Girls stand. What is an erection in women? Female intimate physiology

The main elements of sexual intercourse are sexual desire, erection, ejaculation, orgasm. All of them are closely related to each other and if one of them is violated, all the others suffer.

Erection in men

The word "erection" is translated as straightening, swelling. As you know, in the thickness of the male penis there are cavernous bodies. Filled with excitement, they lead to a significant increase in the entire penis and its hardening. Such a state is called erection. At the same time, the genital organ turns red, increases in volume by about 3 times, swells. Its temperature rises, it becomes "hot".

During sexual intercourse, an erection is crucial. After all, a flaccid penis cannot be inserted into the vagina. The degree of erection in healthy man may be very different. It depends on age, well-being, on the degree of irritation of erogenous zones. An erection is considered normal if it is sufficient for successful sexual intercourse with a woman.

Often men are concerned about the fact that the size of the penis during erection is small. The fact is that the most erogenous zone of a woman during sexual intercourse is the clitoris and the vestibule of the vagina. When the penis enters this part of the vagina, and a man is sexually educated enough and knows how to behave at the same time, he should not have any anxiety. In addition, the vagina itself, as it were, "adapts" to the size of the penis. Worse, if during an erection it reaches a value corresponding to the size of the vagina.

An erection at the onset of sexual activity is conditioned reflex. Later, various ideas about a woman are perceived by the cortical sexual center of a man as a means of further enhancing the erection of a penis. All this contributes to sexual arousal and a man's readiness for sexual intercourse. In the future, the tension of the penis is maintained mainly due to mechanical stimuli received by its head and skin during sexual intercourse.

Often in adolescents, young men and young men there is a morning erection. It usually occurs before awakening and is associated with erotic dreams or overflow. Bladder. Impulses from the bladder go to the spinal urination center, which is located next to the erection center. If the excitation is strong enough, it captures both centers, which leads to tension in the penis.

Erection in women

female sexual organ clitoris- nothing but immature penis men. It consists of two cavernous bodies, which, when filled with blood, swell and contribute to an increase in the clitoris by about 2 times. The excited vagina also swells strongly due to the overflow of its vessels with blood, it becomes hot, which creates favorable conditions for copulation. The muscles and walls of the vagina tightly cover the penis, which contributes to an even greater erection

ejaculation in men

Ejaculation means eruption, ejection. The content of the male ejaculate is seminal fluid with sperm and secret prostate. In a healthy young man, the ejaculate is ejected in several quick shocks at a speed of up to 1 meter per second over a distance of up to 30 cm. The volume of one portion of sperm is 2-3 ml. Ejaculation is accompanied by a voluptuous sensation and convulsive jerking of the body.

Rapid ejaculation indicates excessive sexual excitability of the ejacular center in men. Such men are called low-potent, in contrast to impotent men, in whom an erection does not occur at all.

The weakening of the orgastic reaction or its absence is observed with mental or physical overwork, which both spouses need to know about.

ejaculation in women

ejaculation in women- release of the secretion of the glands of the cervix and Bartholin glands, which occurs when sexual intercourse ends with an orgasm in a woman. In this case, the muscles of the vagina are observed. In order to expel the plug of mucus, the cervix momentarily opens. After ejaculation, the feeling of tension in the genitals disappears in a woman and their hyperemia decreases. The cervix closes until the next intercourse or menstruation.


An erection culminating in ejaculation causes a feeling of sexual satisfaction in partners - orgasm. Orgasm is a nervous discharge of such strength, which has no equal in the body.

There are three stages of orgasm:

1. The summation stage - the gradual accumulation of voluptuous sensations during sexual arousal as a result of irritation of the erogenous zones.

2. Peak stage - the highest point of sexual spasm at the time of the onset of ejaculation.

3. Stage of extinction - pleasant sensations of partners during ejaculatory shudders.

The peak of orgasm in a woman comes later than in a man, and the period of extinction is longer. The summation of voluptuous sensations takes her longer. This defines the nature of female sexuality.

Find something else of interest:

If a male erection is manifested even with visual contact, ladies in this regard are more refined natures, no more than a quarter of the weaker sex experience excitement from contemplation, for example, of porn or their own naked partner. It turns out that for good sex a woman needs much more than a man, and the achievement of higher pleasure depends largely on physiological characteristics.

The best erection remedies for women

Unlike men, who often have spontaneous erections even in their sleep, women value little direct talk about sex, they are not excited by sex scenes, since semi-hints, a touch of mystery, romance, and poetics are more effective. Ladies prefer light flirting and foreplay.

