Is it possible to remove damage at home? On holy or spring water. How to determine damage or evil eye

In our hectic life, we do not pay attention to minor troubles. In the morning the coffee ran out on the stove, we were late for work, we quarreled over nothing with our colleagues, think about it, who doesn’t this happen to? But when misfortunes rain down one after another, even a skeptic begins to wonder if he has been damaged? In this situation, the most important thing is to find out whether it really is damage, and only then decide on a way to remove it.

Signs of damage

Damage is the deliberate harm of one person to another, carried out with the help of witchcraft. Analyze the situation: your life plans began to collapse, you were fired from your job, you have nothing to pay for the loan, your neighbors were flooded and they are threatening to sue? Add to this nightmares, the appearance of mice in the apartment, depression, loss of strength, fear of confined spaces. If these signs appear suddenly and in combination, they may be the result of the evil eye.

You can find out if there is damage to you at home, using old methods.

  • Light a regular candle, holding it in front of you. The candle cracks, the wax floats, dripping onto your hands in dark spots - damage to you.
  • Take a fresh chicken egg in your right hand and cover it with your left. Warm the egg in your palms and place it under the bed overnight. In the morning, take it out and smash it over the sink. If the contents of the egg are bad smell- a magical ritual has been performed on you.
  • Swipe wedding ring on the cheek. The trace is white - everything is fine, black - there is damage.

How to remove damage at home

Having learned about damage, there is no need to immediately rush to psychics and fortune tellers. You yourself can remove the negativity by resorting to simple methods.

The easiest way to remove damage is from children. To do this, wipe the child’s face three times with the hem of his home clothes, saying: “Lord, save and preserve my child (name).” You can also dip your finger in the salt and touch the top of the baby’s head with this finger.

We treat ourselves like this:

  • Pour water into a mug. Scoop the liquid into a wooden spoon and pass it into the same container through the door handle. Perform this ritual three times using different door handles in your home. Drink a few sips of this water and wash your face with the rest.
  • Take a shower, dousing yourself with water from head to toe, saying three times: “Where there is water, there is trouble.”
  • Pour heaps of coarse salt into a saucer. Place any gold jewelry you wear in it. Stick a candle into the salt on top and light it, mentally saying: “Evil goes away, good remains.” Repeat the words seven times. After that, take out the jewelry and put it on. Dissolve the used salt in water and pour it into the toilet.

Cleaning the home:

  • Light a church candle and walk around the apartment with it. Make aerial crosses in all corners of the room with a candle, reciting the “Our Father” prayer.
  • Epiphany water can also cleanse your house of evil. Go through all the rooms, grabbing the bathroom and toilet, spray a pinch of water on the walls, ceiling, windows, floor, saying: “All the bad things go away, the good things stay.”

Charms against damage

It is not difficult to install protection on your home. For this purpose in the lintel front door insert a bunch of thistle or St. John's wort. Insert a tailor's needle there.

Will protect you from bad people and a safety pin. Attach it inside your clothes, with the head to the ground. If the pin darkens over time, fasten a new one, bury the old one under a living tree.

If the manipulations done do not help well, go to church soon, confess, take communion, and pray for health. And do not forget, when going out into the street, to mentally cross yourself and ask: “Protect me, Lord, from all evil.”

Damage is a directed negative effect on a person, but the evil eye can be an accident. It is also capable of significantly influencing life, but not as dramatically as damage.

The evil eye may occur because someone thought badly of you, was jealous or wished you harm.

There is even a self-evil eye that a person can, without suspecting it, impose on himself. To prevent this from happening, you should not over-praise yourself, and also often complain and say how unhappy you are and that everything is going wrong for you, otherwise you can invite bad luck.

An even attitude towards oneself is the key to a normal life.

If in your life a dark streak has come, and you don’t understand why everything is falling out of hand, perhaps you should just wait out this period, and there is nothing mystical about it. But if it continues for a long time for no reason, and you feel that something is wrong, perhaps there is damage or the evil eye on you. Let's figure out what they are signs of third-party influence.

The evil eye has a weaker effect and is easier to get rid of on your own. You can get it anywhere, no one is immune from this. IN public transport, in line for bread, at work - a person, without suspecting it, can accidentally jinx it you. Here are the signs that indicate the evil eye is on you:

  • You are constantly irritated and flare up over nonsense;
  • Not a single task can be completed successfully; you are haunted by failures;
  • You get tired quickly, although you are not sick, and this has never happened before;
  • You constantly yawn and have bouts of hiccups;
  • You are most often in apathy and don’t want to do anything;

Damage is a completely different matter than the evil eye. It is usually applied deliberately and can have serious consequences.

If it is pointless, that is, made with the help of a conspiracy, then you will begin to get sick, you will have financial difficulties, troubles will come, even death is possible.

