Mothers 2nd group. How is the child's blood type calculated if there is data on the group and Rh of the parents

Increasingly popular in modern world gaining such a thing as pregnancy planning. Young couples who want to have healthy children are screened before this crucial step to find out about possible risks in the presence of hereditary diseases, what kind of child can be, is there a chance of developing a Rhesus conflict.

AT international classification it is these two indicators () that have highest value. Each person needs to know their blood data in case of a possible emergency and the need for transfusion of donor blood, because not every blood is compatible. According to blood groups, people are divided into four categories and the presence of a particular group is inherited from parents to offspring. However, having received the parental genes, the child, unexpectedly for the parents, may have a different blood type. And so, what blood type can a child inherit from his parents.

By what principle is human blood divided into four groups? AT this case all the same genetic principles of inheritance, developed by Gregor Mendel back in 1866, apply. According to his theory, a person receives from each parent his own version of development for each feature: eye color, hair, nose shape, body type. One of them remains the main - dominant, the second is suppressed and becomes recessive. But both exist in the human genetic makeup, and any child.

It turns out that human erythrocytes have special antigens on their surface, called A and B, and depending on how these genes are distributed and which one will dominate, depends:

  • If antigen A predominates, this is.
  • If the dominant antigen B is .
  • If the membrane does not have any of them - 1 group.
  • And if both antigens are present -.

According to recognized standards, blood groups are designated by a Roman numeral and the letter of the dominant antigen: I (0); II(A); III(B); IV(AB). But, according to the laws of genetics, each person also has a recessive (suppressed) trait. It may be in the same literal expression as the dominant one, or it may be the opposite. For example: a person with a second blood group may have AA antigens, where the first A is dominant, the second A is recessive. A can have AB, where the first A is the dominant that defines it existing group blood, and B is a suppressed sign that does not manifest itself in any way. But, it can be inherited and appear in offspring if it meets with a similar recessive trait. And so what kind of inheritance of blood will the unborn child receive?

It turns out that for heirs there are often several variants of blood groups and the largest number of them are those whose parents have the first or fourth blood type.

It is calculated by the laws of inheritance, according to the same laws, there are impossible options:

  • One of the partners has the fourth blood type, in this family a baby with the first group will never be born, regardless of the blood type of the second parent.
  • If, on the contrary, one of the parents, this family will never have children with the 4th group.

However, exceptions are always possible. In 1952, a case was described when a child with the first blood group was born in an Indian family, where the parents had the IV blood group. It turned out that the baby does not have the H antigen, the precursor of the A and B antigens. This blood belongs to the first group, but in fact it cannot be considered as such, since the H antigen is present in all four groups. Rather, it can be attributed to the category of phenomena. The main part of them falls on the inhabitants of the Negroid race.

There are other cases when the child's blood type does not match the parents, but this is a completely natural result of mixing the 2nd group and the 3rd. This is a unique variation in which the presence of any blood type in children is possible.

clearly demonstrates possible groups baby's blood table.

Another classification that is of paramount importance is the Rh factor. is a protein compound found on the membranes of red blood cells. Its purpose in the body is not entirely clear, however, about 85% of the world's population has this protein as part of cell membranes. This population is called Rh-positive, those percentages that do not have it, respectively, are Rh-negative.

A married couple, thinking about, must definitely check the presence or, on the contrary, the absence of this protein in each of the spouses. This is important because maternal and fetal Rh factors can lead to the death of the child. The woman's immunity perceives the Rh protein of an unborn baby as an antigen that causes allergic reaction and responds to it by producing antibodies. Penetrating through the placental barrier, these antibodies cause destructive processes in the body of a developing fetus.

However, all of the above is true for an Rh-negative mother and an Rh-positive baby. In the event that the mother has Rh+, and the baby has Rh-, there is no conflict. Therefore, an examination for the Rh factor is mandatory for a pregnant woman. Rhesus protein is transmitted to the child through the same general rules genetic inheritance. In most people, factor D (the presence of protein) is dominant, and factor d (its absence) is recessive.

