Scuffs on sunglasses. How to remove scratches from eyeglasses and sunglasses? Do-it-yourself lens cleaning - instructions for doing the job

IN modern world sunglasses are not just a thing that can protect our eyes from direct sunlight. This is a stylish and bright accessory, without which many people cannot imagine their life. We wear glasses not only on the street - they are a fashionable way to complete the look at a party or in a club. Every girl and woman should wear sunglasses so as not to wrinkle in the sun and thus not cause premature wrinkles.

How difficult it is to choose a pair of glasses that suits all parameters. It becomes even more annoying when your favorite glasses get scratched. However, there is no need for empty worries. Scratched glasses can be reanimated; there is no need to buy new ones.

How to hide scratches from sunglasses

Before starting the procedure, the glasses must be thoroughly washed. If you polish the lens, you will have to fill the scratch with special products. It will be better if the scratch is clean and there is no dirt or fine dust left in it. This will ensure her invisibility. After washing your lenses, thoroughly dry your glasses with a microfiber cloth. It usually comes with a pair of new glasses, but you can always buy it at an optician.

  1. Jewelry polishing. Jewelers have special products that they use to polish silver and copper items. They contain tiny crumbs that fill all the unevenness and make the surface mirror-smooth.
  2. Baking soda. Prepare a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to your glasses. After this, carefully rub the glasses with a cloth and leave for a while. After half an hour, rinse off the composition - the scratch will be practically unnoticeable.
  3. Automotive polishing. Car body polishing wax will help get rid of scratches of any size. Apply a little product to the glass and rub it for some time. After this, inspect the glass - if the scratch is still noticeable, try using more wax.
  4. Furniture polishing. There are special products that are used to polish furniture. They contain components that gently fill the scratch and make it invisible to human eye. Apply a little of this product to the glass and rub it with a cloth in a circular motion. After this procedure, you won't even remember where the scratch was.
  5. Toothpaste. A non-abrasive toothpaste will help you restore your sunglasses to their former brightness and shine. Apply a little paste to the scratched glass, take a cotton swab and wipe the surface with it. If the scratch is deep, manipulations should be carried out several times.

You need to be extremely careful when polishing and using some recipes. Be careful that the product you choose does not get on the frames of your glasses - they may peel off.

How to remove the top layer of glasses

It happens that the scratch is too deep and there is no way to disguise it. In this case, you can act on a different principle - do not fill the scratch. special compounds, and carefully remove upper layer surfaces. This is only possible for plastic glasses. If you have glasses with glass lenses, you cannot do this - nothing good will come of your plan. Checking the material from which the glasses are made is very simple. Simply tap your fingernail on the coating. Plastic will make virtually no sound, while glass will have a characteristic ringing sound.

Keep in mind that this solution to the problem will deprive you of the anti-reflective coating if you had one. After removing the top layer, the glasses will not last long - they will be vulnerable to mechanical stress. Before any activity, the lenses should be thoroughly rinsed and wiped so that you know where there was contamination and where there is actually a scratch.

Glass abrasives are used in the manufacture of stained glass. This abrasive contains some acids that break down the top layer of glass. The acid will not touch the plastic, but will successfully remove the top protective layer along with the scratch. Apply a little product to the scratch and wipe with a cotton pad. Before doing this, be sure to wear gloves that will protect your hands from the aggressive effects of acid. If it is possible to remove the lenses from the frame, do so. This will protect the frame from chemical exposure and undesirable consequences. If this is not possible, simply cover the frame with tape so that it does not get damaged.

If you don't have such an abrasive on hand, you can use regular abrasive toothpaste. It contains tiny solid particles that, with careful and prolonged rubbing, will help you get rid of the top layer of the lens.

How to protect your glasses from scratches

First of all, you need to purchase a special case for glasses and use it constantly. Your glasses should be in two positions - on your face or in a protective case. After all, often scratches on sunglasses appear after being on an uneven table surface, in a large handbag with a huge amount foreign things.

