Is it possible to correct false curvature of the legs with exercises? Why are your legs crooked? Slender legs and extra wings

My legs are like . Thin, not the worst, but you can’t call them perfectly straight. I don’t know if Parker can boast of the combination, but it’s what gave me this shape. When I stand relaxed, my knees turn inward and my calves turn outward, and just below the knees there is quite a lot of space between my legs. And even lower, my shins meet my ankles, which are rolled inward, and form quite noticeable angles with them.

Why are your legs crooked?

Severe curvature from birth is a rare case: as a rule, most of the dissatisfied acquired “unsuccessful” legs in adolescence. “While a person is growing and the bones have not yet fully formed, the habit of walking and standing incorrectly - for example, putting weight on one leg - aggravates flat feet and causes disturbances in the bone growth zone,” says the “LIVE!” instructor. orthopedic traumatologist Ravi Kumar. “Both of these cause the curvature of the legs.”

Later, close uncomfortable shoes(which Sarah and I love so much!), characteristics of the profession (for example, a jumper or an automatic car driver who uses one leg much more than the other). And also excess weight, especially if it has increased sharply: under the weight of the entire “structure”, which presses not only from above, but also at angles, the joints can shift. “Like a stack of books if you push it at an angle,” explains yoga instructor Yulia Makarova.

It is believed that among women there are more owners of “X” legs: this form, especially popular among club-footed anime heroines, is even called the pose of female coquetry. The “o” shape is more common among men, who from time immemorial have sat on the animal’s rump. But, in general, this division is conditional. “Indian pedicabs have the straightest legs I’ve ever seen in my life,” says Yulia Makarova. “They walk a lot, which means their joints are mobile and their legs are strong.” The warm climate allows them all year round walk in flip-flops and not feel the pressure of tight shoes.” Sarah Jessica Parker and I have not been as lucky in this life as pedicabs, but we can improve the situation - after all, there are ways to improve the shape of our legs!

Crooked legs: plastic

Plastic surgery offers liposuction or lipomodelling: fat in problem areas They can remove it or, conversely, increase it by pinching it off from the stomach or thighs. The operation lasts about an hour, full recovery takes up to two weeks. If this does not help, you can install silicone implants: they are inserted into the incision under the knee and placed between the muscles of the lower leg. But the consequences here are completely ridiculous: the implants, excuse me, may simply move out and have to be removed, and most importantly, you can never play sports with them again! In general, I didn’t find anything useful for myself here.

Crooked legs: orthopedics

During two years of work in the club “LIVE!” I developed the habit, usually not typical for young people, of sometimes thinking not only about appearance, but also about health. And in the case of legs, I have long suspected that the curvature is gradually, day after day, harming the entire body. “Yes, it harms the spine, joints, and, for example, nervous system, confirmed Ravi Kumar. — Cause and effect can change places here. For example, on the one hand, damage to the joints can lead to curvature of the shape of the legs, and on the other hand, the deformation itself can cause arthrosis or other joint diseases.”

Orthopedists can treat causes of leg curvature such as joint pathologies and flat feet. One person has to wear insoles, orthoses, bandages and other devices for a year, and another for ten years - until the symptoms disappear. “I walked with insoles at school and now I do,” I thought and was about to order a rescue for my feet at a price of 2,500 rubles. But it turned out to be too late. “After 18 years, when the arch of the foot has already formed, insoles will not fix anything,” Ravi Kumar delighted me. “They are prescribed only for pain due to improper foot position. For other adults, we recommend gymnastics to correct the shape of their legs.”

Crooked legs: fitness

Instructor "LIVE!" Tatyana Lisitskaya advises when X-shaped curvature ride a bike more, swim breaststroke and master horse riding. And on your feet O-shaped better ice skating, skiing skating, do body ballet and also swim. All this helps eliminate muscle imbalances in the legs, stabilize joints, and improve gait by toning the leg muscles. There are also special ones - just for those cases when the reason for the curvature of the legs lies in flat feet.

How to fix your feet? Home exercises!

Also when O-shaped helps the legs:

Exercises for the adductor muscles of the thigh (bringing and spreading the legs while standing on towels; lifting the legs to the side while lying or standing sideways to the support; squeezing the legs of a chair with the knees and ankles);

Any exercises while sitting with your hands supporting you behind you (for example, leg lifts);

Abdominal exercises with fixation of an isotonic Pilates ring between the legs;

Exercises for eversion of the foot from body ballet (for example, squats in eversion positions) and walking in the toes apart position.

