Remove anger from a person with holy water. How to remove damage with Epiphany water. Holy water will help against damage

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about the rituals of damage through water, how you can remove the stealer and return luck and happiness. We will certainly talk about damage through water, and how to bring it on the enemy.

In real magic there are many strong, well-established rituals for getting rid of the harmful effects of sorcerers; There is strong conspiracies to water from the evil eye, and from other influences aimed at destruction, destruction. Water is the blood of the earth; it has extraordinary power. Water will wash away everything, cleanse a person from filth, no matter how heavy it may be. In general, let's look at the issue from all sides. So, let's start with a ritual for the death of our enemy through dead water.

Inflict severe damage on dead water to your enemy

Sorcerers do a lot of things with water. Black rites are used to destroy spring water and rotten swamp water, and also severe damage is done to holy water. Very dead water. If using water from a swamp causes blindness or insanity, then by the power of dead water they put the enemy in a coffin and send him to the next world.

However, they do damage not only to death with dead water.

You can conjure a lot of things if you have water with such powerful energy of sorrow and curses. You can do:

  • damage to wash away good luck,
  • to strict submission,
  • for the soul and body of a person to melt away.

And a lot of other things. Dead water is the water that somehow had contact with the cemetery and the world of the dead:

  • this is water from cemetery puddles,
  • and water from vases of flowers,
  • and snow from the grave,
  • and that water that stands with the bread at the tomb.

But the water from washing the deceased is much better for magical work. Here is the black ritual of deadly damage to dead water, which must be given to the victim with food. The ritual works very harshly, it is done for the death of the enemy.

There are many ways to get dead water to cause damage.

But for this ritual you need water from the vases that stand on the graves, where they bring fresh flowers. This water needs to be collected from different graves in a glass jar. This can be done any day, but not to remove damage to water, but just for fatal damage to the death of the enemy. This water has power, it is cursed, there are tears on it, and grief, and for the dead. Every time you pour water into a jar, read the words of power, but not in order to remove negativity with water, and to bring mortal damage to those who deserve it:

“Dead water will draw you in like a whirlpool and destroy you.”

With the jar full, go to the grave with the wooden cross. And not just for the cross to stand, but for the crucifix to be attached to it. That cross must be pulled out of the ground, laid on the ground, and the jar placed at the feet of the crucified one and read the spell of water damage, what is being prepared for enemies:

“Born by man, but destroyed by man, the blood on the cross was like a dark river, and in that black river, yes, demons admired, and the dead laughed, and that blood became a curse for a whole generation. It is saturated with pain, replenished with a mother’s tears, and the cries of innocents, and coffin boards, and the creaking of doors. If a curse has fallen on a whole family, now by decree I will destroy the people, if I wish, I will escort anyone to the grave with this water. Either at the feet of Christ crucified, or for the delight of the evil demon, or dead blood, but not resurrected. Yes, from all sides, but one who was born by this graveyard, and who became water, who was dead, and who saved herself, was marked in one place, and so people were killed with one drop, and in the grave with one darling. You will bring others down, but you will lead them to destruction, but then in you there is a hidden stranglehold of a non-human, a cold ax of the royal executioner and a stray bullet with fire, and the destruction of the night is solid, and the destruction of the day is sharp. Yes, thirty-three ailments are dissolved in the water, and the faces of death are smeared with flour, and everything is hidden in this water. By my decree it was buried and released to the public. Amen".

A strong conspiracy, but not a conspiracy of water from damage and the evil eye, but just for creating a curse to the death of your enemy. Having said these words, pour a little on the crucifix. Then close the jar with a lid and leave without looking back. This kind of water cannot be stored at home; it has destructive power. If you decide to harm someone, then water where the enemy walks, and say this:

“From the cross with blood, and blood with water, and water (name) with destruction. Amen".

The same words must be said when you create black spoilage on dead water, add it to a drink, or give it with food, so that the one you are seriously planning to spoil will take this water inside. Clothes that the enemy often wears can be sprinkled. This must be done so that the object comes into contact with this water. Dead water contains mortal power; then death will follow on its heels.

