Crossword puzzle on the topic of the internal environment of the body. Crossword puzzle on the topic "Blood. Constancy of the internal environment." VI. Testing students' understanding of new material. Consolidating new material

Test on the topic “The internal environment of the body. Blood and circulation"

1 option

Part A

Choose the correct answer.

  1. The function of platelets is:

a) transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide

d) hormone production

  1. Composition of blood plasma Excluded:

a) proteins

b) red blood cells

c) magnesium ions

d) urea

  1. What type of immunity is created by introducing a vaccine into the body?

a) natural passive (innate)

b) natural active (acquired)

c) artificial passive

d) artificial active

  1. How many red blood cells are contained in 1 mm3 of human blood?

a) 180-400 thousand c) 4.5-5 million

b) 6-8 thousand d) 50-70 thousand

  1. Group II blood can be transfused to people who have:

a) blood type

b) II or IV blood group

c) II or III blood group

d) IV blood group

  1. Not

a) measles

b) chickenpox

c) flu

d) mumps

  1. Which chamber of the heart has the thickest walls?

a) left atrium

b) right atrium

c) left ventricle

d) right ventricle

  1. Which valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle?

a) double-leaf

b) tricuspid

c) semilunar

d) there is no valve

  1. In which part of the heart does the systemic circulation end?

a) right atrium

b) right ventricle

c) left atrium

d) left ventricle

  1. Blood from the heart chamber, indicated in the figure by the letter B, enters:

a) left ventricle

b) right atrium

c) aorta

d) pulmonary artery

  1. How many layers of cells does the arterial wall consist of?

a) 1 b) 2

c) 3 d) 4

  1. What device is used to measure blood pressure?

a) barometer b) tonometer

b) spirometer d) dynamometer

  1. What are the names of the vessels that carry blood to the heart?

a) arterioles b) capillaries

b) veins d) arteries

  1. Which of the functions of blood doesn't fulfill?

a) secretory

b) humoral

c) excretory

d) protective

Part B

Establish the sequence of blood flow big circle blood circulation Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

  1. left ventricular contraction
  2. arteries
  3. inferior and superior vena cava
  4. aorta
  5. capillaries in tissues
  6. right atrium


Part C Answer the question

In which case will the medicine act faster: if it is injected into a vein or taken in tablet form? Explain your answer.

Test on the topic “The internal environment of the body. Blood and circulation"

Option 2

Part A

Choose the correct answer.

  1. The function of red blood cells is:

a) transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide

b) protection from microorganisms, foreign proteins, foreign bodies

c) participation in blood clotting

d) hormone production

  1. What blood type does a “universal donor” have?

a) I

b) II

c) III

d) IV

  1. What is artificial passive immunity?

a) immunity to infections due to human genetic characteristics

b) the production of antibodies in response to the introduction of a vaccine into the body

c) immunity to infections after suffering from this disease

d) the body’s reaction that occurs when serum with ready-made antibodies is administered

  1. How many leukocytes are there in 1 mm3 of human blood?

a) 180-400 thousand.

b) 6-8 thousand

c) 4.5-5 million

d) 50-70 thousand.

  1. Which phase cardiac cycle lasts 0.4 seconds?

a) contraction of the atria

b) contraction of the ventricles

c) general pause

d) the entire cardiac cycle

  1. After suffering from what disease in a person Not Is it possible to develop lasting immunity?

a) rubella

b) hepatitis

c) pneumonia

d) measles

  1. To the internal environment of the body Not applicable:

a) blood b) urine

b) lymph d) tissue fluid

  1. Which valve is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle?

a) double-leaf

b) tricuspid

c) semilunar

d) there is no valve

  1. What is normal frequency heart rate per minute in an adult at rest?

a) 70-80 c) at least 60

b) 100-120 d) more than 90

  1. How many leaflets does the valve have, which is located between the chambers of the heart, indicated in the figure by the letters A and B?

