Japanese Chin dogs: description of the breed and reviews. Japanese Chin: an unusual breed - main features Japanese Chin description of the breed character reviews advantages

The Japanese Chin dog is classified as a pet that is rarely seen on the streets. The dogs were originally raised in the imperial palaces. Animals were revered for their intelligence and beauty by the ancient Japanese dynasties; dogs have a deep pedigree. In Japan, Chins are beautiful dogs that have absorbed the culture of an ancient civilization. The graceful gait, the exquisite shape of the muzzle - everything directly indicates that the animal came from royal ancestors.

History of the breed

Description of the Japanese Chin breed conceals a lot of unsaid and mysterious things. Unfortunately, little is known about the animal. There is evidence that the roots of the Chins, like the Pekingese, come from ancient Tibet. However, owners love pets not because of a beautiful story, but because of their irreplaceable character traits. According to experts, the ancestor of the pug and the Japanese chin was a dog called the Tibetan toy. They claim that the breed was brought to Japan Tibetan monks, it is sometimes believed that the dog was given as a sign of respect to the emperor himself. Previously, the Japanese Chin breed was constantly depicted on fabrics, vases and simple drawings.

The first reliable mention of black and white chins appeared 3000 years ago, although the date is not considered the starting point for the appearance of the breed. It is incorrect to compare the Chin with the Pekingese. Some cynologists argue, on the contrary, that chins and Pekingese were long ago revered as the only breed and, together with pugs, belonged to a single family.

According to legend, dogs came to Japan in the 3rd century AD, “driving” there with Buddhist monks. There is another version of the origin of how the chins got to the Land of the Rising Sun: in the 8th century AD, one emperor of that time, Shiravi, originally from Korean lands, gave a friend, to the Japanese Emperor, a couple of individuals.

There are also plenty of adherents of the classical aristocratic biography of the Chins. For example, the fact that the Pekingese is the Chinese favorite of emperors is considered proof; no image of the dog can be found in the oldest Japanese engravings. The dog is replaced by pictures of chins, revered and protected by ancient subjects. It was believed that Japanese chins are messengers of the gods. Until modern times, small but full-fledged members of the imperial court have survived in their former precious form.

There is a well-known legend according to which the ancestors of the chin were two animals - a lion and a monkey. The latter donated the chin's muzzle, and the lion's mane. The result was a creature due to the fault of Buddha, to whom the king of beasts came, suffering from love for a macaque. Their union was impossible, the lion concluded; the monkey, due to the discrepancy in size, only agreed to become a named sister. And Buddha invited the lion to sacrifice itself in the name of love. The huge cat happily agreed, Buddha reduced the lion in size, taking away his strength, but leaving his courage and dignity. In addition, having deprived of the need to hunt, the lion (more precisely, the father of the chin) now received meat from the royal table.

Animals were brought to Russian territory only in the 80s. Today, breeders continue to select the breed.

Description of the breed

According to document FCI 206, adopted in 1996, dogs belong to group 9 of companion and decorative breeds. General form speaks of excessive grace with a small size, the body is covered with elongated hair. The height of the dog at the withers is equal to the elongated proportion of the body: the dog is “stretched”, with short legs.

  • Adult representatives of the breed grow up to 25 cm at the withers, weight does not exceed 5 kg. Average weight 1.8-3.5 kg.
  • The coat of the Japanese Chin dog is exceptionally straight and relatively long. On the muzzle the fur is slightly shorter. There are featherings on the ears and tail.
  • The color is predominantly white with black and red spots on the body. The spots should be located symmetrically.
  • The Chin's skull is slightly flattened, the muzzle itself is shortened. The nose is in line with the Chin's eyes, showing a black tint.
  • The head is round in shape, with a sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle itself. The eyes are large and round, black, set wide apart. The ears are small, often triangular in shape. The limbs are mostly dry, the tail lies exclusively on the back.
  • The dogs have a short neck that extends into a powerful back, with a rough, muscular loin. The belly is tucked up and hidden under the fur that forms a skirt. The forelimbs are short, framed by panties. The hindquarters are small, with strong thighs and elongated heels. The movements of chins are distinguished by their regal smoothness.

The coat should not curl or appear yellowish. The standard color of Chins: white background with black, much less often - with red spots. There is a white line from the top of the head to the bridge of the nose.

Character and temperament

the decision to get such a dog will be the right choice. The breed's characteristics indicate that it is a devoted friend who loves its owner and children. Japanese Chins love to walk and watch everyone all the time. A pet will not require increased care; on the contrary, it will constantly delight you with an exceptionally good mood. Dogs of the breed have amazing character, are able to sense the owner.

Small toy dogs are created to serve as companions and companions. Initially they were known as the favorites of the aristocracy, but soon became “available” to mere mortals. The task of doggies is to be a companion; chins are flexible, ready for any games and cuddles, have a strong psyche and perceive a person as an equal or senior partner in games.

Interestingly, chins become attached to human society. If you give the dogs a choice between a person and a dog circle, perhaps the proud little ones will choose the first option. They tolerate loneliness with dignity, although they can become offended if they leave their dogs for a long time.

Pet care

How to care for the Japanese Chin? No difficulties are foreseen. It is enough to spend a few minutes a day to get your pet in order.

