1200 towards pension for care. On payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens. What to take with you to the Pension Fund

Welcome to website. Many citizens receive compensation payments; they are paid as compensation for costs that arose under the conditions associated with their work. The amount of these payments is determined by the Labor Code and Russian legislation.

Social payments are paid to citizens who find themselves in difficult situation and need support. Funds are allocated from state budget, but are regulated by various by-laws. These payments are controlled by the Federal Compensation Service.

In accordance with labor legislation compensation payments and payments of a compensatory nature are different payments. The first payments are compensation to the employee for expenses incurred in the process of performing his work activity. These payments do not relate to the component wages.

Compensatory payments are a salary supplement that an employee can claim if his working conditions are not normal. In accordance with the law, these payments are assigned to the following categories of citizens:

  1. If a person is engaged in hard, dangerous or harmful work.
  2. Labor activity takes place in regions with a special climate.
  3. The work is related to state codes and secrets.
  4. They combine jobs, work overtime and night shifts.

Payments to employees who work in the Far North and equivalent areas are regulated by separate regulations. Since these areas are difficult to live in due to the extreme climate and natural conditions, employees are reimbursed for certain costs, both material and physiological.

Also, compensation payments are charges that are aimed at supporting certain categories of citizens. On this assistance may apply:

  • Young mothers.
  • Disabled people.
  • Citizens who suffered in man-made disasters.
  • Living and working in the Far North.

Employees of enterprises receive additional payments in the form of compensation from employers under the following conditions:

  • Under changing working conditions, that is, moving, working with an irregular schedule.
  • If increased demands are placed on the employee, that is, combining several positions or working in harsh conditions.

Types of compensation payments

At the legislative level, various types of compensation payments are established - monthly, annual and one-time. The following citizens can receive these payments from the state:

  • Citizens who suffered in man-made disasters are the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, MPO Mayak.
  • Citizens who care for disabled people.
  • Mothers and other family members who care for children under 3 years of age.
  • Students who went on academic leave.
  • Wives of military personnel who do not work.
  • Family members of military personnel who died.
  • Residents of the Far North.

Compensation under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Unlike other allowances, there are compensation payments that are provided for by the labor code; they do not constitute a component of wages and are exclusively one-time in nature.

All these compensation payments of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are listed in the relevant legislation and, in accordance with it, the following employees are entitled to them:

  • Who are sent on a business trip.
  • Which go to annual leave, payable.
  • Who perform state or public duties.
  • Who move to another area for work.
  • Who combine study and work.
  • Which stop labor activity through no fault of my own.

This list is not complete; all cases in which compensation payments are due are listed in the Labor Code. All compensation payments and compensation payments are assigned and paid by the employer.

Social security compensation payments can be either one-time or monthly compensation payments that are provided to citizens who are entitled to them.

These payments relate to social security and are aimed at categories of citizens who are socially vulnerable, in order to provide them with protection from the consequences of some life situations, as well as compensate them for the harm suffered and additional efforts.

Today there are many various types of these payments and they are periodically supplemented with new ones if there is a need to provide support to citizens in certain situations.

It is established at the legislative level that this system is responsible for the following types compensation:

  • Monthly compensation for child care until he reaches three years of age.
  • Payment to citizens who care for a disabled family member.
  • Victims of man-made disasters.
  • To the families of those killed in the line of duty.
  • For forced migrants, they receive a one-time and monthly payment.
  • Disabled persons are compensated for treatment if it is refused.
  • Residents of the Far North.

There are a number of cases in which the state assumes responsibility for material support certain segments of the population. It makes monthly, annual or one-time compensation payments. In many ways, they may resemble social benefits, but, nevertheless, they differ from benefits.

The amount of social benefit payments is much higher, and they are regulated by federal law. And regulation of compensation payments is carried out using regulations and government orders. The essence of these compensation payments is compensation for damage incurred that was caused due to natural phenomena, disasters or in difficult life situations.

About “ridiculous” social security support for certain categories of citizens

In accordance with the presidential decree, compensation in the amount of 50 rubles is paid monthly individual categories citizens who are socially vulnerable include:

  • Women who are officially employed and care for a child under 3 years of age. If another family member is caring for the baby, he also has the right to receive this payment.
  • Students who go on academic leave and graduate students, but taking this leave should be solely for health reasons.
  • Wives of police officers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, whose spouses work in remote areas where women cannot work due to a lack of jobs.

To receive these payments, a person needs to apply to his place of work or study for compensation. And about the provision of parental leave or when going on academic leave.

To receive compensation for the wives of emergency services and police officers, additional documents must be attached to the application:

  1. Marriage registration certificate.
  2. A certificate confirming cohabitation with your husband.
  3. Work book, if the woman worked before.

Payment of compensation is made by the employer if the organization receives funds from federal budget, then the payment is made directly from the budget.

There is a compensation payment for caring for disabled citizens, that is, when a person is able to work, but cannot work because he is caring for:

  • Citizens who have reached the age of 80 years.
  • Disabled people who have group 1.
  • Elderly people if they are prescribed care by medical organizations.

