Yaroslav is a short name. The fate of the woman Yaroslava at work. Yaroslav in different languages ​​of the world

Yaroslav is a personal masculine treatment with primordial Slavic roots, defining its bearer as a man glorious in rage and vitality. “Rage and glory”, “glorifying Yarila” - these are the versions of the interpretation of the nickname.

Origin of the name

According to one of the theories of the emergence of a powerful, energetically strong princely name, it was intended to endow its owner with the anger, rage and unwavering decisions needed to control people. However, it is possible that the basis of the appeal is not “rage”, but “yar” - a word denoting life-giving force, fertility, that is, giving the will to live.

The third, pagan version suggests that this was the name of the zealous admirer of the glorious God Yarila, because in those days one could hear everywhere: “Yarilo, glory!” One thing is certain that the name Yaroslav, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is dear as the Slavic heritage, can have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby and can endow his character with strong-willed qualities.

general characteristics

Yarik grows up as a smart and ambitious boy. From fairy tales and films about superheroes, he strives to adopt only the positive qualities of his favorite characters, and tries to be closer to his movie idol through good deeds.
A boy with a rich inner world always has a house full of friends; together they have fun, acting out scenes from their favorite cartoons, telling each other entertaining stories.

The little dreamer has many hobbies; even when he is alone, he will never get bored. Parents should support their son's interests and help him choose the right hobbies so as not to waste energy and time.

Slava shows extraordinary abilities in his studies, but he is in no hurry to become an excellent student, because he does not need increased interest from annoying adults. The boy's talent is multifaceted - no matter what Yarushka takes on, he does it well.
So that the person bearing the name Yaroslav - the meaning of the name for a child emphasizes parental attention! - confidently walked towards the intended goals, he constantly needs to be encouraged and controlled, trying not to cross the line of personal space and without harming the inner world of his beloved child.

Positive character traits

Yaroslavka – caring child, who even takes care of indoor plants. He always takes care of younger kids. If he has younger brothers or sisters, it will be doubly easier for parents to look after them. And, God forbid, if mom gets sick, the boy will be the first to volunteer to go to the pharmacy and store, without hesitation he will take on her household chores. Having matured, Yarik continues to take care of all family members, considering it his duty.

The young man knows how to remain calm in a stressful situation, it is impossible to make him lose his temper, he always understands what he is doing and most often does the right thing. Wherever Slavushkina’s childhood timidity and uncertainty disappear, this guy invariably attracts the attention of those around him and clearly understands what he wants.

Negative character traits

Yaroslav is vain. He is quite capable, having gained the trust of a person, to use him for his own personal purposes. Promoted modern society permissiveness causes in the owner of the name an irresistible feeling to rise above the world and bask in the rays of glory, and the winner does not care what price must be paid for this.

Yaroslav does not know how to trust people. He carefully hides his true feelings and thoughts so that no one can guess about them. Sometimes it’s really hard for a man, because even in his beloved one he sees a potential threat to the realization of his goals and plans.

Zodiac sign

Glorious qualities of character - organization, determination, the will to win, rigor and hard work - will be embodied in the bearer of the name, born in the sign of Leo.
The patron planet for Yaroslav will be the warm, majestic Sun.
The scarlet color is rightfully considered a symbol of the name.
Sunny, semi-precious amber in the jewelry worn by Yaroslav will bring him good luck and give him peace of mind.


Yarik, Yaroslavka, Yaroslavchik, Slava, Slavka, Slavik, Yaroslavushka, Yarosya, Slavushka.

Name options

Yaroslav, Yaslav.

Historical figures

978 – 1054 – Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise.
1883 – 1923 – Czech writer and journalist Jaroslav Hasek.
1898 – 1978 – Czech violinist Jaroslav Pekelsky.
1942 – 2013 – Soviet, Russian actor Yaroslav Baryshev.
1946 – singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Yaroslav Evdokimov.
Born 1948 – Czech footballer Jaroslav Grzebik.
Born 1949 – Polish politician Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
Born 1970 - Russian politician Yaroslav Ternovsky.
Born 1970 – Russian actor Yaroslav Boyko.
Born 1974 – Czech hockey player Jaroslav Spaček.
Born 1974 – Russian artist and writer Yaroslav Mogutin.
Born 1980 - Russian track and field athlete Yaroslav Rybakov.
Born 1982 – Czech footballer Jaroslav Plašil.
Born 1989 - Ukrainian football player Yaroslav Rakitsky.
Born 1989 – Russian hockey player Yaroslav Khabarov.

“What’s in your name?” - Everyone has heard this phrase more than once and probably wondered: does it matter what you were called when? Moreover, many are racking their brains, thinking about what to name their child so that he grows up happy and his future turns out well. Today we will talk about those named after Yaroslav, we will reveal the meaning of this name and how it affects character and destiny.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

According to historians, this name has purely Slavic roots and comes from two ancient Slavic words: “Yar” (“strong”, “fiery”, “decisive”) and “Slav” (“glorify”, “Slavs”).
At the same time, in the Old Slavonic dictionary there is the word “Yar”, which symbolizes abundance, fertility, and “Yaro”, which means “very”.

That is why Yaroslava means:

  • bright;
  • passionate;
  • strong;
  • divine;
  • solar;
  • full of vitality.

Important! Some scholars suggest that the root “yar” only in relation to a woman means “light”» , « bright."

