Child sweats in cold sweat after illness. Child's cold sweat. When you need a doctor's help

Some parents are alarmed by the question, "What does it mean if a child sweats a lot?" Mothers of children from one year to 12 years old face such a problem. Of course, seeing that the child becomes completely wet before going to bed, parents begin to worry that something is wrong with the baby. Although this process is physiological and in most cases does not pose a threat to health, there are exceptions. They will be discussed further in the article.

Readers will find out why children sweat a lot, what can lead to such an unusual reaction of the body, how to deal with it. The advice of doctors will help you to understand everything, and we will also acquaint you with the opinion of the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky about this problem.

What is night sweats?

This phenomenon is not uncommon. Parents often come to pediatricians with such questions. Doctors explain this in most cases by the fact that the child's sweat glands are not yet fully formed, they work intermittently up to about 6 years. Then everything is aligned, and there should be no problems.

In children, thermoregulation does not work in the same way as in adults. Heat exchange is regulated by breathing with the help of the lungs. Children tolerate dry air worse than adults, and babies are more likely to get sick, mucous membranes respiratory tract become inflamed, pulmonary respiration occurs in a painful mode. In adults, thermoregulation occurs through the pores of the skin. Let's look at some of the causes of excessive sweating in children.


1. If a child has extra pounds, then he can sweat in a dream much more often than children of normal weight. It is necessary to revise the child's menu and spend more time with him in the fresh air, in outdoor games. If it does not help, then you need to check the thyroid gland.

2. In mobile and hyperactive children, hyperhidrosis during sleep is stronger than in calm and balanced peers.

3. The baby should sleep in a cool room. It is desirable that the air temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. It is especially necessary to control this indicator in winter, with the beginning of the heating season.

4. Another reason why children sweat a lot may be dry air in the room. Especially when the summer heat or in winter the radiators warm well. Normal for child's body humidity is 50-70%. This can be independently adjusted by using humidifiers. In a dry room, if you have not bought this useful device, you can hang a damp towel on the battery, put an aquarium with fish, or place a lot indoor plants... Moisture evaporation will help restore the air humidity necessary for the baby.

In this case, the child sweats a lot due to the drying out of the mucous membranes of the nose and lungs. The process of pulmonary thermoregulation is disrupted, and the baby becomes wet in a dream, and cases of diseases are becoming more frequent.

5. The children's room should be well ventilated before going to bed. This should be done throughout the year, in any season. Fresh air brings a new portion of oxygen, which leads to better pulmonary thermoregulation.

The famous TV presenter and pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky also answered the parents' question about why the children sweat a lot. He says that most of the child suffers from insufficient comfort conditions created by the parents. Only 3% of all children with hyperhidrosis have serious violations... If, in addition to profuse sweating, parents also notice other symptoms, then you should definitely consult a specialist for advice.

When there are no serious disorders in the body, and the child sweats a lot, Komarovsky suggests revising the daily routine. Children who are too active, jumping and running during the day, become overly overexcited. Before bedtime, calm games are preferable, instead of TV, it is advisable to read a fairy tale to the baby before bedtime, give a drink chamomile tea or with lemon balm.

If the child sweats a lot, the reasons may lie in the wrong bedding. You need to buy only natural linen, preferably plain, without dyes. The less the skin of a frequently sweating child collides with synthetics and artificial materials, all the better. Yes, and you need to wash children's things either with baby soap or special washing powder.

Pay special attention to your pillow and blanket. Fillers should not be synthetic. Evgeny Komarovsky generally does not advise giving a child under two years of age a pillow.

Also, the doctor advises not to put on your child's pajamas ahead of time. It is better if the child sleeps in a T-shirt and underpants before the cold weather. Pajamas, and even then not synthetic, but made of cotton or flannel, should be worn only in winter.

The benefits of bathing in the evening

One more helpful advice from Dr. Komarovsky - this is a mandatory bathing before bedtime. If the child is sweating during sleep, then the shower or bath should not be hot. It is better to start bathing with a temperature of +32 degrees, gradually reducing to 26 degrees. In addition to hardening the body, cool water contributes to the good work of the sweat glands. After such a bath, children fall asleep well and sweat less during sleep.

For the most active babies, it is advisable to spend a couple of times a week water treatments with decoctions of herbs. These are soothing preparations - motherwort, valerian, mint, oregano, lemon balm. You can do it before going to bed light massage which will relax the muscles and calm the nervous system.

Sweating during illness

Often, a child with ARVI and taking medications sweats during sleep. Such a weak state may continue for several days after the final recovery. The body signals in such a way that it has not yet fully recovered.

Some, especially working, parents rush to send their child to kindergarten right after recovery. If there is no temperature, this does not mean that the body is completely healthy. It is necessary to keep the baby at home for at least a week in order to restore strength and raise immunity. Otherwise in kindergarten the child is able to pick up a new virus again and get sick. A frequent illnesses lead again to heavy sweating at night.

What to do if feet sweat?

If parents notice that the child always has wet tights or socks in the area of ​​the feet, then it is necessary to check the quality of the shoes. In summer, the insole of sandals should not be artificial or rubber. It is advisable to buy winter shoes from natural materials. Synthetics float, and baby's skin does not breathe. If it is not possible to purchase good shoes, you need to choose shoes made of artificial leather, but so that they have holes for ventilation.

Sweaty palms

If a child's hands are sweating a lot, this may indicate insufficient development of the sweat glands. Sometimes children react in this way to strong emotional stress. The child does not yet know how to adequately perceive stressful situations, and the psycho-emotional reaction is often accompanied by sweaty palms. Some people, even adults, have a hereditary local increase in sweat gland secretions.

An older child with increased emotional stress sweats locally, but an early child may sweat completely.

Why does the child's head sweat a lot?

Babies sucking breast milk mothers spend a lot of energy. Mothers often observe increased hyperhidrosis in the neck and occipital region of the head during this period. It's not scary. The child will outgrow and stop sweating. Also, the baby does not need to be wrapped too much. If the baby falls asleep next to the mother, it may sweat simply from banal overheating.

