Island of green giants. Mysterious green island. When the border is the sea

Green Island.

Where did the Fayns go when they completed their feats of arms and left the earth? Some say that Fin and all his army fell in a great battle and died as mortals should die. After all, a certain hill in Perthshire is called Seal Fin, which means “Fin’s Grave.” And in Glenarkey, in the county of Inverness, another hill, similar in appearance to a boat, is rumored to be built over the mass grave of all his warriors.
Others say that Fin is not dead, but still lives on a certain green island. This island is somewhere in the far west, at the very edge of the world. It is called Ilen na Hoig, "Island of Eternal Youth." Magic apples grow there and all-healing water flows in life-giving springs. Blessed is the one who is lucky enough to get to that Celtic paradise, to this Land of Light, the Land of Fulfilled Desires. For as soon as a person steps on its shore, youth returns to him. He again becomes the same as he was at twenty years old - his body straightens, gray hair disappears, and wrinkles smooth out.
There is a legend that one person once set foot on this magical shore. He lived on Jura, one of the Inner Hebrides, and his name was Angus MacTregor. He had a small sailing boat and carried cargo from island to island and from the islands on the coast of Scotland.
One day he was standing on the pier in Greenock, and then a man of enormous stature approached him. Engas had never seen such heroes in his life. The man was three heads taller ordinary people, and his chest was covered by a bright red beard. He patted Engas on the shoulder and said:
- They say you have a boat and transport goods to the islands and the mainland. I need to deliver meat to one island west of Islay. Can you transport me and my cargo there?
They made a deal, and the giant transferred his cargo to Engas’s boat. The boatman only shook his head when he saw the huge carcasses of beef and lamb that filled his boat.
“Perhaps this will be enough to feed an entire army of mountaineers,” he thought.
When everything was ready, Engas raised the sails and sailed in the direction where his employer pointed him. They left the mouth of the River Clyde, passed Arran, rounded Cape Kintyre and entered the Sound of Islay. And then a thick fog fell on the sea. Engas steered blindly, trying to steer west and obey the giant's instructions. For two days they saw neither earth nor sky, and Engas asked himself in bewilderment where they were.
“We must have already passed the furthest of the Outer Hebrides,” he thought.
On the third day, the fog cleared, and Engas realized that his boat was approaching the shore of some island that he had never seen. A gray calm sea washed the island, and to the boatman it seemed like some kind of green paradise, promising rest and peace.

“This is where our journey ends,” said his tall companion.
But Engas understood that they would not reach the shore very soon, and therefore he went to the cabin and lay down to get some sleep. He was awakened by the weak impacts of the boat on the shore. He climbed onto the deck and saw that his boat was rocking on the waves. There is no longer a load on it, and the trace of the giant has gone cold.
When the boatman negotiated with him, he promised to pay for the transportation when they arrived at the place. And now Engas realized that his employer wanted to deceive him, and decided to find him at any cost.
He got out of the boat and waded towards the grassy bank. And as soon as he stepped onto the island, it was as if some burden had been lifted from him. All traces of old age left his body, and it seemed to him as if he had become a twenty-year-old youth again. He was amazed at how easy it was for him to walk; I felt my forehead and felt that the wrinkles were gone.
“Apparently, I ended up on Ilen na Hoig - the “Island of Eternal Youth,” he guessed.
And he also guessed that the giant sitting in his boat was one of the Feins.
“There are no such strong men these days,” thought Engas. “And, therefore, the Island of Eternal Youth is the same as the Island of Heroes,”
Nevertheless, Engas was determined to receive payment from the fein for transportation. And so he went to wander around the island. Soon he came to a house built of huge stones. Entrance door it was twenty feet high and twenty wide.
Engas entered the house and found himself in a vast hall. Here, in a heavy chair, sat a huge old man with a beard down to his knees. On his face lay the gloomy stamp of a thousand battles in which he had once fought, and in his eyes lived eternal sorrow for those who fell in battle, fighting next to him. It was Fin McCool himself. He turned and noticed Engas.
- What do you want here? he asked and raised his huge hand. - However, drink first, then tell me later.
And he handed Engas a huge goblet full of golden honey. The cup was so heavy that it was only with great difficulty that Engas lifted it with both hands and brought it to his lips. And when he had drained it, he sat down and told Fin about everything that had happened to him.
Then Fin asked:
- Tell me, resident of the island of Jura, if that tall man who didn’t pay you comes here now, will you be able to recognize him?
“I can,” answered Engas.
Fin shouted the cry in a thunderous voice, and his heroes began to enter the hall. Their arms and legs were like tree trunks, and when they walked, the floor shook beneath them. Among them, Engas saw the man whom he had brought here from Greenock. It was easy to recognize him by his bright red beard.
- This is the man! - Engas said to Fin.
Fin ordered the giant to pay Engas in full, and he paid, although very reluctantly. Then Fin let Engas go, but when he left the house, the giant caught up with him, grabbed him by the shoulder and tore out his right eye. “If I had done this earlier, you wouldn’t have recognized me!” he said.
Suffering from acute pain and, dripping with blood that flowed from his eye socket, Engas somehow made it to the shore. The giant walked behind him. When they reached the place where Engas had anchored his boat, the giant ordered him to shake off the dust of the island from his feet - every last speck of dust.
Then Engas got into his boat, raised the sails and sailed home. He saw the Green Island gradually disappear into the fog that rose above the water. And when the island was completely out of sight, the burden of the past years fell again on Engas’s shoulders.
So, the trip to the Island of Eternal Youth brought him only the loss of his right eye.

