MRI of the brain orbits what. MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves. What equipment and are there any restrictions?

MRI eye orbits And MRI optic nerves is a method for diagnosing the condition of the eye sockets and studying the optic nerves, which shows the structure and pathological processes orbits and their contents: eyeball, central retinal artery and vein, extraocular muscles, optic nerve, parabulbar fatty tissue.


Indications for MRI of the orbits and optic nerves: foreign bodies of the eye and retrobulbar space; benign and malignant tumors; degenerative diseases such as optic nerve atrophy, etc.; inflammation of the eye structures, extraocular muscles, lacrimal gland, retrobulbar tissue, optic nerve; hemorrhages into the structure of the eye; post-traumatic changes contents of the orbit; suspicion of retinal vascular thrombosis; exclusion of retinal detachment; sharp deterioration vision; unexplained eye symptoms: exophthalmos (bulging eyes), eye pain, etc.


No preparation is required for eye tomography. Absolute contraindications to MRI of the eyes are the patient’s body weight of 120 kg or more, the presence in the body of non-removable metal-containing objects (dental pins, crowns, dentures, etc.) and electronic devices (insulin pump, pacemaker, etc.). Relative contraindications include pregnancy, claustrophobia, hyperkinesis, severe pain syndrome. According to objective indications, MRI of the eyes and orbits is prescribed to a child without any age limit. Due to the need to remain still for quite a long period of time in young children, MRI of the orbits and optic nerves can be performed under anesthesia or with the use of sedatives.

More details


The cost of an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves in Moscow ranges from 2,000 to 24,700 rubles. average price is 5180 rubles.

Where can I get an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves?

Our portal contains all the clinics where you can get an MRI of the eye orbits and optic nerves in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.

MRI of the orbits and fundus, including the optic nerves, is one of the latest methods diagnostics, which allows you to identify the most serious pathologies visual organs. The main advantage of this method is its painlessness, non-invasiveness and highly informative scanning results.

What does an MRI show?

The peculiarity of MRI of the eye orbits is that during scanning you can see the organ under study in various projections and planes, and the detailed image will be three-dimensional.

The orbital area contains many different structures, including nerves and blood vessels, as well as muscles and fatty tissue. MRI of the eye orbits allows you to assess their integrity, homogeneity of structures, detect tumors, and identify any inflammatory processes. Also, during the study, you can assess the condition of the optic nerve, detect injuries and damage, ruptures, aneurysms and any other pathologies. The doctor will pay more attention to the study of the optic nerve, since it is the most complex formation of the human body, consisting of millions of sensory fibers. It is with the help of the optic nerve that the information received by a person through vision sends corresponding signals to the human brain. This suggests that without timely and highly informative diagnostics the person is at risk of losing his sight.

To whom and when is the procedure indicated?

MRI of the orbits will detect and minor damage optic nerve, and serious pathologies of the fundus at any stage of the disease.


  1. Prescribed for significant injury to the eyeball.
  2. Recommended for people who have had foreign objects in their eyes.
  3. MRI of the orbits is performed when an inflammatory process develops in the structures of the eye.
  4. If there is an infection of the organs of vision.
  5. Appointed to mandatory, if dysfunctions of the optic nerve are diagnosed.
  6. It is performed when blood clots form in this part of the body.
  7. Indicated for patients with circulatory disorders that affect vision.
  8. The procedure is indispensable if there is a suspicion of tumor development in this area.
  9. MRI of the eye orbits is part of complex diagnostics when metastases appear that have penetrated into the surrounding tissues of the organs of vision.
  10. This scan is often performed for eye pain, the cause of which has not previously been identified.
  11. Direct indication for the procedure – a sharp decline visual acuity.
  12. It is carried out as a diagnosis in the pre- and postoperative periods.


  1. This scan is not recommended for young children; it is performed only for patients over seven years of age.
  2. Technically, it is not possible to perform an MRI of any organ for people whose weight exceeds 120 kg.
  3. The study is prohibited for people with any metal elements that cannot be removed, including implants, prostheses, heart valves, and pins.
  4. Scanning is also contraindicated for those who use electronic devices. medical devices: pacemakers, neurostimulators, insulin pumps.

The indicated contraindications are mandatory for refusal of the procedure, but there are also relative contraindications in which MRI of the orbits is still possible, subject to certain conditions. Among relative contraindications: pregnancy, involuntary body movements, claustrophobia, increased intraocular pressure. If an MRI is performed with contrast, then it is worth finding out whether a gadolinium-based substance will cause an allergy.