But there are more dangerous symptoms that the mother must pay attention to. If a child's head sweats after emotional stress, the sweat is unpleasant and Strong smell, there is hyperhidrosis not of the entire head or neck, but of certain areas. There may also be other signs accompanying this phenomenon.

What diseases can be accompanied by profuse sweat?

Small children can sweat due to diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver, with lymphodiathesis, when the child's lymph nodes are enlarged. Heavy sweating can be caused by impaired blood flow and heart rate... The danger is cold sweat.

Diseases thyroid gland and genetic disorders, obesity of the child or diabetes- these are also the reasons that cause such local reactions of the body.

During the period of hormonal changes in the body adolescence profuse sweating may occur. This should go away with time.

Even children sweat during periods of weakness from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, while consuming large amounts of drugs, antibiotics.


The first signs of this disease are expressed by sweating, but you need to check if the sweat has a sour smell. Most of all, with the onset of rickets, the head is covered with perspiration. But it is not the only symptoms... The main one is a pronounced negative reaction to light and sound. Constipation begins, children become capricious, agitated.

To prevent the disease from progressing, doctors try to take the necessary preventive measures... In addition to vitamin D, walks in the sun are also prescribed, they recommend walking more in the fresh air, eating right, and doing gymnastics.

When should you see a doctor?

1. Sweat has an unpleasant, ammonia-like or sour odor.

2. It is thick and sticky.

3. It may be the other way around - too liquid and abundant.

4. Salt is released during hyperhidrosis, even white marks remain on the body.

5. Wet places turn red, irritation occurs.

6. When the sweat has a certain location, an asymmetrical arrangement.

Now you know why children sweat a lot and how parents should react to this phenomenon.

Almost every person at least once in his life felt the appearance of perspiration, chilling so much that even the skin is covered with goose bumps. This phenomenon can affect both men and women of all ages. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the factors that provoke it.

Cold Sweat Causes

A phenomenon that is considered a type of hyperhidrosis can occur as a result huge amount factors. Some of them are not fraught with danger, while others may indicate the presence of a serious illness. To specifically determine the causes of cold sweats, it is necessary to take into account the gender, additional symptoms, the age of the person. In most cases, it throws into ice sweat due to:

  1. Age-related changes.
  2. Chronic hyperhidrosis (a method that will help in eliminating the deviation - botulinum toxin injections).
  3. Infectious diseases, especially hepatitis, tuberculosis.
  4. Taking certain medications.
  5. The consequences surgery.
  6. Allergic reactions to certain foods.
  7. Pregnancy. The increasing volume of blood circulating in the body affects the sweat glands.
  8. Hypoxia.
  9. Narcotic, alcohol intoxication, hangover.
  10. Metabolic disorders.
  11. Constant stress.
  12. Diabetes. Insulin affects the sweating system.
  13. Food poisoning.
  14. Endocrine system problems.
  15. Migraine. Often, severe headaches provoke an adrenaline rush, as a result, a person sweats a lot.
  16. Cardiovascular disease.

Cold sweat at night

This is a very common occurrence that sometimes makes a person wake up and change bedding. Cold sweat at night can be thrown because of:

  1. Viral and infectious diseases. The symptom is typical for influenza, tuberculosis, HIV, mononucleosis, cell anemia, lymphoma.
  2. Withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Idiopathic hyperhidrosis. This phenomenon occurs for no reason, sometimes in a dream, in most cases it is customary to associate it with stress.
  4. A sharp drop in blood or intracranial pressure.
  5. Hormonal disruptions(especially in women).

Cold sweat and temperature

This phenomenon is very controversial. As a rule, cold sweat and temperatures above 37 degrees are nothing more than a natural reaction of the body, so it tries to cool itself. However, this is rare. Much more often with cold perspiration, the body temperature, on the contrary, is lowered. This phenomenon is typical for:

  1. Exacerbations of chronic diseases. This is often a symptom of hypothyroidism.
  2. Adrenal problems. You can eliminate the phenomenon by consuming more liquid.
  3. Drug overdose or simply a side effect of a particular treatment.

Cold clammy sweat

This phenomenon is very dangerous to health. If a person who observes the rules of personal hygiene does not release a transparent and liquid substance, but a viscous, with unpleasant odor, then this suggests that it is difficult for the whole body to cope with its functions. The appearance of cold, sticky sweat on the body and palms is possible with:

With a sharp dizziness

If you have such a phenomenon often, then you must definitely consult a doctor. Sudden dizziness and cold sweat in sudden waves can occur with:

  1. Overdose of drugs or an allergic reaction to them. Antibiotics, tranquilizers, antiseptics often cause perspiration and dizziness. The condition is accompanied by the appearance of spots in the eyes, sleep disturbance.
  2. Pathologies inner ear... The phenomenon is accompanied by a violation of the heartbeat, nausea, weakness.
  3. Migraines. This is how an aura can manifest itself - a condition that precedes an attack.
  4. Infections auricle, otitis media, otolaryngitis.
  5. Neglected infectious diseases.

With a cold

As a rule, there is absolutely nothing to worry about in such a phenomenon. If you are thrown into a cold sweat with a cold, this is the body's natural defense, so it fights infections and viruses, tries to remove them as soon as possible. The phenomenon can be observed both at elevated and at normal body temperature, accompanied by tremors. If other cold symptoms aren't bothering you, then you shouldn't worry about perspiration. If the disease is atypical for you, see your doctor and be sure to tell him about sweating.

Causes of a cold sweat in a child

In children, this phenomenon occurs often. If a baby is cold and sweaty and wakes up while feeding, then this is absolutely normal. Sweat on the forehead of the baby appears due to the efforts that he makes to eat. If the child has a cold sweat when he wakes up, then this may be due to:

  • rickets due to a lack of vitamin D;
  • a viral cold (additional symptoms - cough, runny nose);
  • genetic predisposition to hyperhidrosis;
  • sleeping in a room that is too warm;
  • lymphatic diathesis;
  • teething, the consequence of which is the inflammatory process;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • diseases of blood vessels, heart.

A cold sweat in a child can signal the appearance of violations on the part of some internal organ. But do not sound the alarm right away: you need to observe the behavior of the child, his general condition... Sometimes this can be a temporary phenomenon, not associated with pathology.