The amount of this compensation is 1200 rubles, and it is paid monthly. This amount is assigned to each disabled person who needs to be cared for.

The person who is entitled to this compensation may not be a relative of the disabled person. It is also not necessary to live together with this person.

If a parent is caring for a disabled child or someone who has been disabled since childhood, the amount of compensation is 5,500 rubles.

Compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens are issued upon provision of a package of the following documents:

  1. Statement from each disabled person and their caregiver.
  2. Extract from the MSEO report.
  3. Medical report that the elderly require care.
  4. Passports and work books of both parties.
  5. Document that this compensation has not been assigned previously.
  6. Consent of parents and guardianship authorities, if the disabled person is under 14 years of age.

A disabled person who cares for these citizens has no right to compensation.

Compensation for forced relocation

Compensation payments are also provided to another category of citizens – displaced persons. In turn, migrants are divided into two main groups:

  1. Those moving under the program of resettlement of compatriots.
  2. Forced migrants.
  • Moving to a new place of residence, including expenses for luggage and travel.
  • Payment of duties when completing all necessary customs documents, such as residence permits, citizenship and consular fees.

Compensation payments to forced migrants are assigned in the following cases:

  • When leaving property at the previous place of residence, if it is not subject to return.
  • Travel and baggage allowance if the family is low-income.

Payment of these compensations is made from the federal budget. To receive the payment, you must obtain official migrant status.

Compensation for mothers upon liquidation of an enterprise

Not everyone knows what constitutes compensation payments when it comes to the liquidation of an enterprise. If the mother is divorced employment contract due to the termination of the employer's activities, she is also entitled to compensation. Such women are entitled to compensation in the following cases:

  • There are children who have not reached the age of 3 years.
  • Unemployed, but do not receive unemployment benefits.
  • At the time of dismissal they were on maternity leave.

These compensation payments are financed, in accordance with government decree, from the federal budget. All conditions are specified in Resolution No. 1206.

To receive compensation, a dismissed woman must contact the authorities social protection population with a package of the following documents:

  1. Statement.
  2. Children's birth certificate.
  3. A document confirming the fact of liquidation of the enterprise.
  4. A certificate from the employment center that the woman is not a recipient of unemployment benefits.

The amount of compensation provided is 50 rubles, payment is made every month.

Payments for environmental disasters

Another type of compensation payment is compensation to citizens who suffered during environmental disasters technogenic nature. These disasters include:

  • The Chernobyl accident.
  • Disaster at the Mayak production association.
  • Tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

All conditions under which these compensations are assigned and paid are specified in Government Resolution No. 136.

All affected citizens have the right to receive monthly payments, which are subject to annual indexation.

IN Federal law“About Veterans” spells out all the compensation payments to which veterans are entitled. Veterans are understood not only as participants in the Second World War, but also in other military operations, veterans civil service and labor.

The state provides various compensations to veterans in the following cases:

  • Compensation of 50% of expenses for public utilities for housing.
  • Compensation for the purchase of prostheses, and insufficient subsidies in in this case does not become a reason for failure to fulfill these obligations.
  • Payment of expenses to relatives during the funeral of a veteran.

The regulations stipulate all the conditions for processing and assigning these types of payments.

Compensation and payments of this kind for public sector employees

Workers' compensation benefits are paid in the following cases:

  • Work in difficult working conditions and hazardous production.
  • When an employee combines several positions.
  • When working overtime, night shifts, weekends and holidays.
  • When the volume of work specified in the government contract increases.
  • When working with state secrets.

Compensatory and incentive payments are assigned when the employee has high quality work, the work is performed overtime, or his work is economical.

The amount of such payments, as well as the procedure for their calculation, is agreed upon with the trade union organization. Bonuses are accrued based on continuously successful work experience and constant increase qualifications.

If a company sends its employee to work in another area, then he is compensated for all the costs associated with the move and settling into a new workplace. These conditions are specified in the labor code.

When an employer sends an employee to another location, he must understand that he will have to pay not only for his relocation, but also for his family members. The procedure for compensation of costs is established by the labor code and agreed upon:

  • Ticketing.
  • Type and cost of official housing.

If an employee goes to business trip which is directly related to his work, then the employer is obliged to reimburse the payment transport services, and also pay daily allowance.

The employer also provides the employee with a hotel room or office apartment for the entire time he is on a business trip. The payment of these compensations is clarified at the legislative level.

In accordance with the labor code, the organization is obliged to maintain workplace and wages, as well as make all compensation payments to the employee if he was sent on a business trip to perform work duties work time. This includes:

  • Work in self-government bodies and in elected government positions.
  • Activities in trade union bodies.
  • Participation in the commission on labor disputes.
  • When working in public service.
  • Carrying out military duties.
  • Work as a rescuer, consultant and emergency specialist.

