What planet does Virgo and Gemini have? General astrology, zodiac signs Absalom underwater

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of trade and the messenger with winged sandals. The planet of Gemini and Virgo endows representatives of these signs with curiosity and interest in everything new. However, representatives of these signs are literally different, like Earth and Sky.

Mercury represents logical intelligence, sociability, information, communication and speech.

Planet of Gemini and Virgo Mercury

Mercury symbolizes study, education, lecture and literary activities, oratory. Mercurians are friendly, sociable, cheerful people. They are inquisitive and open, active and full of enthusiasm, forever young at heart. They are characterized by innate literacy.

Characteristics of Gemini

It is interesting to observe the constant changes that occur in Gemini under the influence of Mercury. Their movement in space occurs completely suddenly. Geminis change their clothes, jobs, loves and locations as quickly as they change their decisions, and this sometimes happens instantly.

Most Geminis speak quickly and are always very impatient listeners. Both men and women of this sign quickly grasp what they hear, and begin to feel burdened by slow conversations with slow-witted people or with people who cannot clearly formulate their point of view on the issue under discussion. Gemini always knows what he thinks about this or that matter, according to at least, at this moment.

Geminis usually make contact easily, they are very welcoming and friendly, and are distinguished by unusually fast, but extremely graceful movements. They have a sharp tongue and will easily drive you into a dead end in an argument. In general, they are much smarter than other zodiac signs. Gemini can do two things at once, putting much less effort into it than the other sign spends on doing one thing. If you keep Gemini busy with some monotonous work, they will begin to feel unhappy. They always protest against difficult and monotonous work.

They are usually not punctual. Most often, Geminis arrive everywhere late, not because they cannot calculate the time, but simply because something interesting caught their attention along the way, as a result of which they can get distracted. The restless spirit of Mercury, the planet of the Zodiac sign Gemini, pushes them to constant change and encourages their constant liveliness. If they do not have the opportunity to realize these inclinations, then they become gloomy and gloomy, and sometimes even become depressed.

Dreamy and impatient Geminis always strive to find their ideal. And it can be anything because their imagination is limitless. Money, fame, prosperity, love and career - all this is not enough. Mercury carries them along, beckoning them higher and higher, always promising something that will be a little better.

Geminis are endowed with many talents. They can always be recognized by their shining eyes. They are distinguished by a great sense of humor, tact, great diplomacy and resourcefulness. They quickly abandon the old for the unknown new. And then they regret that it all ended so quickly.

Although there are always a lot of people around them, they share their most intimate experiences with their only constant companion - with their soulmate. With incredible charm, Gemini can lure even a bird from its nest, but due to the restless mind guided by Mercury, they may miss the blue bird of happiness that may be sadly waiting in the backyard of their own home.


Amazing versatility and the ability to speak well allow them to become amazing politicians, not to mention the fact that they have no equal in the field of human relationships. Gemini knows how to talk you out of doing what aligns with your deepest beliefs. They can literally twist ropes out of you with the help of their intellectual techniques; it costs them nothing to ensure that you eventually agree with them, and besides, you will thank them for what they have done for you. But if something goes wrong, they will instinctively sense where your weak spot is and are able to use their quick mind and tongue to play on it.

Geminis have a rather strange relationship with written language. Surprisingly, they hate responding in writing to incoming correspondence. The fact is that Mercurians do not want to be taken at their word, so they are reluctant to commit their thoughts to paper. Almost all Geminis know a few foreign languages, and my favorite is French. Often they achieve their victories with the help of words.

Sometimes the influence of Mercury, the patron planet of Gemini, a god who knew how to deceive people, can even lead them to criminal activity, although this does not happen often. Mercury gave them outstanding abilities to succeed in this field, however, most Geminis are romantics and idealists, which practically does not allow them to lead a life in a criminal environment.

Being absolutely irreplaceable workers in their field, they are always at an unattainable height. Geminis act by honest methods, and there are few people who can withstand the pressure of a person who so successfully combines charm, insight and intelligence. After all, you must admit that this combination alone can dispel suspicions that they want to deceive you. By nature, all people ruled by Mercury are excellent sellers.


To give rest to their tired brain, Geminis need to sleep twice as much as others. Nervous exhaustion is a real and constant threat for them. They also need a lot of fresh air and sunlight, otherwise they may completely wither away. In addition, their weak point is the lungs, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

Characteristics of Virgo

What is Virgo's patron planet? The same as for Gemini - Mercury. However, due to the location of other planets in the horoscope, and especially the Sun, the characters of the representatives of these signs cannot be called identical.

It's safe to say that Virgos are sincere and that you can rely on them.

Virgo is a sign of purity and purity. However, this symbol should not be taken too literally. Most of them are Virgos according to the horoscope in real life decides to marry. But they do not know how to suddenly ignite with love and passion for someone. However, all married Virgos are extremely devoted to their families.

A Virgo can be recognized by one single sign: she will not stand out, she speaks little and stays somewhat aloof from everyone. Virgos have a punctual mind, they notice everything, down to the smallest detail, they really count literally every minute so that it does not go to waste. If people of this sign have formed a certain habit, then, as a rule, it is forever.

It is not easy for Virgos to relax and enjoy communicating with people, because they always feel discomfort when they find themselves in a noisy company or in a crowd. When you look at Virgo, it seems that she has some kind of serious problem which she is trying to solve and which depresses her. In fact, this is true. Representatives of this sign are often visited by worries. You could even say it's theirs natural state. And when you see how charmingly they smile, it seems that behind this smile they are simply hiding what worries them most.

Virgos have clear ideas about what is right and good. They can hardly stand slackers and lazy people. No romantic illusions can deceive them and mislead them about the shortcomings of their friend and loved one.

