Scottish Terrier (haircut, trimming). Basic hairdressing techniques Scheme and description of Scotch Terrier haircut

Services of the pet salon “My Pet’s Style”:

Professional haircut scotch terrier

What are the features of a haircut?

   The Scottish Terrier, or as it is also called the Scottish Terrier, is a breed of dog with a rather thick and tough coat that requires really careful grooming.
   Puppies of this breed begin to be cut at the age of two months; the purpose of such early haircuts is to accustom the puppy to this procedure. Around six months, the dog undergoes a full treatment, which includes: plucking dead hairs; trimming with a clipper the places where the hair should have a minimum length: the throat, head, side neck parts, as well as the area near the anus; competent creation of an aesthetic silhouette using scissors. If the grown-up pet does not attend exhibitions, then to give a neat appearance, the Scotch Terrier’s haircut is done using scissors, clippers and a comb, resulting in a simplified look of the dog’s “hairstyle”: a short shaved head, neck and back, while the whiskers remain long. , eyebrows and beard, and in addition, a “skirt” starting approximately from the middle of the body.
  Scotch Terrier Grooming if he attends exhibitions, it will be somewhat different; a simplified version will not work here. In addition to cutting and constant combing, it is also necessary to add trimming - that is, plucking out dying, coarse hair, so that old, outdated hairs are replaced with new, hard, shiny and good-structured hairs. The main thing in trimming is to achieve a tight fit of the fur on the back along with the scruff. Grooming the Scotch Terrier should be accompanied by regular trimming, carried out approximately once every couple of months, so that after plucking young hair there wasn't much left.
   After bathing, the Scottish Terrier's coat should be dried thoroughly, since the thick undercoat usually takes quite a long time to dry. Since this dog’s coat requires daily brushing with a brush and comb, you can give your pet cute hairstyles by decorating it with hairpins, elastic bands and bows.

A little about the breed

   Scottish Terriers are distinguished by their strength, strength, and muscularity. Their head is somewhat long, however, quite proportionate to the body, and their neck is very powerful. With a height at the withers of up to twenty-eight centimeters, these dogs weigh up to ten and a half kilograms. The elongated, hard coat with a soft undercoat forms mustaches, eyebrows and beards. The colors are: black, brindle and sand (wheat).
   By nature, the Scottish Terrier is a cute, lively, hardy dog ​​with a decisive and rather persistent character. There is an opinion that these dogs are very proud and truly stubborn, living by their own needs and inner world. But in fact, these terriers really need the affection and love of their owners. Sometimes Scottish terriers are even called “ big dogs in a small package,” because despite their small stature, they have truly powerful teeth and necks. Representatives of this breed are very trainable, do not bark without a reason, but when the opportunity arises they will always stand up for themselves. Each Scotch Terrier has a huge reserve of strength and energy, the ability to adapt to both city life and country life. And these scotch tapes cannot live without regular physical activity and long walks.
   Unfortunately, these terriers are predisposed to many types of cancer (especially stomach cancer, blood cancer, etc.). Research shows that bitches who live to be 11 years of age are more likely to get cancer. On average, such terriers live up to thirteen years. By the way, it is extremely undesirable to feed this breed with dry food.

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From the history of the breed

   The Scottish Terrier is called by many names - Scottish Terrier, Scotch Terrier, Aberdeen Terrier, Scottish Ground Terrier, and briefly and affectionately “Scotty”.
   The origin of this dog breed is purely Scottish. Although there is no exact information about when and how it appeared. It is assumed that the Scotch Terrier was bred in the west of the North. Scotland and the Hebrides. Documentary evidence that reflects early development This breed has not survived. At that time dogs in Scotland were kept mainly for hunting and no special effort was made to maintain any one type. Scotty proved to be a pretty good hunter. Even now, with proper training, he will be able to lure foxes and badgers out of holes first-class, because his sense of smell never fails, due to which in ancient times he was indispensable in hunting.
   The ancestors of the modern Scotch Terrier were most likely very popular in Aberdeen - after all, to this day this breed is sometimes called the Aberdeen Terrier. By the way, most of the first exhibition record holders came from this particular area of ​​Scotland.
Many lovers of the Scottish Terrier claim that this breed is the oldest of the Highland Terriers, and all other breeds have already descended from it, while they assure that the Scottie is a purebred Highland Terrier.
   In the 17th century, several dogs from the former Scottish-turned-English King James I were sent to France as gifts. In Europe, Scotty has, of course, gained great popularity.
   The first Scottish Terrier standard was developed in 1879, but the beginning of the modern and high-quality development of this breed was carried out by the famous breeder Ludlow. He founded a club for these terriers in England in 1883. The first champions of this breed at the end of the 19th century were distinguished from today's Scotties by a somewhat elongated body, not very short limbs, rough short hair adjacent to the body, and a saber-shaped tail. The color was most often variegated brindle. The Scottish terriers were improved by Van Best from the Scottish city of Aberdeen, who was one of the first to seriously study the breed.
   In the 1920s, the brindle color dominated the breed, and black dogs were rare; the British tried to consolidate this color. At the same time, the silhouette of this breed changed. Scotch terriers came to Russia quite a long time ago; they could be seen here back in the 30s and 40s of the last century. Before the outbreak of World War I, the Scottish Terrier was one of the most fashionable breeds in many countries.

