Dog distemper. Viral disease - distemper in dogs: symptoms and treatment at home, how does it manifest, signs and is it transmitted to humans? Folk remedies for the plague

After treatment for distemper, the puppy developed weakness, heavy breathing, the dog refuses to eat, almost does not drink water. What to do?


Hello! Distemper (distemper of carnivores) is a dangerous disease, sometimes not without consequences. Unfortunately, the form of distemper is not indicated, several variants of the disease are known.

Varieties of distemper

Distemper (Carré disease) - systemic disease, affecting, as a rule, the entire body with a predominant violation of a certain system. Based on the foregoing, a number of variations of the disease are distinguished: intestinal, pulmonary, skin and nervous. Often (up to 90% of cases) there is a generalized distemper that combines several forms. Known atypical appearance, most dangerous variety disease leading to death.

With adequate mild treatment form - skin. The temperature rises slightly, blisters form on the skin, the formations burst and dry out, pus accumulates under the crusts.

Pulmonary distemper strikes first respiratory system. There is a dry cough, turning into a wet one, wheezing, discharge from the eyes and nose, hoarse breathing, diarrhea and vomiting are possible. Intestinal plague is manifested by diarrhea, vomiting with mucus, blood, dehydration, the animal is extremely weakened, periodically loses consciousness. The dog's appetite completely disappears, and a strong thirst remains. The color of the tooth enamel changes. The gastrointestinal variety is common, including symptoms of both varieties of the disease.

nervous form plague carnivores gives severe consequences and can act as a complication of another type of disease. Symptoms - convulsions, photophobia, excitability. Lesions persist after nerve plague nervous system: paralysis, epileptic seizures, mental changes. Pathology often ends in the death of the animal.

Consequences and complications

The effects often remain for life. Depending on the shape past illness are heavy and mediocre. As a rule, after the distemper, dogs remain chronic diseases digestive system, complications on the lungs, bronchi, heart after the pulmonary form, damage to the liver and pancreas, after the nervous - blindness, deafness, paralysis. Complications of the intestinal form - chronic colitis, enteritis. AT oral cavity neoplasms appear, including teeth, darkening of the enamel persists. Sometimes, after a seemingly complete recovery, the animal falls ill again, and with severe nervous plague. This happens when the virus is not destroyed, but continues to develop into nerve cells.

There are cases when an animal becomes additionally infected with other diseases, the body is weakened during the plague. Dangerous diseases are possible: encephalitis, meningitis.

As for the specific pet, it is believed that the puppy has a digestive disorder, possibly enteritis, and digestion is impaired nutrients from food. There is a chance that the untreated virus is activated, the first three to four weeks after recovery, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the pet. At this time, the immunity of animals is weakened, any load, stress leads to a recurrence of the disease. At the first sign of deterioration in the puppy's well-being, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible! If the recovery goes well, the dog develops lifelong immunity to illness. In the future, it is still recommended to vaccinate the dog against distemper.

Distemper in puppies

The described puppy was lucky - for kids, dog distemper is dangerous, often leads to death, especially lightning-fast, proceeding quickly and asymptomatically. The Carré virus is extremely dangerous for unvaccinated puppies at the age of 1 - 1.5 months, the dogs die as a result. At a later age, if the puppy was born from a vaccinated mother and received a vaccine, and the immune system is not weakened, the outcome of the disease is expected to be favorable. In puppies, unlike adult animals, canine distemper rarely becomes chronic.

Treatment of the effects of distemper

Be sure to take your puppy to the vet. It's hard to give advice without seeing the animal. The doctor is able to see the symptoms missed by the owners and prescribe adequate treatment. An examination of the internal organs (stomach, intestines, gallbladder, liver) is shown in order to accurately establish the cause of the symptoms described.

For the treatment of complications digestive system a sparing diet consisting of nutrients easily digestible products: minced meat, finely chopped meat, rice broth, beef liver, cottage cheese, meat broth, eggs and milk. With insufficient production of enzymes, dogs are given natural or artificial before feeding. gastric juice. Now it is required to provide the animal with peace and lack of stress so that the virus does not activate during the period when the immune system weakened.