Subject damage is directed for a certain result, for example, celibacy or the death of the object. It is applied to a specific object, which is subsequently thrown to the victim. So, if you find an unfamiliar comb or pen at home, you should get rid of it as quickly as possible, preferably burning the item.

Signs of damage:

  • You develop phobias, lose your appetite and desire to live;
  • You are constantly depressed, nothing makes you happy;
  • Mental disorders appear;
  • The whole body aches, some organ, for example, the heart, begins to constantly ache.
  • You become embittered and begin to attack loved ones. If there is an unreasonable anger towards your spouse, perhaps someone wants to divorce you;
  • You are haunted by outbursts of rage, which often turn into thoughts of suicide;
  • You change your weight dramatically: you either lose weight or gain weight for no reason;
  • You sleep is disturbed, you can't sleep at night;
  • Cockroaches, mice or other pests appear in the house;
  • Your appearance worsens;
  • You want to drink alcohol constantly, although there was no such craving before;
  • You don't want to go to church, although you always did this before;
  • You hear voices. This means that you have been cursed to death.

If you find signs of one or another influence, you cannot ignore it. You can try remove damage or evil eye independently, at home. There are several ways to do this.

Is it possible to remove negativity from yourself?

Remove damage or evil eye you can do it yourself at home. But remember, if nothing works, the symptoms remain, and even after the ritual you are getting worse, it is better to consult a specialist. If you decide to remove the damage yourself, then follow all the nuances, do not disrupt the sequence of actions in the ritual and concentrate on the fact that the negativity comes out of you. You can get rid of negative influences through prayers, as well as in other ways. Here's one of them.

At midnight go to the spring alone, but only to a real spring, so this method Suitable for those who have a dacha or a house in the village. At the source you need to undress, throw your clothes on the ground and wash yourself with water three times, saying: “Let the damage leave me, like spring water leaves, let it flow away with the water, fly away with the wind, and not catch people! Amen!" Say this three times, get dressed and go home.

Remove damage or evil eye through prayers You can do it on your own, or you can do it with the help of a deeply religious person close to the Church. For this method to work, you must be baptized; it would be better if you confess in order to remove the burden of sins.

One of the prayers that helps in removing damage is the prayer to Jesus Christ, known to all Christians. It should be read over water, ideally near a fast river. Before reading it, you should fast for a week, not consuming animal flesh at all. If you feel bad and cannot go to the river, you can pray near an open water tap. It is read once, but you need to completely open up to the Lord and put your soul into the words. Find this prayer You can find it in any prayer book or on the Internet. All signs of damage or the evil eye usually disappear within a couple of days if everything is done correctly.

There is one more action you can perform at home. Take blessed cross, and the larger it is, the better, and a candle - it should be quite thick, bought in a church shop. Kneel at the cross and pray to God and those saints you most revere. Prayer must come from the heart, be sincere and honest. Say that you forgive your enemy and do not want evil to return to him.

Sincerely ask God that he forgive the sinner, especially if he did not know what he was doing and cast a spell or cast the evil eye on you in a fit of rage, without intent. After this, light the candle and take it in both hands. Read the Lord's Prayer over it seven times. If the candle will start to crackle and sparkle, then, but you are really damaged, and prayers help. Continue to do this for three days in a row and you will be cleansed of evil influences.

Also in an effective way removing damage and the evil eye The reading of Psalm 90 is considered. It must be read at sunrise, kneeling before the luminary. In this case, you cannot eat or drink before the ritual. The psalm should be learned by heart. It will help not only in removing the evil eye, but also in any troubles in life.

If, after the ritual with the Sun, someone you know gets sick, know that he was the attacker. But you shouldn’t blame him and harbor anger, he’s already been punished.

Remember that the main thing in this method of getting rid of the evil eye is sincerity; you must open your heart and not hold evil in it.

Salt has long been used in many magical rituals. It does not have its own energy and is capable of accepting everything that is put on it, which is why it can serve both to impose damage and to remove it.

Salt will help remove a small evil eye: if you feel that someone was jealous of you or thought something unkind, and now you feel unwell, take a regular bath with salt. Stay in warm water with 500 g of salt for about half an hour, imagining how all the negativity from your body goes into the water, and then rinse with a shower. It's even better if you go to the bathhouse and rinse yourself there with water and salt.

Salt will help prevent the evil eye– to do this, carry a little kitchen salt with you, and as soon as you feel that you are uncomfortable around some person, and negativity comes from him, squeeze a pinch in your right hand and touch the area with your left solar plexus. At the same time, mentally say “No.” This way you won’t allow yourself to be jinxed.