The child has a cold sweat if wellness and the usual behavior does not say anything. If a two-year-old child has cold sweat on some part of the body, external provoking factors must be excluded.

They can be:

  • too warm clothes;
  • stuffy room where the child sleeps and plays;
  • high physical activity;
  • lack of water procedures.

The reason may be related to the intake of certain medications, especially when the dosage and duration of the course are not observed (most often painkillers, vasoconstrictor and antipyretic drugs are to blame). After the changes are made, the problem ceases to bother.

Why does my child continue to sweat even after making adjustments? If the child continues to sweat further, then it is important to determine in what situations (in a dream, after waking up, while eating or playing), how often and on which parts of the body sweat appears.

The reason that the baby suffers from increased sweating may be related to the disease:

  1. Rickets. The disease develops against a background of vitamin D deficiency in the body, it is not excluded even in children 2 years old. Restless sleep is noted, appetite decreases, sticky sweat appears. Clothes are wet, so you have to change them additionally at night or during the day.
  2. Hyperhidrosis. Improper functioning of the sweat glands leads to increased sweating, which is troubling even in a calm state. A local form is distinguished when a specific area sweats, for example, sweat on the forehead or only on the limbs, and general hyperhidrosis.
  3. Cardiac and vascular system accompanied by a syndrome increased sweating, weakness, lethargy.
  4. Allergic condition.
  5. Decreased or increased thyroid function.
  6. Infectious and inflammatory foci in the body (the reason can be both in a common cold, and in more serious illnesses, tuberculosis or pneumonia).
  7. If sticky sweat appears on certain parts of the body, at the same time the child is irritable, excitable, then you should go to a neurologist.

When it comes to viral or bacterial diseases, then cold sweat accompanies not only during the period of manifestation acute symptoms... After an illness, it can take about a month for the body to recover and begin to function as usual. All this time, the child may feel weakness, sweating.

Emergency cases

Other signs may indicate that the problem is serious and requires urgent help:

  • the body sweats often, even without active movements, there is an increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • the body sweats in certain areas (for example, only the palms or head);
  • the sweaty body smells unpleasant;
  • the sweat secreted changes color;
  • the body is covered with clammy sweat;
  • an obsessive, barking cough joins;
  • worried about nausea, vomiting, headache.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor when a child coughs against a background of sweating, is worried about lacrimation, a runny nose, a rash on the body, sleeps poorly and eats less than usual.

Problems in infancy

In children under one year old, the thermoregulation system remains unformed. The sweat glands of the newborn begin to actively produce sweat in response to the slightest external changes.

The reason a child sweats may be due to the following adverse factors:

  • choice of bedding or underwear made of low-quality, poorly breathable material;
  • stress, fear;
  • prolonged stay in an active state (crawling, playing);
  • hot, stuffy room (the optimal air temperature in the room where the baby is located is 21 degrees);
  • excessive fluid intake;
  • taking medications;
  • the baby may break out in cold sweat while sucking (not enough milk, uncomfortable posture during feeding).

Teething is often accompanied by pain, discomfort and inflammation, so children during this period become capricious, whiny, ask for hands, sleep poorly and eat little. Against the background of all these signs, sweating is observed.

Cold sweats in babies can occur due to health problems:

  • diseases affecting the nervous system (the baby often shudders, stretches the legs, squeezes the arms into fists);
  • the cause may be a disease such as rickets;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

It is necessary to provide urgent medical attention if the child has other signs against the background of cold, sticky sweat:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • hothead;
  • body temperature drops below 35 degrees on the thermometer;
  • coughing;
  • sluggish or too agitated behavior of the baby;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • discoloration of the skin (the skin may turn pale, and the limbs acquire a bluish tint).

In most cases, hospitalization is indicated for follow-up examination. It will be necessary to pass tests, do an ultrasound internal organs... They study the sufficient presence of vitamin D in the body, the level of sugar in the blood, and examine the lymph nodes.

Night problem

Perspiration during sleep can cover the entire body or only a specific area, such as a cold forehead, armpits, back, or feet. Sweaty clothes and bedding are found in the morning.

Why can the body sweat during a night's sleep? The following factors are the causes of cold sweat in a child during sleep:

  • warm clothing or a warm, soft blanket;
  • bad, terrible dreams cause sweating and crying at night;
  • the presence of an infection in the body;
  • taking medications that have high sweating as a side effect;
  • cold sweat in a dream may be due to heart disease, while the nasolabial triangle turns blue, breathing becomes heavy, there may be a cough;
  • with diabetes mellitus, the head often sweats at night (sticky sweat appears on the forehead, neck, back of the head);
  • the presence of overweight in a child;
  • vivid emotional experiences during the day - it can be not only fear, but also strong joy;
  • late dinner;
  • apnea (a condition characterized by respiratory arrest);
  • cold symptoms: cough, nasal congestion.

To eliminate the cause or reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • ventilate the room, especially before going to bed;
  • monitor the temperature and humidity in the room;
  • do not give the child food just before bedtime; throughout the day, you should refrain from eating sweet, fried, spicy foods;
  • choose clothes and bed linen from natural, lightweight fabrics;
  • you should provide your baby with a calm environment without stress and conflict.

The cause of the problem is sometimes heredity. In this case, measures will be aimed at reducing the production of sweat and other symptoms.

Only an experienced specialist can identify true reason problems, so you should not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment, but you need to entrust this matter to a doctor.

Everyone sweats, this is normal. Sometimes the child has a cold sweat, and he also sweats more than usual. This is not always a consequence of a pathogenic process. In which case you need to worry whether cold sweat is dangerous, why it appears, read the article.

The appearance of a cold sweat in a child should not be ignored and allowed to flow.


According to the well-known telepediatrist E. Komarovsky, cold sweat in a baby is not always a consequence of a disease, there are natural reasons why it can be observed in a child. Often such sweat appears at night or in the morning in a child that sleeps in a room where it is too hot, or the bed is too soft.