If you went to the veterinarian, most likely, the diagnosis was made correctly. It is worth saying that at certain stages, dog distemper shows symptoms similar to other dangerous diseases, for example, parvovirus enteritis. It happens, simultaneously with the plague or after recovery develops viral hepatitis. Complications after distemper can be caused by pathogens that have entered a weakened body. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

Distemper in dogs (canine distemper, Carré disease)- a dangerous contagious infectious disease that occurs in hyperacute (fulminant), acute, under acute form. It is characterized by a disturbance in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous disorders, fever, profuse diarrhea, acute catarrh of the mucous membranes, conjunctivitis, and skin exanthema. Plague is one of the most dangerous, insidious, ubiquitous viral disease. In addition to dogs, distemper affects predatory animals (foxes, wolves, raccoons), fur-bearing animals.

Distemper is especially dangerous for young unvaccinated dogs aged from two months to a year, small puppies with unformed immunity. In veterinary medicine, the following dog breeds are most susceptible to canine distemper: german shepherds, huskies, staff terriers, Chinese crested, bull terriers, Pekingese, lapdogs, pugs, collies. Terriers and mongrel dogs show resistance to distemper. But it must be borne in mind that the breed predisposition and susceptibility are still scientific facts not proven. The disease does not have seasonal manifestations, so dogs can get sick with distemper at any time of the year.

Etiology, pathogenesis, causative agent of distemper

Distemper in dogs is caused by an RNA virus from the paramyxovirus family. The virus is resistant to factors external influence, sunlight, UV, negative temperature conditions. At minus 15-20 degrees, it remains active in animal corpses for up to six to seven months. The virus is resistant to some disinfectants.

In external environment distemper virus enters with faeces, urine, nasal discharge, feces, which are excreted by recovered, infected individuals in which the disease proceeds in latent form without showing any clinical signs. Recovered dogs shed the distemper virus in environment within 75-90 days. Virus carriers are all types of wild animals.

Infection occurs through direct direct and indirect contact of infected individuals with healthy individuals, through general subjects household items, inventory, bowls, collars, dog ammunition, combs. bedding. Infection occurs by airborne, alimentary route when dogs consume food and water contaminated with viruses.

The introduction of viruses into the body occurs through the mucous, submandibular, bronchial lymph nodes, where it multiplies. From bodies lymphatic system the virus with blood and lymph flow spreads to the vital important bodies. The organs of the respiratory, circulatory, immune, endocrine, and nervous systems are affected.

Symptoms of distemper in dogs

Distemper of dogs can occur against the background of other infectious viral diseases - adenovirus, coronovirus infection, parvovirus enteritis. The intensity of the manifestation of plague depends on the resistance of the organism, the degree of virulence (pathogenicity), the strain of the virus, the presence / absence of secondary infections, the presence in the body of pathogenic factors, microorganisms, physiological features organism, disease stage. The incubation period, from the moment the pathogenic bacteria enters the body until the first symptoms appear, lasts from three to five days to two to three months.

Distemper in dogs proceeds at lightning speed, in acute, subacute, typical, atypical forms. Less commonly noted chronic course. Depending on the diagnosed clinical picture distinguish between intestinal, respiratory, cutaneous, nervous, abortive form. In dogs, in 80-96% of cases, a generalized form is diagnosed that combines clinical manifestations all forms.

In adult dogs with a strong, formed immunity, distemper is manifested by fever, depression general condition, lethargy, apathy, change in behavior. The disease lasts from three to six days, ends with recovery.

Clinical picture of canine distemper:

    temperature rise to 41-42 degrees;

    intoxication of the body;

    purulent discharge grey-green from the eyes, nose, ears, mucopurulent exudate accumulates in the corners of the eyes;

    refusal to eat, anorexia, a sharp decline body weight;

    intense thirst;

    warm, dry nose, the appearance of crusts on the nose, an unpleasant smell from the ears;

    bouts of vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;

    dryness, thickening, callosity of the skin;

    changes in the behavior of the dog - lethargy, apathy, fear of light;

    cough, rhinitis, shortness of breath, shortness of breath;

    thickening of the pads on the paws of the dog.

If exotoxins affect the brain, a nervous form of plague develops, which can lead to irreversible consequences, serious damage to the central nervous system. In addition to the above described signs, there is a violation of coordination of movement, muscle spasms, convulsions, paralysis, unsteady gait, decrease / increase in skin sensitivity, tonic convulsions, myelitis, paralysis of internal sphincters. Epileptic seizures are possible. With the development of meningoencephalitis, purulent lesions meninges the animal dies. The nervous form of distemper in most cases has an unfavorable prognosis.

