People's war on Roslavl soil. Liberation of Smolensk. Day of liberation of the Smolensk region from the French

The birthday number 6 remains unbeatable. The nature is honest, frank, reliable. Views are progressive, but with the desire to create a name for oneself, achieve the respect and favor of others, maintain peace and tranquility among friends, and improve their living conditions.
You literally radiate optimism and cheerfulness.

This number is considered one of the happiest, since it is the sum of its divisors: 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. People of number 6 are harmonious and balanced, they are conducive to trust, although sometimes they are too stubborn. They are very romantic and amorous, their interests are usually focused on home and family. They have good taste, they are very likable and easily get along with other people.

Lucky day of the week for number 6 is Friday.

Your planet is Venus.


By justifying the work or position entrusted to you, you are satisfied with what you have achieved and do not strive for the heights of your career or fame. Complacency and complacency sometimes prevent you from doing this. The mask of impassivity does not suit you, as it does not evoke much sympathy and gives rise to suspicion of hypocrisy.


Home, family; activities that require patience.
Six indicates an inactive, inert person who loves the comfort of home. It harmonizes relationships with the outside world, but can develop laziness and unscrupulousness, makes a person non-conflict, but at the same time forces him to work hard and painstakingly. The number patronizes doctors, laboratory workers, jewelers, designers, animators, museum workers and collectors.

Love, sex.

These people are usually very sexy. At the same time, they are by no means universally loved. Material considerations play a very important role for them when choosing a partner. If there is no relationship between spouses sexual compatibility And mutual love- this will become a source of disappointment and even a break in relationships.

They should express their feelings and affection more openly. Then they will be more attracted to partners who will actually love them for who they are, and not as they appear to be.

Birth number for a woman

Birth number 6 for a woman Outwardly she seems calm, cold and even aloof, but underneath this lies sensuality and sexuality. In her youth she is often naive, sentimental and shy. As an adult, she becomes sensible. She is dreamy, has a rich imagination and high intuition. Can be soft, timid, modest or seductive, flirtatious, playful. Her unpredictability gives her a special appeal. Prone to romantic relationships. Cherishes every moment of love. He gives himself over to his feelings with all his heart and soul. She needs a sensitive and responsive partner; only such a person will make her happy. She does not tolerate half-heartedness in relationships: all or nothing. Wants to love and be loved, and to the end. Can be quick-tempered and touchy. She wants security, understanding and care. Although she herself is able to withstand any storms in life. When parting with a partner, she tries to maintain friendly relations. Marriage and children are top priorities. She chooses a husband of equal social status and with similar interests. Relationships with relatives are of paramount importance to her, and she devotes a lot of time and effort to them.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 6 for a man Such a man is obligatory, hardworking and reliable. Strives for a stable relationship. He loves, selflessly surrendering to feelings. We are easily vulnerable, prefers to give more than to take. Sees the advantages and disadvantages of both the partner himself and the prospects of his relationship with him. His emotions are expressed most fully in the area of ​​relationships, and he strives to find a faithful, understanding companion. He can be a sincere and deeply devoted partner. His need for sensual love implies first of all the body, and then the soul. Able to adapt well to changing circumstances. If he is respected as a person, he feels confident, otherwise he changes his partner. He is very attached to his mother, and his wife has to carve out a place for herself in his life. Does not like innovations, observes many conventions. Has heightened intuition. Home and family are the main thing for him. A big problem in relationships is increased sensitivity, sensitivity to criticism and judgment of others. Can be pedantic and demanding of others. He needs to forgive other people for their shortcomings and value their virtues more. It is better to find a companion with similar professional interests, in his circle, so that his friends like her, but does not stand higher in social status.

Birth number 25

People born on the 25th combine such traits as gentleness, changeability and greed. They easily engage in illegal activities. They have excellent business skills, but gambling and speculation attract them. They are romantic and intelligent, seeking spiritual communication. They are drawn like a magnet to business people, especially those who are well-off; they idealize such people.

IN excited state Their energy is great, but when it comes to sex they are average. They are happy with business and at the same time spiritually rich people.

Their motto is: "Change is better than peace."
They are easily irritated, quick-tempered, and impatient. Sometimes they can fall into bad company because of the love of easy money.
Their weak points are skin and digestion.

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of numbers in the cell.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 3

Energy, charisma - 2

Cognition, creativity - 3

Health, beauty - 1

Logic, intuition - 1

Hard work, skill - 1

Luck, luck - 0

Sense of duty - 0

Memory, mind - 3

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (rows, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-esteem (column “1-2-3”) - 8

Making money (column “4-5-6”) - 3

Talent potential (column “7-8-9”) - 3

Determination (line “1-4-7”) - 4

Family (line “2-5-8”) - 3

Stability (line “3-6-9”) - 7

Spiritual potential (diagonal “1-5-9”) - 7

Temperament (diagonal “3-5-7”) - 4

Chinese zodiac sign Goat

Every 2 years the Element of the year changes (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Goat elements Water of the year Yin

Birth hours

24 hours correspond to twelve signs Chinese zodiac. Sign Chinese horoscope birth, corresponding to the time of birth, so it is very important to know the exact time of birth; it has strong impact on a person's character. It is argued that by looking at your birth horoscope you can accurately determine the characteristics of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will occur if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat – 23:00 – 01:00
  • Bull – 1:00 – 3:00
  • Tiger – 3:00 – 5:00
  • Rabbit – 5:00 – 7:00
  • Dragon – 7:00 – 9:00
  • Snake – 09:00 – 11:00
  • Horse – 11:00 – 13:00
  • Goat – 13:00 – 15:00
  • Monkey – 15:00 – 17:00
  • Rooster – 17:00 – 19:00
  • Dog – 19:00 – 21:00
  • Pig – 21:00 – 23:00

European zodiac sign Libra

Dates: 2013-09-24 -2013-10-23

The four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main character traits of a person, by including them in our horoscope, they help to form a more complete picture of a particular person.

