Learn about the first road signs. When and where did road signs appear? Who invented them?

History of road signs

Currently, there are 1.4 million road signs on the roads of Russia, and there are 4 road signs per 1 km of roads in the city, and 7 road signs on federal roads.

As soon as a person “invented” roads, he needed road signs, for example to indicate routes. For these purposes, ancient people used all available means: broken branches, notches in the bark of trees, stones of a certain shape placed along the roads. It’s not the most informative option, and you can’t always immediately see a broken branch, so people thought about how to separate the sign from the landscape. So they started placing statues along the roads. Then, from the fifth century BC, the heads of other characters began to appear on the statues: Bacchus, Pan, fauns, statesmen, philosophers and others. When writing appeared, inscriptions began to be made on stones, most often the names of settlements.As Plutarch described the event, Gracchus' men measured all the roads of the Roman Empire and erected stone pillars to indicate distances. Signs were installed on the roads every 10 stadia (1800 m), indicating the distance to Rome and the nearest populated area. In addition, the name of the ruler who built the road and the year in which this happened were recorded on the pillars. Distance indicators were stone pillars with a diameter of 40 cm to one meter, and a height of 1.25 - 3 meters. Distances were counted from a bronze pillar called “golden”. The golden pillar was installed at the old Roman Forum.

Under the French minister Zulli (1559-1641) and Cardinal Richelieu, regulations were issued according to which intersections of streets and roads should be marked with crosses, pillars or pyramids in order to facilitate travelers' orientation.

In Russia, the decree of Alexander I of 1817 read: “At the entrance to each village, have (following the example established in Little Russia) a pillar with a board showing the name of the village and the number of souls it has.”

A road sign depicting the symbol “Steep descent ahead” first appeared in the mid-19th century on the mountain roads of Switzerland and Austria. The sign was depicted on roadside rocks and depicted a wheel or brake shoe used on carriages. Signs began to spread following the first automobile traffic rules, which could not provide for the entire variety of road situations. The first road signs appeared on the streets of Paris in 1903: on a black or blue background of square signs, symbols were depicted in white paint - “Steep descent”, “Dangerous turn”, “Rough road”. The rapid development of road transport has raised the issue of travel safety. In 1909, representatives of a number of European countries, which adopted the first convention on international road transport. According to the convention, four road signs were introduced: “Rough Road”, “Twisting Road”, “Intersection with the Railway”, “Intersection”, which were usually installed 250 meters before the dangerous section at right angles to the direction of travel.

Despite the convention, each country began to come up with its own signs traffic, which is no wonder: four signs are not enough for all occasions. For example, Japan and China were limited to a couple of hieroglyphs that denoted some rule; European countries were deprived of the ability to express an entire rule with two written characters, so they came up with symbols and images. In the USSR, a little man crossing a pedestrian crossing was invented. Inside the country, everything was clear with the signs, but a person traveling abroad found himself in an unpleasant situation, where out of many signs two or three turned out to be familiar. To make life easier for drivers, in 1931 the “Convention for the Introduction of Uniformity and Signaling on Roads” was adopted in Geneva, which was signed by the USSR, most European countries and Japan. Although this did not lead to complete uniformity of road signs. For example, in pre-war times, two systems of road signs were in operation simultaneously: the European one, based on the same 1931 convention, and the Anglo-American one, in which inscriptions were used instead of symbols, and the signs themselves were square or rectangular.

In Russia, road signs began to appear in 1911. Avtomobilist magazine No. 1, 1911 wrote on its pages: “The First Russian Automobile Club in Moscow, starting in the fall of this year, begins placing warning signs on the highways of the Moscow province. In 1949, another attempt was made in Geneva to create a unified world road system signs, "Protocol on Road Signs and Signals". The European system was taken as the basis, and it is not at all surprising that the countries of the American continent refused to sign the document. If the 1931 convention stipulated 26 road signs, the new protocol already provided for 51 signs: 22 warning, 18 prohibiting, 9 indicative and 2 prescriptive. Otherwise, if some situations were not covered by these signs, countries were again free to come up with something of their own.

Today, in Russia alone, more than 250 road signs are used, covering almost all directions of traffic, and the system is constantly developing and improving. There were some funny moments: at some point, the “rough road” sign disappeared from the list, returning to service only in 1961. It is unknown why the sign disappeared; either the roads suddenly became smooth, or their condition was so sad that there was no point in issuing a warning.

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Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………p. 3

Origin of road signs…………………………………….. page 3

The appearance of road signs in Europe and Russia………………….. p.4

Modern road signs………………………… p.4

History of road signs in Russia…………………………………… p.5

Signs in other countries…………………………………………………….. p.6

A little humor……………………………………………………………. p.6

The emergence of traffic rules…………………………p.7

Modern traffic rules………………………….page 7

The appearance of the first traffic light……………………………………………p.8

Interesting facts……………………………………………………………p.8

Conclusion and conclusions……………………………………………………….page 9

Used literature……………………………………………………………..page 9


Who came up with the rules of the road? Where did the road signs come from? How did people come to the conclusion that we need the same rules for everyone? and how were people from different countries able to agree?

This project is dedicated to the history of the origin of traffic rules and road signs, as well as their importance in our lives.

Objective of the project - explore the history of the origin of road signs and traffic rules in order to awaken children’s interest in them and achieve awareness of the fact that rules do not limit, but help us in life.

In 1908, it was invented to give the police white canes, which the police used to regulate traffic and show the direction for drivers and pedestrians.

In 1920 the first official rules road traffic: “On motor traffic in Moscow and its environs (rules).” These rules already thoroughly regulated many important questions. Mentioned and driver license, which the driver should have had. A speed limit was introduced, which could not be exceeded.

Modern traffic rules were introduced in our country in January 1961.