The animals' fur is straight and rarely tangles. You should brush your dog only when necessary and spring-autumn period when pets are molting.

Animals should be bathed only when absolutely necessary. It is enough to repeat the procedure three times a year, and your pet will remain clean. Some breeders use special creams that give the coat a natural shine and well-groomed appearance. In selected situations, it is acceptable to use dry shampoos.

Proper care of the Japanese Chin involves daily examination of the eyes and ears. Pets have “unusual” eyes that constantly water. To avoid the accumulation of pus, wipe the eyes with a cotton pad soaked in tea.

If the fur in the sinuses between the toes becomes excessively long, it is necessary to cut it very carefully.

What to feed your dog

The Japanese Chin dog breed is unpretentious in food. It is important to feed dogs of this breed correctly, with an emphasis on healthy bones and coats. According to experienced breeders, it is recommended not to overfeed the animal in order to avoid the development of health problems. Small dogs are constantly asking to eat, however, from childhood they are required to follow a strict food regime.

Adults are fed twice a day in certain portions.

  1. Daily diet in mandatory consists of protein foods (for example, meat, fish). Give preference low-fat varieties(turkey, beef).
  2. The diet includes carbohydrates: vegetables, cereals, greens. Vegetables do not become a separate meal. Add to meat or fish.
  3. In the morning, it is recommended to give low-fat cottage cheese seasoned with kefir. In products high content calcium a dog needs throughout its life to correct formation backbone.
  4. “Human” food (pasta, baked goods, sausages, broths) is strictly prohibited. It is not recommended to feed your animal excessively fatty foods.

Another name for Japanese Spaniel. The “sofa” dog comes from Japan. For a long time, only a select few could afford to have such a pet.

History of the breed

The ancestors of the Chin came to Japan from China. The monks of Tibet created a decorative dog, whose purpose was to entertain the court nobility. Ordinary people were forbidden to have an elite pet, and they were inaccessible. Hin means jewel. They were given as gifts and used as payment, or sold. It is believed that the baby came to Japan in 732, as a gift from the Chinese emperor to the Japanese.

After the formation of trade relations with Japan, the ports became open. The sailors bought or simply stole the “overseas miracle” and took it home. Many dogs died, unable to withstand the long journey on the ship. But those that came to Europe were in incredible demand among representatives of high society. But some dogs settled in the families of sailors.

By the mid-19th century, the Japanese Chin became the most sought after breed in Europe and America. At that time they were called Japanese spaniels, although they are not related.


According to the ICF classification, “Japanese” belong to the Toi and Companion group.

A small dog, square in shape, body length should be equal to the height at the withers. The baby's height is 20-27 cm. Weight can range from 1.4 kg to 6.0 kg. But on average, the optimal weight is 4 kg. Frail physique.

The head is round and looks disproportionately small compared to the body. The muzzle is short, brachycephalic.

The coat is long and straight, silky to the touch. Has no undercoat. Characteristic feathering forms on the neck, tail and ears.

The tail is wrapped in a ring and inclined to one side. Most dogs are black and white, but tan spots are acceptable.

The paws are “hare” with hair between the toes, this gives the limbs an elongated shape.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Japanese Chin shows tongue.


The dog, which has served as decoration since time immemorial, is very attached to humans. Doesn't tolerate loneliness well. From lack of attention, she can withdraw into herself and become nervous and capricious. Little ones who are averse to leadership. Punishment of chins is unacceptable; the maximum that can be done is to imitate the behavior of the mother and shake him by the withers. An affectionate little one with a soft, easy-going character, well suited as a first dog. This is the only dog ​​that washes itself with its paw, like a cat. She loves to lie on the high backs of the sofa.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Photo of Japanese Chin.

Content Features

Due to the lack of undercoat, the dog hardly sheds. But grooming should be daily. Brushing with a single-row comb will protect your pet from tangles. Wash only when necessary.

The dog's eyes and nasal folds require special care. Without proper attention, the bulging eyes begin to fester and the muzzle begins to ooze bad smell. It's good to clean your ears cotton swab with peroxide and ventilate from time to time. To do this, you just need to wrap your ears for a few minutes. Nails are trimmed once or twice a month, or as needed. The Japanese Chin makes an ideal companion for older people. He does not require active walks and will be happy to accompany you on leisurely walks. Not recommended for families with children under 4 years old. Not because a dog can bite a baby, but quite the opposite. A child through negligence can cause serious injuries to a baby.

Young Japanese Chin.

Japanese Chin girl with puppies.

Japanese Chin champion.


On average, Japanese Chins live 10-12 years. But they are not distinguished by enviable health. They have all the diseases decorative dogs and breeds with brachycephalic appearance.

  • Susceptibility to heat stroke;
  • Cataract;
  • Turn of the century;
  • Retinal atrophy;
  • Dislocated knee;
  • Possible heart problems.

To reduce the risk of a dog getting sick, a puppy should be purchased only from proven and reliable nurseries. A responsible breeder will never breed a genetically problematic dog.