There are situations when students need to go on academic leave, there are many reasons for this, for health reasons, the birth of a child, conscription into the army or life situation. The stipend is not awarded during this leave, but in this case the state pays compensation in the amount of 50 rubles every month.

In accordance with labor legislation, each employee is entitled to annual paid leave. But the employee has the right to refuse it for many reasons and receive compensation for unused vacation. This law also applies to budgetary organizations.

When an enterprise is liquidated, all employees are dismissed, including those who are on sick leave or on parental leave. In this case, the employer is obliged to pay the following compensation to employees:

  • Salary for the last month of performance of duties.
  • Compensation for unused, main and additional leave.
  • Payment for early termination of the contract.
  • Severance pay.

Compensation and incentive payments are made by the employer.

Compensation payments from Rosgosstrakh

Today it is possible to receive compensation payments under life and children insurance contracts that were concluded in the days before perestroika. After the collapse of the USSR, these agreements became invalid.

But now citizens have the right to provide the necessary documents and evidence and receive compensation in multiple amounts. Rosgosstrakh makes compensation payments, the amount of which depends entirely on the balance as of January 1, 1992.

Citizens who were born before 1945 receive compensation in three times the residual amount, those who were born after this year are entitled to receive a payment in double amount. Heirs of insured citizens also have the right to claim compensation. To process these payments you must bring the following documents:

  • Photocopy of the passport, all significant pages, i.e. 2, 3, 5, and 18 to 19.
  • Insurance certificate or certificate from the workplace from which contributions were calculated.

Financing of compensation payments can be made both from the federal budget and from the employer. These payments are provided to certain categories of citizens, paid in different time and differ from each other.

That's all. Let's summarize. These payments are regulated by the labor code, various regulations, presidential decrees and government orders; they work at the federal level. Compensation payments are varied and are assigned to each category of citizens individually.

One of the first decrees of President Dmitry Medvedev, who are forced not to work because they are constantly caring for a disabled child, a group I disabled person, the elderly who need constant assistance as determined by doctors, or those who are over 80 years old.

From July 1, 2008 size monetary compensation will be 1200 rubles per month for each person in need of care. To questions from RG readers about who and how can get this state aid, answered according to our " hotline"Head of the relevant department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Olga Samarina.

- Hello. Tatiana, Ekaterinburg. I have a disabled child, and I have to be with him constantly, unable to work. Until now, I received an allowance of 500 rubles in connection with this. Will it be increased in size now?

Olga Samarina: You are absolutely right, from July 1 the compensation payment has been increased from 500 to 1200 rubles. Moreover, if previously this money was paid regardless of the number of people in need of care, now 1,200 rubles per month can be paid to one citizen caring for several disabled people, per each of them.

If you are already receiving this compensation payment and all the documents for its assignment have been submitted to the authorities paying the pension, then its amount will be increased automatically.

List of documents that must be submitted to assign monthly compensation payments to non-workers able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens is defined in.

- My name is Igor Mikhailovich, I’m calling from St. Petersburg. Disabled group I, 70 years old, I have no one who could take care of me. We have to hire strangers and pay them from our pensions. Can I get these 1200 rubles?

Samarina: In accordance with the Decree, the compensation payment is intended for people who provide constant care for a group I disabled person who needs constant outside care or who has reached the age of 80 and therefore cannot work. Moreover, the document does not indicate that these must be relatives. Therefore, if you are being cared for even by a stranger who left his job because of this, you can apply for a compensation payment by contacting the social security authorities at your place of residence or the authorities that pay you a pension.

In addition, you, as a group I disabled person, must be under the patronage of your social security agency. You need to go there and they should provide you social worker who will come, help, take care of you.

- I’m from Chelyabinsk, Tatyana Alekseevna Khasanova. My husband is disabled, group I, and cannot walk. And I'm retired. But the pension is small, only three thousand, and I can’t work part-time because of my husband. Will I be able to receive this bonus?

Samarina: Unfortunately, since you are already retired, you will not be able to receive 1,200 rubles. The fact is that these payments are intended to compensate, at least partially, for lost wages when an able-bodied person cannot work because he is caring for a disabled child or a bedridden patient.

- Evdokia Ivanovna from Krasnodar says. My husband is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, I am a home front worker. Both are disabled group II. Our daughter is looking after us. Can she be paid this money?

Samarina: Does your daughter work?

She will soon be 55 years old and is applying for a pension. And we are already completely helpless - I am 83 years old, my husband is 87 years old. What can you expect?

Samarina: Unfortunately, your daughter will not be paid compensation, since she is currently working and receiving a salary, and after registration of her pension she will receive a pension. But - both due to your age and merit - you should be assigned a social worker to help you.

- But then he has to pay?

Samarina: Why pay?

- They come to our neighbor under an agreement, bring food, medicine, and help around the house. But she gives them 15 cents of their pension.

Samarina: In accordance with Russian legislation, the provision social services at home for war veterans and disabled people provided by the social protection authorities of the subjects Russian Federation for free. Have you contacted the Social Security Department?

- No. Didn't apply.