How can you find out if water has been damaged? How to diagnose in order to choose strong withdrawal rituals? We'll talk about this further.

Independently determine damage to water - methods of magical diagnosis

If the diagnosis of magical negativity is carried out on Tarot cards, then the cards in the following combination will tell about damage to dead water: 5 Cups + Death + 9 Cups. Besides, find out damage done to water, the Ace of Cups will also help. This Arcana Tarot will indicate any negative impact with the use of water. Using the Tarot, you can determine not only the presence of negative witchcraft, but also see the author of such influence.

By asking a question and pulling out 1 card from the deck, turning to your intuition, you can understand who acted magically. If clarification is necessary, you can pull out an additional card. However, if you are a beginner tarot reader, I do not recommend taking more than 1 additional card, because... Each subsequent card will not clarify the situation, but will make it more and more confusing.

You can also use Runes for independent fortune-telling. Diagnosis of damage to Runes is concise and understandable. For self-determination damage to water use the three-row Runewax layout.

  • 1st row – four runes
  • 2nd row – two runes
  • 3rd row – one rune

If in this layout the runes Eyvaz, Thurisaz, Hagalaz, Laguz and Laguz (pp) are in the first row in the first position, it means that damage is definitely present.

  1. First row: here are runes showing magical negativity (not just damage); if so, in what area of ​​life is it reflected, and how does it affect the querent.
  2. Second row: what or who caused the negativity, if any; here you can see someone who is capable of causing harm.
  3. Third row: the rune shows how the harm was caused; Here, damage is diagnosed by source.

Subsequent runes will indicate what the negative affects.

  • Eyvaz (damage was done by a person who is related to magic, or this person has a special interest)
  • Turisaz (damage done for the purpose of revenge)
  • Hagalaz (the querent was verbally cursed)
  • Laguz ( love magic, love spell on menstrual blood for the purpose of revenge)
  • Laguz (pp) (damage done through dead water, or earth from a cemetery)

As you can see, it is the inverted Laguz rune that helps to recognize damage done to water. If the indicated runes are not present in fortune telling for the negative, then there is no direct damage. However, runes can indicate external problems of a domestic nature, or health problems. If Odal is first in the first row, followed by negative runes, this may indicate long-standing damage that has roots in the past.
The runes in the second row can tell us who or how the negativity was brought into the querent’s life. If the Manaz rune appears in the second row, we can conclude that the person himself is a source of negativity. What could this mean? For example, in the past I acted meanly and unfairly, raised something in crowded place or at a crossroads, and thereby took upon himself the damage that was thrown off, or moved into a damaged house - there can be many options. If the runes Gebo, Odal, Perto, Fehu appear in the second row, this means that the negativity is not on the querent, but on a thing, deed or relationship. If Berkana or Laguz falls out, the damage was initiated by a woman. If Teyvaz or Turisaz is a man.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The third row of negative diagnostics to clarify how the damage was done: if Gebo falls out, it means the damage was caused through a gift, Odal indicates a lining, Fehu - done through something that the querent was holding in his hands, a transfer is possible. Laguz or Berkana will talk about magical feeding or feeding, so these runes help independently determine damage through water. It is clear that when you see a magical negative on yourself or another person, you need to remove it.

Does holy water help against the evil eye and damage?

Water in witchcraft rituals is used both for inducing damage and for removing it, cleansing a person from any energy negativity. If the situation is not critical, and the negative is not very strong - household unprofessional damage, then you can independently remove the evil eye with the help of holy water.

Holy water provides so-called egregoric help and protection.

But, if you are not an active believer, do not go to church, do not pray, do not pay, do not feed the church egregor, i.e. you, as they said in the old days, are not Christ, the egregor is not interested in you, and you will not receive any help from holy water. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will sharpen this point, you need to understand this. So, holy water is not a panacea for black magic, no matter how loudly it is advertised. And vice versa, if you fall under the jurisdiction of the church egregor, then you can, if necessary, wash with holy water from the evil eye, read prayers and white spells on water, and, indeed, the power of energy damage (evil eye) will be extinguished.