  • The most common situation is DD + DD, in this case, pregnancy is not in danger
  • With the DD + Dd option, there will also be no problems with the Rh protein
  • The Dd + Dd situation is risky, but percentage-wise safer than the following
  • Dd + dd, here the occurrence of Rhesus conflict occurs in half of the cases.

Whether a child inherits the presence of the Rh protein, and what blood type the child will have, depends on what genes the parents pass on to him. Moreover, both dominant and recessive genes play an important role.


It would seem that everything has already been clarified, but questions always remain. For example, can blood types change over the course of a lifetime? documentary data and official research on this topic no.

It is believed that blood is the genetic material laid down at the beginning prenatal development, and its performance is unchanged. However, there is evidence that some infectious diseases can cause changes in the overall picture of the blood, which leads to the establishment of a false analysis. It's like a temporary change in blood type. Similar cases of a change in blood type are sometimes observed in pregnant women. What if the child's blood type does not match the parents? On this issue, it is best to consult a specialized doctor.

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You need to know the blood type of the baby already at the stage of breastfeeding. The blood of the fetus and mother do not mix due to the placenta during gestation. But when feeding breast milk conflict manifests itself hemolytic disease(jaundice, lethargy, tendency to bleed, weak reflexive development). It can lead to unpleasant consequences for the baby.

A blood group is an individual set of red blood cells. Determined various methods identification of antigens (agglutinogens) on the surface of erythrocytes and antibodies (agglutinins) in plasma.

There are two antigens that can be found in the blood: A and B, as well as alpha and beta antibodies. Depending on the compounds of these substances, four blood groups are distinguished:

І No antigens, plasma contains alpha and beta antibodies. Common. People with the first blood group are called universal donors, since it can be transfused to people with other groups.
ІІ Contains antigen A and agglutinin beta. It can be transfused to people with II or IV groups.
ІІІ The presence of agglutinogen B and agglutinin alpha. Suitable for transfusion to people with III or IV groups.
IV Contains antigens A and B, no antibodies. Transfusion can be done to people only with a similar group. A person with any group and Rh factor can become a donor, therefore a person with group IV is called a universal recipient (recipient).

They are defined in the following ways:

  1. Collection of villi of the germinal part of the placenta (up to 4 months of pregnancy);
  2. Taking a sample of the liquid medium from the fetal membranes in which the fetus is located;
  3. Taking a blood sample from the umbilical cord;
  4. Analysis of the blood of a newborn in the hospital.

A child may have a group that is not the same as that of a father or mother. He receives one gene from his parents, and his group is determined by the set of genes that he combined.

The article presents tables that will help parents understand what the blood type and Rh factor of the child depend on. The information is for reference only. Do not test at home. Trust the doctors, as the consequences can be dangerous for you and the baby.

What determines the blood group

There are three types of genes: A, B, 0. There are only two of them in the blood. The group is determined depending on their combination.

The baby receives only one gene from the parents. One from mother, one from father. Depends on what set he gets:

Gen 1/Gen 2 Blood type
0/0 I
A/0 II
0/A II

Blood group of children from parents

Mom+Dad Probability of the child's blood type (%)
I+I I (100%)
І+ІІ I (50%) / II (50%)
І+ІІІ I (50%) / III (50%)
I+IV II (50%) / III (50%)
II+II I (25%) / II (75%)
ІІ+ІІІ I (25%) / II (25%) / III (25%) / IV (25%)
II+IV II (50%) / III (25%) / IV (25%)
III+III I (25%) / III (75%)
III+IV I (25%) / III (50%) / IV (25%)
IV+IV II (25%) / III (25%) / IV (50%)

What is the Rh factor

On the surface of erythrocytes (blood cells), an antigen protein may form, but it may not be.

If the antigen is present, the Rh factor (Rh) is positive; if not, it is negative.

Most of the population has a positive Rh factor. There are no differences between people with different Rh.

People with a negative score are more prone to non-standard abilities.

The Rh factor can be found by analyzing venous blood. It does not change its meaning throughout life. There are only rare cases when, due to organ transplantation, this value could differ.

