The smallest countries in the world by territory. The smallest states in the world

The size of the country was of decisive importance in Ancient world and the Middle Ages. More citizens and more territory - more warriors, peasants, workers, arable land. Now great importance have developed tourism, investments, good diplomatic relations with all countries to sell passports to rich people, business opportunities to work with low taxes.

Currently, small countries usually originate from former appanage principalities or island colonies of Great Britain, Spain and France. Some preferred association, union, and other forms of subordination to independence over their former mother countries. This article will help you find out which is the smallest country today.

20 smallest countries in the world

The list does not include former colony territories associated with large countries and in any way dependent on them. Only sovereign and separate.

  1. Order of Malta (not Malta). The area is 120 square meters. On this territory is located the palace-headquarters of the order, located in Rome. This building is essentially the state. They issue their own brands, car numbers, and passports. It is the smallest country in Europe and it is also the smallest country in the world in terms of territory.
  2. Vatican. 0.44 km². This is the official location of the center catholic church. About a thousand people have citizenship, mostly priests, cardinals, archive workers, and papal representatives (legates).
  3. Monaco. 2 km². A former principality currently associated with France. Here are expensive casinos, Formula 1 venues and other entertainment for the rich. The most populous state in Europe.
  4. Nauru. 21 km². A small island located in the Pacific Ocean. It had large deposits of phosphorites, thanks to which its inhabitants were among the richest people on earth. However, they were soon exhausted and the economy collapsed sharply, plunging the country, unprepared for such a scenario, into poverty.
  5. Tuvalu. 26 km². Everyone is accustomed to considering the poorest countries in Africa. However, this island-state is located in the Pacific Ocean. It makes money by reselling the .TV domain, which is purchased by TV channels around the world.
  6. San Marino. 61 km². According to legend, it was founded by a mason named Marino, who founded a Christian community on the mountain. Even Napoleon did not touch the small but proud state when he captured Italy.
  7. Liechtenstein. 160 km². In the gorge between Switzerland and Italy grew from medieval city a separate modern state, and a rich one at that. So named because of the name of the ruling dynasty.
  8. Cook Islands. 236 km². They receive help from New Zealand and earn money from tourism and marine fishing. This name was given in the 19th century by the Russian navigator Ivan Krusenstern. James Cook himself once called them differently.
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis. 261 km². State of two islands in the water area Caribbean Sea. They export tobacco, sugar, oils, and fruits. And quite successfully: in terms of GDP - 74th place in the world. The smallest country in South America.
  10. Maldives. 298 km². It is an archipelago, a chain of small 26 atolls consisting of coral reefs, a total of 1192. It is located in the Indian Ocean.
  11. Malta. 316 km². The name comes from the words sweet honey. Such a small territory in the Mediterranean could belong to Russia, because... Emperor Paul was chosen as head of the Order of the Johannites (who had inhabited the island since its discovery) and ruler. However, his death and the policy of the new sovereign Alexander of a commonwealth with England disrupted all plans. So the British made their military base there, and in the 60s of the last century they gave independence.
  12. Grenada. 344 km². The country interesting story. First there were plantations with slaves, then there was a revolution and the power of the communists, and then a new coup and the power of conservative supporters of the Western economic model.
  13. Barbados. 431 km². It was a colony of the Portuguese, then an independent territory after the slave revolt.
  14. Antigua and Barbuda. 440 km². The name translates as ancient and bearded. Classically originated from a former colony.
  15. Seychelles . 455 km². Successful compared to other African powers due to its offshore economy and highly developed tourism industry.
  16. Andorra. One of the richest (minimum salary 1000 euros) and ancient (mentioned in 778) states in Europe. At the same time, it is small - 468 km². The economy is independent from the government, the budget is filled from tourism and banking services.
  17. Saint Lucia. 616 km². Discovered by Columbus on the feast of St. Lucia. Later it became a possession of England.
  18. Micronesia 702 km². The name comes from the word small, which is confirmed in practice. Consists of 116 islands. Depends on US assistance, providing them with a base for the fleet in return. Dogs are bred for meat for export.
  19. Bahrain. 766 km². Exports gas, oil, pearls, offshore zones. Located in the Persian Gulf. One of the few places on the planet where there are more men than women.
  20. Karibati. 812 km². Consists of atolls (coral reefs that have become dry land). It was first occupied by Japan, then gained independence. The country is threatened by flooding, overpopulation, and climate change, which the president (who is also the minister of foreign affairs and head of government) often declares from the UN rostrum. US nuclear and hydrogen bomb tests took place on one of the islands.

