What vitamin is needed for smooth-bore. B vitamins. Mask with B vitamins

Sometimes it happens that by doing short hair, after a while you want to return to the previous length and it seems as if the hair grows unbearably slowly.

What to do to regain luxurious long hair?

Modern scientific discoveries and research in the field of cosmetology help to find out the reasons for slow hair growth and speed it up.

Thanks to them, many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can quickly acquire long and, more importantly, healthy and beautiful hair.

The average hair growth rate is 1–1.5 cm per month. There are lucky people whose hair grows up to 2 cm per month, but there are those whose hair grows much slower. Hair growth problems have various causes.

These can be hereditary factors, diseases, the consequences of stress or taking medications.

One of the most common causes of hair growth retardation is vitamin deficiency in the body. In this case, it is enough to replenish the supply of useful elements, and the hair begins to grow better.

Hair growth largely depends on the condition of the hair follicles, from which new hair appears as if from grains. The scalp can be compared to soil that requires fertilization to provide adequate nutrition.

And the better the nutrition of this "soil", the healthier the roots will be and the faster the hair will grow. Therefore, it is very important that vitamins are supplied to the body in full, which are necessary primarily for nutrition and protection of hair follicles, as well as free access oxygen to them.

To increase the rate of hair growth, the body must receive the required amount of B vitamins.

These are the main substances that help hair grow.

B vitamins are the best "medicine" for promoting healthy hair growth.

They increase the blood supply to the hair follicles, eliminate dryness, stop hair loss - in a word, they start the process of healing the scalp, and vitamin B12 also accelerates hair growth.

Vitamin A (retinol) is indispensable in this matter.

It has a regenerating effect on the skin, has a beneficial effect on activity sebaceous glands, improves the condition of the scalp and helps hair grow better.

In the body, vitamin A plays the role of an "accelerator", so when it is lacking, hair grows very slowly.

Hair growth often slows down due to insufficient blood supply to the roots. Vitamin E is involved in oxygenation of hair follicles, thereby stimulating the appearance of new healthy hair.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or B3) enhances blood circulation, improving root nutrition, thus helping active growth, that is, getting enough nicotinic acid, hair begins to grow faster.

Vitamin D and biotin (vitamin H) also provide invaluable hair care. In addition to increasing the growth rate, these vitamins also protect and strengthen the hair.

Vitamin C is involved in the blood circulation of the hair follicles, which helps nutrients to freely penetrate to the hair roots, and without this, normal growth is impossible.

Elements such as molybdenum, zinc, selenium, sulfur, calcium, iron and magnesium also help hair grow.

Today it is quite simple to find out which vitamins are not enough - it is enough to take a hair for analysis. Laboratory research will show what the hair needs and what is contained in it in excess.

In addition, vitamins usually affect the condition and growth of new hair, so you should not expect that after vitamin "help" old hair will grow back faster.

In pharmacies you can see great amount preparations intended for hair growth. They contain all the trace elements and vitamins necessary for this.

Such funds can be divided into two types: acting from the inside and from the outside:

  • the former are most often capsules or tablets,
  • the second - masks, balms, lotions and other cosmetics.

Pills replenish daily rate necessary elements and most often after about a month of use, they restore the balance of substances in the body.

The most effective complexes and the best vitamins for hair growth

One of the most popular drugs designed to accelerate hair growth is called "Revalid".

It contains a whole complex of vitamins and amino acids, thanks to which not only hair, but also nails grow faster.

To achieve visible results, you need to take "Revalid" for at least 2-3 months, one capsule 3 times a day.

Vitamin complex "Perfectil" - vitamins for rapid growth hair.

Within a month after its application, the hair begins to grow noticeably faster. Developed by British scientists, "Perfectil" contains a complete set of minerals and vitamins that activate the body's forces and direct them to heal the follicles and stimulate hair growth.

This is a very strong remedy, so you need to strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions, namely: take no more than one capsule daily during or after a meal and drink a glass of water. Eating on an empty stomach can cause nausea!

This is a real complex nutrients... They contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other elements that the body usually needs, and which activate hair growth, improve skin, and strengthen nails.

Domestic pharmaceuticals can offer the vitamin complex "Alphabet". Designed to tidy up the entire body as a whole, it also improves the condition of the hair, including the rate of its growth.

Unlike many other drugs, "Alphabet" is based on the principle of combining various vitamins, therefore it includes three types of tablets, each of which includes only compatible elements.

It helps better assimilation vitamins and minerals. The dosage is calculated for three doses per day. Depending on the initial condition of the hair, the effect is visible after 2-3 weeks.

Normal brewer's yeast, which can be bought at any pharmacy, also gives good results for hair growth. They can be with or without additives (eg sulfur).

Vitamin preparations for hair growth act individually, and in order to choose the right multivitamin complex, it is advisable to consult a trichologist. But instead of drugs, it is still better to get the necessary vitamins from food, and this requires good nutrition:

  • All year round, there should be fresh vegetables, fruits, walnuts, rose hips, honey on the table, olive oil, eggs, cauliflower, milk, dairy products, soybeans, other legumes and always greens.
  • In winter, it is necessary to include oatmeal in the diet, sauerkraut, meat, fatty fish.
  • In addition to vitamins, the body also needs a sufficient amount of fluid - at least 2 liters per day.

The state of health cannot but affect the condition of the hair, including its appearance and growth rate. If your hair is healthy, it will not be difficult to accelerate its growth by including the necessary vitamins in your diet, as well as nourishing your hair.

Vitamin masks for hair growth

External influence, together with vitamins taken internally, improve and accelerate hair growth. Special cosmetics designed for this purpose will help them grow faster.

Therefore, many vitamin complexes consist of a whole series of products - these are tablets or capsules, ampoules, as well as special shampoos, conditioners.

But there is another way to enhance hair growth - to use masks prepared at home, including the necessary vitamins in their composition. Home remedies can be just as effective as purchased ones, and at a fraction of the cost.

Vitamin A and Onion Juice Mask

The components of this mask have an active effect on hair follicles improving blood circulation, oxygenating and nourishing nutrients. This effect heals the hair, and also increases the rate of its growth.

To achieve a quick result, the mask must be done 30 times every other day. Not recommended for very dry or sensitive scalp.


  • oil solution of vitamin A - 5-7 drops;
  • castor and burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • hot peppers ( alcohol tincture) - 1 tsp. ;
  • freshly squeezed onion juice - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • chicken yolk - from 1 egg.

Combine all components, mix and apply the mask to the roots and hair. Wrap your head in plastic on top and a towel on top. After half an hour, wash off with water and lemon juice.

Egg and vitamin mask

This homemade mask saturates the scalp with nutrients, strengthens the hair and, of course, improves its growth. In addition, after several applications, it gives the hair a healthy shine.


  • vitamins B2, B6 and B12 - 1 ampoule;
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc. ;
  • oils: burdock, almond, sea buckthorn - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and apply to hair and roots.

