Sexually transmitted diseases in men. Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases. Tests for viral sexual infections

Moreover, 30% of stable couples are infected with sexually transmitted infections. Diseases were discovered during diagnostic studies on the subject. It should be emphasized that common infections of the genital area can be contracted even without having sexual contact. For this, close tactile contact of the skin, the use of common household items and ordinary kisses are enough. Such infections include herpetic, papillomavirus and cytomegalovirus, as well as syphilis.

Our doctors recommend that you adhere to strict sexual hygiene and exclude unprotected contact with casual partners. Sexual infections in men lead to terrible and sometimes irreversible consequences, even death. In addition, they have a detrimental effect on reproductive function and potency.

If you have found at least one strange symptom in yourself, we advise you to immediately contact a specialist for adequate differential diagnosis and early effective therapy. Our doctors have extensive experience in the treatment of chronic venereal and acute sexually transmitted infections. Modern medicine has taken a sharp step forward, and we are ready to assure you: any disease is not a sentence at all!

Common sexually transmitted infections in men

To date, doctors distinguish the following diseases, "popular" among men who are sexually promiscuous:

You need to contact a highly specialized specialist if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Any neoplasms on the penis (wounds, cracks, blistering plaques, papillomas);
  • Itching and burning of the external genital organs;
  • Cutting when urinating;
  • Separation of mucus from the urethra;
  • Hyperemia and swelling in the genital area;
  • Pain syndrome localized in the groin and anus;
  • Inflammation of testicles.

The main prerequisite for the development of STIs can be any variant of unprotected sexual contact (vaginal, oral, anal). If you live a promiscuous sex life, know that illness is your neglect of your own health.

Diagnostics in our clinic

If you are experiencing symptoms of an STI, we recommend that you seek immediate medical attention. Our qualified specialists will conduct a number of diagnostic studies to identify the presence of the disease and conduct effective therapy:

  • Scraping of the mucous tissue of the urethra with further transfer to a test tube with a reagent;
  • PCR study (polymerase chain reaction).
  • RPR Antibodies to cardiolipin antigen;
  • Blood test for hepatitis;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Clinical blood test;
  • Smear sampling for further microscopic examination (Gram stain);
  • Blood test for HIV;
  • Brief conversation with Dr.

Treatment in our clinic

Our competent specialists will select the optimal treatment regimen for you, depending on your problem and the course of the disease:

1. Antibacterial therapy;
2. Selection of immunomodulatory drugs;
3. The choice of delicate hygiene products for subsequent use.

As a rule, such therapy is enough. If necessary, it can be repeated as prescribed by the doctor. Our specialists will also give you all the important recommendations for the period of intensive treatment.

Sexual infections in men are not only uncomfortable sensations, but also a direct path to the most severe complications in terms of health and the reproductive system. Seek professional help promptly if you find yourself experiencing an alarming symptom. Our clinic will always help you gain health and protect yourself from relapses.

Our specialists

Sexually transmitted infections are a large group of diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.

At the same time, you should be aware that the infection does not always enter the body in the absence of protective equipment, such as a condom, some sexually transmitted infections can penetrate through the friction of the skin.

The average age is between 18 and 40 years old. Manifestations in infections are completely different, they depend on the type of pathogen.

Causes of sexually transmitted infections

Due to the large development of these pathological conditions, the number of pathogens is constantly growing.

How to get rid of female disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she told what drugs she took, whether traditional medicine is effective, what helped and what did not.

Currently, among the diseases that can lead to pathologies of the genital organs, several main groups can be distinguished:


The general symptomatology for sexually transmitted infections is an ambiguous concept. This is due to the fact that each disease has certain features that are difficult to combine into a single group.

Can be distinguished:

Transmission routes

There are the following ways of infection:

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“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We opted for one drug - which helped to cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to ... As soon as I started taking it, it became much easier, you even feel that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have sexual relations with my husband again, otherwise everything was without much desire. "

Types of infections

Bacterial infections


- This is one of the most life-threatening infections for both women and men.

It is caused by a bacterium, which is a pale treponema.

This is a fairly stable microorganism in the external environment, which can be kept for a long time.

This infection can enter the human body through several ways, the most common are sexual and contact-household. Not always the use of a condom can protect a woman from contracting syphilis.

The causative agent in the primary process is contained on the surface of the skin in the area where the infection and the initial introduction of the bacterium occurred.

If a woman used such an unconventional type of sex as oral contact with a man who has syphilis and has clinical manifestations of the genital organs, the disease will manifest itself in her oral mucosa or in the lips.

Stages of syphilis:

There is a possibility of transmission of syphilis from mother to fetus, which will lead to the fact that the child will receive a congenital form of syphilis with multiple defects in growth and development.


Chlamydia- This is one of the most insidious diseases related to sexually transmitted infections. It is associated with chlamydia, intracellular microorganisms that can only live in the human body.

This infection is transmitted mainly through the sexual route, almost no cases of household disease have been identified.

The pathogen attaches to the mucous membrane of the genital organs and invades the cell. Gradually, it settles on all internal genital organs. Both women and men can get sick equally. It should be noted that approximately the same distribution of infection between the sexes.

The disease is insidious in that it is almost asymptomatic in men and women, so for a long time sexual partners may not see a specialist, and a sexually transmitted infection develops complications in the body.

Symptoms of chlamydia include:


Gonorrhea- one of the most common diseases, which refers to pathologies of a bacterial nature.

The causative agent of this infection is a diplococcal microorganism of the same name.

Men and women can be equally affected, with significantly fewer cases of gonorrhea infection among women.

In many ways, doctors explain this difference in one of the features in the structure of the genital organs, relative to each of the sexes.

Gonorrhea is transmitted in several ways:

  • Sexual, serving as one of the most basic, and
  • Contact household. Less common, it is largely associated with infection of other family members who got gonorrhea through unprotected intercourse.

The disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • A possible increase in body temperature to subfebrile or febrile numbers.
  • In women, purulent discharge begins to be determined from the genital organs, which are full-time at home. The color is yellow-green, and the consistency is quite thick, the smell is unpleasant, reminiscent of purulent.
  • The most dangerous manifestations of gonorrhea are pain in the lower abdomen, associated with the transition of the infection to the upper parts of the reproductive system. In the uterus and appendages, as well as the fallopian tubes, a pronounced inflammation appears, accompanied by edema and the development of an adhesive process.

In a woman, gonorrhea is often the cause of infertility, which is expressed in the inability to become pregnant without visible clinical problems. The menstrual cycle does not suffer, just as there is no pathology from the uterus.

Gonorrhea, as a sexually transmitted infection, requires immediate treatment, as there is a possibility of a generalized infection with the development of sepsis.

- This is a disease that belongs to the class of venereal, i.e. sexually transmitted.

The causative agent of the disease is a bacterium, which is a bacillus.


The disadvantage of most drugs are side effects. Often, drugs cause severe intoxication, subsequently causing complications in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. To prevent the side effects of such drugs, we want to pay attention to special phytotampons.

This microorganism is resistant to environmental factors, in particular in cold areas, but at the same time, in a warm climate, cocobacilli die very quickly.

The main factor in the transmission of infection is sexual contact. Through microtraumas received even during normal sexual intercourse, the pathogen penetrates into the internal environment.

The disease appears within a few days after infection:

  • It begins with the development of painful ulcerative defects, which are characterized by purulent inflammation. Education can be quite deep, and in some cases extends to the muscle layer.
  • A yellow layer of fibrin appears in the bottom area, later it suppurates.
  • Painful redness and slight swelling appear next to the formation.
  • A woman is concerned not only with severe pain, but also with the appearance of bleeding.

After the moment of healing, a dense scar is formed. These chancroids can be located on any of the sections of the genital tract, more often on the labia, skin of the thighs, etc.

This is one of the sexually transmitted diseases that can appear on the genitals.

This infection is caused by a sexually transmitted gram-negative bacterium, which is located in the body inside the cells.

This infection is most widespread in hot countries with a low standard of living.

A symptom of this sexually transmitted disease is the appearance of formations in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs, which looks like an ulcer.

It is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the skin, which is quite large. But at the same time, a distinctive feature of an inguinal granuloma from a soft chancre will be the absence of any clinical, there is no pain syndrome, as well as the involvement of the lymphatic system.

Such a defect can bleed easily and have the appearance of fresh meat, reminiscent of beef. Very often, other infectious agents join the inguinal granuloma.

Viral infections

Condylomas with HPV

Currently, the problem of the appearance of condylomatous eruptions plays an important role in gynecological pathology.

This is largely due to the widespread prevalence of the virus that causes this disease.

ATThe causative agent that contributes to the development of warts is the human papillomavirus.

It has a very small size, while it has a high resistance in the environment and a high degree of pathogenicity.

Its transmission is carried out in different ways, but for genital warts it is predominantly sexual, there is a small chance that it can be contact-household. The latter is associated with the use of hygiene items such as underwear, razors, washcloths, etc.

There is an assumption that this infection can be transmitted sexually through the pores of the condom, i.e. presumably protected intercourse can not fully protect against papilloma.

The duration of the incubation period can be completely different. In a normal state of immunity, it can be up to several years, and in case of its decrease, the first manifestations can be noticeable after a few days.

Pathology manifests itself in two different forms:

In most cases, the infection caused by papillomas when transmitted through sexual intercourse is asymptomatic.

Only genital warts can cause discomfort during life, the integrity is broken and bleeding appears. Condylomas located in the area of ​​the external genital organs can lead to a violation of the act of defecation or urination.

Regardless of the clinical manifestations, the condition requires mandatory treatment, since an infection associated with the human papillomavirus can be quickly transmitted through sexual intercourse, and also lead to such serious consequences as a malignant neoplasm of the cervix.

Genital herpes

This is another infection that can affect the genitals.

Genital herpes occurs equally in both men and women.

At the same time, the age period is the time of the greatest sexual activity, on average it is 20-35 years.

The causative agent is a viral microorganism that belongs to the herpes simplex virus.

Currently, there are several varieties of the virus, one of which is able to affect only the genital area, other parts of the body are rarely affected.

There are several ways to transfer:

  • The main one is sexual. It occurs due to the close contact of the mucous membranes, as well as the presence of microtraumas on it.
  • Also, another way is not excluded, the most dangerous of which is the path from the mother to the fetus, as well as to the born child, at the time of birth.

The symptoms of this pathology are:

  • The appearance of formations resembling translucent bubbles that are filled with transparent or yellowish contents.
  • When the bladder is damaged, severe pain appears. In some cases, other types of infection join the damage to the skin, which is accompanied by suppuration of the foci.

In women, the herpes simplex virus can affect almost the entire lower genital tract. This is mainly the vagina, labia, as well as the skin in the inguinal regions.

HIV infection

HIV infection
is a disease that is currently very common and the number of cases is constantly growing.

The disease is caused by a virus that is small in size and can persist in the environment for a long time.

The average age of people infected with this disease can be completely different.

Currently, the main method of transmission of the infection is sexual, but about twenty years ago, injection, contact or household routes were possible.

This is due to the fact that viral particles are found in body fluids, such as blood or vaginal secretions. The virus content in urine or saliva fluid is very minimal. Therefore, a sufficient number of viral particles is necessary for infection.

Most often, the infection occurs in women, this is due to the fact that during the sexual route, the infection enters the woman's body through microtraumas that form in the vagina normally.

Symptoms can be quite a lot, but they are not specific. They begin to appear as the infection progresses, as the virus depresses the state of immunity.

In the later stages of a generalized infection, adding such diseases that are not related to sexually transmitted diseases. For example, tuberculosis, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

Hepatitis B

This is a disease that refers to hepatotoxic viruses.In the environment, this virus, which contains DNA, can persist for a long time.

If the virus is in the blood, it can remain there for several decades.

Months virus is in the environment when it is contained in the blood on clothing or household items.Quite easily, the infection can be destroyed when exposed to any disinfectant that has chlorine in its composition.

This infection can be transmitted sexually, by injection and also by household, etc.Through the sexual way, the infection penetrates quickly enough.