TOP 10 smallest countries by population

  1. Vatican. The smallest country by area, it also has the smallest population. About a thousand people have citizenship. Basically it is temporary, for those who work under a contract in the Vatican. Priest monks and the apparatus of the Roman Catholic Church have life sentences.
  2. Tuvalu. 10,000 people. A small territory and an equally small number of people on it. 94% this indigenous people- Indians.
  3. Nauru. 10,500 people. IN Good times the population was many times larger, and foreigners among them accounted for 70%. Now there are about 10% of them.
  4. Cook Islands. 17,500 people. The population mixed with New Zealand citizens. This is where it mainly flows from the island due to unemployment.
  5. San Marino. 30,000 people. It is almost impossible for foreigners to obtain citizenship: you need to be born in San Marino, or have been married for 15 years, or simply live in the territory for 30 years.
  6. Liechtenstein. 37,000. People from German-speaking peoples live in the country. At the same time, Liechtenstein has a fairly high birth rate, and not due to migrants.
  7. Monaco. 37,800. Very high density population due to its small area. The average life expectancy is 90 years, more than in Japan.
  8. South Ossetia . 50,000. This little-recognized state, which broke away from Georgia along with Abkhazia in 2008, is doing quite well: schools and its own university are operating, trade and tourism are developed. Ossetians consider themselves part of Russia and strive to unite with it.
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Approximately 50 thousand people. The territory was used for plantations, and African black slaves were brought there. Now 94% are their descendants. Only 1.5% are white.
  10. Dominica. 73,000. Located in Latin America. There is a high percentage of emigration from Dominica. At the same time, life expectancy is quite high (77 years).

Young schoolchildren study continents, countries and states from childhood. The boys' favorite subject is geography.

It reveals many facts about the beauty of our planet. The powers of the world are diverse in area and population.

Some have vast territories, traditions and customs. And other countries have a small area, with a minimal population. There are more than 250 countries in the world.

If you look at a world map or globe, you can visualize which of them have big sizes, while others are difficult to see due to their small size.

The smallest country in the world is Vatican City. Its area is 0.40 square kilometers.

This is an independent state, but at the same time it does not have its own monetary currencies and identity passports.

The smallest state in the world is located on the territory of Rome, and is the spiritual capital of the world.

820 people live on the territory of the Vatican Catholic Church, the rest of the population are Italian subjects.

Citizens of the clergy are:

  • Clergy – 50 persons.
  • Guardsmen - 50.
  • Gendarmes -150.
  • Residents - 150.

The dwarf country has characteristic seasonal conditions similar to Mediterranean conditions. In winter, the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees. Sometimes precipitation occurs in the form of snow.

In summer, the temperature rises to 30 degrees Celsius. Winds, showers and hail are not observed.

The state has languages: Latin and Italian. IN simple communication, during negotiations the main thing is Latin language. Italian is used to sign contracts, acts or decrees.

The most important member of the state is the Pope; he has his own government, which includes:

  • Governor.
  • Papal Commission.
  • State Secretariat.
  • Ecumenical Council.
  • Synod.

The main religion of the country is Catholicism.

All cities and countries have their own characteristic places of interest.

Consider the list of outstanding monuments and buildings that are the pride of the Vatican:

  1. St. Peter's Square, which was erected in the mid-18th century.
  2. The Apostolic Palace, which has a rich library of valuable manuscripts and books. The Pope himself lives there. Distinctive feature The palace has chapels and museums.
  3. The Grotta di Lourde cave, which was artificially created by the inhabitants of the country in ancient times.
  4. A historical monument of the country in the form of the Sistine Chapel. Prized for its historical manuscripts, drawings and frescoes inside the façade.
  5. An art gallery called Pinakothek.

The smallest country in the entire universe in terms of population is Pitcairn Island. It consists of 5 islands, of which only one is inhabited by people.

Important! Pitcairn is a unique and isolated island that was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption using lava.

The island has features and living conditions:

  • Area 4.5 square kilometers.
  • No more than 60 people live in the entire territory.
  • The native language is English.
  • The head of state is the British Commissioner.

All people are friendly and kind to each other. They help everyone in many matters and also consider themselves soul mates.

Rating of the smallest countries in the world

There is a list of small states, depending on the size of the territory:

  • Vatican.
  • Monaco.
  • Nauru.
  • Tuvalu.
  • San Marino.
  • Marshall Islands.
  • Liechtenstein.
  • Nevis.
  • Maldives.
  • Grenada.