Samarina: Evdokia Ivanovna, let's try. If you are refused, you will then contact our Ministry or " Russian newspaper"And we will take control of your call.

- Smirnova Anna Grigorievna from Balagov, disabled group II. Me after a stroke left-hand side paralyzed. My neighbor is looking after me. Can she get this money?

Samarina: You should contact the office medical and social examination so that in individual program rehabilitation there was a corresponding mark indicating that you need constant outside care. Apparently, if you are under 80 years of age, you should reconsider your disability classification. With these documents, you can contact the authorities that pay you your pension or the social security authorities.

- Can’t I get this money myself?

Samarina: If this compensation is established for you, then, in accordance with government decree, the payment will be made towards the pension assigned to you during the period of care for you. But this payment will be assigned to the one who cares, that is, your neighbor.

About compensation payment of 1200 rubles for caring for disabled people

About cars and cash compensation


Who will receive the car

The editor receives many letters and calls from WWII disabled people who, having learned that their peers received free Ladas, began to contact social security authorities, but were refused. Who exactly is entitled to the car? "RG" asked Olga Samarina to explain again.

The presidential decree stipulates that during 2008, disabled people from the Great Patriotic War and equivalent categories will be given either cars or, at the request of the person, money in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. This decision applies today only to those who were put on the waiting list to receive a car from the social security authorities before January 1, 2005.

Why such a restriction? Because until January 1, 2005, a car was included in the list of rehabilitation means provided to certain categories of disabled people, including disabled veterans. After January 1, 2005, in accordance with Law 122, instead of a free car (and some other “in-kind” benefits), disabled people began to receive a monthly cash payment.

However, for those who were supposed to receive a car before 2005 and did not receive it, the state maintained its obligations. These obligations are now being fulfilled.

Ministry of Health and Social Development

The President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 175 “On monthly payments to persons caring for disabled children and people with disabilities from childhood of group 1.” In accordance with the Decree, monthly payments are established for non-working able-bodied persons who care for disabled children under 18 years of age and group I disabled people since childhood.

Size monthly payment is established depending on who is caring for the disabled person:

If care is provided by one of the parents (adoptive parents) or a guardian (trustee), then the monthly payment for care is 5,500 rubles;

If care is provided by another person (who is not a parent or guardian), then the monthly care payment is 1,200 rubles.

The specified payments are assigned from 01/01/2013, but not earlier than from the date of acquisition of the right to them.

Let us note that a monthly care payment in the amount of 1,200 rubles was established earlier (before the adoption of the Decree), and it was called a compensation payment. Therefore, if a compensation payment (1200 rubles) for caring for a disabled child or a person with a disability since childhood of group 1 was already established earlier for one of the parents (adoptive parents) or guardian (trustee), then an additional payment of this monthly payment will be made (4300 rubles in month). In this case, the monthly payment is established on the basis of documents available to the body providing pension provision, without an application (i.e. there is no need to come to the UPFR).

If the monthly payment is assigned to another person, the payment continues in the same amount of 1,200 rubles.

Citizens who have not previously applied for the establishment of a compensation payment for the care of disabled children under 18 years of age and group 1 disabled children since childhood can exercise this right now by submitting the necessary documents to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (passport, work book, documents , confirming family relationships (birth certificate, adoption certificate) or the fact of establishing guardianship (trusteeship) - if any.

Please note that an able-bodied non-working citizen who cares for a disabled person has the right to a monthly payment.

The monthly care payment is compensation for wages that a citizen loses due to the need to care for a disabled child under 18 years of age and a group 1 disabled person since childhood.

Thus, a monthly care payment can be assigned if the caregiver does not work, does not receive unemployment benefits from the employment authorities, is not engaged in entrepreneurial activity, and also if he is not a recipient of a pension.

If one of the parents or guardian cares for a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood of group 1, but is a pensioner and receives his pension, then he does not have the right to a monthly payment of 5,500 rubles.

A situation is possible when another person takes care of a disabled child under 18 years of age (disabled since childhood, group 1), and accordingly, the amount of payment is 1200 rubles. per month. And, for example, a mother (who is not a pensioner) does not work or quits her job. In this case, the mother should apply for a monthly payment of 5,500 rubles.

Article navigation

For one year of caring for a disabled person, the carer is entitled to an accrual 1.8 points and inclusion of this period in the insurance period. All periods of caring for a disabled person are included in the insurance period without limitation.

If a citizen simultaneously cared for several disabled people during the same period, then the care period will be calculated once and the number of points when calculating the pension amount does not change.

Citizen A cared for disabled person B in the period from 12/01/2016 to 05/13/2017, and at the same time for disabled person B in the period from 01/12/2017 to 09/18/2017.

In this case, the period of care from 12/01/2016 to 09/18/2017 will be taken into account in the insurance period as one period, regardless of how many citizens were cared for. Periods of care are included in the individual personal account and will be taken into account when assigning a labor pension.