Keep it on for an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Hair Growth Enhancing Vitamin Mask

A nourishing mask that accelerates hair growth by activating the access of nutrients to the roots. Hair becomes vibrant, hydrated and begins to grow much faster.


  • oil vitamins A and E, vitamin B3 - 0.5 tsp each. ;
  • linseed oil - 2 tbsp. l. ;
  • ginseng or eleutherococcus (tincture) - 1 tsp. ;
  • yolk from 1-2 eggs (depending on the length of the hair).

After thoroughly mixing the components, apply the mask to the hair and roots. Cover with plastic wrap and wrap with a towel on top.After one hour, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water.

Text: Irina Sergeeva

Modern market cosmetics offers a variety of products and procedures for the care, strengthening, restoration and treatment of hair. A trichologist or a beautician in the salon will help you to understand their huge spectrum and choose the ideal hair care program for yourself. But sometimes curls need help not so much from the outside as from the inside. In these cases, it will not be superfluous to know which vitamins are good for your hair.

What vitamins to drink for hair? We bring clarity!

Having come to the understanding that the restoration of the beauty of curls and skin health comes from the inside, we begin to ask ourselves - what vitamins to drink for hair? To correctly formulate an effective complex, it is best to seek help from a specialist: a trichologist or a cosmetologist. The doctor will be able to point out exactly which vitamins your hair lacks with a millimeter precision, and will help you draw up an individual professional care program. However, it is always useful to know in advance what a particular vitamin or group of vitamins is responsible for. And how are they useful for the health and beauty of hair. So:

The group of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, PP, H - biotin) are indispensable for hair, especially if you want to have curls that are no less lush and long, like Rapunzel's. The fact is that listed vitamins promote hair growth, make them thick and strong, regulate hair oiliness, give hair shine and elasticity.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is equally important. It restores normal blood circulation in the scalp, nourishes the hair follicles, protects against harmful ultraviolet rays, heals and strengthens hair.

Vitamin A (retinol) is important for fashionistas who need to restore the health of split ends and brittle curls after numerous visits to the hairdresser. Vitamin A contributes to the growth and improvement of hair structure, making hair soft and silky; especially useful for dry and split ends - restores vibrant shine and elasticity.

Vitamin C - we write down what is useful: improves blood circulation in the scalp, activates hair growth; promotes the absorption of iron in the body.

Useful micronutrients for hair

However, vitamins, for all their usefulness for the scalp and silky curls, require a very serious ally in the fight for beautiful hair. These are trace elements such as:

  • magnesium - it contributes to the elasticity of the hair;

  • silicon is part of the collagen of the hair, their strength and strength depend on it;

  • zinc and copper improve appearance hair, prevents premature gray hair, prevent baldness;

  • selenium protects against the harmful effects of the external environment;

  • phosphorus gives hair elasticity and rich color;

  • calcium is involved in hair growth;

  • iron makes the hair, if not iron, then strong, helps them forget about fragility;

  • iodine ensures hair health by affecting the thyroid gland;

  • molybdenum accelerates hair growth;

  • sulfur gives hair strength and shine.

Vitamins that are useful for drinking hair are almost always included in effective pharmacy vitamin complexes. However, you can significantly enhance and speed up the result by adjusting your daily menu as well.

What vitamins to drink and what to eat for hair health?

Let's start with the diet. So:

  • the group of B vitamins is found in cereals, legumes, cereals, bran, nuts, eggs;

  • vitamin E loves vegetable oils(olive, sunflower, etc.), egg yolk, cereals, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables;

  • vitamin A can be found in butter, eggs, liver, cottage cheese, cheese; carrots, greens, apricots, rose hips, sea buckthorn;

  • vitamin C, of ​​course, in citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, kiwi, sauerkraut;

  • legumes, nuts, soybeans, rolled oats are rich in vitamin H;

  • zinc and copper are found in shrimp, beans, liver, walnuts and cereals;

  • to replenish iron stores, we eat liver, yolks and nuts;

  • sulfur is found in garlic, fish and liver;

  • molybdenum is rich in cocoa, liver and kidneys of animals, peas;

  • silicon is found in cereals and root crops.

What can you drink from pharmaceutical preparations:

  • brewer's yeast is a fairly universal vitamins that have a good effect on the condition of the hair;

  • ascorbic acid will bring vitamin C into our body;

  • biotin - these hair vitamins are sold under different brands, but have the same composition- vitamin H, which is also called the vitamin of beauty;

  • a multivitamin complex containing medical yeast, thiamine mononitrate, calcium pantothenate, such as, for example, "Pantovigar" - helps with hair loss and damage caused by chemicals and solar radiation.

  • a complex containing walnut oil, wheat germ extract, such as, for example, Nutrikap - well accelerates hair growth, prevents hair loss and gives shine.

I would only like to note that brewer's yeast and ascorbic acid can be bought without a doctor's prescription, but any other pharmacy vitamin preparations and complexes must be purchased only after consulting a doctor or cosmetologist.

Hair vitamins play an important role. These biologically active substances participate in almost all biochemical processes that occur in the body. Many people often underestimate the importance of vitamins for health and beauty. Only when a serious deficiency of certain substances is noticed in the body, it becomes clear that only vitamins in optimal quantities will allow them to regain their beauty and well-being.

This is not to say that there are important vitamins, but there are completely unnecessary substances. In fact, all biologically active elements must be present in the body in a certain amount. Only the delicate balance and harmony of these substances guarantees that a person will feel and look good.

However, each type of vitamins fulfills its specific mission. Including there are a number of substances that contribute to the beauty of hair. Let's consider the main ones.

Vitamin A

The rating "The best vitamins for hair" is headed by vitamin A. It significantly improves the structure of the hair, strengthens it, and prevents hair loss. An important nuance is that this substance is easily accumulated (accumulates) in the human body.

Vitamin B

Vitamins of group B are responsible for the strength and beauty of curls. The optimal amount of these elements contributes to the fact that the hair looks healthy and shiny. If there are no certain representatives of the group in the body, the hair begins to grow slowly or stops growing altogether. You can also observe pathological thinning of the hairs, and the ends quickly split.

The most important B vitamins:

  • thiamine;
  • riboflamine;
  • panthenol;
  • pyridoxine;
  • inositol;
  • folic acid;
  • cyanocobalamin.

Particularly important and the required vitamin for hair - ascorbic acid. She is responsible for optimal blood circulation. Good scalp trophism is the key to healthy hair. This means that all nutrients will get to the hairs, nourish, strengthen, and contribute to their harmonious growth.

Vitamin C is often added to sprays, oil extracts and phyto-extracts for split ends. In the very early stages, this vitamin helps to strengthen the hairs. However, it is important not just to influence the curls with external means, but to fill the deficit ascorbic acid taking appropriate vitamin complexes.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is responsible for the shine and strength of the hair. If there is too little of this vitamin in the body, the appearance of the hair will immediately signal an increasing deficiency. The curls fade, the ends split, sometimes there is a pronounced brittleness of the hairs.

