What kind of prayer helps you find peace of mind? Prayers to calm the soul and heart

Calmness and order, general peace of mind are the desired states of every person. Our life basically goes on a swing - from negative emotions to euphoria, and back.

How to find and maintain a point of balance so that the world is perceived positively and calmly, nothing irritates or frightens, and the present moment brings inspiration and joy? And is it possible to find lasting peace of mind? Yes, it's possible! Moreover, with peace comes true freedom and simple happiness to live.

This simple rules, and they work religiously. You just need to stop thinking about HOW to change and start APPLYING them.

1. Stop asking, “Why did this happen to me?” Ask yourself another question: “What great happened? What good can this do for me? There is goodness for sure, you just need to see it. Any problem can turn into a real gift from above if you consider it as an opportunity, and not as punishment or injustice.

2. Cultivate gratitude. Every evening, take stock of what you can say “thank you” for during the day. If you lose peace of mind, remember the good things you have and what you can be grateful for in life.

3. Load your body physical exercise. Remember that the brain most actively produces “happiness hormones” (endorphins and enkephalins) during physical training. Therefore, if you are overcome by problems, anxiety, insomnia, go outside and walk for several hours. A quick step or run will distract you from sad thoughts, saturate your brain with oxygen and raise the level of positive hormones.

4. Develop a “cheerful posture” and think of a happy pose for yourself. The body has a wonderful way of helping when you need to restore peace of mind. It will “remember” the feeling of joy if you simply straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, stretch happily and smile. Consciously hold yourself in this position for a while, and you will see that the thoughts in your head become calmer, more confident and happier.

5. Return yourself to the “here and now” state. A simple exercise can help you get rid of anxiety: look around, focus on what you see. Start mentally “sounding out” the picture by inserting as many words as “now” and “here” as possible. For example: “I’m walking down the street now, the sun is shining here. Now I see a man, he is carrying yellow flowers…" etc. Life consists only of “now” moments, don’t forget about it.

6. Don't exaggerate your problems. After all, even if you bring a fly close to your eyes, it will take on the size of an elephant! If some experience seems insurmountable to you, think as if ten years have already passed... How many problems have you had before - you have solved them all. Therefore, this trouble will pass, don’t dive into it headlong!

7. Laugh more. Try to find something funny about the current state of affairs. If it doesn’t work out, then just find a reason to laugh sincerely. Watch a funny movie, remember a funny incident. The power of laughter is simply amazing! Peace of mind often returns after a good dose of humor.

8. Forgive more. Resentments are like heavy, foul-smelling stones that you carry around with you everywhere. What peace of mind can one have with such a load? So don't hold a grudge. People are just people, they cannot be perfect and always bring only goodness. So forgive the offenders and forgive yourself.

10. Communicate more. Any pain hidden inside multiplies and brings new sad fruits. Therefore, share your experiences, discuss them with loved ones, and seek their support. Don't forget that man is not meant to be alone. Peace of mind can only be found in close relationships - friendships, love, family.

11. Pray and meditate. Don't let bad, angry thoughts control you and cause panic, pain and irritation. Change them to short prayers - an appeal to God or to meditation - a state of no-thinking. Stop the uncontrollable flow of self-talk. This is the basis of a good and stable state of mind.

The prayer of the Optina Elders was written in the period from 1811 to 1931. It was written in parts over 120 years, each Elder at the end of his life path added my own lines.

Brief edition I took it from the Optina Hermitage website, in the Optina Prayer Book.
The text is ideal for daily morning practice:

Lord, give me s peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day will bring me.
Let me completely surrender to Your holy will.
For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.
Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will.
In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings.
In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You.
Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone.
Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day.
Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love.

Full text The prayers of the Optina Elders are given in the book “Reverend Elders of Optina Pustyn. Lives. Miracles. Teachings."

Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me. Lord, let me completely surrender to Your holy will.
Lord, at every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.
Lord, whatever news I receive during this day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will.
Lord, reveal to me Your holy will for me and those around me.
Lord, guide my thoughts and feelings in all my words and thoughts.
Lord, in all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by you.
Lord, teach me to correctly, simply, and rationally treat everyone at home and those around me, elders, equals and juniors, so that I do not upset anyone, but contribute to the good of everyone.
Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day.
Lord, You yourself guide my will and teach me to pray, hope, believe, love, endure and forgive.
Lord, do not leave me to the mercy of my enemies, but for the sake of Your holy name, lead and rule me.
Lord, enlighten my mind and my heart to understand Your eternal and unchangeable laws that govern the world, so that I, Your sinful servant, can correctly serve You and my neighbors.
Lord, I thank You for everything that will happen to me, for I firmly believe that all things work together for good to those who love You.
Lord, bless all my exits and entries, deeds, words and thoughts, deign me to always joyfully glorify, sing and bless You, for You are blessed forever and ever.