The following ritual will help with more serious effects. During the waxing moon, take holy water or, in extreme cases, spring water. At noon, pour water into a jar and throw a pinch of salt there with the words: “I’m not throwing salt, but medicine, it will save the servant of God (name) from evil slander words, from a black eye, from evil intent. Let it be so! Amen." Conspiracy words must be said three times. After this, the smoothed one needs to wash his face with this water and drink it little by little over the course of a week.

Using an egg you can not only remove it, but also diagnose spoilage. In the old days, many people in villages knew how to do this, but even now the knowledge is not lost. This was a fairly common method, because the ingredients for the ceremony were always at hand.

For ritual, of course, it is better to use egg from home-laying hens, but in a pinch, store-bought will do. In addition, you will need clean water, ideally spring water, but distilled water will do. Before going to bed, place a glass of water at the head of the bed and pour an egg into it so that the yolk remains intact. Now go to bed and start in the morning to the interpretation of symbols.

If the state of the mixture has not changed, you are fine and there is no spoilage. If white ribbons, some branches from the yolk, appear in the water, then there is an effect. A change in the white indicates the evil eye, while the yolk or water indicates damage. The stronger the changes, the stronger the negativity.

Now it’s worth turning on your imagination and trying to see what shape the egg took. Sometimes it takes the form of a silhouette or profile of the person who caused the damage, but there are other symbols. If the protein became foam, then damage was imposed on financial affairs. White pillars mean a karmic blow, an octopus means that the curse can also affect your loved ones.

Remove the hex A chicken egg will also help. One way is to place water with an egg near your head every night until it remains unchanged. The egg will absorb negativity and cleanse you of it. Usually ten times is enough for this. Pour the spoiled egg and water down the toilet or bury it in the ground so as not to accidentally touch it.

Another way - remove the evil eye from a photograph, and the photo should be full-length, and you should be alone in it. Wash yourself, read prayers to the Lord, ask for permission and help in the ritual. Now, being in a room with a window, light the candles and take fresh egg. Roll it from top to bottom or vice versa, it doesn't really matter.

Imagine how it collects all the negativity and pulls it out of you. Repeat these steps 3-12 times using three eggs. Then break them into water and see if they have not changed, the damage has been removed, but if there are changes, you should repeat the procedure the next day. You can roll out the evil eye and damage with an egg not only from yourself, but also from another person.

Even more effective roll out damage directly through egg-to-flesh contact. Ask someone you trust to roll the egg along your torso and down your back from the top of your head to your heels. Imagine how the negativity goes into the egg, while your assistant should read prayers: Psalm 90, “Our Father,” “Akathist to the Archangel Michael.”

Then break the egg into the water, look at the result and pour the mixture into the toilet. Usually this the ritual helps the first time. You can perform a similar ritual yourself; to do this, break an egg into a jar of water, press your chin to your chest and carefully place the jar on the crown of your head. Sit like this for about five minutes, reading prayers, and then pour the mixture into the toilet with the thoughts that you forgive the offender.

How can matches help?

For this ritual you will need a glass clean water(preferably a saint), nine boxes of matches and nine matches. It will help both remove the evil eye or damage and diagnose them. It's better to spend waning moon ritual. At noon, retire and concentrate, throw everything unnecessary out of your head. Read the Lord's Prayer, and then light the first match and say words glorifying the Holy Trinity. Now throw the match into the water.

Do this nine times in a row and look into the glass - if the matches float, there is no damage to you, and you need to pour out the water at the crossroads, if some drowned - the evil eye is on you, if everyone drowned - then perform this ritual for nine days to cleanse yourself from strong negativity.

If the matches drown, drink water from four sides and then pour it onto the intersection. Don't talk to anyone when you're carrying a glass to an intersection, don't turn around, and try not to trip. This also applies to the return journey.

Performing rituals in Islam

Muslims remove damage differently than people of other faiths. Of course, the Koran helps them in this - this holy book is capable of defeating all evil. You need to wait until evening or night and, after washing your whole body, ask Allah for deliverance. It is believed that after sunset he is not as busy as during the day when many people pray to him. The best time The period from 3 am to sunrise is considered.

You need to read the following: Al-Fatiha, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falyak and An-nas, The Throne Ayat. As soon as the luminary appears, you should stop praying, because at this time the infidels worship the shaitan. In addition, from damage and the evil eye helps Muslims Surah Ya-Sin. You can do this yourself. But if a person is seriously ill, and genies and devils can be heard in the house, it is necessary to seek help from an experienced specialist. Before prayer you need turn on the adhan in the audio recording, he will cleanse the house of genies.

Sometimes, when trouble comes, it turns out that there is nowhere to wait for help. It often happens that a person has been damaged. And how to remove it yourself?

It’s yours to remove such muck from your field. every right! It can come back in two cases: you yourself make a mistake, or a repeat ritual will be performed.

It must be said that witches do not cast spells on one person several times in a row. This is fraught with consequences (this is their witch business).

