Lesson play b sign after sizzling. “Soft sign (b) at the end of nouns after hissing ones” - Lesson. Practicing the method of action

Lesson topic: « Soft sign(b) at the end of nouns after sibilants.”

Lesson Objectives:

1.Subject: introduce the spelling “b after hissing feminine nouns at the end”; identify the grammatical function of the soft sign as an indicator female by research work students.

2.Regulatory: We learn to work according to the compiled algorithm.

Lesson type: study and initial consolidation of new material

Organizational forms of the lesson: frontal, individual, pair

The lesson is based on problem-based learning technology

Learning tools: cards with pictures, words, signal cards with the letter "b" Dictionary Ozhegova; computer, interactive whiteboard.

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

Preparing students to perceive new educational material.

I hope everyone is prepared for the lesson and will do a good job. After all, today we need to visit the land of nouns, remember everything we already know about them, and gain new knowledge. I wish you all success and good luck!

What rules should we follow so that travel reveals something new to us? ( Must be active, attentive, must listen to each other)

2. Updating knowledge.

Today in class we will talk a lot about the soft sign.

What kind of letter is this “b”?

Does it represent any sound?

Now we will repeat what the “b” sign is for, what we know about its work and, probably, we will learn something new about it.

Remember what role the soft sign plays and divide these words into groups.

...brow, k...nki, speech, s...l...vy, doctor, mouse, car..mobile, trees, march.

What groups did you get?

What is the role of the soft sign in these words?

Read the words with the softening “b”. ( Album, skates, car)

Read the words with a separating “b”. ( Nightingales, trees)

3. Statement of the educational problem.

Which words were not included in either group 1 or group 2? ( Speech, mouse, doctor, march)

What two groups can these words be divided into?

Can you explain known rules the use of a soft sign in the words speech and mouse?

On what basis (except for the presence of a soft sign) are the words distributed into groups? (By gender, by last sound.)

What did you notice in the words?

(For some reason, in some words a soft sign is written after the hissing word, but in others not).

Which problem stands before us? ( We need to find out when a soft sign is written at the end of nouns after sibilants, and when not).

4. “Discovery” of new knowledge by students.

Proposing hypotheses.

What were the difficulties?

(At the end of the words in each pair the sibilants are the same, and the soft sign is not always written, we don’t know what this depends on).

What is the goal for the lesson?

It is necessary to find out in which words a soft sign is written after the hissing ones.

Make your guesses. ( Children's guesses)

Let's check which of you was right.

Hypothesis testing.

Read task 1. Page. 58. Discuss in pairs the problem of when b is written and when it is not written. Draw a conclusion.

Let's check what conclusions you were able to draw.

For nouns ending in sibilant,

in M. R. - “b” is not written

in J. r. written "b".

5. Primary consolidation.

External design of new algorithms.

What is the work of the soft sign in these words?

It indicates the gender of the noun.

(There is a soft sign after the hissing one - zh.r., there is no soft sign - m.r.)

What conclusion can be drawn?

(The soft sign after hissing nouns at the end is written only in feminine nouns in the singular. h., and for masculine nouns with a hissing at the end the soft sign is not written).

Fixation of already formalized knowledge.

Let's read the rule in the textbook and compare it with our answers.

Let's read the rule out loud.

Physical education moment.

Read task number 3 in the textbook. (Determine the gender of nouns, decide which nouns need a soft sign.)

Let's think about what steps we need to follow in order to do this exercise correctly?

1.Read or pronounce a word.

3. I listen carefully to the sounds at the end of the word.

4. If I hear a hissing sound, I determine the gender of the noun.

5. If the noun is masculine, then I don’t write “b”.

If the noun is feminine, then I write “b”.

(During the discussion “step by step”, a jointly developed algorithm appears on the board).

6. Independent work with self-test against the standard and self-assessment in the class.

Independent work of students using the textbook.

Following the compiled algorithm, complete the task.

Examination. Standard on the board.

Check your note against the note on the board.

Who can explain their mistakes? At what stage of the ball was the mistake made?

What needs to be repeated to avoid mistakes in the future?

7. Repetition.

Incorporating knowledge and repetition into the system.

Visual dictation.