Let's look at the table of the top smallest republics that are located in Europe:

Republic, by ranking increase total area, sq. km. Features of states
Vatican 0,40 Spiritual capital of capitalism
Monaco 1,8 A dwarf state with its own values ​​and resort recreation areas. The population includes people from other countries
San Morino 60 It is the most ancient and oldest country in the entire universe. Has beautiful scenery and is located on a mountain slope
Liechtenstein 58 A prosperous state due to ski resort, well-established policies and a small percentage of taxation from the people. Engaged in the supply of goods to other countries at low cost
Malta 300 Prosperous development of industry and tourist areas
Andorra 450 There is no duty on the type of products for all vacationing tourists
Luxembourg 2500 Is an international country with a tourist center in Europe
Cyprus 9000 A picturesque corner of the country with highly developed tourist areas. For vacationing citizens there is a huge range of services and entertainment at low prices
Kosovo 10500 Is the most beautiful country Europe, valued for its picturesque places
Montenegro 13200 State income comes from the large number of tourists. Those who like to relax choose a place for affordable prices and mild temperate climate

There is a list of which countries are the smallest in terms of population, according to various parts Sveta:

  1. The smallest country in Asia is South Ossetia, its population of all living citizens is about 70,000 people.
  2. Oceania - Niue with a population of 1400.
  3. Africa - Seychelles - 85,500 people.
  4. North America - Nevis - 50,000 people.
  5. South America - Suriname - 450,000 people.

Important! Each part of the world has its own small state with smallest area and the population.

But the Order of Malta and the Vatican are dwarfed. There is no country in the world with the lowest indicators.

A small Arab state is the Bahrain archipelago and its 33 islands.

The Arab country has become famous due to its attractions and values:

  1. The most popular and sought after place for foreign and Russian tourists.
  2. His main hobby is the underwater world of diving in the Persian Gulf.
  3. The oil refining and gas industries are developing and thriving.
  4. All proceeds go towards developing a recreation area for all vacationers.

In small states there is an interconnected relationship of close relationships between all citizens. Government authorities able to help and take care of the entire population.

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There are countries in this world that boast large populations, but how hard it is to believe that there are also some countries that are quite small. Most people prefer to live in such places because it is cozy and relaxing. They don't have to worry about hundreds of people running around, and in small countries, crime rates are lower because a criminal can't hide in a large crowd. Listed below are the ten smallest countries in the world.

10. Grenada

Famous for the spices that this island has. If you're wondering where nutmeg came from, this is where it comes from. The country is not the smallest, but there is quite a small amount of space. It's so beautiful here and it's a great place to come if you know how to get there or take a boat and then they'll pick you up when you're done. The most popular sport here is cricket. This is the main sport on the island. The area of ​​the island is only three hundred and forty-four square meters. km.

9. Malta

This is one of the countries that find themselves in this list because of its size. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea. The country occupies three small islands. In total, four hundred and fifty thousand people live on three islands. If you look into history, you will see that Malta is at least 7,000 years old. There are amazing beaches to see and plenty of sunny days and comfortable environment. It's nice to come to these tiny islands and get to know them.

8. Maldives

This place is small, but filled with housing and people. There is water all around and you can go to the beach at any time if you live near one of them and not in the center of the island. If you are in the center, then it will take several hours to leave the island. The Maldives is an independent country, it became such in 1965, and nothing has changed since then.

This amazing place is interesting to visit or live here. You'll love the water around you and the amenities throughout the country that make it so amazing. The trees growing here are simply beautiful and allow you to hide in their shade. The country is made up of two islands, but whichever one you go to will be beautiful and relaxing. Sit in a chair and catch the sun's rays, you can do it most time you are here.

6. Liechtenstein

If you look at the local hills, you will see houses that look like castles. If you are lucky enough to live in one of them, you will be able to look down on the cities and feel like a queen or king. Just live your life the way you want, spend more time with your family, and not spend all your time working. The country is located in Switzerland. They have the lowest unemployment rate, so you have to find a job and keep it, because they know that people need jobs, not lack of pay.

5. San Marino

All the houses here are similar. Even though the country is small, you will be able to find a job quickly as there are always many jobs available. The country is home to about thirty thousand people, a number that can sometimes rise or fall rapidly. There are beautiful green meadows and trees, among which it will be pleasant to walk hiking or hiking almost every day. This is one of the most prosperous places to live due to low level unemployment.

4. Tuvalu

About ten thousand people live here. There is only one hospital in Tuvalu, so if you need health care, you know where to look for it. About two thousand people visit the country every year. This is according to 2010 data. Most of them come on business, others just to see the country. Most people come on business, so they stay here for a short time. Tuvalu looks like a bunch of trees, so no one knows anything about the island.