The first traffic light appeared at the end of 1868 in London on the square near the English Parliament. It consisted of two gas lamps with red and green glasses. The device duplicated the signals of the traffic controller in the dark and thereby helped members of parliament to calmly cross the roadway. The author of the invention was engineer J.P. Knight. Unfortunately, his creation lasted only four weeks. A gas lamp exploded, injuring a policeman on duty near it.

Only half a century later - on August 5, 1914 - new traffic lights were installed in the American city of Cleveland. They switched red and green color and emitted a warning beep. Since then, the triumphal procession of traffic lights around the world began, August 5 is celebrated as International Traffic Light Day.

The first three-color traffic light appeared in 1918 in New York. After some time, their authority was recognized by motorists in Detroit and Michigan. The authors of the “three-eyed” were William Potts and John Harris.

The traffic light returned overseas to Europe only in 1922. But not immediately to the city where they first started talking about him - to London. Traffic lights first appeared in France, in Paris at the intersection of Rue de Rivoli and Sevastopol Boulevard. And then in Germany, in the city of Hamburg on Stefanplatz Square. In the United Kingdom, the electric traffic controller appeared only in 1927 in the city of Wolverhampton.

But the first traffic light in our country started working on January 15, 1930 at the corner of Nevsky and Liteiny prospects in Leningrad, and on December 30 of the same year at the corner of Petrovka and Kuznetsky Bridge in Moscow.


There are many funny incidents associated with traffic rules and signs. interesting facts. Let's look at just two of them:

For example, the origin of the word “driver” is interesting: the first “self-propelled car” was intended for transporting guns and was a three-wheeled cart with a steam boiler. When the steam ran out, the machine stopped and the boiler had to be heated again. To do this, they lit a fire under it on the ground and waited for steam to form again. So, most At the time, drivers of the first cars heated a boiler and boiled water in it. Therefore, they began to be called chauffeurs, which translated from French means “stoker.”

Another story involves road signs. Today, in Russia alone, more than two and a half hundred road signs are used, covering almost all directions of traffic, and the system is constantly developing and improving. There were some funny moments: at some point, the “rough road” sign disappeared from the list, returning to service only in 1961. It is unknown why the sign disappeared; either the roads suddenly became smooth, or their condition was so sad that there was no point in issuing a warning.


As can be seen from our research. rules and signs are very ancient history and play a very important role in our lives. The result of our research was the following conclusions:

1. Traffic rules and road signs appeared in ancient times, which indicates their importance for humanity.

2. Knowledge and compliance with traffic rules leads to a reduction in traffic accidents. (Statistics show that , that if road users 100% complied with the traffic rules, the number of injured in road accidents would be reduced by 27%, and those killed by 48%). Therefore, it is very important to study and follow traffic rules from childhood.

3. Knowing the rules and signs of our country, we can easily navigate the roads while traveling.


1. Magazine "Compasses": "History of road signs", Zavyalova D.

2. Article “History of road signs”,

3. Wikipedia

4. Internet resource “Signum Plus”

5. Internet resource"Roads of Russia"


The first road signs appeared almost simultaneously with the emergence of roads. To mark the route, primitive travelers broke branches and made marks on the bark of trees, and placed stones of a certain shape along the roads.

The next step was to give the roadside structures a specific shape to make them stand out from the surrounding landscape. For this purpose, sculptures began to be placed along the roads. One of these sculptures - a Polovtsian woman - can be seen in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve.

After the emergence of writing, inscriptions began to be made on stones, usually the name was written settlement, which the road leads to.

The world's first road sign system originated in Ancient Rome in the 3rd century BC. Along the most important roads, the Romans placed cylindrical mile posts with the distance from the Roman Forum carved on them. Near the Temple of Saturn in the center of Rome there was a Golden Mile Pillar, from which all roads leading to all ends of the vast empire were measured.

This system later became widespread in many countries. Russia was no exception - in the 16th century. On the instructions of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, mileposts about 4 m high with eagles on top were installed on the road leading from Moscow to the royal estate of Kolomenskoye.

However, their widespread distribution began much later, from the time of Peter I, who ordered by his decree “to install mileposts painted and signed with numbers, to place arms along the miles at intersections with an inscription where each one lies.” Quite quickly, mileposts appeared on all the main roads of the state.

Over time, this tradition has been constantly improved. Already in the 18th century. poles began to indicate the distance, the name of the area and the boundaries of possessions. Milestones began to be painted with black and white stripes, which ensured their better visibility at any time of the day.

The appearance of the first self-propelled carriages on the roads required fundamental changes in the organization of road traffic. No matter how imperfect the first cars were, they moved much faster than horse-drawn carriages. The driver of the car had to react faster to the emerging danger than the coachman.

It is also necessary to take into account that the horse, although dumb, is an animal; due to this, it reacts to an obstacle by at least slowing down, which cannot be said about the horsepower under the hood of a horseless carriage.

Accidents that happened to cars were not so frequent, but they had a great resonance in public opinion due to their uniqueness. And it is necessary to respond to public opinion.

The combination of the above conditions led to the fact that in 1903 the first road signs appeared on the streets of Paris: on a black or blue background of square signs, symbols were painted in white paint - “Steep descent”, “Dangerous turn”, “Rough road”.

The rapid development of road transport has posed the same challenges for each country: how to improve traffic management and travel safety. To resolve these issues, representatives of European countries gathered in 1909 in Paris at a conference on automobile traffic, at which the “International Convention regarding the Movement of Motor Vehicles” was developed and adopted, regulating the basic principles of road traffic and requirements for a car. This convention introduced four road signs: “Rough Road”, “Winding Road”, “Intersection” and “Railway Intersection”. It was recommended to install signs 250 m before the dangerous area at right angles to the direction of travel.

After the ratification of the Convention, the first road signs appeared on the streets of Russian cities. However, motorists did not pay attention to them.

In 1921, a special Commission on Automobile Traffic was created under the League of Nations, on whose initiative a new International Conference was convened in Paris in 1926 with the participation of 50 states. At this conference, the road sign system was supplemented with two more signs: “Unguarded railway crossing” and “Stopping is required”; warning signs were introduced triangular shape. Four years later, at the Road Traffic Conference in Geneva, a new “Convention for the Introduction of Uniformity in Road Signaling” was adopted. The number of road signs increased to 26, and they were divided into three groups: warning, prescriptive and directional.