Features of this element are warmth and humidity, flexibility, divisibility, adaptability. In the Zodiac, these qualities correspond to the air trine (triangle): Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The trine of Air is considered the trine of ideas and intellectuality. Principle: exchange, contact.
Air determines contacts and relationships. The element of Air endows a person with such qualities as mobility, activity, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility, receptivity, omnipresence, limitlessness, curiosity. The air is independent, free. It is responsible for the basic processes on Earth - movement, reproduction, procreation, that is, for the transmission of life.
People whose horoscopes express the element of Air have a sanguine temperament. Such people can make an impression. They are quick in decisions and deeds, easily and quickly grasp any information, then pass it all on to other people, processed in their own way. They instantly adapt to any changes and changes in life. They are characterized by spiritual flexibility, mental lability, mental mobility, they are tireless as long as they are passionate about something. The monotony tires them.
The character flaws of people of the Air element include a lack of thoroughness and depth in the sphere of thinking, in the sphere of feelings and activity; they are very unreliable and cannot be relied on. They are too superficial, nervous, indecisive, their goals and plans constantly fluctuate and change. But they can present their shortcomings as advantages.
Not a single trine has such abilities for diplomacy and a secular lifestyle as the Air trine. He is a virtuoso in the ability to establish numerous and varied connections, to grasp, connect and use heterogeneous information. Air people do not tolerate a sedentary lifestyle, business routine, and most often do not have a stable profession, unless it is related to information, travel and contacts.
People of the Air trigon have the greatest success in the field of science, technology, the world of art, especially literature. And journalism is simply their element. The best helpers of these people in their work are their constant desire for more and more new impressions, new experiences, continuous exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with the people around them and their ability to establish quick connections and contacts. Their ideal is to be at the center of all events.
Most often, people of the Air element do not fit into the generally accepted framework because of their craving for freedom, they do not like obligations, and avoid excessive dramatization of relationships. Even ordinary family life may seem like a certain “cross” for them, from which they will try to escape or at least alleviate it.
Monotony and monotony are their worst enemy, so crises in the sphere of love and marriage are a common story for them. Their superficial feelings can quickly ignite and be inspired, and close contacts can begin even from the first meeting and with the first person they meet, but all this will continue exactly until they meet the next object of delight and admiration, until new reason inspiration and passion.
To parents and educators of children of the Air trine Special attention One should pay attention to their excessive idealism, superficiality of thinking, and susceptibility to other people's influence. Therefore, it is necessary to lay in them as early as possible that moral core that will be their support in life. Since the child of this trine is very susceptible to both bad and good influences, it is very important who is next to him. The role of parents in choosing friends is very important. You need to be in constant contact with such a child, participate in his affairs and be nearby during rest, then the spiritual connection between parents and child will remain until the end of his life.
The greatest advantage of people of this element is the ability to contact the outside world, the ability to connect people and circumstances, and the greatest danger is mental and spiritual fragmentation, which often causes unnecessary worries and disappointments.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. The cardinal cross is the cross of will, the material basis of the universe, a new impulse of idea. His main quality is the desire for realization. It is always directed towards the future. It gives dynamism, activity, and the desire for a goal. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon or most of the personal planets are in cardinal signs will be a man of action. Such people are energetic and live in the present; for them, the most important thing is the current moment in time and the feeling of “here and now.” Therefore, their emotions and sensations are bright and strong. Their joy is as strong and sincere as their disappointment, but any emotions are short-lived, since these signs soon plunge into new life, into new sensations, starting a new business. With age, their moods become more even and come to their usual businesslike mood. Obstacles do not frighten them, but only increase their pressure and desire for the goal. However, they do not have much strength to withstand the fight for their goal for too long. Therefore, if the struggle with an obstacle takes too long or the results of your efforts are not visible at all, then such an obstacle begins to seem insurmountable, which leads to disappointment, causes a loss of strength and can even lead to depression. Also detrimental to them is the lack of dynamics and the ability to take initiative. Such a person will always strive forward and upward, captivating him with his energy. He is always in sight, noticeably rises above his surroundings, achieves his life goal and reaches a high social level.

Libra is the third sign of the stability zone, the sign of the element Air in its stabilized manifestation. The main rulers of Libra are Chiron and Venus. Libra is the second level of the element of Air, which is more stable here than in Gemini. Libra is the greatest aesthete of the entire Zodiac, they do not tolerate conflicts, quarrels and clashes and always strive to eliminate them.
High level Libras are talented diplomats; diplomacy in Libra comes from Chiron.

It is common for you to strive for stability, comfort, and balance. You know the laws very well, feel them and strive to comply with them. You have a natural attraction to beauty in all its forms. Your credo is the call “Guys, let’s live together!” You, as a rule, have success in those matters that require good taste, artistry, a developed and rich imagination, which is why we find many famous artists, poets and writers among Libras. You always strive to choose a certain circle in life, the elite. And when different opinions collide, if you fail to balance these opinions, you take the side of the more reasonable one, and in the worst case, the side of the winner. Therefore, in life you can very easily betray the people with whom you communicate. It is noted that among traitors there is a large percentage of Libras. There are also many courtesans and women among Libras prostitute.
For you, the embodiment of stability is harmony, so you look for harmony in everything. A big problem for you is the formation of creativity in yourself. This is the subtle use of your internal energy and the ability not to be cold. The fact is that Libra may be the coldest sign of the Zodiac, because the only sign represented by a symbol taken from inanimate nature - the metallic cold Libra. Your karmic task is to be a subtle, “pharmacy” Libra. In no case should you allow the “pivot of the scale to rust”; then you will not be able to balance the situation; you need to be very subtly involved in it. Only after analyzing its essence can you get involved in the situation and help people achieve harmony.

The country of Libra is England, which is why this sign is so closely and intimately connected with the English nation.
There are few military men among Libra, but there have been some: for example, Admiral Nelson, General Eisenhower. Among Libra there are many justice workers: prosecutors and lawyers (for example F. Plevako). Creative Libras were: Watteau, Bouger, Rimbaud, Saint-Saens, Bunin. Among Libras there are many politicians who know how to sit on two chairs at the same time, and in the worst case, who know how to play off the two sides in order to get some benefit from this enmity. “ The Iron Lady“Madame Thatcher, Wilson and Richard III are also Libras. Let us emphasize once again that lowest level Libras are traitors. The range of manifestations of Libra is generally very wide. Yesenin, Lermontov and Pavel I were Libras.