What is a prelude?

These are the same strokes and whispers in the ear that the strong half of humanity neglects.

For some reason, men believe that the order "to bed" is enough for the wife or mistress to be sufficiently excited and give their chosen one an unforgettable night.

Lovely men, accustomed to the fact that the reaction of the penis occurs with any expression containing sexual overtones, do not take into account the peculiarities of female psychology, and then complain about the coldness of their partner, who is not much different in bed from a log.

Indeed, why arrange long love games, to which ladies are most often inclined, if there is an opportunity to satisfy their needs immediately? And only a partner who truly loves and cares about his woman, as well as a connoisseur of original sex, will do everything possible so that a woman can enjoy it at the same time.

Erection in women: how to excite a partner?

When excited, the lady's muscles tense up, and at the same time, psychological relaxation sets in, allowing you to completely move away from domestic problems, which often become an obstacle to quality sex. The degree of muscle tension is quite high, there are women who are able to control the tone of muscle tissue in the genital area, independently causing an orgasm.

However, such cases are extremely rare, for the most part, women do not experience insane pleasure from intimacy. By the way, a man himself can determine how excited his lady is by the appearance of a reddish rash in the chest area, which is caused by a rush of blood and is present in 75% of women during the highest excitement.

To achieve an erection in a partner, you can use several common tips:

  • Before proceeding directly to sexual intercourse, one should pay tribute to the foreplay. kisses in erogenous zones, caresses in the chest and genitals - they will definitely give positive result if acted with sufficient tenderness. However, it is worth considering that erogenous zones can be located in the most different places. Direct contact of the partner's hand with the clitoris can be perceived negatively, and kissing under kneecap- arouse desire. Therefore, a man needs to familiarize himself with the body beautiful lady and not make mistakes;
  • A woman should not remain only an object of caresses, she herself should participate in the love game, delivering pleasure to her partner. Therefore, a guy should not hide from his beloved what forms of sex he prefers;
  • Even during intercourse, do not forget about caresses. This is the main mistake of the entire masculine gender. Focusing on the sensations of their own sexual organ, they move away from their partner, believing that an excited woman will definitely experience an orgasm. By no means! Most often, the cessation of affection leads to a decrease in excitability, and while the partner enjoys her sensations, the woman is silently angry at the inaccessibility of orgasm, since all her sensitivity has already gone to "no".

Is there really no way to make a woman more excitable? There are such ways, and if a lady really wants to make her orgasm brighter, and her own sexuality more pronounced, she can always use the recommendations of sexologists.

Physiology of the female body

The muscle layers of an untrained vagina are quite thin and do not have elasticity, which allows you to fully feel the pleasure of sexual intercourse. Especially often this state of affairs is observed in women who have given birth, due to stretching of muscles and ligaments, loss of elasticity.

Even the mucosa of the organ becomes smooth, without pronounced effect"washing" board, which allows you to get the maximum pleasure for both partners.

If you constantly train the muscles of the vagina, you can significantly increase your own erection, achieving an expansion of the spongy layer of tissues at the slightest excitation. As a result, the space inside the organ becomes much narrower and sensations acquire brightness.

During normal sexual intercourse, the organs of a man and a woman adjust to each other. The male phallus increases and expands, while the vagina, on the contrary, contracts, which provides an impact on more nerve endings.

Exercises recommended by Kegel can be the basis for improving erectile function. Although the method was developed as a remedy for urinary incontinence, strengthening the muscles in the perineal and vaginal areas contributes to the elasticity of precisely those tissues that play an important role in sexual contact.

Erection in women (tumescence) is a state of sexual arousal, leading to an increase in the volume of the female genital organs as a result of their blood filling. In fact, this is the readiness of a woman physiologically and psychologically to have sexual relations.

Female erection has much in common with that of men, although there are still differences due to physiology. What excites our women and how her erect parts of the body look at this moment.

Such different "I want"

About female erection for a long time it was not customary to speak, even among specialists in the field of sexology, this issue was the subject of long discussions. To date, the phenomenon of female erection is recognized and well studied.

Everything about a male erection has long been clear: in a sexually inclined man, this very excitement can be seen from the state of his penis at this moment. It will increase in size, become harder and more resilient, showing with all its appearance that its owner is ready for intercourse.