In 1927, six road signs were standardized and put into effect in the Soviet Union. In 1933, 16 more were added to them and total number amounted to 22. It is curious that road signs of that time were divided into suburban and urban. City group was the most numerous - it included 12 characters. Among them was a sign warning of approaching a danger not covered by the warning signs. It was a triangle with a red border and an empty white field. Emptiness symbolized other dangers. The driver's imagination could draw anything he wanted on the white field.

In addition to the “Railway Crossing” warning sign depicting rails, an “Unguarded Railroad Crossing” sign is being introduced featuring a steam locomotive with a large chimney with smoke coming out of it. The locomotive symbol is depicted with support buffers at the front and rear, on four wheels and without a tender.

The signs of that time were different from modern ones: for example, the familiar “No Traffic” sign limited only freight traffic; the sign prohibiting stopping was similar to the modern “No Parking” and had a horizontal stripe, and the “Permitted direction of travel” sign had an unusual diamond shape. It should be added that even then there was a sign “Exit from the side road to the main road” in the form of an inverted triangle.

In the pre-war years in different countries There were two main systems of road signs in the world: the European one, based on the 1931 International Convention, based on the use of symbols, and the Anglo-American one, in which inscriptions were used instead of symbols. American signs were rectangular in shape with black or red inscriptions on a white background. Prohibitory signs were written in red. The warning signs were diamond shaped with black symbols on a yellow background.

In 1940, the first standard Rules and a list of standard signs were approved in the Soviet Union. The list of signs included 5 warning, 8 prohibitory and 4 information signs. Warning signs were in the shape of an equilateral triangle yellow color with a black, later red, border and blue symbols. Prohibitory signs were in the shape of a yellow circle with a red border and black symbols. The indicator signs were in the shape of a yellow circle with a black border and black symbols.

In the empty field of the sign “Other hazards” appears Exclamation point"!" The sign is called "Danger". The triangle is installed in areas where road work is being carried out, steep ascents, descents and other dangers, where special care is required when moving vehicles. In populated areas, the sign is placed directly at the place of danger, on country roads - at a distance of 150 - 250 meters.

Five signs in the Rules were called “ Special conditions traffic at a controlled intersection of streets or roads.” Two out of five signs regulated the direction of movement from left to right only when the traffic light was red. Three more - when it's green. They had the shape of a yellow circle, with a black arrow and a red or green circle. These signs were used until the appearance of traffic lights with additional sections in 1961.

One cannot help but dwell on an interesting detail: the “Rough Road” sign has disappeared from the list of warning signs. It seems difficult to explain the withdrawal of this sign from circulation: either all the roads became smooth and such a sign was no longer necessary, or all the roads were so bumpy that installing the sign was simply pointless. The “Rough Road” sign reappears in the list of signs only in 1961.

After the end of World War II, attempts were made to create a uniform road signaling system for all countries of the world. In 1949, the next conference on road traffic was held in Geneva, at which a new “Protocol on Road Signs and Signals” was adopted, based on the European system of road signs. For this reason, it was not signed by the countries of the American continent.

The Protocol provided recommendations on the placement of signs, their size and color. A white or yellow background was provided for warning and prohibition signs, and a blue background was provided for prescriptive signs. The protocol provided for 22 warning, 18 prohibiting, 2 prescriptive and 9 directional signs.

To the International Convention on Roads and Motor Transport of 1949. The Soviet Union joined in 1959, and from January 1, 1961, uniform traffic rules on the streets of cities, towns and roads of the USSR began to apply. Along with the new rules, new road signs were introduced: the number of warning signs increased to 19, prohibitions to 22, and directional signs to 10. A sign indicating the intersection of the main road with a secondary road was added to the group of warning signs.

Signs indicating permitted directions of movement have been highlighted in separate group prescriptive and received a blue background and symbols white in the form of cone-shaped arrows.

Signs indicating the direction to avoid obstacles received rectangular arrows.

New sign“Roundabout” requires movement through an intersection or square in the direction indicated by the arrows before exiting onto one of the adjacent streets or roads.

The “Turn point for moving in the opposite direction” sign becomes blue and square in shape and becomes a group of indicator signs.

Much in these signs is unusual for the modern driver. The sign “Traveling without stopping is prohibited” had the shape of a yellow circle with a red border with equilateral triangle top down, on which “Stop” was written in Russian. The sign could be used not only at intersections, but also on narrow sections of roads, where it was obligatory to give way to oncoming traffic.

Prohibitory signs installed in front of the intersection extended their effect only to the road being crossed. The “No Parking” sign had a yellow background with a red border and a black letter P crossed out by a red stripe, and the familiar “No Parking” sign was used to prohibit stopping vehicles.

In addition, there were unusual signs for us: “Truck traffic” and “Motorcycle traffic”.

In addition to road signs, during the period under review, road signs were widely used, which were yellow plates with black inscriptions. They designated pedestrian crossings, the number of traffic lanes, and regulated the location of vehicles on the roadway. Outside populated areas, indicators of directions of movement and distances to populated areas and other objects were used. These signs had a blue background and white lettering.

In 1965, the sign “Controlled intersection (road section)” appeared for the first time. Three traffic lights: red, yellow and green, depicted on the field of the sign, indicated traffic regulation not only by the traffic light, but also by the traffic controller.

In 1968, the Convention on Road Traffic and the Convention on Road Signs and Signals were adopted at the UN Conference in Vienna. Corresponding changes have also been made to the Rules in force on the territory of the USSR. In 1973, throughout the territory Soviet Union new traffic rules come into force and new standard"Road signs".