In order to provide you with another round of problems, a person will need to look for another black specialist. The enemy can, of course, perform a black ritual himself.

Only such “domestic” damage is easier to remove. There are rarely serious forces behind it. Prayer takes this one the first time.

If you have mastered the above, you can begin to consider the details of the rituals. We won’t delve into egg rolling; the techniques are quite widespread.

Let's look at the method of removing spoilage with salt, which can be called the “grandmother’s” method, since it is often used by the older generation. It is considered quite effective.

There are several methods. We will take the one that removes and, at the same time, puts up protection. Plus, you can do the ritual yourself.

So, on Wednesday afternoon you need to buy a pack of salt (any kind). Put money in silently, don’t take change, don’t turn around when called out. In general, when going to a store, it’s better to pretend to be deaf.

Take it home and immediately (!!!) pour it into a wooden jug. It is very important. Salt for ritual should be stored only in natural containers. No plastic should be allowed near it.

  1. Now heat the frying pan on fire.
  2. Throw a handful of salt onto it with your left hand.
  3. While stirring (shaking the pan), read the plot:

“Burn, salt, burn, damn it!” Let him writhe in the fire, not on me! Burn, salt, get hot, damn, you’re going to hell!”

You need to say it at least twenty-five times. But you need to look at how you feel. When it starts to take effect, you will experience a feeling of lightness, even your head will spin.

If this happens, you can call it a day. A few grains of salt can be sprinkled on the top of the head. When everything has cooled down, wash it off.

The ritual is performed seven times in a row (do not skip). For the last time, you will need to throw some mint leaves into the pan with salt (at the very end). Wait until everything burns out.

This (last) salt is not thrown away. It is poured into a bag. On Thursday morning you need to sprinkle it on the threshold with the words:

“I’m pouring out the salt, blocking the threshold for evil spirits!”

This will protect the home. You can do the same in the car (sprinkle all the thresholds). Store the salt. If you feel unwell, you can add salt to your food.

It should help.

This method is even simpler. It is used when... It is difficult for an untrained person to determine this on their own, although it is possible.

Take last photo and place it in holy water. If you immediately saw shadows on it, it means that the damage was caused in this particular way.

The difficulty is that these shadows are barely visible. You can easily make a mistake. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out two rituals at once: both with salt and with candles.

The order is:

  1. Light a candle in front of the Seven Arrow Icon. Say your prayers.
  2. Ask Mother of God help in your just cause.
  3. Now take the photograph and prayerfully burn it with fire.

But just don't overdo it so that the paper doesn't catch fire. Your task is to keep the photo in the flame until it begins to darken, but not burn.

This ritual is repeated three times. The photo is then stored in a secluded place. Preferably behind the Icon under the frame.

It has long been the custom that we give great value protecting your home. We protect our family and ourselves from dark forces. Our ancestors knew how to do this very well. Such knowledge has been preserved to this day. From one generation to another, knowledge and skills are passed on that allow you to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative impact. From this article you will learn what protection against negative influences is and how to do it yourself at home.

The most important thing that every person needs is harmony and peace in his family. There is one simple way that allows you to maintain harmony and prosperity in your home, peace and health.

To do this, you need to cover the table with the most beautiful tablecloth, which is reserved for special occasions, serve a festive dinner and invite the whole family. Try to make the lunch as friendly as possible. Everyone should feel calm and happy. There should be no sadness or sadness. After dinner, having cleared the dishes from the table, collect the tablecloth and speak to it in the following words:

“Self-assembled tablecloth, remember our happiness and friendship, preserve them forever. Let it be so! Amen!".

After this, the tablecloth should be put away in a secluded place. On especially special occasions, a tablecloth should be laid on the table. This will provide an opportunity to “remember” friendly feelings and a feeling of happiness for all family members.

Protection from the negative influence of your family

There are more complex ways removal of damage, which allows you to protect all family members at home. To do this, you need to take your old socks (stockings) and fill them with the following mixture:

  • Aspen shavings
  • Dried spruce needles
  • Dried chamomile flowers
  • Two pieces of paper rolled into balls.

Do not forget that you must first write the text of the protective spell on paper, by candlelight:

“A fox ran through the forest and found my bad luck. The fox ate him and carried him away to distant seas and distant lands. There is no turning back. Let it be so! Amen!"

After the plot is written on both pieces of paper, the candle should be broken and placed in socks with the rest of the mixture. Tie everything up with strong waxed thread and burn it at the stake. It is best to use aspen firewood for it. Do not burn in a stove or fireplace under any circumstances. The most the right time for the ritual - morning dawn.

How to determine that damage has already been caused

If these methods do not help, it means that the damage has already been caused. There are quite a few ways to help solve this issue. Many healers and witches know how to remove damage. But there are situations when it is simply vital to carry out a ceremony to remove damage yourself. But how can you determine that damage has already been caused? Only a careful and impartial analysis of the situation can help.