Origin of cells. Immune response. Helper T cell activation. Structure of the antigen-binding site. Immunoglobulin molecule. Immunoglobulin classes. The structure of antibodies. Basic functions of lymphocytes. Immunoglobulin A. Image of the complex. Plasma cell clone. Gene association scheme. Types of lymphocytes. Interaction of the complement system with Igg. Immunoglobulin M. DNA recombination process.

“Immune system” - The immune system as a lifestyle factor. Factors that weaken the immune system. Express diagnostics of work efficiency immune system. 1. Ecology 20-30 years ago, children got sick much less, although the choice of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs in pharmacies was minimal. Congenital - results from general processes occurring in the body. 3. Stress factors Acute or prolonged stress can negatively affect the immune system.

“The internal environment of the human body” - Blood plates. Complete the logical chain. Liquid part of blood. Colorless liquid. Table. Movement of lymph. Shaped elements. Protein. Crossword. Name it in one word. Liquid connective tissue. Red blood cells. Functions of blood cells. Blood cells. Circulatory system person. Intellectual warm-up. Cells of the circulatory system. Name of cells. Compound internal environment body. Hollow muscular organ.

“The body’s immune system” - Serums. Morbidity of the child population. Infection. Artificial immunity. National calendar preventive vaccinations. Human immune system. Vaccine prevention. Factors. Increasing the child's body's defenses. Specific mechanisms of immunity. Critical period. Immunity. Statistical research. Antigen. Nonspecific factors protection. A trace in the history of mankind. Protective barrier.

“Elements in the human body” - I find friends everywhere: In minerals and in water, Without me you are like without hands, Without me, the fire has gone out! (Oxygen). And if you destroy it right away, you will get two gas. (Water). Oxygen. Content of organogenic elements in the human body. Content of “life metals” in the human body. Water. The role of nutrients in the human body. Basic chemical elements, which are part of the human body. Although my composition is complex, it is impossible to live without me, I am an excellent solvent of Thirst for the best intoxicator!

“History of Anatomy” - Botkin Sergey Petrovich. Andreas Vesalius. Burdenko Nikolai Nilovich. History of the development of anatomy, physiology and medicine. Li Shi-Zhen. Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich. Ukhtomsky Alexey Alekseevich. Claudius Galen. Louis Pasteur. William Harvey. Hippocrates. Pavlov Ivan Petrovich. Sechenov Ivan Mikhailovich. Ibn Sina. Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich. Aristotle. Luigi Galvani. Paracelsus. Pasteur.

Competitive crossword puzzle in biology “Circulatory system”
Age group: 8th grade.
Explanatory note of the event
Target audience: 8th grade
Abstract: the crossword “Circulatory system” can be used in 8th grade in lessons aimed at systematizing and generalizing knowledge on the topics “Internal environment of the body” and “Circulatory and lymphatic systems", as well as to broaden the horizons of 8th grade students. The crossword can also be used on extracurricular activities in biology (week natural sciences, themed classroom hours).
The crossword puzzle has 22 words: 18 words vertically and 4 words horizontally.
Goal: create conditions
1) consolidation of basic concepts and knowledge on the topics “Internal environment of the body” and “Circulatory and lymphatic systems”;
2) for creative repetition of the studied material;
3) generalizations of the material covered on the topics “Internal environment of the body” and “Circulatory and lymphatic systems.”
Objectives of the event:
1) to form in students new anatomical and physiological concepts about the internal environment, composition and functions of blood; circulatory and lymphatic systems;
2) continue to develop the intellectual abilities of students;
3) activation mental activity students;
4) fostering a caring attitude towards one’s health, instilling interest in studying the subject.
Expected results:
. students should know the composition of the internal body environment,
. know blood composition,
. name of blood cells, their structure and functions,
. be able to distinguish cells by pattern,
. be able to connect the structure with the function performed,
. be able to define or explain new concepts.

