Lucky zodiac signs for the year The happiest zodiac signs

The coming year 2018 under the sign of Yellow Earth Dog in general, it promises to be quite positive - the symbol of the year is very favored by honest, courageous and kind people who are ready to be friends and accept friendly support. Lucky horoscope for each of the zodiac signs.


The first few months you will be very supportive of people from your inner circle. You should not allow even a shadow of doubt in their devotion: a strong relationship will surely bring success to any common undertakings in business.

As autumn approaches, luck will shine brightly in the sector of your horoscope that is responsible for love affairs, creativity, and romantic feelings. Do not be afraid to love and be loved - from your seething energy and inspiration, the world may be transformed. Well, some part of it, for sure.


The first half of the year is the time when communication with friends and relatives will bring the most successful ideas and opportunities for their implementation. If a certain idea comes to you, a task or even a problem arises, be sure to voice them, formulating them as accurately as possible - do not wear self-doubts, and help will appear from where you could not even imagine.

Second half years will pass under the sign of the house. Luck can literally knock on your door - feel free to open it. It is very likely a change of housing or renovation that you have long dreamed of, a wedding, or at least a decision to start living with the person you love.


The first half of the year will bring rich financial results - you can safely enter into competitive battles, declaring your views and defending any projects, even the craziest ones, and success will surely accompany you.

The second half of the year will be spent in travel - perhaps not very long distances, but they will be very positive. Joyful and important events expected in a family or friendly environment. Try to be generous emotionally and financially - the more you share in the new year, the more blessings you will receive in return.


At the beginning of the year, many working projects will go very well, but you need to adequately and soberly assess your strengths so as not to grab onto everything at once. It would be nice to compile detailed plan actions or hire a sane secretary who will take care of the clear distribution of your time and effort.

With correctly chosen priorities, closer to the fall, finances will become just wonderful - and other material resources, most likely, will greatly increase. Be calm and friendly and try to provide support and patronage to those who turn to you for help.

a lion

Fate does not always act with obvious signs - nevertheless, for the first six months you will receive help you need exactly at the moment when you will need it most, and support will be sincere.

Your own intuition usually does not deceive you, but in the second half of the year it can give some glitches, so try to take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps somewhere very close to you there is a calm and a wise man which you are somewhat underestimating. Toward the end of the year, some aesthetic and moral values ​​may be reassessed.


At the beginning of the year, you will have a great opportunity to focus on your personal goals and plans. Make wishes and build new projects - the wildest hopes will come true if you are honest in your judgments and fair to others - more patience for other people's shortcomings.

Casual acquaintances in the second half of the year can develop into very reliable, strong and profitable relationships. The same tolerance and friendliness will also bring good luck in love - an alliance with an older partner who will gently and carefully teach you wisdom and patience will be ideal.


The first half of the year will be devoted to work, career and public speaking - they will bring you a lot of bright emotions. The events that take place will be very positive, but try not to take on too much. Soberly compare your goals, benefits and abilities that each will bring to you. specific situation.

You will be supported by very influential and kind people, but do not forget that it is best to thank such help. In turn, support colleagues when they need it. At the end of the year, you will feel how strong friendship can be - in addition, it may also bring quite tangible material results.


You will be very good at traveling the world and discovering new horizons for yourself - in the end, you will very accurately see your own future and understand what exactly you expect and want from it. On trips or when immersing yourself in your own inner world, you will receive the invaluable help of an experienced guide or a wise teacher - so that any, even secular, event will bear spiritual fruit.

In the second half of the year, your career will be very successful - do not miss a great moment to build your competencies well and competently: you can count on a promotion or do on your own what meets your inner needs and beliefs.


Good luck this year will bring you your passionate hobbies. Do not assume that this is just a hobby that brings only pleasure and helps to pass the time pleasantly. If you take your interests and hobbies more seriously, then as a result you may well count on financial success and new fruitful cooperation.

Closer to the middle of the year, it is likely that you will receive a large amount that you have long deserved. This will be very helpful - you will be able to go on a journey that you have long and passionately dreamed of. From the end of August, any trips will develop in the best possible way.


Romantic relationships, ardent friendship or real sincere intimacy - you will arouse the ardent sympathy of loved ones, their genuine admiration and participation. Your personal popularity will grow at a great speed, and this will be reflected in all your projects, which will meet with help and comprehensive support.