The course of viral hepatitis can be complicated by the development of a coma, as well as damage to the nervous system.


Cytomegalovirus This is another sexually transmitted disease. It belongs to the viral group, since the causative agent is a viral particle related to the herpes virus. It is small in size but widely used.

The frequency of occurrence by the age of 35 can reach more than half of the surveyed population. Often the process of transmission and infection can be completely asymptomatic, this is due to the slow growth of the virus in the body. That is why the detection of cytomegalovirus can be completely random.

In women, the presence of this infection is dangerous because it mainly affects reproductive function. A woman may complain of infertility, as well as the development of habitual miscarriage. The frequency of miscarriages or missed pregnancies is very high. It is also possible to develop malformations in children, since viral particles are able to penetrate the placenta.

The high frequency of sick people is explained by the fact that the virus can be transmitted not only sexually, but often occurs through household contact, airborne droplets and other methods.

Kaposi's sarcoma

Kaposi's sarcoma- this is the most unexplored disease at the present time.

This is due to the fact that scientists still cannot figure out the possible cause and method of transmission of the infection.

It can also be classified as sexually transmitted, since viral particles circulate in all biological fluids.

The danger of such a disease is due to the fact that the infection penetrating into the body can damage all parts of the immune system and provoke the development of cancer cells.

Manifestations will depend on the time of infection of a person with this pathology.

First, the woman notes the appearance of formations on the surface of the body, which have a dark red color and a bumpy surface, later they begin to ulcerate and become painful.

The duration of the process may be different, but in the end it leads first to gangrene of the extremities, and later to death due to the addition of other infections.

- This is one of the diseases that is caused by a virus that is part of the smallpox group.

Despite the fact that this infection does not belong to a sexually transmitted infection, it is a group of sexually transmitted infections.

The route of transmission can be both sexual and contact after prolonged contact with the skin of the affected person.

When affected by molluscum contagiosum, the infection is manifested by formations on the surface of the skin, which are not accompanied by any other manifestations.

If the formation is damaged, the released mass contains a large number of pathogens, so if the surface is not treated in time, the infection will progress.

Protozoal infections


This disease is a sexually transmitted infection. The causative agent of this pathology is Trichomonas, it is a microorganism that currently belongs to the class of protozoa.

This bacterium has a flagellum, due to which it can move quite easily, the shape is different, from round to oval. Trichomonas can enter the body due to the enzymes they produce, these are hyaluronidase and other proteolytic substances that break down cell walls.

They can penetrate the body only through the sexual route, since they cannot exist in the environment for a long time and quickly die.

There is a chance that children can get trichomoniasis through the placental transition, as well as from mother to child.

The main symptoms of trichomoniasis are:

They pose a great danger due to the possible development of the adhesive process, as well as subsequent infertility.

fungal infection


Currently, it can be classified as a disease caused by an opportunistic flora, and a sexually transmitted infection.

Normally, a small amount of fungi of the genus Candida is allowed in the vagina of a healthy woman, but its amount is so small that they are not detected in smears to determine the inflammatory process.

While with a decrease in immune forces, after contact with a partner who has a pronounced thrush clinic, the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus, as well as many other factors, the clinical picture of the disease appears.Most often, this infection is transmitted by the saline route.

Symptoms appear quickly enough, already after 2-3 days a woman may present active complaints, among which will be:

  • Deterioration of general well-being.
  • The appearance of copious discharge from the genital tract. The discharge has the character of thick, reminiscent of drunkenness or fragments of cottage cheese, which is why they can also be called curdled, and the disease itself is thrush. They have a specific smell, some compare it with sour.
  • With severe itching in the vulva. Allocations have a strong irritating effect on the skin, which is why a woman has severe itching. In some cases, it leads to maceration of the skin.

Infection can occur in several ways, including contact-household, as the most common, and transmissible or sexual. In this case, sexually, the infection can get when localized on the surface of the skin in the area of ​​​​the external genitalia.

The pathogen, getting on the skin, begins to penetrate into the layers of the epidermis, destroying it, it builds passages for itself, where it lays its eggs. The duration of existence in the human body can be high.



- this is a currently known not so common pathology, this infection is caused by a sexually transmitted insect - pubic lice.

The peak incidence of phthiriasis occurred in the 90s of the 20th century.

This pathogen is quite unpretentious to living conditions, but cannot live without food for a long time, therefore, outside the human body, it can quickly die.

The infection is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, due to the friction of the skin of the partners.

As a result, lice simply fall off one organism and remain on another. There is a possibility of a contact-household method of infection, this may be the use of shared towels, clothes, etc. from a sick person.

The causative agent can be located both on the surface of the body, attaching to the hair, and embedded in the skin. On the body of an infected person, you can see small balls that have a brown color. The causative agent is clearly visible only at high magnification.

The main symptom of this sexually transmitted infection is itching in the affected area. It becomes pronounced and appears at different times of the day. The patient is forced to comb the skin, which contributes to the progression of the disease, as more nutrients appear for the lice - blood.

It should be noted that this sexually transmitted infection can be localized not only in the pubic area, but also in the armpits, and in rare cases, on the scalp.

All this leads to the formation of crusts, which are subsequently difficult to separate, as well as the attachment of a secondary, often bacterial infection. In this case, suppuration of the elements will be revealed.


To identify a sexually transmitted infection in modern medicine is quite simple.You can check the presence of the pathogen in the body in various institutions.

Private laboratory centers that have a confidentiality policy are very popular, but at the same time they can carry out diagnostics in a very short time, and the number of reagents makes it possible to identify a large number of pathogens.

There are many different ways to define a pathological condition:

When should I get tested for STIs?

Situations in which you need to take an analysis for infections:

It is scary when women do not know the true cause of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic, every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about a new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores immunity, which simply restarts the body and includes the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of diseases...


Currently, there is a concept of prescribing drugs, which is carried out taking into account the determination of sensitivity to the pathogen. The selection of drugs should begin as early as possible, the success and further state of the body will depend on this.

Treatment of bacterial infections

Treatment of such diseases that are caused by bacteria begins with antibacterial agents. There may be several of them, it is better to select them in combination.

