How to teach a dog your own and foe commands. How to teach a dog to bark at strangers. If the dog is not aggressive

" It is the same. However, experts know that the first command is an intermediate link between preparing and teaching the dog to attack and actively defend. So, let's see how to teach a dog a stranger's command.

In fact, upon hearing the command “stranger,” the dog should under no circumstances rush at the newcomer. It is enough that he becomes wary, growls or starts barking loudly. That is, this task does not encourage the dog to active action, but is only a signal to show caution - the pet must be prepared for any outcome.

The dog should master this skill no earlier than he has mastered a set of basic commands - “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, etc. Moreover, he can begin training if he completes the remaining tasks the first time, obeying unquestioningly. Serious training should take place no earlier than six months, since the early development of malice or aggressive behavior can cause the dog to become nervous and intimidated.

Is it necessary to master the “alien” command?

This command is not always required, and the owner must first weigh everything: whether the pet needs to develop aggression, and whether the owner himself has enough strength and influence to control its manifestations.

Incorrect training, especially when it comes to dogs with an unbalanced psyche, can lead to the animal growing up angry and uncontrollable. Experienced breeders and dog handlers note a number of features:

  • Large service dogs, and without additional training, they rush to the owner’s defense if a dangerous situation arises, especially if their relationship is based on friendship and trust.
  • Dog owners ornamental breeds will not receive any benefit from teaching such a command. It is unlikely that a tiny Chihuahua or lapdog will cause fear in anyone, even if they bark furiously.
  • If improperly trained, a dog can show hostility towards its owner or family members; naturally, such an animal is very dangerous.

Among positive points It can be noted that the pet will not caress and trust everyone passing by or entering its territory.

Training scheme

It is worth immediately taking into account that it will not be possible to train a pet alone - you will need helpers, and not close ones or relatives. Ideally, such training is best done with the assistance of an experienced instructor. A professional will be able to immediately assess whether the dog is suitable for learning such skills.

Another important nuance - if the owners know from the first days that their pet will master such serious commands, then from the first days it is recommended to protect it from contact with strangers. That is, it is forbidden for strangers to play and stroke the baby. People coming to the house are warned not to show increased attention to the pet. Already in this case, you can pull the puppy by the leash and say the command “stranger”.

When the dog has grown up, become stronger, and mastered basic skills, you can begin specific training - distrust, anger towards strangers. It is necessary to find several assistants and provide them with a special protective kit. Like other training, training is carried out in a quiet, familiar place, without any distractions. This process includes the following steps:

  • The dog must be restrained with short leash(see).
  • The assistant must approach the person with the dog and show aggression towards them - swing his hand or stick, but at the same time he must show with all his appearance that he is afraid of the dog.
  • Without letting the dog off the leash, the person gives the command “stranger”, using intonation that warns of the existing threat.
  • Any hostile reaction - the dog growls, barks, grins, tries to attack a stranger - is encouraged, but the command must first be repeated.

Then you need to take a break so that the dog calms down, rests and comes to his senses, and then repeat the procedure. It is not recommended to overload the dog - two or three approaches per session are enough.

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What if the dog doesn't want to show aggression?

Quite often, owners are faced with the fact that their pet does not show aggression towards a stranger. But in this case, you should not immediately retreat and use more active methods:

  • the assistant does not wave his hands, but tries to attack the owner;
  • he tries to take away from the owner a treat intended for the pet;
  • “attacking”, the helper lightly hits the dog, not to cause bodily harm, but to provoke aggression.

Dog handlers warn that excessive use of physical violence can have the opposite effect - the dog will become not angry, but cowardly. The assistant is required to have an attentive and careful approach - he must observe the dog’s behavior and, if necessary, stop training. This is done so that the person does not suppress the dog - in this “fight” the animal must always win!

Encouragement is important - for the expected reaction the dog is petted, words of praise are spoken, and a treat is given. But it is advisable not to overdo it with the last point. You can also reinforce the result when walking - the command is pronounced if the pet begins to growl or grin at a passerby. During walks, you can also provoke the dog - ask the assistant to quietly approach the dog when he is not expecting it, and pat him, for example, on the rump. The owner gives the command at this moment.

With the right approach, after some time, the dog develops the necessary reaction - he shows distrust of strangers and does not feel fear when they swing at him.

Teaching your pet the “stranger” command is an event that requires a serious approach. If the owner is not ready for consistent work while observing a number of rules, then there is no point in starting. After all, it is not difficult to harm a puppy’s psyche, but it is not possible to correct the situation in certain situations. No confidence in your own abilities? Then it is better to contact an experienced dog handler.