Sweat can come out after active play of the baby, jogging, especially if he is dressed warmer than necessary, so it is so important to dress the child correctly, especially in autumn and spring, when the warmth of the air is changeable. It is necessary not to overheat the children at home, the optimum temperature, especially for an active child, is quite low, up to 20 degrees. Often babies become sweaty during the feeding process, as it takes a lot of effort to feed.

Often, the presence of cold sweat signals that a pathological process is developing in the child's body.

The most common reasons that are accompanied by this symptom:

  • lack of vitamin D in the body, which can contribute to the development of rickets;
  • lymphatic diathesis;
  • heart failure (heart problems affect the work of the sweat gland);
  • hyperthyroidism (thyroid problem);
Failure to sweat can be caused by a lack of vitamins, congenital pathology and other factors external environment.
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body or the work of the endocrine system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (too emotional day contributes to cold sweating, etc.);
  • acute respiratory illness, cold;
  • a bite of an insect;
  • allergic reaction;
  • pharmaceuticals, etc.

If the cause of the sweating is illness, the child may have other symptoms. Sometimes sweating persists for some time after the baby has recovered.

In an infant

Babies are babies up to 12 months old. Their thermoregulation does not easily adapt to environmental conditions, so cold sweat is most often the result of overheating due to high temperatures or too warm clothes. Sometimes the reason may be too soft bedding or bedding made of insufficiently breathable materials, or a large weight of the baby. If you do not overheat the baby for up to a year, there will be no cold sweat. Therefore, if the symptom continues after the cause of the inconvenience has been eliminated, consult a doctor. Most likely there is a pathological process (rickets, hyperhidrosis, problems with the thyroid gland, heart, etc.).

If a baby has a cough up to 12 months, he is sick with a viral disease, you need to immediately run to the pediatrician. Throws infants into cold sweat due to excessive emotionality, for example, from fear, joy, etc. In any case, if the parents are worried that the child is sweating, it is better to consult a doctor, he will determine exactly why the problem has arisen.

Allergy in a child under one year old provokes sweating during sleep. Often, cold sweat in a baby at night is associated with the fact that his teeth are teething, as he is in pain, at this time a cough or a runny nose may appear.

Sometimes babies up to 12 months of age sweat (the forehead and the back of the head are wet) during feeding, more often this is due to the fact that they put a lot of effort into doing this task. Sometimes covering sweat during feeding is associated with vitamin D deficiency.

There is an abnormality at the chromosome level, in which there is increased sweating in a dream, this is Riley-Day syndrome. This is not a dangerous pathology, since the only violation is the presence of cold sweat, therefore therapy is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms.

If a child under one year old becomes covered with a cold sweat pathological, then you can find the following signs of a cold:

  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • watery eyes;
  • rash;
  • the temperature is high or low;
  • there are disturbances in appetite, calmness at night, etc.

Older children

Thermoregulation in older children is much better, but sweating can occur from overheating. In addition, a child's cold sweat can be the result of headaches. If blood pressure jumps or diseases of the nervous system appear, vasospasm occurs. Pains appear, which provokes the release of adrenaline and causes sweating.

Often at this age, the cause is a side effect of taking medication. In this case, you need to contact your doctor, since the medicine needs to be replaced, its use can be dangerous.

Schoolchildren often succumb to stress and increased emotional stress, which can provoke depressive conditions, which are accompanied by cold sweating. In adolescents, cold sweat is a consequence of hyperhidrosis (a disease that is accompanied by increased sweating).

There can be many reasons why he throws himself into a cold sweat, so it is better to consult with a specialist in order to exclude the possibility of illness.

When to see a doctor?

If the body is constantly sweating, it may be due to a serious illness:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cold;
  • disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hepatitis, etc.

If there are additional symptoms, you should see a specialist as soon as possible. If the baby is constantly sweating after a cold, then the body is weakened. The doctor will give advice on further treatment since weakened the immune system cannot fully protect the body. You need to contact your pediatrician if:

  • uneven sweating on the body;
  • significantly lowered temperature;
  • sweat smells like ammonia and is sticky.

A visit to an endocrinologist and neurologist should not be postponed if:

  • the baby constantly sweats in a calm environment;
  • sticky sweat;
  • unexplained excitability after a day's rest;
  • flinching;
  • ammonia smell.

Sweating - natural process occurring in the human body. Sweat is involved in the elimination of toxins from the body and cools the skin. However, the appearance of cold sweats in a child during sleep can be very disturbing for parents. Cold perspiration can be caused by certain medical conditions, so its causes should be carefully analyzed.

How thermoregulation of the human body works

Normal temperature regime human body limited to a small range. The body regulates temperature using natural mechanisms:

  • Secretion of the secretion of sweat glands - sweat evaporates and cools the skin.
  • An increase in the diameter of the vessels - the flow of blood to the surface of the skin increases, heat transfer increases.

When children are mobile, running, playing, it is a hot season, the appearance of sweat should not be alarming.

"Cold" sweat, appearing for no apparent reason, is a special reaction of the nervous system and is not accompanied by an increase in temperature. The situation may indicate painful processes in the child's body.

Parents are especially worried about cold, sticky sweat. Stickiness is the result of a mixture of sweat salts and sebum that dries out on the skin.

Sleep and rest hygiene is especially important when your child sweats at night. Ventilate the room before going to bed, use bedding made from natural materials.

Why healthy children sweat

The endocrine system of children works differently than that of adults. The reasons for the appearance of sweat in a dream in a healthy child can be as follows:

  1. Overheat. Pajamas, blanket are too warm, the room is hot.
  2. Evening overexcitement. Emotional games before bedtime, vivid night dreams.
  3. Binge eating. Too heavy dinner can lead to vasodilation and profuse sweating during sleep.
  4. Excess weight... Large babies often have problems with excessive sweating.

What should alert parents

When the considered causes are excluded, but the appearance of cold sweat continues, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Note if your child has cold sweats, low body temperature, or sweats are uneven. Let the pungent smell of vinegar or ammonia from your baby's body alert you.

The above symptoms may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  1. Lack of vitamin D, rickets.
  2. Diseases of cardio-vascular system.
  3. Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  4. Increased intracranial pressure.
  5. Mononucleosis.
  6. Low blood pressure, hypotension.