Some historians believe that Yaroslava is a female version male Yaroslav, but, at the same time, they do not exclude a connection with God Yaril - “Glorifying Yaril.”

Day Angel

Yaroslav's name day church calendar does not note, since this name is not included in the calendar. Therefore, with a child, parents will be advised to choose a different name.
It should be remembered that Angel Day and name day are not one holiday. Angel Yara's Day falls on the name day of the male version of this.

Did you know? Believers believe that if you baptize a child with a name different from the worldly one, they will not be able to damage him.

Short and diminutive form

Yaroslava sounds beautiful, majestic and proud, but there are also diminutive options:

  • Glory;
  • Yaska;
  • Yarka;
  • Yasonka;
  • Slavochka;
  • Warbler;
  • Yarochka;
  • Yasyunya;
  • Yaroslavka;
  • Yaroslavochka;
  • Yarishka;
  • Yasyunya.

Sometimes these people are called Yasochka, Rosya, Slavtsya, Yarilka and Yarina - these are more exotic options.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

In foreign languages, this name is almost unchanged and sounds something like this:

  • German, Esperanto, French, Italian, Norwegian - Jaroslava;
  • Greek - Γιαροσλάβα (Giarosláva);
  • English - Yaroslava;
  • Chinese - 雅羅斯拉夫 (Yǎ luó sīlāfū);
  • Japanese - ヤロスラフ (Yarosurafu);
  • Armenian - Յարոսլավ (Yaroslava);
  • Ukrainian, Belarusian - Yaroslav.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

In life, Yaroslava fully justifies the origin of her name: she is an active and sociable person, easily gets along with people and attracts with her ease, affability and friendliness. She is independent, loves the attention of others, and is in the thick of things.
It is worth noting that although there is some assertiveness in her character, she often admits that she is wrong. And the owner carries such traits as honesty and justice throughout his life.

Yassi love to make people feel good. For example, they can give a gift or prepare a pleasant surprise just like that, for no reason.

The Yars are sympathetic and good-natured people, ready to help at any time, putting aside their own affairs. It is this trait that loved ones value and love.

Study, professions and career

Independence, diligence and flexible character allow Yaroslavs to achieve considerable success in their studies and careers. Thanks to their perseverance, perseverance and desire to finish what they started, such women become:

  • accountants;
  • programmers;
  • journalists;
  • teachers;
  • engineers;
  • choreographers;
  • flight attendants;
  • translators.

Health and hobbies

As a child, Yasi likes to attend various clubs. Those where you can free yourself from excess energy and compete are in great demand: dancing or extreme sports.

Among Yarochka's hobbies are animals, books and watching cartoons (and this love does not fade with age).

Important! Yaroslavs should carefully select their diet and try not to freeze.

Yaroslavs are distinguished by good physical fitness and, thanks to physical activity, they last a long time. However, the bronchi and intestines - weak organs such women.

Love relationships and family

In a relationship, Yara devotes herself entirely to her lover. However, this is only if she is sure of reciprocal feelings.
When such a woman is possessed by a truly bright feeling, she becomes a loving, responsive, faithful and caring wife.

Such girls are in no hurry to get married. They look closely at their lover so as not to experience disappointment later. In her companion, Yasya wants to see all the positive traits that she knows.

Immediately after marriage, it is advisable for such women to live with their parents (but not with their mother-in-law - the Yaroslavs cannot stand comments) so that they can teach them how to run a household. Even if she is not a very dexterous cook, in the future she is able to surpass even the most experienced chefs.

Yaroslava is a faithful wife, but, despite the gentle sound of her shortened name, she will not forgive betrayal. Is divorce imminent? and the spouse must take this into account. At the same time, the woman will endure the breakup quite steadfastly.

Yasya is brought up in strictness, often punished, without even realizing that words are more effective than physical actions.
TO sex life Such girls are indifferent. And only after birth does her libido grow and sex becomes more interesting.

Important! Sex is not the main thing in Yaroslava’s life, so the partner should devote more time to foreplay.

Ideal compatibility will be obtained with men bearing names such as: Dmitry, Maxim, Kirill, Gleb, Stepan, Eduard, Ivan, Ruslan, Vadim, Nikolay, Valentin, Georgy, Arkady, Daniil, David. Relationships with Igor, Semyon, Denis, Alexey will not be easy.

Meanings of letters in the name and numerology

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number “5”, which means an independent and freedom-loving person. Such people rarely listen to other people's opinions and advice, making mistakes and gaining their own experience.

Breaking it down letter by letter, you can get an interesting and contradictory personality:

  • I am responsible for self-esteem, a rich inner world.
  • P - the ability to achieve the essence, the potential for craft.
  • O - inner wealth, wonderful intuition.
  • C - desire for security.
  • L - creative abilities, ability to appreciate art.
  • A is a symbol of beginning, the desire for improvement.
  • B - optimism, cheerfulness, honesty.

Did you know? There is a version that the name Yaroslav came from the city of the same name - this is what its inhabitants were called.

Name Astrology

Yaroslavs are unusual personalities who correspond to the following astrological indicators:

  • Zodiac sign - Libra, Taurus;
  • stone - turquoise, azurite, quartz;
  • metal - gold;
  • plant - basil, orchid;
  • tree - oak;
  • animal - deer;
  • color - fiery red, scarlet;
  • planet (or rather, star) - the Sun.