And if you have X-shaped legs, try:

Squats in a position in which the legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel, the knees are above the feet;

Exercises in the sitting position in the Eastern style, “butterfly” (knees to the sides, soles of the feet connected);

Walking on the outer arch of the foot.


Among yogis, followers of the Iyengar school are especially interested in the problem of leg shape: in Moscow they even hold classes and seminars called “Straight Legs.” Having attended a couple of such classes, I, of course, did not change anything radically, but the girls in the group shared that they had been doing this for several years and the effect was noticeable.

Yogis, by aligning their legs, also try to eliminate imbalances in the tissues. “Muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, skin, bones change location due to changes in the position of the joints: for example, the bones of the lower leg, turned inward around their axis, can return to their place,” says Yulia Makarova. - And in order to influence this structure, we strive to make the flesh homogeneous. From extremes to optimal: hard areas are relaxed, soft areas are strengthened. Examine and feel the external and inner surface legs - on the outside they are denser, like a protective shell. The more uniform the legs are, the smoother they will be.”

It is believed that bones can also change slightly due to practice. “The cells are renewed,” says Yulia Makarova, “which means a new form can be formed.”

The classes practice many familiar asanas, but add emphasis on leg alignment. The simplest example is to stand in tadasana, squeeze a brick between your knees and, fixing it, line up the joints of your legs in one line. Props in the Iyengar method give great amount variations for alignment in various asanas: the legs are slightly tightened with belts and stretched with weights. But you need to learn to hold the arch of the foot on your own - so that later, without any devices, Everyday life walk and stand correctly.

But here you need to know when to stop. “You can’t go too far: if you expand the metatarsus too hard with longitudinal flatfoot, a transverse one will appear,” says Yulia Makarova. — You shouldn’t overexert your legs. Muscles can be tense, relaxed, and their third state is toned. We are working precisely for this state.”

So, swimming, body ballet, skating, skiing and yoga - such prospects make both me and my legs very happy. In addition, since I became interested in this issue, I adjust the position of my joints and feet more often when I walk or stand.

Have you tried changing the shape of your legs? Do you know any ways?

Crooked legs are a defect that occurs in many women and men. This is normal in childhood. But over time, for girls and women, such a defect as crooked and ugly legs can bring a lot of inconvenience and complexes. Doctors distinguish between O-shaped legs (varus curvature) and X-shaped curvature of the legs (valgus).

An imperfect leg shape may not mean that you have crooked legs. Therefore, first you need to figure out whether you really have such a defect. You can determine the presence of curvature at home yourself. Stand up straight with your back completely against the wall (shoulders, buttocks and heels should be firmly pressed against the plane).

Look carefully at your reflection in the mirror. The norm is legs that touch each other in four places: mid-thigh, knees, mid-calf and heels. In some cases, excessive thinness or fatness can affect the visible picture and there may be fewer or more “windows”.

If there are no deviations according to the indicated indicators, then the problem you are considering is most likely far-fetched. The same cannot be said if the number of gaps is more or less. In this case, you need to see a doctor who can accurately determine the problem. The types of leg curvature are described in the table.

The reasons why leg curvature occurs can be varied.

The main reason is heredity. If one of the parents has a similar defect, then the likelihood that the child will also have crooked legs is very high. Lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body can also lead to leg deformities.

In adulthood, the disease can appear in women as a result of pregnancy. X-shaped legs provide better pelvic support when carrying a child. In men, X-shaped legs are often caused by obesity. Also, X-shaped legs in men can be associated with regular weight lifting.

Professional participation in certain sports can also lead to the defect in question (for example, in male football players). Congenital or acquired weakness of muscles and ligaments lower limbs- also common reasons that provoke the problem. Lack of regular physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle are the main factors that cause the development of the disease.

Features of X-shaped and O-shaped curvatures

X-shaped legs and O-shaped legs are very common problems among millions of adults. Crooked legs are not only a cosmetic defect. In addition to worries and excessive focus on such a flaw as crooked legs, it can also have a serious Negative influence on the health of the whole organism.