Write down in your notebook the names of plants and animals, or objects that you see on the cards. In pairs, recite the verification steps.

Be sure to write the gender of the word above the word.

Why is it necessary to determine the gender? ( To determine which nouns need a soft sign.)

There are slides with pictures on the board. (Shower, mouse, ball, knife, thing, lily of the valley, reeds, game, walrus).

What CONCLUSION will we draw from the lesson?

What is the role of the soft sign in words ending in sibilants? ( Recognizing the gender of nouns.)

8. Reflection of activity.

What was your goal in class today?

Did we manage to achieve it?

What difficulties did you encounter?

Did you manage to overcome them?

What else needs to be worked on?

Homework. If you have completed independent work no mistakes, your task number 6. If you made mistakes in class, do task No. 4 at home.

This lesson development introduces students to the rule of writing the ь sign at the end of nouns after the letters of sibilant consonants;

in this lesson it is necessary to consolidate knowledge on the topic “Noun”;

improve the ability to recognize nouns by gender;



Russian language lesson on the topic

“Writing ь sign at the end of nouns after sibilants”

Prepared by the teacher primary classes

Municipal educational institution Secondary School No. 8 from Russian

Sergacheva A.P.

02/26/2014 academic year

Item: Russian language, 3rd grade

Lesson topic: “Writing a sign at the end of nouns after sibilants”

Lesson objectives:


introducing students to the rule of writing the ь sign at the end of nouns after the letters of hissing consonants;

consolidation of knowledge on the topic “Noun”;

improving the ability to recognize nouns by gender;

developing the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice;


develop spelling vigilance and speech skills;

develop observation, attention, logical thinking in the course of mastering such techniques mental activity, as the ability to analyze, compare, prove, work according to an algorithm;


nurturing interest in the Russian language;

fostering accuracy, curiosity, and interest in the subject;

nurturing reading activity;

Lesson objectives:

To deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of a noun and the writing of a soft sign.

Introduce students to the rule of writing the ь sign after sibilants in nouns.

Continue working on your ability to work with texts.

Continue work on developing children’s speech, creativity, and replenishing their vocabulary.

Didactic material

electronic presentation “Introduction to the rule of writing ь sign at the end of nouns after the letters of sibilant consonants”

cards with educational tasks, literary texts, plates for decorating the board.

During the classes

1 . Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities.

So, guys, we have guests at our lesson today. Turn around and say hello.

– Look, guys, a cartoon character came to your Russian language lesson.“Vovka from the thirtieth kingdom.”He believes that “he can do everything, he knows everything, he can do everything,” because in fairy tales everything is done “at the behest of a pike.” Do you believe that in life, just like in a fairy tale, you can hope for a miracle? Do you believe that Vovka can change and do everything independently and efficiently?

- Let's check our assumptions(video)

– Vovka made a new trough for the old woman with his own hands! Why do you think?

– Will he be able to build a house? What does he need for this?

The motto of our lesson is “Learning is the path to skill”

– The heroes of this cartoon will be our guides.

Repeat (king)

Try (old woman)

Think (Vasilisa the Wise)

Find (stove)

Practice(Two from the casket, identical in appearance)

- Well, let's go!

– Which one do you think is first? ( Tsar, because he has a card with the word “repeat”, and to learn something new, you need to start by repeating what is necessary)

2. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial action.

Repeat (king) The first guide is tsar, which suggests repeating previously learned knowledge about b.

A minute of penmanship

I'll open my notebook

And I'll put it on an angle

I won’t hide my friends from you

I hold my hand like this

I’ll sit straight and won’t bend

I'll get to work

Write down the number and Classwork.






Conditions for searching letters:

Highlight words containing soft consonants;

Find an extra word among them;

Write out letters from it that represent soft consonants.

(p.o. Letters N, Sh. Write these letters in conjunction)

What rule does the combination of these letters resemble? (p.o. is not written in these combinations)

Working on an interactive whiteboard.

– Read the words, think, do we need a sign everywhere?

Words given: pal...to, dress...e, pen...ka, carrot..., horse...ki, powerful..., bed..., icicle...ka, furniture... , postal, boiled...e bream, daughter

What work does the sign do in them?