It is an indisputable fact that the Japanese Chin is one of the oldest dog breeds, but versions of its origin are still being discussed. According to one of them, the breed is truly Japanese, another claims that chins were brought to the Country rising sun from neighboring states of South Asia, but the routes by which they got there are not precisely known. There is a legend that a pair of dogs similar to the Japanese chin were presented as a gift to the Japanese Emperor Semu by the ruler of one of the Korean states of Silla in 732. It is also possible that these dogs settled in the Japanese imperial court back in the 6th-7th centuries. The earliest estimated date for the appearance of chins in Japan is the 3rd century, and exporting countries in in this case think India and China.

IN Lately Historians in the field of cynology are inclined to believe that the Japanese Chin is one of the many breeds that belong to the so-called “toy” dogs of China, which trace their ancestry to Tibetan dogs. Among them, in addition to the Chin, they also include the Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Pekingese, Pug, and Tibetan Spaniel, which, by the way, has nothing in common with the hunting spaniel. All these animals are distinguished large head, large eyes, short neck, wide chest, thick coat - features that indicate their adaptability to the highland climate. The version of the family ties connecting these dogs is confirmed by recent genetic studies. Graceful miniature dogs bred for centuries, living in Buddhist monasteries and imperial courts. It is known that the religious and secular elites of Tibet, China, Korea, and Japan exchanged their pets and presented them to each other as gifts.

The first written sources describing the Japanese chin date back to the 12th century. Like their relatives, they were considered sacred and were adored by their owners - crowned persons and representatives of the aristocracy. Legends were written about chins, their images decorated temples and luxurious porcelain vases, and craftsmen working with wood, ivory, and bronze embodied the image of these miniature animals when creating elegant figurines. Purposeful work on breeding this breed began in Japan in the 14th century; information was entered into stud books and kept in the strictest confidence. It is known that the most valued miniature pets, easily fit on small sofa cushions, in the sleeves of the kimono of noble ladies, they were even placed in hanging cages, like birds. In the 17th century, the families of the daimyo, the samurai elite, chose the hin as their mascot. Commoners were prohibited from keeping Japanese chins, and their theft was considered a crime against the state and was punishable by death.

The origin of the breed's name is also controversial. It is believed that the word “hin” comes from the Chinese almost consonant word meaning “dog”. According to another version, it comes from the Japanese “hii”, meaning “treasure”, “jewel”, which, by the way, was quite consistent with its status in monetary terms.

According to some data, although not fully clarified, the first Japanese chins were brought to Europe in 1613 by Portuguese sailors. One of the dogs, or a couple, ended up at the court of the English King Charles II, where they became the favorites of his wife Catherine of Braganza. Perhaps at the same time representatives of this breed appeared in Spain. More reliable information indicates that Japanese chins appeared in Europe and the New World thanks to US Navy Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry, who led an expedition to Japan in 1853 to establish trade relations. He delivered five of the chins presented to him as a gift by the Japanese Emperor to his homeland, and one pair was presented to Queen Victoria of England.

The development of trade between Japan and European countries, which began in the middle of the last century, opened up the possibility of exporting chins to the continent, and systematic breeding of the breed began in many countries. In Europe, Japanese Chins quickly gained popularity as companion dogs and became favorites of queens, empresses and ladies of high society. They inherited the tradition of the Japanese elite and presented their pets to each other as gifts. The Chins prospered at the courts of all the royal families of Europe. The most famous lover of these dogs was the wife of the English monarch Edward VII, Queen Alexandra, who never parted with her many favorites. Members of the family of Emperor Nicholas II also adored their little pets. By the way, the Soviet elite also favored this breed. One of the most famous owners of the pampered Japanese Chin was the stern Marshal Georgy Zhukov.

The breed was first shown at an exhibition in Birmingham in 1873. Here the chin appeared under the name “Japanese spaniel”. In the USA, this name was retained for dogs until 1977. The American Kennel Club recognized this breed under this name back in 1888, and it is one of the earliest registered by this organization.

In the 20s of the last century, systematic work was carried out to improve the Japanese Chin breed. Before World War II, selection was carried out in several directions. Most major representatives the breeds were called Kobe, the medium-sized breeds were called Yamato, and the almost dwarf breeds were called Edo. The appearance of modern Chins contains features of all three types of dogs.

The FCI recognized the Japanese Chin as a distinct breed in 1957, classifying it as a toy and companion dog.

In the Soviet Union, few people knew about the breed until the 80s of the last century, when six chins arrived in Moscow as a gift. Russian diplomats upon completion of their service in Japan. With the help of these dogs, Russian chin enthusiasts set to work to improve the health and improvement of the breed. Today, in many nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Japanese chins are bred, whose ancestors were these six souvenir animals.

Video: Japanese Chin

Appearance of the Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is distinguished by its tiny size and delicate constitution, and the more miniature the dog is within the standard, the higher it is valued. These graceful dogs have a square format, determined by the equivalence of the height at the withers, which should not exceed 28 cm, and the length of the body. For females, some elongation of the body is acceptable.


The dog has a short and straight back with solid bones. The loin is wide and rounded. The chest is quite voluminous and deep, the ribs are arched and moderately curved. The stomach is tucked.


The skull has a wide, rounded shape, the transition line from the forehead to the muzzle is sharp, and the stop itself is deep and depressed. On the short, upturned muzzle, just above the upper lip, “pads” are clearly visible. The nose is located in line with the eyes. Its color can be black or match the color of the color spots. Wide, open vertical nostrils facing forward.