The fact is that with such deformation the load on knee joints is distributed unevenly, causing wear on one side of the cartilage. It can even cause a person's disability. An X or O curve can also cause flat feet.

Slight bending of the knees inwards - normal condition. The angle of deviation of the shin in men is about 7 degrees. In women it is greater – up to 10 degrees. With an X-shaped curvature, the knees are tightly adjacent to each other, and there is a large distance between the ankles. O-shaped curvature of the legs is characterized by contact of the limbs only in the area of ​​​​the feet.

Crooked legs are a normal condition in a child. The knee joint is deformed in such a way that the ends of the femoral and tibia bend inward or outward. But it is necessary to constantly monitor the development of pathology and undergo regular examinations with a doctor. Up to 14 years of age, the child’s skeleton can be corrected using special exercises, massages and orthopedic devices.

U For adult women and men, correction of the defect is carried out only through surgery. False curvature of the legs is characterized by a curvature of soft tissue rather than bone. Insufficient muscle volume visually bends the legs and spoils their appearance. In such cases, classes in gym for pumping up unexpressed or weak muscles.

It is impossible to build muscles under the knee. Therefore, the cavity is filled with a silicone implant, which is installed during plastic surgery. But such an operation is completely optional, and is carried out only if any imperfections prevent a person from living. Surgical intervention for true curvature is necessary in most cases.

The main means of combating this problem for many decades has been the Ilizarov apparatus. Before installing the device, the bone is dissected, which is then fixed with this device in the anatomically correct position.

It’s good when a person doesn’t have any complexes about his appearance, but he must be attentive to his body. At the slightest manifestations and alarming symptoms you need to consult a doctor. This is especially important in childhood, when it is still possible to improve the situation without resorting to surgery.

Often, children barely 2 years old are diagnosed with x-shaped legs. Even 25-35 years ago, such a problem was not so acute, either due to its absence as such, or due to the fact that infants were not referred for a systematic examination by an orthopedist. Often, many mothers suddenly find out that their child has one or another deformity of the lower extremities. What can be done about this and how to correct x-shaped legs in a child?

The shape of the lower extremities is called normal, in which you can draw an imaginary straight line passing from the head of the femur of the hip joint through the middle of the patella and the space between the first and second toes. A deviation in one direction or the other is considered abnormal. It could be:

  1. Hallux valgus means that the legs, brought together at the knees, have a distance of more than 5 cm in the area of ​​the feet, that is, it is an x-shape. If you look at the legs in full, their silhouette resembles hourglass or the letter X.
  2. Varus deformity is an O-shaped curvature of the legs. In this case, the pathology affects middle part shin, which deviates outward, and the knee joints cannot be connected to each other. As a result, the knees develop unevenly. The meniscus is compressed and the joint space expands from the inside and outside.

Pathology data can be:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • physiological.

Immediately after birth, children most often have an O-shaped leg deformity. Further, as they grow, the legs gradually level out. However, during the period when walking begins, excess weight, lack of developed muscles and other factors can lead to the appearance of one form or another of curvature of the legs. The most common age for the development of the disease in a child is 2-4 years.

If the problem was not corrected in time, in adulthood, constant improper distribution of the load on the knees and ankles provokes curvature of these joints and the development of knee gonarthrosis, which is a deforming non-inflammatory arthrosis. All this significantly worsens a person’s quality of life. Moreover, women are more predisposed to these diseases.

Initial changes at hallux valgus deformity begin in the knee joints - the internal condyles grow faster than the external ones, and the joint space is narrow on the outside and wide on the inside. As a result, the ligaments that provide stability to the knee are overstretched on the inside. This deformation of the legs in profile is noticeable by bending at the knees.

The development of the process does not end there; already at one year old, the baby may experience a planovalgus change in the feet, that is, flat feet with the heels deviating outward. Then an unsteady gait develops, the baby often stumbles and falls, and also complains of tired legs. Without treatment, curvature of the spine gradually develops.