Spelling combination of letters CHT, ShchN, CHK, etc.

b – indicator of the softness of a consonant sound / softener

b – separating / warning

N. f. verb, 2 l. present time, future time / indicates form

Statement of the lesson problem

Who can answer the question whether it is necessary in words bream, daughter or not?

The secret of which letter will we learn today?

The squirrel bent its tail

The stump had a rest.

She fluffed her tail, yes -

Looked like...

(Soft sign.)

What are the hissing sounds? (zh, sh, h, shch)

Game "hissing sounds"

Children clap if they hear a hissing sound at the end.

Speech, rain, mouse, rook, raccoon, raincoat, plane, doctor, cook, driver, kid, actor

3. The next guide is an old woman who offers to try to find a way out of this situation.

Try (old woman)

Group work

  1. Speech, baby.
  2. Rook, night.
  3. Ball, thing.
  4. Cloak, mouse.

answer the questions.

– What do all the words have in common?(Nouns, on hissing sound at the end)

– Analyze words as parts of speech.

– What groups would the words be divided into?(Masculine, feminine)

– What other 2 groups can words be divided into?(There is b and there is no b.)

What makes them different from each other?(Genus.)

Physical education minute.

4. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty.

The next guide is Vasilisa the Wise, who suggests thinking and working from a textbook and a printed notebook.

Think (Vasilisa the Wise)

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Test yourself (goldfish)

Dictation with peer review

Key, oven, feces, daughter, brick, sword, trifle, game, guard, pimple, rye, brooch, thing, ruff, mouse, siskin, reed , mascara - mascara

Reflection of activity.

Which learning task did you solve it in class today?

What difficulties arose and were you able to overcome them? (what happened, what tasks you liked, what you need to work on tomorrow):repeat, try, think, find, practice, test yourself

Do you think Vovka will build a house for the old woman?



(children are given individual cards with tasks)

8. Lesson summary.

\ \ For primary school teachers

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Development of a lesson on the Russian language in grade 3 on the topic: “A soft sign at the end of nouns after hissing ones.”

Lesson developed by: Galina Vasilievna Basova, primary school teacher, Oktyabrskaya secondary school, Manturovsky district, Kostroma region

Lesson #16

Subject: A soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants.

Lesson objectives:

  • To deepen students' knowledge about the functions of the soft sign as an indicator of the feminine gender of nouns;
  • Create organizational and content conditions for the development of critical thinking in children.

Equipment: cards with text.

Look at the epigraph to the lesson.

Asks for real knowledge A soft sign after the sizzling ones.

What will the lesson be about? (spelling of a soft sign after sibilants)

I will write the topic of the lesson on the board.

Spelling a soft sign after hissing...

I'm not finishing it, you can do it yourself.

A minute of penmanship.

The words are written on the board: notebook, coat, skates, potatoes, sparrows.

Read these words. Find the similarities between them. (This vocabulary words. All words contain a soft sign. All words are nouns.)

What is the difference between these words? (Here the nouns are singular and plural. The soft sign occurs in the middle of the word and at the end.)

You will create a chain for penmanship yourself. Use the first letters of nouns for this. plural and a soft sign, which must appear after each consonant. What kind of chain did you get?

Whoa, whoa, whoa


1.Individual tasks.

Think about what you know about spelling a soft sign.

2. Pair actions.

Exchange information, discuss.

3. Let's write down everything you know about the topic on the board in a table.


Based on all your information, we will draw up a diagram for you:

Phys. just a minute.

III. Reflection.

Problematic question.

Are all cases of spelling b did we write it down?

"Reading with notes."

Each of you has a card with text. The text will be for you new information. You can make notes above the words with b. Familiar "v" - already familiar, "+" - these are new to me

Last flowers. Another frosty night. In the morning I saw a group of young bluebells. A bumblebee sat on one of them. I picked the bell. The bumblebee remained sitting. I shook off the bumblebee. He fell. I put it under a hot beam, it came to life and flew. And the red dragonfly became numb on the cancer neck overnight. And grasshoppers began to fall out from under our feet in huge numbers. And they were revived by a ray of sunshine.

  • - What words did you put v?
  • - What was new for you?
  • - You learned that there is another group of words in which a soft sign is written at the end.
  • - What do you want to know about? Let's write these words in the table in the "X" column.
  • - Where can we find out about this?