A sure sign of a viral disease is the appearance of a cough, a runny nose, along with a cold sweat. Hurry up to call a doctor!

After the postponed viral disease the appearance of cold sweats at night may persist for some time after recovery.

Night sweats in babies

The issue of the appearance of cold sweat in infants deserves special consideration. For infants, the situation with abundant discharge cold sweats are common enough.

In the infant's body, the thermoregulatory mechanisms are not fully tuned. It is not for nothing that doctors advise in the first month after birth to put on a hat, socks and oversleeves - "scratches".

In full force, the baby's heat exchange begins to work only by the age of 5–6. At this age, the child can already consciously tell if he is warm, if he is cold.

Many babies sweat profusely when feeding, which scares their mothers. It is hard work for a tiny creature to suck milk, it is not surprising that the process is accompanied by sweating.

Cold sweat at night can disturb the baby when the first teeth appear. Do not worry: there are inflammatory processes in the body that cause pain, fear and discomfort. Hence the profuse sweating.

When to take emergency action

Pay attention to cases when a baby's cold clammy sweat, combined with other symptoms, signals particularly dangerous situations:

  • Hypoglycemia. A condition when blood sugar drops sharply can be observed not only in patients with diabetes mellitus, but also in healthy children.
  • Hypoxia. Lack of oxygen in the body can occur due to poisoning, serious diseases.
  • Hypotension. A sudden drop in blood pressure resulting from allergies, severe infections.
  • Shock. There are 4 types of shock: anaphylactic, septic, cardiogenic, and neurogenic. It is accompanied by a sharp violation of the blood supply to tissues and organs.

It is not difficult to figure out the reasons for the appearance of cold sweats in a child at night. Be attentive to general well-being child, pay attention to the time of the onset of sweating. Analyze all the factors affecting sweating in a particular case. Note the presence or absence of cough.

Call immediately ambulance if you observe the child's discomfort in the form of nausea, dizziness, headache, or severe weakness, ammonia odor from the body, flinching, skin rashes.

Don't ignore the reason self-treatment, do not make diagnoses. Contact a qualified technician, hand over required analyzes... In case of detection of diseases, do not neglect medical appointments... Get the required treatment.

Keep your baby's sleep sound and restful.

Cold sweat in a child - looking for the main causes of the onset of the disease

The temperature of the human body is maintained within a certain narrow range.

This is done through the following mechanisms:

  • expansion of blood vessels in the skin - this increases blood flow to the surface of the body and the active loss of excess heat;
  • stimulation of sweat glands - the liquid evaporating from the skin promotes rapid cooling.

Sweat can be produced without an adequate stimulus, i.e. when there is no hyperthermia. So the sympathetic nervous system in most cases responds to some painful processes occurring in the body.

When children are hot, they actively move and become wet, this does not surprise or frighten parents.

When a child sweats at night or during the day for no apparent reason, many simply panic, especially if it happens often.

The term "cold sweat" is most commonly used as sweating at normal temperatures, when the body is not hot to the touch.

Why do children have clammy sweat?

When you sweat heavily and dry it, the skin feels sticky. This is due to the mixing of sweat salts with sebum. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of painful conditions, some of which require urgent medical intervention.

Cold clammy sweat possible reasons:

  • diseases of the circulatory system, heart defects;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Taking popular pain relievers and antipyretic drugs such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • increased emotionality;
  • pathology of the nervous system;
  • clammy cold sweat that appears during sleep is a common symptom of incipient rickets;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypotension;
  • low level blood sugar;
  • transferred viral infection with complications.

In infants, this sign indicates:

  • about the lack of vitamin D;
  • violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • physical stress while sucking the breast.

Teething can also be accompanied by sweating, like any inflammatory process in general with pain syndrome.

Some infections show up elevated temperature and sticky cold sweat:

  • flu;
  • mononucleosis;
  • viral gastroenteritis;
  • kidney infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pancreatitis, etc.

Cough and cold sweat are a common combination that often indicates diseases of the respiratory system, complications of ARVI:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tonsillitis (tonsillitis), etc.

Sweating as a symptom of an emergency

As mentioned above, the factors that provoke sweating can be completely non-life-threatening conditions. But it also happens that you need to respond quickly and clearly.

Of course, cold sweat itself is not terrible, but in combination with other symptoms, it speaks of the following serious problems with health:

  • hypoglycemia - a sharp drop in blood glucose levels. This condition occurs not only in diabetes mellitus, but in healthy children;
  • sudden hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure against the background of severe allergic reactions, infections, etc.;
  • acute hypoxia - lack of oxygen in the body. It occurs as a result of poisoning, asphyxia, severe lung diseases, etc.;
  • shock - the reasons for it are varied. There are several types of shock - anaphylactic, cardiogenic, hypovolemic, septic, and neurogenic. The bottom line is that the blood supply to organs and tissues is sharply disrupted.

And more common reasons:

  • motion sickness (motion sickness);
  • repeated vomiting;
  • vasovagal reaction;
  • strong pain etc.

Why does a child have a cold sweat and a low temperature

When parents see a mark below 36 ° C on the thermometer, this often frightens the parents. There are many possible reasons. Some of them do not require medical attention, while others can threaten health and even life.

In any case, you need to try not to panic and stay calm. Think about what could have happened.

Here are the likely ones:

  • taking antipyretic drugs;
  • treatment with vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • viral diseases;
  • exhaustion.

Monitor your child closely. He needs a doctor's examination if the following additional symptoms are present:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • cold sweat;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • malaise, etc.

If the numbers on the thermometer continue to decrease, then before the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to start warming measures:

  • wrap the baby in a blanket;
  • maintain the temperature in the room not lower than 20˚С;
  • make sure that clothes and bedding are dry;
  • drink hot tea.

Cold sweat in a child while sleeping

Your baby needs healthy, uninterrupted sleep for normal growth and development. What if the baby is sweating but there is no fever? This phenomenon is common in children of all ages. Their sleep becomes more shallow, they toss and turn and wake up frequently.

Most often inappropriate factors are to blame the environment... However, there may be other reasons that need to be ruled out.