Causes of pathology

The reasons include the following:

  1. Early onset of child walking. A baby who is just beginning to stand on his feet gradually trains his muscles. Crawling also plays an important role here, which helps in their formation and strengthening of ligaments. If the baby missed this phase of development, the load may be excessive, so the fragile legs become bent. Orthopedists emphasize the negative role of children's jumpers and walkers, which are designed to relieve the load from the legs of infants. However, no load means no training.
  2. Heavy weight. Babies fed on mother's milk often have a body weight that exceeds the statistical average. However, it will not be possible to deprive them of food; the only option is to reduce the fat content of the woman’s diet. You can adjust your children's nutrition by artificial feeding or on complementary foods. Recommended for weight loss vegetable purees, not cereal porridges.
  3. Congenital weakness muscular-ligamentous apparatus. Heredity may play a role to some extent. If children have an asthenic body type, they are characterized by thinness and undeveloped muscles. Another problem is any disease that causes this pathology.
  4. Diseases associated with calcium metabolism disorders, which provoke a decrease in bone strength. This could be kidney disease or rickets.
  5. Hereditary predisposition. If one of the parents has X-legs, it is likely that the baby will have a similar deviation after birth. However, the vast majority of newborns have an O-shaped curvature.
  6. Congenital malformation - dysplasia of one or both hip joints, dislocation of the hip, underdevelopment of the knee joints and others. Subsequently, a unilateral deformity of the lower leg may develop here.
  7. Intra-articular fractures and injuries.
  8. Benign and malignant tumors bone and cartilage tissue lower extremities.

According to statistics, girls have strength anatomical structure pelvic bones X-shaped legs are more common, and in boys - O-shaped.

By the way, the doctor can diagnose a false x-shaped deformity of the legs. Unlike the true one, an external defect is observed due to the location of muscles and fat deposits; treatment is not required.

If a 2-year-old baby quickly gets tired while walking, does not want to walk with his legs, has an unsteady gait and often falls out of the blue, you should see an orthopedist and undergo appropriate treatment. In principle, parents themselves can see that when the child’s knees touch, the child’s ankles do not close. You can measure the distance between the feet of 4-5 cm using a ruler.

There is no point in postponing a visit to the doctor and thinking that everything will go away on its own, since the development of the process can affect not only the knee ligaments, but also ankle joints, and even the spine. After an external examination and measurements, the orthopedist will ask the child to walk barefoot on the floor. At the same time, it will become clear whether there is a flat-valgus position of the feet. The presence of planovalgus changes in the feet is clearly visible on plantography. This may be a visual, ink or computer research model. In the latter option, the plantar part of the feet is scanned at rest and under functional load conditions. The computer will calculate the morphological parameters and give a report on what type of flatfoot is observed - longitudinal, transverse or mixed.

For diagnosis, X-rays of the knee joints are used. The image shows the unevenness of the joint space. In addition, X-shaped legs in children have more developed internal condyles, and the external ones have a bevel. If the valgus curvature is inherited, the x-ray will show blurry edges of the ossified parts of the external condyles.

After diagnosis, correction of the pathology comes to the fore. Childhood up to 3-4 years old is well suited for massage, physiotherapy and physical therapy. How older child, the more pronounced the consequences are - uneven gait, fast fatiguability legs, pain in the feet, poor posture and curvature of the spine. In the future, an adult may experience bone changes chest and pelvis, as well as dysfunction of certain organs.

The legs of an X in a child under one and a half years old are physiological norm. This requires systematic monitoring by an orthopedist. So as not to miss initial stage diseases. The most in a simple way correction is considered massotherapy. Give preference only to experienced massage therapists, otherwise the procedure may cause harm rather than benefit. Usually a course of 12-15 sessions is carried out, followed by a break for 2 months and repeat. During the year, massage in combination with physiotherapy is carried out on average 4 times. This type massage involves strengthening the muscles on the inside of the lower leg and relaxing overstrained external ligaments. The procedure affects the buttocks, back, feet, front and back of the lower limbs. It is important that the massage therapist’s movements bring joy to the baby and not pain, otherwise he will not relax.

As prescribed by the doctor, the child may be referred to warming procedures using paraffin and electrophoresis with calcium chloride. A very important role is played by wearing a specially ordered orthopedic shoes with a high hard heel and solid insoles that combat flat feet. Such shoes or boots help to form the correct position of the foot and a normal tilt of the body. Doctors usually advise wearing such shoes at home and on the street with a break for sleep and exercise.

If conservative methods don't help, recommend plaster casts, articulated orthoses or removable splints. The period of their use ranges from 3 weeks to several months. Hyperactive children and toddlers with neurological abnormalities, this type of therapy is not suitable.