The evil eye represents the shape negative energy, which will not be difficult to remove. Basically, people, even those not related to magic, cope by using holy water against the evil eye and energy negativity. Some use the help of practicing magicians. The main thing here is to be a believing Christian, to have a home orthodox icons, holy water and know the necessary prayers. Sometimes it is enough to wash a baptized baby who has suffered from the evil eye with holy water in order to remove the destructive energy sent by envious people and evil people.

How to wash off the evil eye with holy water at home

If you feel weak and there are signs of the evil eye, take a warm bath and add holy water while reading the words white conspiracy from the evil eye:

“In an open field, a white birch tree stands, sways, and bends in the wind. Korov does not know reproaches, does not suffer from envy, does not wither from anger, rejoices in the sun, bows to the rain. So I too can be free with this watery love. Amen".

Then step into the water, read the Lord's Prayer and dive headlong, repeating the prayer. People who did it themselves at home speak of this white ritual as effective, allowing them to remove the evil eye from themselves with water. There are cases strong evil eye, in which a person’s energy shell is significantly damaged. In this case, you can light church candles and place them along the edges of the bath.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that there are many ways in witchcraft remove the evil eye with water at home. White magicians usually use holy or spring water. Black sorcerers also, with good results, work with spring water, relieving victims of the induced effects of curses aimed at destruction.

Good ways to remove the evil eye using water and salt.

But the evil eye is not the worst effect. Often people find themselves in much more serious situations. However, everything can be fixed. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to offer you a powerful ritual for removing damage to water; this witchcraft ritual is not for self-use. It is performed by a practicing magician or a person well versed in the aspects of real witchcraft. Removes severe damage, and also helps a person get back his property after theft.

Read the spell for water against the evil eye and damage - to return what was stolen by sorcerers

Different people come to a practicing magician. And the problem of removing damage is one of the most pressing. How to return your destiny, luck, health after damage? Here is a ritual for removing negativity and returning stolen property, which is done at dawn. Is not home plot on water to remove spoilage, the magician carries out all his work at a natural spring. Do it on the waxing moon. The horizon should be clearly visible and rising Sun.

Here's what you need to have for the magical ritual of removing damage to water:

  1. container with water from a source
  2. ritual knife
  3. wormwood decoction

Clothes are loose, without belts, for both the magician and the victim. Both are barefoot. Both have their hair down and without jewelry. In a container with spring water add wormwood decoction. Place the patient on his knees, facing the sunrise. Knife and water in the hands of a sorcerer. Summon the protective Forces. And begin to walk around the patient at sunrise, alternately sticking the knife into the ground: in front of the patient, then to the right, then behind and to the left. The blade of the witchcraft knife is directed flat towards the patient, not with a sharp edge, this is important. Go three circles with water clockwise. Every time, taking a knife out of the ground, dip it in water and read out loud, looking at the victim, for the sake of which the ritual of removing damage to water is performed:

“As the clear sun rises in the east, and there are no obstacles or obstacles to it, so your life (name) has a clear path. How strong and strong is the Mother of cheese, the Earth,

Completing the third circle, the magician makes a prostration, touching his forehead to the ground and pressing the knife to his chest. The patient gets to his feet, spreads his arms to the sides and, looking at the rising sun, says:

“My time has come, my sun has risen! Everything that was stolen came back.”

Then the magician takes a container of water and begins to walk 3 circles clockwise, splashing water with his hand in a circle, reading the spell for water against damage:

“Do not stand across (name), yes, do not push dirty tricks, neither weak nor strong, neither young nor old, neither sorcerer nor witcher, nor woman or man. Whoever crosses (name) will fall on his face, he will become like a feather grass of the field, soot and dust from the ashes and an empty ear. He closed it, closed it, whoever needed it, returned it, with the help and power of Wind, Water, Mother of the damp Earth.”

Having made 3 full circles, bow to the sun, forest, water and silently go home.

An unkind look or an unkind wish can cause Negative consequences for a person - how to remove the evil eye yourself? The power of a look with unkind thoughts, like laser ray, penetrates the protective bio-shell of a person and causes harm. However, not only the evil eye of a stranger is dangerous, the evil eye itself is considered no less harmful. Let's consider effective rituals from this trouble.