If you constantly scratch your glasses, you might want to consider glass lenses Oh. Glass is less scratched, but more vulnerable - lenses can break from a minor impact. When purchasing or ordering sunglasses Please note that there is a protective film. It is precisely aimed at preventing the occurrence of any mechanical damage.

If all of the above methods do not help you get rid of the scratch, you can contact a specialist. Usually, opticians have special equipment that removes the thinnest top layer. After this, the lenses can be covered with a new protective film and there will really be no trace left of the scratch.

A scratch on the lenses is not a reason to give up your favorite glasses. There are many ways to bring your favorite accessory back to life. Try and don't give up!

Video: how to clean glasses lenses

You can polish plastic glasses lenses yourself if they get scratched. For this you will not need any additional funds, there will be quite enough household items. One of the proposed methods will certainly help you get rid of unpleasant damage, without contacting specialists in this field.

Wood polish

Purchase a wood polish with cleaning properties from a hardware store. To polish them, it will be enough to spray your glasses with this liquid. After that, take some drops of Vaseline and rub them too. Its properties will fill the space between scratches and make them less noticeable. This procedure should be carried out until no scratches are noticeable after removing the Vaseline.

Polish for copper and silver

You can use copper or silver polish. To do this, use this liquid to wipe the glasses, and then remove the remaining liquid with a clean rag. This procedure should also be repeated until the scratches completely disappear.

Spray for computer

In such a situation, it is effective to use a spray that is used to repair computer disks. This is due to its main properties to eliminate minor damage from the surface of the discs, so it is also suitable for glasses. It must be removed with a soft cloth.


Use a non-abrasive toothpaste. It must be rubbed in a circular motion into the scratch, and then removed using cotton wool soaked in cold water. For deep scratches this procedure should be repeated several times.

You need to prepare a paste of baking soda and water. To prepare it, you need to take a little soda and mix it with water in a container. Then use it in the same way as toothpaste. After this, rinse the glass.


Plastic lenses can also be polished using wax, which is used for machines. To do this, rub this composition into the lenses in a circular motion until the scratches disappear completely. Next, remove the remaining material with a soft cloth or cotton wool.

Window washer

You can also use car window washer, which can repel water. It can remove even the smallest damage and abrasions. It will help your glasses repel water and prevent you from sweating.

Glass repels water droplets

Abrasive for glass

Glass abrasive, which is often used in painting, helps perfectly in this situation. True, it can only be used if there is no anti-reflective coating. It can also be purchased at craft stores. When using it, be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. Residual liquid can be removed using soft fabric.

  • For anti-reflective coating, the use of abrasives is prohibited. Since if it is used they will become matte. This means that for such glasses, in case of failure from previous methods, it will be necessary to contact an expert;
  • To remove dirt, wash your glasses lenses with soap and water;
  • If, when using glasses, you notice that you begin to scratch them too often, then you may need to apply a protective film, rather than spend money on buying new ones;
  • All of these methods are excellent for removing scratches from watch glass;
  • Be careful when using these methods to remove scratches from anti-reflective lenses, as they may be permanently damaged.

Video on how to clean glasses lenses

Even if you treat your glasses with care, scratches may form on them. They can be small, almost invisible, or, conversely, large, obstructing your view. With their occurrence, glasses lose their former appearance, and continued use leads to eye fatigue. Let's look at the most popular methods to get rid of scratches on glasses lenses.

In this article

Causes of scratches and abrasions on glasses

Glasses are a versatile accessory. They are used to correct vision defects and to protect the eyes from sunlight. In the absence of refractive errors, many people wear models without diopters, which help create a business image. During use, abrasions and scratches may occur on the lenses. It makes it worse appearance points, leads to tension eyeball. Doctors do not recommend wearing such ophthalmic products, as their use impairs vision and can lead to headaches or decreased vision.

Scratches on prescription glasses or sunglasses often occur. It is quite difficult to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon. Scuffs on lenses do not always occur due to active use. Scratches on glasses often result from:

  • careless use;
  • frequent wiping with a napkin;
  • poor quality care;
  • improper storage.