IN severe cases recommended surgical intervention. If only one leg is affected, the Ilizarov apparatus with simultaneous varus osteotomy of the tibia can be used for correction. This is especially true after suffering injuries and leg fractures. The correction period can take from 2 months to a year. The postoperative recovery stage consists of massage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy. In the future, gymnastics are carried out to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and full recovery range of movements.

Treatment of hallux valgus is a very long process, sometimes it requires many years of effort and a certain perseverance from children and parents. Among other things, it is expected to correct the baby’s lifestyle:

  1. Make sure that the child does not stand with his legs wide apart, as this position increases the inward deviation of the knee joints. A more advantageous position is with legs tightly closed.
  2. Children with X-shaped legs need frequent rest during active games or while walking. No wonder the children kindergarten often put on a bench "as punishment for disobedience."
  3. It is advisable to attend specialized sports clubs, dance, go swimming, or enroll your child in an orthopedic nursery preschool, where the daily physical therapy and massage courses.

At home, it is advisable to do a simple set of exercises every day:

  1. To correct hallux valgus in children, walking on a plank in the spirit of “the bull is walking and swinging…” is excellent. Another time you can play circus and walk along a rope laid on the floor, like a real tightrope walker.
  2. Squats with knees apart and cycling promote development the right groups muscles.
  3. Play the game “The bear is walking through the forest.” Lay out toys on the carpet, and then walk on the outside of your feet and pick up objects.
  4. Sitting cross-legged can be varied with various additional games. Roll a ball to each other while sitting in this position, or pretend to be an oriental fakir charming snakes.
  5. It is useful if at home you have the opportunity to build a wall bars, ladder, trapeze and hang a rope. In addition to reducing excess weight, physical activity will strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the legs, knees and feet.
  6. Let the child during summer holiday walks barefoot on sand, grass and pebbles. Such exercises help treat flat feet.

A 1.5-2 year old baby is more susceptible to treatment for X-shaped legs, provided that a persistent and patient approach to the procedures is applied. In the vast majority of cases, getting rid of pathology takes from 2 to 7 years, but you still shouldn’t give up. Valgus curvature of the lower extremities is not cosmetic defect. Subsequently, it can provoke a whole range of skeletal disorders, including the development of arthrosis of the knees and feet. Correct exercises, a balance of active play and rest, wearing orthopedic shoes and systematic monitoring by an orthopedist will protect the child from unpleasant consequences at an older age.

The shape of the legs is not only one of the main parameters of female beauty and attractiveness, but also an extremely important component of what is commonly called quality of life. The happy owner of slender legs does not have to feel complex on the beach, limit herself in clothing styles, or be embarrassed by short skirts and dresses.

Unfortunately, not all women are lucky with the structure of such an important part of the body. Crooked legs - what to do and how can you correct such an unpleasant defect? According to statistics, every second representative of the fair sex is concerned with this issue to one degree or another. And among men there are many who want to correct their natural characteristics.

True and false curvature of the legs. X- and O-shaped curvature

Legs that are considered correct from an aesthetic point of view are those that, when fully flattened, touch at four points: the middle of the thigh, the knees, the middle of the shin and the heel. Deviations from this canon are divided into X-shaped and O-shaped curvatures. With an X-shape, the legs touch at the knees and diverge at the bottom; with an O-shape, only the heels touch, and there is a gap between the knees and shins.

At the same time, the nature of the curvature of the legs is also of utmost importance for subsequent correction: true or false. True curvature is a consequence of defects in the structure of the skeleton; in this case, correction without orthopedic surgery is impossible. False is due to the structure of soft tissues - here the choice of treatment is wider, the result can be obtained without surgery, for example, with the help of a set of special exercises. Fortunately for most women, it is this type of curvature that is diagnosed in the majority of cases.

Exercises to correct crooked legs without surgery

By using physical exercise It is possible to correct false curvature of the legs to a certain extent by increasing muscle mass in problem areas. As a rule, such complexes include a load on the target muscle in combination with stretching.

The following exercises are used to increase calf volume:

  • Calf raises (with or without additional weight)
  • Foot presses on a leg machine
  • Running up the steps, lifting your toes at each step

There is, however, an unpleasant fact: the calves are among the muscles that respond least noticeably to training. It is extremely difficult to increase shins that are flat from birth by more than 1-2 centimeters. This volume may be enough for proper shape correction, or it may not be enough.