The evil eye is considered a negative of moderate severity, however, over time it can cause great harm to a person and turn into damage. This is due to the fact that negative energies freely penetrate through the damaged shell of the biofield.

The evil eye can be mild - then the person will simply feel unwell. Moderate The evil eye can seriously damage a person’s health, as well as cause destruction in any area of ​​life. A severe form of the evil eye is rare; usually, black sorcerers or people with strong energy have this look.

How to determine and? For this, there are ancient proven rituals that our great-grandmothers used. To rid the baby of the evil eye, it is enough to lick his face with your tongue (the mother does it) or wipe the baby’s face with the hem of his skirt. To remove the evil eye in adults, rituals with church candles, wax, or herbs are used. Holy water removes the fresh evil eye well.

Self-Evil Eye

Many women suffer from the self-evil eye. As soon as you rejoice at success or boast about your achievements, “unknown forces” immediately distort the results of your achievements or turn your luck around. This is how the self-evil eye works. possible with the help of a small ritual performed on the full moon.

As soon as it appears in the sky full moon, you need to go outside or open a window in the room - you must look at the moon without looking away. The ceremony cannot be performed through window glass. Look at the night star and at least 3 times out loud:

Pour the evil eye onto the wax

This ritual will help relieve loved one from harmful energy caused by an unkind or sidelong glance. To carry out the ceremony, you need to prepare a glass bowl, holy water and approximately 150 grams of pure wax. If there is no wax, you can melt three medium-sized church candles. Remove the wicks from the dishes with a knife.

While the wax is melting in a water bath, you need to constantly read the “Our Father” prayer. During the ceremony, a church candle should burn, and the patient should lie on the bed facing east. Pour holy water (about a glass) into a glass bowl in advance and place it on a table covered with a clean tablecloth.

When the wax is melted, place the bowl on the person's forehead and slowly pour the wax into the water. At this time, read the plot by heart:

After this, move the bowl of water to the person’s chest and repeat the spell. Now you need to move the bowl to your feet while reading the plot. Thus, the words of the text are read three times. The wax needs to be distributed evenly so that there is enough for three castings. When you finish the ritual, pour the wax and water into the river. If there is no river, the water is poured under a dry tree and the wax is buried in the ground.

Ritual with an egg

This simple ritual can be done by anyone who trusts magical rites. The egg must be “live”, that is, not in the refrigerator. It is best to buy eggs for removing damage and the evil eye from grandmothers.

Fill a glass glass halfway with water and crack an egg into it. Then you need to move the glass with the egg over your head and say three times:

Then look what happened to the egg. If it did not change, the evil eye was not very powerful. If you notice any changes in the egg, then by the degree of these changes you can judge the strength negative impact. Experienced egg healers can tell who cast the evil eye on a person and why.

Remove the evil eye with salt

Salt is considered the number one neutralizer of negativity - it absorbs it and accumulates energetic dirt. For the ritual you need to buy a new pack of salt without change. Dial warm water into the bath and pour 9 handfuls of salt into the water in a cross pattern. After that say:

“Mother water, cleanse me from everything bad, superficial, foreign.”

While bathing, read the Lord’s Prayer, or better yet, Psalm No. 90 by heart. When you drain the bathtub, say:

“Go away, evil, where it came from.”

Finally, wash yourself in the shower and rinse the bath thoroughly to remove any remaining salt. Now you can go to bed.

Free a child from the evil eye

An ancient way to remove the evil eye from young children - pouring water from spoons. Pour into a cut glass clean water and take three or five teaspoons in right hand. Now scoop up water with spoons and pour it back into the glass, while saying:

Let the water stand in the room, and wash your baby with it before going to bed. Afterwards, the mother must wipe the child’s face with the hem of her robe. This ritual can be performed for yourself - do the same actions with spoons and wipe your face with the hem of your clothes.