An important nuance - vitamin E is responsible not only for the quality of the curls, but also contributes to the normal transport of oxygen fractions in the circulatory system. It is a poet that hair can suffer not only from a deficiency of vitamin B itself, but also from a lack of oxygen, which naturally occurs against the background of hypovitaminosis of tocopherol.

Vitamin PP

Nicotinic acid, or niacinamide, is an essential component of the most effective and popular curl care products. Vitamin PP stimulates hair growth, reduces hair loss, corrects the processes of microcirculation of the scalp blood, which optimally stabilizes trophism in the periphery.

It is believed that exactly a nicotinic acid prevents the loss of life-giving moisture concentrated in the hair. There is a theory that vitamin PP deficiency plays a direct role in the mechanism of gray hair formation. Allegedly, the optimal amount of this substance is some kind of protection against premature hair aging.

Balanced nutrition and rich menu for beautiful hair

All important and good vitamins for hair enter the body with food. That is why it is so important to eat right, to think over your diet, to form a really rich and varied menu.

Trichologists and nutritionists emphasize that hair grows on average by 1 cm per month. In order for this desired growth to be fixed, a strictly defined amount of vitamin elements and nutrients must enter the body. The right food- the basis for health, allowing you to feel energetic, radiate beauty and strength.

There is no specific diet for the beauty of curls, but there are a number of products, the use of which can significantly improve the condition of the hair. It is worth choosing only high-quality and fresh ingredients for the preparation of future dishes. Only in this case, you can be sure that such desirable "components of beauty" will enter the body.

First of all, foods rich in calcium and iron will help improve the condition of the curls. These microelements, together with a number of vitamin fractions, trigger the mechanisms of hair health. Separately, it is worth considering a number of products that are advised to be included in the daily menu.

Fatty fish

Salmon - typical representative this category of food. Fish contains a colossal amount fatty acids... These elements help to improve the condition of the scalp, and will have a positive effect on the condition of the curls themselves.

Typically in fatty grades fish concentrated the optimal amount of vitamin B12. It will strengthen the hair. And iron will only strengthen positive effect vitamin A.

Green vegetables

Green and leafy vegetables, as well as all kinds of garden herbs and seasonings contain a large number of ascorbic acid and vitamin A. Foods of this type also contain a lot of iron and calcium. This combination is considered particularly beneficial.

Beans, beans, lentils, soybeans - all of these products are not often found on the table of the average consumer. However, they contain a large amount of biotin and a whole range of B vitamins.

Other products

The table below provides a list of other healthy foods to add to your daily menu.

FoodEssential vitamins and other valuable components that make up the food
Nuts (Brazil nuts, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, pecans, almonds)Vitamin A, B, PP, alpha-linoleic acid, zinc.
Meat (turkey, chicken, goose, duck)Vitamin B, an optimal combination of protein and iron.
Eggs (chicken, quail)B12, biotin, large amounts of protein.
Whole grains (bread, cereals)Vitamin B, a complex of minerals, iron in particular.
OystersVitamin A, C, zinc, a number of antioxidants.
Dairy products (bifidokefir, yogurt, milk)Vitamin A, PP, casein, calcium.
CarrotVitamin A.
BananaVitamin H (B7), silicon (stimulates hair growth and increases the strength of curls).
Sunflower seedsVitamin B6, tocopherol, zinc.
KiwiAscorbic acid, organic acids, fish flamin, thiamine, a number of trace elements.
Liver (beef, rabbit and chicken)Vitamins A and B, biotin, a lot of protein.

Of course, this list rather modest, it can be continued for a very long time.

The main thing is to remember the basic rule: the menu should be multi-component and consist only of really high-quality food products. In this case, the risk of hypovitaminosis will be minimal.

The most popular hair preparations

The modern pharmacological market is simply overflowing with a wide variety of vitamin supplements, micronutrient complexes, food additives, dietary supplements and other means that should saturate the body important substances... Consider the most popular goods and lines of hair care products, as well as those preparations that will help restore health to hair on cellular damage, nourishing them with minerals and vitamins.

Alerana is not easy effective vitamins for hair. This is a complete complex of valuable substances. Composition - oil tea tree, nettle extract and.

Natural ingredients stop the process of hair loss, start hair restoration processes at the cellular level. The tool speeds up the metabolism, the curls look renewed and shiny.

ALERANA is a whole line of products designed specifically for hair health. The manufacturer proposes to deal with problem curls from the inside and with the help of external means. The line includes:

  • balm spray for women;
  • balm spray for men;
  • vitamin and mineral complex for hair;
  • shampoo for oily hair;
  • shampoo for dry hair;
  • conditioner balm;
  • tonic care;
  • mask for all hair types.

There is also Alerana to stimulate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. Thus, you can purchase everything at once. cosmetic products and a complex of vitamins and minerals, fully providing the body with useful substances.


Perfectil Original is a complex of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts designed to maintain the health and beauty of hair, nails and skin. Drinking the remedy is recommended as in medicinal purposes and for the prevention of hypovitaminosis conditions.

The composition is very rich: vitamin E, B, D, folacin, niacin, ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iodine, copper, silicon chromium, extract from grape seeds. The manufacturer positions the product as a dietary supplement. The drug is prescribed for hypovitaminosis, to accelerate regenerative processes, to strengthen the nail plates, in order to strengthen the body as a whole.


Inneov - good complex vitamins to improve hair condition. The active ingredients strengthen the hair follicles, stimulate trophism in the periphery, strengthen the curls, make them brighter and shinier.

Composition - taurine, catechins, zinc. Each component individually is very valuable for hair, and together they are a real panacea for weakened hair.

These vitamins for hair loss, according to reviews, are among the most effective. Inneov (Inneov) is recommended for everyone who needs to strengthen curls and improve hair.

Complivit - food supplement stimulating hair growth, improving it general state, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Composition - calcium, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, magnesium, a number of catechins, tocopherol, lipoic acid, calcium, silicon, riboflamin, copper, biotin, cobalt, cyanocobalamin and a number of other valuable components.

The rich composition, thoughtful combination, the correct concentration of valuable substances make it possible to solve the body's problems as efficiently as possible. Main effects: antioxidant, rejuvenating, protective (a barrier against UV rays is formed), regenerative, detoxifying.

Dragee Merz

Dragee Merz is a vitamin complex aimed at restoring the beauty and youth of the dermal tissue, hair, and nail plates. Main components: ascorbic acid, vitamin E, L-cytin, nicotinamide, biotin, beta-corothene, yeast, iron.

The tool helps to restore the nutrition of the hair follicles, to establish the processes of blood supply to the tissues. The hair will end up looking healthy and beautiful.