Show yourself spiritual generosity, and you will very soon understand that love, fortunately, is far from the only form of close human relationships that can make you a truly happy person.


Improvement of normal Everyday life, the establishment of life in details and trifles, the emergence of new very good habits and skills - the first half of the year will be devoted to such things. Try to take yourself seriously, in an adult and kind way - and soon you will find yourself a little different person: softer, more self-confident, more generous and much more attractive to other people.

These changes will not be in vain - a fateful meeting or a new round of existing relationships awaits you, but a new level is already in the height of summer, and autumn will be a great time to start life together or even formal marriage.


Self-actualization, creativity and imagination - in these areas you will be very lucky until mid-July. Love relationships will also develop as well as possible in your case. Love for you is creativity in which partners are able to reveal their best qualities and talents, moreover, mutually. This energy will allow you to see many things, people and phenomena in a slightly different light.

Remember to use a sense of humor, especially in situations that will seem unnecessarily serious and difficult to you, or cause anger and irritation. Good luck will await those who think globally, and do not get hung up on small everyday problems and troubles.

Helpful Hints

Undoubtedly, each of us expects that New Year will bring him or her new luck, new happiness and new interesting and memorable events. Who doesn't want to be happy? That's why New Year's celebration so valuable to us, because it gives hope for the best.

Astrologically, you can find out who will have more carry and who will be luckier in a certain period of time, and who will be more likely to be unlucky during that time.

If you don't find your zodiac sign on this list, don't be sad, it's just that you might find it a little harder to get your luck than these lucky ones.

Read also:These 4 signs will be EXTREMELY UNLUCKY in 2018: what to do to deal with crises?

So, Scorpions and Sagittarius can be called the most successful and lucky this year, especially if they were born duringfrom November 9 to December 4 any year!

The rest of the signs of the zodiac can also meet luck, but they will be h they are somewhat smaller and not in all areas of life. Cancers, for example, can have very successful business at work, butpersonal lifewill survive not the best of times!

Which signs will be lucky in 2018?

SAGITTARIUS: Lucky in everything!

Good luck and prosperity await almost all Sagittarians in the new year, but especially those who were born from November 23 to December 4. Your luck will simply go into your hands, and the circumstances will develop successfully, as if the guardian angel himself leads the luck and protects you from difficulties.

Previous few years were difficult for your sign, you may have encountered difficulties, restrictions, the inability to do as you wanted.

The reasons for this could be very different: someone had children, so there was no time for themselves and their personal goals, someone probably had health problems, someone could not find normal work, someone did not have the financial opportunity to travel or he could not go because of close relatives, and so on. There could be many reasons everyone has their own.

In any case, know: now fate has mercy, the planets are rushing along the white stripe, giving you a lot of opportunities for self-realization and new interesting events in 2018!

In your case, you don't have to worry that luck can be "scared" in some way. The fact is that you are exactly the sign of the Zodiac that can now decide on the most daring and adventurous things without any fear of failure.

You have had enough failures in the past, but thanks to your innate optimism, now you will not be too worried that you will not succeed again. Believe that everything will work out, do your thing, do what gives you true joy.

SCORPIO: Lucky in the most important!

Your zodiac sign will feel more or less confident at the end of 2017. Something new and memorable will come into your life, any most daring and even somewhere unexpected ideas will be successful.

But still, you yourself will determine for yourself those very levels and areas that lack luck so much. Remember: this magical year for you you will come true your most cherished dream, or that desire that you have nurtured for so long, but did not fully believe that it could come true.

What is important for you? Family, work, money, new experiences? This is up to you to decide. If there was no success at work, now it is quite possible to increase, you will be offered new job and so on. The business did not bring the desired income? Now with a high probability you will have a new profitable deal! Are you single and want to start a family? A new important acquaintance awaits you!

What to do in order not to frighten off luck? The most important thing for you now is not to doubt, but to believe that everything will work out! Determine the most important thing for yourself and think of it as a fait accompli. But do not get too hung up, but let your desires come true without your participation. Later, looking back, you will be surprised to understand that this is exactly what you wanted!

The Luckiest Signs of 2018

ARIES: Good luck with travel!

Although you will not be lucky as fabulously as the previous two signs of the Zodiac, you can still count on pleasant events in your life, especially closer to the fall of 2018.

