should not be too short. When viewed from the side, the dog's eyes should be partly peeking out from behind the eyebrow. After this, the outer edge of the eyebrow is processed with thinning scissors to give it a more natural look.

Now it is necessary to establish differences in the density of fur on the eyebrows and previously treated cheeks and forehead. Using thinning scissors, slightly thin out (lighten) the eyebrows in the directions indicated by the arrows in Fig. 4 C. Then in the same directions they are lightly passed with sharp trimming. Do not remove too much hair from the base of the eyebrows (on the brow ridges). This can create the appearance of an overly prominent forehead. Rice. 6 Using simple scissors, trim the fur diagonally from the outer corner of the eye to the corner of the lips. Rice. 4 D. Then use thinning scissors to trim the edge of the cut. Rice. 4 E. If the beard is too thick, it is also thinned with thinning scissors against the grain and in depth. Rice. 4 F. The last to be cut are the triangular “whirls”, which should remain on the skull at the inside of the base of the ears. They are formed in Fig. 5 the inner side edge of the ears. Rice. 5. Then the fur is trimmed along the edges of the ears, giving them a triangular shape.

Front end: Detailed processing of these areas consists of smoothing out possible sharp transitions from long to shorter hair using thinning scissors. When viewing a dog from the front, its chest should look wide and square, and its front legs should look like two short cylindrical columns. The most common mistake is leaving too much hair on outside front paws The wool in these areas is not Fig. 7 should come out wider chest. It is neatly cut, as shown in Fig. 8. The same figure shows the removal of protruding hair. Rice. 8 B. When finishing the treatment of the front paws, they are combed, and then the paws are held down in the hand and excess hair is trimmed around the perimeter of the base of the paw. Rice. 8 A. Body and neck: it is recommended to leave a little more hair on the nape and withers. This creates the appearance of greater forwardness and a beautiful exit of the neck. It is important for the appearance of the tape to create a smooth sloping line in the seat area. There should be no sharp transitions or an absolutely vertical line from the tail to the hock. The formation of this zone is shown in Fig. 7 V.

Today, grooming is daily care for the pet.

Dog grooming can be done at home or in the salon according to the location, and according to the purpose: everyday and show. Home grooming means that the owner of the animal independently performs all the procedures for caring for his pet at home. Salon grooming means that the owner of the animal performs grooming procedures in the salon; these services are performed by a specialist. Most often, animals with complex grooming are brought to the salon, which involves cutting or trimming using special professional tools and equipment.

Everyday grooming is aimed at maintaining a healthy appearance of the animal. The task of exhibition grooming is to use the skillful actions of the master to hide the shortcomings of the animal’s structure and emphasize its advantages, taking into account trends and trends in fashion certain type and animal breed.
The most common procedure for which dog and cat owners go to the salon today is dog grooming. To trim a dog, you need to carry out a procedure that involves reducing the length of the coat and giving it a certain shape. But we must remember that there are a number of animals whose breed feature is wool trimming. Trimming is the removal of mature hair, which consists of artificial shedding by human hands, in which the guard hair is removed from the root. This procedure is quite complex and requires certain knowledge and skills. Trimming is an integral part of caring for wire-haired dogs (because these animals do not have a pronounced natural shedding) of breeds such as schnauzers (middle schnauzer, giant schnauzer, miniature schnauzer), griffins (Belgian and Brussels), different kinds terriers (Scotch, West, Fox, Irish, Welsh, Cairn, Airedale, Jack Russell and others).

Scotch Terrier or Scottish Terrier - once very popular breed dogs in our country. The breed is quite difficult to care for, as it requires certain skills and a fairly developed aesthetic taste. People who have no knowledge or experience should not undertake this, but should seek advice from a breeder or professional groomer. We have such specialists in our veterinary center.

For salon grooming of a Scotch Terrier we will need the following tools: a comb with short and long teeth, a slicker brush, various trimming knives, several types of hairdressing scissors, strippers, an electric clipper, a nail clipper, an electric hair dryer compressor, as well as a number cosmetics: ear lotion, trimming powder, shampoo and coat conditioner.

Rules for grooming a Scottish Terrier

As a rule, dog grooming consists of several stages:

- unraveling decorative fur on the chest, paws, beard;

- removal of undercoat;

— trimming of mature guard hairs;

- Grooming the Scotch Terrier (cutting with scissors and clippers decorating the fur;

- ear cleaning;

- nail trimming;

- washing and drying wool.