Monthly 1200 rubles

1.8 points


  1. residing on the territory of the Russian Federation,
  2. not receiving a pension,
  1. students,
  2. housewives,

  1. Passport
  2. Insurance certificate

  1. Passport
  2. Employment history
  3. Insurance certificate


Benefits and payments for caring for the elderly in 2018

The Russian Federation has laws that allow citizens to take care of their own and other people's elderly relatives and receive a small allowance for this. In addition, a number of regulations define other preferences for citizens who are unable to take care of themselves.

It must be taken into account that the benefit for caring for an elderly person is small. Nevertheless, in some situations it allows to solve a number of problems of people who do not want to place an elderly relative in a government institution.

Who is considered an elderly person in need of care?

The legislation clarifies the use of terms related to the age of citizens. The gradation is defined quite specifically. So:

  1. Elderly people include:
    • men whose age ranges from 61 to 70 years;
    • women - from 56 to 70;
  2. To people old age count citizens whose age ranges from 70 to 90 years;
  3. Those who have crossed the 90-year-old threshold are usually classified as centenarians.

Please note: the following definitions of terms are used in official documents. Mistakes in their use lead to serious problems.

Forms of formal care for the elderly

According to current legislation, there are several forms of care for disabled citizens:

  • full care is provided for disabled people of the 1st group and other people with serious illnesses, as well as incapacitated persons.
  • patronage is carried out in relation to capable citizens whose capabilities are limited.
  • As a rule, relatives take care of elderly people over 80 years of age.

Attention: the legislation does not establish a separate allowance assigned for guardianship or patronage.

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Who is allowed to provide care?

Take care of people with disabilities can both relatives and organizations. The conditions for appointing guardianship are reflected in Art. 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code).

Persons who have crossed the 80-year-old threshold, disabled people of group 1 and incompetent persons can take care of:

  • relatives;
  • other persons;
  • social service workers.

Please note: Federal law provides for a small elder care benefit. It is transferred to the pension account of the person under guardianship. Download for viewing and printing:

Conditions for assigning care assistance to citizens who have reached their 80th birthday

Any person who has received the consent of the person being cared for can officially arrange for the care of an elderly person. The current legislation imposes the following requirements on candidates:

  • registration and permanent residence within the borders of the Russian Federation;
  • ability to work;
  • absence official employment, including registration with employment authorities;
  • written approval of the ward;
  • in some cases, permission from parents or official representatives is required for such activities;
  • failure to receive pension or social benefits;
  • age over 14 years.

Important: a schoolchild or student taking a full-time course can apply for care.

The process of applying for long-term care benefits

To assign compensation payments, it is necessary that the ward:

  • reached his 80th birthday;
  • or received a conclusion from a medical and social examination that he needs outside care;
  • has a document confirming disability of the 1st group (except for children with disabilities).

Important: You are allowed to care for several people in need at the same time.

Additionally you need to know:

  1. Compensation payments are not due if the ward receives two pensions, including one assigned for length of service in the law enforcement agencies.
  2. It is not necessary to live together with the elderly person under guardianship.
  3. Care responsibilities include:
    • organization of catering and household services (cleaning, laundry);
    • purchasing food and hygiene products;
    • assistance in making mandatory payments from the ward’s funds.

Where to contact

Compensation is assigned and paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR). Therefore, it is necessary to apply to your local office. You will need to attach the following documents to it:

  1. consent of the ward;
  2. certificate from medical institution about his state of health;
  3. copies of both passports;
  4. work books;
  5. a document confirming the lack of registration with employment authorities;
  6. for schoolchildren:
  7. for students:
    • confirmation of full-time education.
  • whether a pension has been assigned to the candidate for compensation;
  • how many pension files are registered for a disabled citizen (a special request is sent).

How much will they pay

The amount of compensation is fixed. In 2018 it is 1200 rubles. However, in some regions it increases by a multiple of the northern coefficient. The compensation is paid monthly along with the pension accruals of the elderly citizen. A separate account with the Pension Fund is not issued for her.

For comparison: close relatives caring for disabled children are entitled to an allowance of 5,500 rubles. Download for viewing and printing:

Design algorithm

In order for compensation to begin to accrue, the following actions must be taken:

The benefit will begin to accrue from the month in which the following are transferred to the Pension Fund:

  • application;
  • package of documents;
  • but not earlier than the date on which the right to compensation arises.

The refusal is sent to the applicant within five days. If it is caused by failure to submit documents, then the applicant for compensation is given up to three months to correct errors.

Important: if circumstances arise that prevent the accrual of compensation, the recipient is obliged to report them to the Pension Fund. Five days are given for this. Information can be transmitted in person or through the government services portal.

When do payments stop?

From the beginning of the next month, accruals will stop if in the previous month:

  1. the death of one of the participants in the relationship has been recorded;
  2. The provision of services has been terminated and this is recorded:
    • recipient;
    • a person caring for an elderly person;
    • a special inspection commission;
  3. curator:
    • got a job;
    • applied for a pension;
    • registered with the employment authorities;
  4. the period of assignment of disability group 1 has ended;
  5. the ward was placed in a social inpatient facility.