This year you should not doubt: all your trips, travels and long-distance travels will turn out to be very successful. over the past 4-5 years! You might just draw a lucky ticket, find a trip with huge discounts, or just someone will give you the trip of your dreams.

New journeys will bring you rich life experience, new grandiose knowledge and impressions for life. Is this not important to you? After all, you are one of those signs of the Zodiac for whom it is difficult not to see changes around you, not to change the situation, not to move forward. This year you will have a great chance to go where you have never been before!

What to do in order not to frighten off luck? If you have long dreamed of going somewhere to a distant country, you have a chance to do it! First, you should find fellow travelers, as well as constantly monitor offers. One day you will find what you really need. And one more thing: it is important to have a plan in mind that will help you get closer to your goal.

If you do not yet know which country you want to go to, imagine at least what you will do there, what landscapes you want to see, what to bring home, what dream of getting impressions. If you are a fan beach holiday- imagine bright beautiful beaches with white sand and azure sea, if you love history - keep in mind pictures of interesting historical buildings and events, and so on.

Who will be the luckiest in the new year?

LEO: Lucky in love and creativity!

Lions this year can count on luck in love and personal life, including in the family. Perhaps someone may even have replenishment in the family, someone can decide on a serious proposal, and so on. It is also a period when you can expand your living space.

If you have long wanted to live in more spacious conditions, 2018 may bring you opportunities to move closer or fulfill your wish. You can move to a new house or apartment, acquire a summer cottage or move in with your loved ones!

Read also:Good luck horoscope which zodiac sign is most often lucky in love

This year can also be memorable, especially the last third of it, thanks to success in creativity. If you have been nurturing some special creative idea for a long time, now will be the most best time for its implementation.

It is also possible that this year you may find new hobbies, hobbies and favorite activities, go beyond the usual boundaries, learn a lot of interesting things and really feel the flight of creative thought!

What to do in order not to frighten off luck? The main thing now is not to give up on your dreams and go towards your goal! Good luck will be on your side if you do not change your principles and demonstrate your willpower and ability to get what you want. You can't be afraid of even the most daring and unrealistic ideas: they have every chance of becoming a reality!

PISCES: Lucky in your career!

This year can open up a lot of new and interesting things for you: it is possible that you will be seriously interested in something, you will be interested in religion, philosophy or history. May open at this time new important knowledge , or you will have to seriously learn something completely new.

You can easily use all new knowledge in your work, and this, in turn, can bring you significant advantages and competitiveness. Career this year may be obvious, especially big changes can be expected towards the end of 2018 – in November-December.

What to do in order not to frighten off luck? Now it is important not to stand still and not expect that everything can turn out by itself. Although your zodiac sign will be lucky, this luck can quickly disappear if you do not take serious action.

Determine for yourself what exactly you lack for the job that you dream of. Find out what it takes to work in this direction and boldly move forward. It's important to have initial impulse, push, then inspiration will not leave you, you will move by inertia and you will get what you so dream about.

CANCER: Lucky at work!

Your zodiac sign will experience a variety of feelings this year and face both difficulties and great fortunes! That is why we do not put you on the first lines of the lucky ones, but still we can say that luck will not accompany you in all areas of life, but, most likely, only at work.

If you have your own business, it is likely that you can expand it: recruit new employees, explore new interesting areas of activity, expand production, develop service quality.

During the first eight months of 2018, the support that people from your inner circle will provide will be extremely valuable. Do not doubt their devotion: this quality is very pleasant. faithful dog, and strong relationships promise to bring success to any joint projects. Toward the end of August, luck will move to the sector of your horoscope that is responsible for love affairs, romance and creativity. Do not be afraid to fall in love and give love! The power of this feeling is able to overcome any obstacles and transform the world.


In the first half of the year, the most successful ideas and opportunities will be brought by communication, including with close or distant relatives. If you have some kind of task or problem, you should not think about it alone: ​​talk about your desires out loud, and the Universe will hear you. In the second half of the year, luck moves to the “home” sector of your horoscope: it can literally knock on your door. Successful will be a change of housing or repair; a wedding or a decision to live together with a loved one.


The first half of the year promises to be successful financially: boldly enter into competition, declare your views, defend projects, and they will certainly bring success. In the second half of the year pleasant surprises expected on trips - not for long, but rather for short distances. Important and joyful events can happen in a family or friendly environment. In confusing situations, try to show spiritual and material generosity: the more often you share kindness with loved ones, the more you will get in return.