The terrier's adhesive tape decorates the hair and forms a beard and bangs on the head, a skirt on the animal's body, and pants on the legs. This coat is longer than the coat on the body and therefore requires regular brushing. It is advisable to comb the decorative coat with a long-toothed comb once every 2-3 days, without leaving any tangled hairs.

Before you trim your dog, remember that trimming a Scotch Terrier is not done at the request of the owner and groomer, and technically it can only be done when the animal’s guard hair is mature (i.e. the hair can be easily removed by hand). As a rule, Scotch Terrier trimming is done once every 4-6 months (about 2-3 times a year). In the interval between trimming, in order to maintain a beautiful aesthetic appearance, dogs of this breed undergo a cosmetic haircut, the essence of which comes down to giving shape to the decorative coat. Thus, dogs of the Scottish Terrier breed need to have their hair cut or trimmed approximately once every 2-3 months.

Caring for the eyes and ears involves monitoring the condition of these organs and, if necessary, removing contaminants. If the amount of discharge from these organs increases sharply or you feel uncharacteristic and bad smell, then you need to contact veterinarian. After examining and identifying the causes, the specialists of our veterinary center will make a decision on further treatment and will give you qualified advice on this problem.

Due to the nature of the coat, the Scotch Terrier needs to be washed in several stages. The first step is to wash the animal with a cleansing shampoo to remove all contaminants from the animal’s fur and skin. At the second stage - you can wash it special shampoo for hard dogs (this shampoo will give the coat the hardness of the breed). At the third stage, you need to apply a balm or conditioner to the long decorating wool, which will remove static tension from the wool, make the hair more elastic and elastic (will help preserve the hair in the future, this wool will tangle less). You should wash your pet only after you have combed the entire animal and there is not a single tangled hair on your pet’s body. Be sure to dry your dog completely after washing. You need to dry your Scotch Terrier with a hairdryer at a temperature that is comfortable for the dog. The animal must be accustomed to the drying procedure from childhood. The sooner you teach your dog to adequately perceive a hair dryer, the more comfortable and enjoyable this procedure will be in the future.

If you and your pet are planning to visit an exhibition, then you need to remember that preparing the fur for this important event begins 12 weeks in advance and consists of several stages of wool processing, taking into account the individual structural characteristics of the animal; the dog must be cut in advance. For show grooming of a Scotch Terrier, you need to contact a breed groomer who knows in detail all the trends in the breed, taking into account the requirements of canine fashion.

Grooming a Scotch Terrier at Vetmaster

To date, veterinary center"Vetmaster" can offer you a full range of veterinary and grooming services for your Scotch Terrier in the Ramenskoye region, the cities of Ramenskoye and Bronnitsy. The salon master works by appointment, and you can make an appointment with a specialist by calling the veterinary center.

Our specialists are confident that the sooner your animal gets acquainted with hygiene procedures, the easier it will be to perform them, while grooming dogs will bring pleasure to the owner and pet. Remember that the beauty and health of your pet is in your hands and a beautiful animal, first of all, must be healthy!

Dog beauty salon offers services for Scotch Terrier

Trimming, haircut, hygiene services for dogs.

Aberdeen Terrier - original Aberdeen Terrier - original Aberdeen Terrier - English original Scottish Terrier - English Scotch Terrier - Russian Scotty. The Scottish Terrier (Scotch Terrier) is a breed of dog bred in Scotland.

To look good, everyone needs care. And dogs of the Scottish Terrier breed, of course, too. The peculiarities of adhesive tapes are such that their wool needs to be trimmed periodically - this is the price for clean sofas and the absence of dog smell.

10% discount for all Scottish Terrier puppies in Baluti dog beauty salons.


Close-lying, double coat: the undercoat is short, dense and soft, the outer coat is hard, dense and wiry - together creating a weather-resistant coat. The length of regrown guard hairs is from 10 cm. Especially long wool covers the lower part of the torso and limbs, forming “pants” and “skirt”. On the muzzle, elongated hair forms a mustache and beard, and eyebrows above the eyes. The wool does not shed and requires special trimming according to the form established by the standard.

Scotch terrier Korzhik. He is 8 months old.

Before and after. We are preparing for the exhibition.

The best trimming experts. We are preparing for the exhibition. Believe in your pet.

✔ We are waiting for you by phone. 8 495 764 90 21

@ Dog grooming on Taganka, Varshavka, Sviblovo, Rokossovsky Boulevard in "Baluti".