Famous Libra: Aksakov, Baskov, Bezrukov, Bor, Boeing, Bouger, Bulychev, Burg, Boussenard, Watteau, Verdi, Voinovich, M. Gandhi, Green, Gumilyov, Van Damme, Diderot, D. Donskoy, Dzhigarkhanyan, Michael Douglas, Dykhovichny , Evstigneev, Sorge, Levitan, Lennon, Kortnev, Kramarov, Crowley, D. Karan, J. Carter, Ch. Koreneva, Lagutenko, Mamontov, Nietzsche, Nigmatullin, Nemtsov, Pavarotti, Putin, Rimbaud, Roerich, Semyonov, Sting, Cervantes , Wilde, Winslet, Heyerdahl, Khamatova, Tsvetaeva, Churikova, Shilov, Yudashkin.

Watch a video:

Libra | 13 zodiac signs | TV channel TV-3

The site provides condensed information about the zodiac signs. Detailed information can be found on the relevant websites.

The troops of the WESTERN Front, continuing to develop the offensive, successfully crossed the Dnieper River and, after stubborn battles, took the city by storm on September 25 regional center- the city of SMOLENSK. Today, the troops of the WESTERN Front, after two days of fighting, broke the enemy’s resistance and captured the city and the large railway junction of ROSLAVL.

In the DNEPROPETROVSK direction, our troops continued the offensive and captured the regional center of the Dnepropetrovsk region PETRICOVKA, and also occupied the large settlements of PRODANOVKA, GALUSHKOVKA, LOBOIKOVKA. KOLKHO3OVKA, ELIZAVETOVKA.

In the KREMENCHUG direction, our troops, continuing to develop a successful offensive, advanced from 15 to 20 kilometers and captured the city of KOBELYAKI, the regional centers of the Poltava region OBOLON, SEMYONOVNA, and also occupied over 120 other settlements, including large settlements BILYAKI, RADOLOVKA, ZUBANI, PODGORYE, OSTAPIE, SUKHORABOVKA, MIKHNEVKA, GORB, SHAMRAEVKA, POPOVO, MARYANOVKA, MARKOVKA, BRIGADIVKA, KASYANY, BEREZHNOVKA, PESIGOLOVTSY, GARBUZOVKA and railway stations VESYOLY PODOL, KOBELYAKI.

In the KIEV direction, our troops, having broken the enemy’s resistance, captured the city of BROVARY.


Our troops, advancing northwest of SMOLENSK, advanced from 4 to 6 kilometers and occupied over 60 settlements, including large settlements DUBROVKA, SUKHONYATY, YAZVISCHE, KHOLM, BERESTYANKA, BABNI, PENISNAR, ROGULINO.

During September 24, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 58 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 49 enemy aircraft were shot down.

The troops of the Western Front drove the enemy out of the fortifications covering the approaches to Smolensk, and yesterday they broke into the northern outskirts of the city. Fierce street fighting ensued. Clearing the Nazis block by block, Soviet soldiers occupied the entire northern part cities. At night, our troops captured the crossings, crossed the Dnieper River and took Smolensk by storm: Thus, the most important strategic center of the enemy’s defense on West direction- the city of Smolensk was liberated from Nazi invaders.

Today, after two days of fighting, our troops broke the German resistance and captured the city and the large railway junction of Roslavl.

In the battles for the city of Smolensk and the city of Roslavl, large enemy forces were defeated. Large trophies were captured, including 60 aircraft, many guns, large military warehouses and big number trains.

Our troops, pursuing the defeated enemy, occupied a number of settlements west of Smolensk and Roslavl.

In the Dnepropetrovsk direction, our troops continued their offensive. The enemy, relying on previously fortified positions, launched fierce counterattacks. The soldiers of the N-unit repelled fifteen enemy counterattacks and destroyed 800 Nazis. 11 tanks and armored vehicles and 2 self-propelled guns were knocked out and burned. In another section, parts of the N-formation, throwing the enemy to the west, destroyed more than 400 German soldiers and officers, destroyed 17 tanks, 3 self-propelled guns and 6 armored vehicles. Trophies and prisoners were captured.

In the Kremenchug direction, our troops continued to successfully advance forward. Overcoming resistance and repelling German counterattacks, units of the N-formation captured the city of Kobelyaki.

Several hundred enemy corpses remained on the battlefield. The enemy retreating in disarray abandoned many weapons, including 4 serviceable tanks, 2 self-propelled guns and 5 armored personnel carriers. Soldiers of the unit, where the commander is Comrade. Yurkov, with a successful maneuver, knocked out the enemy from a heavily fortified stronghold, destroying 200 German soldiers and officers. Two artillery batteries and several vehicles with ammunition and food were captured.

In the Kiev direction, our troops, overcoming German resistance, continued to advance forward. As a result of a fierce battle, which ended in the defeat of the Germans, our troops occupied the regional center of the Kyiv region - the city of Brovary. In this battle, up to 1,000 German soldiers and officers, 8 tanks, 3 self-propelled guns and 2 armored vehicles were destroyed. 6 tanks, 37 guns and other trophies were captured. More than 100 prisoners were taken. The N-formation, moving forward, over the past two days captured 20 guns, 12 radio stations, more than 500 horses, several warehouses with ammunition and military equipment from the enemy.

In the Gomel direction, our troops continued to develop a successful offensive, captured the city of Klintsy and liberated German invaders over 350 other settlements. Units of the N-formation in the battle for the city of Klintsy were destroyed up to a regiment of German infantry. A lot of weapons, ammunition and military materials were captured.

During the day, our fighters freed several thousand Soviet citizens whom the Nazis had taken to hard labor in Germany.

North-west of Smolensk, our troops fought offensive battles and occupied over 60 settlements. More than 600 German soldiers and officers were killed. One of our units, pursuing the enemy, captured 14 guns, 44 machine guns, 200 rifles and machine guns and two ammunition depots. 65 enemy soldiers and officers went over to the side of the Red Army with weapons in their hands.