The body and physiology of the child have features:

  • sleep is in a deep phase longer;
  • thermoregulation is unstable due to the immaturity of the system;
  • the density of sweat glands per unit area of ​​the skin is greater than in adults.

That is why it explains why childhood sweating occurs very often against the background of general medical well-being.

Sweating is a non-specific phenomenon, on the basis of which it is impossible to diagnose any pathology. It can indicate both a cold and the development of a serious illness. If cold sweat appears frequently, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

What does it mean

The most common locations excessive sweating are the legs, arms, armpits, head and face. But sweat can cover the whole body.

The following factors can be the causes of cold sweat in a child in a dream:

  • overheating due to warm pajamas, hot blankets and stuffiness in the room;
  • infections;
  • reception drugs sweating as a side effect;
  • overweight;
  • too vivid emotional dreams or nightmares;
  • the use of spicy dishes, seasonings, especially in the evening;
  • fever - while sweating is so strong that the baby needs to be changed regularly. In principle, this is not considered a bad sign. Many parents specifically give drugs to induce sweating;
  • attacks of sleep apnea (holding your breath);
  • disturbances in nasal breathing due to a runny nose, stuffy nose, cough;
  • stress, fear, fears.

Increased night sweats with a high body temperature, snoring, or breathing problems (labored, intermittent) are a cause for concern. Also, if the child sleeps with open mouth or worries about weakness, tiredness and fatigue during the day. Be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Additionally, cold sweats at night can be caused by:

  • autoimmune diseases ( multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, fibromyalgia, lupus);
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • cerebral paralysis(the main symptoms in this case- developmental delay, seizures, hearing problems and impaired motor functions).

What should parents do

Sweating is common in children. In most cases, the problem goes away as you grow and mature.

However, if it is observed long time, it is still recommended to consult a doctor and, if necessary, examine the child.

What you need to do first to help your baby:

  • maintain comfortable conditions in the home not only during the day, but also at night;
  • avoid the use of products that provoke sweating - "Coca-Cola", spices, smoked meats, etc .;
  • take walks before going to bed. Fresh air and moderate physical activity have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism;
  • make sure the clothes are light, natural and breathable;
  • remove thick hot blankets;
  • if a child breaks into a cold sweat, it can be a manifestation of stress. Try to find out if he has any worries, fears or other reasons for this.

Why does a child sweat after a fever

Fever with infectious processes occurs as a result of exposure to the hypothalamus of white blood cells (leukocytes) and other pyrogenic substances (interleukins and prostaglandins). The destruction of certain types of bacteria also leads to the release of pyrogenic endotoxins from their cell walls.

The neurons of the hypothalamus, which are responsible for the level of the thermoregulatory setpoint, increase its value.

The body temperature begins to rise, and this has an important physiological protective function:

  • prevents the multiplication of viruses and bacteria;
  • stimulates immunity and phagocytosis;
  • the production of antibodies, interferon, etc. is activated.

Cold sweat after temperature infectious origin in most cases means that the body has begun to recover!

When the body copes with the infection, the number of pathogenic microbes decreases and they die, the set point returns to its previous level. However, the temperature cannot drop immediately. Therefore, the sweat glands begin to work in an enhanced mode, i.e. the mechanism of getting rid of excessive heat is triggered.

Cold sweat in a child, disturbing during sleep

Quite often, parents are worried about the cold sweat that emerges from the child during sleep. Does this mean that the baby is not all right with his health?

Causes of perspiration in a sleeping child

Cold sweat in a child during sleep can indicate both positive and negative factors. So, very often it is quite natural for a child to sweat while sleeping. Due to the secretion of sweat in both children and adults, thermoregulation of the body occurs. When the outside temperature rises, so does the human body temperature. As a result, sweat is released excessively, which then evaporates, and the skin cools at the same time. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that, thanks to sweat, human body gets rid of harmful toxins. For this reason, this process is considered natural and even beneficial.

Overheating can cause cold sweats during sleep. Sweat glands work almost from the very first day of a child's life. And after three weeks, the baby is already trying to react to changes in temperature, and he is sweating. But at this age, the sweat glands are very poorly developed, so the baby's body reacts violently to changes in temperature. Only by the age of 5 the body is rebuilt, at this time children are already preparing for a more adult and conscious life. Until this age, their bodies are very vulnerable to relatively hot climates (regardless of whether the temperature is high outside or indoors).

At high temperatures, thermoregulation of the child's body occurs, which is why, in fact, cold sweat is released. However, why does such a process occur in a dream, and not in the morning, when the baby is so active?

Of course, children sweat during wakefulness, but this is not so noticeable, since during this period energy is expended very quickly, and the evaporation of sweat occurs in a much different way. When the baby is asleep, the thermoregulation of his body continues. Since sleeping children are in a calm position, sweat does not evaporate at all and begins to accumulate under the child (this is especially noticeable in the head area).

In addition, sometimes the baby sweats a lot during sleep, as caring parents he is carefully wrapped or forced to wear warm pajamas. Sweating can be affected by a warm comforter or bedding made from synthetic fabrics, as it is unable to absorb the moisture that the human body produces.

In some cases, increased sweating can be a sign of a more serious condition. Sometimes this suggests that the child has an increased excitability of the nervous system. If the room is cool and not hot in the crumbs, increased sweating may mean that the baby's nervous system is unable to keep up with the rapid development of the child's body. For this reason, when developmental leaps occur, children sweat a lot during sleep. This also testifies to hyperexcitability, which can be affected by an active, active and noisy game.

Even minor emotional upheavals, experiences or impressions can affect the baby's condition, especially if they happened in the evening.

Therefore, parents need to ensure that the baby, before falling asleep, does not engage in active games and does not experience serious emotional upheavals.

Other possible causes

Sometimes cold sweats can be released when your baby has a cold. In this case, sweating increases. This symptom may indicate not only a cold, but also flu, rhinovirus ailments, pneumonia, adeno viral infection... Sweating is especially active not when coughing and sneezing, but at elevated temperatures. At the same time, the intensive process of sweating is also facilitated by the warm liquid, which, when sick, children drink in large quantities so that the body does not become dehydrated. Moreover, excretion of fluid through the skin helps in a speedy recovery.