Scottish Terriers Having a hard coat, they practically do not shed on their own. Thanks to this, your home is not covered with a wool carpet. To help your pet get rid of dead old fur, tape must be done at least twice a year and more often for your dog. trimming- pluck out old hair.

This procedure for Scottish terriers has, first of all, hygienic significance for the animals. If the old fur is not plucked out, the dog may develop skin irritations that will cause him discomfort. In addition, if dog breeds such as terriers are clipped instead of trimmed, their coat no longer meets the standards for these breeds.

When to do the first trimming for a Scotch Terrier puppy?

Begins at 3 months. Subsequent trimmings are carried out depending on the desired result:

So that the dog still sometimes looks like a terrier - every 6 months.

To keep the coat thick and tough - once every 1.5 months.

To ensure that the dog is always in perfect condition, you lightly tug the terrier’s fur yourself every two weeks and the master completes the work once every 1.5-2 months.

Salon for dogs "Baluti" we offer services for pets:


Trimming according to the breed standard: all types of trimming, stripping, plating.

Bathing and drying using professional cosmetics. Correct selection based on coat type, presence of tangles, odor - selection based on skin type: shampoos, conditioners.

A haircut according to the standard, trimming, clipper (if there is matted hair), creative haircuts, edging dog haircut.

Combing out mats, combing matted fur

Hygiene procedures: glands, nail trimming, caring for the dog’s ears (the master will clean the ears of wax), eye care.

Tartar, Scotch Terrier dental care. Cleaning the mouth - plaque, stone mechanically, with toothpaste or ultrasound.

Working with restless and fearful dogs, we also have dog handlers and veterinarians who will help old and sick animals find a new haircut.

Without anesthesia, noose. Only gentle and professional treatment.

Preparation for exhibitions, breed trimming.

SPA procedures

Promotions and discounts for regular customers.

Visit to the client's home.

In the beauty salon for dogs "Baluti"

1. There is a discount system - the first most pleasant discount is for puppies - 10%. The puppy's haircut will be with a 10% discount - a small gift from our salon to the baby - our masters will find an approach to the little fidget)) + loyalty card;

2. profitable complex;

3. You can always be nearby and be in the pet salon during the haircut;

4. in our salon they DO NOT scare or scold dogs, we do not administer anesthesia;

5. experienced specialists work in the salon;

Advantageous complex for the Scotch Terrier at the Baluti pet hairdressing salon:

Full complex caring for your pet includes the following procedures:

Gentle and caring hands - the administrator and the groomer!

Trimming a Scotch Terrier according to the breed standard - in the grooming salon “Baluti” there is not expensive, but thorough trimming!

Washing or bathing a Scottish Terrier(optional) professional products, conditioning and selection of cosmetics;

Wool styling a professional hairdryer that does not overheat the coat and does not dry it out, but blows water out of the coat, making the procedure faster and less tiring for the dog.

Haircut according to the breed standard, at your request you can choose from a photo album;

Hygienic haircut: a mandatory procedure that is included in the complex in our pet salon

Treatment of paws, cutting of fur between toes, hygienic places.

Cleaning ears and eyes. Our master groomers will not ignore such an important procedure as cleaning the eyes and ears. Care for the ears with a special powder, and with the help of lotion it removes dirt from the corners of your pet’s eyes. Of course, ear cleaning is not the most pleasant procedure for an animal, however, it is mandatory. If you clean your ears regularly, your animal will get used to it and experience minimal discomfort.

Nail trimming. Also one of the most important procedures for the Scottish Terrier. Too long nails prevent the dog from moving fully. In the most neglected state, the claws form a spiral and grow into the paw pad. To prevent this, you need to trim your dog's nails regularly. However, the claws must be trimmed carefully, being careful not to damage living tissue. If you walk a lot with your pet, then this procedure can be avoided altogether - the claws wear off perfectly on the asphalt.

“Scottish Terrier Complex” is the most profitable service for your pet, who will leave our pet salon clean, beautifully trimmed, with neat claws. Please take into account that the cost of the complex does not include combing out tangles.

Dog cosmetics store

In Baluti pet salons you can purchase professional cosmetics for caring for the hair of dogs and cats.

  1. Shampoos special for coarse hair for dogs that need to be trimmed.
  2. Air conditioners
  3. Masks - for different types of hair and skin of dogs and cats
  4. Conditioners - for caring for hair that is prone to matting.
  5. Creams and care for paw pads of dogs and cats.
  6. Powder - ear care.
  7. Eye lotions.