A partisan detachment operating in one of the districts of the Smolensk region attacked a company of Germans. The partisans destroyed more than 100 enemy soldiers and officers and captured all the company's weapons. 13 prisoners were taken. A group of Smolensk partisans suddenly attacked at night concentration camp, killed the German guards and freed 80 Soviet citizens languishing in the camp. That same night, the second group of partisans destroyed a German convoy that was taking civilians to hard labor in Germany, and liberated a large number of Soviet citizens.

Captured non-commissioned officer of the 6th company of the 266th regiment of the 72nd German infantry division, Alois Shombara, said: “Our battalion received an order to hold one village at any cost. The Russians went on the attack and began to bypass us. The soldiers left their positions without permission and fled. Officers tried to stop the fleeing people. They ran around like crazy, shouted, threatened to shoot, but the soldiers did not listen to them. Later we found out that our entire regiment fled in the same way, losing half of its strength.”

Return to date September 25


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“... The morning of September 25, 1943 was particularly memorable. Suddenly, loud women's lamentations came into the hut through a closed window. Dozens of women howled like women at the top of their voices. The girls ran out of the hut and saw that Red Army soldiers were walking along the country road, and peasant women were rushing around, hugging the soldiers, pushing them bread and milk. That same day, the girls returned to the burning city.

According to the memoirs of V.L. Maistrov, for two nights the fire over the city was so strong that 10 kilometers south of the city, in Observation Buda, where his mother hid him as a teenager, it was as bright as day.

The presence of partisans in the suburb of Klintsy became noticeable two months before the liberation of the city due to increasing cases of sabotage. These were partisans from the “Klintsovsky detachment”. First, the partisans burned down the “butter factory” on Shchorsa Street - a small a private house, almost on the edge of the city, where workers churned butter by hand. In August, partisans burned down another “butter factory” in the village of Smolevichi. This was also a hut where peasants brought milk in jugs for subsequent transportation to a dairy factory for processing. Then a rumor spread that the partisans had set fire to a tractor in Zaymishche. A few days before the liberation of the city, the partisans set fire to a wooden extension near the printing house building, along Klintsovaya Street (Dzerzhinsky Street) ...

... More serious acts of sabotage were committed by partisans on the railway. There were rumors that near Pochep and Novozybkov, partisans from other detachments were derailing German trains.

Refugees who left the city in mid-September 1943 said that already a week before the liberation of the city, partisans stood under the city walls not only in Vidovka and in the Borkovsky forest, but also in the Vyunki area.

The Germans left the city of Klintsy on September 20, 1943 and went towards the villages of Lopotny and the village of Rozhny. The city posts were lifted and the curfew was not observed. But people did not go out, still fearing massacres and raids. Those who did not leave the city hid in their homes. A platoon of soldiers remained in the city for three days. From September 21, German torchbearer soldiers, in groups of two or three, went out to work every day, methodically, house by house, setting factory and public buildings on fire with a flamethrower. They say that when the torchbearers drove up to the Workers' House along Bolshaya Street, the residents of the house fell to their knees, asking not to burn the house. They quickly collected some remnants of the jewelry and “bought back” the Workers’ House from the torchbearers. No one in the city offered resistance to the arsonists: the population had no weapons and no organization. They were waiting any minute for the partisans, about whom everyone had already heard. But the partisans did not enter the burning city. Apparently there was no order. The torchbearers “worked” from September 21 to 23. All factories and factories, all schools and hospitals were destroyed in the fire.

The fires drove thousands of residents out of the city. Those who remained in the city said that the deserted city was ruled by several torch-arsonists, who, having done their dirty deed, left on the morning of September 24. I was in the city these days and testify that already on September 24, 1943, there was not a single occupier in the city. On the morning of September 24, along Krasnoborskaya Street, torchbearer soldiers rushed past our houses on three motorcycles towards Lopatnya. As it turned out, only nine people burned the city. These were the last occupiers...

... On the morning of September 24, 1943, people got out of the basements and rushed to the destroyed and burning shops and warehouses, snatching from the fire what was still standing. No one resisted them, there was not a single policeman or German anywhere. Salt was stored in a warehouse near the Peter and Paul Church. The salt was scooped out with hands, spoons, and pots, and a cave was formed in the salt mountain. At one point the salt arch collapsed. A young woman, the wife of teacher Malyug, the mother of two girls, died, and several other people were injured.

By the evening of September 24, artillery was firing from the east, from the direction of Ardoni. The shells flew over the city towards the village of Rozhny. From there they were answered by German artillery. Brief shooting from automatic weapons on the evening of September 24 was heard from the south, across the railroad.

Night came, all the residents were in agonizing anticipation, no one slept. Long before dawn on September 25, penal battalions entered the city. Penalty soldiers, without firing a single shot, huddled in groups like shadows, passed through the city from east to west.

Tasya, my sister, then lived on Krasnoborskaya Street. She said that on the night of September 25, no one slept in the house. We went outside and listened to see if there was any shooting. Everyone was afraid of artillery shelling. The city was light from the ongoing fires. But it was quiet. At about 4 o'clock in the morning the silence of the night was broken by the footsteps of hundreds of boots. Tasya went out into the yard, looked through the gap between the fence boards and saw a dark mass of people walking along the road. People walked in silence. A voice was heard from the neighboring yard: “Our people are coming!” And then the gates began to open. People ran out onto the road to make sure they were Red Army soldiers. The soldiers, dressed in worn, torn padded jackets, slept on the move. They had no weapons. They began to bother the soldiers, poke bread, boiled eggs. The penal battalions silently passed through the hidden city and went along Krasnoborskaya Street in the direction of Lopotnya to pave the way for the liberators.