Operating since 1973 The signs are familiar to modern car enthusiasts. Warning and prohibition signs acquired a white background and a red border, the number of indicator signs increased from 10 to 26 due to the inclusion of various signs. The “Winding Road” warning sign has two versions – with the first turn to the right and with the first turn to the left.

In addition to the existing Steep Descent sign, a Steep Ascent sign appears. The percentage of the slope is indicated on the signs.

The “Road Crossing” sign began to be installed only before the intersection of roads of equal importance. When it was installed, both roads were equivalent, even if one was paved and the other was unpaved.

In addition to the “Intersection with a secondary road” sign, its variants “Junction with the main secondary road” appeared. The junction of the road could be shown at an angle of 45, 90 and 135 degrees, depending on the characteristics of the intersection.

The sign “Narrowing of the road” received three varieties, indicating a narrowing on both sides, on the right or on the left.

The group of warning signs has been added warning about crossing a tram line, driving onto an embankment, driving along a section of the road where gravel can be thrown out from under the wheels, falling stones on mountain roads, and areas with cross winds.

The group of prohibitory signs has also undergone significant changes. A new “No Stopping” sign was introduced, which is still used today; the previous “No Stopping” sign began to prohibit parking.

The sign “Traveling without stopping is prohibited” took the form of a regular red octagon with a white inscription “STOP” on English language. This sign was introduced into the 1968 Convention and the Road Traffic Regulations from American practice.

The “End of all restrictions zone” sign received a white background with a gray border and several oblique stripes gray. The new rules have introduced its variations, abolishing the ban on overtaking and the restriction maximum speed.

The passage of narrow sections of roads began to be determined by the signs “Advantage in the movement of oncoming vehicles” and “Advantage in traffic over oncoming vehicles.”

The first sign was included in the group of prohibitions, the second - indicative.

A sign indicating a path for pedestrians, as well as signs limiting the minimum speed, have been added to the group of prescriptive ones.

The group of directional signs has undergone the greatest changes. First of all, there were signs indicating an expressway and a one-way road. The most important innovation was the appearance of signs “Beginning of a settlement” and “End of a settlement”.

The signs, made on a white or yellow background, informed about movement through a populated area, in which the requirements of the rules establishing the order of movement in populated areas apply. Signs with a blue background informed that the rules establishing traffic rules in the populated area do not apply on this road. Such signs were installed on the road passing through small rural settlements, the buildings of which were located far from the road, and pedestrian traffic was sporadic.

Additional information signs received a white background with black images. The sign indicating the direction of the turn received a red background.

In 1980, a new standard “Road Signs” was introduced. With some changes, it was in effect until January 1, 2006.

The signs “Approaching a railway crossing” and “Single track” were transferred to the group of warning signs from the group of additional information. Railway", "Multi-track railway" and "Turn direction". The latter received a third variety, installed at T-shaped intersections or road forks, if there is a danger of their passage in the forward direction.

Two versions of the “Animals on the Road” sign became independent signs: “Cattle Driving” and “Wild Animals”.

New warning signs have appeared: “Roundabout”, “Low-flying aircraft”, “Tunnel”, “Intersection with cycle path”.

A new group of road signs has appeared - priority signs that establish the order of passage through intersections and narrowed sections of roads. Signs for this section were previously located in other groups.

Big changes have occurred in the group of prohibition signs. The “Motor Vehicles Prohibited” sign became known as “Motor Vehicles Prohibited”, and signs appeared limiting the length of vehicles and the distance between them.

The most significant innovation was the appearance of the “Customs” sign, prohibiting travel without stopping at the customs (checkpoint). The word “customs” on the sign is written in the languages ​​of the border countries.

The “No Parking” sign has received two versions, prohibiting parking on odd and even dates. Their appearance made it easier to organize snow removal in winter.

The most numerous group of signs was information and directional. Signs informing about the location of various service objects were separated into a separate group - service signs.

Many new signs have appeared in the information and signage group. The former "Expressway" sign began to designate a road intended exclusively for the movement of cars, buses and motorcycles. A new “Motorway” sign was introduced to indicate expressways.

Signs appeared indicating the direction of movement along the lanes, the beginning and end of additional lanes on the rise.

The new road sign “Recommended Speed” began to indicate the recommended speed on city streets equipped with automated traffic control systems and on dangerous sections of roads indicated by warning signs.

A new group of signs was used on roads with lanes allocated for oncoming traffic of route vehicles and indicated:

The new “Traffic Pattern” sign began to be used to indicate the route of movement when certain maneuvers are prohibited at an intersection or to indicate permitted directions of movement at complex intersections.

The “Stop Line” sign has been transferred to the group of information and directional signs.

The next changes took place in 1987. The group of prohibitory signs was supplemented with the “Danger” sign, which prohibits the further movement of all vehicles without exception in connection with a traffic accident, accident or other danger.

The “Closed Passage” sign became known as “Pedestrians Prohibited.”

In the group of information and directional signs, signs have appeared, as well as signs informing about the organization of traffic during the repair of a road with a dividing strip, as well as signs indicating a road with reversible traffic.

In the group of additional information signs (plates), a “Wet surface” sign has appeared, indicating that the sign is valid only during the period of time when the roadway surface is wet, as well as signs extending or canceling the validity of the signs to cars of disabled people.

The next update of road signs occurred in 1994. It is associated with the introduction of a new section into the traffic rules regulating traffic in residential areas and courtyard areas, as well as signs regulating the movement of vehicles transporting dangerous goods.

In 2001, the group of service signs was supplemented with two new signs: “Road Patrol Service Post” and “International Road Transport Control Post.”

At the end of the 90s. development of a new standard “Road Signs” has begun, containing significant changes in current system signs. It came into force on January 1, 2006.

The main goal of these changes is to bring the domestic standard defining the nomenclature of road signs into more precise compliance with International Convention 1968

The group of warning signs has been supplemented by three new signs: the “Artificial Bump” sign, which indicates an artificial bump to force a reduction in speed, better known as a “speed bump”, the “Dangerous Roadside” sign, which warns that going onto the side of the road is dangerous, and the “Congestion” sign, warning drivers about traffic congestion.