Putting things in order everywhere is a habit of Virgos, which works at the level of instinct. They are as blind to their own shortcomings as they are to the shortcomings of other people. Despite the patronage of the frivolous Mercury, the planet of Virgo, they are not too inclined to rush into the ocean of feelings or spend money recklessly; they behave very prudently and prudently. Their love is not characterized by an abundance of emotions; they, as a rule, are faithful to their partners. They are not at all characterized by demonstrative behavior.

As for money, they are not inclined to throw it away; they prefer high quality and pay in cash only when special cases. They in no way want to be obligated to anyone and do not want to depend on anyone but themselves.

Virgos can be forgiven for their sharp criticism, because they are no less demanding of themselves than of everyone else. They cannot help but notice all sorts of imperfections, as they are endowed with the ability to see even the slightest cracks on a vase. Virgos are as intolerant of being late as they are of wasting money. They believe that being late is simply wasting time. Time for Virgos is the substance of which life consists.

They rarely dream of something unattainable. If they become fed up with other people's behavior, such as vulgarity, stupidity, or carelessness, they may suddenly become irritable and nervous. But in most cases they are calm and sweet, so it is very pleasant to communicate with them, and they carry such a charge of calm and compassion that it is fair to say that they will make the best nurses and nurses.


The eyes of Virgos glow with intelligence and purity of thought. Venus, the patron planet of Virgos, endows its wards with extraordinary attractiveness. Their facial features are neat and thin: an elegant nose, neat ears, beautifully shaped lips. Both men and women have extraordinary charm. They are very critical of their photographs and worry about whether they look good, both in life and on film. They usually take great care of their clothing, sticking mostly to a traditional style. Neat Virgos always look as if they just stepped out of their souls.

Many Virgos have a brilliant wit and an irresistible charm that is difficult to resist. A striking example of this is Sophia Loren, whose zodiac sign is Virgo. However, you can also meet a Virgo who is so busy with herself, putting her inner world in order, that she may not show any concern for her appearance, clothes and her environment. If you find such a Virgo, you can still notice how she picks up a pin from the carpet or removes specks of dust from her shoulder.


Representatives of this sign can withstand intense stress for a long time, if only they manage to avoid nervous strain. Although they know how to organize their work wisely and behave very judiciously and calmly, internal anxiety unsettles them, often leading to indigestion and disturbing their emotional balance. They are overly scrupulous and demanding of themselves in everything related to personal care, food, work and love. When Virgo takes on more work than she can handle, she has to strain all her strength, and this affects the state of the nervous system.

Planet Mercury in astronomy

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. The sun heats Mercury 7 times more than it does Earth. On one side of Mercury it is very hot, the temperature rises to +400 degrees. But on the other, night side, there is always severe frost, and the temperature reaches -200 degrees. Mercury is an endless desert. On one side there is hot stone, on the other ice. The distance from the Sun to the planet is 58 million km. Mercury has no satellites.

Planets of other signs

Table: planets of the zodiac signs and chart for calculating the strength of the planets

Chapter 6. Virgo

Element of earth, design zone, movable cross. Ruler Mercury, in captivity Neptune and Jupiter, in fall Venus and Chiron.

Virgo man.
The typical Virgo is always very busy; but I seriously doubt that she is busy with you personally. And the point here is not that Virgo is inattentive - she may even be too attentive - but that she has a poor understanding of what a person is.
Virgo, representing the element of earth in the design zone, sees the whole world divided into forms, varied and sometimes very bizarre, pleasant or not, perfect or in need of improvement - and feels very confident among these forms, a mistress. It seems to her that there is nothing in the world except forms that she understands - and cannot be - and therefore it is actually simple and understandable, although very diverse, and there are no problems in it, but there is a lot of work - to bring existing forms into proper condition, that is, in order.
Virgo, like no other sign, knows how to see details and appreciates small forms. (One of her ideals is the legendary Tula Lefty, who managed to shoe a flea, and stamped his name on the horseshoe with small letters: Lefty). And this is also her main problem - her eyes run wild. She sees too many details and can't stop her gaze on anything. Synthesis is very difficult for her, since it presupposes precisely the moment of abstraction from specific details (which is difficult for Virgo in itself) and at least a subconscious premise about the existence of a more subtle, as yet invisible, encompassing form, in relation to which the observables are only facets or projections - and this the hypothesis is almost unbearable for Virgo, because a form she cannot imagine, and especially - oh horror! - there is no subtle form for it.

Therefore, instead of synthesis, Virgo often follows a more accessible, but usually dead-end path of searching for a detail, a detail, a line, a detail that will turn out to be the most important, the key to the plan and the embodiment of the meaning. Virgo can find a carefully hidden key to solving a chess study, but gets lost in a complex compositional game, where a general intuitive assessment of the situation is necessary and there are no strong moves.
Being a mobile sign, Virgo (unlike Taurus) is not inclined to become attached to the forms and details that come her way. Having completed one task, she can take on something completely different without mental trauma. Arriving at a friend’s party and discovering that the floor (in Virgo’s opinion) is not clean enough, she, without thinking, will calmly change clothes and wash it, after which she will change clothes again and forget about her action. This plasticity of Virgo can become her ultimate scourge, since you can’t redo all the work, you can’t put all the forms in order, and you need to somehow figure out which work is yours and which is not, which needs to be done today and which can be put off until tomorrow.

In the absence of working with her forms, Virgo gets bored and finds it difficult to relax. (Emotional life for her is closely connected with material forms, often expressed through them; “material signs of immaterial relationships” are dear to her). For her, rest is more like a change of activities. Virgo knows how to receive deep satisfaction from any work done (in her opinion) well, no matter how unpleasant and dirty this work may seem to others: Virgo instinctively knows how to see the Divine principle in the lowest forms and feels the need for her actions to achieve the highest harmony of the Cosmos. This vision allows the tall Virgo to create extraordinary works of art, where the unity of design is emphasized by every smallest detail. The undeveloped Virgo has to face such a state of affairs when, on the one hand, she feels that she is responsible for the forms that fall into her hands, and on the other hand, nothing works out for her, the work seems to fall out of her hands, everything gets dirty, lost and breaks. If Virgo gives up, then she turns out to be a terrible dirty woman and a slob, the likes of which the world has never seen - in this way, fate clearly shows her her karmic destiny.