The devil is afraid of incense

This ritual helps to remove the fresh evil eye from a person. Remove the animals from the room, play a recording of bells or a church service, and get comfortable on your bed. You need to completely relax your body and stop thinking about pressing matters. Immerse your mind in the sounds of music and inhale the aroma of incense.

After about 40 minutes you will feel better, because incense has the ability to “patch” holes and breakdowns in the aura. Herbs have the same property - St. John's wort, juniper, pine needles, elecampane root. The herbs need to be set on fire and extinguished - let them smolder on the coals.

More folk way To remove the evil eye, watch the video:

Simple methods of protection against the evil eye

It is easier to get rid of harmful energy on the day it is introduced into the biofield. As soon as you feel unwell, immediately perform any of the rituals below.

  • Read Psalm No. 90 three times every day until you feel better.
  • Wash yourself with holy water and drink a few sips, thanking God for your help.
  • Attend a prayer service in a church - the vibrations of church hymns remove upper layer negativity from the aura.
  • A cat can cure the evil eye - let it lie on your body, it will find Right place herself.
  • Ringing bells is a good way to remove negative energy - you need to stand near the walls of the church when the belfry rings.

Cleanses the aura well open fire meditation(candle, fire) or flowing water. If possible, spend it in nature - build a fire or sit by a river/stream. Imagine that the warmth of the fire penetrates every cell of the body and cleanses it. You can wash your face with water from a stream/river.

Such meditation can help improve your state of mind and even out your energy. You will return home with renewed strength and peace of mind. If it is not possible to meditate in nature, you can light a candle at home and meditate on the flame. If you listen to an audio recording of birds singing and a stream at this time, the sounds will help you relax.

Remember that you can protect yourself from the evil eye. To do this, they wear pins, amulets made of stone, and read special spells. When washing your face in the evening, ask the water to take away any negativity with you while bathing in the shower - in your own words, ask the water to rid you of everything bad. Constant energy hygiene helps maintain health.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Children are pure creatures who react most to negative energy and are susceptible to its influence. The energetic influence on a child’s aura has such a strong effect on a small organism that it can cause irreparable harm to the baby. If it so happens that the child has been jinxed, you need to start taking measures as quickly as possible. To do this, first of all, you should learn how to wash a child from the evil eye.

Signs of the evil eye

The smaller the baby, the greater the likelihood that he can be jinxed. Sometimes this happens by accident, without any special intent. Just bad thoughts and envy affect the unprotected organism in the form of the evil eye. In some cases, specially targeted actions and an attack on the baby’s health are possible. There are some signs that the little man has the evil eye. They signal that the child urgently needs help:

  • The baby often cries for no reason. He refuses to eat, it is impossible to calm him down, the child throws a tantrum.
  • The child is often sick and has a high fever.
  • The child has disturbed sleep and suffers from somnambulism and insomnia. In the middle of the night, the baby may wake up and cry without reacting to anything.
  • The child is anxious and irritable.
  • There may be a state of apathy and some lethargy in a child who was always cheerful and cheerful before.
  • The child constantly refuses any food, feels sick, and may vomit.

Even older children are not able to understand what is happening to them. Kids are constantly hysterical and crying. If a child has at least a few signs, do not hesitate. The sooner you begin the process of removing the evil eye, the faster the little creature will recover.

Features of the evil eye

The evil eye is familiar to many firsthand. Almost everyone has felt its effect on themselves at least once in their life. This concept is not new; they have known about it since ancient times and tried in every possible way to defend themselves. The evil eye harms not only physical but also mental health.

The negative impact manifests itself spontaneously: the less protected a person is, the faster he begins to feel the manifestations of the “evil eye”. In children this happens in a matter of hours.

As a rule, the evil eye is caused by a strong emotional outburst. When a person is jealous or thinks poorly of someone during a strong outburst of negativity, such aggression reflects poorly on the subject of his attention. There are also people who have the “evil eye”. Such a person may be a stranger or a relative who himself has no idea about his abilities.

On a subconscious level, every mother hides her newborn child from prying eyes. After all, the baby is practically not protected emotionally, so he suffers more often and more severely.