Teeth and jaws

Teeth should be white and strong. Often there are partial teeth and absence of lower incisors, which, however, according to the standard, is not included in the register of defects of the breed. An overbite is preferred, but an underbite and a scissor bite are also acceptable. Wide short jaws are pushed forward.


The Japanese Chin's round, black, shiny eyes are set wide apart. They should be expressive and large, but not huge and too convex. Dogs belonging to purely Japanese selection lines are characterized by an astonished expression on their faces. This cute feature is manifested thanks to the animal’s slanted, unfocused gaze, which is why the whites in the corners of its eyes are clearly visible.


The triangular ears are set wide and covered with long hair. The ears hang down, leaning forward, but if the dog is alarmed by something, they rise slightly. The ear material should be light, thin, and not heavy, like a spaniel's.


The short neck of the Japanese Chin is characterized by a high carriage.


The forearms of the forelimbs are straight and fine-boned. The area below the elbow, behind, is covered with flowing fur. For the front limbs, we can allow markings, which gives the Japanese a reason to compare the dog with a person shod in geta - traditional shoes made of wood. Angles are visible on the hind limbs, but they are moderately expressed. Rear end The thighs are covered with long hair.

Small paws have an elongated oval, hare-shaped shape. The fingers are tightly clenched. It is desirable that there are fluffy tassels between them.


The hin moves elegantly, easily, proudly, measuredly, raising its paws high.


The tail, curled in a ring, is thrown back. It is covered with spectacular long fur, flowing and fanning out.


The Japanese Chin has a silky, straight, long hair, flowing with a lush cloak. The dog has practically no undercoat. On the ears, tail, hips and especially on the neck, hair grows more abundantly than on other parts of the body.


The breed is characterized by a spotted black and white color or white with red spots. The second option implies any shades and intensity of red color for spots, for example, lemon, fawn, chocolate. It is not advisable to breed Japanese Chins with dark chocolate spots, as they often give birth to sick and even dead puppies.

The spots should be symmetrically distributed around the eyes, cover the ears and preferably the entire body, along which they can be located randomly or balanced. The latter option is more preferable, as is the presence of clear boundaries of the spots. It is very desirable to have such a detail as a white mark, which should run from the bridge of the nose to the forehead; there may be a small black spot on it, called the “Buddha finger”.

Defects and vices of the breed

  • Humpbacked or depressed back.
  • Dogs with black and white coats have a nose that is not black.
  • Curvature of the lower jaw, underbite.
  • Total white color with no spots, one spot on the face.
  • Painful fragility.
  • Shy behavior, excessive fearfulness.

Photo of Japanese Chin

Personality of the Japanese Chin

Japanese Chins are distinguished by their intelligence, intelligence, and balance. They are agile, but not fussy, unexpectedly courageous, and in case of danger for themselves or their owners, their courage can develop into recklessness. The dog never retreats in front of the enemy, but since it cannot enter into battle due to its size, it spits, screams or hisses like a cat. By the way, its similarity with a cat also lies in the ability to meow, climb high surfaces, finding itself in the most unexpected places, and retire by finding a secluded corner. Chins are proud and unobtrusive - if their owners are busy, they will not bother you, but will simply wait delicately until they pay attention.

These dogs are characterized by exceptional cleanliness. They are always ready to be washed and are able to take care of their fur on their own. If a couple of pets live in the house, they will happily lick each other's faces and clean their paws. Chins are completely harmless - they do not damage furniture, do not chew cords and shoes, do not create much noise, and they do not bark often.

Japanese Chins are incredibly proud and love to be admired. But they don’t like familiarity, and they are wary of strangers, not allowing themselves to be touched. When surrounded by family, these dogs show love and friendliness, while choosing a favorite that they idolize. They treat other animals, including cats, kindly and are not afraid of large dogs. Chins get along well with children, but it is not recommended to keep them in a family where the baby is growing up: a child, through negligence, can injure the animal.

Moderate activity and balanced temperament allow the Japanese Chin to feel comfortable in any family. With owners who prefer an active lifestyle, he will happily go for a long walk or jog, go swimming, and with homebodies or elderly people he will share a place on the sofa, burying himself in a pile of plush pillows. Unobtrusive and delicate, hin - great companion and for people prone to loneliness. However, all owners should keep in mind that these gentle dogs must know that they are truly loved, otherwise they will feel completely miserable.

Hins love to travel and recognize any means of transportation, be it a car, a motor boat, or an airplane. A bicycle basket will also suit them quite well.

Raising and training the Japanese Chin

Despite its small size, the Japanese Chin, like any other dog, needs training and education. Pets easily learn commands, and if desired, they can be taught to perform various funny tricks.

During training, it is unacceptable to raise your voice at the dog and, especially, to use physical punishment. It is advisable not to roughly touch the animal’s face and tail during the training process. You should also not make sudden movements - this can disorient him and even provoke aggression. It is better to conduct classes in the form of a game, and you should not be overzealous with repeating the same command; let the hin perform it five or six times during the lesson - that will be enough.

It has been noticed that among Japanese Chins there are very few pets that dog lovers call food eaters because they learn with the help of rewarding treats. But praising the dog, gently calling it affectionate names, necessary - this will only contribute to her fully demonstrating her intelligence.