The unrealized Virgo develops the following subconscious belief: “As soon as I start working with forms, putting things in order, etc., I become enthusiastic (in other words, Virgo turns on and gives me energy), I get involved in the work and spend a lot of energy, but as a result, nothing works out, and I fall exhausted among the chaos, so it’s better not to start at all.” Nevertheless, even a completely undeveloped Virgo will perform one symbolic action with all care, which will seem strange or stupid to others, but for a person this is the only remaining channel of communication with zodiac sign. When accentuated, this leads to characteristic obsessional neuroses, often with anal-urethral themes.
Virgo is the main comforter. No matter what happens to a person, no matter what mental suffering and hardships befall him, when he, having found minimal strength within himself, begins to engage in some specific task (for example, preparing a table for a funeral), Virgo comes to him and - it consoles him, distracts his attention, helps to overcome the most severe grief (switching the main energy channels of muladhara).
Virgo has the most concrete thinking of all the zodiac signs. She perceives abstract concepts with great difficulty, persistently trying to find an analogy for them from the world of forms that she understands, which is not always possible. Therefore, Virgo is characterized by terrible profanity: without understanding and feeling a sufficiently general concept or the subtleties of the structure of your mental life, but having mastered the vocabulary, Virgo can begin to say things that will make you bitterly regret your acquaintance with her. In general one should not look too closely at subtle things; This is extremely difficult for Virgo to understand. But if she masters subtle plans and forms, she is capable of such virtuosity of operations that is inaccessible to any other sign.

Virgo is the salt of the earth. They symbolize the main thing for which a person incarnates in the manifested world - this is precise work with forms. It materializes all our dreams, fantasies, thoughts, emotions, energy, and only through it are all human karmic programs realized.

The control of Mercury symbolizes Virgo's way of perceiving forms - through thinking, representation, combinatorial comparison, but not directly and sensually, like Taurus. Therefore, Virgo has a very difficult time directly perceiving the form as such (and enjoying it); she perceives it mentally, rationally - and here, thanks to Mercury, she has no equal. The most bizarre and varied options for creating new forms (and reconstructing existing ones) from the elements existing at her disposal arise in her head; however, the elements and methods of arrangement are taken from a very specific reserve (sometimes very large), which Virgo consciously forms on the basis of information from the outside world; It’s difficult for her to come up with a new element on her own. Compensating for Virgo's inability to directly perceive form, Mercury gives her extraordinary pleasure from various rearrangements of its elements and their division into various classifications. In the lower octave, all this activity is carried out in complete isolation from living reality; people appear as diagrams, questionnaires, etc. Virgo is the sign of extremes: there is no greater realist and practitioner than her, and at the same time there is no greater idealist than Virgo, focusing on a certain set of forms in the form of rigid patterns and forgetting about the rest of the world. However, it is very difficult to dislodge such a Virgo from her position: Mercury gives her a perfectly suspended tongue, and she, deftly operating with the system of her concepts and without allowing a single word to be inserted, will prove to you that you are wrong and live in the empyrean, and she has two feet on the ground and is right on all counts. And you, feeling some colossal distortion and profanation in her words, are unlikely to be able to show them to her, since to do this you need to expand the range of her concepts or put a different, more subtle meaning into her terms, and this is so easy for you in a conversation with Virgo it won't work.

The imprisonment of Neptune makes it difficult for Virgo to perceive all sorts of subtle sensations, moods, undertones and everything unsaid. At the same time, she strives to comprehend the unity of the world, but in her own way, through a key detail or completeness of details (see below the imprisonment of Jupiter). The subtlety here is that the way she thinks about synthesis, she does not succeed and cannot succeed in principle; but in the process of these attempts, Virgo sometimes, without realizing it, finds herself in a mystical state (intuitive meditation - identification with an object according to Patanjali), in which the desired synthesis occurs. Neptune's imprisonment symbolizes Virgo's subconscious desire for an intuitive, mystical and holistic perception of the world, but it is only achieved through very difficult elaboration; and the average Virgo treats any mysticism with extreme suspicion and distrust and either does not notice even her own subtle spiritual movements or interprets them in a grossly material way; Virgo is a born physiologist, but not a psychologist (except for very tall types). In Virgo, Neptune's cosmic love finds indirect expression through selfless, sometimes difficult and monotonous work with the densest, roughest and most ungrateful forms.

The imprisonment of Jupiter gives Virgo an instinctive love for the abundance of details, that is, small forms that make up a large one. Here she also looks for a way to the harmony of the whole and its synthesis and, as a rule, does not find it. The sharpened Jupiter gives Virgo many forms - to work with them, but also a respite from changing activities and secret (okay, if not obvious) pride in the work done. It is he who gives Virgo temptation, as a result of which her eyes run wild, but with proper methodical elaboration of details and details, Jupiter still connects them into a single whole.
Here, working through the imprisonment of Jupiter is more difficult than in Gemini, since the imprisonment of Neptune additionally interferes. It is still very difficult for Virgo to look at things broadly.