3. Nauru

This country is located off the east coast of Australia and in the 80s. it was one of the most popular places for phosphate mining. Now it is a quiet place that tourists do not even think about visiting. The unemployment rate here is ninety percent, and only 10 percent of the people work for the government. It also has the highest number of overweight people, with almost equal numbers of men and women. Most people suffer from type 2 diabetes due to the problem of obesity.

2. Monaco

This country has the most rich people in the world. She is also very popular with celebrities. France neighbors Monaco, and on all other sides the principality is surrounded by waters Mediterranean Sea. The majority of local residents speak French as their native language, and the population is more than thirty-six thousand people, so this country ranks second on the list of smallest countries.

1. Vatican

This country is the smallest that has ever existed and is also called the Holy See. The Vatican is located right in the center of the city of Rome. This country is home to the largest church in the world - St. Peter's Basilica. Here you will find the best works of art, such as the Pieta icon. To survive, the country receives financial assistance from members of the Catholic Church. There are a total of one billion members, which is enough for financial support. The rest of the economic injection comes from money coming from the sale of postage stamps, money paid by museum visitors, and money tourists spend on small trinkets and souvenirs.

These are the Top 10 smallest countries in the world 2017. Each of them would be a great place to go on holiday where you want to relax and get some peace and carefree doing nothing alone or with your partner. If you plan to live in one of these countries, then that's great. The locals are friendly and the sights are great.


When you hear the word “country,” we usually imagine a large state with a vast territory and a significant population. However, this is not always the case. Some countries in our world are so small that they occupy less territory than, for example, one of the capitals of the globe.

A state in the eastern Caribbean. Consists of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². Population - 49 thousand 898 people. It is the smallest country in Latin America in terms of area and population.

2. Cook Islands

This archipelago is self-governing public education. The country's area is 236 km², and its population is 19 thousand 569 people.

3. Marshall Islands

Pacific State. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands, with a total area of ​​181 km². About 68 thousand people will live here.

4. Liechtenstein


State in Central Europe. The capital of the principality is Vaduz. The country's area is 160.4 km². 35 thousand 870 people live here.

5. San Marino

A state surrounded on all borders by Italy. The country's area is only 61 km². 32 thousand 75 people live here.

6. Tuvalu

The tiny Pacific state is located on 5 atolls and 4 islands. The total area is 26 km². Tuvalu has a population of 10 thousand 544 people. This country is considered one of the poorest. But the country's authorities found a way to replenish the treasury. They put the national domain zone “.tv” up for auction and a buyer was found immediately, because the “.tv” zone is a tasty morsel for television companies and video sites. Now the country receives $1 million every quarter in exchange for the right to use their domain zone.

7. Nauru

State on a coral island in the western part Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​the country is 21 km², the population is 9 thousand 322 people. It is the smallest republic in the world, the smallest island state and the smallest country in Oceania.

8. Monaco

A principality that many associate with France. Located in southern Europe on the Mediterranean coast. The area of ​​the miniature country is 2.02 km², and the population is 35 thousand 986 people.

9. Vatican

The state is located on the territory of Rome. The area of ​​the Vatican is 0.44 km². Population - 836 people.

10. Order of Malta

The smallest state in the world is the Order of Malta, or rather the Sovereign Military Hospitable Order of St. John, Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta. The Order of Malta is also located in Rome. The total area of ​​the state is 0.012 km².

Its territory is limited to several buildings - the Magistral Villa, the Magistral Palace, as well as Fort Sant'Angelo in Malta. The order consists of 12.5 thousand people who are citizens of the state. The Order of Malta issues passports, car license plates, and prints its own currency. The state has diplomatic relations with 104 countries and is a member of the UN observer commission.

Historically, humanity strives to divide the vast expanses of our planet into separate pieces. Over the course of thousands of years of conquest, each nation secured its own territories - some more, some less.

Most titles large countries We studied it in school, but few people remember about these states. They do not have huge armies or natural deposits, but are known for their tiny area. This collection contains the 10 smallest countries in the whole world!

10 Maldives

This ranking of countries is headed in descending order. Among the top tiny countries, they have the largest area - 298 km². But in terms of population density, this state can compete with any large country - more than 400 thousand people live here in such an area.

The Maldives consists of 26 atolls, which in turn are a chain of 1,192 coral islets. The only city in the Maldives is Male, which is also the capital of this country. This amazing archipelago is a unique ecosystem with reefs, various types fish and marine organisms.

9 Saint Kitts and Nevis

This small country covers an area of ​​261 km² and consists of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. It is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea and has the title of the most small state Western Hemisphere. The population of Saint Kitts and Nevis is small - only 50 thousand people.