What can not be said about the weaker sex. Ladies are anatomically and physiologically arranged differently, and their psychology is completely different. But this does not mean at all that women cannot be excited. Nature did not leave them unattended, erection in ladies is the same normal phenomenon as in their gentlemen. And the appearance of an erection in women also indicates a desire and readiness for a "closer" relationship.

Erection of the male penis is due to the rush of blood to cavernous bodies the penis, which causes its enlargement and elastic hardening. So the male penis from the state of "sluggishly hanging" goes into the state of "upright". This process is called the term "erectus" - "standing upright", which comes from the Latin. the words "erigere" - "raise".

In women, this happens in a different way, the “elevated” state of the genital organs does not occur quickly and not at all like in the opposite sex and has a number of features. For the appearance of an erection in women, time and skillful actions of her partner are needed.

If he has the intention to arrange a girlfriend for sex and give pleasure from intimacy not only to himself, he needs to learn some of the nuances of a female erection. In this he will be helped by knowledge of the erogenous zones on the body of a woman.

An erection in women indicates their readiness for intercourse.

Exciting "buttons"

Such zones are parts of the mucous membrane and skin of the genital organs of a woman, the irritation of which causes her sexual desire. Erogenous places are:

  1. Primary - due to physiological structure female body. These are the clitoris, labia minora, vagina and mammary glands.
  2. Secondary - acquired, very individual, the stimulation of which causes sexual desire.

We list the most erogenously active places responsible for the appearance of a female erection.

  • The clitoris is the external unpaired female genital organ, which is the most sensitive erogenous zone. It consists of two longitudinal cavernous formations, which, when excited, fill with blood.

The mechanism of erection of the clitoris is similar to erection of the penis, with the difference that in women it comes later. When she is excited, the clitoris becomes elastic, hot, its volume doubles.

  • The vagina is an internal genital organ, which, with a female erection, is able to change qualitatively.

In this, the vagina is strongly moistened, which is facilitated by the release of a special secret. Its spongy layer swells, and the muscle layer is in good shape, holding back its external expansion. The vaginal canal narrows, while in men, the erect penis expands and increases in size.

This creates conditions for the appropriate stimulation of nerve endings on the skin and mucous membranes of women. intimate organs responsible for "pleasure".

  • The labia minora increase in size, their color changes from the rush of blood and the temperature rises.
  • The mammary glands, especially the nipples, are an important erogenous zone for women. Upon reaching highest point desires, they swell and noticeably increase in size. The female vagina is reflexively moistened.

When aroused, the woman's vagina is moistened.

External manifestations of desire in ladies

In men, an erection occurs with visual arousal. To do this, it is enough for them to see beautiful girl and imagine yourself with her in an intimate setting. In women, such imagination practically does not work. To get excited, she needs:

  • Erotic fantasies that mentally excite a lady.
  • Love Escort Cooking female body to coition.

Therefore, we need preliminary preparation, which is achieved by love caresses (prelude). You can notice that the lady is ready by certain signs.

External "beacons" of erection in women:

  1. The appearance of a blush on the cheeks and a glint in the eyes.
  2. Licking reddened lips.
  3. Protrusion of the chest.
  4. The appearance on the body of "spots of love."
  5. Swollen nipples and goosebumps.

Vaginal manifestations of female erection:

  • The volume and color of the labia minora increases.
  • The clitoris swells, it turns red from the rush of blood.
  • The woman's vagina expands and lengthens, a moisturizing lubricant appears.
  • The genital slit opens up.

With an increase in arousal, the female skin becomes moist, the muscles of the abdomen and thighs tense, the breasts increase and become elastic.

One of three concepts of the Tao love is that in the love bed a woman must be fully satisfied. This is the sexual duty of any man. Knowledge of the intricacies of the body and the peculiarities of women's arousal helps to build harmonious intimate relationships, from which both partners enjoy.

Men: love and take care of your women, because common cause female neuroses - precisely their lack of sexual satisfaction.

A female erection is not as clear and visually noticeable as a male one. Sexual arousal and the desire for rapprochement of the stronger sex is much easier to see than the similar state of girls. An erection in women occurs due to other stimulating factors, although physiologically it is in many ways similar to a man's. For example, for a girl to feel aroused, just a visual image is not enough.

Seeing a woman's arousal is harder than seeing a man's erection, but external signs is also there. First of all, it happens active intake blood to the genitals, due to which the size of the clitoris and labia increase. In addition, there is an active release of lubricant, the function of which is to protect the walls of the vagina from damage. The walls of the vagina themselves become more elastic.