With severe intoxication, agents can be used to relieve itching, burning, and also remove toxins.

Treatment of viral infections

Viral infections are treated by prescribing antiviral agents, as well as immunomodulators and immunostimulants. NSAIDs can be used to relieve pain and irritation. In order to reduce the tooth, antihistamines are used.

Treatment of human papillomavirus infection

Treatment of candidiasis

Treatment of phthiriasis and scabies

It is based primarily on the use of local funds. They can be used in the form of ointments, shampoos, sprays, etc.

These drugs are directed to the destruction of the causative agent of this sexually transmitted infection. Some of them are able to destroy the pathogen in a short period of time.

Of great difficulty is only the treatment of pregnant women: for whom the drugs currently being tried on can be toxic. That is why the only means of destroying the infection for them is the use of sulfuric ointment.

Sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy

Sexually transmitted infections pose a greater risk to pregnant women.

This is largely due to the fact that at this time the body is most vulnerable to various factors, including infectious ones.

Pregnancy can be complicated in women infected with sexually transmitted infections, this is due to the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, as well as inflammation of the placenta.

With a pronounced inflammatory process associated with a sexually transmitted infection, interruption at a different time is possible.

Some pathogens can penetrate the fetus and lead to malformations. Sometimes the fetus may simply not be viable or have multiple malformations that lead to disability.

With a long course of infection caused by a sexually transmitted pathogen, infertility or habitual miscarriage may develop.

Sexually transmitted infections in adolescents

This is the most pressing issue at the present time, this is due to the fact that the public is associated with the insufficient level of development of adolescents in sexual terms.

It is in this age group that the frequent occurrence of this kind of infection is possible due to the lack of preventive measures, the non-use of a condom as a method of contraception.

In addition, there is fear when symptoms of going to the doctor and reactions to what happened to parents appear. That is why the likelihood of complications is high.

In adolescents, the possibility of infection increases due to unstable hormonal levels and a natural decrease in immune forces.

Complications and consequences

Almost every sexually transmitted infection does not pass without a trace, which is why it is so important to start treatment as soon as possible in order to avoid the development of complications.

Among them, the most important are:

  • Accession of a secondary infection.
  • The development of an ascending infection with a transition not only to the upper genital tract, but also to the abdominal cavity and neighboring organs.
  • The appearance of an adhesive process, which can lead to infertility and disruption of the work of neighboring organs.
  • The most dangerous consequences are the development of infertility, which is sometimes difficult to eliminate, as well as a septic condition, which can lead to a threat to a woman's life.


Measures to protect against sexually transmitted infections will primarily consist in preventing possible infection:

Based on the possible consequences and complications, it should be concluded that such diseases require mandatory treatment and prevention methods.

What is the best remedy for women's diseases?

The disadvantage of most drugs, including those described in this article, is side effects. Often, drugs greatly harm the body, subsequently causing complications in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

To prevent the side effects of such drugs, we want to pay attention to the special BEAUTIFUL LIFE phytotampons.

They contain natural medicinal herbs - this gives amazing effects of cleansing the body and restoring women's health.

Learn more about how this drug has helped other women

We wish you good health!

The incubation period lasts one to three weeks. Chlamydia can be acute, subacute, chronic, or asymptomatic. A person with chlamydia notices characteristic glassy discharge from the urethra in the morning, there may be itching or discomfort when urinating. Even without treatment, after a while (about 2 weeks), the symptoms of the disease disappear, and it becomes chronic, the infection is, as it were, "preserved" in the body, waiting for an opportunity to remind itself again.

The main danger of chlamydia is precisely in complications that he can call. In women, the infection can cause inflammatory diseases of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes (!) with the development of their obstruction, cervix, urethra, during pregnancy it can lead to premature birth, the birth of children with low body weight, postpartum endometritis. In men, chlamydia "get" to the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, causing chronic prostatitis and vesiculitis. Further, the chronic process extends to the epididymis, which can lead to male infertility. Chlamydia can also get on the wall of the bladder and cause hemorrhagic cystitis. Chronic inflammation of the urethra caused by chlamydia leads to the development of its narrowing (stricture). In addition to various complications related to the genital area, chlamydia can cause damage to other organs (Reiter's syndrome) - eyes (chlamydial conjunctivitis), joints (usually ankle, knee), spine, skin, internal organs (usually hepatitis).

Diagnosis of chlamydia is more difficult than that of a bacterial infection. The simplest methods have an accuracy of no more than 40%. The most accurate and accessible method for determining chlamydia today is the immunofluorescence reaction (IF) using labeled antibodies.

The treatment of chlamydia is also more complex and time-consuming, and must be carried out by both partners. In addition to the course of antibiotic therapy, it necessarily includes immunomodulatory therapy, multivitamin therapy, normalization of lifestyle, diet, and cessation of sexual activity for the duration of treatment. At the end of the course, control tests are carried out, and if chlamydia is not detected, then tests are carried out 2 more times after 1 month (for women - before menstruation). Only after that it will be possible to talk about the effectiveness of the therapy.

About chlamydia, we can say with confidence that it is much easier to avoid than cure .

Genital mycosis

This term combines a number of diseases of the mucous membranes and skin of the genitourinary organs affected by a fungal infection. Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VC) is the most common mycosis in women. The causative agent of candidiasis are yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, currently numbering more than 170 species (albicans, tropicalis, krusei, glabrata, parapsilosis, etc.). The leading role in their occurrence belongs to Candida albicans, which, as saprophytes, can be found in the vagina of healthy women (candidiasis) and, under appropriate conditions, become pathogenic due to a decrease in protective mechanisms against fungal infection. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, high-dose hormonal contraceptives, oncological, hematological, severe infectious diseases, radiation therapy, immunodeficiency conditions contribute to a decrease in body resistance, change the normal microbiocenosis of the vagina, destroy barrier mechanisms that normally block the reproduction of fungi. Predisposing factors for the development of the disease, including in pregnant women, are also wearing tight clothing, obesity, poor hygiene conditions, hot climate. Yeast-like fungi enter the female genital tract from the intestines, through household items, and sexually transmitted infection is also possible.