Listen to the poem:

To know how to write, you need to determine the gender. If the gender is feminine, then you need to use the Soft sign. And then we write rye, mouse, oven, dry land and youth. If the word has a masculine gender, there is no sign! And then write: kalach, doctor, baby, garage and rook!

What can we conclude?

Conclusions are coming.

We read the rule on pp. 170-171, and perform the exercise orally. 450.

We add the topic of the lesson.

Let's return to our table. Where should we place feminine nouns with sibilants at the end?

IV. Reflection.

Replace the phrases with one word. Write them down in your notebook (the teacher reads).

  • 1.close friend, friend
  • 2. person treating sick people
  • 3.small money
  • 4. part of the day from evening to morning
  • 5.young people
  • 6.waterproof lightweight clothing against rain

Examination: name the nouns with b. why did you write that?

V.Homework: optional - exercises 452, 453, 454. Learn the rule.

Today in class I learned...

The most interesting thing was...

Topic: “Soft sign (b) at the end of nouns after sibilants”


1. Introduce students to the spelling of a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants,identify the grammatical function of the soft sign as an indicator of the feminine gender through research work;
Develop memory, attention, ability to analyze, draw conclusions, ability to work in a group, ability to act according to an algorithm;

3. To cultivate in students respect for language, the ability to work individually and collectively, the ability to listen and express their point of view;

Lesson type: lesson of new knowledge.

Methods: verbal, visual, partially search, practical.

Equipment : textbooks, notebooks;computer, projector, presentation “b after sizzling”, individualtask cards different levels, crossword puzzle;

tasks on cards with a differentiated approach,cards with letter writing samples; reference cards with the definition of the work of a sign in various words; reference cards with words; reference table with algorithm.

Annotation: During the lesson, students become familiar with the rule of spelling a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants. As a result of research and identification of common and distinctive features names of nouns, students must come to a conclusion about the peculiarities of using a soft sign in nouns after sibilant letters. Children need to understand that along with its main functions, b can also indicate its form - it is a feminine noun.

During the classes

I . Organizational stage.

Hello guys!

The cheerful bell rang,

He called you to class

It's time for you to study

Lesson... /Russian language / (children)slide 1

Sit down. Let's get acquainted. Today I will teach a Russian language lesson. My name is Gulnara Rafailovna

So guys, we're heading out on the road.

Let's use a good mood to help us.

Today you and I will be researchers, discoverers, we will have to leaf through the book of Knowledge(slide 2 ), and this requires following certain instructions. Listen to the first briefing. Open the first page(slide 3).

Be attentive, listen and do everything she tells you.

II . A minute of penmanship.

I'll put the notebook on an angle.

I'm holding the pen correctly.

I'll keep an eye on the landing.

I am friends with cleanliness.

I'll write it as “excellent”.

Those who listened carefully will answer which group of consonant sounds are found in this poem more often than others. (Hissing consonant sounds).

Which consonants are called sibilants and why? (When they are pronounced, the air comes out with a hiss).

Name the hissing sounds. [H'], [Sh], [Sh'], [F].

Describe these sounds.

Children, what letters are they denoted by? (CHE, SHA, SHA, ZHE). (slide 4)

- Write today's date.

We will practice writing these letters.

Look at the blackboard. I offer you this chain. (show).

We write beautifully, calligraphically correctly, and display each element.

Write down the proverb:

Good speech good and listen.

III . Generalization of knowledge about the soft sign.

Written carefully

And not at all tired.

We continue our lesson,

Read another proverb from the Book of Knowledge: (slide 5 )

Learning is a ray of light, and ignorance is darkness.

What do these proverbs have in common? (About studying. In both there are hissing ones. Both proverbs contain words with a soft sign ).

What kind of letter “b sign” is this? Does it represent any sound? (No ).

Why is it needed in Russian then? Maybe she's unemployed?

How do you think,what will we do in today's lesson? ? ( Today we will repeat what the sign is for, what we know about its work and, probably, we will learn something new about it) .

Exercise 1. Let's look at words with b from proverbs

What is the role of ь in the words:darkness, learning, listen (cards on the board)

Provide grammatical meanings.