Nikolai Timofeevich Skripkin, together with his parents and dozens of other families, was in a birch grove at the old Zubovsky cemetery from September 21 to 25. It is two kilometers from the city center. The Skripkins could not go further because their grandfather was dying at home, in the burning city. Every day Kolya ran to the city, visited his grandfather, fed him, and returned to the birch grove at night. On the morning of September 24, Kolya saw two German soldiers drive up to the Zubovsky Bridge on a motorcycle and try to set the bridge on fire. This was done in a hurry. The flames had barely caught before the Germans jumped on a motorcycle and rushed off to Freedom Square. The bridge flared up sluggishly. The boys ran out of the grove and knocked out the flames with sand. On the same day, Kolya returned from the city with good news: there are no Germans in the city, all the shops have been opened, the residents are sorting out food. The mother did not dare return to the city, and the family spent another night in the grove. In the evening of September 24, several shells flew over the city in the direction Ardon - Rozhny and in the opposite direction. Soon the artillery fire stopped and there was an oppressive silence. Everyone listened to the silence of the night, waited for the storming of the city, and were afraid that the advancing troops would conduct artillery shelling of the city.

On the morning of September 25, green rockets flashed in the sky over the city, in the southern part, and then the noise of engines was heard from the forest, from the left bank of the Turosny River (now the Moskovka River). In the reflection of the city fires, it was clearly visible how the tanks approached the burnt Zubovsky Bridge. The first light tank slowly crawled onto the bridge, but the bridge began to sag under the weight of the vehicle. The tankers landed reconnaissance, and they themselves turned their vehicles around and went back into the forest. The bridge over the Turosna River, near the Glukhov factory, was destroyed. The tanks crossed the Stodolskaya Dam bridge, entered the city and went west following the penal battalions. On the afternoon of September 25, 1943, Kolya Kurochkin and his friends watched as tanks crossed a wooden bridge near the village of Durni. First, a light wedge was launched across the bridge, followed by heavy tanks. The bridge survived.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance group, landed near the Zubovsky factory, discovered a crowd of people at the old Zubovsky cemetery, learned from them that there was not a single occupier in the city, and immediately, to the delight of the boys, among whom was Kolya Skripkin, they gave a signal with green rockets - the way was clear. Without waiting for dawn, the Klin residents rushed into the city, to their homes. Despite early hour, troops were observed moving around the city. But there was no shooting in the city during the night.

Troops entered the city from the east of Stodol and from the south, from the railway station...

... All day on September 25, 1943, the troops stood on the western outskirts of the city, on Freedom Square, along the road to Lopatni. There was no place to stay in the city. The soldiers were resting. Among them there were many lightly wounded. They changed old bandages, tidied up their clothes, and slept near their cars. Late in the evening the troops left to the west..."

Memoirs of Pavel Maksimovich Khramchenko about the years of occupation of the city of Klintsy (1941 - 1943) from the collection “Klintsy Chronicler”, book 1, 2007.

The troops of the right wing of the Western Front made a night attack from the north-west and south-west at 3 o'clock. 30 min. broke into Smolensk and liberated this ancient Russian city from the Nazi invaders. The city of Smolensk was the most important hub of the enemy’s defense in the Western direction.

The troops of the 10th and 49th armies of the Western Front broke enemy resistance and captured the most important communications and defense center of the enemy - the city of Roslavl.

The troops of the Voronezh Front, having begun an operation to capture and hold a bridgehead on the river. The Dnieper north of Kyiv fought fierce battles against the troops of the enemy’s 2nd and 4th tank armies.

The troops of the Steppe Front began crossing the river. The Dnieper on a broad front southeast of Kremenchug.

The troops of the Southwestern Front crossed the Dnieper south of Dnepropetrovsk.

The Black Sea Fleet carried out a landing in the Blagoveshchensk area. As a result of a successful landing, the landing force surrounded and destroyed part of the enemy group.

In a letter from the Leningrad Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, it was noted that during the war, Leningrad partisans exterminated 55,166 Nazi soldiers and officers, organized 516 crashes of military trains, during which 7,292 wagons and platforms with live weapons were destroyed. force, equipment and ammunition, blew up 65 railway and 608 highway bridges, 220 various warehouses, defeated 53 enemy garrisons, destroyed 2,307 trucks and cars, 91 aircraft and 152 tanks.

Underground workers Art. Kalinkovichi V.I. Otchik, A.I. Bulatovsky and A. Loevskaya mined metal barrels with gasoline. As a result of the explosion, a fire occurred that lasted about 2 days, engulfing all warehouses and a loading and unloading ramp 500 m long. The fire completely destroyed all warehouses and military equipment located on the unloading ramp, including equipment and communications equipment, pontoon equipment, uniforms and equipment, optical and railway instruments, food, lubricating oils, etc.

Soviet troops liberated the city of Kobelyaki, Poltava region; Novozybkov, Klintsy, Bryansk region.

Chronicle of besieged Leningrad

There are fireworks in Moscow again. In honor of the liberation of Smolensk and Roslavl, twenty artillery salvoes from two hundred and twenty-four guns thundered.

There is another shelling in Leningrad. The first shell exploded at 4:40 a.m., the second at 7:25 a.m. The shelling resumed at noon and continued until 20:20. One of the enemy shells hit a grocery store on Nevsky Prospekt, 18. 5 people were killed, 7 were wounded. Within 15 minutes, 30 shells fell on the Kirov plant. In total, 223 shells exploded in the city that day. 23 people were killed and 53 wounded.

There was no silence at the front near Leningrad either. But our artillery dominated here. She destroyed 2 tanks, 3 artillery and 4 mortar batteries of the enemy. In addition, the fire of many guns that tried to fire at our positions was suppressed.

The Leningrad branch of TASS sent the following message to newspaper editorial offices today:
“In all areas of the city, autumn work is being carried out to restore gardens, parks, and public gardens. The Vyborg plant of the Green Construction Trust produces a large number of ornamental trees and bushes for this purpose.

On one of the avenues on Vasilievsky Island [apparently, they meant Bolshoi Avenue], the boulevards are being restored, and work has begun on the alley running along International Avenue. The poplar alley near the Lenin mill in the Volodarsky district [now Nevsky district] is being restored. At least 3,000 trees and bushes will be planted in the Vyborg region. In the city center, work is ahead to restore the alleys along the banks of the Swan Canal near the Summer Garden. In total, at least 22 thousand trees and bushes will be planted in Leningrad in September and October.”