Caring for a clean and unpretentious chin is absolutely simple. It is advisable, of course, to take him for a walk three times a day, but it is permissible to limit himself to one walk, having accustomed the dog to a home litter box. In bad weather, you can walk with your dog, holding it in your arms, or dress your pet in a waterproof overall. During hot weather, it is advisable to walk your dog in the shade, as overheating may cause the dog to suffocate. For walks with your chin, choose not a collar, but a chest harness - a kind of harness, since its neck is quite delicate. Please note that these dogs, without a leash, can easily climb the first height they come across, for example a children's slide, so you need to make sure that the little pet does not fall and injure itself.

Caring for the coat of the Japanese Chin is also not difficult. He does not need model hairstyles, and the haircut is only hygienic, requiring only the removal of overgrown hairs. It would be good to brush your pet daily; in any case, this procedure should be performed at least twice a week, accustoming the dog to it from puppyhood.

As an alternative to bathing, you can use a dry method of cleaning the animal's fur using a special powder. Some owners use talc or baby powder for this procedure. The product should be carefully rubbed into the pet’s fur, making sure that some of it gets on his skin. After powdering, thoroughly comb the animal's fur until the powder disappears completely. This method allows you to effectively clean the coat of dirt and dead hair.

The claws of Japanese Chins grow very quickly, while they bend and split, which causes discomfort to the dog. They should be trimmed using a nail clipper as they grow, usually at least once a month. For this cosmetic procedure the dog will be especially grateful to the owner.

The diet of chins should be high in calories. These dogs don’t eat much, but they move very actively, even when living in an apartment. The diet should include foods containing sufficient amounts of protein and calcium. Preferred for animals of this breed following products that need to be alternated: turkey, chicken, lean beef, boiled liver, tripe, kidneys, sea ​​fish(no more than once a week), boiled yolk(two to three times a week). Periodically you need to give rice, boiled vegetables, raw pitted fruits.

The finished food must be premium or holistic.

It is important not to overfeed your chin, because it quickly gains excess weight, and this negatively affects its health.

It is advisable that the gentle Japanese Chin be periodically examined by a veterinarian for preventative purposes. For older animals, veterinary examinations are recommended regularly.

Health and Diseases of the Japanese Chin

Japanese Chins, despite their subtlety, cannot be called sickly dogs, and the main ailments that are characteristic of these animals are characteristic of most all small dog breeds. However, there are a number of diseases associated specifically with breed predisposition and heredity, and this is not an accident.

The original, bright features of the appearance of chins have been formed since time immemorial, appearing unexpectedly and attracting ancient breeders of South Asia and Far East. Dogs with a distinctive appearance were used for breeding, but their expressive external features were associated with nothing more than mutations that gradually changed the gene code of the breed. The cute “highlights” of the appearance of Japanese Chins were confidently passed down from generation to generation, and today they are captured in the breed standard. However, being not harmless in their biological basis, they can be the source of serious diseases. Fortunately, not every dog ​​inherits abnormal genes.

Among Japanese Chins, as well as among their fellow tribesmen with a flat muzzle, that is, shortened facial bones of the skull, brachycephalic syndrome is widespread - a change in the structure of the upper respiratory tract, leading to disruption of their work. Even at a comfortable air temperature, these babies have difficulty breathing, and in hot and cold weather it is especially difficult for them to breathe. In hot weather, they may suffer from heatstroke.

Japanese Chin puppies sometimes develop hydrops of the brain in the first weeks of life, which in some cases can lead to fatal consequences. To rare, but possible diseases GM2 gangliosidosis is a hereditary defect that catastrophically disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system.

Another possible genetic abnormality is distichiasis, which manifests itself in the formation of an additional row of eyelashes, which leads to irritation of the mucous membrane eyeball and can cause persistent lacrimation, strabismus, erosion and corneal ulceration. Other eye diseases include cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, and entropion.

Functional disorders endocrine system in combination with the specifics of genetics, the Japanese Chin manifests itself in a misaligned jaw, multi-teeth or false polyodontia, which occurs due to delayed loss of milk teeth. Failure of the dental system, in turn, leads to dysfunction of the digestive system.

Among the inherent small breeds dogs have defects that are also characteristic of the Japanese Chin - underdevelopment of the reproductive system, as well as disruption of the musculoskeletal system, which manifests itself in frequent dislocations kneecap and necrosis of the head femur. Excessive curvature of the tail can cause suffering to dogs.

It is worth considering that after 8 years, when bitches reach the end of their childbearing years, they begin to age, lose teeth, and often experience exacerbations of chronic ailments. From the age of 10, Chins often have hearing problems.

You need to know about one more feature of the breed - these dogs tolerate anesthesia very poorly.

How to choose a puppy

Whatever kind of Japanese Chin puppy you decide to buy - a show-class dog or just a pet, it is important, first of all, to choose a seller. This can be a reliable, responsible breeder, and ideally, the owner of a breeding nursery that has a good reputation and a documented history of breeding the breed in this particular nursery. Professionals in their field will always select exactly the puppy you dream of, issue documents confirming that he is healthy, a certificate of pedigree, and characteristics of his potential breeding qualities.