Venus falling in Virgo symbolizes Virgo's difficulties in emotional, romantic and sexual issues, a complex relationship with art and a skeptical attitude towards society.
Difficulties with romance, emotions and sex are rooted in an overly concrete and practical view of the world; in these matters, a slight haze is still good, and, in the end, sex is not reduced to physiology and is not even defined by it. Virgo needs to understand that here her natural perception and reactions have a right to exist, but by no means exhaust either herself or the world; then it can even acquire a certain subtlety.
Virgo's relationship with art is complicated by the fact that she perceives it through details, mercilessly dismembering the single living fabric of a picture or narrative. If she also likes the work of art, she will revel in the details she has cut off, not at all embarrassed by the fact that they are bleeding and are on their last legs - she does not notice this. For more high level Virgo comprehends synthesis and becomes a true connoisseur, but the temptation to secretly tear off a particularly tasty piece still remains.
Virgo’s skeptical attitude towards the social environment is due to the fact that it seems to her, firstly, that she sees everyone and everything through and through (she really sees many details of appearance, manners and behavior, but interprets them completely wrongly), and secondly, because that any sign (we are talking about the lower and middle octave), and especially in the design zone, and especially Virgo, does not perceive other signs well and therefore despises them greatly, considering them unfinished copies of itself. This position naturally creates many difficulties for Virgo; if you ask the average astrologer whom he would least like to have as a student or client, he usually immediately answers: Virgo, especially if he himself is predominantly under the influence of the elements of water or fire.

The fall of Chiron gives Virgo a lot of chaos in the forms around her and very great difficulties in expanding consciousness, both in terms of the external world and the internal one. She finds it difficult to believe in the existence of the subconscious; when she gets used to this idea, she attributes all of her manifestations, without exception, to two or three programs, the existence of which she recognizes in herself; Naturally, there is no place for other programs of the subconscious and superconscious (egregor, Absolute). However, careful elaboration gives the developed Virgo the opportunity to treat her subconscious and the egregors open to her just like material forms, subtly and clearly, surpassing even Taurus in this.

Virgo situation.
There is nothing easier than to give an example of the Virgo situation: it arises whenever work is done, in the sense of the word that conscientious people mean. How should any work be done? - Carefully, diligently, thoroughly, responsibly, attentively - here Virgo is at her best. Dirty, inattentive, negligent, unscrupulous - here Virgo has not been worked out. Fifty percent of raising children consists of developing their ability to connect to Virgo - parents just don’t need to replace their child’s Virgo with theirs. The art of playing the piano is to find the exact balance between the very strong Virgo at the fingertips and the equally strong Pisces at heart.
The harmonious Virgo knows how to find her own line of behavior among the many forms that themselves ask for her to take up. Harmony here is manifested in the fact that, firstly, the harmonious Virgo is approached by forms that no longer require work or require almost no work, and secondly, in the fact that she is inclined to mind her own business and places emphasis in her life so that the shortcomings and inabilities described above are not noticeable, turn out to be insignificant or greatly mitigated.

Jupiter (ruler of trines) is the first to come to the rescue, easily carrying out the synthesis of forms. The minimum requirements of cleanliness and order are carefully met, but do not turn into an obsessive mania; and if you are not very responsible, you can sweep the remaining dust under the rug. Mercury (ruler of sextiles) gives intelligent speech and the ability to make adequate contacts. Even Venus in its fall seems to become softer. There will remain a (hidden) feeling of superiority over other people and laziness towards everything that is not included in the circle of direct (from the Virgo’s point of view) responsibilities. Here the concept of “reasonable” selfishness triumphs - except in the higher octave of Virgo, when she demonstrates true selfless service and selflessness.
The smitten Virgo in the undeveloped version is a creature that evokes both pity and strong disgust, but the second feeling is usually stronger. She gets confused in three pine trees, unable to see not only the forest, but even the fourth pine tree, over the roots of which she constantly trips. She is dirty and sloppy, and not only physically, but also in her thoughts. It seems to the amazed Virgo that the world is hopelessly chaotic and that bringing order to it is absolutely impossible; nevertheless, inside she feels a vague desire to do this, and external circumstances are such that she actually needs it. Here, one of the difficulties of working through is that Virgo needs to believe that her job is to restore order where she can, to the extent of which she is capable - and the general chaos she observes should not confuse her: no ordering, formalizing or constructive actions are not wasted, even if they leave no visible traces. Ultimately, a person sees as much order and wisdom in the world as there is in himself - but it is very difficult for the amazed Virgo to feel this. Her karmic task is symbolized by the sixth labor of Hercules - raking the stables of King Augeas, and this is probably the most difficult of his labors, since two-thirds of these stables are contained in the human soul. In the unprocessed afflicted Virgo, everything is emphasized negative qualities this sign described above; however, working through defeats, more than in any other sign, makes it possible to expand consciousness and approach the higher octave.

Planets in Virgo
Virgo without planets
Pale Maiden.
The absence of planets in Virgo leads to the absence in a person of the extremes characteristic of Virgo: he will not be too attentive to specific details, nor too keen on constructing his own schemes, classifications and templates divorced from reality, nor painfully clean (in every sense), nor particularly squeamish , nor unusually dirty. He will have difficulties whenever the situation requires extreme or responsible attention to detail, precise work without mistakes, neat classification, etc., and such work will never completely capture him (except, perhaps, in a house ruled by Virgo ).

Sun in Virgo
Labor Virgo.
The Sun gives a strict karmic program, and in the case of Virgo it sounds something like this: “You have to do it well. It will turn out bad on its own.” If the solar Virgo learns this principle, then sometimes she will do well, but she should immediately forget about it, because her whole life is calculated as permanent job over forms, their ordering and improvement, and the Sun will not tolerate interruptions (except in a completely harmonious position). Whether Virgo wants it or not, imperative external circumstances or an internal impulse of action will force her to work (how constructively is another question), and, apparently, much more than other signs of the Zodiac. Therefore, the solar Virgo is tempted to believe that she really works more than others; this, generally speaking, is not the case, it’s just the mental-communication work of air signs and especially inner work watermarks are not so visible. Solar Virgo will also often feel that she gets the dirtiest work, but here she is mistaken: in fact, the dirtiest work is the lot of Scorpio and Pisces, but this is not obvious to the superficial observer.