If you have the following symptoms:

  • Sharp cooling of feelings
  • Aggression for no reason
  • Evasion or complete failure from intimacy
  • Depression, apathy, drowsiness.

Inspect the house carefully! There may be traces of liquid splashes or burnt matches and broken sticks. Also various pupae, salt or spilled flour or poppy seeds. All these things prove the presence of damage. And we need to act urgently. Time must not be wasted. That is why you need to know how to remove damage yourself. This knowledge will help always and everywhere. Even if a familiar grandmother can remove the damage now, she is not always nearby. Therefore, it is necessary to know and be able to remove damage from a person. This is the only way to protect yourself and your loved ones. So let's look at a few in various ways, which will help remove the evil eye, damage yourself.

Removing severe damage to illness

Here, for example, is one of the ways to remove damage and the evil eye on health.

It is necessary to ask the blind, lame and deaf for some small change (this should be 3 different people). This must be taken from hand to hand.

Then you should take all three things to the cemetery. There you should go to the farthest corner, where no one has been buried for a long time. After this you need to find three graves. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the following condition: the names written on the crosses must coincide with the names of the one who was damaged.

Having placed three brought things (no matter what they are) on the graves, you should go around them all counterclockwise. At the same time, you should remember that you need to walk on your heels.

After all this, you should stand at the head of the grave that is located north of the others. Having crossed yourself three times, you should read the plot:

After this, bow to each grave three times and leave, without looking back, as quickly as possible. You shouldn't talk to anyone until you get home.

Removing damage to loneliness

One of the most common modern problems loneliness becomes a problem. How to avoid this? How can you remove the spell of loneliness? Sometimes it happens that the damage is caused without malicious intent. Yes, that happens. Mothers often inflict such damage on their daughters. It happens something like this: the daughter preens herself in front of the mirror, and the mother admires her. For any mother, her daughter is the most beautiful in the world. And so, from an excess of feelings, my mother says:

“What a beauty you are. You won’t even find a worthy groom.”

That's all. The deed is done, the mother’s words are not only strengthened by love, but also reflected in the mirror, and the damage begins to take effect.

Therefore, the first advice to mothers: always talk very carefully about the beauty and health of your children. Sometimes such statements can be harmful to your child.

A simple way to remove damage

Now let's talk about how to improve the situation. The ritual can be performed by either the mother or any other close relative who is older in age. It is necessary to attend church for three days and light three candles:

  1. At the icon of the Mother of God
  2. At the icon of Jesus
  3. At the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Each time you leave the temple, you should make a small donation to three beggars. At the same time, you need to mentally say the words:

“Lord, take all the trouble to rot and to the swamp. Let it be so! Amen!".

Difficult method of removal (in case of a serious slander)

The situation is more complicated when the removal of damage to loneliness has to be done due to a serious slander. Such damage can lead to the appearance of the Seal of Loneliness. With such a Seal, a girl will never start a relationship with the opposite sex. Ritual, in in this case, must be carried out immediately as soon as the first symptoms become noticeable:

  • No friends of the opposite sex in childhood
  • Avoids young people and even talking about them
  • There is no one guy I like (mothers can feel their children, you just need to listen to your inner feelings)
  • Dark aura

If such signs are present, then an urgent ritual is required. Removing damage and the evil eye at home can occur not only from a woman, but also from a man. To do this, you can perform a “golden” ritual.

It is called that because to carry it out you need a golden item that belongs to the person who has been damaged. Such a thing can be a ring, earring, coin, chain, ring, cufflink. Exactly at midnight, place a candle on a saucer filled with salt and light it. Then you should say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Just as a candle burns clearly, so (name)’s life is illuminated. All bitterness and misfortune will disappear into salt and remain there. Let it be so! Amen!".

After this, a golden item is carried three times around the candle, as close to the flame as possible. At the same time, saying three times:

“Bitterness into salt, joy into gold, gold to (name). Let it be so! Amen!".

After the ritual, the salt dissolves in water and splashes out at the intersection. Well, the golden charmed thing should always be with the owner (owner), as close to the body as possible. You should not share this ritual with friends or acquaintances. This advice is suitable for all magical rituals. After all, what less people knows about it, the more likely it is that everything will work out. That's it, now you know how to get rid of the curse of loneliness yourself. It will also be useful to learn how to remove a love spell yourself!

Rituals protecting women

Very often it happens that the induced damage affects women Health, up to infertility. For such difficult cases, there is a ritual that is performed on a chicken egg. Removal of damage by eggs is carried out on the waning moon.