In this issue we complete the series of publications on the results of the second expedition to the Southern Urals in 2016 under the leadership of famous traveler, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ernst MULDASHEV.

Summarize. During the first expedition in 2015, scientists managed to find a lot of interesting things in these parts: bottomless lakes, passages to the underworld, stones growing from the ground, and the graves of giants... In 2016, researchers came to a completely sensational conclusion that there really were “stone people” on Earth, about whom ancient legends tell.

As Ernst Muldashev said, evidence of the existence of hypothetical stone life has been known for a long time. Many have heard about the so-called seids Kola Peninsula. Seids are multi-ton stones, someone placed them on one or three stones and are capable of moving in space in an unknown way. Muldashev’s group saw with their own eyes that a huge seid suddenly appeared on one of the peaks of the Kola Peninsula, which was not there two or three hours ago.

In California, in the so-called Death Valley, people see wandering stones, leaving a trail in the sand as they move.

The famous 21-meter-tall Easter Island statues apparently actually walked, since they often lie far from the ahu pedestal. Sometimes the idols “walked” in single file and fell when the energy apparently turned off from them. In addition, as Thor Heyerdahl's expedition showed, stone idols could not be made using a stone axe. According to the Rapanui aborigines, they were budded by Mount Ranu Raraku, and the legendary bird people transferred the idols to ahu pedestals and gave them “stone life.”

In Altai and Mongolia, stone is traditionally perceived as a living creature. Altaians even say: “The mountain thinks.” To this we can add that the stone chips in our mobile phones or computers apparently have a certain intelligence, which made it possible to create the Internet. Therefore, one might think that there is some kind of “stone life” on Earth, which we partially encounter when we pick up our mobile phone.

Bashkir legends say that unique “stone people” lived on Earth - Tashkeshe or Tashbash. Moreover, it seems that the “stone people” lived in the relatively recent past - even cases of attacks by “stone people” on Bashkir horsemen are described. In this regard, scientists undertook a search for “stone people” on Southern Urals, where these legends originated.

The search led to sensational results. It was possible to discover very specific stones measuring 2–10 meters, having three “legs” and a “beak”, clearly not natural origin. Moreover, such stones were often located on top of each other, as if one stone had climbed onto another and was trying to destroy it with the help of its “beak.” There was a feeling that there had once been a “stone war”, but some huge force stopped it, stopping the “stone life”. Entire “stone people cemeteries” have been found. In some of them, “stone people” were compressed, forming layers from which either “legs” or “beaks of stone creatures” protruded. But in other places one could almost see statues of “stone love”, called “kissing stones” by local residents.

It also turned out that all the places associated with “stone life” are located along the same line along Ural mountains, and the continuation of this line to the south leads to the mysterious Ustyurt plateau in Kazakhstan, where there are unusual monuments of antiquity, and in addition, many strange stone balls.

It is also curious that this line passes through Magnitnaya Mountain within the city of Magnitogorsk. The incredibly iron-rich ore of this mountain, before industrial development, was found to lie on the surface in pieces resembling “stone people.” And the Bashkirs have preserved legends about the “iron men” crawling onto Mount Magnitnaya.