Sometimes rickets becomes the cause of increased sweating during sleep. However, in this case, this symptom is considered indirect and indicates a lack of vitamin D in the baby's body. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, one should not immediately purchase expensive drugs and give them to the child, it is better to consult a specialist before treatment.

In addition, this symptom may be due to heart failure (as well as any diseases of the cardiovascular system). But more often with such an ailment, cold sweat appears during the day, shortness of breath occurs, hands freeze.

Cold sweat in a sleeping child makes itself felt when various violations the child's immunity, for example, with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal diseases... However, all these deviations are extremely rare, therefore, parents should not independently diagnose the baby. Better to go to the hospital where the therapist will prescribe general analyzes, and then, if necessary, will advise you to go to an endocrinologist, cardiologist or neurologist.

It is important to determine the cause of the child's increased sweating. Next, you should create the most comfortable environment for the baby during his sleep and wakefulness. It is necessary to take care of him and make sure that he has a quiet time, especially before bed. The room where the baby sleeps should be regularly ventilated. Thin pajamas made from natural materials should be worn. The same goes for bed linen. These simple rules will help you cope with the problem.

A child has a cold sweat in a dream: causes

When parents begin to notice that their baby is sweating a lot, this does not mean that in this way some pathological process reminds of itself. Sweating can be caused by external factors... An extra layer of clothing, increased air temperature, excitement - all this often leads to the fact that the baby's body is covered with sweat. With such a phenomenon, it is necessary to pay attention to other signs and if they are, be sure to contact a doctor.

What causes cold sweats?

A child's cold sweat is a reason to control the conditions in which he sleeps. If it's hot in the nursery, sweating may be inevitable. Sweating is sometimes observed after active play, it increases if the child is warmly dressed out of season. Breastfeeding babies sweat a lot at the time of feeding, since this process takes a lot of energy. All of these causes of sweat are not scary. If you neutralize them, sweating will disappear and your baby will feel comfortable.

It also happens that profuse sweating is a sign of a malfunction of the internal organs and systems in the baby's body.

If the parents are sure that the baby does not overheat and the optimal air temperature reigns in his room, but at the same time he continues to sweat in his sleep, this may be a symptom:

  • lack of vitamin D, which can cause a disease such as rickets;
  • lymphatic diathesis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • dysfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • VGSD;
  • allergies.

Sweating can be triggered by taking certain medications. Sometimes it will persist for several more days after the baby has recovered.

Sweating in infants

You shouldn't risk your child's health, it's better to play it safe

Babies are considered to be babies up to a year. Their thermoregulation is not easy to adapt to environmental conditions, so cold sweat usually occurs due to overheating.

Sometimes the cause of this condition can be a very soft bed or sleeping items made of synthetic materials. If the child is not overheated, sweating should not occur.

When sweating continues to appear, you need to show the baby to a doctor, since there is a risk that the baby has health problems. Grudnichkov also sweats because of psychoemotional disorders.

Allergy in a baby under one year old often manifests itself with profuse sweating at night. The occurrence of cold sweats in a child during sleep may be associated with teething.

Children under one year old can sweat while sucking on the mother's breast, which is explained by the fact that they put a lot of effort into this. It also happens that covering with sweat in a dream is a sign of rickets.

If a baby sweats up to a year due to pathological changes in the body, in addition to sweating, other symptoms may appear:

  • cough;
  • tearing;
  • skin rash;
  • temperature increase;
  • lack of appetite;
  • restless behavior, moodiness;
  • bad dream.

Sweating in school-aged children

Sometimes you have to take pills for hyperhidrosis

The situation with heat regulation in children stabilizes after a year, but sweating can be felt when they overheat.

If a child has a cold sweat, it may be accompanied by severe headaches. When there are pressure surges or pathologies of the nervous system are observed, vasospasm occurs.

Often at this age, the cause of sweating is considered negative reaction to take medications. In this case, you should go with the child to the doctor so that he finds an alternative to a particular medicine.

Children school age often experience stress and severe emotional stress, which leads to depression, when cold sweating is a natural phenomenon.

If cold sweat appears, it may indicate more serious reasons, therefore, in order to exclude them, it is necessary to consult with doctors.

Conditions that cause night sweats include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • hepatitis.

When do you need urgent help?

It also happens that cold sweat appears during anaphalactic shock. The child is disturbed by tinnitus, vomiting appears, the body becomes covered with urticaria.

If such symptoms made themselves felt, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible, since everything can be fatal.

Without emergency care not to do with acute vascular insufficiency. The patient's pulse quickens, chills, cold sweat appears on the forehead.


The doctor will tell you how to properly care for your baby's skin

What kind diagnostic measures required, depends on the general health of the child.

He may be assigned:

  • analysis for vitamin D;
  • blood test;
  • urine test;
  • glucose tolerance test;
  • Ultrasound of the brain and thyroid gland;
  • cardiogram.

Sweating during viral or infectious disease- a natural phenomenon. It can occur with acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia and the common cold.

For a disease such as pneumonia, an increase in temperature is not always characteristic, it also happens that it proceeds without any pronounced symptoms at all. The only thing that can remind of her is profuse sweating, dry cough, chest pain.

Asymptomatic pneumonia most often occurs in immunocompromised children when it is difficult for the body to fight the infection. Pathogenic microbes with blood flow are carried throughout the body and provoke pathological changes in the work of all organs.

Sweating in children can be a signal of serious illness

With ARVI and colds, the main symptom is cold sweat that occurs at night. Thus, the body tries to remove accumulated toxins. Severe sweating in a child with ARVI may indicate the presence of complications that have entailed the disease.

If, during a cold, the child took a large number means with an antipyretic effect, then after recovery, sweating may still occur, since the body temperature begins to gradually return to normal.

When antibiotics are taken and the temperature drops dramatically, cold sweats may come out. Such a phenomenon is considered normal, but provided that it is distributed evenly. Otherwise, you will need medical advice.


If the child sweats a lot during sleep, you should pay attention to this.

If parents notice that the baby is sweating at night and has a low temperature, first of all, they need to address the cause that led to this process. Treatment can be delayed if sweating is the result of complex diseases.

