Doctor Ruben works in the hospital's burn department. Which doctor treats burns and when should you contact a specialist? Which doctor should I contact for sunburn?

A combustiologist or burn surgeon is a doctor specializing in the treatment and prevention of the occurrence or development of complications resulting from burn skin lesions. Combustiologists in Moscow practice in specialized burn departments of clinics, as well as in military hospitals and burn centers. The name of the specialty comes from a compound Greek-Latin word. Combustio means “burn” in Latin, and logos means “teaching” in ancient Greek.

What do burn surgeons treat?

Doctors called combustiologists in Moscow deal with patients who have suffered extensive thermal damage to the skin. Specialists are engaged in both their treatment and prevention of their occurrence. possible complications. If a burnt person has indications for hospitalization in one of the burn centers or departments of Moscow, the first health care, which is expressed:

  • in eliminating the damaging factor,
  • applying sterile dressings,
  • administration of painkillers.

At the burn center, a combustiologist performs an examination to assess the patient's condition. The burn surgeon determines the presence or absence of burn shock and also determines the surface area of ​​the burn.

If a combustiologist determines the presence of burn shock, then:

  • emergency anti-shock measures are prescribed,
  • adequate pain relief is provided,
  • Using a dropper, fluid, antitetanus serum, and antibacterial drugs are administered intravenously.

Further actions of the combustiologist depend on the depth and volume of the burns. If a deep burn of III and IV degrees is established, the burn surgeon even has to resort to covering the burn surfaces with skin flaps. Dressing is often carried out under anesthesia, since such patients have a pronounced pain syndrome. Further treatment Treatment of burns after they have dried is carried out using various ointment compositions with antibacterial, wound-healing and analgesic drugs.

In what situations should you contact burn surgeons?

Patients with thermal lesions of different areas of the skin are treated in combustiology departments or burn centers in Moscow. These could be burns:

  • medium-heavy,
  • heavy,
  • extremely severe (with damage to more than 10% of the body surface).

Moscow combustiologists also receive patients in a state of burn shock, with a combination of burns with concomitant pathology, damage by other factors and combined lesions. Often specialists have to deal with deep burns on:

  • open areas and important functional parts of the body,
  • genitals.

Doctors receive general tests urine and blood, the results of a biochemical blood test, evaluate its clotting ability, and so on. The functions of the respiratory and circulatory organs are monitored. Ultrasound, X-ray, magnetic resonance, etc. are used to diagnose concomitant pathologies.

Where do burn surgeons receive their training?

According to WHO, the annual number of burn patients is progressing. This is especially true for children. The child is in serious danger, since the consequences are very serious due to the immaturity of tissue structures and imperfect functions of organs and systems. You can become a good pediatric and adult combustiologist by graduating from the Department of Thermal Injuries, Wounds and wound infection in such capital universities in Moscow as:

  • RMAPO,
  • MGMSU,
  • RUDN University,
  • FUV 2nd MOLGMI, etc.

Improve their qualifications, undergo residency and defend dissertations in departments clinical hospitals. The most serious can be considered the education and experience gained at the Institute of Surgery. A. V. Vishnevsky.

Famous Moscow specialists

The history of treating fire injuries goes back centuries. In ancient Egyptian papyri from 1500 years ago BC. e. describes how to apply special substances to burned surfaces: fatty or oily. In the book "Ayurveda", dating back to 600 BC. e., talks about the clinical differences in burns, which were already divided into 4 degrees. Despite such a long history of development, the burn direction of medicine until the middle of the 19th century was carried out through local use heat and cold, ointments, sometimes exotic composition.

Russian doctors played a major role in the study of trauma caused by fire. The works of Avdakov, Troyanov, Nikolsky, who was almost 40 years ahead of the West, are devoted to this issue. It was our scientists who actively disseminated and improved skin grafting. The methods of Yatsenko, Reverden, Pyasetsky, Kuznetsov became famous.

The Institute of Surgery named after V.I. played a special role in the development of combustiology. A. V. Vishnevsky. The problem was addressed by Vilyavin, Sklifosovsky, Vinogradov, Petrov, Postnikov, Pilyushin, Kolesnikov, Vikhriev, Bratusya, Klyachkin, Pinchuk and many others.

Often a person faces such a problem as a burn. There is no point in swimming with it on your own. It is recommended to consult a specialist even with minor lesions of the dermis. But almost no one knows which doctor to contact for burns and get the required treatment. It is necessary to understand this issue in more detail.

What's the name of a burns doctor?

Many people logically believe that when skin lesions you need to contact a surgeon. There is logic in their judgments. But this is the situation if skin covering not badly damaged and practically retained its integrity. First aid in this situation would be appropriate from a surgeon.

With more serious problems, a completely different specialist is needed. But few people know what a burns doctor is called. His official name– combustiologist. You can hardly find them in a simple clinic or hospital. They practice in specialized burn centers and provide first aid emergency assistance and guide the patient until the wounds heal. Most often, post-burn management is also provided.

Only a combustiologist can prescribe correct and qualified treatment. A simple therapist and surgeon are unlikely to be able to provide real assistance in resolving a complex issue.

Some burns are not significant and it is not recommended to disturb the combustiologist without reason. You need to know in what cases you need to see a doctor to receive complete and qualified help:

  • Charring of all layers of skin.
  • Spread of burn into deep tissues.
  • Correspondence of 1st and 2nd degree burns.
  • Burn with redness of the dermis and blistering.
  • About 5% of the body is affected.