The research of Muldashev’s group is not controversial, but it excites the mind and gradually says that life is more complicated than we think. Soon the group sets off on a new expedition to the foothills of the Himalayas to explore a place located exactly on the opposite side of the globe from Easter Island, famous for its stone idols.

Giants of the land of Korelskaya

Lake Ladoga is an amazing place, full of secrets, miracles, mysteries and completely inexplicable phenomena. No wonder it constantly attracts more and more researchers. The bottom of the lake still preserves historical artifacts from ancient times to the present day. The ancient Vikings, the Northern War, and the Second World War left their mark...

“It is completely undeservedly believed that there is nothing unusual on the close and seemingly well-known Ladoga, but in fact this is far from the case,” says the head of the Ladoga underwater search expedition, member of the Russian Geographical Society, historian and documentary filmmaker, teacher St. -Petersburg University of Cinema and Television Sergei Nadein. – There are a great many mysteries on Ladoga. And what an indescribable beauty! Today you can see a lot documentaries we still know little about the natural attractions of Asia, Africa, America, and about our native land.”

The expedition explores not only the underwater depths, but also the land. One of the objects of her interest was the island of Kilpola, one of the largest on Ladoga. It is located approximately 70 kilometers from Priozersk. This city is also a kind of mystery, there are so many names: it was once known as the Korela fortress, then it was called Kexholm, and then Käkisalmi (Cuckoo Strait). Today's name of the city is already the fourth.

But let's return to Kilpole. Using the image of Jules Verne, this is a “mysterious island”. The book of the outstanding Finnish ethnographer and archaeologist Theodor Schwindt “Folk legends of the northwestern Ladoga region, collected in the summer of 1879” provides unique information about the “giants ancient land Korelskaya,” as if they lived in ancient times both on this island and on the Ladoga coast. Moreover, Schwindt, who visited the mysterious island of Kilpola, was able to find confirmation that these “giants,” whose average height was three meters, really existed.

“There is a legend on the Ladoga coast,” noted Schwindt, “that once in these places there lived huge people, the so-called Metelilainen, or Munkkilainen, who were gradually forced out of here by the Laplanders and Finns. One of the most common is the legend of a giantess girl and a plowman. It says this: a Meteläinen girl accidentally came across a stranger in the forest who was plowing the land on a horse. She ran to her father and told him everything. His father ordered him to be taken to that place and, seeing the plowman, he realized: “We will have to leave here and leave the land to the newcomers.”

The Meteläinen were distinguished by their enormous growth and the incredible noise they made as they moved through the forest, which is where their name actually comes from (meteli - “noise”). Scientists often call the Metelilainens “Hyperboreans of the Ladoga region,” referring to the mysterious country of Hyperborea. So still in ancient greek mythology and in the subsequent tradition the legendary northern country was named - the habitat of the blessed people of the Hyperboreans. According to the Greek poet Pherenicus, the Hyperboreans were “of titanic origin”: they “grew from the blood of former titans.”

“Legends about the Metelilainen,” Theodor Schwindt further pointed out, “have been preserved almost everywhere, but there are especially many of them in the Kurkijoki volost. Probably because in places such as Korpisaari (Island of the Impenetrable Thicket), Otsanlahti (Forehead Bay), Lapinlahti (Lopar Bay), etc., there is a lot of real evidence of the activity of giant people: these are fields cleared of forest, and time from time to time huge ones found in the ground human bones, and plows abandoned by snowstorms, as well as huge ramparts in the mountains and islands.”

Schwindt included long, low stone fences built along the coastline as material evidence of the giants’ activities. According to legend, the Meteläinen collected these stones for military purposes and during battles, hiding behind the ramparts, they threw them a mile away at each other from island to island...

It would seem that everything said above seems more like a beautiful legend than the truth, but a serious scientist like Theodor Schwindt was far from a hoax. According to local historians, his merits in the field of archeology can hardly be overestimated. He was the first scientist interested in the study of medieval Karelia; his findings made a kind of revolution in science, since they made it possible to judge high level development of crafts among Karelians.

Until now, Schwindt occupies one of the first places among archaeologists in terms of the volume of excavations on the Karelian Isthmus and the number of described finds. In addition, he is one of the founders of local history and museum work on the Karelian Isthmus. And Theodor Schwindt is an ethnographer. The already mentioned book “Folk legends of the northwestern Ladoga region...” contained legends, folk songs, spiritual poems and other folklore, as well as spells, as well as topographic maps and plans created based on expedition data and ancient maps...