Working with the leg muscles in general will also give a good result: to the above exercises you need to add squats, as well as bending and straightening your legs on the machine. The slightly increased muscle mass will be distributed more evenly across the bone, making your legs look straighter.

Besides, Even the correct shape of the legs can look crooked as a result of the individual characteristics of their position. The habit of walking with your knees inward or vice versa - outward leads to a distortion of the true shape of the legs. This shortcoming is perhaps the easiest to correct: any exercises with a load on the lower body are suitable, it is enough to keep your legs and feet parallel when performing them (as well as during normal walking). Gradually, correct positioning will become a habit and the “acquired” curvature will disappear.

How to fix crooked legs with a guarantee?

If the exercises do not give the desired result or we are talking about true curvature caused by the structure of the bone structure of the legs, the only way out remains surgery: plastic or orthopedic.

So radical ways many perceive it with some negativity, since we are talking about a serious intervention and a long recovery period (and in the case of orthopedics, also the need to endure for some time painful sensations). However, in in this case the end 100% justifies the means - any, even the most complex cases of curvature can be corrected, and the result will last a lifetime.

Plastic surgery to straighten the shape of the legs is called. It is indicated mainly for false curvature and consists of installing silicone implants, increasing the volume and correcting the shape of the lower leg. The operation takes no more than an hour, and rehabilitation period- 1.5-2 months, after which you can return to your normal routine. There is a more gentle option -. Instead of an implant, the patient is given his own fat cells, however, this method has its limitations: it is only suitable for eliminating a slight curvature and, in addition, requires the presence of “free” fat in the patient’s body.

Leg straightening surgery

The only way to correct true crooked legs is orthopedic surgery. It will also be the optimal choice for patients with false curvature, but at the same time short stature and relatively large legs - in their case, additional muscle mass or implants can correct the shape, but from an aesthetic point of view the result will not be very good, since the legs will become even heavier "

Surgical correction of the shape of the legs performed using the Ilizarov apparatus- a special device that allows you to act directly on the bone structure. The operation consists of cutting the bone, after which its parts are fixed with a device and gradually fused into the desired position.

This design needs to be worn for about 2-3 months, but after 3-4 weeks the patient can move independently and do any daily activities (except for physical activity). At the same time, modern Ilizarov devices are very compact, which minimizes the inconvenience and discomfort associated with wearing them.

Way Indications Notes
Without surgery:
The external effect of curvature is not due to the structure of the legs, but to the peculiarities of their position Effective, but suitable only for those who initially have straight legs
Limited potential, low efficiency
False curvature Only suitable for minor curvatures
False curvature It is necessary to have fat deposits in other areas of the body. Periodic maintenance treatments may be required
Plastic surgery () False curvature, lack of soft tissue in the lower leg area Very effective method thanks to the ability to choose an implant custom size and forms, but has limited indications
True curvature, isolated cases of false curvature Helps in cases where other methods do not give the desired result

How much does it cost to straighten your legs?

The final cost of correcting crooked legs depends on many factors: the chosen technique and specialist, initial condition, geography, etc. Approximate price guidelines can be seen below.

Average prices for basic methods for correcting curvature of the legs
Way What's included in the costs
Estimated cost
Without surgery:
Exercises for correct placement of knees and feet A subscription to a gym or specialized section (dancing, gymnastics, etc.), instructor hours There is a wide range in cost, depending on geographical location, status and pricing policy of the establishment
Exercises to build calves
Exercises that increase overall muscle mass legs
Analyzes and preliminary consultation; taking fat cells and placing them in the desired area; corrective and supportive procedures 80-150 thousand rubles
Plastic surgery () Analyzes and preliminary consultation; implant cost; anesthesia; surgeon's work; hospital 80-200 thousand rubles
Orthopedic surgery (Ilizarov apparatus) Tests and preliminary consultation; anesthesia; surgeon's work; installation and removal of the device; rehabilitation procedures; hospital 40-100 thousand rubles

An illness associated with deformation of the joints of the lower extremities occurs equally in men and women. This problem carries with it the formation of aesthetic complexes or leads to deterioration of health.