Vitasharm (Vitasharm) - multivitamins prescribed for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis conditions. The composition includes the following components: retinol, thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinamide, calcium.

The drug stimulates regeneration processes, corrects the processes of nutrition and hydration of hair structures and dermal tissue. The skin becomes firmer, nails stronger, and hair more elastic and durable. All structures receive additional UV protection.

Vitrum Beauty

Vitrum is a complex of vitamins and minerals for health and beauty. Composition - betacarotene, colecalciferol, tocopherol, vitamin C, folic acid, thiamine, riboflamin, cyanocobalamin, biotin, rutin, pantothenate, inositol, choline, betaine, cysteine, methionine, papain, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, boron zinc.

It is advisable to use the drug to eliminate and prevent hypovitaminosis or beriberi, to correct metabolism, in order to accelerate the recovery of the body, to replenish the deficiency of nutrients with poor or insufficient nutrition. Before taking it, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.


Fitoval is a multicomponent preparation containing an optimal amount of minerals and vitamins. Ingredients: medicinal yeast, calcium, l-cytin, riboflamin, thiamine, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, biotin, zinc, copper, iron.

The drug is prescribed for violation of hair renewal processes or inhibition of the normal growth of curls. The supplement is relevant in case of excessive hair loss, as well as if a person's menu for some reason lacks certain vitamins and minerals.


Pantovigar is a unique vitamin supplement. Main components: yeast, thiamine, pantothene, cystine, para-aminobenzoic acid, keratin. The product helps to accelerate hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, and give hair a healthy shine and shine.

Most often, the drug is prescribed for diffuse hair loss of non-hormonal origin, with degenerative and destructive hair processes (after exposure to UV rays or chemicals). The drug is also effective in the fight against problem skin and brittle nails.


Revalid is a multivitamin complex for hair and skin health. The following components are concentrated in capsules: DL-methionine, l-cytine, calcium, thiamine, pyridoxine, para-aminobenzoic acid, iron, zinc, millet and wheat germ extract, yeast, silicon.

Active substances normalize the metabolic process at the cellular level. The drug improves the structure of the hair, protects it from negative impact environment, allows you to recover faster after staining and other aggressive procedures.

Vitamin masks and hair shampoos

Hair needs to be looked after correctly, choosing the most delicate and sparing products. Consider the most popular shampoos that will help improve the condition of the curls.

  1. VichyDercos, or "Vichy Derkos" (aminexil, vitamins PP, B6, B5).
  2. Rinfoltill Espresso (wheat protein, nasturtium extract, cinchona extract, dwarf palm fruit concentrate, amino acids, zinc, caffeine, panthenol, collagen, elastin, glycine).
  3. Alerana (poppy oil, lecithin, provitamin B5, tea tree oil, wheat proteins, nettle extract, burdock root extract).
  4. TwinsTech Onion 911 (burdock extract, extracts from birch, nettle, chamomile, biotin, niacin, other vitamins).
  5. KRKA Fitoval (rosemary extract, glycogen, arnica extract, peptide components of wheat).
  6. Selencin Hair Therapy (Selecin, Keratin, Caffeine, Biotin, Anagelin, Burdock Extract, Nettle Extract, Collagen, Menthol).
  7. Agafia's first aid kit (extract from calamus root, linseed oil, keratin).
  8. Elfa burdock (burdock extract, burdock oil, thyme oil extract, dwarf palm extract).
  9. Ducray Anaphase (nicotinate, vitamin B, ruscus extract).
  10. Indole (pantothene, taurine, carnitine).
  11. Medic Honey (horsetail extract, amino acid ficus extract).
  12. Organic Shop Coffee (babassu oil, extract).

In addition to shampoos, it is recommended to use serums for healing or direct hair treatment. Serums are one of the most popular options. Means of choice - Nanoderm, Granny Agafia's Recipes, Eveline Burdock Bio Pharmacy.

Elixirs are recommended for particularly weakened or damaged hair. Most popular remedies of this type: Hair Growt, Hairnutrition.

Rules for taking vitamins

Vitamins are biologically active substances, so you need to take them competently. The basic rules that must be followed are as follows.

  1. It is best to consult with your doctor about which vitamin complexes to take at a given moment.
  2. The optimal time to take another capsule or pill is in the morning.
  3. You should never combine several drugs at once, especially if their composition is very rich and concentrated.
  4. The dose of the supplement you are taking should never be exceeded.
  5. Vitamins can only be taken with water. Never use soda or coffee.
  6. The capsules are never chewed. They should be drunk whole.


Taking care of your health begins first and foremost with respect for own body... Hair care is based on a balanced diet. It is enough to form a rich and tasty menu, lead an active lifestyle, learn to listen to your body, and this will solve problems at the earliest stage of their formation.

Vitamins are low molecular weight compounds that act as activators of all types of biochemical reactions in the human body. To understand how important vitamins play a role in the life and normal functioning of all organs and systems of a person, it is necessary to know that absolutely all processes in the body at the molecular level proceed precisely in the form of biochemical reactions. That is, absolutely all functions and processes are provided precisely by cascades different types biochemical reactions. For example, the process of respiration, namely, the combination of oxygen with hemoglobin of erythrocytes and its transfer into tissues with subsequent transfer to cells is carried out by a strictly defined cascade of biochemical reactions. In the same way, the transfer of nutrients and their use for the needs of cells is carried out through chemical transformations. And it is vitamins that are essential components for the normal course and activation of all biochemical reactions in the human body. Thus, it becomes obvious that vitamins ensure the normal functioning of all cells in the body.

Hair is an appendage of the skin, that is, it is a part of the epidermis. Each hair is made up of a long fiber that feeds from a follicle located in the skin on the head, body, or face. Actually, the hair fiber is dense, since it is covered with numerous horny scales on top. For normal functioning and to preserve the hair, their bulb (follicle), located in the deep layers of the skin, must receive an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen. The hair follicle undergoes a series of biochemical reactions that maintain the health of the entire hair and prevent hair loss. Naturally, all biochemical reactions necessary for the life support of hair are supported and activated only in the presence of vitamins coming from outside. Thus, it becomes clear why a lack of vitamins can provoke increased hair loss... It is also obvious that in such cases, in order to stop hair loss, it is simply necessary to replenish the deficiency of certain vitamins, which play the greatest role in maintaining the normal functioning of the hair follicles. Let's take a look at various aspects regarding vitamins and stopping hair loss.

Vitamins for hair - definition and physiological significance

Every hair on any part of the body - head, body or face starts from hair follicle or a bulb located in the structures of the skin. A fiber begins to grow from the follicle, which is the hair we are accustomed to. Gradually, the length of the fiber increases and the hair becomes longer. However, regardless of the length of the hair, its nutrition is carried out only through the bulb. This means that the substances necessary for the vital activity of the hair are brought to the follicles with the blood stream. Then these substances are transported from the follicle along the entire length of the hair fiber - from the root to the very tip. Thus, in order for the hair to have enough of all the necessary substances for normal life, a sufficient amount of bioorganic compounds (oxygen, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) must be supplied to the bulb with the blood flow.