The latter sign should be used, in particular, during road works and installed before an intersection at which it is possible to bypass a section of the road where a traffic jam has formed.

The group of priority signs has been supplemented by variations of the “Intersection with a secondary road” sign, showing the intersection at an acute or right angle. It should be noted that these types of signs existed in the Road Traffic Rules until 1980.

The group of prohibitory signs was supplemented by the “Control” sign, which prohibits the further movement of all vehicles without exception without stopping in front of a control post - a police post, a border crossing, the entrance to a closed territory, a toll point on toll highways.

The image on sign 3.7 “Moving with a trailer is prohibited” has changed, but the meaning of the sign remains the same.

Signs “No overtaking” and “No overtaking by trucks” began to prohibit overtaking of all vehicles, including single vehicles, moving at a speed of less than 30 km/h.

The group of mandatory signs was freed from the “Movement of Passenger Cars” sign. In its meaning, it was similar to the sign “Traffic is prohibited”, but, unlike the latter, it prohibited the movement of non-motorized vehicles (bicycles, mopeds, horse-drawn vehicles). The configuration of the arrows on the “Move to the right” and “Move to the left” signs has changed.

According to the new standard, the group of information and directional signs is divided into two independent groups: signs of special requirements and information.

The group of signs of special regulations includes, in particular, the previous information and information signs establishing or canceling special regime traffic: “Highway”, “Road for cars”, “One-way road”, “Reverse traffic” and others.

There are now variants of the signs “Beginning of a settlement” and “End of a settlement” with a white background, on which a symbolic image of a silhouette is added to the name of the settlement medieval city. Such a sign should be installed in front of a built-up area that is not part of a populated area, for example, in front of holiday villages.

Several new characters appeared in the same group. In particular, a sign appeared indicating an artificial bump,

establishing speed limits on individual lanes of a multi-lane roadway.

In the group of special regulations signs, zonal signs have appeared indicating a pedestrian zone, a zone where parking is permitted or prohibited, and a maximum speed limit. The coverage area was limited by “bumper” signs that marked the end of the designated area.

The group of information signs includes the previous information and directional signs indicating the place and area for a turn, parking place, pedestrian crossings, preliminary direction signs, detour signs for a section of the road closed to traffic.

New signs also appeared in this group: a sign indicating an emergency stop lane, for example, on mountain roads, as well as a sign informing drivers entering Russian territory about general speed limits.

The group of service marks now has 18 symbols instead of 12. New signs: “Police”, “Traffic Radio Reception Area” and “Emergency Radio Communications Area”, “Pool or Beach” and “Toilet”.

In the group of signs " Additional information» signs have appeared that, in combination with the “Parking Place” sign, indicate interceptor parking lots combined with metro stations or public transport stops

as well as the “Vehicle bogie type” plate, used with a sign limiting the axle load, to indicate the number of adjacent axles of the vehicle, for each of which the value shown on the sign is the most permissible.

Road signs belong to one of the most dynamic groups technical means traffic organization. The development of transport and the specifics of road traffic put forward new requirements, to successfully meet which new road signs are introduced.

If in 1903 there were only 4 road signs on the roads of our Motherland, warning drivers of self-propelled vehicles about possible danger, then currently more than two and a half hundred road signs of eight groups are used on the streets and roads of Russia, regulating in detail almost all aspects of road traffic.

Coursework: Teaching schoolchildren traffic rules


Chapter I. Theoretical analysis methodological literature on traffic rules

1.1.History of road signs

1.2. Methods of teaching schoolchildren traffic rules

Chapter II. Development of a methodological manual on information signs and service signs

2.1. Detailed lesson scenarios

2.2. Technology Lesson Plans




IN Russian Federation Traffic rules are a fundamental law that regulates the relationship of all road users. They are all guided by the permissions or prohibitions prescribed in the traffic rules.

Teaching schoolchildren the culture of behavior on the street is closely related to the development of children's spatial orientation. In addition, every teacher must remember that it is impossible to raise a disciplined pedestrian if you do not instill such habits from childhood. important qualities, as attention, composure, responsibility, caution, confidence.

The presence of road signs makes an undeniable contribution to road safety. Based on this, selected topic course work is relevant.

Object of course work is the study of traffic rules and techniques for regulating them.

Subject of course work is design visual aid on information signs and service signs.

The purpose of the course work is the development and production of a manual on traffic rules.

Hypothesis This work boils down to the fact that the implementation project activities effective if:

2. For the greatest efficiency in mastering the material, teaching aids will be used in the classroom.

3. Formation of the child’s motivational and behavioral culture in the conditions of communication with the road.

Coursework objectives are:

1. Review of theoretical and methodological literature on information signs and service signs.

2. Develop Toolkit according to traffic rules.

Coursework methods when performing the assigned tasks are:

1. Theoretical analysis of scientific, technical and methodological literature on this work.

2. Application logical techniques comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization to build deductive and inductive conclusions presented in the presentation of this work.



The first road signs appeared almost simultaneously with the emergence of roads. To mark the route, primitive travelers broke branches and made marks on the bark of trees, and placed stones of a certain shape along the roads. The next step was to give the roadside structures a specific shape to make them stand out from the surrounding landscape. For this purpose, sculptures began to be placed along the roads. One of these sculptures - a Polovtsian woman - can be seen in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve.

After the emergence of writing, inscriptions began to be made on stones, usually writing the name of the settlement to which the road leads.

The world's first system of road signs arose in Ancient Rome in the 3rd century. BC. Along the most important roads, the Romans placed cylindrical mile posts with the distance from the Roman Forum carved on them. Near the Temple of Saturn in the center of Rome there was a Golden Milepost, from which all roads leading to all ends of the vast empire were measured.