Team "Alien!" necessary for any dog, first of all, to ensure its own safety. The fact is that many dogs are naturally very trusting and do not understand that strangers can harm them: take them away from their owner, poison them, scare them, or hit them.

Some dog breeders do not see a significant difference between the “Alien!” commands. and “Fass!” In fact, the two teams are very different. the dog shows obvious aggression, it rushes at the person, bites him and makes a grab.

Team "Alien!" gives a signal that in front of her or somewhere nearby there is a stranger from whom bad actions can be expected. This command seems to warn the dog of danger. Some dogs are taught to vocalize at this command, others may simply growl, and others, on the contrary, must silently study the situation.

The dog's reaction to the command “Stranger!” depends on the wishes of the owner. But still, you should not train a dog so that on this command it will rush at a person. At the command “Alien!” The dog must protect not only the owner and his property, but also himself. This is especially important for those dogs that readily make contact with strangers and by doing so they expose themselves to danger.

Before training begins, the dog should already understand commands such as “Ugh!” and “Come to me!” It is advisable to teach puppies and young dogs, because when the dog is already an adult, it is difficult to change its stereotypes and attitude towards strangers. For training you will need:

  • assistant;
  • stick or rod;

Algorithm for teaching a dog the command “Alien!”

Tie your dog or keep it on a leash.

  1. Ask your assistant to approach you, waving his hand with the stick in it.
  2. When an assistant appears in the field of view, begin repeating the command “Alien!” in a curt tone. At the same time, direct the dog’s attention to the stranger.
  3. The helper should approach you and behave aggressively, swing a stick at the dog and its owner, speak loudly and perform other actions in which ill will is clearly visible.
  4. Repeat the command “Alien!”. If the dog begins to growl and vocalize, reward it with petting and praise. It is better not to give treats in this case, since in such an environment it will relax and distract the dog, not to mention the fact that it may choke. Some dogs are not able to eat at all in such a stressful situation.
  5. If a dog sees aggressive person If someone swinging a stick, on the contrary, gets scared, whines and falls on his back or on his paws, then you will have to use another method. He is tougher, but the dog will understand that strangers cannot be trusted. The helper comes from behind and pinches the dog's fold of skin near hind paw.

Do not forget that you need to involve a person unfamiliar to the dog as an assistant. If he is familiar to her, or she sees that you are communicating with him in a friendly manner before the start of training, then she will not understand what is required of her. When training, you should never overdo it and scare the dog too much.

Remember that your task is to teach your dog to be alert, and not to make it afraid of everyone around them. Also the team “Alien!” You will need it when strangers come into your house. The dog should not rush at them with either aggression or affection, so the command “Stranger!” will just develop the correct behavior of the dog.

Ask a stranger to knock loudly on the door, you can even have him make some noise behind the door, while saying the command “Stranger!” When your dog reacts by growling or barking, reward him. The person behind the door should be unfamiliar, remember that dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, she can smell a familiar smell and will happily wag her tail instead of showing aggression.

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Does your pet love everyone equally, welcome any guests, including uninvited ones, and does not understand who is a stranger and who is his own? Is it possible to ensure that he treats strangers differently than he treats his owner? How to teach a dog a stranger’s command and is it difficult to do?

First of all, you need to decide how old your dog is.

From 0 to 10 months - we take care

If he is not even six months old, don’t even think about starting training. During this period you must:

  • take care of the baby,
  • walk with him
  • play,
  • communicate,
  • and also allow him to contact other people.

If a six-month-old puppy loves everyone, this is completely normal. At this age, the animal quickly adapts to the change of pack and family. He easily gets used to his previous owners and easily gets used to new ones. This feature allows the puppy to quickly adapt to new living conditions. For now, it is absolutely pointless to demand a clear understanding of the words “insider - outsider.”

As a rule, most puppies are equally happy with all the people who play with them, communicate with them, walk them, and give them treats. Kindness is inherent in them by nature.

From 11 to 17 months - developing

If your dog is already one year old, this does not mean that he has become an adult. One year old puppy by human standards– a teenager who has not yet formed mentally. He's just beginning to understand the world, of people. During this period, the dog can and should be required to obey and perform various tasks (and others). But it is still too early for him to know that the owner needs to be protected from strangers, that he can show aggression towards them, bark, bite, growl at them.