One of the features of the course of VC is the combination of fungi with a highly active bacterial flora, which creates a favorable background for the introduction of fungi into tissues. Often the disease acquires a persistent, chronic and relapsing course, unresponsive to ongoing therapy. This is due to the deep penetration of fungi into the cells of the stratified epithelium, which are lined with the genital tract, where they can stay for a long time and even multiply, being protected from the action of drugs.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is 3-4 times more common in pregnant women due to changes in the immunological and hormonal status, increased susceptibility to various infectious influences. Consequently, newborns often have candidiasis of the skin, oral mucosa, conjunctivitis.

For fungal infections women complain about the appearance of itching and burning in the vulva, an increase in the amount of milky whites, the appearance of a smell. The disease may be accompanied by urological lesions - acute and chronic forms of candidal pyelocystitis.

Diagnosis of candidiasis is carried out by well-known laboratory methods: microscopy, PCR and others. Treatment of the disease is complex - general and local action. In the complex therapy of VC, vitamin therapy and immunostimulating drugs are also used.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a disease (or infectious non-inflammatory syndrome) in which the vaginal environment is dominated not by lactobacilli, but by an association of microbes and gardnerella.

In healthy women, lactobacilli, non-pathogenic corynebacteria and coagulase-negative staphylococci are most often found in the vagina. Violation of the quantitative ratio of different bacteria under the influence of certain factors leads to clinical manifestations of the infectious process in the vagina (vaginitis and / or vaginosis). The displacement of other members of the microbial community by one of the opportunistic species leads to the development of clinical symptoms of vaginitis with a local leukocyte reaction and other signs of inflammation.

The main complaints of women- liquid, with an unpleasant odor, a homogeneous consistency of discharge that sticks to the walls of the vagina, discomfort. With a long-term process of selection, they acquire a yellowish-greenish color.

Bacterial vaginosis common in pregnant women women. During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the vaginal mucosa undergoes changes, the pH level decreases, which creates favorable conditions for the quantitative increase of certain microorganisms.

Diagnosis is carried out by known laboratory methods, the examination should be carried out on both sexual partners.

In the treatment of bacterial vaginitis, the following principles should be observed: treatment of both sexual partners It is carried out simultaneously, during the period of treatment it is recommended to refrain from sexual activity and the use of alcoholic beverages. At the same time, general conditions are corrected (chronic diseases, hypovitaminosis, hypoestrogenism), attention is paid to improving the overall immune status of the body and overall resistance. The use of adequate antibiotic therapy against the background of general anti-inflammatory measures and local procedures is the key to a complete recovery.

papillomavirus infection

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are considered dangerous because they are predisposing factors for the development of precancerous diseases of the genitals and cause squamous cell carcinoma in men and women. Human papillomavirus infection (PVI) of the genitals is a sexually transmitted disease. The most well-known manifestation of PVI to practitioners is genital and anal genital warts (in homosexuals it occurs 5-10 times more often than in heterosexuals). Recently, the frequency of papillomavirus lesions of the larynx and bronchi in children has increased, which is considered as a result of infection of women during pregnancy. HPV infection can also be passed from parents to children.

The incubation period of this infection lasts from one to nine months. Allocate clinical, subclinical and latent forms of HPV infection. The first is characterized by the presence of visible warty lesions, the presence of genital warts, which can degenerate into carcinomas, leading to cancer of the cervix and ovaries. Forms of the disease that do not manifest themselves clinically can be detected only with the help of colposcopy, cytological or histological examination. Spontaneous cure of HPV infection is impossible, so genital warts must be removed regardless of their size and location. During pregnancy, the disease can progress greatly.

It is believed that papillomavirus infection is introduced into the body of a woman against the background of changes in the immune system, and local manifestations are recorded earlier, which necessitates immunocorrection.

Risk factors for developing HPV infection: sexual behavior (early onset of sexual activity, a large number of partners, frequent sexual intercourse); the presence of partners who had contact with a woman with anogenital warts or cervical cancer; other STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, HSV, etc.); smoking, alcohol; pregnancy; endometriosis; internal factors (avitaminosis, changes in immune status).

During pregnancy, warts often increase and can reach large sizes, but often regress after childbirth. Most authors recommend their active treatment, since they represent a focus of infection that increases the risk of infection of the fetus. In addition, large formations can cause complications during childbirth; children have an increased risk of papillomatosis of the larynx and other organs.

The methods of choice in the treatment are cryotherapy, Solcoderm and TCA, laser, electrocoagulation or surgical methods are also used. A comprehensive combined treatment of both partners taking into account comorbidities.


In obstetric and gynecological practice, among vulvovaginitis, trichomonas and vulvovaginal candidiasis are most often detected, which account for more than 2/3 of cases. Trichomonas vaginalis is often found in association with mycoplasmas, gonococcus, chlamydia, fungi.

In women, the habitat of Trichomonas is the vagina, in men - the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. The urethra is affected in both men and women. Trichomonas are fixed on the cells of the squamous epithelium of the vaginal mucosa, penetrate into the glands and lacunae. Infection comes from a sick person. Women with multiple sexual partners suffer from trichomoniasis 3.5 times more often than women with one partner. The incubation period is on average 515 days.

Trichomoniasis is characterized copious yellow-gray fetid frothy liquid discharge from the genital tract, irritation and severe itching of the vulva, burning and soreness when urinating. Clinical symptoms are aggravated after menstruation. The transition of the infection to the chronic stage occurs by the gradual subsidence of acute and subacute phenomena. Relapses most often develop after sexual intercourse, drinking alcoholic beverages, with a decrease in body resistance, impaired ovarian function and changes in the pH of the contents of the vagina.

Chronic trichomoniasis, as a rule, is a mixed bacterial process, since Trichomonas is a reservoir for chlamydia, ureaplasmas, gonococci, staphylococci and other flora. Trichomonas carrying should be understood as the presence of Trichomonas in the human body in the absence of clinical signs of the disease. Significant disorders that develop in the body of patients with mixed urogenital infections are difficult to correct, which contributes to the occurrence of relapses and causes an extremely persistent course of the process, despite the use of appropriate treatment. Relapses occur in more than 20% of cases.