How to remove the evil eye at home

If a mother suspects that the child has been jinxed, she can help him at home. Maternal care, love and prayer are the most powerful means.

Whatever method of removing the evil eye the mother chooses, it must be accompanied by diligent and sincere prayer. It is best when the child is already baptized. Then a strong defender appears in heaven. There are several ways to wash a child from the evil eye:

  • washing with spoons;
  • washing with water blessed in church;
  • washing through the door handle
  • cleansing with ordinary spoken water;
  • match ritual;
  • eliminating the negative effects of wax;
  • washing with soap.

With faith and prayer

How to properly wash a child from the evil eye? The whole process must be approached consciously, with prayer and faith. All rituals are performed from the heart and with a great desire to help the child.

Maternal prayer is the most powerful amulet and helper. It’s worth stocking up on holy water in advance, it not only helps against the evil eye. It is better not to involve strangers in the ceremony. It is important to have church candles at home. If all the attributes are present, you can begin the ritual.

Washing with holy water

The first and one of the most popular and effective methods against the evil eye is washing with holy water. How to wash a child with holy water from the evil eye correctly? It's quite simple! It is important to remember that this ritual is only suitable for baptized children. Both mother and child should be in their pectoral crosses. The ceremony is carried out at any threshold. The mother pours water into her palm and then washes the baby with it.

There is another option, when the mother takes water into her mouth and sprays it on the child, saying: “Like water from a tooth, so from a child (name) all the reproaches and reproaches.” Next you need to wipe the baby inside the hem of your skirt.

Removing the evil eye with charmed water

How to wash a child from the evil eye with water if there is no consecrated liquid nearby or the child has not yet been baptized? Spoken water is suitable for this.

Over the water prepared in a glass, you need to say special words: “A grandmother was walking from across the sea-ocean, carrying a box of health - for this, a little for that, and for you (name) - a full box.” That's all! The water is ready for use. The heels and palms of the baby are washed with the spoken liquid, and the face is washed.

Removing the evil eye using spoons

This is a very effective old method, you just need to follow a certain order. So how to properly wash a child from the evil eye from a spoon? To do this you will need some holy water, which is poured into a small plate. You need to take three spoons in your right hand and use them to scoop up water from the plate seven times and pour it back. During the procedure, it is worth saying the words: “As water flows from a spoon, so the evil eye and fear disappear from my child (name). Next, the child is washed with the same water and wiped with the inside of the hem of the skirt or dress. This ritual can be performed several times.

Washing a child using matches

If there is a suspicion that the child has been jinxed, there is another effective way- using matches. If Negative influence not very strong, then literally after the first session there is a noticeable improvement. How to wash a child from the evil eye using matches? The main thing is to perform all the steps below without changing their sequence:

  • as soon as the sun hid behind the horizon, you can begin the ritual;
  • pour holy water into a glass and place 9 matches next to it;
  • one of the matches is lit at the level of the child’s face;
  • Mom looks at the flame and says: “Have mercy, Lord, on your servant (name), help him get rid of someone else’s curse. With the blood of heaven, save (name) from illness from the black evil eye, an evil hour, be it a woman’s or a man’s, spoken, enchanted or hated. Amen";
  • a burnt match is thrown into the water, another one is lit, and so on until everything is burned;
  • -Next, carefully study the position of the matches. If there was an evil eye, then they will all drown; if they remain on the surface, then you need to look for another reason.

The more drowned matches, the more serious the evil eye. The ritual will need to be repeated again. Sprinkle the child's face with water from a glass and give him a few sips to drink, each time with different sides. The remaining water should be poured into the street or into the sewer.

Washing a child through a doorknob

How to wash a child from the evil eye in order to remove it quickly? It just takes a little effort. You need to believe in yourself and sincerely fight the effects of the “evil eye.”

If a child cries for no particular reason and cannot be calmed down, begins to sleep poorly and wakes up frequently - all this may be a consequence of the evil eye. You can try to wash your child from the evil eye using your hand. This method has been used since ancient times.