Fascinated by Schwindt’s findings, the members of the Ladoga underwater search expedition in 2010 undertook a trip to Kilpola Island to try to find the artifacts he recorded. However, nothing was found then. In 2011, we were more fortunate: according to Sergei Nadein, although no traces of giant people were found, we were able to examine the results of their work. We are talking about a huge man-made shaft erected along the water's edge. Apparently, it was designed to protect against the formidable waves of Ladoga. The shaft is made of hewn granite stones, the average weight of each is about three hundred kilograms.

Research on Kilpola Island. Photos courtesy of S. Nadein

“An ordinary person, without any levers and devices, cannot create such a structure,” says Sergei Nadein. - Meanwhile, no traces or signs of these devices exist. And there is no evidence that they were ever discovered by researchers. So the man-made rampart made of huge stones is not a fiction, but a real historical fact.”

If the existence of unknown giant people still remains a mystery, then the finds on the island of Kilpola, dating back to closer historical eras, seem more reliable. First of all, the island preserves traces of the Great Patriotic War. There is a “bay of death” on the island, from which, since August 12, 1941, our troops were evacuated under enemy fire. For twelve days, the ships, under hurricane artillery and mortar fire, broke through to the island and removed soldiers, small arms, artillery, horses, and ammunition from the shore. Until now, the rocky shore is literally covered with a continuous layer of shell casings, fragments and iron.

And at the bottom of Ladoga near Kilpola, underwater archaeologists last season discovered artifacts from the time of Peter the Great - fragments of a sunken ship. Experts have confirmed that the items are dated end of XVII- beginning of the 18th century. It is quite possible that a naval battle between Russian and Swedish ships could have taken place here during Northern War

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A phenomenon of modern flora is a sequoia tree. This is an example of not only overall dimensions, but also the longevity desired by everyone. The oldest representative of this genus flaunts on the territory of the Rearwood Nature Reserve in California. Although it is already more than 4 thousand years old, it still continues to grow rapidly. The trunk volume of this majestic giant is 1.5 m³, and the height is 115.5 m.

Historical summary

The trees did not get their name thanks to external characteristics and advanced age. At one time, these regions were the homeland of the Cherokee Indian tribe. Admired by the height of the sequoia tree, as well as the excellent talents and qualities of their leader, they decided to name it in honor of their leader. Since he really did a lot for the culture and education of his people, the public accepted this name with pleasure.

Studying this “slender beauty” in 1859, one botanist decided to name her in honor national hero America. The big name of Wellington - the English commander who defeated Napoleonic army - was not liked by local residents. Therefore, they chose another figure and a popular favorite of the Indians.

Features of sequoia

A characteristic feature These representatives of the coniferous class are distinguished by the structure of their trunk and the method of reproduction. When the tree is still young, it is completely covered with dense branches. Because too rapid growth these shoots do not have time to take root, so they soon disappear. As a result, an unusually thick, but at the same time completely bare, trunk appears before a curious observer. Raising his eyes to the sky, a person can contemplate a dense conical crown consisting of evergreen branches.

It is noteworthy that root system This phenomenon of the plant world is not planted very deeply. However, it occupies a significant area, which allows the rock to withstand heavy winds and hurricanes.

It’s unfortunate, but with its root shoots it drowns out the vital activity of neighboring inhabitants. Still, its “neighborhood” can withstand:

  • hemlock;
  • douglasia (pine family);
  • fir.

It fits perfectly into the local color of the pine groves. The length of flat, elongated leaves ranges from 15 to 25 mm in young growth. Over time, the needles change their shape. In the shady parts of the crown they take on the appearance of an arrowhead, and in upper zones the leaves have a scaly structure.

This description of the sequoia tree is appropriate to complement with unforgettable photos taken by tourists. The bravest of them were able to capture the exquisite bumps of the “impregnable” inhabitant of the foggy gorge. Three-centimeter oval-shaped boxes contain up to 7 seeds, which take almost 9 months to ripen.
As soon as the fruit begins to dry out, the cone opens and the seeds are carried away by the wind. Such opened “roses” decorate the majestic crown for a long time.

Scientists are amazed unique way“procreation” of the mammoth tree (this is the second name because its branches resemble the tusks of these animals). Green sprouts emerge from the stump, which is quite abnormal for the class of coniferous representatives.