Genital herpes

Herpes is a fever accompanied by the appearance of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes. Herpes infections are a group of infectious diseases caused by human herpes viruses, the most common of which is herpes simplex virus. Over 90% of people on the planet are infected with this virus, about 20% of them have clinical manifestations of the infection.

There are two types of herpes simplex virus: type 1 virus and type 2 virus. Genital herpes is a type 2 virus, however, both types of viruses are now often found in infected people. The herpes simplex virus is transmitted by contact through the body fluids of a sick person (blood, saliva, semen, mucous membrane secretions) with sensitive areas of a healthy person's body.

The virus is dangerous because, once introduced into the human body, it remains in it forever. With a decrease in immunity, colds, hypothermia, pregnancy and other factors, the insidious intervention is activated and gives local and general clinical manifestations. In addition to damage to the skin and mucous membranes, it can be the causative agent of some inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis), ENT organs, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, eyes, and also contribute to the development of cancer. cervix and prostate. The herpes simplex virus can lead to pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, spontaneous abortions, intrauterine death of the fetus, and cause a generalized infection in newborns.

Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Women get genital herpes more often than men. Distinguish primary and recurrent genital herpes. The primary in most cases is asymptomatic, turning into a latent carriage of the virus or a recurrent form of the disease.

With the manifestation of the disease for the first time, the incubation period lasts 1-10 days. Patients may be disturbed by itching, burning, soreness in the area of ​​the lesion, fever, chills, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. These symptoms disappear with the onset of an acute period, when characteristic vesicles with reddening around appear on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and adjacent areas of the skin, which open after 2-4 days, forming erosions and ulcers. At the same time, there may be complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, itching, frequent, painful urination, sometimes headache, slight fever, swollen lymph nodes near the genitals, etc. The acute period usually lasts no more than 8-10 days. After that, all visible manifestations of the disease disappear, and the patient often considers himself recovered. The illusion of recovery is enhanced by taking various (for example, anti-inflammatory) drugs, which, in fact, do not affect the disease, and after a few days of taking them, the acute period of the disease ends.

After the primary case, under the influence of various provoking factors (sex life, stress, menstruation, hypothermia, etc.), a relapse of the disease occurs. The frequency of relapses can be different: from once every 2-3 years to monthly exacerbations. With relapses, all symptoms of the disease are expressed, as a rule, weaker.

Recurrent genital herpes can occur in typical form (accompanied by herpetic eruptions), atypical form (without rashes and manifest as recurrent erosions, habitual miscarriage, infertility, chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs - colpitis, vulvovaginitis, endocervicitis, etc.) and in the form asymptomatic carrier infections (viruses).

Currently, in 40-75% of cases, genital herpes proceeds atypically, i.e. without the appearance of herpetic eruptions. In such cases, there are complaints of itching, burning, leucorrhoea, not amenable to conventional treatment. Often, atypical forms of herpes are not recognized and patients are treated for a long time and without effect with antibiotics and other drugs, often causing the development of dysbacteriosis, allergic reactions.

Asymptomatic forms of genital herpes are the most dangerous for the spread of infection, as patients lead an active sex life, unaware that they are infecting their partners. The herpes simplex virus is easily detected by known laboratory methods, but, unfortunately, it is sometimes detected by chance during a virological examination of sexual partners or infertile couples.

The goal of herpes treatment is to suppress the reproduction and spread of the virus, to restore certain disorders caused by the activation of the virus in the human body. Currently, there are no drugs that can destroy the herpes simplex virus. The two main directions in the treatment of the disease are the use of specific antiviral agents and immunotherapy.

The opinion is erroneous that if it is almost impossible to get rid of herpes, then it is not necessary to go to the doctor. Of course it is not! The sooner treatment begins, the easier the disease will proceed and the fewer relapses and consequences.

STD diagnosis

Scraping of epithelial cells from the urethra, vagina and cervical canal, if necessary, blood, is used as a material for laboratory research on sexually transmitted diseases.

Laboratory methods for diagnosing STDs: virological methods for detecting and identifying viruses, methods for detecting virus antigens (immunofluorescent and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cytomorphological methods, detection of antibodies using ELISA, methods for assessing the immune status.

At the slightest suspicion contact the experts!

There are dozens of infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact. What diseases are at risk for men and women who have unprotected sex?

There are over 30 different viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms that can be transmitted through sexual contact. At the same time, eight of them are the most highly pathogenic, and four of them are completely curable. These are syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. These diseases are considered "favorite diseases of venereologists", since they respond well to treatment, and the sick person, subject to all recommendations, as a rule, has nothing to worry about.

The remaining four diseases are viral in nature, and, unfortunately, it is still impossible to recover from them. These are hepatitis B, human papillomavirus (HPV), HIV and herpes simplex virus. Currently available therapeutic methods only help to cope with the symptoms of the disease and help to "lull" the virus, but it is not yet possible to completely get rid of these viruses.

The above diseases are mainly transmitted through sexual contact. At the same time, this happens as with vaginal, oral and anal sex. Microorganisms can also enter the body during blood transfusions, tissue transplants, using foreign piercing or cutting objects that have come into contact with the patient's blood (for example, syringes, shaving machines and other objects). Another way sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted is from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth.

It is noteworthy that a person can be a carrier of these pathologies for a long time without obvious symptoms. At the same time, having unprotected sexual contacts, he endangers his sexual partners.

Sexually transmitted diseases: the magnitude of the problem

Sexually transmitted diseases have a major impact on the sexual and reproductive health of people around the world. The problem is especially acute in poor countries with a low sanitary and medical culture.

According to medical statistics, every year about one million people around the world fall ill with various sexually transmitted infections. So, every year about 360 million people get gonorrhea, syphilis, or chlamydia. More than half a billion people on Earth are living with the genital herpes virus. About 300 million women have human papillomavirus. Notably, herpes, syphilis, or human papillomavirus can increase the chance of contracting the human immunodeficiency virus.