"Prayer for peace of mind."
Echoes the prayer of the Optina elders.

“Lord, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, give me the courage to change the things I can change, and give me the wisdom to know the difference.”

There is another option:
“God, give me reason and peace of mind to accept what I cannot change. Courage to change what I can. And the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."

The prayer was composed by the American Protestant preacher Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971), in orally it appeared in the late 1930s, but became widespread during the Second World War. Then it was adopted by the Alcoholics Anonymous community.

Various variations have arisen based on this prayer. The “Prayer for Old Age,” most often attributed to the famous French preacher Francis de Sales (1567–1622) and sometimes to Thomas Aquinas (1226–1274). In fact, it appeared not so long ago:
“Lord, protect me from the desire to speak out always, everywhere and about everything”

This prayer is attributed to the American physician William Mayo (1861–1939).
“Lord, save me from the man who never makes mistakes, and also from the man who makes the same mistake twice.”

Humorous variations:
“Lord, help me find Your truth and protect me from those who have already found it!” (Author unknown).
“Lord, help me become what my dog ​​thinks I am!” (Author unknown).

Full text of the Prayer for Peace of Spirit.

Lord, give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, Give me the courage to change what I can, And the wisdom to distinguish the first from the second.
Live every day, enjoying every moment, Accepting difficulties as the path to peace, And accepting, like Jesus, this sinful world as it is,
And not the way I would like to see him. Believing that You will arrange everything for the better, If I accept Your will, So that I can be completely happy in this life And completely happy with You in the life to come.

There is another translation:

grant me reason and peace of mind to accept what I cannot change,
the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to tell the difference.
Live with the worries of today, rejoice in the moment in which I live,
in difficulties, to see the path leading to peace, to accept, like Jesus, this sinful world as it is, and not as I would like it to be, to believe that my life will be transformed for the good by Your will if I entrust myself to Her - with this I can find earthly bliss in this life, and heavenly bliss with You in the future eternity.

Can we have peace and tranquility in our souls from trying to change something that we actually cannot change? However, we often make attempts - first of all, attempts to change our loved ones.
And - one person makes the behavior of another person a condition for his happiness and well-being.

More often, a person tries to change another only because he does not correspond to his ideas about him, to what he should be from his point of view. And this discrepancy forces us to criticize, influence, teach, and try to reach the ideal model. This leads to disappointments and conflicts.

We must learn to allow ourselves and others to be themselves. I started reading Viilma - she writes:

The whole (person) consists of positive and negative, good and bad.
Every person consists of good and bad.

You can preserve the good, you can’t fight the bad, BUT you can negotiate.
Therefore, you must learn to accept and forgive: habits, advantages and disadvantages, your own and others’, your own and your loved one’s, your common eccentricities, quirks and mistakes.
Take everything for granted.
Don't give in, but don't fight either.

Most of this means showing wisdom, compassion and love.

Words and prayers, if read with true faith and love, will help change your life for the better.
You can read them everywhere, choosing those words and prayers that give a solution to the most important this moment tasks.

Prayers can give us the strength to recover from illnesses, find peace of mind, calm down, and turn our lives back in the right direction.
Through prayer you can get what you want only if your desire is strong and your faith is strong. Don't let doubt weaken your faith.

When you ask for something, consider it as an immutable fact (it is one way and no other) and the result will not be long in coming.
ask seriously and sincerely and the path will open.
Some prayers that give strength act in conjunction with talismans and amulets.

"God give me the courage to change the things I can change, the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
wisdom to know the difference between them.
But, God, give me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even if it is useless."

Prayer for healing the soul

"May this day be blessed good health for my age, purity of thought, freedom from anxiety and peace of mind.
I am an empty vessel that needs to be filled;
my faith is small - strengthen it, my love is shallow - deepen it;
my defense is weak - strengthen it;
my heart is restless - bring peace to it;
my thoughts are shallow - make them noble;
my fears are great - eliminate them;
my soul is sick - heal it.
Strengthen my faith that everything can be achieved through love."

"Bless me with the peace of a happy home. Protect us from all dangers and misfortunes. We believe in You, We know that You care about everything in the world. Your will governs everything. Your love protects everything. Protect me from unseemly actions. Let the law of good rule my life and controls everything I say and do. Give us your full blessing."
"Cast out all the bitterness that is inside me, show me how to show love and compassion to those who are far away. May I always love and protect those who are close to my heart. Bring them to my love. May I touch everyone with generous kindness, whom I will meet."
“Reach out your hands and protect me from unnecessary worries in this life. Make my enemies powerless, unable to hurt, destroy and harm those who began under Your protection. I call You with all my heart and expect Your consolation.”
"Take my hands, Lord, and give them the strength to carry out the tasks and responsibilities of this day, to overcome my weakness, to gain clarity of thought and to exercise my abilities. Let me have the faith to adhere to what is best for my work, rest and life."