At the beginning of the year, many work projects are going well, but try to correctly assess your strength so as not to take on a thousand tasks at the same time. It is good to seek the help of a business coach or an experienced mentor to draw up a plan of action. If you can choose the right priorities, then closer to the fall, the result will favorably affect your finances and, in general, the state of material resources. Friendly Dog gives one more important advice: to increase your fortune, do not forget to share it with other people.

a lion

Your guardian angels operate in secret and do not trumpet themselves at all crossroads. However, during the first seven months of the year, you will be helped at the right time, and support will come exactly where you need it. Your own intuition often provides valuable advice, but sometimes such a decision can be too expensive. Perhaps in your environment there is an inconspicuous, calm and reliable person whose role you underestimate. Trust yourself and life: towards the end of the year, you will be able to look at everything with different eyes.


The start of this year provides a great opportunity to focus on your personal goals. Make wishes and make plans: the most ambitious hopes will come true if you are fair in your judgments and show tolerance for the minor shortcomings of others. Under this condition, casual acquaintances over the next months can develop into reliable and profitable relationships. The same character traits will bring good luck in love: an alliance with an older, wiser and more patient partner would be ideal.


The first half of the year will be filled with bright emotions related to work, career, public speaking. The events that are taking place are very positive, but with such an abundance of chances, there is a risk of taking on too much. Superwoman is a flattering role, but try to soberly correlate your goals, abilities and benefits that each specific situation gives you. Consider support influential people you are provided for, but don't forget to express your gratitude to them and, in turn, support your colleagues when they need it. At the end of the year, you will feel what great value friendship can be when you see its fruits.


To move in space, to open new horizons in order to see your own future more clearly and understand what, by and large, you want from it - the coming year gives such chances. Whether we are talking about trips or exploring your inner world, the help of an experienced guide or a wise teacher will be invaluable in any journey. With such a philosophical attitude to life, any secular event can provide an opportunity to gain spiritual experience. In the second half of the year, luck will move into the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour horoscope associated with a career: do not miss the perfect moment to “sell” your competencies dearly, get a promotion or do something that fully corresponds to your inner convictions.


The key to success this year is your passions. Do not assume that this is just a hobby that brings pleasure and helps to have a good time. If you take your interests and hobbies more seriously, the result may well be commercial success, financial gain and new fruitful relationships. Closer to the middle of the year, you can count on receiving money that you have long deserved or that someone owes you. This amount will be very handy to go on the trip of your dreams: from the end of August, any trips will be easy and successful.


For most of this year, luck will accompany relationships in the most intimate sector of your horoscope. Whether we are talking about romantic relationships, passionate friendship or emotional intimacy - you enjoy the sincere sympathy of the people around you, attracting their attention and causing admiration. In other words, your popularity is growing, and this, in turn, is reflected in your projects: do not doubt that they will meet with help and support. Show your spiritual generosity, and you will see: love - as it is commonly understood - is far from the only form of close human relationships.


The initial months of this year will be very favorable in order to focus on improving everyday life, arranging life, acquiring new knowledge and good habits. Try to become a caring, active, “good enough parent” for yourself - and your efforts will be richly rewarded. This attitude also attracts other people: your new image can lead to close relationships or fruitful business partnerships. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the ideal period for a wedding or the beginning of a life together.


Until mid-July, the most favorable vibrations enliven the sector of your horoscope associated with self-realization, creativity, imagination, as well as with love relationship. For you, love is, first of all, creativity, in which best qualities and talents, both your own and your partner's. Direct this energy to everything that surrounds you, and you will see how magically you change yourself and how your life is transformed. The empathetic Yellow Dog offers another valuable piece of advice: keep a sense of humor in situations that seem too serious or usually provoke anger. Good luck awaits those whose eyes are fixed on a dream, and not focused on small daily troubles.

Are you ready for new achievements and victories in 2018? After all, each of us, you see, is waiting for a very successful year. Let's see what good he has prepared for all the zodiac signs.

1. Aries

You are too active and too fond of life to be in a state of calm. You are constantly chasing what ignites your emotions and unbridled enthusiasm, and in 2018 this curiosity will pay off when you find the object of your passion, in which you can direct all your energy and love.

2. Taurus

Thanks to your warmth, friendliness and reliability, you have created a circle of people who want to love, support and encourage you with all possible ways Therefore, at the right time, when you have to take incredible risks, a whole army of true friends will stand behind your back, ready to help you.