The first step towards the liberation of Belarus

Military operation

The Western Front is preparing for a decisive blow

Only two years - or two hundred
The cruel beggar years have passed,
But what is there in this place is
It is neither a city nor a village.

A.T. Tvardovsky

In September 1943, Soviet troops had to drive the enemy out of Smolensk.

Having liberated Yelnya and Dorogobuzh, Soviet troops created a convenient springboard for further development attack to the west. Strategic offensive operation "Suvorov" was entering its final stage.

The German units, having retreated to Smolensk, took up previously prepared positions along the Desna and Ustrom rivers. City, being a major transport hub , played a key role in the supply system for the entire northern wing of Army Group Center. The Germans paid special attention to his protection. Difficult terrain with a large number of rivers and dense forests, together with a deeply echeloned system of defensive structures, gave the German command hope to stop the advance of Soviet troops in this area.

Our command saw little prospect of overcoming such a prepared line “at once.” The troops of the Western and Kalinin fronts took an operational pause to regroup forces and replenish equipment.

At the beginning of September 1943 The command of the Western Front began preparations for the Smolensk-Roslavl operation. The goals of the future campaign were the defeat of the enemy group of the same name, the liberation of Smolensk and the region, and the creation of a springboard for the liberation of Belarus.

In the zone of the future offensive, active reconnaissance was carried out by the forces of the 1st and 3rd Air Armies, the location of fortified firing points and enemy batteries was clarified.

By the end of the first ten days of September, the preparatory phase of the operation was completed, and the offensive plan was formed.

The general plan of the campaign was as follows: the central group of the front, after breaking through the defense, was supposed to cut railway and the Smolensk-Roslavl highway in the Pochinki area and further advance to Smolensk from the southeast, at the same time the right flank, after the liquidation of the Yartsevskaya group, was supposed to reach Smolensk from the northeast.

The left flank of the front was deployed in the direction of Roslavl.
Partisan detachments behind enemy lines also played an important role., causing maximum damage to transport communications west of Smolensk. The following fact is noteworthy: in the fall of 1943, partisans of the Moskvin brigade derailed an enemy train, which contained aircraft wreckage and other scrap metal, which the Germans sent for melting down in Germany. This sabotage was not so significant militarily, but when in 1944 they began to dismantle the piles of this scrap, the famous bust of Kutuzov was discovered among it, which was installed in Kutuzovsky Square in Smolensk in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino.

This the date of occurrence has been selected Commander of the Western Front, Lieutenant General V.D. Sokolovsky not by chance. From the north-east, Smolensk was covered by the powerful Dukhovshchinskaya group of the enemy, in the center - by Yartsevskaya, from the south-east - by Roslavl. Without deep interaction with the forces of the neighboring Kalinin and Bryansk fronts the success of the offensive was in jeopardy.

On September 14, the troops of the Kalinin Front began the Dukhovshchinsko-Demidov offensive operation, creating the threat of deeply enveloping the entire Smolensk enemy group from the north.

At the same time, the 50th Army of the Bryansk Front cut off the Roslavl group from the south.
After enemy forces south and north of Smolensk were pinned down , the opportune moment had arrived to strike the decisive blow.

Military operation

Beginning of the Smolensk-Roslavl operation

On September 15, 1943, the armies of the Western Front went on the offensive. The main blow in the direction of Pochinki-Orsha was delivered by the forces of the 10th Guards, 21st and 33rd armies.

Both flank groups also went on the offensive. The very next day, formations of the Western Front liberated the city and an important railway station on the approaches to Smolensk - Yartsevo. And on September 19, the troops of the Kalinin Front took Dukhovshchina. On that day, the victory was celebrated in Moscow with 12 salvoes from 124 guns.

In 4 days of fighting, the central group of the Western Front broke through the German defenses to a depth of more than 40 kilometers. Thus, by September 20, the enemy had lost 2 of 3 key defensive lines on the approaches to Smolensk. Over the next few days, the Red Army forces successfully developed their offensive, advancing towards the city from two directions.

On September 23, troops of the 33rd and 21st armies, advancing on Smolensk from the south, cut the Smolensk-Roslavl railway in the Pochinok area and, turning to the northeast, continued their advance towards Smolensk.

At the same time, troops of the 31st, 5th and 68th armies reached the banks of the Dnieper northeast of Smolensk.

Military operation

Battle for the city

On the approaches to Smolensk, Soviet troops fully demonstrated their ability to conduct combat operations, despite the complexity of the terrain, replete with a large number of rivers, and roads deteriorated from the autumn rains. Our units, tirelessly pursuing the enemy, skillfully maneuvered around the German fortifications, cut off their escape routes, attacked from the flanks and rear, forced battles in unfavorable conditions for the enemy, surrounded his units and destroyed manpower and equipment. Retreating, the Nazis tried to organize resistance at every convenient point and gain time in the hope of withdrawing their main forces and equipment from attack. Our soldiers and officers countered this tactic with the art of maneuver, swiftness of strikes and well-organized pursuit day and night, without giving the enemy a single minute of respite, not allowing them to gain a foothold on intermediate lines.

The artillerymen experienced especially great stress in these battles. Their task was to break enemy resistance on the main lines, disrupt the fire system, provide the infantry with the time necessary to maneuver, and help capture enemy strongholds. The artillerymen completed the task completely.

Cut into pieces by frontal attacks and deprived of key transport and defensive hubs, the Smolensk enemy group actually stopped providing organized resistance.

On the night of September 25, after intensive artillery preparation, having crossed the Dnieper in several places, the shock units of the three armies of the right flank of the Western Front with different sides began the assault on Smolensk. Bloody street battles ensued, with shots and shell explosions heard from all sides. The Nazis still resisted in some places, but they were no longer able to stop the rapid advance of our troops.