1. The thinnest blood vessels where exchange occurs between blood and tissue cells.
2. Nuclear-free colored cells that transport oxygen to tissues and carbon dioxide to the lungs.
3.Small non-nuclear formations responsible for blood clotting.
4. Vessels carrying blood to the heart.
5. A special protein that allows oxygen to be transported.
6. Who is for the good of all people
Does he share his blood?
7. The intermediate internal environment located in the vessels does not come into direct contact with the cells, but maintains the constancy of the composition of the tissue fluid.
8. Organ of the hematopoietic system.
9. Austrian researcher, discovered blood groups, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930.
10. Vessels through which blood flows from the heart.
11. A disease that occurs when hematopoietic functions are impaired, as well as due to significant blood loss.
13. What type of tissue is blood?
14. Person receiving when providing medical care someone else's blood.
15. A special protein is an agglutinogen, found in the blood of most people and monkeys, which is located on the surface of red blood cells.
16. A blood clot that clogs a wound during bleeding and protects the body from blood loss.
17. Colorless cells with a nucleus. Participate in the destruction of microbes.
18. The liquid part of the blood, consisting of water, organic and mineral substances.
19. Special chemical substances, which neutralize or destroy antigens.

12. Special cells that are able to recognize the chemical structure of foreign compounds.
20.How many blood groups are there in humans?
21. Plasma protein, which takes part in blood clotting.
22. Cells are eaters that destroy foreign particles.

List of sources used:
. Kolesov D.V. Biology. Human: Textbook for 8th grade. general educational institutions / D.V. Kolesov, R.D. Mash, I.N. Belyaev. -M.: Bustard, 2012
. Ageeva I.D. Fun biology in lessons and holidays: Toolkit. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2004

69. Formulate several questions that you want answered when studying this topic.

    Answer: What is blood made of? What function do blood cells perform? Function of internal fluids?

70. Name three fluids that make up the internal environment of the body.

    Answer: Blood, lymph, tissue fluid.

71. Answer, the work of which regulatory systems maintains the relative constancy of the internal environment of the body.

    Answer: Nervous and endocrine system.

72. Indicate where the structures are located that signal regulatory systems about the deviation of the concentration of a certain substance in the fluids of the internal environment of the body from the normal range.

74. Draw and describe the structure and functions shaped elements blood using the following table.

  • Blood cells


    Red blood cells



    Drawing and description of the structure

    Red blood cells are biconcave in shape. There is no core.

    Round transparent blood cells with a pronounced nucleus.

    Small cells.

    Transport of substances.

    Protective (phagocytosis).

    Blood clotting.

    Quantity (in 1)

74. Read the article “Composition of Blood” (§17). Answer the questions.

1) Why is arterial blood bright scarlet, and venous blood dark cherry? (Describe the processes that occur with hemoglobin during the transformation venous blood into arterial and arterial blood into venous.)

    Answer: Hemoglobin in the arterial carries oxygen from the heart to the organs, and therefore the blood has light color. In venous blood, hemoglobin carries carbon dioxide from the organs to the heart, and therefore the blood has a dark color.

2) The investigator, studying suspicious drops of blood, discovered that her red blood cells had a nucleus. Could such blood belong to a person?

    Answer: No, mature red blood cells in mammals do not have nuclei.

What about the chicken?

    Answer: Yes, a chicken is a bird.

3) Phagocytes destroy foreign cells - antigens by capturing them. How do lymphocytes work?

    Answer: They secrete antibodies that neutralize antigens.

75. Read the material about platelets (§17). Complete the diagram reflecting the order of events that occur during blood clotting.