All actions can begin only after sunset:

  1. So, the doors must be tightly closed.
  2. The person performing the ceremony should not be wearing jewelry, even his watch must be removed.
  3. Place the woman facing east and begin to circle the egg around her head, clockwise. In this case, it is necessary to say the prayer “Our Father”.
  4. You should make thirty-three circles with the egg.
  5. Then lower the egg along the spine, continuing to read the prayer. Thus, you should circle the entire body: right hand, left hand, then legs in the same sequence.
  6. After this, the abdomen and chest are outlined.

After the ceremony, the egg must be taken into the forest and left under a bush. There is one condition that must be fulfilled: for three days after the ritual you cannot give or borrow money.

Ritual for removal with a vessel of water

There is one more effective ritual, but it can be held once a year, on Ivan Kupala. At sunrise, you should take a porcelain or clay vessel and bring water from the spring. All actions are carried out silently. You can accompany your actions with prayers, but only mentally.

It is extremely important to remember that you cannot speak from the moment you wake up. You can also bring water in a wooden vessel. IN as a last resort use a glass vessel of any volume, but not too small. Well, that is, a liter jar will not work.

After the raw water (that’s what it’s called) is brought home, you should divide it into three parts. Having taken one part of the water, you should go outside, stand with your bare feet on the ground and pour it over yourself from the top of your head. In this case you should say:

“It spreads, is reflected, the bad dissolves, the evil plunges into darkness, the good appears in the light. Let it be so! Amen".

A similar procedure should be carried out at lunchtime and in the evening, at sunset. It should be remembered that you should stand facing the sun every time. This is a fairly simple way to get rid of damage yourself. In addition, it is very effective. If there is a possibility that infertility has been damaged, then you can play it safe. For this purpose, the ceremony should be carried out in the garden, choosing a fruit-bearing tree that already has ovaries.

Rituals to protect children

What is the evil eye? And in whom does it occur most often? Most often, infants are exposed to the evil eye. Their body has not learned to protect itself from other people’s energy and “difficult” views. They react very hard to the invasion of their personal space by other people's energy bursts. How can you protect your baby from the influence of others and how to remove severe damage?

The baby should be protected, at least for a couple of months, from strangers. Even the closest relatives should not be allowed to look at the sleeping baby. This rule should be especially strictly adhered to with people who cannot give birth to a child for a long time.
A mother should not praise her child too much to strangers. If you praise your baby during a walk, say to yourself:

“Screw envy, go to yourself. Whoever sent you, stay with him. Amen!".

In general, ideally, the child should not be shown to strangers even during a walk until he is six months old.
There is no need to bring your child to the mirror. The mirror has very strong connections with otherworldly forces, but the baby has no protection except mother's prayer from damage and the evil eye. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

How to save a child from damage and the evil eye?

In principle, it is not difficult. Anyone can carry out this ritual independently at home. You should take silent water (water is drawn from a spring at dawn, in complete silence) and say it:

“Water, water, you washed the queen of the sea, washed meadows and forests, roots and stones. Wash away all the evil eyes, troubles, lessons, and troubles from the baby (name). Let it be so! Amen!".

You need to slander the water by bending low, with your lips almost touching the water. Rinse the child with this water. Do not wipe.

How to protect a child from large crowds of people?

There is one way that allows you to save your baby from the evil eye if you are expected to meet a large number of people, for example, going to the clinic. You should take a pinch of salt and place it on the baby’s fontanel. After this, you can put on a headdress. Salt will attract bad energy, just don’t forget to give your baby a bath as soon as you get home.

When you come home from a walk, you should wash your child cold water, saying:

“I wash away all the bad things from (name), the good things follow.”

You can do this even after the guests and visitors have left.

The most important thing is to remember that the best protection for a baby from the evil eye and damage is mother's love and prayer. There are cases when people, angry with adults, send damage to the baby. Such cases are the most difficult, and it can be difficult to perform all the rituals on your own. But there is one very strong way How to remove damage from your baby yourself. Many people heard about him, but did not attach any importance to the words. But in vain. They say that a child is under the mother's hem - this is a description of a protective action. It will help not only remove the evil eye, damage or lesson, but also give the baby additional protection.

Ritual “under the mother’s hem”

The ritual is carried out like this: the woman lies down on the bed with her legs spread, and the child should be placed between her legs, with her head towards the mother. This symbolizes childbirth: it’s as if the baby is being born again. Women have very strong protection located in the pelvic area. When she walks pregnant, a kind of “cocoon” is formed around the child. He releases the child at birth. Then part of the protection remains with the mother and part with the child.

By performing such a ritual, you nourish the baby’s protective shell, strengthen it by merging with the base - maternal protection. It is not necessary to carry out such actions very often. Sometimes you can simply stand next to your child and cover him with the hem of your dress or skirt. It's lighter, but no less effective way baby protection. And many mothers, without knowing it, intuitively act this way.