Combat Report No. 477, Headquarters of the Western Front, 26.9.43 1-40

Card 100.000

  1. After fierce battles in the Smolensk and Roslavl directions, front troops captured the city on the morning of September 25th. Smolensk and Roslavl. Developing a further offensive in these directions, the front armies over the past 24 hours liberated 460 settlements and advanced in the western and southwestern directions from 10 to 20 kilometers.
  2. 31st Army. Army troops, having broken enemy resistance at the intermediate line along the west. bank of the river Kolodnya successfully continued the offensive. On the shoulders of the retreating enemy, army units burst into the northeastern part of Smolensk and, after fierce street fighting, by 3.30 on September 25, in cooperation with the troops of the 5th and 68th armies, they completely captured the city. Developing a further offensive, by the end of the day the units reached the front: Prudiny, Buraya, Gvozdovo, Novoselki, Glushchenki. The enemy, under attacks from army troops, hiding behind reinforced rearguards and engineering barriers, was forced to retreat in a westerly direction.
  3. 5th Army. Army troops, overcoming enemy fire and barriers, occupied the northeastern part of Smolensk by the morning of September 25. Later they crossed the river. Dnieper and captured the southern part of the city. During the day, units of the army, remaining in the city, put themselves in order and conducted reconnaissance in the western and southwestern directions.
  4. 68th Army. At the end of September 24, the army troops, turning around from the right flank of the 10th Guards. The armies at the line of Drozzhino, Slobodka, Zaborye continued their offensive and, together with units of the 31st Army, captured the southern and southwestern part of Smolensk. By the end of September 25, the army troops reached the front: Nizhny. Clear, Cheeky, High. The units are fighting at this line. Units of the 199th Infantry Division defeated two battalions of the 109th Infantry Division and three enemy batteries.
  5. 10th Guards army As a result of the offensive, during the day of the battle the troops advanced 14-15 km. and at the end of the day they fought on the front of Sozh Spasskoye, Sobachino, Seleznevka, Kalashniki, Bol. Muzhilovo. The enemy, with reinforced rearguards, fought fierce battles on advantageous intermediate lines, his artillery, supporting infantry battle formations, fired from self-propelled field guns, trying to hold back the advancing army troops.
  6. 21st Army. The army troops, continuing to develop the offensive, fought with reinforced enemy rearguards on a number of tactical lines. During the day of the battle, the units advanced up to 15 km. and by the end of the day we reached the river. Vihra zap. Volkovo. East Levkovo village units crossed the river and are fighting to expand the captured areas on the western bank of the river. The army's mobile group operates in the battle formations of the right-flank units of the army.
  7. 33rd Army. After a fierce battle at the line of Grigorkovo Moluki, r. Khmara, the army's troops broke the enemy's resistance and, destroying his manpower and equipment, advanced up to 20 km during the day of the battle. By the end of the day, Dolgiye Niva, Shaiki, Solovyovka, Maryino, Shemyatovka, Nemchino reached the line. The enemy from the Potapovo line, farm. Skriplevo, Kazanka, Turki met our units with mortar, machine gun and artillery fire. There is a battle at this point.
  8. 49th Army. Overcoming fire and engineering barriers of the enemy’s covering units, army troops 25.9 advanced…

Operational report No. 463 on the actions of the troops of the Western Front for 9/25/43

First: After fierce battles in the Smolensk and Roslavl directions, front troops captured the city of Smolensk at 3.30 on September 25 and at 7.00 the city of Roslavl. Developing a further offensive, over the past 24 hours we have advanced from 10 to 25 km. and liberated 460 settlements.
Second: 31st Army. Army troops, having broken enemy resistance on the western bank of the river. Kolodnya and on the shoulders of the retreating enemy burst into the city of Smolensk. After fierce street fighting, by 3.30 September 25, in cooperation with the troops of the 5th and 68th armies, completely captured the city. Continuing the offensive, by 22.00 army units reached the front:
36 sk 359 sd – Prudiny, Buraya. 274 SD – claim. Buraya, Gvozdovo. 215 Infantry Division - in the second echelon in the Kuvshinovo, Kupniki, Divasy areas.
71 sk – 331 sd – claim. Gvozdovo, grove west. Novoselki, 82 SD – forest east. Gvozdovo, 133 SD - in the second echelon in the Star area. Serebryanka, New Serebryanka, Karmanichi.
Third: 5th Army. Overcoming enemy fire and barrages, army units occupied the northeastern and southern part Smolensk.
During the day, the 312th and 207th Rifle Division, remaining in the city of Smolensk, put themselves in order and conducted reconnaissance in the western and southwestern directions.
Fourth: 68th Army. Overcoming enemy resistance, army troops with their right flank, in cooperation with units of the 31st Army, captured the southwestern part of Smolensk. By the end of the day we had advanced up to 20 km. and went to the front:
72 sk - 192 rd - Borovaya, Shiryaevo. 159th Infantry Division - fighting on the front of Korobovo, Ignatovka. 199 Infantry Division - withdrawn to the second echelon and concentrated in the Popovka, Yasenaya area.

After stubborn street fighting with the rearguard of German troops, our forces liberated the city on the same day.

Among the soldiers who liberated the city was the famous Major General Sergei Ivanovich Iovlev. The war found Sergei Ivanovich in Smolensk at the head of the 64th Guards Division, which, on alert, was transferred to Belarus west of Minsk. It so happened that with his division he retreated all the way to Smolensk, where, upon leaving the encirclement in 1941, the paths of the commander and the division diverged. Behind enemy lines, he managed to gather and remove more than 1,000 soldiers from encirclement, causing considerable damage to German units.


The battles for Smolensk began on its distant approaches. The German outer line of defense ran northeast of Dukhovshchina, east of the city Yartsevo along the Vop River. Here was the central gate to the city. The German southern defense ran along the western bank of the Dnieper, adjoining the extreme right flank to the Sozh River.
As a result of stubborn battles, our troops broke through the heavily fortified German zone and defeated its long-term strongholds: Riblevo, Verdino, Lomonosovo, Kulagino, Pankratovo and stormed the most important stronghold on the approaches to Smolensk - the city of Dukhovshchina. At the same time, units of the Red Army, after stubborn fighting, broke the enemy’s resistance and captured the most important German stronghold on the approaches to Smolensk - the city of Zheleznodorozhnaya and the Yartsevo station.
Thus, the heavily fortified, long-term defensive line of the Germans, closing the so-called Smolensk Gate, was broken into. Fierce fighting began in the depths of the enemy’s defensive line. Overcoming stubborn resistance, our units, step by step, pushed the enemy to the west, exterminating his manpower and equipment.
To imagine the difficulties that our units had to overcome, a few words should be said about the territory of military operations in this area. On the approaches to Smolensk, the 50 /fifty/ kilometer zone is replete with a large number of rivers flowing in the meridian direction. Starting from Dorogobuzh, the Dnieper makes a big bend...