The giant's native land

The main habitat where the sequoia tree grows is the Pacific coast North America. The territory of their native lands extends 75 km deep into the continent and stretches almost 800 km along the ocean. A relatively small area of ​​land rises 700-1000 m above sea level. Although these conifers get along well at an altitude of more than 2 km. The wetter the climate, the higher and greener the crown of these giants will be.

The state of California and Oregon annually welcome thousands of tourists who want to admire these beauties. In addition to natural habitats, such “long-livers” can also be found on the territory of nature reserves:

  • Canada;
  • Italy;
  • Hawaiian Islands;
  • England;
  • New Zealand.

The main feature of all these countries is access to a humid maritime climate. However, such giant exhibits can withstand sudden changes in temperature very well. It has been recorded that on mountain slopes, where they can often be found, it can reach -25°C. Therefore, the mammoth tree can be successfully grown on other continents. The only thing is that they grow several times slower there. And only after half a century will you be able to see the result of your painstaking work.

In Russia, the sequoia tree grows in the coastal regions of the Krasnodar region. The Sochi Arboretum has a modest “collection” of young seedlings. This area, of course, is not very large. Perhaps several centuries will pass, and a new generation of tourists will admire these luxurious Pacific “titans”.
At the foot of such giants you can feel all your insignificance. Especially when you are surrounded by a whole grove of 90-meter giants (that’s almost 35 floors of a skyscraper). According to one study, a redwood tree that was more than 116 meters tall was felled in the early 1900s. One can only imagine how much work and effort it took those workers.

The maximum thickness of the bark itself big tree in the world can be about 30 cm.

Wood value

In the United States, cutting down sequoia trees is strictly punishable by law, as this tree is in danger of extinction. Due to the slightly reddish tint of wood, it is used as interior decorative elements. Since the wood fibers of this coniferous species are quite dense and also resistant to decay, they serve as an amazing material for furniture production. It is also used to make:

  • paper;
  • railway cars and sleepers;
  • roofing elements;
  • designs for underwater structures.

This raw material differs from all others in the absence of a rich pine smell. Therefore, many tobacco companies use sequoia to produce boxes in which cigars and other products of this industry are stored. Moreover, beekeepers also found use for barrels made from expensive wood. Honey, bee bread, and wax are perfectly stored in them.

According to the calculations of the processing enterprise, more than one thousand tons of wood raw materials can be obtained from one mammoth tree. To transport all this wealth, the customer will need over fifty cars, that is, almost an entire freight train.

It is noteworthy that in the reserves each fallen sequoia tree is given a place of honor. Amazing exhibits are made from its trunk, impressing tourists. So, one enterprising American built a parking space in it, and in another case he built a cozy restaurant for 50 people. Sequoia National Park borrowed creative ideas. It is here that tourists will be able to travel through an unusual tunnel made of fallen tree. Yes, nature amazes with its diversity and magnificent beauty.

Let's start with the good. It turns out that even in such a gigantic metropolis as Moscow, there is still Wild Nature. That's right, with a capital letter. And not because she is our mother and all that... Everything is much more prosaic and serious: we live in climatic zone forests, and while the capital is surrounded by forests, we have something to breathe. Neither parks, nor squares, nor other green spaces, no matter how many there are, will be able to fulfill the role of this natural air conditioner for a city of 15 million.

“Losiny Ostrov” is the green belt of the capital.

Now comes the bad news. Forests near Moscow - and therefore all of us - in great danger. Forests can disappear in just a matter of years. And the reason for this will not be the bark beetle, drought or lack of proper care. The unlimited urbanization of the territory, the greed of developers and the stupid urban planning policy of the authorities of the Moscow region can lead to the fact that in 10-15 years it will become impossible to live in the capital.

Shield like a Trojan horse

This summer, the Duma adopted amendments to the law “On the Protection of environment"concerning the creation of green shields around megacities. The initiative was taken by the Popular Front, which was warmly supported by ecologists and environmentalists. The initial idea was correct: it is necessary to assign a special protective status to forested areas around the country's major cities. By protecting them from cutting down and development, we protect ourselves from environmental problems in future.

But in the process of numerous editions, the text of this legislative initiative has undergone changes. For a person ignorant of environmental legislation, they seem to be insignificant - for example, around Moscow there was a “forest park protective belt”, but there will be a “forest park green belt”. But experts believe that now, under the new law, our suburban and urban forests will lose much more than they gain.