Rituals to protect against envy

Very often it happens that damage is caused from the most banal envy. They envy their health, wealth, good job, and position in society. Such problems are very relevant for our society. Black magicians cause damage: damage based on photographs, hair, etc. How to protect yourself and your loved ones? Many people are looking for help on various forums on the Internet. I don’t presume to judge which actions are correct. In every situation, every person has his own solution, his own way out. To protect yourself from envious people, you can perform a simple ritual to remove damage in the church. On the first Monday of the full moon, you need to go to church and light a candle for the health of all your envious people. At the same time, you need to mentally say:

“Lord, help your servant (name), save him from envy and the evil eye. Punish enemies and envious people. Let it be so! Amen!".

After leaving the church, you should give alms to a beggar on the way home, at the first intersection, saying: “Paid in full.” Such actions must be repeated for three days in a row. Try to make sure no one knows about it. Very often, envy arises at work, among employees. In order to cleanse your office of evil energy, you need to pick several branches of wormwood at dawn. Then they should be brought into the office and placed in windows, corners, tables, cabinets and at the threshold. By evening, if it is not possible to keep it for three days, collect every single twig and take it out to the field.

If during a business meeting you suddenly feel someone staring at you, then you need to mentally say:

“Reflect the sidelong glance, return to the owner. So be it "Amen!"

Sometimes after a speech or a big event a person feels overwhelmed and empty. You can improve the matter by performing the following ritual to remove damage and the evil eye. To do this you need to cold water dissolve a pinch of salt and hold the silver object. Speak on the water:

“Water is off a duck’s back, thinness is off a servant of God (name).”

You should rinse your face with this water or simply pour it on your head.

Removing Curses

It happens that people curse someone. Sometimes it’s intentional, but there are moments, especially during a quarrel, when terrible words fly out in the heat of the moment. But even so, they can cause enormous harm. It is imperative to remove such damage. You can immediately carry out simple manipulations as soon as you hear what was said. Concentrate your attention on the bridge of the offender’s nose and mentally say:

“Repel from me, from my protective shield, return to the offender.”

After this, you can stomp your foot a little. This way you can “shake off” the adhering remains of the curse into the ground.

A powerful ritual with wax to remove curses

But this method will not help if the curse was real, with anger in the heart. In such cases, serious waxing rituals should be carried out. This ritual is performed on the waning moon, at midnight. It is difficult to carry out such an action alone. It is necessary to light three candles and place the victim in the center of the triangle, at the vertices of which there are candles. Place the candles in saucers with salt. Place a dish of water in front of the person to be cleaned. Using a candle, melt the wax in a spoon and, pronouncing the spell, surround the head with a spoon with wax three times, clockwise. The words are:

“The black, cursed words melted, dissolved, and rolled off the servant of God (name). Let it be so! Amen!"

All this must be done very quickly, before the wax hardens.

Pour the wax into the water.
Then take three chicken eggs and roll the person three times with each egg in turn. Rolling begins with the head, back, then the right and left arms, legs, in the same order, stomach and chest.
At the same time, you should read the “Our Father” prayer without ceasing.
Place the used eggs in a bowl of water.
Place the candles and salt there after the ceremony.
It is necessary to pour the contents of the basin away from your home before dawn. At the same time mentally say:

“I pour out the black, leave the light.”

Under no circumstances should it be poured into the sewer. This is very dangerous for the people living in the house.

Carrying out protective rituals will help protect yourself and your loved ones from troubles and misfortunes. But if, after all, the damage has already been caused, then you need to be able to remove all the consequences of this. Sometimes time is very valuable, and look for knowledgeable person- means missing the opportunity of salvation. Therefore, the study of such magical protective and protective rituals will be useful to everyone.

How to remove damage, and can you do it yourself? Damage is a black magic rite, with the help of which a sorcerer can completely destroy a person’s life and even kill. Damage takes away a person’s health, blocks a person’s roads, and separates them from a loved one. Let's consider several effective ones for ourselves and another person.

All rituals for water are done according to the same scheme: the spell is read for spring, holy or well water, and then the person washes his face. The conspiracy is read either at sunrise or at sunset (unless a different hour is specified in the ritual). During the ceremony, a church candle should burn. No one should distract from the action: the door is tightly closed, the phone is turned off.

Scheme of the ritual:

  • reading the prayer ““ three times;
  • prayers to patron saints, for example, to;
  • next comes a call to ;
  • prayer "";
  • spell against damage.

You can use water yourself if you follow all the rules. Women's/men's days should also be taken into account. Women's hours include Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. For men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On Sunday you can remove damage to a person of any gender, as well as to children.

Prayer to the Saints

Prayer to the Mother of God

Prayer "May God rise again"

When reading, apply the sign of the cross to yourself.