Human papillomavirus causes 530,000 women worldwide to develop cervical cancer every year, and more than 270,000 deaths are recorded due to this disease. Thanks to the developed vaccines against the human papillomavirus (characterized by a high degree of oncogenicity), a solution to this problem is planned in the near future.

The most common sexually transmitted diseases

Within the framework of one article, we cannot consider all the diseases that a person can become infected with through sexual contact. Consider the most popular of them.

In children, chlamydia can lead to damage to the mucous membranes of the eyes, ear, and lungs. In severe cases, chlamydial infection can cause the death of a newborn baby.

As a rule, the first signs of chlamydial infection appear already 1-2 weeks after sexual contact with the patient. As a rule, men complain of mucous or purulent discharge from the urethra, as well as itching and pain when urinating. In some cases, chlamydia is asymptomatic, although the person is a carrier of the infection.

Often with chlamydial infection in men is observed. The patient complains of discomfort in the perineum, rectum and nagging pain in the lower back. Another complication of chlamydial infection in men is inflammation of the epididymis, which usually begins suddenly. With this pathology, the scrotum becomes edematous and hot. Possible increase in body temperature. In such cases, a violation of the formation of spermatozoa is possible, due to which the man develops infertility.

According to researchers from the UK, women suffer from genital herpes almost 6 times more often than men.

The first symptoms of genital herpes occur after 3-6 days after infection. As a rule, it all starts with the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes. Bubbles characteristic of herpes appear. In men, vesicles with herpes occur on the penis, especially in the foreskin and on the head. Before this, patients usually feel burning, itching and tingling. During oral sex, such herpetic eruptions can also form in the oral cavity. Over time, the blisters can merge, forming wounds. Sometimes accompanied by the appearance of discharge from the urethra, burning, pain in the urethra and even urinary retention. Common symptoms of genital herpes include fever, headache, general malaise, and swollen lymph nodes.

In women, herpetic vesicles can appear on the genitals, in the perineum, and also in the anus. After a while, the bubbles disappear, but then reappear.

An infected woman, as a rule, infects her child with herpes during childbirth. In babies, a herpes infection can affect the nervous system, skin, mouth, and internal organs. There are frequent deaths of newborns infected with the herpes virus.

According to statistics, gonorrhea is much more common than syphilis. Many may not be aware that they are infected with this infection, continuing to have sex, putting their partners at risk.

Most often, HIV is transmitted through sexual contact. Infection is also possible through transfusion of blood and its preparations (if the blood is infected with a virus).

One of the first symptoms of HIV infection is a high temperature of up to 38-40 degrees, heavy sweating and decreased physical activity. In addition, severe weight loss, shortness of breath, changes in facial skin, swollen lymph nodes and hair loss are possible. Since the immune system suffers greatly with AIDS, the patient becomes susceptible to various infectious diseases: respiratory, skin, gastrointestinal and others. Thus, people with AIDS often suffer from pneumonia, oral candidiasis and other infectious pathologies.

AIDS is also a serious factor contributing to the development of malignant tumors. So, in about 30% of patients, Kaposi's sarcoma is detected, in which the skin, lymph nodes, mucous membranes and some internal organs are affected.

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is usually conservative and involves taking the following types of drugs:

  • Antibiotics. Antibiotic therapy is effective against chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis. As a rule, the disease under the action of antibiotics recedes completely.
  • Antiviral drugs. With viral hepatitis B, HIV and herpes are used. Unfortunately, while these diseases are considered incurable, and the patient needs regular treatment to maintain a normal state of health.
  • Immunomodulators. In the case of viral hepatitis B, they help well, slowing down the destructive effect of the virus on the liver.

In the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, it is important to treat both partners. In addition, the patient should warn all his sexual partners that he has been diagnosed with a particular disease.

In the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, the use of condoms is most effective. Having one sexual partner also avoids infection.

Sexually transmitted diseases are widespread today. At the same time, the existing medical statistics testify only to official data.

Indeed, quite often a person is in no hurry to contact medical institutions, as he may simply not be aware of the existence of some diseases that are sexually transmitted. Very often, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis develop in women without pronounced symptoms.

Viral infections are the following viruses: herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus, hepatitis B virus, cytomegalovirus.

You can become infected with such an infection not only during genital intercourse, but also during oral or anal sex. Depending on the disease, it takes from three days to two weeks before the first signs of the disease appear.

What are the causes of infections

It is an undeniable fact that sexually transmitted diseases are, first of all, a consequence of people's too low sexual culture. In particular, we are talking about promiscuous sexual relationships, multiple sexual partners, as well as ignoring diagnostics after casual and risky sexual contacts.

An equally important condition for preventing the spread of STIs is the need to be examined and the person who suspects the development of such an ailment, and his sexual partner.


Sexually transmitted infections Speaking about the symptoms and signs of such diseases, it should be noted that quite often patients do not feel any changes in their own condition at all, or the signs are very weak. But in this case we are talking about the so-called oligosymptomatic and asymptomatic forms of such ailments.

The main symptoms of STIs directly depend on which pathogen has entered the human body, as well as on the state of his body as a whole.

However, in most cases, after the incubation period ends, sexually transmitted diseases show a number of similar signs. The patient has discharge from the genitals, which over time become more and more intense. The sensation of itching and burning in the genital area also gradually increases, and spots or small ulcers may appear on the skin in the genital area. During the act of urination or during sexual contact, an infected person sometimes feels pain. In addition, his lymph nodes may noticeably increase.

Complications of sexually transmitted infections

If the treatment of the disease is not carried out in a timely manner, then sexually transmitted infections can provoke not only symptoms that relate to the condition of the genital organs, but also a general lesion of the body. One of the serious complications that occur over time with the development of STIs is infertility.

The ascending course of infections (and this invariably happens if timely therapy has not been provided) leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. With the progression of ureoplasmosis and chlamydia, men sometimes develop prostatitis, and women with such ailments eventually develop inflammation of the uterus and appendages.
In addition, the development of sexually transmitted diseases leads to a strong decrease in human immunity and, as a result of such negative changes, diseases of the internal organs of a person may occur.