Attention: failure to provide information resulting in termination of payments leads to the collection of unreasonably transferred amounts.

Additional Information

In some cases, it is necessary to notify the Pension Fund authorities. Namely:

  • if the ward has died;
  • when the recipient changed his place of registration (moved).

It is possible to receive compensation for past periods:

  1. So, if accruals were not made due to the fact that citizens did not apply for them, the amount for the three previous years will be reimbursed upon application. However, it is necessary to provide written confirmation of the receipt of services by the elderly citizen, as well as justify the right to assistance.
  2. If Pension Fund employees are to blame for non-receipt of payments, then the debt is compensated in full.

Other types of preferences for citizens providing care

Caregiving activities for elderly people often do not allow for work activities. And this deprives a person of the opportunity to receive income not only while fulfilling his obligations, but also in the future. In this regard, the decision was made:

  1. For each year of official care for an elderly person over 80 years of age, pension points of 1.8 are awarded.
  2. To receive them, you must interrupt your work activity before leaving the job and return to it immediately after the end of the contract.

Attention: pension points are accrued on the basis of an agreement with the guardianship authorities on the provision of care for an elderly person. Without providing the document, the Pension Fund will not count this period into the pension period.


Another type of care for the elderly, those in need of third-party care or incapacitated citizens is arranged through the guardianship and trusteeship authority (TPA). Its essence is to transfer some of the rights of the person under guardianship to the person caring for him.

The guardian is obliged not only to take care of the elderly citizen (as in the case described above), but also to protect his rights. His responsibilities include:

  • consumer services for the elderly;
  • management of its financial receipts;
  • property management;
  • participation on his behalf in official events, including courts.

Attention: as a rule, guardianship is assigned to people who are unable to care for themselves. Therefore, cohabitation of persons is encouraged.

Are caregivers paid an allowance?

At the legislative level, there is no separate allowance for guardians. These people can count on help from the state if the ward:

  • crossed the 80-year-old threshold;
  • is a disabled person of the 1st group;
  • or a disabled child.

At the same time, the guardian has the right to dispose of the following income of the ward:

  • pension accruals;
  • lump sum payments;
  • social benefits.

Important: the funds of the person under guardianship may be used solely for his benefit.

Other benefits

Elderly people are provided with preferences in various areas:

  1. reduction in tax amount for:
    • transport;
    • land;
    • real estate;
  2. depending on category:
    • to pay for utilities;
    • to receive free spa treatment;
    • use of urban and suburban transport (except taxis).

Important: there are no separate preferences for guardians and caregivers for the elderly. However, in some cases they are entitled not to pay for travel, for example, when accompanied by wards.

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Changes in 2018

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How to arrange care for an elderly person after 80 years of age

What is compensation for?

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2007 N 343, a citizen is entitled to compensation for care (talking, buying food and medicine, preparing food, cleaning, washing and ironing clothes, bathing, ...) about

  • disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people of group I since childhood),
  • a man over 60 years old or a woman over 55 years old (see 122-FZ Article 5) who are in need due to imprisonment medical institution in constant outside help,
  • a man or woman over 80 years of age.

How much do they pay for grandparent care?

Monthly an additional payment in the amount of 1200 rubles(One thousand two hundred rubles). Old man independently transfers the money to the assistant.

For citizens living in areas with severe climatic conditions, the amount of compensation payment increases by the regional coefficient.

If you help several pensioners, then everyone will receive an increase in their pension. By caring for five elders over 80, you can earn 1200 × 5 = 6000 rubles per month.

The benefit is assigned from the month of application to the Pension Fund. That is, if the application was submitted on December 25, then the first payment will be due somewhere on March 1-7 of the next year in the amount of 1200 × 3 = 3600 rubles (for December, January, February).

Does the length of service benefit the caregiver?

Yes. According to 400-FZ, the period of care for one or more disabled people, is counted towards the insurance period on a par with periods of work (see Article 12 paragraph 6). For 1 full calendar year, the pension coefficient is 1.8 points(see article 15 paragraph 12). For looking after two bedridden patients at the same time, the same amount is assigned as for looking after one.

Reference: To assign an old-age insurance pension, men must be over 60 years old or women over 55 years old, at least 15 years of insurance experience and an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 points (see Article 8).

What are the requirements for a caregiver?

They can be an unemployed able-bodied person over 14 years old,

  1. residing on the territory of the Russian Federation,
  2. not receiving a pension,
  3. not receiving unemployment benefits,
  4. not receiving any income, including from entrepreneurial activity, which is confirmed by the absence of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund,
  5. not undergoing military service in the army.

It is not necessary to be a relative or neighbor.

Therefore, children take care of their parents (their old mother and father), and eighty-year-olds look through their acquaintances for those who would contribute to the registration of a pension supplement:

  1. students,
  2. housewives,
  3. women receiving child care benefits for up to 1.5 years through the Social Security Administration, since their employer does not have a job retained for them,
  4. officially unemployed bloggers and freelancers.