This system later became widespread in many countries. Russia was no exception - in the 16th century. On the instructions of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, mileposts about 4 m high with eagles on top were installed on the road leading from Moscow to the royal estate of Kolomenskoye. However, their widespread distribution began much later, from the time of Peter I, who ordered by his decree “to install mileposts painted and signed with numbers, to place arms along the miles at intersections with an inscription where each one lies.” Quite quickly, mileposts appeared on all the main roads of the state.

Over time, this tradition has been constantly improved. Already in the 18th century. poles began to indicate the distance, the name of the area and the boundaries of possessions. Milestones began to be painted with black and white stripes, which ensured their better visibility at any time of the day.

The appearance of the first self-propelled carriages on the roads required fundamental changes in the organization of road traffic. No matter how imperfect the first cars were, they moved much faster than horse-drawn carriages. The driver of the car had to react faster to the emerging danger than the coachman.

It is also necessary to take into account that the horse, although dumb, is an animal; due to this, it reacts to an obstacle by at least slowing down, which cannot be said about the horsepower under the hood of a horseless carriage.

Accidents that happened to cars were not so frequent, but they had a great resonance in public opinion due to their uniqueness. And it is necessary to respond to public opinion.

The combination of the above conditions led to the fact that in 1903 the first road signs appeared on the streets of Paris: on a black or blue background of square signs, symbols were painted in white paint - “Steep descent”, “Dangerous turn”, “Rough road”.

The rapid development of road transport has posed the same challenges for each country: how to improve traffic management and travel safety. To resolve these issues, representatives of European countries gathered in 1909 in Paris at a conference on automobile traffic, at which the “International Convention regarding the Movement of Motor Vehicles” was developed and adopted, regulating the basic principles of road traffic and requirements for a car. This convention introduced four road signs: “Rough Road”, “Winding Road”, “Intersection” and “Railway Intersection”. It was recommended to install signs 250 m before the dangerous area at right angles to the direction of travel.

After the ratification of the Convention, the first road signs appeared on the streets of Russian cities. However, motorists did not pay attention to them.

In 1921, a special Commission on Automobile Traffic was created under the League of Nations, on whose initiative a new International Conference was convened in Paris in 1926 with the participation of 50 states. At this conference, the road sign system was supplemented with two more signs: “Unguarded railway crossing” and “Stopping is required”; a triangular shape was introduced for warning signs. Four years later, at the Road Traffic Conference in Geneva, a new “Convention for the Introduction of Uniformity in Road Signaling” was adopted. The number of road signs increased to 26, and they were divided into three groups: warning, prescriptive and directional.

In 1927, six road signs were standardized and put into effect in the Soviet Union. In 1933, 16 more were added to them and the total number was 22. It is curious that road signs of that time were divided into suburban and urban. The urban group was the largest - it included 12 characters. Among them was a sign warning of approaching a danger not covered by the warning signs. It was a triangle with a red border and an empty white field. Emptiness symbolized other dangers. The driver's imagination could draw anything he wanted on the white field.

In addition to the “Railway Crossing” warning sign depicting rails, an “Unguarded Railroad Crossing” sign is being introduced featuring a steam locomotive with a large chimney with smoke coming out of it. The locomotive symbol is depicted with support buffers at the front and rear, on four wheels and without a tender.

The signs of that time were different from modern ones: for example, the familiar “No Traffic” sign limited only freight traffic; the sign prohibiting stopping was similar to the modern “No Parking” and had a horizontal stripe, and the “Permitted direction of travel” sign had an unusual diamond shape. It should be added that even then there was a sign “Exit from the side road to the main road” in the form of an inverted triangle.

In the pre-war years, two main systems of road signs were in operation in different countries of the world: the European one, based on the International Convention of 1931, based on the use of symbols, and the Anglo-American one, in which inscriptions were used instead of symbols. American signs were rectangular in shape with black or red inscriptions on a white background. Prohibitory signs were written in red. The warning signs were diamond shaped with black symbols on a yellow background.

In 1940, the first standard Rules and a list of standard signs were approved in the Soviet Union. The list of signs included 5 warning, 8 prohibitory and 4 information signs. The warning signs were in the shape of a yellow equilateral triangle with a black, later red, border and blue symbols. Prohibitory signs were in the shape of a yellow circle with a red border and black symbols. The indicator signs were in the shape of a yellow circle with a black border and black symbols.

An exclamation point "!" appears in the empty field of the "Other hazards" sign. The sign is called "Danger". The triangle is installed in areas where road work is being carried out, steep ascents, descents and other dangers, where special care is required when moving vehicles. In populated areas, the sign is placed directly at the place of danger, on country roads - at a distance of 150-250 meters.

Five signs in the Rules had the title “Special traffic conditions at a controlled intersection of streets or roads.” Two out of five signs regulated the direction of movement left - right only when the traffic light is red. Three more - when it's green. They had the shape of a yellow circle, with a black arrow and a red or green circle. These signs were used until the introduction of traffic lights with additional sections in 1961.

One cannot help but dwell on an interesting detail: the “Rough Road” sign has disappeared from the list of warning signs. It seems difficult to explain the withdrawal of this sign from circulation: either all the roads became smooth and such a sign was no longer necessary, or all the roads were so bumpy that installing the sign was simply pointless. The “Rough Road” sign reappears in the list of signs only in 1961.

After the end of World War II, attempts were made to create a uniform road signaling system for all countries of the world. In 1949, the next conference on road traffic was held in Geneva, at which a new “Protocol on Road Signs and Signals” was adopted, based on the European system of road signs. For this reason, it was not signed by the countries of the American continent.

The Protocol provided recommendations on the placement of signs, their size and color. A white or yellow background was provided for warning and prohibition signs, and a blue background for prescriptive ones. The protocol provided for 22 warning, 18 prohibiting, 2 prescriptive and 9 directional signs.

To the International Convention on Roads and Motor Transport of 1949. The Soviet Union joined in 1959, and from January 1, 1961, uniform traffic rules on the streets of cities, towns and roads of the USSR began to apply. Along with the new rules, new road signs were introduced: the number of warning signs increased to 19, prohibitions to 22, and directional signs to 10. A sign indicating the intersection of the main road with a secondary road was added to the group of warning signs.