In the intestinal form of distemper in dogs, a violation in the functioning of the digestive tract, debilitating vomiting, profuse diarrhea, hypersalivation, disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, liver (hepatitis), and intoxication are noted. Infected animals refuse to feed, the temperature is consistently high, and gastroenteritis develops. With distemper, in contrast to enteritis, the dog is happy to drink water in large quantities.

When diagnosing the respiratory, pulmonary form in sick dogs, cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, rhinitis, severe nasal discharge, crusts on the nose, uveitis, photophobia, otitis externa. Dogs constantly rub their muzzle with their paws, sneeze. The temperature has risen. On the initial stages the inflammation is catarrhal. With a protracted course of the disease, the upper respiratory tract is involved in inflammation, bronchopneumonia develops.

Most mild form distemper in dogs is cutaneous (exanthematous), in which on the peritoneum, inner surface hips, near the tail, on auricles ah appears papular-pustular small rash. Bubbles filled with clear liquid, purulent exudate eventually burst, dry up, and in their place brown, brown hard crusts form. An unpleasant sound is clearly audible from the ears. sour smell. Note the swelling of the paws, individual parts of the epidermis.

In dogs that have had distemper (convalescent animals), lifelong immunity is established. But it is possible that during the life of such animals hyperkeratosis, structural disturbance, darkening of tooth enamel, dyspeptic symptoms, hypersensitivity to chemical reagents, biological factors are noted.

The most difficult to diagnose is the atypical stage of canine distemper. There are no outward clinical signs. Perhaps a slight increase in temperature by one, half a degree. They note increased gluttony, which is replaced by a complete rejection of food, favorite treats. Two weeks later, symptoms characteristic of the nervous form (convulsions, convulsions, drastic changes in behaviour). The death of dogs occurs on the 28-30th day.

Diagnosis of distemper in dogs

The veterinary specialist establishes the diagnosis on the basis of the obtained epizootological data for the region, visible characteristic clinical signs. Spend differential diagnosis, a number of biochemical, laboratory, hematological analyzes and studies. For diagnostics use:

    neutralization reaction;


    reaction of indirect hemagglutenation;

    bioassays for animal susceptibility.

Treatment of distemper in dogs

Therapeutic measures, the treatment regimen should be prescribed only by a veterinarian based on the diagnostic results obtained. Self-medication can lead to disastrous consequences and cost your pet's life. The sooner the treatment is prescribed, the greater the likelihood of a complete recovery of the dog.

The choice of treatment methods veterinarians prescribe individually, in each case. Treatment is aimed at stopping the main symptoms, maintaining immunity, restoring the functioning of organs and body systems. Comprehensive treatment depends entirely on the stage, intensity of the course of symptoms, and the form of the disease.

With a lightning-fast, hyperacute form of the plague, the prognosis is unfavorable, often ending in death. With combined forms, a clear manifestation of symptoms - unfavorable, cautious. In all other cases, with timely access to a veterinary clinic, correctly prescribed treatment, it is favorable.

For the treatment of distemper in dogs, depending on the pathogenesis, intensity, degree of manifestation of symptoms, dogs are prescribed antibiotic therapy, etiotropic, substitution, pathogenetic therapy, physiotherapeutic methods, symptomatic medical techniques. On an individual basis, animals are prescribed specific medical preparations, the action of which is aimed at the destruction of pathogenic agents in the body. Monovalent, polyvalent hyperimmune sera are used for treatment and prevention.

Symptomatic treatment of distemper is aimed at stopping the symptoms of the underlying disease, secondary diseases. In the first days after infection, antihistamine medications are effective for desensitizing the body. Sick dogs are also prescribed antipyretic, antiviral, sedative, astringent, analgesics, sulfonamides, vitamin-mineral complexes, general and local impact, nitrofuran derivatives, expectorants, hepatoprotectors. For the treatment of the respiratory form, injections are used, inhalations, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids are not used to treat canine distemper.

For normalization metabolic process, elimination of signs of intoxication, water-salt, nutrient solutions (Ringer's solution), homeopathy, physiotherapy are used. Animals are prescribed a specially designed therapeutic diet, dietary nutrition, proteolytic enzymes that support professional prepared feed"premium", "elite" class.

Distemper prevention

Keep your pet safe from dangerous infectious diseases timely vaccination will help. For these purposes, complex or monovaccines are used. The first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 1.5 months. Subsequently, as a preventive measure, animals are vaccinated annually.