People who follow the rules for caring for their glasses lenses do not always manage to avoid scratches on them. While worn, ophthalmic products accumulate dust, particles of sand and other abrasives, which are very difficult to notice. When wiped with a napkin, they can scratch the lenses, causing the glasses to quickly become unusable. If a model is cheap, many people choose to simply throw it away and buy a new one.

But if the glasses are branded or were made to order, this method will not work, so it is useful to know how to remove scratches from glasses at home.

How to remove scratches from plastic glasses?

To remove scratches from plastic glasses, it is not at all necessary to buy a special product at an optician or online store. Regular toothpaste is also suitable for this purpose, except for those that contain menthol or solid particles, which lead to additional damage. To remove scratches from lenses, you will need a large number of contents of the tube. It is best to apply it to a small piece of felt cloth. Then polish the lens using circular movements. You need to rub the paste into the scratch on your glasses. After this, wipe the treated area with a lint-free cloth or cotton pad moistened with water. If necessary, the action can be repeated.

A popular solution for removing both scratches and scuffs from lenses is computer disk restoration and monitor cleaner. You can buy it at any computer store. It is better to choose products that are designed to clean hard drives. They do not contain abrasive substances. How to remove scratches and abrasions is written in the instructions. Apply a small amount of liquid to the lenses and polish them. Remaining product should be removed with a lint-free cloth. It is not recommended to use large amounts of cleaning agent. It is better to repeat the procedure several times.

Wood polish can help remove scratches from plastic glasses. You can buy it at a hardware store. It will effectively remove damage from polymer lenses. Wood furniture polish can also be used to remove shallow scratches from glass lenses. You need to spray a small amount of cleanser onto the area of ​​the abrasion and rub the lenses with Vaseline on top. You need to rub in polish and Vaseline until the scratches on your glasses become invisible. These products should be used together. Polish polishes shallow defects, and Vaseline fills in damaged areas.

How to remove scratches from glasses?

Glass lenses are more fragile than plastic ones. They are easy to break or scratch. Many housewives who regularly wash windows, mirrors or cabinets with glass doors know how to remove scratches from glass. But cleaning products are not always suitable for removing scratches from glasses. Some substances that are included in the composition household chemicals, are dangerous for ophthalmic products, as they can change their properties. When using such products, a cloudy spot may form at the site of scratches. This will lead to further unusability of the glasses, so it is better to learn in advance how to safely remove damage to the lenses.

You can remove scuffs and scratches from glass using GOI paste. It is based on chromium oxide and is designed for polishing and grinding hard plastics, metals and glass. Removing scratches from glass glasses is not that easy. To do this you need to use a grinding machine. Before cleaning, attach a felt attachment lubricated with GOI paste to the grinding machine. After this, start polishing the lenses at medium speed. After 3-5 minutes, the device must be turned off, otherwise it will lead to overheating of the mechanism. After grinding is completed, the surface of the glass must be lubricated. sunflower oil and wipe with a dry cloth.

Some people use glass cleaner to remove scratches on their glasses. This “life hack” can be read on many forums dedicated to the care of ophthalmic products. Glass cleaner should be mixed with a small amount detergent. One drop is enough to remove scuffs and scratches from glasses. The resulting liquid should be applied to the lenses and left for 10 seconds. Then you need to wash it off and wipe the surface of the glass with a dry cotton cloth. Another recipe involves using baby shampoo. The cleaning procedure is similar to the previous one. Such methods must be used very carefully so as not to change the properties of the glasses.

Can I wear glasses after scratch removal?

Ophthalmologists believe that removing damage to lenses at home does not guarantee restoration of their optical characteristics. Improper use of substances such as baking soda, vinegar or harsh household chemicals can make plastic and glass glasses hazardous to the eyes. Due to improper removal of scratches, the geometry of the lenses changes, resulting in a change in the optical properties of the glasses. They correct vision worse than before.

Particular care should be taken when removing scratches from sunglasses. High-quality branded models have several coatings that together provide protection visual organs from solar and ultraviolet radiation. This particularly applies to polarized glasses. The thickness of the coatings is usually a hundredth of a mm. When polishing lenses, one or more of them may be worn away, reducing the functionality of the glasses.