What documents are needed to apply for additional payment?

To assign an additional payment to the body paying the pension, as a rule, Pension fund at the place of registration of the elderly, you need to provide the following set of papers.

Documents from the caregiver

  1. Passport
  2. Work record book (students and schoolchildren may not have it)
  3. Insurance certificate
  4. Certificate from the place of study indicating the number and date of the admission order and the expected date of graduation from the educational institution (only for students and schoolchildren)
  5. Birth certificate, written consent of one of the parents, permission from the guardianship authorities (for a child from 14 to 16 years old according to Article 63 Labor Code RF)

The rest of the certificates, as well as applications (samples of them can be viewed on the website pfrf.ru), are prepared and requested by Pension Fund employees themselves.

Documents from the person being cared for

  1. Passport
  2. Employment history
  3. Insurance certificate
  4. Power of attorney of the following sample (if personal appearance is not expected, it is not required in all branches of the Pension Fund of Russia)

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born 02/01/1970, place of birth Kuibyshev, passport 36 04 000000 issued by the Industrial Internal Affairs Directorate of Samara on 01/20/2003, registered at the address: Samara, st. Volskaya 13-1,

I trust Sergeev Sergey Sergeevich, born December 1, 1990, place of birth Samara, passport 36 06 000000 issued by the Industrial Internal Affairs Directorate of Samara on December 20, 2005, registered at the address: Samara, st. Gubanova 10-3,

to be my representative in the Pension Fund Administration in Kirovsky and Industrial areas g.o. Samara on the preparation of documents for registration, accrual and recalculation of pensions and other payments, sign and submit various types of applications, sign and carry out all actions and formalities related to the implementation of this order.



Compensation payment to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens

A non-working able-bodied citizen who cares for a disabled citizen (disabled person of group 1, with the exception of those disabled since childhood of group 1, as well as an elderly person who, based on the conclusion of a medical institution, needs constant outside care or has reached the age of 80 years), regardless of their joint residence and The monthly compensation payment depends on whether he is a member of his family.

The amount of compensation payment is 1200 rubles. The payment is made together with the pension assigned to the disabled citizen.

Monthly payment to persons caring for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, group 1

A monthly payment is established for parents (adoptive parents), guardians (trustees) and other persons caring for disabled children under 18 years of age or disabled children of group 1 since childhood.

The monthly payment amount is:

  • parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) - 5,500 rubles;
  • other persons - 1200 rubles.

The compensation or monthly payment is assigned from the month in which the citizen providing care applied for its appointment with an application and all necessary documents to the body that assigns and pays a pension to the citizen being cared for, but not earlier than the day the right to the specified payment arises.

For citizens living in regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions that require additional material and physiological costs for citizens living there, the indicated amount of compensation and monthly payments is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient.

The period of care is counted towards the person caring for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child and a person who has reached the age of 80 in the insurance period in the amount of 1.8 pension points for each year of care. This allows the caregiver to formulate his pension rights to receive an insurance pension.

Compensation and monthly care payments are assigned to one non-working able-bodied person for each disabled citizen, disabled child or disabled person from childhood of group 1 for the period of care for him. Pensioners and persons receiving unemployment benefits do not have the right to compensation and monthly payments, since they are already recipients social security in the form of a pension or unemployment benefit established by him in order to compensate for lost earnings or other income

Compensation and monthly payments are made together with the pension assigned to a disabled citizen, a disabled child or a disabled person of group 1 since childhood.

IMPORTANT! In the event of termination of care, going back to work, or the beginning of other activities subject to inclusion in the insurance period, the assignment of a pension, or unemployment benefits, the citizen providing care must independently notify the Pension Fund within 5 days in order to promptly stop making compensation or monthly payments. . Otherwise, the citizen will have to return the illegally received funds to the Pension Fund.

How to take care of your grandmother and receive pensionable service

History for the unemployed and students

In 2015 I applied for FIU care for my husband's 80-year-old grandmother.

At that time, I did not have an official job, but for six months the state awarded me 0.9 pension points and paid me 7,200 rubles.

I tell you the intricacies of communication with the pension fund.

The main thing in 20 seconds

  1. They pay 1200 RUR per month. Agree with the pensioner how much you will receive and how much the pensioner will keep for himself. Experience and pension points are dripping.
  2. Whether you care for a pensioner or not is a matter of your agreements.
  3. To apply for care, you need to come to the Pension Fund in person or call the service at home. What documents to take with you - read the article.
  4. The money will flow into the pensioner along with the pension.
  5. You can provide care while you are not working or receiving a salary. Once you get a job, payments stop.

How else to get money from the state:

  • a) receive payments for children;
  • b) get tax deduction: for studies, for children, for buying an apartment, for treatment.

Who can look after

The one who doesn't work. Elderly people over 80 years old are entitled to care by law. The state is ready to pay 1,200 rubles a month to help pensioners. The money is small, but for a year of such work a person is entitled to one year of experience and 1.8 pension points.