Students explain how the sign works. Next to each word is attached a card on which the work of the sign is indicated.

dark – b is an indicator of the softness of a consonant.

study – ь – dividing.

listen – ь – indicator of the grammatical form of a word.

Summary: b sign can perform in words3 works :

Indicate the softness of the previous consonant;

Warn about the appearance of the sound [th’] after a consonant sound before a vowel;

Do grammatical work (indicates the indefinite form of verbs).

I V. Statement of the problem.

Creating a situation leading to the formulation of a learning task.

Which group will you write the word in?speech ? Why is the sign written in it? Does b only indicate a grammatical feature in verbs? Let's find out from the Book of Knowledge(slide 6)

Focus on the screen.

Read the words:









Lexical meaning, what words do you not understand?

(Possible difficulties: luxury - wealth, “splendor”; horsetail - herbaceous plant; power - power, strength.)

Let's ask the Book of Knowledge what horsetail is, etc.) (slides )

What part of speech are these words? (these are nouns )

Prove that these are nouns.

How are they similar? What else do they have in common? (nouns numbers with a hiss at the end).

Guys, let's observe the wordsSWORD and SPEECH (cards)

Say the wordspeech ).

Say the wordsword . Highlight the last sound. Describe the last sound. (Sound – consonant, dull, unpaired, hissing, soft ).

That’s right, the sound [CH"] is always soft. Is b needed to indicate the softness of the consonant [CH"]?

But then why is b written in one word and not in another?

- Today we will try to answer this question.

Let's read how the authors of the textbook formulate this topic (Open the topic, read the title of the section on p. 109).

(slide 7-8)

What should you learn today? (We must learn to recognize and distinguish words in which b is written after the hissing word. ).

Of course, the textbook will help you answer this question, but it seems to me that we can do it on our own, because we are researchers...

V. Children's discovery of new knowledge.

So let's look at these words again.(slide 9)

We have determined that these words are nouns, in the singular, they end in a hissing sound.

What kind of nouns are these? (m.r. and f. R .). How to correctly determine the role of a noun?

Arrange the nouns in two columns:

feminine in the first column,

masculine - in the second column.

Who wants to work at the board? (2 children work at the board, the rest write words in notebooks).

Prove your choice.

In the written words, underline the letters denoting hissing sounds with two lines, b - with one line. (Emphasis).

This is how this spelling is designated.

Please note, what kind of nouns have b written after the sibilant?

Conclusion : The soft sign after hissing nouns at the end is written only in feminine nouns in the singular. h., in masculine nouns with a hissing “b” at the end, the sign is not written. This is a spelling.

Let's check if our conclusions are correct? Open exercise 174, add the words to the started columns. (explains the meaning of the words “plush” and “wasteland”)(slide 10) Plush pile fabric. It is used for sewing and finishing clothes, upholstering furniture, making bedspreads, curtains, etc.

Wasteland , -i, female An uncultivated plot of land overgrown with grasses and small bushes.

Having combined your conclusions, formulate a rule: when is it written after sibilants in nouns?

Let's compare it with the definition in the textbook. (read to themselves and out loudslide 11 )

This means that b is also an indicator of the feminine gender of nouns.

VI. Physical education minute. (slide 12)

We worked hard - to rest,

It is necessary, without a doubt.

Together we quickly get up,

Let's go through the motions.

(music sounds).

VII . Working on the text of the rules. Practicing the method of action.

Construction of an algorithm for solving a spelling problem.

1 . - We will answer the questions:(slide 13)

1. What new spelling have you encountered??

2. How to find the place of this spelling in a word? (A hissing sound is heard at the end of a word or at the end of a noun the letter ch, sch, zh, sh is written. This means there is a spelling after it. )

3. What is the main thing in choosing writing? (Gender of noun .)

4. Which of the three cases do you think is suitable to explain why b is written in nouns? ( It turns out that not only in verbs b indicates a grammatical feature, but also in nouns; it indicates gender)

Practical work (exercise 175 orally)

Now is the time to put your knowledge about the work of b into practice. Find from Exercise 175 the words that perform the first (2, 3) work b. Name them.

What needs to be done?

What is the role of b in words?


Although b does not represent a sound, it is a very important hard-working letter.

2 . Drawing up an algorithm.