The doctor will draw up a therapy regimen and select funds that slow down the secretion of secretions at the cellular level and medications that affect the activity of the nervous system.

If health problems are found in the baby, it is imperative to consult with a neurologist.

In most cases, cold sweat is not caused by pathological malfunctions in the body. To eliminate it, it is enough to dress the baby for the weather, control the temperature in the children's room, and do not wrap up at night. As for children's clothes, all of them must be sewn from natural fabrics. The baby needs to be provided with comfortable conditions under which he will not experience any unpleasant sensations.

Have you ever tried to get rid of hyperhidrosis (stop sweating so much)? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course you know not by hearsay what it is:

  • constantly wet armpits
  • always wear only dark clothes
  • the smell that a seasoned loader will "envy"
  • never take off your shoes in public
  • full body print on bed in the morning
Now answer the question: does this suit you? Can you tolerate this kind of sweating? And how much money have you already "poured" on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end it! Do you agree? We conducted an investigation and it turned out that pharmacies are hiding the most effective antiperspirant drug ... simply because it is not profitable for them to treat people! Read the story >>

(6 assessments, the average: 5.00 out of 5)

Why does a child have a cold sweat - the reasons

The process of sweating in children is considered quite natural. If a child has a cold sweat, then it causes anxiety in the parents. Intense sweating can occur in absolutely any state of the baby, so you need to monitor him. Cold sweat - indicates the presence of a cold or an infectious disease. In babies similar symptoms can be provoked age-related changes.

Causes of cold sweats

Cold sweats are often caused by the natural physiological process of sweating. They can be found in serious illnesses, for example:

  • rickets;
  • pathology of the heart, blood vessels;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • colds provoked by viruses.

If the baby has cold sweat and cough, then this may indicate the presence of a viral infection and it is necessary to consult a doctor to diagnose the disease. Sometimes children sweat for no reason, and low body temperature is quite normal, due to the characteristics of the body.

Many complex and dangerous diseases provoke intense sweating, signaling the presence of violations of the activity of internal organs. If there is cold sweat and vomiting, then you need to call an ambulance, as this can lead to severe intoxication of the body.

Important! To understand why a child sweats, it is imperative to monitor his general condition.

To determine the presence of serious violations, it is worth considering symptoms such as:

  • during sweating, the smell of ammonia is felt;
  • does not sweat evenly;
  • low body temperature.

A similar condition can be observed during teething, as the baby is experiencing painful sensations... Dr. Komarovsky notes that if children have cold sweat and low temperature, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Sometimes a similar manifestation can be triggered by the presence of tuberculosis or increased intracranial pressure, so it is necessary to pass thorough examination.

Cold sweat while sleeping

Often, parents are worried about cold sweat during sleep, which occurs in a baby of any age. This phenomenon may indicate overheating. A baby can react to a change in temperature three weeks after birth. Sometimes increased sweating at night is considered a sign of serious disorders of the body.

If children have significant sweating during sleep, it often indicates an increased excitability of the nervous system. If the room temperature is normal, but the baby is sweating, it means that the baby's nervous system is not able to cope with the active development of the body. The emotional turmoil experienced, impressions or experiences received during the day can also affect the state of children.

Important! Parents need to ensure that the baby, before bedtime, does not play outdoor games and does not experience strong emotional shocks.

Cold sweats during and after illness

Many parents wonder what cold sweat means in a child and what causes it. Often, intense sweating is observed if the baby is sick. In particular, such a phenomenon can cause:

  • pneumonia;
  • ARVI;
  • cold.

Pneumonia is not always accompanied by fever, it can be completely asymptomatic. During illness, there is often a lot of sweating. It is also important to consider the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • malaise;
  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • dry cough.

Poor immunity leads to asymptomatic pneumonia, so the body cannot cope with the infection. Pathogens with the blood are carried throughout the body and cause disturbances in the activity of all organs.

One of the initial symptoms of colds and SARS is considered to be cold sweat, especially at night. During sweating, the body tries to get rid of the accumulated toxins. This means that the immune system is trying to fight off the infection. Profuse sweating with ARVI indicates the presence of complications provoked by the disease. If during a cold the baby was given a lot of antipyretic drugs, then after the illness there may be significant sweating, because the body temperature drops significantly.

A low temperature can be observed after antibiotics and then intense sweating occurs. If, during antibiotic treatment, the body temperature drops significantly, then you need to visit a doctor, and he will pick up another medication that does not cause a similar reaction in the body.

Cold sweat often occurs after the temperature, if it was very high. This is considered normal state if perspiration is even, otherwise you need to see a doctor.

Important! Excessive sweating indicates that not all pathogens were destroyed after treatment.

Cold sweat in babies: causes

Cold sweat in a child under one year old can be dangerous, because it indicates the presence of a number of disorders occurring in the body and the occurrence of dangerous diseases. Sometimes you need to show your baby an endocrinologist or neurologist, since profuse sweating is considered the cause of serious pathologies. You need to contact a neurologist if:

  • severe sweating occurs when the child is calm;
  • the baby flinches periodically;
  • baby accepts strong medicines;
  • to the touch, the discharge resembles a paste.

If the baby has disorders of the nervous system, then his head sweats a lot. However, such symptoms can signal the presence of endocrine system problems and cardiac dysfunction.

Excessive sweating can be observed in infants even after vaccination, because some vaccines provoke side effects. It is necessary to consult a doctor after vaccination when conditions such as:

  • cold sweat;
  • redness or pallor of the skin;
  • dyspnea.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, then a significant allergic reaction and serious disorders in the body may occur.

How is the treatment carried out?

If there is a problem heavy sweating, a low temperature in a child, many are wondering what to do and how to carry out treatment. During treatment, it is important to eliminate the cause that provoked profuse sweating. The treatment process may take long time, because such a manifestation can be triggered by the presence of complex diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus.

The doctor selects special medications for treatment. These are drugs that slow down the secretion at the cellular level and affect the work of the sweat glands, as well as take drugs that affect the functioning of the nervous system.

When treating infants, it is necessary to be examined by a neurologist and psychiatrist, and also to use a mild sedative.

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