3. Gemini

You love to observe this world, drawing energy from it. You pay attention to everything that interests and excites you. Therefore, when the universe hints to you next year about where you need to go next, be sure to listen to it. She knows best what you need!

4. Cancer

You perfectly feel your inner self, you know what you want and what you really need. Even if you are very afraid, you listen to your intuition and try to draw the right conclusions. In 2018, this ability will come in handy, because there will be a wonderful opportunity on the horizon that it would be a sin to miss.

5. Leo

You will always find a way to make something work, even if it seems impossible. Where most people get tired, frustrated and give up, you will turn on all your creativity, enthusiasm and perseverance and get your way. Next year, this skill and belief in yourself will be the main reasons for your tremendous success.

6. Virgo

Unlike most people, you can be honest and objective with yourself. You are not afraid to analyze solutions, reflect on them and find out what will work and what will not. This skill will help you a lot, because next year all your decisions will be unmistakable and the only correct ones.

7. Libra

Your responsiveness, friendliness and charm attract others to you, because it is comfortable and easy with you. You have a huge network of contacts, and all these people speak warmly and cordially about you. In 2018, thanks to one of them, you will have a chance to radically change something in your life for the better.

8. Scorpio

You do not depend on anyone, therefore you practically do not need anyone's support - you stubbornly go to your goals on your own. This perseverance, optimism and determination will be rewarded next year, because they will bring you a lot of ideal opportunities to move forward.

9. Sagittarius

You are an incorrigible optimist with an absolutely unbending hope for the best. Failures do not scare you at all, and you know how to deal with them. Moreover, you yourself know that on the path to success they are always inevitable, although sometimes painful. The next year will bring you some obstacles, but your ability to quickly step over them is what will put you in the lead.

10. Capricorn

You have been desperately chasing success all your life and you will not give up this race for anything, even if you are already bored with it and really want to slow down, or even stop to take a break. But you still work hard, realizing that success requires dedication and focus, and not just the energy of movement. That's why you will succeed in 2018 - you are well aware that this is a long race, not a hundred meters.

11. Aquarius

Your focus is on the really important and meaningful things. You are focused on doing your job well, as well as striving for self-improvement. In 2018, this will help you get ahead and outrun many of your competitors in this race.

12. Pisces

You care about being kind, gentle, compassionate, and generous to those around you. And it always comes back. Next year you will see that all those rays of kindness that you sent to others were not forgotten or taken for granted. And when you need something, a lot of grateful people will always come to the rescue.

When it comes to complex life situations, people seek the help of qualified professionals. However, only the stars can answer some questions. It is they who are responsible for the favor of fortune, its changeable character. Thanks to the astrological forecast for 2018, a person can adjust his own behavior in order to bring good luck to his side. It is important to prevent potential mistakes in a timely manner, and then everything in life will be fine. Let's study the star horoscope for all signs of the Zodiac.


Even such energetic guys as Aries will find it difficult to keep up with swift luck. Today this butterfly flutters carelessly, and tomorrow it is nowhere to be seen. These transitions are somewhat disorienting for self-confident representatives of the sign, who are used to seeing the target in front of their eyes. To catch a butterfly in a net, you will probably need the help of friends. A dog always sincerely seeks to please a person. Therefore, every advice received from loved ones must be taken into account. This will allow us to achieve the desired success in the second half of the year.


Despite the favorable arrangement of the stars, Taurus will have to come to grips with their health. Consistently putting your ideas into practice takes quite a lot of energy. Therefore, the winter period should be devoted to prevention, muscle relaxation. At the same time, the Dog will regularly urge them to work. You need to find the right balance. Purposeful and stubborn Taurus always want to give all the best. However, this is fraught with problems with the musculoskeletal system, which will make themselves felt in the second half of the year. It is better to move in small steps, but true. And then the desired results will not keep you waiting. By the way, Lady Luck and the Dog are preparing an unusual surprise for Taurus regarding their personal lives.


The serene representatives of the most windy sign were lucky this time too. Nothing can disturb their airy mood, since no problems are expected in 2018. Old questions will gradually close, and the appearance of free time will finally allow you to choose Right way. It is enough for the dog to be somewhere nearby so that the calmness of the Gemini is unshakable. This state of affairs can be safely considered luck.