Signs indicating permitted directions of movement were separated into a separate group of prescriptive ones and received a blue background and white symbols in the form of cone-shaped arrows.

Signs indicating the direction to avoid obstacles received rectangular arrows.

The new “Roundabout” sign requires movement through an intersection or square in the direction indicated by the arrows before exiting onto one of the adjacent streets or roads.

The “Turn point for moving in the opposite direction” sign becomes blue and square in shape and becomes a group of indicators.

Much in these signs is unusual for the modern driver. The sign “Traveling without stopping is prohibited” had the shape of a yellow circle with a red border with an equilateral triangle inscribed in it with the vertex down, on which “Stop” was written in Russian. The sign could be used not only at intersections, but also on narrow sections of roads, where it was obligatory to give way to oncoming traffic.

Prohibitory signs installed in front of the intersection extended their effect only to the road being crossed. The “No Parking” sign had a yellow background with a red border and a black letter P crossed out by a red stripe, and the familiar “No Parking” sign was used to prohibit stopping vehicles.

In addition, there were unusual signs for us: “Truck traffic” and “Motorcycle traffic”.

In addition to road signs, during the period under review, road signs were widely used, which were yellow plates with black inscriptions. They designated pedestrian crossings, the number of traffic lanes, and regulated the location of vehicles on the roadway. Outside populated areas, indicators of directions of movement and distances to populated areas and other objects were used. These signs had a blue background and white lettering.

In 1965, the sign “Controlled intersection (road section)” appeared for the first time. Three traffic lights: red, yellow and green, depicted on the field of the sign, indicated traffic regulation not only by the traffic light, but also by the traffic controller.

In 1968, the Convention on Road Traffic and the Convention on Road Signs and Signals were adopted at the UN Conference in Vienna. Corresponding changes have also been made to the Rules in force on the territory of the USSR. In 1973, new Traffic Rules and a new standard “Road Signs” came into force throughout the Soviet Union.

The signs, in force since 1973, have become familiar to modern car enthusiasts. Warning and prohibition signs acquired a white background and a red border, the number of indicator signs increased from 10 to 26 due to the inclusion of various signs. The “Winding Road” warning sign has two versions – with the first turn to the right and with the first turn to the left.

In addition to the existing Steep Descent sign, a Steep Ascent sign appears. The percentage of the slope is indicated on the signs.

The “Road Crossing” sign began to be installed only before the intersection of roads of equal importance. When it was installed, both roads were equivalent, even if one was paved and the other was unpaved.

In addition to the “Intersection with a secondary road” sign, its variants “Junction with the main secondary road” appeared. The junction of the road could be shown at an angle of 45, 90 and 135 degrees, depending on the characteristics of the intersection.

The group of prohibitory signs has also undergone significant changes. A new “No Stopping” sign was introduced, which is still used today; the previous “No Stopping” sign began to prohibit parking. The sign “Transmission without stopping is prohibited” took the form of a regular red octagon with a white inscription “STOP” in English. This sign was introduced into the 1968 Convention and the Road Traffic Regulations from American practice. The "End of All Restricted Zone" sign has a white background with a gray border and several slanted gray stripes. The new rules introduced variations of it that abolish the ban on overtaking and the maximum speed limit.

The signs, made on a white or yellow background, informed about movement through a populated area, in which the requirements of the rules establishing the order of movement in populated areas apply. Signs with a blue background informed that the rules establishing traffic rules in the populated area do not apply on this road. Such signs were installed on the road passing through small rural settlements, the buildings of which were located far from the road, and pedestrian traffic was sporadic.

Additional information signs received a white background with black images. The sign indicating the direction of the turn received a red background.

In 1980, a new standard “Road Signs” was introduced. With some changes, it was in effect until January 1, 2006.

The signs “Approaching a railway crossing”, “Single track railway”, “Multiple track railway” and “Turn direction” were transferred to the group of warning signs from the group of additional information media. The latter received a third variety, installed at T-shaped intersections or road forks, if there is a danger of their passage in the forward direction.

Two versions of the “Animals on the Road” sign became independent signs: “Cattle Driving” and “Wild Animals”.

New warning signs have appeared: “Roundabout”, “Low-flying aircraft”, “Tunnel”, “Intersection with cycle path”.

A new group of road signs has appeared - priority signs that establish the order of passage through intersections and narrowed sections of roads. Signs for this section were previously located in other groups.

Big changes have occurred in the group of prohibition signs. The sign “Motor traffic is prohibited” began to be called “Motor vehicle traffic is prohibited,” and signs appeared limiting the length of vehicles and the distance between them.

The most significant innovation was the appearance of the “Customs” sign, prohibiting travel without stopping at the customs (checkpoint). The word “customs” on the sign is written in the languages ​​of the border countries.

The “Parking” sign has received two versions, prohibiting parking on odd and even dates. Their appearance made it easier to organize snow removal in winter.

The most numerous group of signs was information and directional. Signs informing about the location of various service objects were separated into a separate group of service signs.

Many new signs have appeared in the information and signage group. The former "Expressway" sign began to designate a road intended exclusively for the movement of cars, buses and motorcycles. A new “Motorway” sign was introduced to indicate expressways.

Signs appeared indicating the direction of movement along the lanes, the beginning and end of additional lanes on the rise.

The new road sign “Recommended Speed” began to indicate the recommended speed on city streets equipped with automated traffic control systems and on dangerous sections of roads indicated by warning signs.

A new group of signs was used on roads with lanes allocated for oncoming traffic of route vehicles and indicated:

where they stop,

· underground and overground pedestrian crossings,

· the direction to bypass a section of the road closed to traffic.

The new “Traffic Pattern” sign began to be used to indicate the route of movement when certain maneuvers are prohibited at an intersection or to indicate permitted directions of movement at complex intersections.