Name in history: famous and successful people

Women with this name have taken their rightful place in history. The most famous personalities:

  • Yaroslava Vyacheslavovna Shvedova is a Russian professional tennis player who also represents Kazakhstan in competitions. Among the achievements is victory in 2 Grand Slam tournaments in doubles.

  • Yaroslava Iosifovna Stetsko is a political, anti-Soviet activist from Ukraine. Founded the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists.

  • Yaroslava Aleksandrovna Pulinovich - Russian playwright (plays, film scripts). Among the famous works are “Yolki-5”, “Cloud of Happiness”, “Elsa’s Land”.

  • Jaroslava Mozerova is a Czech politician. The first woman in the political history of the Czech Republic to stand as a candidate for the post of President.

We tried to provide maximum information about the name Yaroslav. We hope that now you will be able to better understand the character of your friends. But it is also worth considering that not everything in a person depends on the name, because he develops many character traits himself.

Nowadays you can increasingly meet boys with the beautiful old Russian name Yaroslav. The name is really bright and euphonious. However, probably the parents first studied its origin, who it was glorified in history. So we will try to find out the meaning of the name Yaroslav.

History of the origin of the name

The origin of the name Yaroslav is Slavic. It has two roots:

  • ardent - implies strength, ardor, uncontrollability;
  • having glory.

There is another hypothesis for its origin. Some researchers are of the opinion that the name Yaroslav is equivalent to the epithet “glorifying Yarila.”

Yarila - God of the sun and fertility in ancient Rus'. It is believed that the word “ardent” came from this name of the ancient Slavic deity. Only here its meaning is brilliant, bright, fiery. Only princes were given such a proud name. In the 11th-13th centuries, the rulers of many Slavic lands had just such a name. For example, we can recall the Prince of Novgorod, later the Grand Duke Yaroslav the Second (Theodore) Vsevolodovich. The chronicles say that he had to die for the Russian land. Russian Orthodox Church this name was added to the list of names that could be given at baptism. canonized as saints. His son is Saint Alexander Nevsky. Until the mid-18th century, children from ordinary families were rarely given princely names. Now the name Yaroslav is one of the most popular.

Yaroslav the Wise

The origin of the name Yaroslav is also connected with its most famous owner - Yaroslav the First Vladimirovich. The Russian people called him Wise. Thanks to his rule, Kievan Rus reached unprecedented prosperity. According to ancient chronicles, Yaroslav the Wise was distinguished by a brilliant mind and exceptional courage in battles with the enemy, and this despite the fact that he was lame in one leg. The prince made a significant contribution to the spread of Christianity in Rus'. His merits include the development of education in his country. Also this a wise man did a lot to become Orthodox priests, he gave a lot of money for the construction and decoration of churches. The glory that the Grand Duke deserved was absorbed by the meaning of the name Yaroslav. Thanks to him, Russian culture reached a new qualitative level.

Winter and spring Yaroslav. Characteristics of the name

It is no secret that the character of any person is influenced not only by the name given to him, but also by the time of year in which he was born.

  • What can you say about Yaroslav, born in winter? His character is quite complex. Winter Yaroslav is closed and taciturn. But at the same time he tries not to enter into conflicts. He has a remarkable quality - being able to listen and understand his interlocutor. When solving any problem, Yaroslav will first thoroughly understand its essence, and only then will he try to resolve it. It easily adapts to any environment.
  • Yaroslav - a name for a boy born in the spring, indicates that he will grow into a talented person who will be able to master any profession. He is sociable, sincere and open man, capable of becoming the life of the party. Yarik (diminutive of Yaroslav) is always ready to help. He is kind and hospitable. True, he believes that the people to whom he did good should repay him in kind.

Yaroslav summer and autumn

Representatives of the stronger sex with this wonderful name, born in summer or autumn, have their own distinctive features character.

  • Summer Yaroslavs are kind and sensitive, always trying to show concern for their neighbors. But due to these qualities, they can easily fall under the influence of others. They are also characterized by persistence and stubbornness. It is also important to note that Yaroslav, born in the summer, is overly emotional. This makes it difficult for him to concentrate and can affect his career advancement.
  • For the autumnal Yaroslav, the characteristics of the name are dominated by the spirituality of the individual and the sophistication of nature. He shows interest in psychological and philosophical topics, issues of the universe. Autumn Yaroslavs can be modest and reserved, which can prevent them from fully revealing their abilities and become an obstacle in achieving their goals. Although his qualities such as prudence and scrupulousness, and the ability to analyze in detail his every action can come to the rescue here.

Yaroslav. Boy name

Having named their child Yaroslav, many parents do not even suspect that by doing so they largely determine his character.

  • Little Yariks are quite capricious, but you can find an approach to them with the help of convincing arguments. For example, if his parents tell him that every spoonful of porridge he eats adds strength and masculinity to him, they will no longer have problems feeding the child.
  • Thoughtful and thoughtful from an early age, Yaroslav initially kept to himself in kindergarten. He will be happy to draw or build castles from blocks, but he will think carefully about whether he should run races with other boys. Although he is burdened by such difference from other guys. It is important here that parents get involved and help Yarik find common interests with his peers.
  • At school, all subjects are easy for Yaroslav. He is attentive in class and responsible in doing his homework. But that's enough for him. Yarik does not raise his hand in class and does not show excessive activity. True, with his ability to make informed decisions and think through every step towards high school, he has already decided on his favorite subject, which can form the basis of his future profession. By this time, he has established strong contact with teachers and classmates.