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IN international standard The Scottish Terrier is characterized as short-legged, active and strong dog. The task of properly cutting a Scotch Terrier is to emphasize the main typical features of the body structure of this dog and even the properties of its character.

The Scottish Terrier's coat is processed by both cutting and trimming, that is, plucking.

Scotch Terrier haircut pattern

You should start grooming your Scotch Terrier from occipital protuberance and moves towards the brow ridges with thick eyebrows.

If a dog is preparing for an exhibition, then this should be done approximately 14 days before the event. Thick eyebrows should be left above the eyes, separated by a parting. The eyebrows are also trimmed a little so that they remain long at the inner corner of the eyes (5 cm) and short at the outer corner. Long eyebrows left above the eyes should have triangular shape when viewed from above.

Also, a tuft of longer hair is left in front at the root of each ear. Beautiful brushes with sharp tips are formed on the ears. When cutting or plucking the hair on the head of the tape, you must remember the requirements of the standard. They say that the head of a dog of this breed should be long, with an almost flat skull. In this case, the muzzle and the skull must be the same length.

Anything that disturbs the clean lines of the head, such as loose hair, must be removed. On the bridge of the nose, the hair is cut very short. Only on the sides of the nose does the fur of the greatest length remain, forming a mustache. Together with the beard, they are combed forward. The hair on the back, upper neck and sides, and tail is completely plucked using a quality trimming knife 8-10 weeks before the show.

Although English dog handlers recommend plucking this fur with your fingers. However, this technique can only be used when the fur is fully mature and in individual individuals. On these parts of the body, the hair should be hard, moderately long and completely adjacent to the body, not bristling when the dog is lightly stroked against the growth of the hair.

There should be a clearly visible transition between the long hair on the neck and the short hair on the crown. Also between the ears, just behind the occipital protuberance, the hair should be slightly longer than on the crown. The hair on the tail is plucked so that it acquires a cone-shaped, well-pointed shape.

Eight weeks before the exhibition, the tail is heavily plucked, and in order for it to have good shape, the treatment is repeated approximately 14 days before the exhibition. The fur near the anus is cut short with special scissors or a clipper. At the same time, the transitions between the plucked and clipped planes on the hips and croup, especially in their rear part, must be very carefully designed.

On the hips, the hair is shortened by plucking to a line that can be mentally drawn from the groin to hip joint. Long hair is left on the chest, belly and lower sides. It should be thick, flow freely and blend smoothly into the long hair at the bottom of the paws. If necessary, this area can also be trimmed, but no later than six months before the exhibition.

For long hair, you only need to comb from top to bottom to remove the dying undercoat. The fur on the paws is cut in a circle with ordinary sharp scissors so that there is no hair left on them that sticks out to the sides like feathers. There is no need to model the shape of the paw with a haircut. There should not be too much hair growing between the dense pads. To do this, it is cut from time to time with great care using ordinary sharp scissors.

To maintain hair in good condition on the paws and lower parts of the body it should be brushed regularly. Almost all transitions between plucked and sheared surfaces should be smooth, and the border between them should be invisible. Only the eyebrows should be clearly separated from the short hair on the forehead and crown, and the beard and mustache should be clearly separated from the throat and cheekbones. In the Scotch Terrier, excess hair on the elbows, shoulders, hips and knees must also be removed so that the rest of the hair hangs straight down.