The puppy should not be afraid of strangers, should not expect any trick or trouble from them. He can simply observe people, analyze their behavior towards each other, towards the owner. This is how he gets the impression of how they behave good people. And when, already in the second year of life, the dog begins to learn, for example, the command “Face!”, the trainer will demonstrate to him how they can behave bad people(attack, swing a stick, shout loudly, wave your arms, etc.) As a result, the dog will understand how to distinguish friend from foe, how the latter can be dangerous and how to treat him.

Some individuals develop hunting instincts by the age of one year, while others do not. Both options are within normal limits and do not need adjustments. Your task: to teach the puppy obedience, instill in him self-confidence, and develop him physically through games and walks.

From 1.5 years - we train

If you want to make a dog angry at strangers, that is, teach it the “Stranger” command and make it bark at strangers on your orders, wait until it is one and a half years old. Workouts in more early age will lead to nothing. If she is already 18 months or more, then she can begin training.

Awakening aggression in little puppy, not yet able to perceive reality adequately, subsequently leads to uncontrollable, strong outbursts of anger that suddenly arise in the animal and can even be directed at the owner.

The purpose of the training is to show the dog how to react to strangers. Successfully practicing the “Stranger” command means teaching your dog to bark at strangers on your orders. If you want your pet to not only bark, but also attack, then you will also have to practice the “Face” command.

So, the dog must understand what is in front of him bad person, which can harm the owner if he does not protect him. The easiest way to do training is at home.

Have someone knock on the door. Most likely, your pet will immediately start barking. If, at the same time as knocking, you say the word “stranger” and then praise the dog for bravely barking at the door, it will understand that after this command it is necessary to bark at the one who is trying to violate the boundaries of its territory. Of course, this will not happen right away and you will need some time to learn.

Then you can go outside. In advance, persuade a person your pet does not know to pretend to attack you while you are walking. The “bandit” should simply run up to you and start swinging something, show aggression, etc. In other words, he will need to provoke the dog to bark. If the owner gives a command before this, the dog will develop the habit of reacting to suspicious passers-by in a certain way.

Of course, the dog must be on a leash at the time of the staged attack. Otherwise, the attacker himself may become a victim. In addition, it is worth making sure that the owner can restrain a struggling dog, which will try with all its might to put the impudent stranger to flight. If you are not confident in your abilities, do not risk your friend's health.

There is another training method that is more suitable for ordinary dog ​​owners who do not have any canine experience. So, we will need an assistant who will have to carefully sneak up behind the dog, grab and slightly pull the fold of skin on the hind legs. The animal will react negatively to such shamelessness. At the same moment, the owner gives the command “Alien”. Risk of assistant being injured in this case minimal (but, nevertheless, it is there, so be as careful as possible).

The “Alien” team is not included in the OKD (general training course), but according to various reasons Many owners think that it will be useful for the dog. Its essence is a manifestation of alertness, barking and growling at a stranger without trying to attack him; in fact, this is not a command that involves specific actions, but putting the dog on high alert and at the same time transferring the stranger from pleasant strangers to the category of potential ill-wishers.

Can all dogs be taught the “Alien” command?

The next logical step after mastering the “Alien” command will be, which is included in the complex of mandatory for guards and service dogs commands Is it worth teaching them to a dog that you keep at home as a pet is a big question.

Here are a few arguments in favor of long-term thinking about whether you need to teach your pet the “Alien” command:

  • dogs of “serious” breeds, guard and service, with proper general obedience training, without additional training, will protect you in case of aggression and will show wariness in situations from a fairly young age. dangerous situations. But the psyche of such a dog is very easy to destroy by inept training of commands for aggression, just wait until the puppy grows up - the childish enthusiasm for strangers will disappear;
  • Dogs of decorative and most hunting breeds are unsuitable for bodyguard work simply due to their size and non-intimidating appearance. Even if such a dog responds perfectly to the “Alien” command, there will be little benefit from this;
  • a side effect of improper training of the “Alien” and “Fas” commands is aggression towards members of the owner’s family and towards himself.

But there is one advantage in mastering this command for an ordinary pet - the unwanted and enthusiastic attitude towards all people in the world will disappear if it is present in an already adult dog.