When a Rh-negative organism enters foreign body with a positive one, the body perceives the protein (antigen) as an enemy and launches an attack against it. In a blood transfusion or during pregnancy, the consequences can be fatal (death of the fetus or the person receiving the blood transfusion).

Rhesus conflict

Antibodies are born in the blood, which are designed to destroy a foreign body (antigen). This occurs during pregnancy or blood transfusion.

A woman who has a negative Rh factor must undergo a compatibility test with her partner before pregnancy.


  • If both partners have a negative indicator, there will be no conflict.
  • If the father has a positive Rh, there is a risk of conflict.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it will be necessary to conduct an analysis for the Rh factor of the fetus. If he took Rh + from his father, the pregnancy should be strictly under the supervision of doctors. There is a risk that the baby will be born with hearing defects, possibly anemia, disruption of the main brain. If the Rh of the fetus from the mother is negative, there will be no conflict.

The first pregnancy of a woman Rh- takes place in mild form. The second and subsequent pregnancies will be dangerous for her.

There will be ripe elements in the body to fight the positive protein. Accordingly, rejection will begin faster. Before planning a second pregnancy, consult your doctor.

How to determine the sex of an unborn child by blood type

Mom/dad blood groups Gender of the child
І/І Girl
І/ІІ Boy
І/ІІІ Girl
I/IV Boy
ІІ/І Boy
ІІ/ІІ Girl
II/IV Girl
III/I Girl
IV/I Boy
IV/II Girl

According to the classification adopted today, blood is divided into four groups: I (0) - the first, II (A) - the second, III (B) - the third, IV (AB) - the fourth. They are distinguished by the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells. If red cells do not contain any antigens, then this is the first group, if they contain only antigen A - the second, only B - the third, both antigens (A and B) - the fourth. In addition, red blood cells can contain on their surface a specific lipoprotein called the Rh factor, and then the blood will be Rh-positive (Rh +). This complex protein is found in red cells in only 85% of people, while the rest do not have it. The remaining 15% are Rh negative (Rh-).

It has been proven that blood is inherited according to Mendel's law, like many other traits. In most cases, it is impossible to determine the blood group in future children with an accuracy of 100%. You can only calculate the possible options and their probability in percent.

How to recognize a group in children?

Many future parents are interested in knowing what type of blood their offspring will have and how this information is transmitted. Inheritance occurs according to the laws of genetics, which are well studied today. In the AB0 system, three genes are responsible for the group - A, B and 0, of which A and B are dominant, 0 is recessive. Each person receives one gene from their mother and one from their father. Genotypes in a simplified form can be represented as follows:

  • The first (I) is 00. A person will pass only 0 to his offspring.
  • The second (II) is AA or A0. Children can get either A or 0.
  • The third (III) is BB or B0. Either B or 0 is inherited.
  • Fourth (IV) - AB. Children can get either A or B.

Based on the blood type of the parents and the knowledge of some simple and understandable patterns of distribution of hereditary traits in the offspring, formulated in Mendel's law, it is possible to calculate the possible blood variants of future children:

  1. If the pair has I (0), the heirs will have the same one, and there cannot be another.
  2. If one has I (0) and the other II (A), the children will have I or II.
  3. If one parent has I (0) and the other has III (B), the offspring may have either I or III.
  4. If one has I (0), the other has IV (AB), the children will inherit II or III.
  5. If both mother and father have II (A), the child will receive either II or I.
  6. If one has II (A), the other has III (B), children can have any with an equal degree of probability.
  7. If one parent has II (A) and the other IV (AB), the offspring may have II, III, or IV.
  8. If both parents have III (B), the heirs will receive III or I.
  9. If one has III (B), the other has IV (B), the children will have II, III or IV.
  10. If both are owners of IV (AB), the offspring will inherit II, III, or IV.