From the substances that have entered the hair follicle, all the needs of the hair are provided - nutrition, respiration, growth, etc. If the hair is "supplied" well, it is smooth, strong, firm, shiny and growing well. Outwardly, such hair looks very good and can be described as chic. Beautiful, thick and long hair indicates that its owner has excellent health and a sufficient amount of vitamins.

If the hair is deficient in vitamins, then their appearance becomes unattractive - they lose smoothness, shine, elasticity and strength, begin to fall out, split, quickly become dirty, dandruff appears, etc. This is because a vitamin deficiency leads to insufficiently intense normal biochemical reactions that ensure the proper functioning of hair cells. In fact, the cells of the hair fiber begin to starve and suffocate, since the low metabolic rate due to the lack of vitamins does not allow them to receive adequate amounts of oxygen and various nutrients.

Since strictly defined cascades of biochemical reactions take place in the hair, certain vitamins are also required for their activation. The fact is that each vitamin is able to activate and maintain the normal course of any specific type of biochemical reactions. For example, vitamin A activates reactions that ensure the synthesis of collagen fibers in the skin, nails, hair and connective tissue etc. If these vitamins are not enough, the hair will fall out and look bad.

Which vitamin deficiency can cause hair loss?

Hair loss can be triggered by a deficiency of the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F (F).
Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency of one of the listed vitamins, or several at once. Typically, hair falls out on the background of a deficiency of several vitamins, usually 2 - 4.

Vitamins for hair loss

In principle, to prevent hair loss, the human body needs all 13 known vitamins. However, some of them are especially necessary, since they ensure the normal course of vital processes in the hair structures. It is these vitamins that can be conditionally considered "hair loss vitamins".

So, vitamins that are effective against hair loss include the following:

  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B 3 (PP, nicotinamide, nicotinic acid);
  • Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid, panthenol);
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin H (biotin);
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • Vitamin A (retinol);
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F (F).

To stop hair loss or significantly reduce the rate of this process, it is necessary to take all of the listed vitamins in an average daily dosage... It is best to take specialized vitamin and mineral complexes. However, if this is not possible, or a person wants to take vitamins separately, then you should start with the "most important" of those listed. The "most important" vitamins for hair are biotin, panthenol, E, A and C. Let us consider the properties of vitamins, due to which they are able to stop hair loss.

Vitamin B 2 is necessary to maintain an active blood flow to the hair follicles. An intensive blood supply ensures the flow enough nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles, from where they penetrate into all the cells of the hair itself, making it beautiful and durable. Good nutrition of the hair follicle prevents hair loss. If a person is deficient in vitamin B2, the hair becomes greasy at the roots and dry at the ends.

Vitamin B 3 (PP) improves the nutrition of hair follicles and normalizes the course of metabolic processes in them, thereby preventing and stopping hair loss. Deficiency of niacin (vitamin PP) causes dryness and slow hair growth.

Vitamin B 5 is able to penetrate directly into the hair follicle, improving blood circulation, nutrition and metabolic processes in all its cells. From the hair follicle, this vitamin penetrates into all hair cells, also normalizing their metabolism. Consequently, pantothenic acid strengthens both the hair and its root literally from the inside, making it strong and beautiful, and stopping hair loss. Basically, panthenol is one of the most important vitamins capable of stopping hair loss and restoring its normal structure. If the human body is deficient in vitamin B 5, then his hair grows slowly and quickly turns gray.

Vitamin B 6 in relation to hair, it is a very powerful stimulant of metabolism. As a result of exposure to vitamin B 6, dandruff and itching of the scalp disappear, as well as stops hair loss. Against the background of a deficiency of this vitamin, the hair becomes dull and intensely falls out.

Vitamin H is considered the main vitamin for hair, since it is he who ensures their strength and beauty by maintaining an optimal metabolic rate and regulating the work of the sebaceous glands. Vitamins H and B 5 are rightfully considered the "main" ones in stopping hair loss and restoring their beauty. With a deficiency of vitamin H, a person's hair first becomes greasy, then begins to fall out.

Folic acid enhances the effect and effect of vitamin B 5. If these vitamins are taken in combination, then hair growth will significantly accelerate, and hair loss will stop. This effect is achieved due to the fact that folic acid activates the synthesis of new, full-fledged cellular structures that replace old and worn-out ones. With folate deficiency, a person's hair will turn gray very quickly and at an early age.

Vitamin C normalizes the tone of the capillaries through which blood is brought to the hair follicles. Under the influence of the normalization of capillary tone, microcirculation improves, which increases blood flow to the hair follicles, and, therefore, improves their nutrition. It is due to the improved nutrition of the hair follicles that hair loss stops. Moderate hair loss occurs with vitamin C deficiency.
Vitamin A provides normal hair density, improves metabolic processes in the roots, increases elasticity, thereby reducing fragility, and also accelerates the growth of hair fiber. In addition, vitamin A normalizes sebum production, eliminating excess oiliness or seborrhea. With vitamin deficiency, hair falls out and becomes dull and brittle.

Vitamin E normalizes the nutrition of the hair follicle, and also regulates the secretion of sebum. It kind of activates all hair cells that are in a depressed, sluggish state. At the expense of optimal nutrition, supplying oxygen to the hair follicle, as well as activating all cells on active work vitamin E stops hair loss. With a deficiency of this vitamin, moderate or severe prolapse hair, as well as seborrhea.

Vitamin F (F) gives hair strength, making it resistant to various negative influences. Essentially, vitamin F strengthens hair, thereby stopping hair loss.

Hair loss - what vitamins to drink in different situations

Hair can fall out under the influence of various causal factors which may or may not have anything to do with vitamin deficiencies. For example, against the background of an imbalance of hormones of the thyroid gland or genitals, with diseases digestive tract or skin, etc. However, the most common cause of hair loss in men, women and children is hypovitaminosis, which has developed under the influence of various reasons. Depending on gender and age, a deficiency of various vitamins, which are most intensively used by the human body during this period, can lead to hair loss. Consider which vitamins are most appropriate to take for hair loss in men, women and children.

Hair loss in men - what vitamins to take

To stop hair loss in men, it is imperative to take vitamins H, A, E and B 1 in a daily dosage. The duration of the course of application depends on the rate of appearance of clinical improvement (cessation or reduction of hair loss), but should not exceed 1 - 2 months. If after two month course the use of vitamins, the hair did not stop falling out, but this process stopped, you should take a break for 2 - 4 months, then drink the vitamins again. In the future, to maintain healthy hair and prevent hair loss, you can prophylactically take vitamins in courses lasting 1 - 1.5 months with intervals between them 3 - 6 months.