Spells for water from damage

  • drink;
  • wash;
  • sprinkle the bed of the sick;
  • sprinkle the sick person's clothes;
  • sprinkle the sick body;
  • sprinkle the room;
  • take a bath.

Text of spells:

Bath method

To do this, recite spells and prayers on a glass of water or a liter jar, fill the bathtub with water and pour the charmed water from the glass in a cross shape.

While taking a bath, read prayers to God. Don't forget to wear pectoral cross . After a bath, you cannot dry yourself - the water must dry on your body. When to collect water for a spell? Better before the ceremony.

Using salt

This ritual should be performed for seven days in a row, starting with the waning moon. Prepare the following items:

  • a pack of salt specially purchased for the ceremony;
  • cast iron frying pan (you can take the one you use);
  • a white saucer without patterns (glass is possible);
  • a photograph of the patient or your own;
  • church candles - 7 pieces.

In the evening, when your family is asleep, pour a handful of salt into the frying pan, and immediately throw the rest of the salt in the trash. Light a candle and place it next to you. Light the gas under the frying pan and begin to read the Lord's Prayer. When you read the prayer 3 times, read the spell against damage:

When you read the plot, pour salt from the frying pan onto a saucer. Take the saucer into the room and place it on the photo of the person being cleaned - until the next evening. The next day you need to pour salt into the frying pan and repeat the ritual. And so on for seven days. Hide the saucer so that your family doesn't see it.

On the eighth day, the salt should be thrown into the river or simply flushed down the toilet; it is better to throw the saucer into a trash can on the street. If the salt turns black and smokes or the saucer bursts, it means the person is severe damage. In this case, the ritual is repeated on the next lunar cycle.

Roll out the damage with an egg

How ? To do this, you will need a photograph of a sick person or your own, an icon of the Holy Trinity and three church candles. It is better to buy eggs (7 pieces) from grandmothers; it is not advisable to take them from the refrigerator.

Stay alone in the room, put the photo on a clean tablecloth, put an icon and light candles. You should roll the egg according to the photo right hand clockwise without pressing. At this time the conspiracy is read:

After reading the plot, put out the candles with your fingers and throw the egg into the toilet - it should break. Rinse three times. The same steps must be repeated the next day at the same time - and so on for seven days in a row.

If the patient does not feel better, repeat the ritual after three days. Remember that the removal of negativity must be carried out after the full moon: rolling out is not done on a waxing moon.

Pour the damage onto the wax

To remove damage using wax, you need to buy two or three large candles from the church and take holy water. You will also need your own photograph or a photograph of the person from whom you want to remove the exposure, and a glass bowl.

In the evening, stay alone so that no one disturbs you. Melt the wax in a saucepan while reciting the Lord's Prayer. First, pour holy water into a glass bowl and place it on the photo.

When the wax has melted, remove the wicks. Pour liquid wax slowly into water and read the plot 3 times:

When the wax hardens, remove it with a knife and place it on the newspaper. That same evening, you need to take the casting outside and bury it in the ground or throw it into the river. Holy water should be poured under the roots of a dry tree.

If the patient’s condition does not improve, perform the ritual two more times.. The removal of damage can also be observed in the casting - it should be smooth. If the bottom of the casting is lumpy, continue casting.

Keep in mind that after the castings you may feel unwell - either have a headache, or feel nauseous, or feel a loss of strength. This is fine. The condition will improve soon.

Cleansing with a candle

Watch the video of the ritual of cleansing negativity with a candle flame. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase church candles. However, if you want to read conspiracies to remove negativity, it is better to do the ritual with candles blessed in the church.

Method with earth

You can remove the damage yourself using soil and new knives. Land is collected from the doorstep, and knives are bought without change. For the ritual, you need to cover the table with a clean tablecloth at dawn, place a church candle on a candlestick in the center and place a cut glass with earth next to it.

Take the knives in your hands, face west and sharpen the blades against each other. At this time, read the plot:

The words must be repeated three times. Then cross the blades of the knives and hold them over the candle so that the flame touches the steel. After 5 minutes, stick the knives into the glass with the ground and rotate them simultaneously: the right one clockwise, the left one counterclockwise. At the same time say:

“Three times according to this work of mine. Truly!

As you say, extinguish the candle with your fingers. Wrap the knives, a glass of earth and a cinder in a new black cloth. Tie the bundle with a black cord, take it out of the house and bury it in a deserted place.

You need to get rid of the items the same evening; do not leave the package overnight. Once you leave the house, you cannot communicate with anyone. Bury the bundle in silence and return home in silence. You can’t look back either; for three days after the ceremony, you can’t give anything away to anyone from the house.

After performing cleansing rituals, you should wash your hands under cool running water. This will protect you from intercepting negativity. Also read “Our Father” and ventilate the room where the ceremony was performed. The room can be cleaned with a candle.