“Currently, any capital construction is prohibited in the forested park area, except hydraulic structures, explains the famous Moscow ecologist Galina Morozova. “And in the forests of forested green belts it will be possible to build everything except housing and industrial facilities. And if our specially protected natural areas, urban forests or specially protected green areas (there are such in Moscow!), not to mention forest park areas near Moscow will be included in the forest park green belt of Moscow, then in its forests they will be able to build roads, all kinds of pipelines, kindergartens, schools, tourism industry facilities and other."

“We believe that the ears of the capital’s developers are sticking out behind these amendments,” says Anton Khlynov, a member of the Moscow region branch of the ONF. — The President, who signed the amendments to the law on the “green shield”, was misled. But we will strive to correct the situation and will not rest until the forests are returned to their protective status.”

Capture and legitimize

Another dubious legislative initiative recently put forward by the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, is a forest amnesty. In recent years, about 300 thousand unauthorized seizures have been recorded in the region. land plots forest fund. The head of the region motivates his position by the fact that entire residential microdistricts have already been built somewhere, and people should not be evicted from there. And if these “squatters” are not given legal status, then it is impossible to accept the master plans municipalities. After all, it turns out that according to the documents the forest is listed, but in fact there have been houses there for a long time or shopping mall works.

Boris Samoilov.

“This is a very dangerous precedent,” says Boris Samoilov, executive editor of the Moscow Red Book. - Firstly, lawlessness cannot be legitimized. Especially on such a huge scale. Just think about it: 300 thousand forest areas were seized and developed! So soon there will be nothing left of our forests. And secondly, the expansion of urbanization should not be encouraged, but, on the contrary, restrained in every possible way. Moscow and the region within the Central Ring Road are a huge agglomeration, a gigantic diffuse city. And if it continues to grow at this rate, destroying the forests around it, then very soon we will get a lot of environmental problems.”

The truth about bark beetles

The forests near Moscow are a huge wealth that we inherited. They occupy 42% of the territory of the capital region, and this is the minimum for environmental safety.

We have other reasons for national pride. For example, Losiny Ostrov National Park. Not only is it the largest urban forest on the continent, but it is also rich in biodiversity that has long been absent in some European countries. The Dutch tried for several years to revive the raised bogs. They imported soil from the Vladimir region by carload - all in vain. And in Losiny Ostrov, surrounded by urban development, they exist. On its territory there is also a broad-leaved forest with 300-year-old forest patriarchs - this is the oldest forest in Europe!

But we don’t know how to be proud and appreciate what we inherited from our ancestors. And it seems that very soon we may lose the forests near Moscow. The process, as they say, has already begun. Over the past five years, the bark beetle has destroyed almost 40 thousand hectares of spruce forests near Moscow. Are called different reasons: first, abnormal heat and drought in 2010, then freezing rain, strong winds, and, supposedly, forest care was not up to the mark.

But about true reasons keep silent. Both summer drought and strong winds are only a consequence of climate change, and this is happening due to the total development of the territory of the Moscow region.

According to Boris Samoilov, average annual temperatures are rising in the Moscow region, the climate has become like in the Tula region, which is located to the south. And spruce is a taiga tree, its roots are located close to the surface of the earth and need moist soil. A healthy tree will protect itself from pests. But weakened by the heat, when not enough resin is released, it turned out to be an excellent food source for bark beetle larvae.

By the way, all the stories from the Moscow region authorities that the typograph epidemic became possible because there is a large percentage of old forests in the region is a myth. In the Siberian taiga there are such giant spruce trees that it is impossible to grasp them, and no bark beetle is afraid of them. Because there is a healthy ecology there, and they grow in their own climate zone.

So far, in “Losiny Ostrov” - and this is not the case anywhere else in Europe - there is still a section of real southern taiga. Question: for how long?

"Detrimental influence huge city The climate is already being affected,” says Samoilov. - Buildings, roads - all open areas heat up and then give off their heat. The temperature in the city is always higher than outside it. And this is not only about horizontal planes, the walls of houses also heat up, so multi-story houses From an environmental point of view, they are much more dangerous than low-rise ones. During the 2010 drought, the average temperature was about 32 degrees, and for many people this was already a serious problem, imagine what would happen if the average temperature rose a few more degrees! Christmas trees died in 2010, and in the future people may suffer.”