The “Stop Line” sign has been transferred to the group of information and directional signs.

The next changes took place in 1987. The group of prohibitory signs was supplemented with the “Danger” sign, which prohibits the further movement of all vehicles without exception in connection with a traffic accident, accident or other danger.

The “Closed Passage” sign became known as “Pedestrians Prohibited.”

In the group of information and directional signs, signs have appeared, as well as signs informing about the organization of traffic during the repair of a road with a dividing strip, as well as signs indicating a road with reversible traffic.

In the group of additional information signs (plates), a “Wet surface” sign has appeared, indicating that the sign is valid only during the period of time when the roadway surface is wet, as well as signs extending or canceling the validity of the signs to cars of disabled people.

The next update of road signs occurred in 1994. It is associated with the introduction of a new section into the traffic rules regulating traffic in residential areas and courtyard areas, as well as signs regulating the movement of vehicles transporting dangerous goods.

In 2001, the group of service signs was supplemented with two new signs: “Road Patrol Service Post” and “International Road Transport Control Post.”

At the end of the 90s. The development of a new standard “Road Signs” has begun, containing significant changes to the current sign system. It came into force on January 1, 2006. The main goal of these changes is to bring the domestic standard defining the nomenclature of road signs into more precise compliance with the 1968 International Convention.

The group of warning signs has been supplemented by three new signs: the “Artificial Bump” sign, which indicates an artificial bump to force a reduction in speed, better known as a “speed bump”, the “Dangerous Roadside” sign, which warns that going onto the side of the road is dangerous, and the “Congestion” sign, warning drivers about traffic congestion.

The latter sign should be used, in particular, during road works and installed before an intersection at which it is possible to bypass a section of the road where a traffic jam has formed.

The group of priority signs has been supplemented by variations of the “Intersection with a secondary road” sign, showing the intersection at an acute or right angle. It should be noted that these types of signs existed in the Road Traffic Rules until 1980. The group of prohibitory signs was supplemented by the “Control” sign, which prohibits the further movement of all vehicles without exception without stopping in front of a control post - a police post, a border crossing, entry into a closed area, toll points on toll highways.

The image on sign 3.7 “Moving with a trailer is prohibited” has changed, but the meaning of the sign remains the same. Signs “No overtaking” and “No overtaking by trucks” began to prohibit overtaking of all vehicles, including single vehicles, moving at a speed of less than 30 km/h.

The group of mandatory signs was freed from the “Movement of Passenger Cars” sign. In its meaning, it was similar to the sign “Traffic is prohibited”, but, unlike the latter, it prohibited the movement of non-motorized vehicles (bicycles, mopeds, horse-drawn vehicles). The configuration of the arrows on the “Move to the right” and “Move to the left” signs has changed.

According to the new standard, the group of information and directional signs is divided into two independent groups: signs of special requirements and information.

The group of signs of special regulations includes, in particular, the previous information and directional signs that establish or cancel a special traffic mode: “Highway”, “Road for cars”, “One-way road”, “Reversible traffic” and others.

Variants of the “Start of settlement” and “End of settlement” signs with a white background have appeared, on which a symbolic image of the silhouette of a medieval city is added to the name of the settlement. Such a sign should be installed in front of a built-up area that is not part of a populated area, for example, in front of holiday villages.

Several new characters appeared in the same group. In particular, a sign appeared indicating an artificial hump, setting the speed limit on individual lanes of a multi-lane roadway.

In the group of special regulations signs, zonal signs have appeared indicating a pedestrian zone, a zone where parking is permitted or prohibited, and a maximum speed limit. The coverage area was limited by “bumper” signs that marked the end of the designated area. The group of information signs includes the previous information and directional signs indicating the place and area for a turn, parking place, pedestrian crossings, preliminary direction signs, detour signs for a section of the road closed to traffic. New signs also appeared in this group: a sign indicating an emergency stop lane, for example, on mountain roads, as well as a sign informing drivers entering Russian territory about general speed limits. The group of service marks now has 18 symbols instead of 12. New signs: “Police”, “Traffic Radio Reception Area” and “Emergency Radio Communications Area”, “Pool or Beach” and “Toilet”.

In the group of “Additional Information” signs, signs have appeared that, in combination with the “Parking Place” sign, indicate intercepting parking lots combined with metro stations or public transport stops, as well as a “Vehicle trolley type” sign, used with a sign limiting axle load , to indicate the number of adjacent axles of the vehicle, for each of which the value shown on the sign is the most permissible.

Road signs belong to one of the most dynamic groups of technical means of traffic management. The development of transport and the specifics of road traffic put forward new requirements, to successfully meet which new road signs are introduced.

Everything about everything. Volume 5 Likum Arkady

Who invented road signs?

Who invented road signs?

Did you know that traffic management has been a problem long before the advent of cars? Julius Caesar was probably the first ruler in history to introduce traffic laws. For example, he passed a law according to which women had no right to drive chariots in Rome.

With the advent of cars, the first traffic controllers appeared who stood on the roads and showed the direction of travel with their hands. Then they were given signal lights. But they could not solve all the problems. Because traffic flow changes throughout the day and there are very busy driving hours. Until 1920, there were no automatic traffic lights.

In 1927, two people patented an "automatic traffic controller." The first traffic lights were installed at intersections to streamline traffic flow. One of the traffic lights, invented by Harry Howe of Yale University, was installed in New Haven, Connecticut, in April 1928. This mechanism, working through pressure, indicated movements on the roads. When a car approached such a sign, it gave a signal to the signal box, and from there came the command to turn on the permissive signal for the approaching car. This type of traffic light, but only now with the use of a light signal, still exists today.

Charles Adler also invented the traffic controller in 1928, which used a microphone to send a signal to a signal box. The driver, seeing a red light, blows his horn. The microphone transmits the sound to the signal box, from where a response signal is received to change the color of the traffic light. These days there are different types road regulators, which also respond to sound to change traffic lights.

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