Vitamins A, H, E and B 1 can be taken separately or as part of vitamin-mineral complexes. To stop hair loss for men, either ordinary "male" complexes or "female" vitamins are best suited for strengthening hair, nails and improving skin condition. When choosing vitamin and mineral complexes to stop hair loss, a man should remember that the composition must include vitamin H in a dosage of at least 20 mcg. Male and female complexes that are suitable for stopping hair loss in men are as follows:

  • AVS Spectrum;
  • Alphabet Biorhythm;
  • Aminodar;
  • Amiton-Magnesium-Calcium;
  • Bioactive minerals;
  • Wellmen
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Ladies Formula;
  • Merz;
  • Multifort;
  • Nagipol;
  • Will direct;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfectil;
  • Pikovit Plus;
  • Fitofaner;
  • Centrum Multivitamin Complex A to Zinc;
  • Centrum with Lutein;
  • Centrum Silver.

Hair loss in women - what vitamins to take

To stop hair loss in women, it is necessary to take vitamins that help to strengthen the hair structure and improve its nutrition. The following vitamins have similar properties:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin H (B 7);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamins of group B (B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6 and B 12).
The listed vitamins can be taken both individually and as part of vitamin-mineral complexes. The best combinations of vitamins that can stop hair loss are available in specialized complexes designed to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Currently, there are the following vitamin and mineral complexes that strengthen hair in women:
  • Alphabet Cosmetics;
  • VitaSharm;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Gerimax;
  • Duovit for women;
  • Imedeen;
  • Complies the Shining;
  • Ladies formula;
  • Merz;
  • Multi-Tabs;
  • Oenobiol;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfectil;
  • Pikovit;
  • Pharmamed for women;
  • Fitofaner;
  • Formula of a woman;
  • Centrum;
  • Tsi-Klim;
  • Zincteral;
  • Wellwoman.

Hair loss after childbirth - what vitamins to take

Hair loss after childbirth is associated with a deficiency of many vitamins, which were consumed by the woman's body to support the growth and development of the child. During breastfeeding after childbirth given loss vitamins continue as they enter milk and are given to the child in order to ensure his growth and development. Therefore, in case of hair loss after childbirth, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes intended for pregnant and lactating women. These complexes must be taken in courses lasting 1 month with intervals of 3-4 months between them. Currently, there are the following complexes for pregnant and lactating women:
  • Mom's Health Alphabet;
  • Bio-Max tablets;
  • Vitaspectrum;
  • Vitatress;
  • Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal forte;
  • Gendevit;
  • Materna;
  • Megadine Pronatal;
  • Multi-Tabs Perinatal;
  • Pregnakea;
  • Terawit Pregna;
  • Undevit;
  • Femibion ​​2;
  • Elevit Prenatal.

Vitamins for hair loss for children

In children, hair often falls out due to vitamin deficiency due to intensive growth, during which literally all the nutrients are used to build the structures of organs and tissues. Besides, common reason hair loss in children is chronic stress, anxiety or depression, which can also provoke a deficiency of certain vitamins, for example, C, A, etc. Therefore, in case of hair loss in children, it is recommended to take special children's complexes for the appropriate age. In addition to the vitamin and mineral complex, you can give your child vitamin H, which is often absent in the composition of preparations, but is very important for stopping hair loss. The following complexes will help cope with hair loss in children:
  • Alphabet;
  • Vitrum;
  • Multi-Tabs;
  • Omega;
  • Pikovit;
  • Supradin.

Effective vitamins against hair loss - names

Currently, there are specialized vitamin and mineral complexes aimed at stopping hair loss, as well as improving their structure. These vitamins, in addition to hair, have a positive effect on nails and skin, therefore very often such complexes in the name have the specification "Skin, hair, nails". The pharmaceutical market today has the following pharmacological preparations and high-quality dietary supplements that effectively stop hair loss in women and men:
  • Alphabet Cosmetics;
  • Amway V Complex or Amway V Daily;
  • Vita Sharm;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Deakura;
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Imedeen Classic;
  • Vichy capsules;
  • Compliment "Shining";
  • Lunden Ilona Complex "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Ladies formula;
  • Merz;
  • Oenobiol;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfectil;
  • Revalid;
  • Solgar "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Fitofaner;
  • Formula of a woman;
  • Centrum for women;
  • Zincteral;
  • Evalar Expert for hair;
  • Inneov;
  • Jarrow Formulas B-Right;
  • Wellwoman.
The list contains pharmacological drugs and dietary supplements registered in the registries medicines capable of stopping hair loss by replenishing vitamin deficiencies. This list is relatively short, since only those drugs about which there are positive reviews from at least half of the people who used it are included in it. In reality, the list of vitamin complexes for stopping hair loss is much wider, but it is not possible to test the effectiveness of all drugs by our forces, since this requires a whole research laboratory with a staff of employees. Therefore, we included in the list only those drugs that have helped women or men to stop hair loss in practice, that is, they have clinically proven efficacy.

Inexpensive vitamins for hair loss

By far the cheapest vitamins for hair loss are monocomponent preparations, for example, ascorbic acid powder, Aevit capsules, a solution of B vitamins for injection, etc. You can purchase all the vitamins necessary to stop hair loss separately and take it accordingly. However, this is inconvenient, since the compatibility of vitamins taken without any chemical protection available in the large capsule will have to be taken into account, and, therefore, the person will be forced to drink each drug separately from others. Moreover, between taking various vitamins, you will have to observe intervals of at least 1 hour.

It is much more convenient to choose a vitamin and mineral complex with a low cost, since there are such vitamins on the modern pharmaceutical market. So, inexpensive vitamins (the cost is not higher than 350 rubles per package for a monthly course) from hair loss include the following:

  • Alphabet Cosmetics;
  • Vita Sharm;
  • Deakura;
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Compliment "Shining";
  • Ladies formula;
  • Revalid;
  • Formula of a woman;
  • Centrum for women;
  • Zincteral 200;
  • Evalar Expert for hair;
  • Wellwoman.

Vitamin complex against hair loss - a brief description and reviews of the most popular drugs

Consider brief description the most popular vitamin and mineral complexes in relation to the effectiveness against hair loss, based on consumer reviews.

Vitamins Pantovigar for hair loss

Pantovigar is designed specifically for stopping hair loss. Vitamins prevent the atrophy of hair follicles when adversely affected by chemical dyes, perms, ultraviolet radiation and other factors, thereby preventing or stopping hair loss.

In most cases, Pantovigar is responded positively, since vitamins almost always have a visible and clinically significant positive effect. So, people who have taken Pantovigar note that their hair becomes stronger and more beautiful, grows faster and stops falling out. In some cases, the hair does not stop falling out completely, but the severity of this process is significantly reduced (at least 2 - 3 times). For example, before using Pantovigar, 150 hairs fell out when washing, and after a course of taking vitamins, 50 hairs each. However, in most cases, Pantovigar stopped hair loss during the full course of application (3 months). To completely stop hair loss, each specific person may need a different time - someone 1 month, and another 3 - 4 months.