Sexually transmitted infections and women's health

Such infections have a very negative effect on the body of a woman. Unpleasant consequences can take place in relation to the reproductive capacity of a young woman. In addition, STIs can be transmitted from the mother to the baby. Women who have had some inflammatory diseases resulting from genital infections are much more likely to develop an ectopic pregnancy.

Certain types rapidly increase a woman's risk of cervical cancer.

During pregnancy in women with syphilis, in about 40% of cases, pregnancy ends with the birth of a dead child. Approximately the same situation is repeated in pregnant women with gonococcal infection.

Babies born to mothers with untreated chlamydial infection and gonorrhea very often suffer from a serious eye infection (called neonatal blenorrhea) immediately after birth. If left untreated, the child will burn completely blind.

Diagnosis of venereal infections

Sexually Transmitted Infections For a correct diagnosis in the case of a suspected STI, the patient must undergo complete laboratory testing. But in view of the possibility of making a diagnosis using a syndromic approach, doctors pay special attention to the existing symptoms. Certain sexually transmitted infections have clear signs that are easy to recognize. The syndromic approach to the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases is based on the use of specially designed schemes that specialists use to make a diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Therefore, such a diagnosis will be more accurate.

But the most important point in the process of diagnosing such diseases is still timely seeking help. If the disease is detected as early as possible, then due to the correct therapy, severe consequences can be avoided completely.

When any signs or symptoms appear, the patient should not be guided by the hope that they will disappear on their own, or feel fear or embarrassment. Lost time can become decisive, and as a result, the disease will become chronic, and it will become much more difficult to cure it completely.

Latent sexual infections

The so-called hidden sexual infections are transmitted from person to person also during sexual contact. However, such infections are more difficult to diagnose and treat.

Among the most common STIs of this type, chlamydia should be noted. This disease manifests itself as a consequence of infection of the human body with chlamydia. These organisms are considered to be intermediate between bacteria and viruses. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse, but in rare cases, the infection can be transmitted when visiting a sauna or swimming pool, by airborne droplets, and by other means. To determine the presence of this pathogen in the body, a person should undergo a special study using the DNA diagnostic method.
In most cases, this ailment goes away without severe symptoms. However, in men against the background of chlamydia, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system sometimes develop. In addition, today it has already been proven that chlamydia can damage the genetic structure of spermatozoa. In this case, chlamydia can enter the female body along with spermatozoa. Under the influence of chlamydia, a woman can also develop inflammatory diseases. In addition, the manifestation of obstruction of the fallopian tubes is quite possible, which threatens infertility and miscarriage in the future.

In addition, chlamydia can have a negative impact on other body systems, in particular, on the cardiovascular system. In the process of treating the disease, it is very important that the patient's sexual partner also be tested for a sexual infection and receive adequate treatment. This should be done even for those who do not have visible signs of chlamydia.

Another widespread infection of this type is in humans. There are about seven dozen different types of papillomaviruses. At the same time, their clinical manifestations are invisible for a very long time. The consequence of infection with papillomavirus is the appearance of papillomas and genital warts on the skin of the genitals and other organs. In addition, papillomaviruses can provoke precancerous changes in the cervix in women. The transmission of the virus occurs during sexual intercourse, at home, and also when a newborn passes through the birth canal.

Genital herpes develops as a consequence of infection with a herpes infection. Infection mainly occurs during sexual intercourse. Initially, small blisters appear on the genitals, and after they burst, red sores form in their place. Sometimes the symptoms of herpes do not appear at all, but a person can still infect a partner. Genital herpes with the wrong approach to treatment can provoke chronic inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as cause infertility and problems with potency.

Other common sexually transmitted infections

Very often, modern doctors diagnose gonorrhea in patients. With this infectious disease, the mucous membranes of various organs are affected. causes gonococcus, which most often enters the body through a variety of sexual contacts. Much less often, a person becomes infected in everyday life, through household items. The child becomes infected from a sick mother when passing through the birth canal.

With syphilis the patient affects not only the mucous membranes, but also the skin, internal organs, nervous system, bones, joints. The causative agent of this dangerous disease is pale treponema. Its transmission most often occurs sexually, much less often - in everyday life. The treatment of syphilis is based on the correct selection of antibiotics, the treatment of those infections that develop in parallel, as well as general strengthening therapy.

Trichomoniasis is very dangerous for expectant mothers, since with such a disease, rupture of the amniotic membranes and miscarriage are possible. The disease is characterized by the appearance of itching in the genital area, intense discharge.

The hepatitis B virus infects a person through transmission during a variety of sexual contacts, as well as through the sharing of intravenous needles. The intrauterine mode of transmission of the virus is also relevant.

Acute hepatitis is manifested by severe lethargy, nausea, rash on the skin. The patient has a stomachache and a headache. Sometimes the symptoms are especially acute: severe itching of the skin, jaundice, fever. In about ten percent of cases, hepatitis B becomes chronic, which is characterized by the development of inflammatory processes in the liver. In turn, this is fraught with the development of liver cancer, cirrhosis in the future, which is fatal. The disease can be completely cured if the diagnosis is made in time and the prescribed treatment regimen is strictly followed.


Sexually transmitted infections The most effective method of preventing STIs is considered to be complete abstinence from sexual activity or sexual relations with only one uninfected partner. It is important to completely avoid any sexual contact with people infected with STIs.

Some sexually transmitted infections can be prevented by using condoms correctly during sexual intercourse. It is necessary to use a condom for all types of sexual intercourse, while it is important to ensure that the protective equipment is of high quality and is used correctly.

After unprotected sexual intercourse, it is imperative to apply some preventive measures that, to some extent, reduce the risk of developing the disease. The genitals can be thoroughly washed with solutions of chlorhexidine or miramistin. However, this method of prevention is advisable only in the first hours after contact.

In addition, when contacting a dermatovenereologist, a patient may receive an injection of a special drug with an antibacterial effect, which can prevent the development of a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Such prophylaxis is possible in the first days after risky contact. However, it is important to consider that this measure can be applied only in the most urgent cases.