How is the scan performed?

The procedure can be performed with or without contrast. The contrast agent colors the vascular system, making it visible more clearly and in more detail. Scanning with contrast is considered more complex and time-consuming, and also requires certain preparation.

Preparing for an MRI:

  1. The patient needs to remove all jewelry, as well as eye lenses.
  2. If the patient is afraid of confined spaces or cannot maintain complete peace, then he should take sedatives.
  3. Don't forget to tell your doctor about any allergies to medications or chronic diseases.
  4. If contrast is used, then five hours before the scan you need to stop eating and drinking.

Progress of the procedure:

  1. The patient lies down on the movable table of the device. His head, legs and arms are secured in a stationary position using fastening straps.
  2. The table is pushed into the tomograph ring, it begins to rotate, and a faint noise can be heard.
  3. The patient does not feel anything, the doctor monitors the progress of the scan from the next room. The patient can always report feeling unwell to a healthcare worker, since the device’s camera has a microphone for communication.
  4. The scan takes about 30 minutes, but can take more than an hour if contrast is used. It is important for the patient to remain completely still throughout the entire examination process, otherwise the MRI results will be incorrect.
  5. When the scan is completed, the patient must remain in the clinic for about an hour to wait for the scan results to be prepared.

Survey results

The diagnostician will prepare the images and also write a transcript of them, which will help the attending physician make a diagnosis and select the optimal treatment regimen. Most often, with the results of an MRI, the patient is sent to an ophthalmologist or neurologist; these are the specialists who usually prescribe this type diagnostics

Is MRI of the eyes safe?

The eyes are a very sensitive organ and diagnosis of this part of the body should be carried out with extreme caution. Magnetic tomography, unlike most alternative methods scanning, does not have any harmful effect radiation exposure, so the procedure can be carried out several times in a row. Safety during examination of the eyes is very important, since the brain is located next to them. Another significant advantage is the non-invasiveness of the procedure, that is, no substances are introduced into the organs of vision. medical instruments. At the same time, the method remains the most reliable and highly informative. The procedure is safe for children too early age, but on the condition that they can remain completely still, so it is often carried out after they reach seven years of age.

Today, such research is the most advanced technology for studying the structures of the organ of vision. This is an indispensable way early diagnosis diseases of the retina and other pathologies leading to blindness. Previously, such dangerous and serious illnesses developed in patients largely due to the fact that they did not undergo quality testing on time ophthalmological examination. Let's look at how eye tomography is performed, what this method is, and why it is becoming so popular.

Indications for diagnosis

Ophthalmologists use this type of examination to detect the following ailments.

  • Macular holes.
  • Eye damage due to diabetes.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Blockage by blood clot central vein mesh shell.
  • Detachment of this part of the organ of vision, which is one of the most dangerous conditions contributing to the development of blindness.
  • Degenerative changes in the cavities of the eye.
  • Age-related macular degeneration.
  • The appearance of cystoid formations on the retina of the eye.
  • Swelling and other nerve abnormalities, leading to a significant decrease in visual acuity and even blindness.
  • Vitreoretinopathy.

In addition, eye tomography is also used to monitor the effectiveness of previously prescribed treatment. With its help, you can most fully determine the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, the features of its drainage system (that’s why tomography gives the most accurate results if glaucoma is suspected). It is also indispensable during installation intraocular lens and performing keratoplasty.

This examination allows you to diagnose the condition of the cornea, optic nerve, iris, retina and anterior chamber of the eye. It should also be noted that all results are stored in the device’s memory, which allows the doctor to monitor the dynamics of the eye condition

How is the examination carried out?

This is a type of modern non-invasive procedure for diagnosing eye tissue. She looks a lot like the normal one ultrasound examination, with one difference - it does not use sound, but infrared rays. All information comes to the monitor after measuring the degree of delay of radiation from the tissue to be examined. This tomography makes it possible to detect changes that cannot be determined by other methods.

This study is most effective in relation to the retina and optic nerve. Despite the fact that the type of diagnostics in question is used in medical practice a little over 20 years old, he managed to gain popularity.

During the examination, the patient must focus on the highlighted mark. This must be done with the help of the eye that needs to be studied. At the same time, the tissues of the organ of vision are scanned. If a person cannot focus his gaze on the mark, he should use the other eye, which has better vision.