Yaroslavs in their personal life

The name Yaroslav is also important in the personal life of its owner. Girls really like it when their boyfriend's name is that. After all, despite its popularity, it is still not found so often and therefore immediately attracts attention. This kind of exclusivity makes a guy more self-confident, and he can quickly win the heart of the girl he likes. But Yarik cannot be called a supporter of frivolous relationships. It is important for him to decide once and for all on the choice of his life partner. He wants to have a wife with the same calm disposition as his own. Therefore, a girl named Larisa, Lyudmila or Galina may well become Yaroslav’s soul mate if she has a soft and flexible character. True, work always comes first for such a man. He can only go on a date with his girlfriend when he is free from regular business, even if it is only one day a week.

Husband and father of the family

Knowing the secret of the name Yaroslav, his wife, if she wants the family to be strong and happy, will perceive him as he showed himself.

  • Yarik enjoys doing housework in the part that depends on the man. Repairing a faucet, electrical wiring, broken furniture - Yaroslav can do all this on his own.
  • When it comes to making important decisions in the family, Yaroslav will never back down from his own. A smart wife will try to agree with him and smooth out the rough edges. That’s why a non-conflict woman with a calm disposition is so important in this family.
  • The nature of the name Yaroslav will also affect his relationship with children. Yarik is simply a wonderful father. He remembers how understanding his parents treated him and knows how to find mutual language with own children. There is complete mutual understanding between them. Yaroslav can play happily with the kids, but if he thinks that he needs to do something else, the children will not argue and will obediently put down their toys. Such a father will be happy to help schoolchildren do their homework.

Building a career

For a man with this handsome rare name it is very important not only to provide for your family material well-being, but at the same time also achieve maximum height in your career. The desire to become a leader is also determined by the meaning of the name Yaroslav. He has such qualities as are necessary for any boss, such as the ability to quickly navigate and act in accordance with the situation. Although Yaroslav, who holds a leadership position, is too self-confident, his subordinates can be completely confident in his competence and count on support in decisions complex issues. Such a purposeful person always achieves the heights set for himself, overcoming all difficulties along the way. This also ensures a reliable reputation for himself. Yaroslav can best prove himself in professions related to the exact sciences.

Famous people

The fate of the name Yaroslav is very bright. Despite the fact that it is quite rare, many can be named bright personalities, its carriers. In addition to the Russian princes mentioned above, there are many contemporaries who glorified this wonderful name.

  • Everyone knows the writers Galan, the poet
  • The wonderful actor Yaroslav Boyko captivated all the women with his talented acting and charismatic appearance.
  • Among famous athletes, I would like to mention football player, track and field athlete Yaroslav Rybakov, and hockey player Yaroslav Khabarov.
  • The work of the artist Yaroslav Krestovsky has many fans.
  • Yaroslav - Russian name, but who doesn’t love the magical voice of the famous Belarusian singer Yaroslav Evdokimov. He was also made famous by the great Czech composer and violinist Jaroslav Pekelsky, as well as Jaroslav Dombrowski, a Polish-French military leader and revolutionary.

Natural symbols of the name

The secret of the name Yaroslav will be helped to reveal its natural symbols.

  • A representative of the fauna, a symbol of the name Yaroslav, is the pheasant. In the East, it represents color, prosperity, and good luck.
  • Plants that protect the bearer of this name are considered oak, as a symbol of courage and fertility, as well as nettle, which in Rus' was considered a talisman that drives away evil spirits.
  • Tin is the metal that patronizes Yaroslav. It is a symbol of flexibility, diplomacy, and the ability to find a way out of any situation.

Yaroslav is one of the few Slavic names that continues to be chosen for boys in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It consists of two roots at once: “yar” (ardent, ardent, unstoppable) and “slav” (glory, glorious), and therefore has the literal meaning of “bright (powerful) glory.” It is not surprising that for a long time this name form belonged to the list of dynastic names of the Rurik family, and among the Russian princes, as many as sixteen offspring of the ancient dynasty were called Yaroslavs.

The beautiful and sonorous name Yaroslav came to us from pagan Rus', where in most cases it was identified with powerful creative power and fertility, literally meaning “glorifying Yarila,” the sun god. However, there are other interpretations of pre-Christian meaning, suggesting that when the natural balance is disrupted, the root “yar” turns the bearer of the name into a source of uncontrollable destructive energy.

The name Yaroslav has many related and diminutive forms: Yarik, Slavik, Rostik, Yaroslavchik, Slavunya, Rosya, Yarechka, Slavushka, Yarosh, Yaslav, Yarko, Yarechek, Yarus.

Among the holders of the name Yaroslav, many outstanding personalities can be distinguished. Their list is headed by the extraordinary ruler of Rus' Yaroslav I Vladimirovich, nicknamed “The Wise” - the Grand Duke of Kiev, the Prince of Rostov and Novgorod. In addition, among the famous Yaroslavs one can recall the Czech satirist Yaroslav Hasek and the outstanding chemist Yaroslav Geyrovsky, the Soviet poet and translator Yaroslav Smelyakov, the track and field athlete Yaroslav Rybakov and hockey player Yaroslav Khabarov, the Bulgarian artist Yaroslav Veshin, and the singer Yaroslav Evdokimov.