Causes of curvature of legs

Often joint deformities are inherited due to national characteristics. Curvature of the limbs can be seen even in early age. To correct the situation, you should consult a doctor to prevent worsening.

The reasons for the appearance of curvature of the legs include the following factors:

  • rickets and its consequences arising due to unfavorable conditions during the child’s growth period;
  • pathological processes in bone tissue, leading to thinning of the bone structure;
  • incorrect postures while standing or sitting;
  • classes certain types sports in childhood or adolescence;
  • disturbance of mineral metabolism;
  • excess body weight, inactivity;
  • weakness of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • endocrine reasons.

Types of leg curvature

There are several types of deformation:

  1. True.

Changes when femur and the lower leg are shaped like an arc. The main cause of this disease is a hereditary predisposition or a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. To correct the situation, a consultation with an orthopedist is necessary.

  1. False.

With a false curvature of the legs, the bone has the correct shape. The source of the problem is associated with impaired development of muscle tissue. The knees and ankle touch, creating a curvature at the ankle. The condition can be eliminated with a course of exercises.

  1. O-shaped, varus.

This defect has the appearance of an oval, since the disease starts from the hips and goes to the ankle joint. The knee joints do not touch each other.

  1. Valgus curvature, X-shaped.

A defect in which the knees are together but the ankles are not aligned. The legs look like the letter X.

Method for determining the type of curvature

To determine the shape of the limbs and identify possible violations you need to do the following:

  • stand straight in front of the mirror and bend your leg:
  • if the knee has moved inward, this indicates an O-deformation;
  • the kneecap has moved outward - a type of X-curvature;
  • placing your hands on your waist (feet shoulder-width apart), do a squat:
  • with an O-defect, the legs diverge to the sides;
  • X-type – limbs are connected;
  • the correct form is bending parallel to the feet.

To completely confirm or exclude the diagnosis, an x-ray must be taken. The condition of the bones determines the type and solution of the problem.

Correcting false curvature

This deformation does not cause harm to health and has only an aesthetic aspect. To correct the condition, you need to exercise, lose excess weight and build muscle tissue. With the right selection of exercises, cosmetic changes will gradually disappear. You can perform a set of exercises at home and in the gym.

True curvature

True curvature lies in a defect in the bones of the legs; sometimes it is difficult to cope with it only with the help of exercise therapy.


There are two types of surgical operations:

A. Installation of the Ilizarov apparatus on the lower leg.

The procedure has fairly rapid progress, which is noticeable after 2 months. Operations can be performed from the age of 14. After removing the structure, loads are prohibited for several weeks. The technique is traditional and is used in most cases.

Possible complications:

  • inflammation in soft tissues;
  • infectious processes;
  • the appearance of contracture;
  • damage in the area of ​​correction.

B. Plastic surgery – cruroplasty.

The operation is carried out using two methods:

  • installation of an implant in the lower leg area of ​​the desired shape;
  • lipofilling from fat cells of the abdomen or buttocks.

The procedure takes place under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Rehabilitation lasts for 2 months; disadvantages include displacement of the implant and distortion of the shape of the legs. Sports activities are prohibited.


Massage sessions are important from birth to three years of age. The procedure will help correct crooked legs only in early childhood.

For adults use manual therapy and impact on the lower back, if the essence of the defect lies in the sacral area. It will not be possible to completely remove the deformation, since the formed bone difficult to massage.

Straightening on the simulator

The principle of the technique is horizontal traction spinal column and lower extremities.

Regular practice helps in relieving muscle spasms caused by curvature, restoring blood flow and noticeably lengthening the lower leg.

Correction belts

The procedure consists of fastening the legs at several points with special belts and performing prescribed exercises in this manner.

Manual fix

The technique allows you to eliminate defects:

  • knees that are too close or apart;
  • O – figurative deformation;
  • curvature of the femur.

Restoring functions in the knee joints:

  • It is necessary to pat the areas of the meniscus every day for a minute with a bag filled with a granular substance (salt or sand): inside with an O-defect, externally with an X-type.
  • It is worth striking with a gradual increase in force twice a day.

Correction of shin curvature:

  • The exercise is performed in the same way - by tapping on defective areas. The essence of the technique is to cause microtrauma and improve blood flow and metabolic phenomena. After the impacts there is a visual improvement.