In both men and women, nipples swell during arousal, breathing quickens. Activation of blood circulation leads to redness of some areas of the skin. Most often, scarlet spots appear in the chest area.

Another hallmark female erection is the tension of all the muscles of the body. This is normal, although it is believed that for a satisfactory sexual intercourse, it is necessary to completely relax. However, for a woman, this relaxation should be more psychological than physical. To enjoy and achieve orgasm, you need to get rid of all unnecessary questions and problems. Many women, as well as their partners, know that doing this is not always easy.

Female intimate physiology

To better understand the mechanisms of female arousal, it is worth delving into intimate physiology.

The vaginal wall consists of three layers, different in thickness and purpose. This is the mucous membrane, spongy and muscular layers. After childbirth or with age, the muscles of the vagina weaken, stretch and lose their elasticity. They can be trained special exercises. And the spongy and mucous layers become thinner from damage, it is more difficult to restore them.

If the mucous membrane of the vagina is damaged, there is a violation of the discharge. Their excess or deficiency affects the characteristics of sexual intercourse. With dryness of the vagina, the penetration of the male member into it can be painful. Exactly good condition mucosa promotes comfortable sex, it stretches and adjusts to the size of the penis.

Nature thus laid in female body the ability to enjoy being close to different sizes male reproductive organs. Therefore, the fact that men with a small penis cannot give real pleasure is a myth. The training of the vaginal muscles and the good condition of the mucous layer compensate for this difference.

A feature of female physiology is that when excited, the vaginal muscles narrow the lumen of the vagina, which allows you to tightly grasp male dick. If they are stretched and have lost elasticity, a snug fit is not obtained, so it becomes more difficult to achieve pleasure. You can train them with special exercises, the regular implementation of which will teach a woman to consciously control muscle tension. Then sexual rapprochement with any man will deliver the expected pleasure.

How to achieve female arousal

For an erection to appear, a visual image is enough for a man. With female arousal, everything is much more complicated. As a rule, a female erection is achieved with a combination of several factors. Among them, the main and most effective are:

  1. mental image. If a woman thinks about work problems or household chores, it is quite difficult to achieve pleasure. There should be something in the head that helps to abstract, tune in to the right wave, be in this moment and focus on the partner, as well as on your own feelings;
  2. words and touch. No wonder they say that women love with their ears. If a man does not skimp on pleasant words, makes compliments, caresses and shows tenderness, this relaxes the partner, gives her the necessary pleasure. Even a soft and deep look of a man can induce right thoughts in a woman and create the right mood;
  3. prelude is an important and indispensable element of a love game. It can begin long before the start of intimacy with certain looks, words, hints, smiles. Already at this stage, the representatives of the weaker sex give free rein to their imagination, which is a powerful element of their erection;
  4. to get a girl, you need to include in love game caresses, stroking, kisses, and not only in the face. In the process of foreplay, you need to try to find her erogenous zones, the impact on them will help to achieve an early excitation. As a rule, this is the neck, chest area, back of the head, wrists.

Sex for a man begins with the excitation of the genitals, for a woman - with the excitation of the brain. If she feels desired, unique, beautiful and loved, she will want this rapprochement no less than her partner. Most girls want tenderness and warmth, and only then sexual satisfaction. Many men rush into sex, thinking that it is important to get mutual pleasure as soon as possible. However, for a woman, pleasure lies precisely in the absence of haste.

Female orgasm - the logical conclusion of arousal

Excitation, female erection, harmonious sexual intercourse - all this leads to the logical conclusion of the chain of feelings and changes occurring in the genital area - to orgasm. And although it is believed that it is not easy to achieve a female orgasm, and some are sure that there are representatives of the weaker sex who do not experience it at all, pleasure should end with the highest pleasure.

There are several types of female orgasm:

  • vaginal - when a girl experiences pleasure from the penetration of a member into the vagina;
  • clitoral - when the nerve endings of the clitoris are excited;
  • uterine - occurs when the G-spot is stimulated - a section of the mucosa, which is located on the anterior wall of the vagina.

Experts in the field of medicine and sexology have proven that any woman can experience an orgasm, with the exception of frigid ones. But their percentage is much lower than is commonly thought. Frigidity is a physiological disorder, a disease that requires treatment. Although some men and women are used to thinking that this is just a reluctance to have sex.