Name days and patron saints

For a man named Yaroslav, there are three patron saints to choose from. The most famous among them is Yaroslav the Wise, the son of Grand Duke Vladimir, who was born in 978. During the reign of his father, he reigned first in Rostov and then in Novgorod. During this time, Yaroslav proved himself to be a far-sighted and caring leader, for which he received the nickname “Wise”. After the death of his parent, he had to participate in an internecine war with his brothers Svyatopolk, Mstislav, Boris and Gleb. Yaroslav emerged victorious from it, becoming the Grand Duke of Kyiv. This event became a real blessing for Rus', as it ensured the flourishing of Christianity, education, culture and architecture. The name of the blessed prince Yaroslav the Wise was included in the Russian Orthodox month book in 2005, and since then, his day of remembrance has been celebrated on March 5.

Another revered saint with the name Yaroslav is Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich of Murom. He reigned in the city of Murom from 1097 to 1123, all this time diligently inclining the pagan majority of the population of this city to Christianity. The prince was not a supporter of the forcible imposition of religion, but tried to instill it peaceful ways. In the end, he managed to baptize in Orthodox faith the whole city of Murom, for which he was very respected by his contemporaries and revered by his descendants. In the Orthodox monthly, this saint is remembered on June 3.

The third in order, but not in importance, a saint named Yaroslav, is commemorated by Orthodox Christians on February 11 or December 8. This is the holy martyr Archpriest Yaroslav Savitsky. He was born in the Grodno province in 1882, and in 1905 he was ordained a priest. The time of his service to the Lord fell on the difficult times of religious persecution during the period of revolution and the cult of personality. However, Father Yaroslav, strong in spirit, stood for the faith of Christ to the end, for which in 1937 he was arrested by NKVD officers and then sentenced to death.

Characteristics of the name

A man named Yaroslav combines the most incompatible qualities in his character. He is both smart and stubborn, kind and selfish, calm and vulnerable. Usually kind and sensitive, at certain moments Yarik turns into an evil and cruel creature, capable of the most disgusting words and actions. Yaroslav has a hard time experiencing any everyday adversity, but at the same time he never gives up, showing enviable fortitude and determination.

Slava often seems to others to be an indifferent, stern and distrustful person. However, these qualities begin to dominate his character only after a series of serious trials and disappointments. They are just a protective mask that hides a truly sensitive and vulnerable soul from the world.

However, it should be recognized that such attractive features as a desire for leadership and self-confidence, very often transforms in Yaroslav into immense pride, vanity and a tendency towards dictatorship. That is why he has very few real friends who are willing to tolerate the selfishness and narcissism of this difficult personality.

In many ways, Yarik’s traits and inclinations depend on the time of year in which he was born.

  • Winter Yaroslav is one of the most difficult people to communicate with. He is incredibly reserved and silent, but at the same time surprisingly meticulous and scrupulous in any matter. Such a person is able to bring others to nervous breakdown, persistently getting to the truth in the most insignificant issue. At the same time, Slava, born in winter, will never intentionally become a source of conflict, even if he has good reasons for this. On the contrary, he will do his best to avoid confrontation, smoothing out the “sharp edges” and turning a blind eye to blatant injustices.
  • A completely different personality is Yaroslav Vesenny. He is smart and charming, sociable and open to the world. His kindness and devotion, responsiveness and sense of humor attract anyone, making the guy the life of the party and a beloved friend. True, meeting Slavik’s soulmate is quite difficult. After all, she should be as irresistible and charming as he himself.
  • Sometimes in the summer, Yaroslav is born, endowed with a lot of positive qualities. He is sensitive and kind, attentive and responsive. Such a person will good friend, lover and husband, but until her excessive emotionality fully manifests itself. In a fit of passion, Yarik can be rude and unrestrained, showing his true feelings too assertively and defiantly unceremoniously.
  • Autumn Yaroslav – extraordinary interesting person. He has strong creative expressions and various talents, a tendency towards solitude and reflection on philosophical matters. A man with this name, born in one of the autumn months, is vulnerable and sensitive, temperamental and prone to pathos. However, despite the constant desire for solitude, his diplomatic abilities turn Yaroslav into great friend, an interesting conversationalist and an attractive life partner.


In childhood, Yaroslav's contradictory character manifests itself in all its diversity. He is incredibly active and sociable, often becoming a “thunderstorm in the yard” and a real punishment for teachers. At the same time, the boy enjoys spending time alone, which often baffles his friends and family.

Manifestations of a child’s active nature often lead to him being labeled as a bully and a bully, while in little Yarik there is no cruelty or tendency to violence at all. He simply cannot accept injustice and knows how to stand up for himself. The negative sides of Yarik’s nature may not appear at all if early age he is surrounded by friendly relatives and calm, inquisitive friends.

Slavik’s pronounced leadership abilities allow him to express himself in team sports, where he easily gathers a team around him and skillfully organizes its interaction both in and outside the game.

IN adolescence the guy easily gains authority in any company, even if a criminal bias is noticeable in the actions of his friends. At this age, parents should carefully monitor their son’s social circle so that he does not turn into the leader of a gang of hooligans.

Young Yaroslav is very attractive both to his own and to the opposite sex precisely because of his inconsistency. One moment he is a sympathetic dreamer, philosopher and contemplator, and the next he is already a calculating and cold cynic, overflowing with ambition. Sometimes he easily submits to the will of others, and then suddenly turns into an unyielding fighter for his own ideas. It often seems that he lacks love and friendly warmth, but then his complete reluctance to establish any close relationships is revealed.