If anyone will have to work in the coming year, it is the cautious Cancers. The well-established little world of these amphibious representatives will undergo a cardinal shake-up. Revision of values, receiving an inheritance, engagement with a loved one - all the most important milestones in life are at risk of being embodied with the advent of the Dog. She will not let Cancers sit quietly in one place. It will charge you with inspiration, new ideas, acquaintances with the right people. Especially lucky creative representatives of the sign. Their love for their own business will finally bear fruit. The rest should rely on the support of friends. Each close person in 2018, he will become a guide to the advice of an energetic Dog. And it's better to listen to them.

a lion

The star map foretells Leo a lot of activity in 2018. Their charge for success will get an excellent chance to be realized. It is important to try to cover the maximum range of difficult issues. One of them contains the key to solving most of Lviv's problems. After answering this difficult question, representatives of the fire sign will be able to make friends with yellow dog. And already she will not leave in trouble, she will become the best helper of royal cats. Therefore, bold Lions can prepare for material well-being.


Surprisingly simple may seem the forecast of 2018 for the most earthly sign of the Zodiac. Thanks to the patronage of the Earth Dog, Virgo will be able to fully realize their potential. And it lies in the ability to get to the bottom of the deepest truth, to see the world without rose-colored glasses. These sensible guys will become the beacon of calm that all people, without exception, strive for. Their authority in the coming year will be strengthened, and own desire to the ideal will begin to sprout. It is important to devote as much time as possible to your personal life, since there is no end to the requests of others. It is better to control this process.


The most harmonious sign of the Zodiac is about to undergo serious changes. The dog will not leave the balanced Libra alone, in every possible way urging them towards vigorous activity. 2018 should be remembered by them for mastering new skills or even a job. Perseverance and the desire to succeed will certainly be rewarded towards the end of the year. A devoted assistant will bring a bone for agreeing to play his game. However, rest should not be forgotten either. In the middle of the year, it is desirable to relax, gain strength. And then luck itself will knock on the door.


Representatives of the elements of water will inevitably expect changes. They always have a curious relationship with the earth. Either she fills up their streams, becoming an insurmountable obstacle on a straight path, or gives way to her ledges span by span. Therefore, only the most stubborn will be lucky in 2018, who will grow in all directions. Self-education, firm discipline and a mystical sense of intuition will allow Scorpios to get rich in spite of all prejudices. Any error should be taken as a hint. It's only side effect active activity. Humans shouldn't have any problems. The ability to see through them is too great.


Little test to come fiery Sagittarius. Earth and fire are not very friendly, and therefore the Dog may initially ignore the representatives of the sign. Many cases will end without much success. The first half of the year will seem completely devoid of luck, but this is a misleading impression. In order for all self-doubts to evaporate, it is recommended to rest before the end of summer. This will allow the head to gain clarity, and logic - again to prevail over the tricks of fickle intuition. And then the end of the year will be held under the auspices of the already benevolent Dog.


Luck will not go anywhere from Capricorns. earth signs The dog is happy. However, with one warning. Purposefulness of the representatives of the sign on material well-being can deprive them of the other pleasures in life. That's why faithful assistant a person will in every possible way push Capricorns to other goals. For example, the arrangement of personal life. Shouldn't it be considered luck to meet amazing person? And, especially, a wedding? Instead of chasing one fat hare, it is better to choose a good hunt for white rabbits. A few eared ones at the end of 2018 will pleasantly amuse the pride of Capricorns.


Where only Aquarius does not shine luck! All material issues will be resolved at the beginning of the year. Any undertaking will pass like clockwork. The only thing to avoid is boasting about your successes. It is better to give everyone around you positive energy with your smile alone. Since the absence of problems in business can turn your head, it is recommended to take the highest possible bar. The sincere desire to achieve it, and the guarantee of the hardworking Dog, should show the result before the end of the year. Most importantly, believe in your star of luck.


Dexterous Fishes do not have to circle the slow Dog around their fingers. Therefore, the latter will not even try to control the movements of representatives of this sign. Luck itself will sail into the hands of Pisces, without the slightest effort. In order not to waste gifts of favorable fortune, it is strongly recommended to make large investments in real estate in 2018. A contrast with a mobile lifestyle is needed. Maintaining balance is the very recipe for good luck. And after the perfect transaction, you can afford an exciting journey. This will please the playful hostess of the year.