Doctors do not recommend wearing glasses with scratched lenses. The use of damaged ophthalmic products leads to image distortion, visual fatigue, headaches and decreased vision. Wearing scratched glasses is not recommended even according to GOST. This is stated in document 51193-2009. The standards established by the standard also do not allow the use of organic solvents for cleaning lenses: acetone, xylene, toluene, etc.

Some people think that optical shops will know exactly how to remove scratches from glasses. In fact, such workshops do not exist in our country. The process of removing scratches and scuffs from spectacle lenses is very complex, time-consuming and expensive. As a result, the cost of removing the damage is too high and often exceeds the price of new glasses. Therefore, many people prefer to throw away damaged ophthalmic products and replace them with new ones.

What do ophthalmologists think about removing scratches on glasses?

You can get rid of scratches on glasses at home, but these procedures only guarantee a cosmetic effect. The lenses may look like new, but unfortunately the optical properties cannot be restored. Strengthening, antistatic, water-repellent and other coatings are often washed off after the cleansing procedure. Using corrective glasses with partial coverage is dangerous for the visual organs.

Polishing lenses is the most common method for removing scratches and scuffs at home. Polishing almost always results in micro-removal of material. Because of this, the geometry of the refractive surface of the lens is disrupted. The light that passes through the lens is concentrated at a focus. If the lens has been polished, then the light passing through it will not come into focus. This results in image distortion.

Most the right way The solution to the problem is to buy new glasses. Of course, no one wants to spend money on ophthalmic products that they have no intention of replacing. But ophthalmologists do not recommend using damaged glasses. Wearing them will do more harm than good. Scratched glasses cannot effectively correct vision, which means wearing them is useless and dangerous for the visual organs.

Is it possible to polish glasses from scratches and different types damage? Where did at-home polishing methods come from?

When a person sees that his vision is starting to falter a little, he does right action- goes for a consultation with an ophthalmologist. However, if the spectacle lens is damaged or scratches are found, people try to deal with this problem themselves. They resort to the advice of their loved ones and recommendations of similar articles on the Internet, which are written by people who do not have a medical education.

Phenomenal, but true! People are willing to pay a lot of money for high-quality lens material and reliable frames because they are concerned about eye health. When the glasses have served their purpose and have scratches, we forget for what purpose we purchased them and begin to skimp on replacing them. We remain of the opinion that everything can be corrected independently, without knowledge of the structure of the lens, the composition of the material and reactions under various influences on it.

The Internet is full of methods on how to polish a spectacle lens, be it polymer or glass. They are silent about the quality of the lens after the actions taken.

So, what scratch removal options are offered on the Internet?

Toothpaste, baking soda, glass cleaner, car wax, copper and silver polish, Vaseline, wood polish, cigarette ash, wax. And the list doesn’t end with this list! If no methods help, they suggest using products that will fill the scratches, making them less noticeable.

Shockingly, many people actually believe that these methods are effective and safe! Ignorance of basic knowledge can worsen your vision by wearing polished glasses with your own hands.

What happens to the lens when such operations are performed?

If spectacle lenses scratched, then, unfortunately, it is impossible to fix it with polishing. You will disrupt the geometry of the lens and instead of seeing the correct image through a scratched lens, you will see distorted objects through a smooth lens.

On plastic lenses polishing will damage the coatings that are always applied to organic lenses and thereby improve their optical properties. The scratch may be less noticeable, but it will not disappear, and the lens itself will become cloudy and image quality will deteriorate. For mineral lenses, in the best case, polishing will do nothing; in the worst case, additional scratches may appear from microparticles of the rubbed products.

Unfortunately, if scratches are found on the lenses, all that remains is to replace them. You can clean the lenses with a microfiber cloth and a special spray.

If you find yourself in such a situation, be prudent and do not believe everything that is written on the Internet. Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and ask him all the questions that concern you. After all, who else knows how important eye health is!