Yaroslav s early childhood He is actively involved in sports, and therefore he is not aware of any illnesses. Even as an adult, Slavik’s health never fails. His appearance remains attractive for a long time, and his figure remains fit without any additional effort. Only in old age do interruptions in the functioning of the heart and stomach begin to be felt.

Little Yaroslav's only problem is frequent sports injuries, and an adult man is at risk of being injured in a road accident or getting into a plane crash.


Yaroslav's love life is always bright and varied. It is not difficult for him to make acquaintance with the woman he likes. After all, charming appearance, natural passion and sociability ensure stable success with the opposite sex.

Yarik's novels are multifaceted and romantic. As a lover, he is completely irresistible, showing tenderness and care, ingenuity and temperament, generosity and patience, demonstrating readiness for any sacrifice. As a lover, Slavik also has no equal. After all, intimate relationships are one of the main things for him. life's pleasures. He loves and knows how to make love, giving his partner incredible pleasure with long foreplay and intricate dominant sex.

However, Yaroslav is unable to hold his attention on one object for a long time. There are too many other tempting options around. At the same time, he never cheats on his chosen one and starts a new romance only after parting with his previous affection.

The numerous relationships of Yaroslav are also explained by the fact that he chooses a permanent life partner for a long time and meticulously. Slavik tries all sorts of options on this path before settling on the only one to whom he is ready to offer his hand and heart. But if he nevertheless finds his ideal, then he remains faithful and devoted to his wife all his life.

Marriage and family, compatibility

The length of time Yaroslav chose his future wife is not explained by any special taste preferences. In fact main role Only practical considerations play a role in the search process. Yarik expects, first of all, financial benefits from marriage. But she doesn’t mind at all if she has the accommodating character and charming appearance of her chosen one.

If the wife, in addition to an enviable dowry, has feminine attractiveness and a calm disposition capable of extinguishing the outbursts of Yaroslav’s difficult character, then their union from a marriage of convenience will quickly turn into a real one. strong family, where relationships are filled with warmth and mutual understanding. At the same time, Yarik’s complex nature sometimes still manifests itself in cold irritability and intolerance towards his wife, and then the marriage is saved only by her incredible patience and ability to forgive.

The birth of children especially strengthens this connection. After all, Yaroslav makes an excellent loving and patient father, ready to do anything for the happiness of his offspring. He spares no effort and time to cooperative games and travel, delves into children's troubles and problems, supports any endeavors and finances all kinds of creative projects.

The most suitable spouses for Yaroslav will be women with the names: Angelica, Diana, Violetta, Elizaveta, Ekaterina, Elena, Zlata, Lydia, Larisa, Svetlana. Galina, Irina, Olga, Tatiana, Klara and Yulia suit Slavik well.

Ladies named Zinaida or Antonina are completely incompatible in marriage with Yaroslav.

Business and career

Pronounced leadership qualities will bring Yaroslav success in any chosen field of activity. His abilities and determination allow him to quickly achieve high professionalism, winning the favor of management and the respect of his colleagues.

At the same time, Yarik’s sensitive nature is especially conducive to advancement in creative professions, where he will certainly demonstrate a non-standard approach and creative thinking.

However, occupation entrepreneurial activity is also not alien to this versatile personality. A penchant for analytics will help Yaroslav calculate all risks and profits in advance, which almost always leads to success in business. The ability to easily communicate with people, winning their sympathy and trust, contributes to the emergence of profitable partners, and the tendency to spend money rationally will not allow you to lose significant amounts on financial adventures.

Talismans for Yaroslav

  • Patron planet – Pluto and the Sun. A person living under the auspices of Pluto is distinguished by a combination of such incompatible qualities as kindness and cruelty, dictatorship and the ability to empathize, assertiveness and impracticality, idealism and unprincipledness. A star like the Sun as a patron signifies a bright and unconventional nature, capable of surprising with both good and bad manifestations, but never resting in the quiet of invisibility.
  • Element – ​​Air. People of this element are always sociable and eager to learn new things. They easily perceive and apply any knowledge, but do not always follow through with their undertakings.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign – Leo, Gemini. Gemini means that Yaroslav has a dual nature, prone to constant mood swings. In a good mood, he is a sweet conversationalist and generally an incredibly charming person, but a minor state of health immediately awakens the most unattractive traits, turning the affectionate “cat” into an angry “tiger”. The lion component of character is responsible for the love of luxury and comfort. It evokes a desire to constantly be in the center of attention and receive gifts from fate without making any special effort.
  • The most successful times of the year are winter and summer.
  • The most successful day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky colors are white, brown, green and scarlet. This variety of patron flowers is explained by the controversial personality of Yaroslav. The scarlet shade reflects the unbridled nature, while green symbolizes the kindness and responsiveness of Yaroslav, harmonizing his difficult character. Brown color means the difficult fate of the owner of a difficult character, and white emphasizes his sincerity and constant desire for truth.
  • The totem animal is the pheasant. In the East, this bird symbolizes prosperity and luck, popularity and virtue. However, her cry is considered a harbinger of misfortune, signifying numerous temptations that arise along the path of life.
  • Totem plant – nettle and oak. Prickly grass means that the object of her patronage is equally endowed with sexual attractiveness and cruelty. In addition, she is able to effectively protect Yaroslav from dark forces. Oak symbolizes strength and endurance, nobility and family happiness of its ward.
  • Talisman stone - agate, amber and marble. Sports occupy most of Yaroslav’s life, and therefore agate, the patron saint of all athletes, would be an excellent amulet for him. He will help him achieve high results and protect from possible injuries. In addition, this stone helps to extinguish outbursts of anger, so characteristic of Slavik. If Yaroslav is afraid of negative external influences (the evil eye or damage), then he should carry amber with him. A marble amulet will emphasize the originality of the individual, and will also help this complex nature to find harmony of feelings.