You can determine the percentage of the probability of inheritance of a particular blood, taking into account the combinations of genes in mom and dad. Examples:

  1. What kind of blood can a child have if the future mother has the second, the father has the fourth? A woman in this case can have the following combinations: AA and A0, a man - only one option - AB. The offspring can inherit the following options: in the first case - AA, AB, AA, AB, in the second - AA, AB, 0A, 0B. When the AA genes are combined in the mother, children can get the second and fourth with a probability of 50 to 50. With the A0 genotype in a woman, they will have the second with a probability of 50%, the third with a probability of 25% and the fourth with a probability of 25%.
  2. How to determine the group of the unborn child, if the mother has the first, the father has the third? In this case, a woman has only one combination - 00, a man has two - BB and B0. The offspring can inherit the following combinations: 0B, 0B, 0B, 0B and 0B, 00, 0B, 00. Thus, if the father has the BB genotype, then the children will have blood of the third group by 100%, if the genotype is B0, then the probability of the first and the third is 50%.

More clearly, the results of calculations can be presented using a table.

We can say about some patterns of inheritance:

  1. If both in a pair have no antigens on the surface of red cells (neither A nor B), then all their children will inherit this trait, that is, they will have only group I, and no other. In this case, you can determine the group of the child absolutely accurately, 100%.
  2. If one in a pair has I(0) and the other II(A), then the children will either have I(0) or II(0). Similarly, for a pair with I (0) and III (B) - the offspring will inherit I (0) or III (B).
  3. It is impossible to predict what kind of blood the children will have if one of the spouses has II (A) and the other has III (B). In this case, any options are possible.
  4. People with IV (AB) cannot have children with I (0), no matter what blood the partner has.

How to determine the Rh factor?

AT modern conditions future parents have the opportunity to find out the sex of their unborn baby long before birth. To calculate what blood type he will have, it is enough to know simple patterns about inheritance

According to this system, there are only two types: Rh-negative and Rh-positive. Responsible for the inheritance of the Rh gene, which can have two alleles D and d, where D is the presence of Rh, d is its absence: Rh (D) is dominant, Rh (d) is recessive. Thus, it becomes clear that an Rh-positive person has the DD or Dd gene, while an Rh-negative person only has dd. If one parent has the DD gene, then all children will be Rh positive. If both mother and father are Rh-negative, that is, both have the dd genotype, then all children will have Rh-negative only. If future parents have Rh (+), while their genes are Dd, then they can have children with both positive Rh and negative. In this case, combinations are possible: DD, Dd, dd.

Gender of the baby according to the blood type of the parents

Most expectant mothers and fathers are interested in who will be born - a boy or a girl, and whether it can be determined by the blood of their parents. Such a theory does exist, but it has no scientific justification, so it is hardly worth trusting. It is used both at the stage of preparation for conception, and after the pregnancy has already begun.

According to this method, the probability of having children of one sex or another is as follows:

  1. A woman with the first group has a high probability of having a girl from a man from the first and third, a boy from a man from the second and fourth.
  2. If the mother has the second, the girl will be born in a pair with a man with the second and fourth, the boy - from the father with the first and third.
  3. A woman with a third is more likely to give birth to a girl from a man with a first. In other cases, more likely, there will be a son.
  4. A mother with a fourth will have a daughter if a man with a second becomes the father, in other cases she should expect a boy.

In a couple where one has blood II (A), the other III (B), children can appear with any of the four groups

Gender by Rh factor

This method also has no scientific confirmation. Determining gender by this indicator is very simple. According to this theory, the birth of a daughter should be expected if the parents or both are Rh positive, or both are negative. In other cases, the birth of a son is assumed.


Nowadays, a lot can be learned about future offspring even before their birth. modern medicine allows at the stage of pregnancy planning to determine the likelihood of developing genetic diseases based on a blood test. Thus, future parents can avoid various unpleasant consequences and bring to light healthy babies. Determining the blood type of children by parents using existing tables cannot be considered accurate, one can only assume possible options. To find out this information, for sure, it will turn out only after conducting laboratory tests.

Each person has an individual set of genes, he acquires it from the moment of conception. And the blood type is inherited.

The waiting period for a baby is exciting.

You can find out the blood type and Rh factor. You can make a calculation if you have knowledge about the blood groups of the parents. The blood distribution system (AB0) does this. According to her standards, blood is divided into four groups. Each couple can independently calculate the probability of inheriting the blood that their offspring will have. This will help tables developed on the basis of the probability of borrowing.