How will you proceed to determine whether you should or should not write the letter b at the end of a noun after sibilants? Let's create an algorithm of actions.

Where, with what question will we start working? (Do I hear a hiss at the end of a word? Is this a noun?) (Yes or no.)

If the answer is no, what conclusion do we draw? (This spelling is not here .)

If the answer is yes, what do we determine next? etc.

An algorithm is being compiled.(slide 14 )

The same algorithm is on everyone’s desk.

VII I. Consolidation of what has been learned.

The work gathers again,

Don't waste your time,

The Book of Knowledge offers

“Pin the page” for us.(slide 15)

1. Work in groups.

A game "Find Friends" . Working with signal cards.

If the word is friendly with b, we raise the signal card, and if not, then we show the other side. And to make this work more lively, we will do this: if you see a feminine word, then girls stand up, and if a masculine word, then boys stand up. (Children explain the spelling of nouns).Slides .

Attention to the screen. (ball_, lily of the valley_, stove_, key_, small thing_, many clouds_ - plural, female)

(The guys who showed the wrong card prove their choice).

Okay, well done! You all completed the task!

Conclusion: the spelling of b after sibilants at the end of nouns is influencedgenus Andnumber.

2. Work on cards with multi-level tasks (students' choice).

- Did everyone understand the topic of the lesson?

Answer with a few words

From your cards of different colors.

The main thing is to remember the rule!


    If you think that you have understood the topic very well, take the red card (knowledge of other topics is also required here).

Exercise - select nouns with a sibilant at the end that are close in meaning to the words, highlight the spelling and indicate the gender.

Card No. 2 (high level).

Task: Choose nouns with sibilants that are close in meaning to the words

at the end. Label the studied spellings and determine the gender.

Doctor, friend, darkness, guard, hero.

If you think you understand the topic but still have a little doubt about yourself, take the green card.

Exercise - form singular nouns from these words, highlight the spelling and indicate the gender.

Card No. 3 (intermediate level).

Task: Form singular nouns from these words.

Label the studied spellings and determine the gender.

Heal, friendly, nocturnal, guard, strong.

    But if you think you haven't fully understood yet, take the blue card.

Exercise - write singular nouns. Select the studied spelling and determine the gender.

Card No. 1 (low level).

Assignment: Write these nouns in singular form. Label what you have studied

spelling, determine the gender

Doctors, comrades, nights, watchmen, strong men.

Think and take the card with the task that you can definitely handle.

(Complete in a notebook and check the work).(slides)

We will check at the same time. Although you performed different tasks, the answers should be the same.

What was the first noun you wrote? Raise your hands if you feel the same way. Let's ask the Book of Knowledge.

How did you spell this word? What will the Book of Knowledge tell us?

(Right answers:doctor, comrade, night, watchman, strongman ).

Who completed the task without errors? Well done!

IX . Generalization.

Time to take stock

Did the kids benefit from the lesson?

- Dear researchers! What discovery did you make today? (The rule for writing a soft sign after hissing ones.)

So, when is b written at the end of nouns after sibilants?

X . Homework. Making marks.


Crossword puzzle with task – home game,

A number of riddles will help you in it,

Select words related to the key one -

Your notebooks will be in order.

At home, I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle with the task.


If sharpened well,

He cuts everything very easily. (Knife).

Duck in the sea, tail on the fence. (Ladle).

In winter it eats firewood and sleeps in summer. (Bake).

Hiding under the floor, afraid of cats. (Mouse).

Task: match to keyword words with the same root, make a sentence with it.

By doing homework A rule - an algorithm - will be of great help to you.

Today in the lesson the most active were...... They gave the correct answers and received marks “5”.

XI . Reflection.

Today I saw in your eyes a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. I would like to wish you that this light does not fade over the years, and that the discoveries that you make day after day with your teachers will help you overcome all the difficulties of studying.


So that learning does not become darkness for you, and the light of knowledge illuminates your path, let's use the stars that lie on your desks. They different color. Pick up the appropriate star:

If the lesson was interesting and easy, take yellow (the brightest).

If sometimes there were difficulties, doubts - pink.

If you don’t understand the topic - blue.

(Children show stars.)(slide)

Look. How many yellow stars are there?

I am very glad that this lesson was interesting and informative for you.