Aries– very nice and hardworking. He loves order and strives for a measured life. In relation to close people he shows sincere care and good nature, and with strangers he is open and friendly. The personality of Yaroslav-Aries is not alien to ambition, but he constantly fights with it, considering it a flaw. His chosen one will be able to enjoy the sensitive, passionate and romantic nature of her partner for many years, but only if she does not want to dominate their union.

Taurus– friendly and charming with everyone, which makes him a favorite of friends and colleagues, and also invariably attracts the attention of the opposite sex. However, a woman conquered by the charm and masculine beauty of Yaroslav-Taurus will not have an easy time. After all, she will not only have to constantly compete with other attractive fans for the attention of her chosen one, but also endure manifestations of his difficult character. In work and life, Yarik is full of enthusiasm and assertiveness, showing enviable willpower in overcoming any difficulties.

Twins- cheerful and careless, constantly getting into a variety of adventures, but getting out of them without much loss thanks to their natural ingenuity and personal charm. However, compliance with moral and ethical standards does not particularly concern Yaroslav the Gemini, and therefore friends and ladies should remember that behind his external charm lies complete absence principles.

Cancer– always makes a wonderful impression on others with his intelligence and feeling self-esteem, which he actively uses to achieve his own goals. At the same time, he is friendly and attentive with his friends, he can always listen and give practical advice. Women seeking an easy relationship should not waste time on Yaroslav-Cancer. After all, in an alliance with the opposite sex, he always seeks stability, sincerity and trust, without exchanging for fleeting romances.

a lion– a very unpleasant person with inflated self-esteem and a constant desire to impose his opinion on everyone. At the same time, he never listens to his opponents, considering attention to their point of view beneath his dignity. For Yaroslav the Leo, a woman is just an object for hunting, which is no longer worth attention after she has submitted to the persistent advances of this selfish man.

Virgo– this man feels very uncomfortable in the company of other people. On the one hand, he is incredibly shy, but on the other, he is filled with a sense of his own importance. Excessive pride prevents Yaroslav-Virgo from making friends, and constant doubts do not allow him to make fateful decisions, which negatively affects both his personal life and his career.

Scales– from the first minutes of acquaintance, they win over both men and women. After all, Yaroslav-Libra shows sincere interest in any person, while remaining extravagant and romantic, vulnerable and friendly. The snares of his charm are especially dangerous for the opposite sex. After all, with all the merits of this personality, Yarik is not able to concentrate on one object of feelings for a long time, although every time his affection is completely sincere.

Scorpion– a confident and talented leader who knows how to lead people and successfully achieve their goals. He is smart and calculating, perspicacious and prudent, and can easily discern falsehood in the words and actions of others. Love and personal life Yaroslav-Scorpio is always in the background, but at the same time he chooses his soulmate solely out of love and remains an exemplary lover and husband. True, any hint of betrayal can throw him off balance and turn the intelligent and reserved head of the family into an angry Neanderthal.

Sagittarius– well-mannered and therefore always tolerant with others. He has no illusions about his own kind and never allows himself to criticize friends and colleagues. However, Yaroslav-Sagittarius will also not tolerate moralizing directed at him, giving a sharp rebuff to anyone who dares to condemn his words and actions. In relationships with the opposite sex, he strives for calm and harmony, and therefore chooses sincere, open and sociable women like himself, especially since he is never deprived of the attention of ladies.

Capricorn– hates all kinds of surprises and surprises. His life is always thought out and predetermined, there is no place for adventures and accidents. Cautious and even somewhat reserved, Yaroslav-Capricorn prefers to stay away from noisy gatherings and large companies. However, he has no problems with novels. Women value Yarik's reliability and prudence, enthusiastically giving him their affection and love, but not always receiving sincere feelings in return.

Aquarius– looks at the world through rose-colored glasses, idealizing the surrounding reality. At the same time, he is distinguished by unconventional thinking and behavior, which attracts both men and women to him. However, in Yaroslav-Aquarius’s approach to life, selfishness always wins. He views the affairs and feelings of other people solely through the prism of his own benefit, completely forgetting about their concerns and needs. Slavik persistently and persistently achieves his goal, regardless of the desires and aspirations of others. He is of little interest in affairs with women, and he enters into marriage at a very mature age and only after careful calculation.

Fish– always cheerful, sociable and an interesting man– a real bait for the fair half of humanity. He is always ready to reciprocate any manifestation of not only friendship, but also love. Therefore, there is no end to his passionate romances, abandoned lovers never tire of seeking his return, and his wives suffer from constant infidelity. But his friends are much luckier. He will enliven any friendly party with his presence, will immediately rush to help when life’s problems arise and will always readily listen to the saga of your misadventures.

DOB: 1883-04-30

Czech satirist

Version 1. What does the name Yaroslav mean?