AB0 system table

Scientist K. Landsteiner tried to combine combinations of blood serum with erythrocytes. For this experiment, people were needed, and he divided them into two groups: he took serum from the biomaterial of some, and erythrocytes from others. On the basis of experiments, I found out that in some cases cells with erythrocytes stick together, but in other combinations they do not. Having fully studied those variants of serums that were fastened together with erythrocytes, I saw in them substances that are absent in non-connected variants. It was in this way that the scientist identified two categories - A and B. Soon he discovered the third, and Landsteiner's students made the discovery of the fourth, which includes the first and second categories of blood. New medical discoveries prompted the emergence of a blood distribution system - AB0, which is also relevant in the modern world.

  • I (0) - in the first group. antigens A and B are not detected;
  • II - detected if antigen A is present;
  • III - is determined if there is antigen B;
  • IV - antigens A and B are in the composition at the same time.

It was important discovery humanity, as it helped to avoid many fatal blood transfusions. Since the 19th century, medicine has learned to transfuse blood to pregnant women, now the tasks of replacing biomaterial with extensive bleeding have been solved with minimal risk to women's lives.

Donor blood is required for the transfusion procedure

Until the end of the 20th century, these procedures were carried out with rare exceptions, as they could be harmful. But thanks to scientists, the transfusion procedure has become safer and has helped save many human lives. Scientists took a completely different look at the study of the properties of blood after the creation of the ABO system, because it helped to reach new level genetic research.

  • When I gr. two parents, then they have the opportunity to give birth to a baby with missing A and B antigens.
  • In couples with I and II gr. offspring are born only with this type of groups, and will also be in pairs of groups I and III.
  • Feature of people IV gr. in that they can have children with II, III or IV gr., except for I, regardless of the antigens in this pair.
  • There is one departure from the rules: in a certain category of people, antigens A and B are present in the genotype, but they are not manifested in the phenotype. This is a rare phenomenon found in India.

illustrative example inheritance of blood in an unborn baby, according to Mendel's theory

Rh factor

How is the child's blood type calculated, knowing the Rh factor of the parents? Rh factor (lipoprotein) is located on the membranes of erythrocyte cells. For most representatives of mankind, it is positive. When it is not detected, then such a factor is called negative.

Definition of the Rh factor

Rhesus indicators are usually denoted with Latin letters Rh with the appropriate plus and minus signs. One pair of genes is needed to recognize Rhesus. A result with a sign (+) denotes DD or Dd, such a feature contains dominant properties. Rhesus with a sign (-) - dd is called "recessive".

A child in a family with Rh (Dd) will be born with the following data: a positive Rh factor in 75%, and in the remaining 25% of cases it is negative. If mom and dad have rhesus Dd x Dd, then their offspring will be with the following factors: DD, Dd, dd.

Scientists designated the Rh factor antigen - D when found in the baby's blood.

If parents have dominant carriers of the Rh antigen D, then their children will have a positive Rh, completely identical to the parent's blood.

If heterozygous parents with antigens (Dd), then the matter is more complicated. This happens if it is impossible to determine in advance which cells with which gene will participate in the process of fertilization, in connection with this, it is difficult to calculate the percentage of the probability of matching gametes.

The inheritance of the Rh factor is identical to the scheme for determining the blood group from mother and father to the child. If: mother Dd and father Dd, then the answer is: D, Dd, Dd and dd. The probability of having a baby with a (-) Rh factor is 25%.

Principles of GC inheritance in the presented video:

Calculation of the blood group of the child according to the blood group of the parents

What kind of HA will be obtained in children from a certain genotype of parents can be considered using several examples:

  1. If the couple has a dominant gene A. In this case, the genotypes of the parents look like this: A0 or AA. The gametes that can be formed are A and 0. In this case, at the time of fertilization, children will be obtained with dominant A genes. Similar situations are observed in parents with III GC, but this case transmits dominant B genes.
  2. One of the parents has I gr. blood (00) and the second IV (AB). In such a combination, germ cells are formed, which are expressed as genomes 0, A, B. In this case, the child's blood carries the A0 or B0 genotype. The probability of having a child in one of these groups is 50%.
  3. If the mother has blood type II, and the father has IV. In this case, the genotype of the mother of the child matters. If a woman is homozygous (AA), then the resulting gametes are dominant. The father will be (AB), forming two types of gametes. After fertilization, the child will be born with II gr. blood and genotype (AA) or IV gr. and genotype (AB). If the mother is heterozygous (AB), then the alleys of gametes formed from her will be - A and 0. Genotypes in children can be as follows: II gr. (AA), IV (AB), A0 heterozygous II and B0 heterozygous III.
  4. Parents II and III gr. The distribution of signs occurs according to the scheme: if the parents are homozygous (AA and BB), then the newborn will be of the same genotype AB (IV). If one parent has the gene (AA), and the other is heterozygous (B0), then 50% of the offspring will be type IV (AB), and 50% with II or III with the A0 and BB genome.

How to calculate the blood type of a child from the blood type of the parents

It is important to note that a child with Rh- can be born to an Rh+ couple. If the mother has rh (-), and the father does not have Rh (+) in all cases, an Rh conflict may occur. But it will not be if the child was born with rh(-). It is very important for women who have a likelihood of conflict to be completely under the control of an obstetrician-gynecologist during childbearing.

Possible options inheritance are presented in the table

Rh antibodies in the blood should be determined during the entire pregnancy (once a month up to 32 weeks, twice a month from 32-35 weeks, then every week). The condition of the fetus is affected by the level of antibodies in the blood, with which it is possible to predict possible problems for the child, so it is important to be able to prevent them. In subsequent pregnancies of a woman, the Rh conflict can be prevented by the introduction of anti-Rh immunoglobulin. Doctors do not recommend abortion in the first pregnancy.

Read also: – group classification, probability table

Rhesus conflict

Adverse consequences during pregnancy can be in such a pair: the mother has Rh -, and the father has Rh +. In this case, the child will have the Rh factor from the father, which will negatively affect immune system mother. Positive erythrocytes of the child provoke the mother's body to reject and destroy them, in her body they are perceived as foreign. The child loses blood cells, forming new ones, because of this, the liver and spleen increase. This may lead to oxygen starvation, brain damage, threatens the death of an unborn baby.

blood conflict

If a woman is expecting her first child, then the danger can be bypassed, but the risk of these threats increases with repeated pregnancies. In this situation future mom should be under the supervision of doctors, she will constantly have to go to women's consultation and take blood tests for antibodies that threaten the baby. After birth in children immediately and gr. blood. If the child has Rh +, then the mother is injected with anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin. This drug helps to avoid problems during the bearing of a second child. It is necessary to do the procedure when the first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage or interruption.

How to calculate a child's blood type online?

The calculation of the blood group in the unborn child can be done in a different way. There are programs (tests) on the Internet that can be used to check gr. blood of the unborn child online. It is known that it is inherited not from one parent, but from two. Online calculators for calculating gr. blood are easy to use. To do this, you need to enter data into it (mother's blood type and her Rh factor and blood with dad's Rh), and the program will calculate possible combinations using special formulas.

Having data on the blood types of parents and children, it will not be difficult to calculate the blood group.

  • Owners of I (0) gr. are hunters and meat lovers.
  • Holders of II (A) - farmers, lovers of fruits and berries.
  • III gr. described as nomads and bread lovers.
  • But the most mysterious IV (AB) gr., Its owners are omnivorous and compatible with other groups.

It is also known that IV gr. blood - the most non-conflict of all. Problems for parents can arise only if the mother is Rh-, and the father is Rh +.

Patterns of the principle of inheritance:

  • If future mothers and fathers I gr. blood, then only group I is possible in their offspring.
  • If one parent has I gr, then they will never have a child with IV, no matter what group the second has.
  • If the couple belongs to the II group, then the child can be born with 1 or 2 GK.
  • III GK in a married couple can lead to the birth of a baby with 1 or 3 GK.
  • If a married couple has 2 and 3 GCs available, then future children can have any GC.
  • If one of the parents belongs to the 4th Civil Code, then a child with 1 gram will never be born in such a family.