Moon in Virgo
Capricious Virgo.
The Moon emphasizes the needs and complexes of the sign, and Virgo has many of them. Therefore, the lunar Virgo is very demanding of the forms that come her way, which, when worked out, leads her to perfection, but in itself makes (except for the completely harmonious Moon) her unhappy, due to the severity of tastes and puritanism, and at the same time all the people nearby with her. On the other hand, the Moon somewhat compensates for Virgo’s purely mental attitude towards forms, transferring her perception of forms into the area of ​​the subconscious, but here, unfortunately, mental programs continue to work, complicating essential perception.
If done poorly, this (difficult) aspect gives a person a rather difficult feeling that he constantly (and it is not always clear why) does not like everything: the husband dresses differently, the actors in films and theater play differently, the lovers they come across are of poor quality, etc. Characteristic mental projections arise under the slogan “everyone is to blame but me.” Here the karmic program is more subtle than in the case of the solar Virgo; you need to find the origins of your demandingness in yourself and come to terms with something in the outside world (in terms of its inconsistency with the ideal, which in the case of the lunar Virgo can be very rich and is all intended for her personally). For Moon Virgo, awareness of Virgo's main task - service - is given with great difficulty. When working on this aspect, in addition to great success in the field of fine work with forms, there is also good adaptation in society.

Mercury in Virgo
Combination Virgo.
Mercury gives Virgo a certain sparkle. In the developed version of the aspect, this is a special talent in creating original forms with a complex structure and an extensive system of connections between elements, as well as the ability to construct adequate models, that is, isolating the essential elements of an object and the main relationships between them; both can have applications in art, science and technology. At the same time, the undeveloped aspect gives an extreme tendency to superficial, purely mental perception of forms and ideas and deft manipulation of them - this is the aspect of a subtle demagogue who is difficult to catch in a logical error and impossible to argue with, and who, nevertheless, actually does not understand anything , although it creates the appearance of the opposite. However, here the mental defense is usually perfect, and other means of influence are required (for example, a slap on the head or the threat of divorce).
This aspect creates a great danger of separation from real life and replacing it with a game in a symbolic system artificially created by the Mercurian Virgo, for whom it is generally much easier to play than to live essentially.

Venus in Virgo
Aesthetic Virgo.
This aspect emphasizes Virgo's desire for aesthetic finishing of forms. In an unprocessed form, this gives extreme capriciousness (especially with afflicted Venus) and demandingness towards others, who seem rude, ugly and uncouth. The Venusian Virgo herself has an inherent desire for beauty, but it is realized with great difficulty, in particular, because of its too formal sensation (through mentally perceived harmony, which is easier to see in an abstract mosaic than in a living line). Demanding demands on oneself are very high, but if it is not realized by concrete successes, it can be replaced by complete external indifference (to oneself, society and the whole world), with the repression of true aspiration and the corresponding neurosis or complex. When developed, she has great abilities for art, especially applied arts and those requiring high technology, good social adaptation, everyone takes her example in manners, clothing, conversation, but all this is given with some or great difficulty (depending on how Venus stands). Venusian Virgo lacks patience.

Mars in Virgo
Active Virgo.
Mars feels less constrained in Virgo than in Taurus, and gives her greater energy, which is very important for Virgo to direct correctly, since even with Mars she cannot do all the work and put the whole world in order, although this is precisely what Mars tempts her with . The Martian Virgo furiously rushes to attack those forms that she does not like and require alteration or completion, and in the heat of the moment she can destroy them, and she herself can fall lifeless from fatigue. If constructive work does not work out, Virgo will easily switch, but with constant failures, despair and reluctance to do anything comes. You need to learn to distinguish your karmic responsibilities from others and master mental control of energy and your own strengths. With a strong defeat - the need for hard work and humility with its small results or the ingratitude of the environment, the great chaos of life, which, in the absence of elaboration, leads to severe carelessness. In a harmonious situation - successful versatile activity or complete passivity, accompanied by the (at first correct) feeling “I can do anything if I want and I’ll do it.”

Jupiter in Virgo
Pompous Virgo.
Jupiter tries to compensate Virgo for the dominance of Mercury, that is, it gives her the opportunity to see the world not in a mental-combinatorial way, but with a certain breadth. However, he cannot do this directly (since he is in captivity), so he acts indirectly: he offers Virgo for consideration an abundance of forms and ways of working on them, so that the Jupiterian Virgo can choose both, which creates for her a certain feeling of freedom . If Virgo perceives this freedom constructively, that is, as a call to diversified activities, then she has the opportunity to expand her consciousness; if she rushes from one form to another and from one type of activity to another, without mastering them, then she will not work out the aspects and will aggravate her chaotic state, acquiring a greater grasp of many issues in the absence of an understanding of the essence of the matter, as well as an internal conviction in its complete worthlessness.

Saturn in Virgo
Responsible Virgo.
Saturn raises the problem of Virgo's pressures to a height, and the only way out here is to simultaneously carefully choose a work path, comprehend it and conscientiously fulfill the responsibilities assigned to oneself. Due to the difficulty of this aspect, Virgo is tempted to give up on Saturn, as a result of which she quickly degrades and becomes a slob, a dirty person and an unreliable person with a corresponding drop in realizable power (that is, her demanding karmic egregor turns away from her). In the variant of overcompensation, the undeveloped aspect is expressed in an unimaginable demand for the perfection of some surrounding forms (morbid cleanliness, etc.) and complete indifference to the rest, which are ignored and seem to fall out of the circle of consciousness.
If Saturn is strong, but not very affected and partially worked out, then the option of a very sober, serious, dry person, demanding of himself and those around him, without signs of fantasy and a sense of humor is possible; nevertheless, in the very depths of his consciousness, thoughts and images that are unexpected for him sometimes appear, and he needs to learn not to suppress them, but to treat them with the same respect as real reality itself.
The developed aspect gives a person who is very attentive to detail, able to see the big picture and, in general, focused, disciplined, working a lot and accurately with forms, as a result of which the Divine presence becomes clearly visible in them. Phobia: I am afraid of being crushed by meaningless, dirty chaos.