YAROSLAV - strong, glorious (old glory).

Zodiac sign - Leo.

Planet - Sun.

Color - scarlet.

Auspicious tree - oak.

The treasured plant is nettle.

The patron of the name is pheasant.

The talisman stone is amber.


Yaroslav is kind and sensitive, however, if his sacred feelings are hurt, he can turn out to be vindictive and unjustifiably cruel. He is distinguished by his desire to get to the bottom of the meaning of life, and is deeply interested in the secrets of the universe. By nature, he is refined, vulnerable, often has many talents, taciturn, somewhat reserved, and non-conflicting.

DOB: 1913-01-08

Soviet poet, critic, translator

Version 2. What does the name Yaroslav mean?

Yaroslav - from Art. glory, ardent and glory; glorifying Yarila - the sun god.

Derivatives: Yaroslavka, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Rosya.

Folk signs.

Among the ancient Slavs, Yarilin's day was what is now called the day of Ivan Kupala.


Yaroslav is a philosopher by nature, striving to understand the meaning of existence and understand the most intimate secrets of the universe. He has no time to waste precious time on empty talk and petty squabbles, and is focused on himself and his work. He is kind and flexible with those around him, relatives and friends, but you should not hurt what he values, what is sacred to him; Yaroslav remembers this kind of insult for a long time, becoming tough and ruthless.

3 version of the meaning of the name Yaroslav

DOB: 1932-06-02

Soviet and Russian journalist, writer

4 version of interpretation of the name Yaroslav

Yaroslav is an ambiguous and contradictory nature. Kind, persistent, stubborn. Easily susceptible to other people's influence. He grows up practically the way his parents, teachers, and friends raise him.

However, adult Yaroslav is also highly dependent on the environment in which he finds himself. He is sentimental, loves children, animals and flowers. But in critical situations it can be unpredictable and unjustifiably cruel.

Yaroslav tends to eternally search for the meaning of life. He tries to resort to science or devote himself to the priesthood.

Can be a doctor, a teacher, a simple worker. But any profession will not prevent him from being deeply interested in the issues of the universe, nor will it prevent him from trying to understand why and for what purpose he himself exists. And in any profession, Yaroslav is a talented person.

5 version of the meaning of the name Yaroslav

In childhood, a capricious, stubborn, unbalanced child. When playing with children, he often quarrels, tries to impose his own rules, and gets offended if they don’t listen to him. May commit rash acts. Prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dermatitis.

Parents need to win his trust, otherwise Yaroslav will “close down” and it will be difficult to achieve anything from him. Since childhood, he chooses his own friends, he is too picky. He likes to invite children to visit him, listen to bedtime stories and various fascinating stories. Surprisingly for everyone, he begins to read and write early. He plays with tin soldiers for a very long time and dreams of becoming a military man. The character is contradictory; the mood changes often.

“Summer” Yaroslav, especially “July”, is very kind, but at the same time pushy, he is easily influenced. So he grows up the way his parents make him. You just need to know how to influence him so as not to hurt the boy’s pride. But even the adult Yaroslav is highly dependent on his environment. He loves children, animals, flowers. However, in critical situations it becomes extremely cruel.

“Winter” is meticulous, tries to get to the bottom of any problem, can bother parents and teachers with questions, but will definitely achieve his goal. Gets carried away natural sciences, he has a reason to devote his life to this. He has musical abilities and a literary gift. Non-conflict, does not tolerate intrigue. He is a man of few words, but knows how to listen. Him good memory, Analytical mind. Rigid logic allows him to predict the outcome of the business he has begun.

“Autumn” is a spiritual, sophisticated, vulnerable and impressionable nature. He is concerned with questions of the universe, philosophy, psychology. Often such Yaroslav becomes a priest. He firmly believes in his beliefs. Modest, difficult to achieve success in life. Unhurried, does not rush to decisions and conclusions. He tends to carefully consider the actions and actions of himself and those around him. He has the gift of persuasion, knows how to help a person with words, good advice. Diplomatic, correct.

“Spring” is talented in various directions. Musical, flexible, a good speaker. Parents should pay attention to his ability to dance. Choreography can become a profession for him. Shows ability in the field of journalism. He is inclined to write scripts and plays. Artistic, can express himself as an actor. Interested in medicine and biology.

The following middle names are suitable for “winter” and “autumn” Yaroslav: Bogdanovich, Mironovich, Viktorovich, Alekseevich, Evgenievich.

“Summer” and “spring” - Dmitrievich, Ernestovich, Glebovich, Vladimirovich, Pavlovich, Danilovich, Borisovich.

Name day named after Yaroslav

March 4, March 5, June 3, December 8,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Yaroslav

Numerology of the name Yaroslav

Name number: 4

Number 4 is characterized by such qualities as practicality and reliability. Fours are trustworthy in everything, especially when it comes to relationships with people close to them. Thus, they value their friends and relatives very much and enjoy every minute spent with them.

Fours analyze everything that happens around them. Knowledge about the structure of mechanisms is important for them; they love science. Since Fours do not like to fantasize, their ideas are always realistic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Yaroslav

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic natures with a rich imagination.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. Constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those who have the letter "O" in their name are hardworking and possess creative abilities. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

Name as a phrase

  • I- (YA = A) Az
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, About)
  • WITH- Word
  • L- People
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • IN- Lead

Name Yaroslav in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Yaroslav in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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