In older houses, door handles were often shaped like brackets. This kind of pen is required for the ritual. Through it, you need to pour holy water from a cup into your palm so that the liquid does not touch the handle. You need to wash the baby with this water and wipe his hands. Then you need to read a prayer three times, maybe the simplest one you remember. There is no need to wipe off the water. It needs to dry in a natural way. After a short period of time, the child’s condition will noticeably improve: he will become calmer and more cheerful.

How to protect a child from the evil eye

Every mother who actively meets with acquaintances and friends with her child should know how to wash her child from the evil eye. Also, every mother must know how to protect her child from the evil eye and prevent negative action harm the physical or mental health of the baby.

How smaller child, the weaker his defense. He is absolutely unable to withstand energy attacks and bursts. Therefore, all responsibility lies with the baby’s mother. She shouldn't show everyone the newborn. It is better to protect the baby from strangers, especially those who try to touch him and praise him too ardently.

Another method that has been used for a long time is a red thread tied with seven knots. It is important to baptize your child before actively walking with him in public. It is better to familiarize yourself in advance with how to properly wash your child from the evil eye.

In a house with a small child, there should always be holy water. Don’t forget that mom’s presence, love and care can work miracles.

- it's a delicate matter. And it is recommended to always have Holy water from the Church or Christmas water at home.

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This water is really an indispensable tool. With his holy help you can solve a large number of problems, that is the power to remove the evil eye.

And drinking a little of this liquid is beneficial for absolutely everyone. You know, after all, a person for the most part consists of water.

And holy water is a specially structured liquid.

It contains a formula of natural harmony, a fact that has been experimentally confirmed by scientists many times.

Even entire theories on this matter have been constructed, refuted, invented again, and so on. Let's give science the right to fight for the truth.

This doesn't really concern us. It is important to us that the method works!

All the magic of this liquid lies in the ability to structure in its own image any system into which it enters.

If you add even a drop to the water, you will get a whole kettle of holy water, and when you drink, your liquid will find harmony for a while.

You've heard about Japanese experiments where they uttered various words into water and then quickly froze it?

When they said “love” and “harmony”. The result was beautiful snowflakes.

When the words were negative, it resulted in the birth of asymmetrical “porcupines.”

Holy water is the most love-saturated liquid, capable of turning everything around into the same.

Does holy water help?

Imagine now: this magical liquid entered the body of a smoothed person.

What will happen?

First you need to understand what is wrong with him, what does the evil eye mean?

Since the entire person is 80–90% water, negative energy also affects this element.

She calls in the liquid structural changes, demonstrated by Japanese scientists.

That is, all the water, saturated with negativity, turns from “snowflakes” into terrible “porcupines”.

If you understand this, then you will not argue with the fact: the majority physical illnesses have an energy basis.

It’s just that water is constantly in a destructured state. This fact leads to general disruptions in the metabolic process.

Since negativity affects all water, it means that failures occur in every cell! And the disease arises exactly where it is thinnest. In that body, which already had problems in its work.

By constantly using holy water, a person structures his entire fluid, that is, his entire body! Keeping in mind that holy water affects the entire system, is there any doubt about its help in removing the evil eye!

You just need to keep in mind: such an effect is temporary.

If you again fall into negative thoughts, encounter unpleasant people, experience destructive emotions, then the system again becomes saturated with “porcupines.”

We need to repeat everything again!

How to properly perform a ritual to remove the evil eye with holy water

Considering all that has been said, we can give a method for using holy water.

It's simple!

It is necessary to strive for its original state!

It's easy to say, but not so easy to do.

If we could remain in the state in which our internal water If she looked like a saint, we would live in heaven!

Therefore, “worth striving for” does not mean being a Saint.

Just before the ritual you should clear your head of negative thoughts, take a little break from the hustle and bustle and relax. Under no circumstances should you begin to remove the evil eye in anger or upset feelings.

Will not help! You will immediately disrupt the harmony of the water structure.

More. There is no need to blame anyone.

Since you “caught” the evil eye, it means that your energy was ready for it. That is, the problem is not with the evil witch, but with you. Negativity does not stick to the Saint!

And no one will feel envy or malice towards a completely harmonious personality. Like to like.