Chiron in Virgo
Self-improving Virgo.
Chiron gives Virgo a subconscious desire to see the inner, hidden from her, but really existing meaning of the forms that surround her, and her work with them. However, this subconscious desire hardly penetrates into her rigid essential consciousness and takes shape there with distortions: it seems to the chironical Virgo that she “simply” strives to do everything as best as possible, to take into account the most advanced and sometimes even almost fantastic methods and emerging opportunities (as in the plan the outside world, and in terms of improving the entire psyche, developing subconscious programs, etc.).
In the undeveloped version, all this turns out badly, hopes arise and are crushed, Virgo begins to fuss and rush around, and most often becomes completely disappointed in all her ideas, since in fact they do not promise as much as she initially thinks, and require not only work, but also a certain expansion of consciousness, which is not easy for Virgo.
However, when working on this aspect, Virgo is given the opportunity to access her subconscious, and she turns out to be capable of any change in the programs of the subconscious in the direction she desires, and in particular the skills and abilities of working with forms, including subtle ones: astral entities, thought forms, etc. .p. For example, the ability to treat acupuncture and acupressure taking into account bioenergy, herbal treatment, fine diagnostics. Success in criticizing (and creating) original scientific concepts, and, in particular, those modeling living objects (biology, economics).

Uranus in Virgo (1961/62-1968/69)
Inventive Virgo.
When Uranus moves across Virgo, she feels very revitalized. She (much more than Uranian Taurus) begins to be interested in unusual and original ideas concerning combinations and processing methods various forms; at the same time, the obsolete ones float away by themselves, without psychological trauma for Virgo; she easily and willingly learns new things, even if they relate to the distant future.
The lowest octave of the aspect gives (in the case when it is manifested in an individual chart) to Virgo adventurism in business, irrepressible eccentricity in the choice of forms and methods of processing and combining them with each other, the inability to distinguish a constructive idea from a non-constructive one, chaos and destructive destruction of forms due to hypertrophied independence of opinion and disregard for specific life circumstances. A false sense of genius in the design of new perfect forms.
A developed aspect can give a brilliant inventor or goldsmith, electronics engineer, creator of mini-computer equipment and technology, physicist in elementary particles(all this should be indicated by other factors). The highest octave of the aspect can provide advancement in knowledge of the fundamental foundations of the world at the level of synthesis of physical and religious-philosophical concepts.

Neptune in Virgo (1928/29-1942/43)
God-forsaken Virgin.
This generation seeks an outlet for its spirituality and religiosity in the external details of ritual, which is often completely non-religious in nature. Here Neptune is in exile, so spiritual and religious life is driven inside, deep into the public and personal subconscious, and external life is subordinated to pragmatics and the characteristic maiden ideology, concrete and down-to-earth in form, but in essence abstract-idealistic and completely divorced from reality. This aspect is a difficult test of the dense form of the level of spiritual development; God, as it were, withdraws and watches how people will cope without Him, which ethical and moral values ​​will remain unshakable, and which will disappear without a trace. This is a generation of atheists from birth, finding the intuitive path to God with the greatest difficulty of all.


Mercury is responsible for the transfer of information, learning, and various contacts between people. Also, his sphere of influence includes everything related to exchange and trade. This planet of diplomats and travelers, entrepreneurs and deceivers. Mercury is in charge of everything related to speech and logical thinking. This is a symbol of rationality and information, ease and mobility of thinking. Mercury is the patron of trade, eloquence, he is the messenger of the gods and a mediator in all spheres of life. He manages everything and is well oriented everywhere.

Symbol of the planet Mercury

The patron planet of the Gemini zodiac sign is Mercury. This planet received its name in honor of the winged God of Rome. Thanks to the influence of this planet, people become more flexible and adapt to any environment and to any situation.

People ruled by Mercury know exactly how to find a way out of a given situation. They can easily adjust their own affairs and coordinate themselves in any environment. Moreover, they are capable of changing ideals and morals. They adapt to all changes in the outside world and feel quite comfortable. The influence of this planet is quite strong. If it happens on the negative side, then people become restless and it is difficult to calm them down and stop them if they are planning something wrong.

The energy of Mercury is enough to provide protection to two signs of the Zodiac at once. People born under the signs of Virgo and Gemini invariably feel the influence of this planet of communication and intelligence. However, it would be wrong to assume that its influence is manifested in the same way in these two signs.

Geminis received mental alertness and curiosity from Mercury, they know how to be charming and always attract the attention of other people. They are witty, easy to communicate, and it seems that everything in life is easier for them than for other people. And this despite the fact that all Geminis are incorrigible dreamers and idealists.

The negative influence of Mercury in Gemini is manifested in frivolity and inconstancy. They often take on several tasks at once, and are rarely able to complete at least one of them. Among them there are many talkers and gossips, and there are often adventurers and swindlers. Building long-term relationships with Gemini is not an easy task, since extremely fickle people are born under this sign. They quickly get carried away, but just as quickly cool down, set off in search of new love, and the situation repeats itself.

Virgos are very calculating and practical. They do not like noisy society, and at a stressful moment they prefer to remain alone in order to think everything through. They are able to work long and hard on any project until it brings them the expected result. Virgos are extremely clean, disciplined and thrifty; it is very pleasant to work with such people. Among the representatives of this sign there are many highly educated and intelligent people.

Maintaining relationships with Virgos is not easy. Their extreme pedantry and tendency to constantly harsh criticism can alienate those who cannot or do not want to withstand such pressure. In addition, Virgo's thriftiness often borders on greed.

Mercury gives Gemini and Virgo - analytical thinking, constant movement, curiosity, prudence, receptivity to information, ability to speak languages, sociability, compliance, dispassion, cunning, dexterity, deceit, desire for compromise, developed eloquence.