Despite the positive reviews from Pantovigar, according to the people who used it, there are the following disadvantages:

  • Provokes the growth of body hair;
  • Causes nausea when taken on an empty stomach;
  • It causes weight gain.
The listed negative effects Pantovigara is very rare.

Vitamins for hair loss Revalid

Revalid are also specialized vitamins for stopping hair loss, reducing hair breakage and improving structure. In most cases, women and men took Revalid precisely to stop hair loss. According to reviews, in the vast majority of cases, Revalid effectively stopped hair loss, as well as improved their appearance. However, depending on the individual qualities of the human body, the rate of appearance of the clinical effect of Revalid varies - for someone to stop hair loss, it is enough to drink vitamins for 2 - 3 weeks, while others need a full three-month course.

Negative reviews or indications of complete ineffectiveness of Revalid are literally isolated. This indicates that people who left these reviews do not lose their hair due to hypovitaminosis.

Vitamins for hair loss Perfectil

Vitamins are designed to strengthen hair and nails, as well as improve the structure of the skin. Reviews of Perfectil regarding stopping hair loss are ambiguous - approximately 70% positive and 30% negative. Positive reviews are due to the fact that Perfectil vitamins stopped hair loss and significantly improved their appearance. The increase in growth and the appearance of new hair on the head when taking Perfektil is not as pronounced as when using Pantovigar or Revalid. However, according to people who have used Perfectil, it has excellent effectiveness in stopping hair loss relatively quickly. In addition, many note that the effect of Perfektil is not worse than that of Pantovigar, but the cost is significantly lower. Therefore, in the reviews, people note that Perfectil has average cost but it has an effect like an expensive drug.

Negative reviews about Perfectil are associated with two main factors - firstly, the lack of clinical effect, and secondly, unpleasant and difficult to tolerate side effects, such as severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and headache after ingestion. In a number of reviews, women note that they were forced to stop taking Perfektil due to stomach pain and nausea, even despite the apparent clinical effect.

Vitamins for hair loss Merz

Full name of this drug"Special dragee Merz", and it is intended for the complex improvement of the condition of the skin, hair and nails. That is, the Merz complex can be taken with different purposes... But many people took vitamins Merz, including with the aim of stopping hair loss. Regarding the effectiveness of the complex in relation to hair loss, the reviews are in most cases positive.

This is due to the fact that vitamins really stopped hair loss, improved the condition of existing ones and accelerated their growth, and also stimulated the appearance of new hairs from previously "sleeping" hair follicles. People who have taken Merz vitamins note that in order to achieve a good and lasting clinical effect (cessation of hair loss), they must be drunk with a rather long course - 2 - 3 months. However, according to suffering women, such a long course justifies itself, since the hair stops falling out, becomes thicker, stronger and more beautiful.

A small amount of negative reviews about vitamins Merz is due to the fact that the drug was ineffective, or the person expected a "better" effect. Negative reviews about Merz are mostly emotional, people in them throw out their disappointment, without indicating objective data obtained during the application. In such reviews, the phrase is usually the leitmotif - I hoped so much that hair loss would stop, but they did not help! Of course, you can understand the disappointment and resentment of a person, but do not forget that the cause of hair loss was not established, and Merz was taken at random, on the advice of friends, acquaintances, pharmacists, reviews, etc. Therefore, in such situations, when the drug is not selected on the basis of examinations, it is necessary to be mentally prepared for its possible ineffectiveness, not to despair, and to look for another remedy. In addition, one should not forget that each person is individual, and these vitamins might simply not be suitable for him.

However, a characteristic feature of Merz vitamins is the lack of information about any unpleasant sensations or side effects associated with its intake. Moreover, this information is absent in both negative and positive reviews. This fact allows us to conclude that Merz are the safest "beauty vitamins" in terms of the development of unpleasant sensations and side effects.

Alerana - vitamins for hair loss

Cosmetic products (spray, hair balm, etc.) of the Alerana series are designed to stop hair loss against the background of an imbalance of sex hormones with a predominance of androgens. That is, if a woman or man's hair falls out due to an excessive amount of androgens, then Alerana will stop this process. But if hair falls out for any other reason, for example, vitamin deficiency, stress, pregnancy, etc., then Alerana will be ineffective.

However, in practice, Alerana is used by people to stop hair loss on the advice of friends and guests from the forums, and not on the basis of laboratory analyzes that revealed an excessive concentration of androgens in the blood. And therefore, for some people, Alerana turns out to be very effective, and for others, on the contrary, it is completely useless. After all, those who suffer from baldness due to hormonal imbalance will use the remedy as directed, and people who have hair loss due to vitamin deficiency will use the wrong drug in Alerana's face. And therefore, the reviews about Aleran are different - there are both positive and negative. The effectiveness of drugs is due to the extent to which it is used for the intended purpose.

Vitamins for hair loss Vitrum

Various vitamin and mineral complexes are produced under the Vitrum brand, for example, for pregnant women, to improve the structure of the skin, hair and nails, etc. Each complex has its own name, which is usually placed with the word "Vitrum", for example, "Vitrum Prenatal", "Vitrum Beauty", "Vitrum Junior", etc. To stop hair loss, the most often used complexes are Vitrum Beauty, Vitrum Prenatal or Vitrum Classic. All three types of vitamin complexes, according to the reviews of doctors and people who have used these drugs, stop hair loss in 2/3 of cases. This allows us to consider them quite effective, however, stopping hair loss is not the main and most pronounced action vitamins Vitrum.

Vitamins for hair loss Aevit

Aevit to stop hair loss can be taken internally or applied externally as part of masks. Both external and internal use of Aevit in most cases effectively stops hair loss in women and men within 2 to 5 weeks. Reviews on the use of Aevit to stop hair loss in most cases are positive, since the capsules had a visible clinical effect and were very cheap.

Vitamins for hair loss Complivit

To stop hair loss, the Complivit "Radiance" complex is used to improve the structure of the skin, hair and nails. Most reviews on the use of Complivit Radiance vitamins are positive, since taking the drug helped either completely stop hair loss in short time, or significantly reduce the severity of this process. Women who have taken the Complivit Radiance vitamins note that the drug effectively stops hair loss caused by both seasonal hypovitaminosis and stress.

There are few negative reviews about Complivit Radiance vitamins, and in most cases they are due to the fact that people expected more from the use of the drug. In addition, it should be noted characteristic feature Complivita - vitamins very rarely cause discomfort and side effects, so they can be taken by people who have high sensitivity to various components of pharmaceuticals.