11.11.2018 1 3 954 views

Not all people manage to wear such an important accessory carefully. And the question often arises of how to remove scratches from eyeglasses at home. After all, buying new ones is not always profitable, and you may not have time to go to a specialist, and visibility noticeably deteriorates.

For such purposes, several methods have been invented that will help get rid of the problem without significant financial and time costs. However, you need to remember that such tips are more suitable for plastic products or sun protection options and minor damage. High-quality optics have their own care nuances.

Where do scratches come from?

You shouldn’t think that scuffs and other problems with glasses happen only to careless and careless people. Anything can happen to such a fragile accessory, especially if you are sometimes in a hurry, carry them in your pocket, or live with children or pets.

Minor scratches that interfere good review and image clarity, can appear even at a time when a person is not using them. For example, when carried in a pocket, bag, or soft case, they may become slightly abraded from surrounding objects. Also, when lying on a table or actively using the products, they gradually become covered with dust particles. When wiped, small grains or sand that gets on them easily leave marks behind.

Methods for removing scratches on glasses

Let us list simple and available methods:

  • Polish for wooden products - just spray the lenses a little and add a drop of Vaseline. Rub the resulting composition into the glass until the result becomes obvious.
  • A similar product intended for and is used very simply. It is applied to the glasses and wiped with a soft, dry cloth. The procedure can be repeated several times in a row until all scratches disappear from the surface.

  • Special means for computers and other equipment. It is advisable to choose those options that can even process hard drives. This means that they do not contain unnecessary abrasives. And if so chemical compositions are able to remove abrasions on complex digital media, then the glasses will be dealt with in a matter of minutes. But you shouldn’t use too much product in the hope that it will also eliminate deep abrasions. It is better to carry out several procedures than to process the product extensively at one time.
  • Toothpaste is the most accessible remedy, present at home in all people. But to remove scratches, you need to choose only safe options, that is, those that do not contain abrasives. Gel pastes are also not suitable for these purposes. To polish glasses from scratches in this way, you need to apply a small ball-sized amount of product and rub it in a circular motion with a soft cloth into the place where the defect is present. After this, wipe the glass with a damp cotton swab or rinse it under the tap. If necessary, the steps can be repeated several times.

  • Car body restoration wax will easily help get rid of scratches on glasses. A small drop of the substance is enough to rub it into the desired area. The remaining product after the procedure is removed with a soft cloth or cotton wool. The best ones are considered to be ATAS Hydrorep, Sonax NanoPro and Hard wax Carnauba Wax 90.
  • Glass cleaner - works in a similar way to windows or car surfaces. With this treatment, you can not only clean your glasses without streaks, but also get an anti-fog effect.

  • GOI paste - buy a special product number 80, which is made on the basis of chromium oxide. But remember that when working with it you will have to use a grinding machine. For convenience, it is advisable to remove the lenses from the product and process them separately. To do this, a piece of felt attachment is fixed on the machine, lubricated with a small amount of paste and the surface is polished. IN as a last resort This can be done with your hands, but for the expected effect you will have to rub the product for a very long time.
  • Baking soda – you need to be very careful with it. For this, a special mixture is prepared. The product is diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1, where there should be less liquid. Using a cotton pad, take a little product and apply it to the damaged surface. Polish the glass using circular movements. After the procedure, all residues can be washed off with water.

  • The same alternative is baby powder, the abrasiveness level of which does not exceed 7 RDA. This is a fairly safe product that will not damage your glasses.

Please note that for products with diopters, that is, intended for vision correction, these methods are considered questionable by professionals, as they can lead to a deterioration in their function. At serious damage that make it difficult to look at the world, you will have to contact a specialist and restore the glass.

If this is not possible, it's worth a try next remedy. Find an abrasive at a store that sells various art supplies. Work with it only with rubber gloves!

First, simply wipe your glasses with a soft cloth. For convenience, you can remove the lenses from the frame. Take a cotton pad or napkin, apply an abrasive and place it in a separate container for five minutes. After this, rinse the product with water, and do not use the container to store any items, especially food.