76. Read additional material and answer the questions.

Hemophilia - hereditary disease associated with a violation of the blood clotting process. Congenital change DNA structure (of a certain gene) leads to the fact that a person does not form the necessary proteins - coagulation factors. As a result, the risk of human death increases sharply, even with minor injury. Typically, men suffer from the disease, but women are carriers of the hemophilia gene and can give birth to sick sons or daughters who are carriers. The most famous carrier of the hemophilia gene in history was the English Queen Victoria, who passed on this pathological gene to her descendants - representatives royal families Europe. Tsarevich Alexei - son of the latter Russian Emperor Nicholas II - suffered from hemophilia. He received the hemophilia gene from his mother, Empress Alexandra, who was the great-niece of Queen Victoria. The most common misconception about hemophilia is that a person with hemophilia can bleed to death from the slightest scratch. In fact, bleeding from minor abrasions and cuts stops almost as quickly in hemophiliacs as in healthy people. Major injuries are dangerous surgical operations, tooth extraction. As well as internal hemorrhages in muscles and joints.

In what direction do you think care should develop for people living with a diagnosis of hemophilia? which medications necessary to compensate for this disease?

    Answer: It is necessary to artificially stimulate the synthesis of the blood clotting factor in such patients, or administer it as an injection.

77. Read the additional material and formulate a question about it.

If a vessel is damaged, all the blood does not clot due to the presence of an anti-coagulation system. Special plasma proteins prevent the reaction from spreading far from the site of vessel damage. They attach to clotting factors and block them. If these proteins are not enough, then the blood clot grows very large and there is a danger of thrombosis (blockage) of blood vessels. This disease is called thrombophilia. In 70% of cases, thrombophilia is hereditary.

    Answer: How is thrombophilia transmitted? Is thrombophilia life-threatening?

78. Read the article “Protective barriers of the body” (§18). Fill the table.

  • The body's protective barriers

    Type of protection

    Barrier: skin and mucous membranes




    An obstacle to the internal environment.

    Sweat discharge and sebaceous glands harmful to many bacteria and viruses.

    There are organisms on human skin that destroy other microbes.

    Barrier: blood, tissue fluid, lymph (i.e. the internal environment of the body)

    Nonspecific immunity

    Specific immunity

    Carried out by leukocytes by phagocytosis.

    Antigens are destroyed by antibodies.

79. Define the concept of immunity.

    Answer: This is the body’s ability to get rid of foreign bodies and compounds and maintain the constancy of the internal system.

80. Complete the diagram of the immune system of the human body.

81. Fill out the table.

82. After reading the article “Inflammation” (§18), write in the right column of the table the processes occurring in the affected tissues.

  • External signs

    Processes occurring in affected tissues

    The inflamed area is redder, and the temperature in this area rises.

    Capillaries expand, blood flow increases.

    Pain and swelling occur. The area of ​​inflammation is limited.

    Receptors are irritated causing pain leukocytes and macrophages arrive at the inflamed area. Phagocytosis begins. A protective wall is formed around the microbes, inside which pathogens are destroyed.

    Pus appears.

    A mixture of dead microbes and phagocytes that has come to the surface.

83. Complete the statements given.

84. Write what processes in the body take place in the hidden, acute periods illness and recovery.

85. Read the article “ Infectious diseases" (§18). Answer the questions.

1) Is it possible to become infected by drinking from a glass that was used by someone with the flu? Why?

    Answer: Yes. Harmful organisms may remain on the neck of the glass.

2) Is it possible to get rid of germs by boiling water?

    Answer: You can get rid of most germs, but not all.

3) What is the danger of bacilli and virus carriage?

86. Read the articles “History of the invention of vaccines” and “Therapeutic serums” (§19) and write down in tabular form the difference between vaccines and therapeutic serums.

  • Comparison criteria


    Healing serums

    Composition of the drug.

    Weakened microbes or their toxins.

    Ready-made antibodies.

    Mechanism of action

    The body produces antibodies itself. Immunity develops within a month

    The body receives ready-made antibodies; it does not need to produce them on its own.

    Duration of action


    A short

87. Study Figure 60 on p. 122 textbooks. Fill in the blanks in the text about the production and use of anti-diphtheria serum given below.