Dog breeders should carefully monitor the condition of their pets, pay attention to hygiene procedures, adhere to the vaccination scheme established by the veterinarian, create for the dog optimal conditions content, choose the right balanced, nutritious diet. To strengthen the immune system, mineral and vitamin supplements are introduced into the diet of pets. On walks, it is worth limiting the contact of the dog with street animals.

Veterinarian, surgeon, Yanchishina Natalya Gennadievna.

Veterinary clinic on Samokatnaya - "Junior LDC".

Distemper in dogs - a viral disease resistant to the action of various physico-chemical factors. At a temperature of minus 24 degrees, the canine distemper virus retains its ability to spread for 5 years. Heat on the contrary, it “disarms” the distemper virus, at 60 degrees it loses its ability to infect after 30 minutes, at 38 degrees it dies after 14 days.

The use of 2% sodium hydroxide solution is detrimental to the distemper of dogs, the activity disappears within 1 hour. 1% formaldehyde solution or Demp's solution kill the virus within 3 hours.

Distemper virus infection is especially likely in young age dogs from 3 to 12 months. This is due to the fact that the young body of the dog is weakened due to the change of teeth, the intensive growth of the body. Often, infection with the virus is associated with poor care of the dog. It is extremely rare for puppies that suckle their mother's milk to become infected; together with milk, antibodies enter the body that protect them from the virus. When it comes to the distemper virus, there is no specificity among breeds - any dog ​​can get sick with distemper. Most dogs get sick in spring or autumn when the weather is bad. The sources of distemper are infected dogs (sick or in which the virus is in the incubation period). Infection with plague occurs through direct contact with a sick animal, with dog care items. Animals, humans, birds, and even insects can be carriers of the virus. A dog cured of distemper retains the ability to infect other animals for 2-3 months.

Distemper in dogs, symptoms. The incubation period for an infected dog is 2-3 weeks. At this time, the distemper is almost imperceptible. Forms of the disease: hyperacute, acute, chronic, typical and atypical and fulminant (in this case, the dog dies instantly without showing any symptoms of the disease).

Symptoms may be severe or mild:

  • The body temperature rises by 1-3 degrees. However, puppies may not have a fever before the crescent;
  • With the hyperacute form of distemper, the body temperature rises sharply, the dog refuses to eat, then falls into a coma and the dog dies (the disease lasts 2-3 days);
  • In the acute form, the disease lasts 2-4 weeks. The dog is in a fever, the body temperature stays at 39.5 - 41 degrees for 10-15 days, sometimes after 2-3 days it drops;
  • Depressed state;
  • Reflexes disappear;
  • Chills;
  • The dog tries to hide in a quiet dark place, does not respond;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • Sometimes there is vomiting;
  • Often the skin in the nose cracks and becomes covered with crusts.
  • The distemper virus infects various organs.

    When the lungs are infected respiratory tract distemper observed:

  • Discharge of pus from eyes and nose. Pus blocks the nasal passages, thereby making it difficult to breathe, sniffling appears;
  • Inflammation of the tonsils, cough and diarrhea appear;
  • Further increase in body temperature of the dog.
  • For intestinal infection:

  • Frequent fainting;
  • Complete loss of appetite;
  • Thirst;
  • severe diarrhea yellow color With bad smell, sometimes visible blood clots, undigested food particles. After a while, the feces may be brown;
  • White coating on the mucous membrane of the tongue;
  • During the period of changing teeth, spots, warts and indentations appear on the enamel, they remain with the dog for life.
  • For skin infection with distemper:

  • On non-covered hairline blisters appear in areas of the skin;
  • Body temperature is usually normal or hardly noticeable;
  • The general condition of the dog is also normal.
  • Skin infection with plague indicates a mild form of the disease and often goes unnoticed.

    With the nervous form of distemper in dogs, the following symptoms appear:

  • An increase in the body temperature of the dog;
  • Normal appetite;
  • Irritability, aggressiveness;
  • Convulsive contractions of muscles, reduces muscles (neck);
  • Sometimes lameness, paralysis of the limbs. In some cases (progression of paralysis of the limbs), the heart or respiratory muscles may be paralyzed, which inevitably leads to the death of the dog;
  • The appearance of epileptic seizures, as a rule, leads to death.
  • Symptoms can last up to several months, sometimes remain in a weakened form for life.

    The nervous form of distemper develops towards the end of the disease (at the beginning of 4 weeks). Often the first symptoms appear after the dog seems to have recovered.