You need to contact us immediately here ambulance and call a team of specialists. They know exactly which doctor to take a burn victim to and will deliver to the address.

Which specialists will help with a burn?

It all depends on the degree of damage to the dermis and for what reasons the burns occurred. For the simplest cases of minor lesions, a therapist may be a good choice. The instructions are easy to follow and the results are as expected. It’s another matter if the burn injury is more serious. So, for minor burns of a finger, a surgeon at a local clinic can help without any problems. They were taught to cope with such situations with a bang. This is true only if the deep tissues are not affected and the burn does not reach the bone. Similar situations occur with chemical injuries. A combustiologist is already needed here.

Which doctor should I contact for sunburn?

This is a problem for all tourists or avid summer residents who do not protect their dermis from exposure to sunlight. Most often, dermatologists deal with such cosmetic problems as sunburn. When a burn has already developed into blisters, causing an increase in temperature, and unbearable painful sensations consultation with a surgeon is necessary. Only in extreme cases, when a person has been in one position for several hours under the scorching sun, he needs a combustiologist.

Hogweed burn: Which doctor should I contact?

This is the allergist's paraphry. Irritant effect The components contained in the plant are incredibly strong. You should always know which specialist to contact in case of a hogweed burn, since this plant is the strongest natural allergen. You should not only touch it, but also simply inhale its aroma. This can even cause swelling and make breathing difficult. You should stay as far away from such provocateurs as possible.

Which doctor should I contact for burns from boiling water?

Burns in in this case There are different ones and it all depends on the degree of damage to the dermis. If the burn is minor and only a small percentage of the skin is affected and there are no changes along with redness, then a simple therapist will help.

Who should I contact in case of a burn from boiling water, when the whole arm or more than 10% of the tissue is affected? The surgeon will help here. True, if swelling has already appeared at the site, the deep layers are affected, then a visit to the burn department is necessary. Without rapid response And effective methods can't cope here. Calling emergency services is mandatory. If the situation is even more critical, then you need to act immediately.

Doctor's examination and tests

You should not be angry with a specialist if he delays treatment. He will definitely do everything that is necessary right now. An examination by a doctor and tests are necessary to do everything right. The important thing here is to do no harm. Therefore, most often patients donate the following types tests:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Coagulogram.
  • Blood test for protein.
  • Determining the Rh factor and blood group.

Additionally, blood pressure, respiratory function, of cardio-vascular system and blood circulation. By obtaining a detailed picture of the real health of the victim, treatment is prescribed.

Knowing which doctor to see for burns different types, you can avoid numerous problems and maintain your health and beauty of your skin. The main thing is not to miss the moment.

Burns– these are states after direct exposure external factor, having a chemical or thermal nature and violating the integrity of tissues to varying degrees of severity of their damage.

TO chemical exposure include contact with concentrated solutions of alkalis and acids, salts heavy metals. Temperature deformation can develop at both high and low ambient air scales. A certain value expressing the manifestation of damage is the time of exposure to body tissue, which characterizes the degree of injury received.

Burns, classification of manifestations

The damage has various symptoms, the degree of manifestation of which depends on the severity of the burn and includes the following characteristics:

  • First degree is superficial and has such manifestations as redness of the affected area, surface dryness, local swelling. Sometimes there is soreness, which disappears on its own within a short time, and the surface layer is restored as the tissues naturally regenerate.
  • Second degree It also covers the subcutaneous layer, presenting bright hyperemia, pronounced edema, and the appearance of limited swellings filled with serous contents. The pain syndrome has a pronounced pattern of manifestation, therefore, depending on the area of ​​damage to the body, with significant amounts of it, a fatal outcome can be observed. Appearance large number blisters, defeat groin area or brushes requires mandatory inspection surgeon.
  • Third degree characterizes deeper deformations of the skin, affecting muscle tissue, nervous tissue, lipid layer and bone structure, while changes in surface hue are observed from red to black, with intermediate colors of white and yellow. These can leave consequences in the form of scars.
  • Fourth degree diagnoses charring of deep tissue layers covered with a black or brown cortical layer, the surface does not respond to irritation with total loss sensitivity. Patients with this form are subject to mandatory hospitalization in order to be able to continuously monitor their current condition. surgeon.

Options for providing the necessary assistance

The main condition of the initial stage when burn is to stop the impact of the traumatic factor by eliminating it. Next, depending on the type of lesion, you should cool the area or rinse it thoroughly with cool water. Do not touch the surface or remove pieces of damaged skin.

If blistering formations appear, an antiseptic bandage should be applied. It is strictly not recommended to open the blisters yourself, apply ice or lubricate the areas with fat-based ointments. Significant damage to the skin, covering a large area or prolonged exposure to a provoking factor, requires immediate attention.

Where to go for help?

The occurrence of a situation requiring urgent contact medical institution, does not leave time for a careful selection of an acceptable option for visiting. You can eliminate the additional waste of time searching by visiting our Help Desk for private clinics in Moscow “Your Doctor”.

The site contains data on all medical centers cities, allowing you to determine nearby places of residence and see the criteria for available types of services and provision necessary assistance. In addition, visiting the page allows you to quickly register an appointment or.