    Answer: To prepare anti-diphtheria antitoxin, horses are injected infectious agent or toxin. The procedure is repeated several times, increasing the dose of the drug. The horse's body produces antibodies. From blood taken from a horse take antibodies by serum secretions. Anti-diphtheria antitoxin ampoules are used in the treatment of patients and prevention of healthy. The serum is specific, i.e. has a strict direction of action.

88. Read the article “Allergy” (§19). Enter the necessary terms into the text about the development of the allergic process.

    Answer: Stage I of allergy is painless and without external manifestations. Allergen causes immune reaction. Emerging antibodies come out of the walls of blood vessels and are adsorbed on the mucous membranes shells. Stage II of allergy causes conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough, hives, upset stomach, etc. Entered the body allergen caught antibodies, deposited on the mucous membranes. A complex is formed antigen - antibodies. In this case, substances are released that affect the cells of the mucous membranes. An allergic reaction occurs.

89. Read the article “Blood Transfusion” (§19). Indicate with arrows the theoretical routes of blood transfusion.

90. Repeat the information about the factors by which human blood types differ.

    Based on the content of antigens in erythrocytes and antibodies in plasma, people can be divided into four groups. Antigens of erythrocytes are designated by the letters A and B, plasma antibodies - Greek lettersα and β. An immune conflict occurs when antigen A meets antibody α, and antigen B meets antibody β. In the blood of any person, these antigens and antibodies never occur together.

Transfusion compatible blood, but of a different blood group, is carried out by drip and in small volumes, therefore incompatible antibodies donated blood are diluted with the recipient's plasma and cannot stick together red blood cells containing incompatible antigens.

When incompatible blood is transfused, the antigens of donor red blood cells immediately enter the recipient's plasma with high concentration antibodies, and donor red blood cells stick together.

However, currently they try to transfuse the patient with as much blood as their group.

Do you know your blood type? If not, ask your parents and write it down in your notebook.

    Answer: Yes, I know. The first one is positive.

91. Read the article “Rhesus factor” (§19). Answer the questions.

1) What happens in the body of a Rhesus negative woman if she is carrying Rhesus - positive child during your first pregnancy?

    Answer: Rhesus conflict arises. The body begins to produce antibodies that destroy this protein. But there are so many of them.

2) What happens during a second pregnancy if the fetus is Rh positive again?

    Answer: Then enough antibodies accumulate and they destroy the child’s red blood cells, which leads to hemolytic disease.

3) Hereditary or acquired immunity is associated with: a) incompatibility of blood groups according to the AB0 system;

    Answer: Hereditary

b) Rhesus conflict?

      Answer: Knowing your Rh factor and blood type can save your life. Also, knowledge about the compatibility of blood groups will be useful in the future if we decide to become a blood donor for someone close to us or for everyone. Knowing that I have the first group, I am a universal donor.

    93. Solve crossword puzzle number 5.

    59. Name three fluids that make up the internal environment of the body

    Blood, lymph, tissue fluid

    60. Answer, the work of which regulatory systems maintains the relative constancy of the internal environment

    Nervous and endocrine

    61. Indicate where the structures are located that signal regulatory systems about the deviation of the concentration of a certain substance in the internal fluids of the body from the normal range

    In the walls of blood vessels

    62. Draw and describe the structure and functions of blood cells using the following table

    63. Read the articles “Red blood cells”, “Leukocytes”, paragraph 17. Answer the questions

    1) Why is arterial blood bright scarlet, and venous blood dark cherry?

    The arterial one carries oxygen, and the venous one carries carbon dioxide. Oxygen combines with hemoglobin, and the blood becomes arterial

    2) The investigator, studying suspicious drops of blood, discovered that her red blood cells had nuclei. Could such blood belong to a person?

    What about the chicken?

    3) Phagocytes destroy foreign antigen cells by capturing them. How do lymphocytes work?