First, make sure that the puppies are kept in a clean room and observe them. Check to see if all puppies from the same litter look healthy, are active, and are well fed. Examine the baby that you like the most from head to tail. Make sure that his ears are clean, without redness, his eyes are clear and playful, his gums are pink, his teeth are white, his fur is silky and shiny. Suspicion should be raised by any sign of underbite or overbite.

Take a closer look at the Chin you like at the moment when he plays. Such observation will help to notice whether he has any conspicuous defects: “cow” posture hind limbs, their instability, excessively lowered sternum. These shortcomings are rarely leveled out with age.

It is very important to make sure that the parents of your potential pet do not have diseases, and also to clarify whether the bitch was ill during pregnancy, since in this case the puppies may develop pathologies, including dangerous disease like hydrocephalus. You also need to take a closer look at the puppy’s mother, and if you choose a Japanese Chin with show prospects, it is advisable to see both parents.

Photos of Japanese Chin puppies

How much does a Japanese chin cost?

You can buy a Japanese Chin “from hand” for an amount from 4,500 to 10,000 rubles. But in this case, you run the risk of acquiring a pet whose purity will be in question. The baby may turn out to be a mixed race. In the best case, one of his parents will be a Pekingese, which unscrupulous breeders often breed with the more expensive Chin.

In kennels, pet class puppies cost from 10,000 rubles, babies of the most popular breeding class cost from 15,000 rubles. Show-class dogs with exhibition prospects cost at least 25,000 rubles. The best of them can be sold for an amount exceeding 60,000 rubles.

Prices in different nurseries vary and depend on their location, the reputation of the owners, and the breeding stock.

There is another version - such dogs were part of the tribute that China paid to Japan back in the eighth century BC. By the way, it will be said that the epic Seim assures that in 732 AD. e. Emperor Shiravi, as a sign of special favor and friendship, presented to another Japanese emperor several dogs, which were supposedly the ancestor of the chin.

There is no opinion about the origin of the name of the breed. For example, dog handler Phos suggests that the word “khin” is related to “hiy” or “jin,” which means “jewel.” Japanese citizens call these animals "makuarar-zem", which means "couch or chewing dog." By the way, only chins have the habit of chewing their food thoroughly. These little creatures with cosmic eyes are very popular in Japan.

They are endlessly adored here, even considered sacred messengers of the gods. Only members of the emperor's family and local aristocrats could be the owners of such dogs. At the same time, Japanese Chins were bred in nurseries (imperial or temple). These cute dogs were kept in the strictest confidence, and special doctors monitored their health. At that time, noble ladies wore the smallest khinchiks in bamboo cages, which were suspended from the wide sleeves of the kimono. This “decoration” complemented the exotic outfit.

Sometimes, as a sign of recognition, these dogs were given by the emperor to soldiers to reward them for good service.

Character of space dogs

Japanese Chins have a balanced character. These dogs will never disturb their owners with their barking. If someone rings the doorbell, the hin will bark once and immediately fall silent. These dogs do not bark hysterically. Due to the fact that Japanese Chins have a noble origin, they cannot “lose face.” These cute dogs are very smart, affectionate and proud.

In the East, it was believed that Japanese chins protected the families of emperors from troubles and illnesses, creating an atmosphere of happiness in the house. These dogs also reigned in temples to ward off evil spirits and other evil spirits.

Dog health

Japanese Chins are not predisposed to any specific diseases, which are inherent in this breed. Such dogs, if they are healthy, do not have breathing problems, rarely suffer from heart disease, except perhaps in old age, but during such a period everyone gets sick, regardless of species and origin. Don't let their snoring and wheezing cause you concern - these are completely normal phenomena. If these problems begin to progress, then you need to consult a veterinarian.

IN winter time These dogs don't need any clothing. Japanese Chins can tolerate hot periods well, but care must be taken to ensure that due to their thick coat there is no heat stroke.

Since such dogs do not have a particularly large, fairly proportional head and correct physique, they give birth without any problems, even among small representatives of the breed. The only thing that can happen to Japanese Chins is eye injuries. Of course, their eyes are very beautiful, they are a kind of “highlight”, “ business card" However, they need to be given as much attention as possible.

Dog care

Every year the Japanese Chin dog breed is becoming more and more popular; excellent health and simple care occupy an important place among the reasons for this phenomenon.

This is the only long-haired breed that requires minimal grooming. Chins do not have an undercoat, so during shedding there are no big problems with cleaning. You won't see any rips on your sofas or carpets.

Thanks to the unique structure of the wool, dirt does not linger on it. If you go out with your pet for a walk in slushy weather and he gets dirty, then don’t worry, he will soon look the same as before. It is necessary for the animal to dry, then there will be no dirty marks left on it. You should not constantly brush your dog, because its hair does not mat. "Why?" - you ask. Again, due to the lack of undercoat. How many times a week should you brush your dog? Once will be enough. For the Japanese Chin to look perfect, it does not need any trimmings, haircuts or curlers.

Every day or every other day you need to wipe your pet’s eyes and brush his teeth. You shouldn't bathe often; about once every three months will be enough. Experts recommend washing these dogs as needed. In some cases, it is better to use dry shampoo. The water temperature should be no more than 35 degrees. If you want, you can use creams to add shine. It is better to dry the wool after bathing with a hairdryer with cold air.

How often should you trim your nails? Once a week will be enough. During this period, the claws will not have time to grow enough to cause discomfort to your animal.