    One form of distemper is hardening of the fingertips. It can combine all of the above forms of infection. At the same time, the temperature can remain normal, but there are signs of nervous and pulmonary infection, intestinal disorders. When the dog runs, clattering sounds are heard.

    Acute form of distemper can become chronic, lasting 3-4 months.

  • There are both diarrhea and constipation;
  • The dog is exhausted (this can be seen by eye);
  • Lack or moodiness of appetite;
  • Unhealthy hairline;
  • Dried scabs in the corners of the eyes.
  • In such a case, the disease is almost always fatal.

    Distemper in dogs, treatment.

    Distemper treatment is complex. To date, there is not a single drug against distemper that has a virocidal property, so the treatment consists in maintaining the general tone of the body and preventing bacterial activity.

    For any form of distemper, treatment consists of administering solutions to sick dogs:

  • 40% urotropine 2 ml,
  • 10% gluconta-calcium 2 ml,
  • 40% glucose 4 ml,
  • isotonic sodium chloride 7 ml,
  • 1% diphenhydramine 1ml,
  • 5% ascorbic acid 4 ml.
  • The solution is prepared sterile, administered every day or every other day intravenously. The course is 10 injections.

    To prevent paresis:

  • 0.05% prozerin 1 ml subcutaneously for 10 days or more.
  • With deep paresis:

  • 1% solution of strychnine in therapeutic doses
  • To reduce skeletal muscle tone:

  • mydocalm 1-2 ml, or 0.5-0.75 tablets 2-3 times a day.
  • To reduce intracranial pressure:

  • intramuscularly 25% magnesium sulfate solution 1-5 ml for 7 days,
  • furosemide 0.5-1 tablet 2 times a week.
  • Dogs affected by the central nervous system. very difficult to treat. Paroccipital blockade is used. At strong arousal the dog is injected with a 2.5% solution of chlorpromazine intramuscularly or sodium barbital is given.

    To reduce agitation in dogs are used in the form of powders of phenobarbital, benzonal, glutamine and folic acid. The course lasts 3 weeks. At the same time, a 1% solution of novocaine is injected subcutaneously, 0.5 ml per kilogram of dog weight for 10 days.

    For epileptic seizures in dogs prescribe finlipsin, pagluferal-2 for 6 weeks in doses depending on the degree of damage and the weight of the dog.

    If there is a second bacterial infection antibiotics of the tetracycline series, levomycetin, norsulfazol, streptomycin, clofaran, kefzol and gentamicin are prescribed.

    Specific Therapy consists in the use of sera obtained from convalescent dogs or hyperimmune horses.

    With distemper justified strengthening of the dog's immune system. various immunomodulators and immunostimulants are used.

    For the purpose of prevention prescribe various cardiac drugs: sulfocamphocaine, co-carboxylase.

    In the treatment of dogs infected with the distemper virus, it is necessary to use a complex of vitamins group B (B1, B6 and B12) in combination with pantatene and nicotinamide. A 4-5 month old dog is given 10-15 injections of each vitamin subcutaneously or intravenously mixed with maintenance solutions.

    In extremely severe cases introduce intravenous solutions drip in Ringer's solution in the amount of 250 ml.

    Distemper dog diet extremely important:

  • finely chopped meat or minced meat;
  • raw egg 2 times a week;
  • cottage cheese, kefir.
  • The diet must also be observed for some time after recovery.

    A decoction of motherwort has a beneficial effect on slowing down the development of the disease and preventing the transition to the nervous form of distemper.

    Distemper in dogs, prevention.

    Vaccination - applied domestic vaccines: KF-668, vacuum and EPM; and imported polyvalent vaccines: Hexodog, Pentodog, Vanguard, Kanvak and others. best method vaccination of dogs against the distemper virus consists in the use of a high-quality imported vaccine with the use of a domestic one after 2 weeks. Puppies are vaccinated at 2-3 months, at 6 months, at 1 year and then 1 time per year, followed by a 2-week quarantine. Before vaccination, dogs are dewormed and their body temperature is measured.

    General prevention consists in vaccinating the dog no later than 1 month before the appearance at exhibitions or other places of mass accumulation of animals.

    In our hotel for animals, an infected dog is excluded. Before accepting a new guest, he undergoes a complete examination, and during the stay at the hotel, the health of dogs is constantly monitored by employees. In addition, we regularly treat and clean the enclosures with a 2% solution of formalin, sodium hydroxide, and chloramine. We don't have any rodents or any insects. We recommend such measures to be applied to animal kennels and just dog owners.