Elimination of femoral bone defect:

  • Sit on a chair and intensely squeeze a small ball between your thighs.

With this exercise, muscle tissue grows.

The effect of the exercises occurs after about 6 months.


Gymnastics is used to strengthen muscle strength. Elimination of deformation is carried out by a set of special asanas that relax areas of tightness.

Visual effect

Procedures for eliminating curvature of the legs are quite lengthy, so you can correct the cosmetic defect using the following tricks:

  • Overlays.

Special silicone devices are attached to the lower leg, and then tights or tight pants are put on.

  • Cloth.

A properly selected piece of clothing can correct the problem and visually straighten your legs. For everyday wear, you should wear pants with flares from the hip, boots with wide tops, dresses and skirts of maximum length to the ankles.

A set of exercises for correcting O-legs

The following activities will help you make your limbs straight:

  • walking on internal and external sides feet, rising on the toes and moving to the heels when lowering;
  • running with high legs;
  • squat;
  • plie (socks and knees pointing in different directions);
  • abduction to the side with one leg, alternately standing at a support, you can use a sports elastic band;
  • raise straight legs one by one;
  • placing each leg forward in turn with a squat (the weight shift should fall on the heel area);
  • scissors exercise;
  • reduction and connection of the limbs in a lying position.

Do gymnastics at least 3 times a week, after warming up the muscles with a warm-up.

Exercises to correct X-legs

A simple set of exercises to make your legs straighter:

  • walking on the outer part of the foot, on the knees;
  • abduction of the limbs to the side with the foot stretched towards you;
  • lunges left and right;
  • squatting with a ball pressed between the thighs;
  • static exercises;
  • lying on your stomach, make a “butterfly”: connect your feet and spread your knees to the sides. Hold on for 5-10 minutes.

If you have an X-shaped defect, it is useful to go swimming or cycling.

Exercise therapy for varus deformity

A set of exercises to correct curvature of the legs:

  • walking on the heels, the inner part of the sole;
  • quickly raising your knees up and landing on your toes;
  • squatting (knee joints together);
  • swing to the side at the support;
  • raising straight limbs while lying on your side;
  • “scissors” sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall;
  • pedal, simulating cycling;
  • connecting and separating legs while lying on your back;
  • cross twine.

Exercises for hallux valgus

Sample list of activities:

  • walking on the outer arches of the sole;
  • knee walking;
  • swing to the sides with pointed toes;
  • side lunges;
  • squat as low as possible with the ball against the wall;
  • sitting in a “Turkish” position, press on the knee joints or try to reach them to the floor;
  • lying on your stomach, bring your feet together and spread your legs to the sides.

All exercises should be performed several times a week. If pain or other discomfort you should report them to your doctor. After classes, it is useful to take a warm bath, adding essential oil to the water.

Exercises for a child

Defects in a child should be corrected before the age of seven. It is necessary to combine regular massage courses with gymnastics.


Walk around the room first on your toes, then on the inside and outside of your feet. For better effect Carry out the exercise with the ball clamped between your legs.

Lying down

Lie on your back, lower limbs shoulder-width apart, feet turned inward.

Clench and unclench your fingers several times. Then connect your feet and imitate clapping.

On knees

Leaning on the palms and knee joints, the child pulls the leg back, straightening the toe.

On the stomach

Bend your knees so that your heels touch your buttocks.


To prevent curvature, several rules should be followed:

  1. Regular walks in the park area, getting enough vitamin D for development.
  2. Timeliness of skills - you should not accustom your child to early crawling or walking, as weak muscle and ligamentous apparatus lead to changes in the shape of the lower leg.
  3. Balanced diet.
  4. Classes in the pool.

To correct false curvature, you should follow the recommendations:

  • Don't sleep on your stomach. In this position, the back is under tension, and this is reflected in the length of the lower limbs.
  • Do not cross your legs over each other while sitting on a chair.
  • Stand straight.
  • Avoid walking in high, narrow or uncomfortable shoes.
  • Timely treatment of diseases.
  • Doing exercises regularly.
  • Proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • Exercise in the pool or cycling.

Elimination of curvature of the lower extremities is not a quick process, and if defects are suspected in a child, it is necessary to begin correcting them without delaying a trip to the doctor.