Protective prayer

"I beg You to protect me and lend a helping hand in my travels. Bring me what belongs to me and bless me with the fruits of my labor. Give me part of the gifts of the earth, improve the conditions of my life. Give me confidence in Your protection, protect me from those who want to harm my body or my property."

"Remove from me all intentions of harm, all destructive signs. Replace them with truth and kindness. Breathe into me wisdom from which I will receive strength of character, calm confidence and loyal friendship. Let me use knowledge to make a loyal friend.

“I ask that my eyes be opened to things that I was not previously able to see or understand. Guide my steps in the right direction so that the bumpy road becomes smooth and safe for travel. Protect my body from evil forces and my thoughts from immorality , take away the sin from my soul. Give me the answer I need. Make me understand and accept the solution that You offer to cope with my problem. Take my lips and speak through them, take my head and think through it, take my heart and fill it with the love and kindness that I want to pour out on others.”

"Give me justice, compassion and forgiveness in my dealings with the authorities. Judge me with the kindness with which I treat others. Put upon all courts the spirit of wisdom and understanding, that they may discern the truth and act impartially in accordance with the law."

"I pray that there may be distance between me and my enemy. I pray with humility that we may be separated from one another. Take away this enemy so that peace may reign in my home and heart. I think of the peace that will come to me.

"Be with me and support me with Your presence. Be my friend and refresh my soul. Send me clarity of mind, peace of mind and faith to have patience and great unceasing love going into and out of my heart. Show me the purpose of my life , give me the courage and perseverance to achieve the goal that You have entrusted to me."

Daily prayer for purity of thoughts

"Help me to be kind in words and generous in deeds. Help me forget myself and turn my love and affection towards others. Make me beautiful in soul, clear and pure in thoughts, beautiful and strong in body. Increase my strength in body and spirit so that direct them to those whom I call. I am grateful for everything I received on this day and for the love for others that You have placed in my heart."

“Be with me on this day and help fill my head with bright thoughts, my body with harmless habits and my soul with an innocent spirit. Help me control my desires for those foods that are harmful to my body, thoughts, soul or life itself. I am confident in Yours help. With this help I will overcome all the temptations of this day."

Teach me not to worry about anything and to accept that your wisdom is much higher than my own narrow view. Let me accept and welcome Your choice without fear or doubt, knowing that if we open our hearts to new areas, our lives will be filled with unexpected joy. I accept this day, join it and rejoice."

Who to pray for illnesses

To heal from illnesses, you must first believe in success. Even the best prayer will not be effective if you read it automatically, without a soul. Who do they usually pray to? various diseases? If children are sick, they resort to prayer to the Mother of God and to Barbara the Great Martyr. Women who dream of children can pray to Sergei Sarovsky. For healing they also turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon, and Christ.

If your loved ones are seriously ill, the church recommends coming to church and praying at the Divine Liturgy. If close person baptized, then submit a note about health, with or without prosphora. But prayer is not a conspiracy, these are different concepts. With prayer you turn to God and higher powers. When starting a prayer, one should renounce worries and worries and not ask for too much. And when you finish it, say: “Thy will be done, Lord, and not mine.”

But you should know that we receive help not only through prayer. higher powers, but also with good thoughts and good deeds. You can read prayers as much as you like, but if there is a lot of negativity in your soul and a person is used to looking at everything through the prism of condemnation and dissatisfaction, then such a prayer will be of little use. The main thing is to be able to enjoy little things and be grateful to fate for everything, even bitter lessons.

I remembered a wonderful story. One man was hardly at all alarmed when he heard that a storm was approaching the village and that it would rain for many days. He believed in God and so he said to himself: Don't worry. God will take care of everything. I remembered a wonderful story. One man was hardly at all alarmed when he heard that a storm was approaching the village and that it would rain for many days. He believed in God and so he said to himself: Don't worry. God will take care of everything. Then a storm began, with torrential rain falling day after day. The village was already flooded, the water was approaching the window, but the man continued to say: Don’t worry. God will take care of everything.
That day, a group of people walked around the village looking for those who needed help. They invited this man to move with his things to safe place. But he brushed them off and said: “I'm not worried. God will take care of everything.”
The rain continued, and the next day several people came to him in a small boat. “Let's hurry up! - they said. - The rain does not stop, the water continues to rise. The village is being evacuated - take the necessary things, you will be safe in the boat.” But the man again refused, saying, “No need to worry. God will take care of everything.”
A few days later the water rose to the very roof of his house. He climbed onto the roof, and at that moment a helicopter appeared above him. The pilot announced over the PA, “I’m lowering the lift. Get in and I'll take you to safety." But the man, of course, waved the pilot away and shouted back: “No, thank you, sir. God will take care of everything.”
When the house was completely under water, the man climbed onto the pipe. He raised his hands to heaven and turned to God: “I kept praying to You, so why did You leave me?” And at the same moment a booming voice answered him: “Left it? Who sent you the villagers, the man in the boat and the helicopter?”
At the very beginning, before moving on to the nine-day prayer, you can come up with your own little prayers. Keep them short and simple.
Here good prayer which can be said in the morning after waking up: “I love You. Please bless me for my highest good.” It sounds simple, but is very powerful. Say this prayer several times a day and before going to bed. You can add your own statements to it, for example: “I am now following the purpose of my soul. God brings into my life the right people” or “If God is on my side, I can achieve anything.”
When composing your prayers, try to make them as personal as possible. Write them down in a diary along with the changes they will undergo. You can gradually increase the time you spend in prayer, experimenting with which form you feel most comfortable with. Remember that God - the Universe, the Divine Source - does not care how you pray, the main thing is that you do it from your heart and soul. And then they will arise love relationship with the Source and the soul will unite with it in spiritual union, which will bring blessed peace, inspiration and strength that will guide you for the rest of your life.
I would like to give you a prayer that has special meaning for you and brings peace and comfort when repeated several times. I hope it helps you in Hard times, so take advantage of her wisdom.