    This article is protected by copyright law. Copying or using its materials is allowed only if its author, the name of the clinic and a direct link to our website are indicated (without noindex, nofollow).

    Canine distemper is caused by a virus that is persistent in the environment. The virus is isolated through the saliva, feces and blood of a sick animal. A pet can become infected with plague not only through direct contact with a sick dog, but also through the owner’s shoes or clothes, when visiting a veterinary clinic.

    Description of the disease

    Plague of carnivores most often diagnosed in puppies from three months and young dogs. Up to three months, puppies are protected by maternal antibodies, so it is important not to interrupt the lactation period early. may not always protect the animal, especially if the rules for storing and transporting the vaccine are not followed.

    The plague virus can infect any organs, secrete:

    • intestinal shape characterized by damage to the stomach and intestines;
    • Pulmonary form- with symptoms respiratory infection, bronchopneumonia;
    • nervous form- with meningitis, meningoencephalitis, lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system.

    Intestinal and pulmonary forms are often accompanied skin manifestations: pustular rash, keratosis of the nasal planum and paw pads. Often there are combined forms of plague, and the nervous form is diagnosed, as a rule, at the final stage of the development of the disease.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Distemper infection in dogs most often results in first signs after seven days, but the virus can manifest itself in a month. There are cases of asymptomatic distemper, in this case the virus is actively released into the external environment, and the dog looks healthy.

    The first symptoms of the plague can be considered an increase, chills (while the nose is most often cold, not hot, as is commonly believed), sharp deterioration well-being. Animal refuses to eat or eats very reluctantly, moves a little, does not play. The look is sad, yellowish discharge appears from the eyes, and the coat becomes dull and disheveled. Puppies lose weight very quickly.

    The next stage may come in a few hours or days, it is accompanied by a runny nose, and the dog rubs his nose with his paws, trying to get rid of the crusts. Coughing, wheezing may join, the animal is breathing heavily, clogged in dark places. In case of damage to the stomach or intestines common symptom is, first profuse, then with an admixture of blood. The dog quickly weakens, walks, swaying, stumbling.

    The nervous form of the plague and next stage diseases appear intermittently spasms of the cervical muscles, their tension, twitching of the head. Paralysis and paresis of any muscle groups may appear. With an increase in symptoms, the dog dies, falling into a coma.

    Consequences of the disease

    Plague can be divided into acute, abortive, chronic and subacute stages. The fulminant course of the disease leads to the death of the dog from rapidly growing symptoms during the day. Most often lightning form found in puppies and debilitated dogs.

    The acute form lasts two to three days, after which either death occurs, or the disease recedes. The subacute course of the disease lasts a week or ten days, in most cases ends with the recovery of the pet, but if complications arise, the dog may die.

    Chronic plague not typical for domestic dogs, is very rare and is observed only in the nervous form. Often in older dogs with epileptic seizures comes to light chronic form plague.

    The abortive form of the disease does not require treatment, and ends full recovery in a few days. clear signs and there are no symptoms, except for a slight malaise.

    A strong, robust animal can carry the plague without consequences, but the disease in puppies at the age of changing teeth leads to darkening and gradual destruction of the enamel. Damage to the stomach and intestines are treated for a very long time, their functions are restored slowly, during life there may be relapses.

    Most serious complications leaves a nervous form plague: paresis and paralysis, disorders normal functioning areas of the brain can lead to lameness, deafness or blindness, the animal may remain paralyzed.

    Plague must be treated, since in almost any form and nature of the course of the disease, without drug therapy the dog dies. Only a small percentage of pets survive.


    How to treat

    At the first sign of illness, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian so that he can diagnose the disease. Because clinical symptoms plague may be similar to other dangerous diseases, then to set accurate diagnosis analysis for the content of viruses in the blood is necessary or animal feces.

    It is advisable to contact the clinic, where there is equipment for analysis. Confirmed with laboratory research the plague is necessary treat with massive drug therapy and administration of immunological serum.

    At home, the treatment of distemper in dogs can be done only with prescribed medical appointments and the possibility of self-staging droppers and intramuscular injections. This is especially important when severe forms diseases accompanied by severe intoxication.

    Only a person who has medical education and extensive experience in the treatment of this disease. No folk remedies, alcohol or vodka, cannot help in the treatment of this disease. It is important to urgently contact a good clinic at the first symptoms of the disease!