The state is well known among tourists and income from this destination accounts for more than 70% of the country's GDP per year. Sugarcane and shellfish are also processed here. The largest city in this country, and also the capital, is populated by 11 thousand people. Saint Kitts and Nesiv have their own army of 300 people.

8 Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands covers an area of ​​181.3 km² of land. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean and is a chain of atoll islands. These islands were discovered in 1526 by Alonso de Salazar, and for many centuries they were transferred as a colony from one country to another.

These days, these 34 atoll islands are a real paradise. The territory of the republic has a unique odds and fauna, which, by the way, was almost destroyed by man. The Americans tested a hydrogen bomb here in the mid-20th century. The explosion was so powerful that it was 1000 times larger than Hiroshima. However, local residents managed to slowly restore the ecosystem of the islands.

7 Liechtenstein

The European Principality of Liechtenstein is tiny in size and very famous in the world. Despite its area of ​​160 km², this state has a very powerful economy and developed industry. It can serve as an example for many powers due to its unique system of government so that people lived very well here.

Liechtenstein is located in Alpine mountains and borders Switzerland and Austria. The country's name comes from ruling dynasty, which has been governing together with the Landtag for many years. Population of this European country small - about 36 thousand people.

6 San Marino

In sixth place in our ranking is the state of San Marino, which has an area of ​​60 km². It is unique in its location - it borders on Italy on all sides. The name of the country was formed from the name of the saint who founded it according to ancient legend - the stonecutter Marin.

With modern borders, San Marino is considered the most ancient state in Europe, it was founded in 301. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is the foothills of the Apennines, so there is practically no arable land here. The population of the country is 33 thousand people with such small area. This country has many unique architectural monuments on its territory.

5 Tuvalu

This small state in Polynesia has an area of ​​26 km². It consists of nine coral atolls, four of which make up the Tuvalu archipelago. The discoverer of the islands, Alvaro Mendaña de Neira, called them Lagoon Islands, but they only received the name Tuvalu in 1975.

This a nice place, however, was ranked among the poorest countries as of 2016. The area of ​​the islands is decreasing from year to year, so in 50 years, according to experts, Tuvalu may completely disappear from the face of the Earth as a state. The country's population according to the latest data is just over 12 thousand people.

4 Nauru

The dwarf state of Nauru covers an area of ​​21 km² and was very popular in the mid-20th century. Such popularity was ensured by phosphates, which filled the territory of this piece of land. But these days, all that remains of phosphates are dilapidated mines, and the ecology of the country has been irrevocably damaged, even for tourism.

Like the islands of Tuvalu, Nauru is located near the Republic of Kiribati and lies 42 km south of the equator. This country has no official capital and a population of only 10 thousand people. But, unlike Tuvalu, this dwarf country has again begun to develop its economy and increase its birth rate.

3 Monaco

The third place in our ranking is occupied by the well-known European principality of Monaco. Probably everyone has heard about it, despite the fact that it occupies only 2.02 km². The legendary Monaco Grand Prix race is held here, and the casino in Monte Carlo is very famous among gambling enthusiasts.

The population of Monaco (with such and such an area!) is 38 thousand people. This is a lot, but such popularity has its own explanation. For a long time There was no taxation in Monaco, so many businessmen, wealthy foreigners settled here and large companies were founded. Monaco is governed by Prince Albert II, assisted by a national council.

2 Vatican

The Vatican State, with its tiny area of ​​0.44 km², is a very powerful state that has ruled the destinies of many countries for many centuries. The country's population is equal to the number of employees - 836 people. At the same time, the Vatican has no economy, and the country’s budget is replenished only through numerous donations from Catholic organizations.

Here is the residence of the Pope - the heart of the Catholic Church. The state is located inside Rome and is directly associated with Italy. But despite the proximity, the Vatican gained its independence in 1929 and has been an independent country ever since. It rightfully holds the title of the smallest country in the world, but there is another state that deserves attention.

1 Order of Malta

And the first place in this list is occupied by the state, which some countries do not recognize as a separate state unit. We are talking about the Order of Malta with a territory of 0.012 km². This Order has about 13,000 members who have national passports and use their own currency.

Not all countries recognize the sovereignty of the Order of Malta and consider it only at the level of diplomatic relations. The largest city The Order is Fort Sant'Angelo, which the country leases from Malta. Apart from the shaky recognition of this sovereignty, the Order is the smallest state in the world.

All these dwarf states rightfully take their place in the ranking of the smallest countries. They are unique and distinctive, and most of them, despite their small territory, are prosperous countries.