Thus, female erection has its own characteristics associated with the physiological structure and structure of her body. It is more difficult to notice an erection in a woman than in a man, but it is quite possible. And if you give the process of intimate rapprochement due time and attention, you will be able to achieve mutual pleasure from intimacy.

An erection is a process of arousal, in which full sexual contact becomes possible. The mechanism of erection in men is quite clear. When excited, there is a rapid flow of blood to the cavernous body of the penis. The outflow of blood through the veins stops. Thus, the penis increases, which makes it possible to make intimacy. A male erection is always noticeable visually. Erections in women have long been debated among specialists. It was found that erectile function in women is also present. But how does it manifest itself?

What is a female erection?

Everyone knows that men love with their eyes. For the representatives of the stronger sex, the visual aspect is very important. The outward attractiveness of a woman, her clothes, underwear leads to an early erection. Women's brains are a little different. Any girl prefers to hear multiple compliments, pleasant courtship. Given the female physiology, the auditory zones are directly related to the work of the subcortical centers. They are responsible for the excitement and sexuality of girls.

Most women do not become aroused by sight. It is pleasant words addressed to a girl that awaken sexual fantasies to the bottom. For a woman to experience arousal and an erection, great importance has a prelude. Foreplay allows the brain to relax. Thus, the excitation and sexual desire of the fairer sex increase. Sexual intercourse becomes more vivid.

It is worth noting that what stronger arousal, the more tense the muscles of the whole body. This completely contradicts the statement about complete relaxation. Of course, psychologically the woman relaxes. But, physical state completely tense. Therefore, regular sexual intercourse contributes to weight loss. Knowing how to control the muscles of the vagina, a woman is able to get full pleasure without direct penetration of a man.

It is important to note that not all women are able to feel an erection, as such. Sometimes you can see external manifestations erections in women. So, with an active rush of blood to the muscles of the vagina, the girl's body can become covered with red spots, a blush appears on her cheeks. This indicates arousal. In both men and women, an erection is manifested in the form of swelling of the nipples of the breast.

During a female erection, the clitoris increases in size due to the rapid flow of blood to the genitals. This phenomenon almost imperceptibly, due to the small size of the clitoris itself. When filled with blood, the cavernous bodies located around the clitoris give this increase. The walls of the vagina are also responsible for the state of erection in women. During arousal, they become more elastic, and at the same time elastic. The vessels of the vagina are also filled with blood. This allows you to completely envelop the male penis.

One more characteristic feature erections in women is a type of vaginal discharge. Abundant transparent mucous discharge indicates sufficient excitement of the girl. This allows you to perform a full-fledged sexual intercourse without any injury to the mucous membranes in both women and men. Due to swelling, the vagina is able to take the form of the partner's penis. This allows you to experience an orgasm.

The physiology of the vagina itself plays an important role in erection. The walls of the vagina are made up of three layers. With low development intimate muscles, these layers are very thin. In this case, the blood flow will be insufficient, and the vagina will not be able to take the form of a penis. Also, the amount of mucus secreted for lubrication will be too small. When training these muscles (spongy layer), the walls of the vagina thicken and take on a ribbed shape, the mucous membrane itself strengthens. This allows you to experience more vivid sensations for both a woman and a man.

Thus, the very nature of erection becomes clear. In men, the penis increases in size. In women, the vaginal space shrinks during an erection. In general, a female erection looks like this:

  • Enlargement of the clitoris;
  • Enlargement of the labia in size;
  • Swelling of the spongy body, vaginal muscles;
  • The presence of clear mucous discharge from the vagina.

Many women choose their partner according to the size of his penis. And it became customary to blame the man because of the incompatibility in intimate life. But, it is worth noting that with well-trained vaginal muscles, there will be no problems with the size of the penis. The spongy body will take on absolutely any shape and size.


In case not enough copious discharge, there may be some problems. So, these are not only injuries of the mucous membranes of a different nature. The secretions allow absorption enough sperm for successful conception. It is the vaginal fluid that delivers spermatozoa to the uterus, then along fallopian tubes into the ovaries. The amount of discharge may also indicate the rate of development of menopause in women. So, the more secretions, the later this period of life will come. Therefore, a full erection and arousal are so important for women's health.

A woman's erection never reaches the same degree of arousal as a man's. In girls, this is a whole complex of physiological, psychological and emotional reactions of the body. An erection may not occur at all, but may show itself directly during intercourse. Thus, it becomes clear that erection and sexual arousal for women are two different concepts.