    Quarantine needed throughout the course of the disease, the dog is isolated in a separate room. If there are still dogs in the house, then the probability of their infection remains very high.


    dietary feeding required for any form of plague. If struck gastrointestinal tract, then necessary substances dog gets out intravenous infusions, since the inflamed intestinal lining is not able to absorb trace elements and vitamins. The cup of water is removed.

    The dog is fed herbal infusions and sorbents to reduce inflammation and reduce intoxication. At frequent vomiting water or herbal decoction give a tablespoon every half hour. good effect gives raw chicken protein, liquid rice water, a decoction of herb burnet. After the normalization of the stool, you can introduce meat and vegetable broths, boiled meat into the diet.

    Dietary feeding is also necessary for pneumonic plague. If there are no signs of intestinal damage, and the course of the disease is not accompanied by vomiting, the dog fed easily digestible food: meat broth, raw and boiled beef, cottage cheese. Dairy products should not be given, as they contribute to the formation of mucus.

    Nervous plague usually proceeds severely, in the absence of convulsions, the dog can be fed with light protein food, vitamin complexes are administered intramuscularly or intravenously to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.

    Disease prevention

    Plague of carnivores has no other method of prevention than vaccination. Even complete isolation of the pet will not be successful, as he can get infected through the air. All dogs that have reached the age of two months are vaccinated against distemper with a complex vaccine, which includes a strain of the distemper virus. The vaccination is given twice, with an interval of three weeks. After the second vaccination, it is necessary to endure quarantine for two weeks, while a tense, stable immunity is formed.

    Some breeders recommend booster immunization at seven months of age, followed by a follow up vaccination at one year of age. Many consider an interim vaccination at seven months of age to be superfluous, and recommend repeated annual vaccinations. Old or sick dogs are not vaccinated.


    Quite often, dogs that have been ill with distemper and recovered safely return to the clinic in a month. serious condition and with signs of nervous plague. This is not a re-infection, as the animal acquires lifelong immunity, but further development virus in nerve cells. It is the period of three to four weeks that is considered the most dangerous for the animal, since with any load on the body, the immune system fails, and the virus is activated. How to prevent the development of the nervous form of the plague, what methods exist to prevent the virus from multiplying in nerve cells?

    Distemper is one of the most dangerous diseases that can threaten a dog. By learning more about how to keep your dog safe from infection, you can keep your dog healthy for years to come.

    This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

    Are you over 18 already?

    at home

    Plague at

    Vaccine against

    How many days exactly the pet is sick during the period of infection and treatment, as well as what consequences this viral disease can have, is rather difficult to say. The main questions here are: do pets survive without vaccination, how to prevent and treat this dangerous disease?

    Types (forms) of distemper in dogs: the course of the disease and its features

    How to process the booth or where to walk the dog? These questions cannot be called paramount. The incubation period of infection with a virus (a group of paramyxoviruses) averages 40 days. For this reason, it is difficult to determine the time and source of infection. On the other hand, knowledge of the first signs of infection, depending on the type (form) of distemper, will make it possible to take prompt measures to treat the animal.

    There are only 5 forms of distemper in dogs

    Intestinal distemper manifests itself in regurgitation of mucus and diarrhea. because of a large number excretion of the first dog begins to spit it up. At first, the fluid excreted from the body will be transparent with yellowish color, over time, blood clots may appear in it. In parallel with this symptom, signs of tonsillitis (tonsillitis) will appear. As for diarrhea, already during incubation period not only the consistency of the stool will change, but there will also be blood clots and mucus, an unpleasant (putrefactive) smell.

    The cutaneous form of the disease is less common, but its symptoms can be recognized almost immediately. You can become infected through direct contact with an infected animal, its personal belongings and food. In the area of ​​​​the mouth and nose, hips and auricles, characteristic formations of red color appear. Inside them, clots of pus or secretion may form, which later burst. Wounds with crusts appear at the site of formation brown. Another and difficult to diagnose symptom of the disease is hyperkeratosis - the appearance of seals in the joints.

    The pulmonary form of distemper for a dog is extremely difficult. The virus causes inflammation of the lungs, which makes it difficult to breathe and the temperature rises. You can diagnose the disease yourself if you notice purulent discharge from the nostrils and inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis, keratitis) in a dog. Over time, the animal becomes weak, refuses to eat, convulsions are possible.