Thanks everyone for your work! Good luck!

Vocabulary and logical exercises:
-Replace with one word, write the words in accordance with the spelling rule b, determine the gender, underline b.
Black bird, herald of the coming spring (Rook)
Football competition (Match)
Item that Emelya rode (Stove)
You can't open the lock without it (Key)
It is worn in the rain (Cloak)
Small child(Baby)
Hunter's prey. (Game)
Middle of the night. (Midnight)
All items for harnessing horses. (Harness)
Quiet, windless weather. (Silence)
Small money. (Trifle)

Subject: "Soft sign (b) at the end of nouns after sibilants"

The purpose of the lesson: familiarization with the rule of spelling a soft sign (b) at the end of nouns after sibilants.


    teach to use the rule of spelling a soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants;

    create an algorithm for spelling nouns with a soft sign at the end;

    identify the grammatical function of the soft sign as an indicator of the feminine gender through student research;

    develop intellectual qualities: thinking, attention, speech;

    cultivate respect for native language, communication culture, ability to work individually and collectively.

TCO: projector, screen, computer.


    cards with tasks for independent and research work;

    presentation of 10 slides (POWER POINT environment);

    textbook of the Russian language by R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina “Russian language”,

(4th grade, 2nd part), Moscow “Balass”, 2007 (educational system “School 2100”).

During the classes

IOrganizing time.

Guys, today in class we will need: your attentive eyes, dexterous hands, quick-witted heads, and most importantly - a good mood. The key to a good mood is a friendly smile.

IIUpdating basic knowledge.

Open your notebooks. Write down the date, great job.

I know that you like to overcome difficulties?

Raise your hands if you are confident that you can cope with all the difficulties.

Difficulties can always be overcome if a person is hardworking and does everything with good mood, with good thoughts. Guys, I think you will please me with your answers. We have a lot interesting work. We will learn to think, reason, remember and acquire new knowledge, which you will be able to talk about.

What topic are we studying in Russian language class? (Noun). What do you know about the noun? You will show your knowledge by taking the test. Five question test. Under each question you write the letter corresponding to the chosen answer.

1. A noun is a part of speech that means:

A - sign

B - action

B - subject

2. Nouns change...

A - by birth

B – by numbers

B – by persons

3. Declension of nouns is...

A – change of nouns by numbers

B – changing nouns by case

B – changing nouns by cases and numbers

4. A constant sign nouns is...

A – declination

B – number

B – case

5. Indeclinable nouns...

A – change in numbers and cases

B – do not change in cases and numbers and have no ending

B - have endings

Presentation 2. Check it out!

Who did it without mistakes?

Made one mistake?

What nouns did we meet in the last lesson? (undeclined)

Why are they called that? (they have no endings, since they do not change in cases and numbers).

- Take card number 1. Read the text. Is everything right? What need to do?

I suggest you edit texts that contain indeclinable nouns, correct speech errors(task in rows, children work in pairs).

1. In the morning, dad drinks coffee with pleasure. It smells so good!

2. They bought me a coat. Beautiful buttons were sewn onto the coat. Everyone admired my coat. They liked the new thing.

3. Flamingas live in large flocks along the shores of salt lakes. They are recorded in the Red Book.

Presentation 3. Check it out!

Children read edited texts and prove why they shouldn’t say that.

(In all cases, nouns have the same form).

Physical education minute

IIIStatement of a problem situation.

Find words with a soft sign in your texts.

Presentation 4.

Pleasure, coat, admired, liked, thing, big.

What do they have in common?

What groups can these words be divided into?

Write down the words, grouping them depending on the place and role of the soft sign.

Presentation 5. Check it out!

Have all the words been distributed into columns?

Do you have any questions? What did you think about while working? (we didn’t understand where to write the word thing).

So does the sign perform some other job that we don’t yet know about?

What sound does the word end with? (soft hissing)

What sibilants do you know? (F, W, H, SH)

Let's close the sign and say this word again. What did you notice? (the word is pronounced the same way as with a soft sign).

Is a sign needed to indicate the softness of the consonant [ш]? (No)

This means the soft sign has a new role.

Can someone tell me what role he plays?

Open the textbook to page 4

Read the title of the lesson topic we will study.