It is also worth trimming the fur between the pads when it becomes too long.

Such a dog can be litter trained in the same way as a cat. Then the number of walks can be reduced. Although it is advisable to go outside with your pet at least once a day to breathe fresh air. The dog does not need long walks and great physical activity.


The Japanese Chin breed is suitable for keeping by any person and for all living conditions. Such a dog will live perfectly both in an apartment and in a house. Of course, he should not be put on a chain or in an enclosure.

Such a pet will not cause any trouble, because his character is calm, quiet, and he also has good manners. If you train your Chin correctly, he will make a wonderful little watchdog. pet? Of course, in the room with the owners, lay him a bedding or put a sleeping bag there.

You need to be careful when choosing a puppy. Of course, all babies are beautiful. Before you go to choose a pet for yourself, decide what you are getting it for - for the soul, breeding or for an exhibition career. If you are not interested in titles, then you can buy a puppy from your own hands. It is worth seeing the environment in which the children live with their mother. It should be clean there. When choosing an animal, pay attention to the ears and eyes. They must be clean and not sour. Japanese Chin puppies are sold both in clubs and at pet markets. It is still advisable to purchase animals from breeders. Then you can get an authentic Japanese Chin. Puppies, as a rule, quickly adapt to a new home and do not cause any inconvenience to their owners.

Pros and cons of the breed

First, let's list the advantages.

  1. Japanese Chins are quite compact.
  2. They are clean.
  3. There is no odor of its own, even from wet wool it does not give off anything.
  4. The coat does not require special care.
  5. Non-allergenic breed.
  6. Can be easily trained to the tray.
  7. Japanese Chins are highly intelligent.
  8. Affectionate and very loyal.
  9. They get along well with other animals.
  10. The eyes do not “fall out”.
  11. They practically do not make any sounds.
  12. Not imposed by society.
  13. Doctor dog. In Japan, it is believed that stroking this animal calms and harmonizes the human biofield.
  14. Spectacular appearance. Japanese Chins look the same both at an exhibition and at home. There are breeds that need to have their papillons curled.
  15. The coat cleans itself (dirt falls off), so these dogs always look neat.
  16. You don't have to go for a walk every day.
  17. The dog's habits are similar to those of cats.

Disadvantages of this breed

  1. Needs to be combed. During molting, you need to do this more often.
  2. They can tolerate the heat, but during this period it is necessary to trim the fur on the tummy or moisten it with water.
  3. When the temperature on the thermometer is below 15, it is necessary to reduce the walking time, since the undercoat of Japanese Chins is poorly developed.
  4. You need to be very careful with the eyes of these dogs. Since they are large, debris and dust can get into them.
  5. Some representatives of the breed sniffle.
  6. A little picky about food. If several animals live in the house, then this problem, as a rule, does not arise.
  7. Jealous and touchy dogs.

A little conclusion

Now you know who the Japanese Chin is, the reviews from the owners are only positive. How can this cute animal cause negative exclamations?! Of course not. Japanese Chin dog will become good true friend for the whole family. These cute dogs will be wonderful companions for travelers, because they are small in size.

Despite the fact that the Japanese Chin appeared in our country recently, it is considered one of the most ancient dogs, and the dogs immediately found their admirers. Externally, Japanese Chins resemble Pekingese, but they also have significant differences. What is known about these cute little dogs and what should future owners prepare for?

Studying the oldest breeds is a difficult task, and researchers are not always able to figure out all the nuances of the origin of dogs. The same thing happened with Japanese chins. There are suggestions that they came to Japan in the 3rd century AD along with monks from Tibet. Most likely, they were presented as a gift to the emperor of the country, thus the imperial court became their place of residence. Back then, puppies of this breed were given exclusively to important, noble guests. In addition, they were kept in temples. There was a belief that quinines were able to ward off evil spirits.

Even then, dogs had an amazing appearance, and it was believed that they were the result of crossing dogs with other creatures. But geneticists managed to find out that spaniels were used to create this breed. For hundreds of centuries, no one really knew about the existence of this breed of dog. Their penetration into the countries of Europe and America occurred only in 1853.

Description of the Japanese Chin breed

The first thing that comes to mind when you see these funny creatures is how cool they are! You have to fight the irresistible desire to embrace the animal and squeeze it. But the owners hasten to assure that the chin is not so simple and will not allow such an attitude. Yes, the dog has long been a favorite of emperors and their entourage, however, he has protective and protective qualities in his blood. This is a decorative breed, but the dog will be able to fend for itself and its household.

As for appearance, what immediately attracts attention is the long, luxurious coat of the Chin. It does not have a dense undercoat and is especially lengthened in the area of ​​the tail, head and ears. But the tip of the dog’s muzzle is practically hairless.

Maximum height Japanese chins are 25 cm, and weight depends on the category, the first includes tiny individuals weighing from 2 to 4 kg, the second includes larger dogs, whose weight can reach 8 kg. According to standard data, representatives of the breed must meet the following description:

In general, Japanese Chins have an amazing appearance, the features of which appear already in puppyhood.

Colors of the breed

There are two colors of dogs of this breed:

According to the standard, there must be spots around the eyes, ears, it is also desirable that they be on the body. The advantage is the notch white, located in the center of the bridge of the nose and on the top of the head.