...and goes west, cutting Smolensk into two parts. Advancing towards Smolensk from three directions - north, northeast and east - our units had to fight successively to cross the rivers Losmina, Orleya, Nadva, Khmost, Bolshoy and Maly Vopets, Erovenka, Kolodnya, Stabna and a number of other less significant right tributaries Dnieper.
The coming autumn ruined the roads and overflowed the rivers with water. Another important detail is characteristic: western shores rivers dominate the area. Because of this, the Germans, who had fortified themselves in advance on the most convenient lines for defense, had enormous advantages, and our units had to overcome difficulties.
However, neither pre-fortified lines, nor water barriers, nor swamps, nor the lack of roads could stop the Soviet soldiers. They forded small rivers, built crossings in deep places, laid roads in swamps, and laid roads in forests.
The soldiers and officers of the engineering units showed boundless examples of dedication in these battles. Moving ahead of the infantry, sappers, under enemy fire, made crossings in the chilly autumn water, made passages in minefields, restored movement routes, and helped the infantry, artillery and tanks to continuously drive the enemy to the west.
On the approaches to Smolensk, soldiers and officers covered themselves with unfading glory. Tirelessly pursuing the enemy, with skillful maneuvers they bypassed the German fortifications, cutting off their escape routes...

...attacked from the flanks and rear, forced battles in unfavorable conditions for the enemy, surrounded his units and destroyed the enemy's manpower and equipment. In many cases, only through skillful maneuvers did our units manage to break the German resistance at individual pre-prepared lines. Retreating under attacks from Soviet units, the Nazis tried to linger at every convenient line, organize resistance and gain time in order to withdraw their main forces and equipment from attack. Our soldiers and officers countered this tactic with the art of maneuver, swiftness of strike and well-organized pursuit. The main thing was to, having knocked the Germans off the main line, resolutely, boldly and organizedly pursue the enemy day and night, without giving him a single minute of respite, without allowing him to gain a foothold on intermediate lines.
In these battles, the artillerymen experienced especially great stress. Their task was to break the enemy’s resistance on the main lines, disorganize his command and control, disrupt the fire system, provide the infantry with the time necessary to maneuver, and help capture enemy strongholds. The artillerymen did not retreat a single step. They led infantry and tanks behind the explosions of their shells.
In the battles for Smolensk, the Krasnoyarsk artillery regiment of Colonel Sergeev, the cannon artillery regiment of Colonel Krivoshapov, the fighter anti-tank artillery regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Bildin, guards mortar units and anti-aircraft units performed well.

As soon as the Germans were knocked down from the main lines, the artillerymen, together with the infantry, organized their pursuit. Continuously accompanying the infantrymen with fire and wheels, they ensured rapid advancement and rapid crossing of water barriers. A particularly important task in this matter was performed by the regimental and divisional fighter anti-tank artillery.
In a number of areas the enemy launched counterattacks. He threw infantry into battle, supporting it with tanks and self-propelled artillery. But this could not save the enemy. Skillful maneuvering of our units on the battlefield, well-organized crossing of water barriers, parallel and combined pursuit, which created a threat of encirclement for the Germans, forced them to roll back to the west.
As a result of persistent fierce battles, our units reached the nearest approaches to the city, crossed the Dnieper River and, after stubborn battles, took Smolensk by storm. At the same time, the troops of the Western Front, after two days of fierce fighting, broke the enemy’s resistance and captured an important communications hub and a powerful stronghold of the German defense in the Mogilev direction - the city of Roslavl.
Colonel N. Bakanov
Smolensk, September 23. /Special correspondent TASS/.

A.T. Tvardovsky

  • The main forces are 331 sd, 22 kyasd and 49 ski battalions. The distance between columns of formations on the march is 3 kilometres. At the head of the column there are 331 rifle regiments.
    The head of the column of the main forces is Major General Berestov.
    Pass R. Berezina at 6.00 on September 28, 1943.
  • In case of deployment of 133 sd. It deploys to the left of the road, 331 to the right of the road, 82 kyasd in the second echelon.
    Combat convoys with units.
    Convoy of the 2nd category in a common convoy 4 kilometers behind the main forces.
    The head of the column is the deputy commander of the 133rd Rifle Division.
  • Pay attention to the camouflage of movement and the organization of air defense means.
  • To quickly pursue the enemy, organize mobile detachments up to a reinforced company in each infantry division, in vehicles that should operate ahead of the lead detachment.
  • The headquarters of regiments and divisions are at the heads of the columns.
    Shtakor with 82 csd.
  • Artillery as directed by division commanders.
  • Army artillery reinforcement behind the main forces.
    All artillery should be ready to repel a counterattack by enemy infantry and tanks.
  • Commander 71 sk.
    Guards Major General (Vedenin)
    Chief of staff
    Colonel (Logunov)

    After 7 days, Hitler’s troops were driven back 100-150 km from Smolensk. Strategic offensive"Suvorov" was completed.

    From memories V.R.Boiko, participant Smolensk operation: “The many-month occupation could not pass without a trace. As a result of enemy propaganda, some soviet people were confused, as could be judged, for example, by the questions that were sometimes asked to the soldiers: “Have collective farms survived in the country?” “What kind of money goes into the USSR?”, “Will it be possible to withdraw American and British troops from the territory of the Soviet Union?”, “Are there many Polish and Czechoslovak units in our rear fighting the Red Army?”

    For this victory, like many others, the country paid a high price.. The ashes of more than 48,706 people rest in 13 mass graves in Smolensk. Of these, over 47,480 people, or more than 97%, are unnamed. For comparison, our army suffered approximately the same losses in the Belgorod-Kharkov operation carried out a month earlier.