With a certain accuracy, it is possible to calculate the GC in the future baby if both parents belong to 1 GC. In other cases, only possible options can be predicted.

If the family decided to have a baby, from the very first days they will be interested in the sex of the unborn baby. Moreover, today doctors present to the public several ways, thanks to which you can try not only to predict, but also to plan the sex of your child.

Now I want to talk about one of them.

A bit about blood types

Everyone knows that there are four blood types and two Rh factors. It is from what set of mothers and fathers will they have that you can try to calculate the sex of an unborn baby. To make it clearer, in this article we will take the mother as a basis, then going through all the variants of the father's blood groups.

  • Mother's first blood group

So, we begin to figure out how to determine the sex of a child by the blood types of the parents. If the father has the first 0 (I) or the third B (III)) group, the family will most likely have a girl, if the second A (II) or the fourth AB (IV) is a boy.

  • Mother's second blood group

We go further, recognizing the sex of the child by the blood types of the parents. With mom, everything is clear, the father comes into play. Here the situation will be opposite than in the previous case. In men with groups 0 (I) and B (III), according to the opinions of doctors, boys are more often born, and with A (II) and AB (IV) - girls.

  • Mother's third blood type

We explain further how to calculate the sex of a child by the blood type of the parents. In this option, a girl will have to be born only in one case, namely, if the blood of a man belongs to the first group 0 (I), in other cases, only boys will be born - groups A (II), B (III), AB (IV).

  • Mother's fourth blood type

Next, we determine the gender of the child by blood type. And in this situation, a boy will be born much more likely. So, if dad has the second blood type A (II) - there will be a girl. If he has the first 0 (І) , third B (III) or fourth AB (IV), according to preliminary data, the family should have a male baby.

Thus, the summary table for determining the sex of the child is as follows:

Father's blood group
Mother's blood type I II III IV
I girl boy girl boy
II boy girl boy girl
III girl boy boy boy
IV boy girl boy boy

Once again, we will make a reservation that the data on determining the sex of the child, depending on the blood type of the parents, can be considered as the most probable, but not mandatory values. Otherwise, in some families only boys would be born, and in others only girls, which does not happen in reality. It is much more accurate to determine the blood type of the unborn child. However, that's another topic.

Rh factor

If everything is very clear with blood groups and there can be nothing wrong with mixing, then with the Rh factor things are somewhat different. If the woman is initially Rh-positive and the father is Rh-negative, nothing bad should happen. Situations can cause danger if the mother has a negative Rh factor, then an Rh conflict between the mother and the fetus may develop. The situation is considered especially dangerous if the future baby is Rh positive, because various immune complications can occur. An interesting fact is that finding out the sex of the child by the blood types of the parents is only one side of the issue, but this can also be done by the Rh factors. If both parents have it positive, or both have negative, there will be a girl. Otherwise, it's a boy.

Determining the sex of a child by the Rh factor is also conjectural, even if it coincides with the previous method.

Blood renewal

Considering planning the sex of a child by blood, you can stumble upon information that will tell you how to determine the sex of a future baby by its updates. To do this, you should know that in women such processes occur every three years, in men - every four. However, there may be exceptions if the person has recently had surgery, had a blood transfusion, or was a donor. It will not be difficult for anyone to carry out calculations. To do this, you just need to divide the age of a woman by three, and the number of full years of a man by four. Whoever has the remainder figure is less, that gender will be future baby. If a person had an unscheduled update for the reasons described above, this figure must be taken as the basis.

In reality, the sex of a child depends on the combination of the sex chromosomes of a man and a woman at conception. The female egg carries the X chromosome, and the sperm X or Y. When two XX chromosomes are combined, a girl will be born, if XY is a boy. In addition to attempts to determine the sex of a child by blood, there are many others: by the date of birth of the mother and father, the date of conception (it is believed that if conception occurred 2 days before ovulation, there will be a girl, if on the day of ovulation - a boy). It is assumed that the influence of diet, lifestyle and character of parents, season, etc.

For now, only one thing can be said with certainty: actors that significantly affect one or another combination of chromosomes during egg fertilization, medical science not known for certain.