A haircut
Head: cut against the grain, starting from an imaginary line running from the inside of the base of the ears to an imaginary line running along the eyebrows. Care must be taken not to cut off too much hair at the base of the eyebrows at the level of the brow ridges.
The cheeks are cut from the base of the ears to an oblique line running from the corner of the eye (outer) to the corner of the mouth. Under lower jaw the hair is removed down to the wart, from which vibrises (thick hairs) grow. Fig.1, 2.
Neck: the front of the neck (throat) Fig. 1 is cut to the edge sternum or a little lower. The sides of the neck are cut diagonally from the outer part of the base of the ears to the end of the chest bone Fig. 1, 2

Ears: cut both outside and inside. Fig. 2 Closer to the inner side, a tuft of the longest hair is left on the front part in front of the ears, near the imaginary line from which the haircut of the head begins. The edges of the ears are trimmed to the point of attachment to the skull. Rice. 5, 6.
Front (front): cut with a machine according to the wool, turning the part trimmed with a triangle when cutting the neck into a rectangle. This part can also be processed with a trimming knife or thinning scissors. Rice. 1, 2, 3, 8.
Rear end: the anal area is clipped against the grain with a clipper, and a strip is cut in width equal to the width of the tail. Rice. 2, 3, 7.
Haircuts are carried out at least 8 days before the exhibition. After a few days, the machine-cut parts undergo final processing.

Neck and body: using a trimming knife, begin processing the upper part of the skull from the occipital protuberance to the border with the clipper-trimmed area. They descend along the neck and along the entire length of the body to the tail. At the request of the dog owner, the hair in these areas can be from 3 to 7 cm long. By leaving more hair, you create the appearance of greater compactness, Fig. 3 of high front power.
In Fig. Figure 3 schematically shows three zones with different coat lengths: A - relatively short or long (optional), B - medium length (transitional area from longer to shorter coat) and C - very short coat. There should be no sharp boundaries between these areas. They need to be smoothed either with sharp trimming or thinning scissors.
Zone B is treated by combing out the undercoat and partially removing excess guard hair using a trimming knife. If you left long hair in zone A, then the wool in zone B most likely will not need to be trimmed, but only remove loose hairs on it.

Tail: The hair on the tail for exhibition is lightly combed with a trimming knife and trimmed with scissors to give the tail a “carrot” shape. In order for the tail to look shorter, it is necessary to leave long hair on the rump so that it can be pulled over inner side the bottom of the tail. The hair on the sides of the tail on the croup should not bristle. At this point it is trimmed with scissors or trimming. After this general processing

Head you need to vigorously comb the dog and look again to see if there is any excess hair that needs to be cut or trimmed. Now you can begin detailed cutting of individual parts of the body. : using thinning scissors against the grain, the central part of the bangs between the eyes is processed to a width of approximately 1.5 cm in such a way as to divide this “tuft” into two eyebrows. Then, using the same scissors, but this time along the fur, the bridge of the nose itself is lightly processed from the nose to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle. In this case, the skin on the bridge of the nose should not be visible.. Rice. 4 B. Eyebrows should not be too short. When viewed from the side, the dog's eyes should be partly peeking out from behind the eyebrow. After this, the outer edge of the eyebrow is processed with thinning scissors to give it a more natural look.

Now it is necessary to establish differences in the density of fur on the eyebrows and previously treated cheeks and forehead. Using thinning scissors, slightly thin out (lighten) the eyebrows in the directions indicated by the arrows in Fig. 4 C. Then in the same directions they are lightly passed with sharp trimming. Do not remove too much hair from the base of the eyebrows (on the brow ridges). This can create the appearance of an overly prominent forehead. Rice. 6 Using simple scissors, trim the fur diagonally from the outer corner of the eye to the corner of the lips. Rice. 4 D. Then thin out the edge of the trim using thinning scissors. Rice. 4 E. If the beard is too thick, it is also thinned with thinning scissors against the grain and in depth. Rice. 4 F. The last to be cut are the triangular “whirls”, which should remain on the skull at the inside of the base of the ears. They are formed in Fig. 5 the inner side edge of the ears. Rice. 5. Then the fur is trimmed along the edges of the ears, giving them a triangular shape.

Front end: Detailed processing of these areas consists of smoothing out possible sharp transitions from long to shorter hair using thinning scissors. When viewing a dog from the front, its chest should look wide and square, and its front legs should look like two short cylindrical columns. The most common mistake is leaving too much hair on outside front paws The wool in these areas is not Fig. 7 should come out wider chest. It is neatly cut, as shown in Fig. 8. The same figure shows the removal of protruding hair. Rice. 8 B. When finishing the treatment of the front paws, they are combed, and then the paws are held down in the hand and excess hair is trimmed around the perimeter of the base of the paw. Rice. 8 A. Body and neck: It is recommended to leave a little more hair on the nape and withers. This creates the appearance of greater forwardness and a beautiful exit of the neck. Important for appearance tape is to create a smooth sloping line in the seat area. There should be no sharp transitions or an absolutely vertical line from the tail to the hock. The formation of this zone is shown in Fig. 7 V.