If there are hemorrhages, swelling, or clouding of the lens, then the information content of the procedure is sharply reduced. Other methods may be used to determine an accurate diagnosis.

Tomography results are provided in the form of summarized tables, pictures and detailed protocols. The doctor can analyze the condition of the eye using quantitative and visual data. They are compared with normal values, which makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis.
IN Lately Three-dimensional examination is also used. Thanks to layer-by-layer scanning of the membranes of the eye, the doctor reveals almost everything possible violations in him.

Advantages of this diagnostic method

Retinal tomography has the following advantages:

  • it allows you to accurately determine whether a person has glaucoma;
  • makes it possible to record the progression of the disease;
  • does not cause painful sensations and discomfort;
  • most accurately diagnoses macular degeneration, that is, a condition in which a person sees a black spot in the field of vision;
  • combines perfectly with other methods for determining eye diseases that lead to blindness;
  • does not expose the body to harmful radiation (primarily X-rays).

What can such a study determine?

Tomography, used to study the structural features of the eye, allows you to see various diseases, processes and phenomena in this organ.

  • Any morphological changes in the retina or nerve fibers.
  • Any changes in the parameters of the nerve disc.
  • Features of the anatomical structures located in the anterior segment of the eye and their changes compared to the norm.
  • Any cases degenerative changes in the retina, leading to significant impairment of vision.
  • Developmental disorders diabetic retinopathy, including her initial stages, difficult to diagnose using conventional ophthalmoscopy.
  • Defeats vitreous and other areas of the eye associated with the development of glaucoma.
  • Changes in the retina resulting from venous thrombosis.
  • Various degrees of retinal detachment.
  • Various anomalies in the structure of the eye, optic nerve and other disorders that require detailed diagnosis.

Such examinations are carried out in specialized clinics with appropriate equipment. Of course, few diagnostic centers have similar equipment. However, over time it becomes more accessible, and more and more clinics will accept patients to examine their eyes using the progressive method. Recently, OCT (optical coherence tomography) has become available in clinics in regional centers.

And although the cost of a CT scan is quite high, you should not refuse to perform it, especially if the ophthalmologist insists on such a diagnosis. It has much greater capabilities than a simple medical examination, even with the use of high-precision equipment. This way it will be possible to detect dangerous pathologies eyes even at a stage when symptoms are not yet expressed.

Targeted MRI of the orbits is highly informative diagnostic method, which is used for anatomical study of the structure of the orbits, as well as identifying various diseases organs of vision. It provides a comprehensive picture of the shape, depth and distribution of formations or inflammatory processes at the level of scanning the orbits and visual pathways.

Magnetic resonance imaging allows precise localization tumor process in the orbits, optic nerves, muscles, eyes, chiasm and nearby structures. The technique allows specialists to evaluate in detail the condition of soft tissues, arteries and veins, as well as local blood supply.

Today, MRI makes it possible to detect any morphological changes visual analyzer, which is important for early verification of potentially dangerous pathological changes.

Types and costs

Study with contrast - additional 4950 rubles

The prices indicated on the website are not a public offer (according to Article 435-437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The exact cost of research and additional services You can find out from the administrators of our MRI centers by calling the numbers listed on the website or using the feedback form.

Preliminary preparation before the procedure: not required.

Scan time: about 25-30 minutes; when examining with a contrast agent, the scanning time increases to 40-45 minutes.

Time to prepare a medical report: from 20 minutes or more (depending on the category of complexity of a particular case) after the scanning procedure.

Indications for the study:

Contraindications to medical services:

It is known that the MRI technique is not related to the use ionizing radiation and this is hers important dignity. However, it is necessary to strictly observe certain precautions when performing MRI, due to the fact that the method is strictly contraindicated for a certain group of people, namely:

  1. patients with pacemakers and implanted cardiac defibrillators (non-removable);
  2. patients with foreign metal fragments in the eye area;
  3. patients with cochlear implants (non-removable);
  4. patients with implanted neurostimulators (non-removable);
  5. patients with aneurysmal ferromagnetic clips (non-removable);
  6. patients with shrapnel and bullet wounds and the presence of metal fragments in the body;
  7. patients with portable insulin pumps (non-removable).
The above conditions form a group of absolute contraindications to MRI and require immediate refusal to conduct the study.

We take patient safety very seriously. When registering for a study, call center operators must check the presence of implants or other metal elements. In addition, before the procedure, our employees will provide you with an informed consent questionnaire to identify any contraindications.