Team training techniques at the everyday level

In order to raise a real watchdog or guard dog You will definitely need an experienced instructor and several assistants, but you can teach an animal to react warily to strangers on your own:

  1. stop allowing acquaintances and strangers to play with your dog without your permission (and for the first time, in general); while on a walk, you should not allow your pet to approach strangers and make contact with them. All guests visiting you must ignore the animal;
  2. the next stage is the artificial creation of situations that imitate dangers for you and the dog. For this purpose, he is involved as an assistant stranger, who, in a pre-designated place, begins to show aggression towards you: he waves his hand or a stick, approaches threateningly and demonstrates ill will in every possible way. During the exercise, you hold the dog by the collar for tighter contact and say “Stranger” in a voice appropriate to the situation being played out. The key point is to convey through your voice intonation that the situation and the stranger pose a danger to you;
  3. As soon as the dog shows the first signs of aggression - growls or barks, immediately praise it. After several repetitions (their number depends on the breed), the animal will develop a connection between the word and the threat. From time to time, preferably in a situation close to real life, the formed connection needs to be consolidated: command the “Alien” and encourage alertness, growling and barking.

Alternative Study Options

There are two alternative methods:

  1. If the dog belongs to guard, service breeds or large terriers, it is easier to teach it the “Stranger” command in the context specific situation. From a certain age, when you go out for a walk at a late time, the puppy will begin to show wariness towards people who suddenly appear nearby; at the moment when the puppy growls or barks at a stranger (it could be an assistant), you need to say a command and encourage the pet;
  2. If any attack is more likely to trigger a flight response, you can try the “hard” method. The assistant suddenly approaches the dog from behind (the animal must be in ) and sharply grabs it by the fold of skin of its hind paw (near the stomach), at this time the owner says “Alien.” This technique allows even the most cowardly dog ​​to develop the basics of protective behavior. After this, you can move on to the usual method of training the team. This method must be used very carefully, monitoring changes in the dog’s behavior.

Mistakes when teaching a command

It is very important not to make mistakes when teaching defensive commands, otherwise there is a risk of getting a truly aggressive animal. And if cowardice is superimposed on aggression, the mixture can be life-threatening for the owner:

  1. Training for the “Alien” team can only begin at six months (or better yet, even later); before that, the puppy must be in an absolutely safe and friendly world. This is the only way to raise a healthy animal;
  2. The assistant should not be a family member or close friend;
  3. Executing the Alien command does not involve attacking. If your dog shows excessive aggression, contact a professional trainer - this is a harbinger of serious behavior problems;
  4. When training, the animal must be on a leash;
  5. You can start learning a command only after mastering the basic obedience commands: , “Near”, “Place”;
  6. Do not punish if the dog has shown cowardice - this will instill even greater fear;
  7. Do not punish if the dog continues to fawn on strangers during a walk: practice the command, exclude contact with strangers and try to distract the animal from an interesting object and lead it away, encouraging it to ignore strangers.

At reasonable approach The "Alien" command can be very useful: it will prevent your dog from being kidnapped and will help your pet prevent an attack on you when a threatening appearance and growling is enough to stop the attacker.

The main characteristics of which are high level intelligence and people-oriented. Thanks to this, teaching your pet commands will not be difficult even for those who have not trained a dog before.

How to teach a German Shepherd commands?

Accustoming to basic exercises should begin from the first day the puppy is in the house. To avoid any difficulties, the pet owner should adhere to the following rules:

At the initial stage, classes are conducted in a calm environment; the puppy should not be distracted from training by surrounding factors - passers-by, cars, other animals, etc.

It is allowed to give the dog treats (small pieces of cheese, food or other food that is safe for the pet) - this will be an incentive to perform the actions correctly.

Training is carried out before feeding, and not after it. A well-fed dog is more difficult to motivate to follow commands with treats.
To consolidate the skill, 12-15 repetitions in one lesson are enough, but they are carried out in several approaches, and not in a row.

The process of teaching a puppy commands should alternate with games so that interest in classes is not lost. If your pet lives not in a house, but in, then you need to take into account that he spends much more energy on activity than a domestic dog

Important! It is much easier to train a pet than to retrain it, so when practicing basic commands you should strive for flawless execution every time and only after that encourage the pet.


The earlier training begins, the more impressive the results will be. You can start learning basic commands from day one the puppy is with the owner.

It is the impeccable execution of basic commands that will help the owner avoid unpleasant situations (for example, the indignation of a passerby whose clothes have been soiled by a running puppy) and will ensure the safety of the pet itself (in particular, the “come to me” command will force the dog to run up to the owner, and not go out onto the roadway).

The list of basic commands is small, but each of them must be executed by the dog without delay. The first thing you should teach your shepherd is the “come to me” command. It is given by the owner when the pet needs to be called.

To accustom it to it, you should say “come to me” when the dog is called for feeding, to pet or play with it, and so on - that is, the shepherd dog must know that after approaching it will receive a pleasant reward. After the Kafka dog came up and received praise, it was released with the word “walk.”