Dog beauty salon offers services for Scotch Terrier

Trimming, haircut, hygiene services for dogs.

Aberdeen Terrier - original Aberdeen Terrier - original Aberdeen Terrier - English original Scottish Terrier - English Scotch Terrier - Russian Scotty. The Scottish Terrier (Scotch Terrier) is a breed of dog bred in Scotland.

To look good, everyone needs care. And dogs of the Scottish Terrier breed, of course, too. The peculiarities of adhesive tapes are such that their wool needs to be trimmed periodically - this is the price for clean sofas and the absence of dog smell.

10% discount for all Scottish Terrier puppies in Baluti dog beauty salons.


Close-lying, double coat: the undercoat is short, dense and soft, the outer coat is hard, dense and wiry - together creating a weather-resistant coat. The length of regrown guard hairs is from 10 cm. Especially long wool covers the lower part of the torso and limbs, forming “pants” and “skirt”. On the muzzle, elongated hair forms a mustache and beard, and eyebrows above the eyes. The wool does not shed and requires special trimming according to the form established by the standard.

Scotch terrier Korzhik. He is 8 months old.

Before and after. We are preparing for the exhibition.

The best trimming experts. We are preparing for the exhibition. Believe in your pet.

✔ We are waiting for you by phone. 8 495 764 90 21

@ Dog grooming on Taganka, Varshavka, Sviblovo, Rokossovsky Boulevard in "Baluti".

Scottish Terriers Having a hard coat, they practically do not shed on their own. Thanks to this, your home is not covered with a wool carpet. To help your pet get rid of dead old fur, tape must be done at least twice a year and more often for your dog. trimming- pluck out old hair.

This procedure for Scottish terriers has, first of all, hygienic significance for the animals. If the old fur is not plucked out, the dog may develop skin irritations that will cause him discomfort. In addition, if dog breeds such as terriers are clipped instead of trimmed, their coat no longer meets the standards for these breeds.

When to do the first trimming for a Scotch Terrier puppy?

Begins at 3 months. Subsequent trimmings are carried out depending on the desired result:

So that the dog still sometimes looks like a terrier - every 6 months.

To keep the coat thick and tough - once every 1.5 months.

To ensure that the dog is always in perfect condition, you lightly tug the terrier’s fur yourself every two weeks and the master completes the work once every 1.5-2 months.

Salon for dogs "Baluti" we offer services for pets:


Trimming according to the breed standard: all types of trimming, stripping, plating.

Bathing and drying using professional cosmetics. Correct selection based on coat type, presence of tangles, odor - selection based on skin type: shampoos, conditioners.

A haircut according to the standard, trimming, clipper (if there is matted hair), creative haircuts, edging dog haircut.

Combing out mats, combing matted fur

Hygiene procedures: glands, nail trimming, caring for the dog’s ears (the master will clean the ears of wax), eye care.

Tartar, Scotch Terrier dental care. Cleaning the mouth - plaque, stone mechanically, with toothpaste or ultrasound.

Working with restless and fearful dogs, we also have dog handlers and veterinarians who will help old and sick animals find a new haircut.

Without anesthesia, noose. Only gentle and professional treatment.

Preparation for exhibitions, breed trimming.

SPA procedures

Promotions and discounts for regular customers.

Visit to the client's home.

In the beauty salon for dogs "Baluti"

1. There is a discount system - the first most pleasant discount is for puppies - 10%. The puppy's haircut will be with a 10% discount - a small gift from our salon to the baby - our masters will find an approach to the little fidget)) + loyalty card;

2. profitable complex;

3. You can always be nearby and be in the pet salon during the haircut;

4. in our salon they DO NOT scare or scold dogs, we do not administer anesthesia;

5. experienced specialists work in the salon;

Advantageous complex for the Scotch Terrier at the Baluti pet hairdressing salon:

Full complex caring for your pet includes the following procedures:

Gentle and caring hands - the administrator and the groomer!

Trimming a Scotch Terrier according to the breed standard - in the grooming salon “Baluti” there is not expensive, but thorough trimming!

Washing or bathing a Scottish Terrier(optional) professional products, conditioning and selection of cosmetics;

Wool styling a professional hairdryer that does not overheat the coat and does not dry it out, but blows water out of the coat, making the procedure faster and less tiring for the dog.

Haircut according to the breed standard, at your request you can choose from a photo album;

Hygienic haircut: a mandatory procedure that is included in the complex in our pet salon

Treatment of paws, cutting of fur between toes, hygienic places.