Representatives of both signs should control their behavior in order to avoid extreme manifestations of their Mercurian nature, and then their life will become much easier, and relationships with partners in all areas of life will be deep and stable.

Patron planet Mercury

Sun, planets and asteroids solar system. At the same time, the influence of planets in zodiac signs changes. In some signs the planet acts very strongly, revealing its full potential. In others, on the contrary, the qualities of the planet are constrained, they are weak or distorted, since the energy of the planet and the sign are opposite.

At the time of the emergence of astrology, the astrologer usually used seven planets for predictions; today twelve planets are most often used:

  • Sun,
  • Moon,
  • Venus,
  • Saturn,
  • Chiron,
  • Uranus,
  • Neptune,
  • Pluto,
  • Proserpine.

Influence of planets in monastery and exile

The biggest influence of the planet in the zodiac sign observed when she is his manager. This position of the planet is said to be in its monastery.

For example, the abode of the Sun is the sign of Leo, or is the ruler of the sign of Leo. The sign of the zodiac circle opposite the monastery is called exile. A planet in exile is weak, its qualities are constrained, and they experience difficulties in their manifestation.

For example, the Sun is in exile in Aquarius. Aquarians find it difficult to show their feelings to others. Usually Aquarians hide their deep experiences inside. Aquarius cannot, as easily as Leo does, draw attention to himself or expose himself to others.

Each sign has one main planetary ruler. In addition, in the ten signs of the zodiac there are so-called planets co-rulers. They have less strength than the main planets, but are also quite strong.

For example, in the sign of Capricorn, Saturn is the main ruler, and Uranus is its co-ruler. The strong influence of Uranus is clearly visible on representatives of the Capricorn sign. Uranian Capricorns are global reformers, they update and modernize the created systems, while giving their actions a large-scale character (Jesus Christ, Genghis Khan).

Sign opposite sign, in which the planet is a co-ruler, is also called the sign of exile. Uranus in the sign of Cancer is in exile. Cancers do not like to revise accepted foundations and traditions; they usually do not expect anything good from changes, and most importantly, they do not understand why they should redo something that already works.

Influence of exalted and debilitated planets

The planet that is in its sign also has a strong influence exaltation. Each zodiac sign has one planet in exaltation.

The planet located in the monastery initially forms the zodiac sign. A planet in exaltation indicates the direction in which a given sign is developing. Often the manifestation of a planet in exaltation is brighter and sharper than in the monastery, where the planet behaves more harmoniously.

The position of a planet in exaltation is considered third in strength after the position of the ruler and co-ruler in the monastery.

Let's give an example influence of the planet in the zodiac sign, where she is in exaltation. Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces. This is where women of this sign have such feminine behavior. They have great taste and an innate sense of beauty, they strive for luxury and a beautiful life.

The sign opposite to the sign of exaltation is called fall. Here the qualities of the planet are distorted, driven inward, and experience difficulties in their manifestation. For example, Venus is in fall in the sign of Virgo. Despite the earth element, Virgos find it difficult to express their Venus, which is why Virgo women often seem cold and insensitive, and find it difficult to open their emotions to others. Naked practicality usually prevails in the choice of clothes among girls. First of all, we choose what is cheaper and more practical, beauty comes later.

Below is a table that gives the strong and weak positions of the planets.

Signs of the zodiac

Strong position Weak position
Abode Abode Exaltation Exile Exile Fall
Aries Mars Pluto Sun Chiron Venus Saturn
Taurus Venus Chiron Moon Pluto Mars Uranus
Twins Mercury Proserpina Proserpina Jupiter Neptune Chiron
Cancer Moon - Jupiter Saturn Uranus Mars
Lion Sun - Pluto Uranus Saturn Neptune
Virgo Proserpina Mercury Mercury Neptune Jupiter Venus
Aquarius Uranus Saturn Neptune Sun - Pluto
Neptune Jupiter Venus Proserpina Mercury Mercury

The first planet is the main ruler, and the second is the co-ruler.

The Virgo zodiac sign represents purity and justice. He is characterized by balanced decisions and the ability to make a whole out of details. People born under the sign of Virgo strive to achieve perfection in everything, learn new things and share their accumulated knowledge.

Virgo - characteristics of the sign

Representatives of this sign do not like noisy companies, preferring secluded places to relax. Virgos do not like to dream; they are constantly preoccupied with something, but at the same time they remain sincere and faithful. Virgo is a sign of punctual people, down to the smallest detail. Both men and women do not have illusions, they do not put on “rose-colored glasses” and always pay attention to the shortcomings of their partners. Virgos are hardy, helpful, pleasant and attentive. All representatives of this sign can reasonably criticize others without noticing their shortcomings.

Zodiac sign Virgo man - characteristics

A Virgo man is a modest and neat person. He does not spend large sums of money on fancy suits, but has an impeccable appearance. He is meticulous about his choice of wardrobe. Men of the Virgo zodiac sign always look neat and cannot afford to appear in public without first shaving or wearing a bright, provocative suit. Representatives of this sign are always gallant and in any situation monitor their behavior and manner of speaking.

Virgo woman zodiac sign - characteristics

Virgo woman is strict and neat appearance. Clothing is preferred in discreet pastel shades, harmoniously diluted and complemented with accessories and decorations. Behind their restraint, it is difficult to immediately discern their femininity and charm. A special charm and attractiveness emphasizes shyness and a sense of calm. If a Virgo woman sets out to please a certain man, her main weapon will be perfect taste in clothes and makeup, the ability to carry on a conversation on any topic.

Virgo - compatibility with other signs

The Virgo zodiac sign differs from other representatives:

  • ability to;
  • passion for neatness and cleanliness;
  • special observation and attentiveness.