Those under 80 years old can also be cared for, but in order to formalize this, you need to get a conclusion from the hospital. Only an officially unemployed citizen who has no income can arrange care for a pensioner. This definition includes:

  • unemployed citizens who are not registered with the employment center and do not receive benefits there;
  • full-time students, even if they receive a scholarship. By law, a scholarship is not considered income;
  • minors over 14 years of age. To arrange care for a pensioner, they need the written consent of one of the parents and permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Cannot apply for care:

  • other pensioners, since a pension is considered income;
  • individual entrepreneurs, even if they do not conduct any activities and do not receive income.

Family ties are not necessary: ​​a pensioner can be your grandfather, your neighbor on the landing, or no one at all.

On what terms

How do you agree? You can take as many elderly people under your wing as you like; each will receive 1,200 rubles a month, but the length of service will be the same as for one. For example, if in 2016 a person looked after his grandparents for a whole year, then he will receive 28,800 R (14,400 R for each), length of service and 1.8 pension points.

According to the law, length of service will be accrued if you worked before leaving or went to work after that. It doesn't matter whether you worked for a month or ten years. The only people who will not be given seniority are those who have not worked at all in their entire lives.

Money for care will not be accrued to you personally, but to the pensioner for whom you are caring. His job is to pass the compensation on to you. The pensioner is allowed to pay you extra or keep part of the money transferred - as agreed.

The law is silent on duty of care. For example, I had no responsibilities at all: we arranged for care only for the sake of my experience, my husband’s grandmother herself insisted on this.

But a situation may arise when a pensioner begins to demand more services than you agreed upon. Or he will fall ill with a serious illness, and he will need serious care that you are not ready to provide. How to proceed here is up to you to decide. You sign a contract to care for an elderly person voluntarily and can unilaterally terminate it at any time. You just need to write an application to the Pension Fund.

How to apply

Come together to the pension fund. To register for care, you need to come with the pensioner to the Pension Fund office where the pensioner receives his pension and write an application. To the pensioner - about consent to care, to you - about the assignment of compensation.

This is the application you fill out:

This is the application a pensioner fills out:

If a pensioner cannot come, you can get a notary permission from him or call the PFR mobile client service.

What to take with you to the Pension Fund

For a pensioner: passport, SNILS and work book.

To the unemployed: passport, SNILS, work book, certificate from the employment center stating that you are not registered with them. You will also need a certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia from the place of residence or stay of the unemployed - the Pension Fund will request it independently.

To the student: passport, SNILS, employment (if any), certificate from an educational institution, which will confirm that you are studying full-time.

For a minor: passport, SNILS, employment record (if any), permission of one of the parents (adoptive parent, trustee) to provide care for minors in their free time, permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

I did not receive a certificate from the employment service in advance, and my grandmother and I had to go to the Pension Fund twice. Now the law requires employees of the Pension Fund branch to request this certificate independently. But it may be different in different cities. It is better to call your branch in advance and clarify which certificates you need to grab and which ones you will receive on your own.

The Pension Fund has 10 days during which they will consider your application, but payments will begin from the month you submitted it. If you submitted documents on November 30, you are entitled to full compensation of 1,200 rubles for November.

There is an exception: if the pensioner turned 80 years old on November 14, 2017, then compensation will be assigned from November 14 and you will receive 680 R in 17 days.

How to avoid problems

Be honest with your pension fund. The Pension Fund does not check how you care for a pensioner, but this does not mean that the state does not control you. You must notify the state of any changes, otherwise you will be forced to return the money due for care in court.

Notify the Pension Fund if:

  1. You got a job, applied for unemployment benefits or a pension. Within 5 days, visit the Pension Fund and write a statement about termination of care. You now have income and are no longer entitled to compensation. Payments will stop starting next month. During this month, the pensioner will receive them in full for you, even if you wrote the application at the beginning of the month.
  2. You received a one-time remuneration (fee, paid internship, etc.). Within 5 days from the moment the money is transferred to you, personally notify the pension fund about this. The contract with you will not be terminated, but compensation for the month when you received income will not be accrued.
  3. A sponsored pensioner died. Report this to the Pension Fund within five days. You will no longer receive compensation and length of service.

If you changed your first name, last name, patronymic or changed your passport, do not forget to notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about this as well. You still need to look into the pension fund to get a new SNILS. At the same time, ask for new data to be added to the care agreement. These changes will not affect compensation or length of service.

I looked after my husband’s grandmother for six months, then got a job, reported this to the Pension Fund and closed this story without any problems. After me, my neighbor’s student Lena took care of my grandmother. According to a verbal agreement, grandmother and Lena divided the compensation in half - 600 rubles each. In the summer, Lena had a paid internship, which she did not report to the pension fund. Four months later, the Pension Fund learned about the income and asked Lena to return the illegally received compensation - 1,200 rubles. Lena still has the right to continue caring for her grandmother.

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