These are the rules of life!

When the world “grows up” to the point where the evil eye or damage ceases to exist, it will become as described in the Celestine prophecies.

In the meantime, this is far from happening; we need to work and live with what we have. Namely: forget about your problems for a while. You don't need them in eternity. And harmonization of energy is one step towards eternity!

How to use holy water to remove the evil eye

The first thing to do if you feel unwell is to drink some water. Let him start working.

Just understand that only a weak impact is removed this way.

Then you need to wash yourself with holy water. Pour a little into your palm and wash your face.

At the same time say:

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!"

Now stand on the threshold of the house (room) and wipe yourself with the inside of your shirt, T-shirt, dress, or that item of clothing that touches your body.

How to remove from a child

This is how the evil eye is removed from the mother’s children. They wash the child and wipe it with the hem. And then they stand on the threshold and bow and say:

“Damn, damn! Go beyond the threshold!

If a child is very capricious, then he is baptized with holy water: crown, navel, shoulders (right and left).

Then they read the “Our Father.”

If you have been in a crowded place and feel unwell, you can take a bath to which you add holy water.

Prepare a bath and then pour in some healing liquid and say:

“In an open field, a white birch tree stands swaying, bending in the wind! He doesn’t know reproaches, he doesn’t suffer from envy, he doesn’t wither from anger, he rejoices in the sun, he bows to the rain! So be free for me with this watery love! Amen!"

When plunging into the water, read the “Our Father” three times, plunging headlong each time. Helps almost everyone.

In case of significant damage to the aura (you will understand by how you feel), then also light candles along the edges of the bathroom.

Let them work extra.

Spread out the procedure for at least half an hour.

It happens when it is necessary to cleanse the energy sector in “camping conditions”, on the go. There is no time for procedures here.

Then sprinkle yourself from head to toe. This, of course, is not holy water, but the structure will be approximately the same. It will protect you from negativity for a while.

At home, repeat the ritual with holy water to completely get rid of the evil eye.

If you develop such a habit, you will forget about the evil eye.

It’s just that over time the body will stop perceiving other people’s anger and will acquire “immunity.”

Epiphany water, also popularly called holy, is a source of strength, enlightenment and health. Many people do not know how to use it correctly, but it is not difficult and only requires faith in God.

Epiphany water is a Christian heritage

The water becomes holy after being blessed by a priest. However, at baptism all water is endowed with such properties to one degree or another. The Baptism of Christ sanctified all the waters of the world, and once a year you can touch it. On January 19, water becomes more than just a liquid you can drink. She is filled with God's grace and enlightenment.

Be careful what you think when you drink holy water or wash your face with it. In church, remember to be polite and moderate, do not take too much water, and also turn away from all negative thoughts.

Help of holy water from the evil eye, damage and failures

This water can help any person whose main task on such a day is to truly and wholeheartedly believe in God and love him. Water won't have any power otherwise, so if you have doubts, don't even start using it for cleansing.

The second point is reading prayers. They are not required, but before drinking holy water for healing, removing damage or the evil eye, it is better to remember the prayer words. If you drink or wash your face with holy water just for good luck and God's help in urgent matters, then you can say “in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

When washing your face or getting ready to drink water, you can turn to Saint Matrona for a blessing. Matrona helps in troubles, and her patronage will protect you from everything bad, making the water healing. It is better to read the prayer first, but you can do the opposite.

Every true believer will also be able to protect his home from harm by sprinkling corners and doors with holy water. This will help from absolutely everything - from an accident, from dark forces, from trouble and from evil eyes and curses. To do this, you can read the following prayer, which is said by the priests when blessing the home:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may all those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish in the face lovers of God and signifying the sign of the cross, and saying in joy: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons with the power of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Be grateful to God. After receiving a blessing, after healing or removing the evil eye, it is necessary to read prayers of gratitude. This is obvious, since turning to God only in moments of sadness and trouble is blasphemy, hypocrisy and selfishness. You need to thank for your help, and from the bottom of your heart. May God keep you from troubles and misfortunes, live well and do not forget to press the buttons and