Virgo is a difficult sign; they do not like compromises, and it is extremely rare that you can come to an agreement with them on good terms. People born at this time defend their opinions to the last. This is a common cause of loss of loved ones, friends and “other halves”, while they are left alone with themselves. The requirements for a candidate for a Virgo life partner are too high, because... looking for their ideal. However, as soon as a representative of this sign falls in love, the world turns upside down, and they themselves try to please their chosen one in everything.

Virgo man - compatibility with other signs

Many representatives of the fair half are sure that the Virgo-man zodiac sign is a wonderful family man, and many women would like to enter into an alliance with him. Representatives of this sign will help with everyday life, take care of the child and prepare dinner. Virgo men strive for perfection in all their affairs. They do not have the habit of “going left,” which makes them the most faithful sign of the entire zodiac circle. With women born under the signs of Gemini, Scorpio and Sagittarius, a Virgo man can develop trusting business relationships or develop physical passion.

Women of the following signs are suitable for a Virgo man:

  • Taurus;
  • Capricorn;
  • Fish.

You should not try to connect your life with such signs:

  • Aries;
  • Virgo;
  • Scales;
  • Aquarius.

Virgo woman - compatibility with other signs

The Virgo woman is a strong sign, so Taurus and Capricorn men are ideal for her. Representatives of the fair half of humanity of this zodiac are not capable of deception and betrayal; they expect the same from their partner. Hurricanes of passion are alien to them, but constancy and stability are what they want to get in an alliance. Taurus men help Virgos develop their emotionality and sensuality, and Capricorns, having the same analytical thinking, understand a woman’s desire to put things in order and organize everything.

What zodiac sign is Virgo compatible with? Such strong signs as Leo and Scorpio can become a soul mate for Virgo and lead her through life. Men treat a woman warmly and respectfully and appreciate her consistency and organization. You should not try to start a family with representatives of Pisces and Aries. Such relationships have no future and can end before they begin. Pisces belong to themselves and are indecisive, Aries, on the contrary, are overly persistent.

Planet of the zodiac sign Virgo

The planet of the Virgo sign is Mercury. She is responsible for intelligence, dexterity and mobility. The influence of Mercury is responsible for the formation of thoughts and practical intelligence. Thanks to the qualities of their patron, Virgos have lightness, curiosity, and the ability to adapt to new circumstances. Mercury is considered the main patron of this sign and affects people born from September 12 to 23. Those born from September 3 to September 11 are helped by Venus, and from August 24 to September 2 by the Sun.

Virgo - stone for zodiac sign

Because astrological sign Virgo is influenced by three planets; depending on the decade, the talisman stone must be chosen taking into account the date of birth. Suitable for people of the first decade:

  • cornelian;
  • moonstone;
  • rhinestone;
  • jasper;
  • aventurine;
  • nephritis;
  • amethyst;
  • agate;
  • malachite.

Those born in the second decade are helped by:

  • chalcedony;
  • onyx;
  • pearl;
  • rutile quartz;
  • heliotrope;
  • jade;
  • chrysoprase;
  • citrine;
  • sardonyx.

Those born in the third decade should wear:

  • chrysolite;
  • emerald;
  • topaz;
  • pomegranate;
  • sapphire.

Charms for the Virgo zodiac sign

Everyone knows that Virgo is a strong sign, but even such individuals need their own amulet. The best mascot for representatives of this sign is an owl. It will help you to be reasonable and rational. An owl figurine will help you avoid wrong decisions and protect you from difficult moments. It is desirable that the amulet be made of clay, which will accompany the Virgo everywhere.

A pendant in the shape of a cube will also become a reliable talisman for those born under this sign. It will help you achieve harmony with yourself and the people around you, and will warn you against rash actions and decisions. Accompanying its owner everywhere, the cube will bring joy to every day. When purchasing a talisman for yourself and your loved ones, opt for a product made of white metal.

For those businessmen whose zodiac sign is Virgo, the mascot is a monkey. Place the figurine on your desktop - it will protect you from failures. Deals and agreements signed at this table will bring benefits, and the decisions will be correct. The monkey will help you be calmer about minor failures and find the strength to get out of any situation with dignity, because in business one rash act can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Virgo sign tree

Each tree accumulates energy from space, and then shares the charge with people and nature. They can either add vitality or take it away. Each person feeds on them, and gives away the excess. For balance and harmony, a person has his own trees, depending on his date of birth. What tree does Virgo have? Suitable for them:

  1. Oak - charges with active energy and calms, and walks through the oak grove help the nervous system and heart function (if present). chronic diseases It’s better to choose another living mascot).
  2. Alder – attracts good luck, increases cash income.
  3. Willow – by touching the tree, Virgos can get rid of sadness and negative energy.
  4. Hazel - by making a necklace of nuts on a red thread and hanging it in the house, Virgos will be protected from curses and ill-wishers.

Flowers of the zodiac sign Virgo

For those whose sign is Virgo, the lily flower is the strongest talisman, symbolizing luxury and wealth. Considering that Virgo is the element of Earth, all bulbous perennial flowers can serve as amulets. You can choose a flower talisman for yourself based on your own preferences, but the lily is a priority. In addition to them, it is useful for Virgos to choose carnations, asters and poppies, which are endowed with magical properties.

Famous people of the Virgo sign

Among the people born under this sign, there are many famous personalities who have shown their talent in various fields of creative and political activity. Well-known celebrities with the Virgo sign:

  1. Alena Apina is an honored Russian artist.
  2. Igor Petrenko is a theater and film actor.
  3. Paulo Coelho is a writer and poet from Britain.
  4. Ivan IV Vasilievich - Grand Duke Moscow and the first Tsar of All Rus'.
  5. Sean Kennery is a film actor and producer from Scotland.
  6. Ksenia Sukhinova – Miss Russia (2007) and Miss World (2008).
  7. Yan Arlazorov is a Russian pop artist.
  8. Faina Ranevskaya is a theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia.
  9. Mother Teresa is a Catholic nun.
  10. Michael Jackson is a songwriter, performer, dancer, composer, and entrepreneur.