    The first and main symptom of nervous distemper is a tic. In the dog on the muzzle, in the area of ​​the peritoneum and on the paws, involuntary twitches and muscle contractions are clearly visible. A closer look at the pet, you can notice a slight lack of coordination of movements, anxiety and arousal. Over time, seizures may occur. The nervous form is dangerous for the development of paralysis, the consequences of which remain even after recovery - paw dragging, involuntary contraction sphincter or rectum.

    The mixed form can have all of the above symptoms, which is a big problem for diagnosing the disease.

    Distemper in dogs - common symptoms

    Apart from specific symptoms for each form of disease, there are common features infections. Knowing how distemper manifests can save your dog's life.

    The total incubation period is more than a month, so the first days of infection occur without any significant changes in the behavior of the animal. The first signs that may indicate distemper are lethargy, depression, loss of appetite, or complete failure from food.

    The next sign may be redness of the eyes. The manifestation of such a symptom may indicate the form of the distemper, but only a specialist will tell how to determine it exactly. You can only observe how the disease manifests itself in other signs and urgently contact a veterinary clinic.

    How does infection begin if the above symptoms were not present? The first symptoms of a mild course of distemper are also fever and photophobia. Increasing the dog's body temperature to almost 40 degrees for more than three days will help to understand how to recognize other manifestations of the virus. The animal will huddle in a small space, avoid people and even make characteristic moans. In these cases, it is recommended to take a blood test as soon as possible to confirm / refute a possible diagnosis.

    What other signs of infection can there be? All owners know what their pet looks like in the usual conditions. Sometimes symptoms in an adult dog show up with ruffled hair and constant restlessness. To understand whether this is a disease or not, one can only observe how her day goes or whether a stressful state disappears over time.

    Distemper and home treatment

    After the first signs of distemper appear, the dog must be urgently hospitalized or called to the veterinarian's house. After confirmation of the diagnosis, care is provided at home or in a veterinary clinic, depending on the form of the disease.

    How to treat distemper at home? To understand how to cure a dog, the recommendations of a doctor will help. They must be strictly followed. You should not use folk remedies, because of them the condition of the animal may worsen and the doctor will not know what to do in such a situation.

    If a dog is sick, it needs to be complex treatment and provide peace. For this purpose, a diet is prescribed, vitamin complex and special preparations that will maintain the tone of the body.

    Can a dog be cured with a single injection? No, there is no such drug. The same can be answered the questions: is the distemper treated with herbs and is the treatment with vodka effective? If you want to know how to save your pet, then be sure to ask what medicine or serum is administered to the dog and at what time, is it worth storing the drug in the refrigerator and where to put it after opening? What food can antibiotics be combined with and where to inject?

    Distemper in dogs: is it transmitted to humans?

    Can a person get distemper from a dog? Is this disease dangerous for the host? These are normal questions that immediately arise in the owners of an infected animal.

    Experts say that people should not think about whether this disease is contagious to them. Distemper is not transmitted to humans from dogs. The same can be said about whether this virus is transmitted to the cat. Is feline distemper transmitted to humans? The answer is the same. Your pets need your care and do not pose a threat if they become infected.

    Distemper vaccine for dogs

    Can a dog become infected again after recovery and how to prevent infection with distemper from an early age? A second infection with the virus is excluded, since the dog is already producing the necessary antibodies, but you should not rely on good health pet. Also in early childhood he should be vaccinated against distemper for dogs - this is the most effective remedy fight the disease.

    Can adult dog get sick? There is almost 100% certainty that even a healthy adult animal will fall victim to this virus.

    Can a vaccinated dog get sick? Complete protection from distemper does not exist, however, even after infection, the owners may not notice the symptoms of the disease. They will proceed almost painlessly for the dog.

    Vaccination is carried out in early age when the puppy is not yet 3 months old. After the first injection, quarantine must be observed for at least 2 weeks. Complications after vaccination are possible in cases where the injection was made to an incompletely healthy animal or if contact with the virus occurred during quarantine.

    How can a puppy get infected during quarantine? The virus can be brought into the house on clothes or shoes if there has been contact with an infected animal, its belongings or feces.

    When should a dog be vaccinated after the first year of life? adult systematic vaccination is required once a year - these terms must be observed. Diarrhea, refusal to eat, or lethargy may occur after the injection, but these symptoms will resolve within one to three days. Without regular vaccination, the risk of death from the disease is very high.

    You can also give distemper injections at home, but then your dog's passport will not have a corresponding note about the procedure. If it is not possible to vaccinate in a veterinary clinic, consult a specialist where the injection is given and which drug should be chosen for this purpose.