Moose and suckers

Although the president has not yet given permission to the Moscow region to hold a general forest amnesty, the region is already trying to legalize certain seized forest lands. So, on October 31, public hearings on the issue of changing borders should be held national park"Losiny Ostrov"

At first glance, the agenda is positive: they want to include the Moninsky and Gorensky forests in the park, the first site is now on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Defense, the second belongs to the Noginsky forestry. But, as it turned out, it is too early to rejoice for the inhabitants of the national park. Such a “royal” gift in the form of two additional territories is nothing more than compensation for other cut-off lands that were previously within the boundaries of “Losiny Ostrov”.

According to Galina Morozova, who, together with Boris Samoilov, designed the boundaries of the national park, several rural settlements located in the Shchelkovsky district, the urban districts of Balashikha, Korolev and Mytishchi were specifically included in its composition. This was done specifically in order to create a buffer zone around the protected forests, which would bear the main recreational load. After all, “Losiny Ostrov” is surrounded by urban development on almost all sides; several thousand people visit it every day, and there are already millions of vacationers a year. In addition, when the historical villages of Abramtsevo, Oboldino and others were included within the boundaries of the national park, they thought that this would protect the surrounding landscape from urbanization. But in reality it turned out quite the opposite.

Forest plots are like honey for the developer. Everyone, as one, advertises in their prospectuses the excellent ecology in the area of ​​their new buildings, but they themselves completely destroy all living things.

“The first land seizures on the territory of Losiny Ostrov began back in the dashing 90s,” says Anton Khlynov, a member of the ONF near Moscow. “Then the Balashikha brothers managed to build several houses along the Akulovsky water canal. The public was noisy, law enforcement agencies opened a case for show, but then everything died down.”

And impunity pushes people to repeat the crime. And soon construction began on adjacent lands without an environmental assessment, without approval from the management of the national park. full swing. In the end, the authorities of Balashikha became indignant several years ago: why on earth was the village of Abramtsevo included within the boundaries of “Losiny Ostrov” - people live there, not moose. By the way, the residents themselves, as a rule, are very happy that their settlements are included within the boundaries of the park - for them this is a guarantee that the village will not turn into a city.

An even more interesting thing happened with 30 hectares of national park land in the Mytishchi district. They decided to build a large shopping center there, estimating the damage to nature at only 10 million rubles. Even if we assume that this is waste land, and not at all reserved, as in reality, let us only take into account its location - and the site is located 2 km from the Moscow Ring Road - isn’t it too cheap for 30 hectares? It seems that even moose could calculate the price for such a tasty piece of land better! But the Ministry of Ecology of the Russian Federation is not full of suckers... So the conclusions about the corruption component suggest themselves.

In defense of butterflies

In the summer, a round table was held in Moscow on the problems of the new ring road in the Moscow region. Among the speakers was an ecologist who tried to explain to the audience that as a result of construction, a rare species of butterflies, listed in the Red Book, could die. They listened to her politely, but this warning did not evoke much sympathy from anyone. And in vain. Man has learned to disturb the biological balance, but restoring it is not always so easy and simple.

“In Europe there are no longer wild forests within cities, not like we have around Moscow or even within the metropolis itself,” says Boris Samoilov. “Many people are touched that on the streets of Western capitals you can see squirrels jumping in trees, hedgehogs and chipmunks running in city parks. And this, of course, is great; it’s nice and comfortable to live in such cities. But it is not wild nature. This is all artificially supported.”

IN Lately The Moscow region takes its example from Moscow, and that, in turn, from Western capitals - city and regional authorities are trying to improve their territories, but in their pursuit of spending funds, officials do not know how to stop.

“Why was there flooding in Moscow this summer? - explain environmentalists. — In the capital, the permissible area for sealing natural surfaces has already been exceeded. While improving river valleys within the capital, builders violated the hydrological regime of the rivers. The situation is the same in most cities near Moscow. Pour a glass of water onto the oilcloth and it will all roll onto the floor. And if there is a velvet tablecloth on the table, then all the water will be absorbed. So it is with the banks of rivers, which are devoid of natural vegetation, oxbow lakes, water meadows, and are encased in concrete and paving slabs.”

They say that in Europe, forest trees by themselves - through self-seeding - no longer renew themselves. Because the seeds of forest trees require certain conditions. And there, even a dead tree will lie in the forest for at least twenty years without rotting - for this you need mushrooms, microorganisms that would feed on dead wood. To maintain life in these artificial forests, Europeans spend billions of euros a year. We don't have that kind of money. So, maybe we should still be more careful about the wealth we have inherited? As they say, take care of nature - our mother!