Cleaning ears and eyes. Our master groomers will not ignore such an important procedure as cleaning the eyes and ears. Care for the ears with a special powder, and with the help of lotion it removes dirt from the corners of your pet’s eyes. Of course, ear cleaning is not the most pleasant procedure for an animal, however, it is mandatory. If you clean your ears regularly, your animal will get used to it and experience minimal discomfort.

Nail trimming. Also one of the most important procedures for the Scottish Terrier. Too long nails prevent the dog from moving fully. In the most neglected state, the claws form a spiral and grow into the paw pad. To prevent this, you need to trim your dog's nails regularly. However, the claws must be trimmed carefully, being careful not to damage living tissue. If you walk a lot with your pet, then this procedure can be avoided altogether - the claws wear off perfectly on the asphalt.

“Scottish Terrier Complex” is the most profitable service for your pet, who will leave our pet salon clean, beautifully trimmed, with neat claws. Please take into account that the cost of the complex does not include combing out tangles.

Dog cosmetics store

In Baluti pet salons you can purchase professional cosmetics for caring for the hair of dogs and cats.

  1. Shampoos special for coarse hair for dogs that need to be trimmed.
  2. Air conditioners
  3. Masks - for different types of hair and skin of dogs and cats
  4. Conditioners - for caring for hair that is prone to matting.
  5. Creams and care for paw pads of dogs and cats.
  6. Powder - ear care.
  7. Eye lotions.

This was largely explained by the extremely complex haircut of the dog adopted for that era, which radically changed its appearance. In Great Britain, love for the Scotsman reached its zenith in the thirties; the Kennel Club registered 4,531 puppies in 1935. Scotch sticks, due to their exaggerated appearance, became a favorite subject for artists and designers. Even whiskey producers succumbed to the charm of the breed, and alcohol lovers, opening a bottle of the famous Scottish Black and White, recognized our friend and his white Westie on the label. The fashion for Scotch Terriers has become truly an epidemic. This disease has not spared Russia either. There are photographs depicting the poet V. Mayakovsky in an embrace with the Scotch terrier Puppy, but a special, incomparable (even with the image of a shepherd!) fame for this breed in our country was brought by the clown Pencil (artist M. N. Rumyantsev) .

From the mid-thirties until his last days the clown went on stage only accompanied by Scotch terriers, who all bore the stage name Blob. The success of this creative alliance best destroys the legends about the donkey's stubbornness and untrainability of the Scottish terrier. On the North American continent, Scottie owes its popularity to US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Of his two Scots, one bitch, Fala, accompanied the president everywhere and was even present at the historic meeting of the leaders of the three allied powers of the anti-Hitler coalition in Yalta. But still, fashion did not make the Scot popular in in true sense. It was a dog for high society and big cities. She could be found in London, Paris and New York - on the streets and boulevards, in prestigious stores and in the forest; main responsibility The dogs were meant to emphasize the elegance of the owner.

Scotch Terrier should be washed special shampoos and balms for dogs, in as a last resort, use baby mild shampoos. In order to avoid matting of the fur and the formation of tangles, you should also master the combing procedure. Every week, thoroughly comb the coat with a special comb, including the belly and armpits. Grooming is necessary every 10-14 weeks to maintain proper coat structure. Cleaning the insides of the ears is also necessary weekly. cotton swabs from accumulations of wax and fat. This procedure will protect the ears of Scotch Terriers from infectious diseases. The Scottish Terrier is prone to various types of allergies. Proper feeding no less important factor, which has a direct effect on the coat of these dogs. You should feed your dog only food recommended by veterinarians. Therefore, begging near the table must be excluded. To the above, you can add dog paw care. In addition to daily paw washing, after each walk, once a month, we recommend a hygienic haircut, between the paw pads and intimate places. Regular nail trimming is also necessary. Scotch Terriers have a very balanced character, are easy to train and willing to make contact. Dogs of this breed understand all the orders of the owner without any pressure from him. The best grooming strategy is consistency, perseverance, and perseverance. The coat of Scotch Terriers is hard and rough, with cracks in places. It reaches 4-10 cm in length. Unlike wool, the undercoat is softer, thicker, and well developed, which helps the dog easily endure cold weather. Decorating hair is clearly visible on the head, which forms a mustache, eyebrows and beard on the head. As for caring for the coat, it should be tough, but after frequent washing it becomes softer. Haircut (edging grooming) of the Scotch Terrier is required every 6-8 weeks, starting from 5-6 months. Trim twice a year. But it is done only before the haircut. As for brushing, once a week will be enough.

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