Personality of the Japanese Chin

It is not for nothing that the Japanese Chin is considered the best companion dog, because almost every individual of this breed has a set of qualities that are wonderful for these purposes. They honed their skills for many centuries, living in noble families. Chins are distinguished by extreme affection for their family. They can be called real suckers, and the dogs do not become attached to only one person. Such a pet is always open to new acquaintances, but at the first meeting he is suspicious of strangers.

For small decorative dogs, early socialization is an important component, otherwise the puppy will become shy and it will be difficult to tolerate new acquaintances. Chinchines are kind, affectionate and excellent as a pet for an elderly person. But in a family with children, difficulties are possible, since the Chin does not like careless attitude, rudeness. Also, such a dog does not like noise, screams and may show dissatisfaction.

When purchasing such a pet, future owners should take into account that it needs to communicate with people, and prolonged loneliness can cause depression. The Japanese Chin is a great option for beginners as it is not tough or demanding. Some habits make these dogs look like cats. For example, they are able to climb almost any furniture, like to clean themselves for a long time and thoroughly, and rarely speak out.

Pets are moderately playful, happy to be near the family, even if each of them minds their own business. They love to accompany their owner everywhere. And if most decorative breeds are quite noisy, then chins are an exception. Whatever happens, they will silently watch.

Chins rarely exhibit the dominant quality, so they get along well with other pets. This is one of the breeds, representatives of which can be kept several individuals at a time, and the gender is absolutely unimportant. But keep them together with large dogs not recommended, however, quinines react painfully to roughness. As for cats, a Japanese Chin that has been socialized will respond favorably to them. Otherwise, it may drive, but it won’t cause serious damage.

The liveliness and activity of chins is touching, but they cannot be called overly energetic. Yes, they need to be taken out for walks every day, where they run around with pleasure, but this is quite enough for pets. Therefore, families that do not have a particularly active lifestyle can safely purchase a puppy of this breed. Among the Chins, there are often real lazy people who can bask and lie down for days, and are reluctant to go for walks, especially in bad weather. But in any case, you should definitely drive them.

Features of education and training

It is imperative to prepare for the arrival of a small pet. First of all, you should determine a place for it and buy or build a special lounger. Subsequently, the dog will consider this territory his own; here he will rest and hide from the hustle and bustle. You will also need to purchase two bowls - one for food, the other for water, a collar, a leash, accessories for games and a tray in which the puppy will relieve himself until he has received all his vaccinations.

It is important to remove all wires from the floor, place things and shoes in a locker, otherwise the puppy, not yet knowing the rules of behavior, may damage property. Although chins do not require strict training, the owner must determine the hierarchy - his own and the pet's. Only after realizing that the owner is one step higher will the pet completely obey.

When raising a child, it is important to use both encouragement and punishment. In the latter case, it is enough to raise your voice a little or spank, for example, with a rolled up newspaper, but strong physical impact is not recommended. Raising a Chin is not difficult; it is enough to accompany your own actions with words or phrases. For example, say “eat” when inviting your pet to eat, “wash paws” before this procedure, “not allowed” if the dog does something forbidden, etc.

You can't call the Japanese Chin the most smart dog, in this regard they are somewhere in the middle of the list. However, their intellectual abilities are quite enough to carry out commands, the main thing is that the owner is not lazy and regularly works with the pet. You can exercise at home, devoting 7-10 minutes daily, this will be enough for the dog to become obedient and well-mannered.

To make the process easier, you should work with the dog in a comfortable environment, using your favorite treat and only in a good mood for both participants. Also, when training a Japanese Chin, constant reinforcement of the material is required, otherwise the dog may quickly forget the acquired skills. Chins are excellent tricksters and are able to amaze with their intelligence, naturally, if you approach the issue seriously and take into account their characteristics.

How to care for a Japanese Chin

Representatives of this breed require special care, although this becomes clear at the first glance at the dogs. And first of all, you will have to take care of their coat. Chines are brushed regularly, using a furminator only as necessary - during seasonal shedding periods. Their fur is not prone to tangling, so it is quite easy to deal with.

Photo of Japanese Chin

Video about Japanese Chin

How much does a Japanese Chin puppy cost?

If, after studying the information and deciding for yourself that the Japanese Chin is what you need, you should check out the prices:

  • The starting cost of a Japanese Chin puppy is 10,000 rubles. This is exactly how much you can buy a pet for secondhand. But in this case, there is a risk of buying not a purebred puppy, but a mixed breed, since Chins are often bred with representatives of another eastern breed - Pekingese. And that's the best case scenario.
  • In nurseries, the cost of puppies will be higher - on average, 25,000-30,000 rubles. But here you don’t have to worry about the purity of the breed, the kids will have all the vaccinations and documents.

The Japanese Chin is a dog that lives with equal dignity in an imperial palace and an ordinary apartment. He knows how to inspire respect and at the same time be very affectionate and flexible. Able to empathize and feel the mood of the owners. Such a pet needs respect and constant attention, so if you don’t have time for a dog, it’s better to choose a puppy of a different breed.

Japanese Chin nurseries

  • Moscow https://www.imperiumauri.ru/
  • St. Petersburg http://parrima-arih.ru/