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the Serenity to accept what I cannot change; Courage to change what I can change; and Wisdom to distinguish one from another.

IN modern world The pace of life has increased so much compared to even everyday life 50 years ago that stress has become as integral a part of life as polluted air and plastic. Stress has a tremendous impact on our body and, first of all, on nervous system. Therefore, ways to help calm the soul and heart, harmonize psychological condition, bring balance to thoughts and feelings, always at great cost.

U Orthodox man there are very powerful tool to calm the nerves - these are prayers. After all, any prayer is a kind of meditation, turning to oneself, inward, distracting from the bustle of the world and talking with the Almighty. Every word, even a sound in prayer is not accidental and affects the soul, psyche and body of the believer in the most beneficial way. It is not without reason that this was proven even in experiments with water, the crystals of which became even and harmonious after reading prayers.

Universal Prayers

Always very effective prayers in any life situations- including for finding peace of mind and tranquility - are “Our Father”, “Psalm 90”, as well as “Prayer of the Optina Elders at the beginning of the day”.

Let's say a few words about the last prayer. We all know that how a day turns out depends largely on its beginning. “I got off on the wrong foot”—that’s exactly what the saying is about. Therefore, if a period of spiritual confusion has come in life and severe stress, then you can start every morning with the prayer of the Optina elders. This way you can harmonize your state, stop being nervous and spend the next day easier. The prayer of the Optina elders is compiled in modern Russian and is in many ways understandable to the person praying.

Prayer of the Optina elders at the beginning of the day

Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

Special prayers to calm the soul and heart

Nevertheless, out of the entire abundance of Orthodox prayers, there are several that can and should be read specifically to calm the soul and nerves.

Prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”

First of all, this orthodox prayer"Virgin Mother of God" The unique feature of this ancient and very strong prayer is that its text is almost entirely borrowed from the Bible - from the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke. You can read it several times a day, there are no restrictions; read as much as your heart desires. For example, clergy read it 150 times. The impact of this sacred text is very powerful, bringing great spiritual benefits.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls. Amen.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

To find peace of mind and peace of mind, you can turn to the saints through prayers. First of all, this applies to Matrona of Moscow. The miraculous power of this saint is recognized by the entire Russian hierarchy Orthodox Church, pilgrims from different parts of the world come to her relics, and miracles associated with her name still happen to this day. The calming prayer to Matrona of Moscow sounds like this:

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Protect me from nervous hostility, protect me from dire need. May my soul not hurt from thoughts, and may the Lord forgive all my sins. Help me calm my neurosis, let there be no crying of sorrowful tears. Amen.

Prayer to John the Baptist

Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with the heavenly ones, pray to the Lady for me, unworthy, sad, weak and sad, fallen into many troubles, burdened by the stormy thoughts of my mind. Because I am a den of evil deeds, with no end to sinful customs, my mind is nailed down by earthly things.

What will I do? We don't know. And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the same name of grace, for you are before the Lord through the Mother of God greater than all those born, for you have been honored to touch the top of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God.

Pray for my sinful soul, so that from now on, in the first ten hours, I will bear a good burden and accept recompense with the last. To her, the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, a teacher of fasters and hermits, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ!

I pray to you, I come running to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, cast down by many sins. Renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, since you are the ruler of both: with baptism wash away the original sin, and with repentance cleanse every bad deed. Cleanse me, defiled by sins, and force me to enter, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Appeal to the guardian angel to calm the soul

You can turn for help in calming your nerves and heart to your guardian angel, assigned by the Lord to every Christian at baptism and called upon to protect a person from all bad weather and evil.