    They produce antibodies

    64. Read the article “Platelets”, paragraph 17. Complete a diagram reflecting the order of events that occur during blood clotting

    Vascular injury - platelets release fibrinogen

    Soluble plasma protein fibrinogen - conditions:

    2) blood leaves the vessel

    3) platelets stick together and are destroyed

    Insoluble plasma protein fibrin - a network is formed, in which blood cells are retained. The clot stops the bleeding

    65. Read the article “Protective barriers of the body”, paragraph 18. Fill the table

    66. Define immunity

    Immunity is the body’s ability to get rid of foreign bodies and compounds and maintain the constancy of the internal system

    67. Draw a diagram of the human immune system

    Immune system - T lymphocytes are produced in the thymus

    The immune system - B lymphocytes are produced in the lymph nodes

    The immune system - antibodies - produced by B lymphocytes

    68. Fill out the table

    69. After reading the article “Inflammation” §18, write in the right column of the table the processes occurring in the affected tissues

    70. Complete the given statements

    71. Write what processes in the body take place during latent, acute periods of illness and during recovery

    72. Read the article “Infectious diseases”, paragraph 18. Answer the questions

    1) Is it possible to become infected by drinking from a glass that was used by someone with the flu? Why?

    Can. Its bacteria remain on the glass

    2) Is it possible to get rid of germs by boiling water?

    3) What is the danger of bacilli and virus carriage?

    The carrier himself is not sick, because his immunity copes with the infection, but does not destroy it, and he spreads it without knowing it

    73. Read the articles “History of the invention of vaccines” and “Therapeutic serums”, paragraph 19 and write down in tabular form the difference between vaccines and therapeutic serums

    74. Study the figure. 48 on p. 95 textbook. Fill in the blanks in the text about the production and use of anti-diphtheria serum given below

    To prepare an anti-diphtheria antitoxin, an antidote is administered to the horse. The procedure is repeated several times, increasing the dose of the drug. The horse's body produces antitoxins. From blood taken from a horse receive antitoxin serum by administration of diphtheria toxin. Ampoules of anti-diphtheria antitoxin are used as vaccinations. The serum is specific, i.e. it will protect against a certain disease

    75. Read the article “Allergy”, paragraph 19. Enter the necessary terms into the text about the development of the allergic process

    Stage I of allergy is painless and without external manifestations. Allergen causes immune reaction. The resulting antibodies leave the walls of blood vessels and are adsorbed on the mucous membranes

    Stage II of allergy (causes conjunctevitis, runny nose, cough, urticaria, upset stomach, etc.)
    An allergen that enters the body is captured by the walls of blood vessels deposited on the mucous membranes. A complex is formed antigen-antibody. In this case, substances are released that affect the cells of the mucous membranes. An allergic reaction occurs

    76. Read the article “Blood transfusion”, paragraph 19. Draw arrows on the blood transfusion diagram

    77. Check out additional information about the factors by which human blood groups differ.


    1) why people of group I are universal donors

    Their blood type can be transfused to all other blood groups

    2) why people with blood group IV are universal recipients

    They can be transfused with any blood type

    78. Read the article “Rh factor”, paragraph 19. Answer the questions

    1) What happens in the body of a Rh-negative woman if she carries a Rh-positive child in her first pregnancy?

    antibodies are produced that destroy the Rh+ protein, but severe destruction will occur during the second pregnancy

    2) What happens during a repeat pregnancy if the fetus is Rh-positive again?

    red blood cells will be severely destroyed due to Rh conflict

    3) Associated with hereditary or acquired immunity:

    a) incompatibility of blood groups according to the ABO system? - hereditary

    b) Rhesus conflict? - hereditary

    79. Solve crossword puzzle number 5


    2. vaccine

    5. lymphocyte

    9. immunity

    10. hemoglobin

    11. antibody


    1. red blood cells

    3. antigen

    6. platelet