What do you think we will learn?

- Purpose of today's lesson– become familiar with the rules for spelling soft signs in nouns after sibilants. You and I must learn to use the rule in order to write words correctly, create an algorithm for memorizing the rule and learn the new role of the soft sign in these words.

IYDiscovery of new knowledge.

Now I invite you to conduct a micro-study and work in pairs. Using words from ex. 173, you act exactly according to the research algorithm (card No. 2)

Research algorithm : (card No. 2)

    Read the word.

    Determine the part of speech.

    Determine the gender of nouns.

    What sounds are heard at the end of a word?

    Determine into which groups the words can be divided.

    Write down the words, dividing them into groups.

    How does the spelling of words of the first group differ from the spelling of words of the second group?

    Draw a conclusion. Formulate a rule.

    Compare your conclusion with other groups.

Tell us about your results. What pattern have you noticed in the spelling of nouns? What is the work of a soft sign in words? (grammatical, it indicates the gender of nouns. There is ь after the hissing word - zh.r., no - m.r.)

Formulate the rule yourself.

Let's check if we were right. What does our textbook say? Read the rule on page 4.

We got acquainted with the spelling “b sign for nouns after sibilants”

Graphically it is indicated as follows: night, sword. Describe it in words.

How to depict this rule in the form of a diagram that is convenient for memorization. (Children draw on the board).

Presentation 6. (diagram)

A page from history. Historical information about the soft sign after the hissing ones.

It turns out that people have been using this rule for many years, and it came to us...

Physical education minute.

YConsolidation of acquired knowledge.

1. Working with a dictionary word.

Presentation 7. Replace with one word:

    It can be oral and written (speech)

    Device for pouring small streams of water (shower)

    A small rodent with a sharp muzzle (mouse)

    Aquatic or marsh plant forming thickets near a river (reed)

Name nouns in which the number of sounds and letters is the same. Please confirm that these words are spelled correctly. Name the word in which greatest number sounds and letters.

What can you tell us about the word reed? What are the spellings of this word? Name words with the same root. Make up a sentence with this word.

Thickets of reeds sometimes surround a pond like an impenetrable wall. Imagine such a two-meter hedge! Its thickets reduce water pollution. The rhizomes contain a lot of starch. In the old days, flour was made from dry rhizomes. It was added to rye flour when baking bread. Reed stems are used to weave rugs and light shopping bags. A sprig of reeds looks good in a dry winter bouquet. Birds feed on the fruits of the reed.

I offer you my proposal. Copy and insert the missing spellings.

The owl... disturbs the silence of the forest, and the reed... blows into the quiet b... gray with a river. Execute parsing offers.

2 . Work with text. Find a place for a soft sign.

Presentation 8.

What is the topic of the text? Title the text.

-Write out according to your choice(noun f.r. or noun m.r.)

At midnight... a circus performer... and his daughter... came out into the arena. He was wearing a raincoat... . He held the ball in his hands... The violinist... played a march... . Here is a walrus... caught the ball... . There were young people sitting in the hall... There was silence... .

Presentation 9. Check it out!

Zh.r. Midnight, daughter, youth, silence.

M.R. Manege, circus performer, raincoat, ball, violinist, march, walrus.

What rule did you use when doing this work?

3. Creative work. (card No. 3)

Using words and phrases, compose a miniature essay. Title the text.

Using the rule, correctly write the nouns with the studied spelling.

Option I

A nearby forest, a cold spring..., a fragrant lily of the valley..., a bright ray... of the sun, a mouse rustling..., a prickly hedgehog..., a pencil..., a beautiful landscape... .

Option II

My comrade..., midnight..., small hut..., so quiet..., cast the fishing rods, big bream..., the ruff was fighting..., successful fishing.

. YIHomework.

Exercise 176, rule, p. 4 (essay-miniature)

XII Lesson summary. Reflection “Everything is in your hands.” Everyone chooses a question of their choice and answers it.

What new did you learn?

Presentation 10.

M – thinking process. What knowledge and experience have I gained today?

B – goal proximity. What did I do today and what did I achieve?

S – state of mind. What was my mood today?

U – service, help. How did I help or please you today?

B – cheerfulness, physical form. What have I done for my health?