Important! You cannot punish a dog if it does not immediately run up to the owner, and it is also prohibited to independently move towards the puppy. As soon as your pet approaches, you should immediately praise him and treat him with a treat.

“No” and “Fu” are used by owners to stop unwanted actions of the pet. It is better to practice them in a confined space or while keeping the dog on a leash. In the first case, a dog performing an undesirable action is punished with a gentle slap (for example, with a rolled up newspaper) and a spoken word, and in the second, with a sensitive tug of the leash, and the action is accompanied by a command.

The owner needs to be consistent- he must not allow the dog to at a young age do things that would be prohibited for an adult pet.

The algorithm for teaching a shepherd dog other commands is as follows:

  • “Sit” - the puppy stands in front of the owner, who has a treat in his hand. The owner holds the hand with the treat above the dog’s head, while simultaneously pressing the puppy’s croup with the other hand and says “sit.”
  • “Lie down” - performed by the dog from sitting position. The owner passes his hand with a treat clamped in it in front of the dog's muzzle forward and down to the ground. Actions are accompanied by a single pronouncement of the command word.
  • “Nearby” - the puppy is led on a leash so that the front part of its body is in line with the owner’s leg, and when the owner stops, the dog must sit down. Attempts to move away from the owner are stopped by a jerk of the leash, and correct execution encouraged.

Important! Working off basic exercises starts with 1-3 repetitions, over time their number increases. The main thing is to finish classes before the puppy gets tired, then he will not lose interest in training

The puppy should not be taught the “voice” command from the very beginning. early childhood, since really important skills have not yet been learned and wasting effort and energy on this training will take a lot of energy from the baby.


Practicing this command should begin only after the pet begins to flawlessly perform the basic ones. It is advisable to conduct training at a training site, starring experienced dog handler and the person involved, towards whom aggression will be directed. The algorithm for teaching the “fas” command is as follows:

  • the dog is next to the owner;
  • the dog walks several times in close proximity to the shepherd dog, causing aggression in it (while waving his arms is allowed);
  • as soon as the pet begins to react negatively to the person involved, the owner says “fas”;
  • the person involved runs away, and the dog receives praise and a treat.

Important! You can teach only dogs with a stable psyche so as not to provoke the manifestation of unmotivated aggression.


There are two ways to teach this skill:

  1. The owner says “voice” when the shepherd barks and rewards the action with a treat.
  2. The owner holds the treat in his hand, arousing the pet’s interest. As soon as he barks, he immediately gives him the tasty morsel.

Important! Before studying, the prohibiting command is practiced until it becomes automatic, otherwise the owner risks teaching the shepherd to bark for no reason in order to receive rewards.


Execution of this command is a manifestation of aggression by the dog towards a specific person, but without attacking him. Training is worth doing under the guidance of a dog handler and with the participation of a person unfamiliar to the shepherd who will cause aggression.

Remember, which comes first, and only then such serious skills as this.

You can teach the “alien” command like this:

  • the dog is near the owner;
  • the person involved is passing by, he can wave his arms, make small lunges towards the owner, talk loudly;
  • the owner pronounces “stranger” in a quiet but clear voice;
  • as soon as the shepherd dog begins to bark, growl and prepare to attack, the person involved leaves, and the pet is encouraged with praise.

Important! It is worth practicing “stranger” with dogs that have reached the age when the psyche is fully formed.

How to Train a German Shepherd to Show Stance?

Teaching a shepherd dog to stand in the correct exhibition position will require a lot of patience, since it is quite difficult for a dog to remain motionless. There are 2 ways to learn:

  1. Forcing - the owner uses his hands to place the pet in the desired position, repeating “stand.” With regular repetition, the skill is practiced until it becomes automatic and the dog, on command, independently assumes a show pose.
  2. Motivation - the helper holds the dog on a leash, and the owner moves away a few steps. The shepherd will reach for the owner and reflexively take the desired position. She must remain in this position for a few seconds, after which she is given a treat. Gradually the holding time is increased.

Important! In a correct exhibition position, the ears should not be flattened. To get the dog to pick them up, it is worth practicing a command that makes the pet alert (for example: “Where is the cat?”).

Useful video

In the video you can clearly see the basic commands for a dog in the city:

To raise an adequate and balanced dog, the owner must provide the German Shepherd with sufficient quantity attention, regular mental and physical exercise. Train German Shepherd need to daily, it is advisable to spend time practicing commands on each walk, bringing their implementation to automaticity.