The best vitamins for hair loss

Based on the analysis of the statistics of reviews on the effectiveness of various vitamin and mineral complexes against hair loss, one can single out the following drugs with the most pronounced clinical effect:
  • Aevit;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfectil;
  • Revalid.
It is about the above drugs that there is the greatest number of positive reviews, due to the fact that vitamins stopped hair loss for a long period of time. Therefore, these vitamins can be considered the best against hair loss from the point of view of the consumers themselves.

Remedies for baldness (alopecia): Zincteral, Fitoval, TianDe, Alerana, Generolon - Video

What happens when there is a lack of B vitamins and how to deal with it?

How to find out which vitamins are lacking in the body? Analysis for vitamins: decoding, norms

Taking vitamins for hair growth is necessary in case of hair loss. It is not possible to reliably establish whether there is a lack of them in the body, since laboratories do analyzes only for some of them. Therefore, it remains for us to establish proper nutrition and take additional vitamin complexes.



  • active substance: retinol palmitate (vitamin A) alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E);
  • auxiliary substances: sunflower oil.

How to use?

Take 1 tablet daily for a month. If necessary, repeat the course in 3-6 months.



The composition of this complex includes vitamins of group B and. A sufficient amount of these vitamins in the body guarantees the growth and health of hair.

How does it work?

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - provides the hair follicles with nutrients and energy for growth. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - important for the full implementation of fat, carbohydrate, protein metabolism. Lack of pyridoxine in the body leads to hair loss. Effective for treatment.

Vitamin (cyanocobalamin) - provides oxygen to hair. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - early graying is a sign of a lack of this vitamin.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - provides tissue respiration, regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism... Provides skin protection and builds the work of hair follicles.

Mode of application:

The complex begins to take 2-4 tablets 3 times a day after meals, washed down with plenty of water. The duration of the course of treatment is at least 3 weeks. Then a break is made for 2-3 weeks and the course is repeated. The lasting effect of taking this drug is noticeable after 2-3 courses. Studies show that "", due to the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin B12 in the complex, increases the rate of hair growth up to 4 cm per month.



Active ingredients: cystine, methionine, thiamine hydrochloride, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, Extractum millii flavi (millet extract), Faex medicinalis (medicinal yeast), para-aminobenzoic acid, Extractum Tritici germinis (wheat germ extract), zinc - 2 mg, copper, iron.

How does it work?

The active substances of this complex have a positive effect on the hair, scalp and nails.

Optimizes normal hair growth, strengthens and regenerates hair. Improves the structure of the hair follicle and hair, eliminates seborrhea and itching of the scalp.

Mode of application:

It is prescribed only for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age. Take 1 capsule with or before meals, 3 times daily. If hair loss is pronounced significantly, then the dosage is increased to 2 capsules 3 times a day for 30 days, after which they switch to the usual dosage. The duration of therapy is usually 2-3 months.

Nagipol 1


Autolysate of brewer's yeast, vitamin E, vitamin B1, B2, selenium, calcium, zinc and iron

How does it work?

The drug compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals contained in the drug Nagipol-1. Vitamin B2 - helps to prevent dermatitis, eczema and dandruff, and also normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, preventing hair loss; vitamin B5 - helps in the treatment of dermatitis, promotes disappearance skin rash, dry peeling.

Calcium, zinc and iron - eliminate brittle nails, make them smooth, strong and transparent. In addition, zinc contributes to the normal growth of skin and hair cells.

Mode of application:

Take orally, 10 minutes before meals, 1-3 times a day. The course is 1-8 weeks, after a break, the course is repeated.

Complivit Shining


11 vitamins, 8 minerals, green tea extract, lipoic acid.

Combination of vitamin-like substances, minerals, vitamins and extract green tea improves the condition of hair, nail plates and skin.

The complex provides the following effects:

  • stimulation of the body's own defenses;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • strengthening of regenerative processes;
  • ensuring skin tone, collagen synthesis;
  • weight loss;
  • improving metabolism;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Mode of application:

For hair and nails, take 1 tablet daily before meals. The instruction recommends vitamin therapy for 1 month.



  • Thiamine mononitrate (vit. B1).
  • Calcium pantothenate (vit. B5).
  • Cystine.
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid.
  • Keratin.
  • Medical yeast.

How does it work?

It contains many components that have a beneficial effect on the health of hair, skin and nails.

Mode of application:

Pantovigar should be taken 1 capsule three times a day.

The course of treatment usually ranges from 3 months to six months. It is also possible to extend the course of therapy, as well as to repeat it as prescribed by a doctor.



1 tablet contains retinol acetate 5.68 mg (16500 IU), thiamine chloride 5 mg, riboflavin 5 mg, calcium antotenate 10 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride 5 mg, nicotinamide 50 mg

How does it work?

Helps to improve the blood supply to the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity, protects the skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation and harmful effects environment.

Supports normal condition hair, nails, epithelium of the mucous membranes. Vitasharm has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process.

Mode of application:

Vitasharm is prescribed for adults inside after meals, 1 tab. / Day. The course of treatment is 30 days, if necessary, it is possible to prescribe a second course of treatment.



Beta-carotene, B vitamins, pantothenic acid, folic acid, nicotinamide, vitamin C, iron, zinc, para-aminobenzoic acid, magnesium, manganese, copper, iodine, silicon, burdock extract, echinacea extract.

How does it work?

The drug accelerates cell regeneration, improves microcirculation, increases hemoglobin levels, and helps to normalize cell metabolism. help to protect cells and tissues from the negative effects of free radicals, ultraviolet rays and other adverse factors.

Mode of application:

Take one capsule daily after meals.
The duration of the course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, after a while, the course of treatment is repeated.

Vitrum beauty


Beta-keratin, vitamin D3, vitamin E, B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, biotin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, rutin, inosatol, choline, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, boron, extract horsetail.

How does it work?

Regular intake of the drug helps to improve the condition of nails, hair and skin; improves metabolism and elimination of toxins from the body. The components of the drug, in particular E and C, have antioxidant activity, which helps to protect cells from the action of free radicals.

The vitamin complex enhances immunity, improves lipid metabolism and hinders education cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Mode of application:

Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Alphabet of cosmetics


  • "Calcium-D3 +" - Tablet No 1 (green):
  • Vitamins: D3 5 μg, Calcium pantothenate 7.5 mg, Folic acid 100 μg, B12 3 μg, Biotin (H) 75 μg, K1 60 μg;
  • Minerals: Chromium 50 mcg, Calcium 200 mg, Silicon 4 mg;
  • "Antioxidants + Bioflavonoids" - Tablet number 2 (yellow):
  • Vitamins: Beta-carotene 1 mg, E 10 mg, C 49 mg, B2 1.8 mg, Nicotinamide (PP) 20 mg, B6 3 mg;
  • Minerals: Magnesium 60 mg, Manganese 2 mg, Selenium 70 mcg, Iodine 150 mcg, Zinc 15 mg;
  • "Iron +" - Tablet number 3 (red):
  • Vitamins: B1 1.5 mg, C 21 mg,
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