I was fired from my job - what should I do? Violation of labor discipline

No matter how you feel about being fired, it’s still not very pleasant. Losing your support in life, your measured pace, you can succumb to panic and fall into depression. Or you can use this as a springboard into the future. It is not without reason that there is an opinion that you need to remove everything old and obsolete from your life in order to begin new ascents to other peaks.

The dismissal took place. What to do next?

Anyone who has ever experienced this trouble understands how many tears, resentment and humiliation this situation costs - dismissal from work. Negative emotions simply overwhelm me, depression, self-examination and self-criticism set in - why am I worse, and was it me who was fired? In this state, people often reach deep depression, and sometimes to nervous breakdowns.

But, if I’m being completely honest with myself; answer the questions: “Did you really like this job?” “Have you had any thoughts before about changing it to another?” Put aside grievances and analyze the situation honestly.

Calm down! Hopeless situations can not be.

Upon reflection, you will probably find at least five reasons why you were ready to refuse this job for at will.

Accept the situation - everything has already happened

Thank your fate that you have a little time to do your own thing.

At this time, it is useful to change your image - dye or cut your hair, get a stunning manicure. You didn't have enough time to go to the theater - buy tickets and go to the premiere. Visit friends you haven't seen for a long time. But one condition - do not burden them with your problems and grievances. Just chat. Nature will help greatly to defuse the situation - take a walk in the parks or in the forest. This perfectly calms the nerves and distracts attention from negative thoughts.

Having calmed down a little, you need to start looking for a new job.

There is a lesson to be learned from the dismissal story: how not to behave in a new job. All situations in this life give us some kind of lesson. You need to draw the appropriate conclusions for yourself.

But there are also advantages in this situation - the opportunity to open a new one sharply increases own business. Or take advanced training courses. Or master new profession. You can turn your favorite hobby into a source of income. There are many ways to solve the employment problem.

How to look for a new job?

Let’s take into account the motto: “He who seeks finds!”

So, you need to create a competent resume. It needs to be sent to well-known online employment exchanges.

It would be a good idea to visit the labor exchange. There you can register and resolve the issue of receiving benefits. It is not great, but, at first, it supports and gives some kind of confidence. In addition, you may be offered free retraining, and the choice of professions is quite wide. And they will also help you find a job. If not immediately, they will offer community service for which they pay wages in addition to the benefit.

But there is no need to stop. Continue to systematically search new job, visit employers, leave your resume. Feel free to ask questions about further work. Sometimes, in order to get a specialist, the working conditions are greatly embellished.

While the search is ongoing, you can find temporary work

Which one?
From the most banal cleaning lady, to a freelance correspondent for some printed publication. A lot of work is offered on the Internet - you shouldn’t always refuse it.

Remember that during the forced rest you can learn a lot, something that will later be very helpful in your new job. For example, improve in foreign language, study the laws more deeply, work on compiling a list of enterprises with which, subsequently, you can engage in joint activities.

The most important thing is don't give up

Everything will work out and fall into place. New

Alena Baltseva | 03/11/2015 | 9268

Alena Baltseva 03/11/2015 9268

“Should I quit my job?” – this question tormented me at one time. For myself, I have identified 15 signs that it is still worth quitting.

I have met people who worked for their first (and, as it turned out, only) employer until retirement. Well, for me, only for the first 5 years length of service replaced three permanent places work, one can shrug one’s shoulders and simply take it for granted that this is possible. The reasons for changing jobs were different: “not my thing”, inadequate salary, lack of prospects career growth and so on. The list goes on - several times I actually got burned.

However, a history of a couple of career failures is also a useful experience. For at least two reasons:

  • Now, based on the chaotic job description alone, I can determine that it's not even worth responding to, because I know exactly what lies behind this abstract list of requirements for the applicant. Saves a lot of time.
  • Now I understand that there is no need to wait for the cancer to whistle on the mountain and everything will work out, the salary will rise, and the boss will become kinder. You need to quit and look for a new job. As the saying goes, leaving go.

Let me make a reservation right away: I in no way urge you to quit your job immediately, especially if your financial situation leaves much to be desired. But the appearance of these “symptoms” is a reason to think about whether it’s time to change something in life.

1. Work doesn't inspire you.

And not inspiring - to put it mildly. I know this feeling: you came to work with enthusiasm, and some time later something went wrong. Working conditions turned out to be a little worse, and the salary was a little lower than promised. But that's not so bad, because the actual job responsibilities significantly diverged from the description of the vacancy for which you applied. The ardor for labor exploits has noticeably moderated.

2. You are constantly stressed

It’s normal (and sometimes even healthy) to experience stress and discomfort, but not when stress becomes the norm in your life. My first job was remembered by cockroaches in the workplace (seriously, the 21st century in the yard and cockroaches indoors?) and a constant nervous environment, the consequences of an eight-hour stay in which often affected my loved ones.

3. You hate every workday morning.

And not because you are a night owl by nature, but you have to arrive at work at 8:00. The reasons are a premonition of negativity, panic and even fear of work. I remember at some point I even began to dream about work. And it's not about good dreams, but about real nightmares: another emergency, the bosses are dissatisfied with me, and so on and so forth. If you took a course of vitamins and forced yourself to go to bed on time, but your mornings still haven’t become any kinder, then it’s not a matter of vitamin deficiency and chronic lack of sleep, but in poor work.

4. Your workload has increased, but your salary has not.

Trouble-free employees are not always appreciated. If you think that by temporarily agreeing to do more work for the same money, you will soon receive a promotion or a significant increase, alas. I thought so too.

It all started with volunteering to wash cups for my boss and ended with my list of responsibilities ballooning to obscene proportions. Moreover, the salary remained the same, but the cups that were not washed on time began to cause bewilderment and in some places even indignation. And in general, as it turned out, my salary initially included washing these same cups, and in general any additional workload. Apparently, they simply forgot to tell me about this during the probationary period.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate the amount of salary and bonuses for additional workload. If you do not adequately evaluate yourself, others will evaluate you (and, most likely, you will not like the price).

5. The employer does not comply with labor laws

As I found out from my own experience, voluntarily washing mugs and making tea is, you know, just a little thing. The downside was that management aggressively insisted on working on weekends and considered leaving work immediately after the end of the working day as bad form and unwillingness to work. It took me a whole year, during which I worked an average of two hours overtime every day, and sat down to work almost every weekend, to understand this.

The same applies to sick leave, vacations and other items of the social package. If your boss expects you to work with a temperature in the 40s and has to be ready to return from vacation on the next flight because they lost your report, or has no plans to sign (and/or pay for) your vacation at all, run! Do you need it?

6. Your company is sinking

At my last job, I stoically held on for another six months after it became completely clear that the employer was experiencing serious financial difficulties. This immediately affected the regularity of salary payments. “It’s okay, everything will get better soon,” I reassured myself. But no, nothing worked out.

If employees are constantly asked to be patient and get into the situation, although the boss still has money for a housekeeper, a taxi and pizza for the office (in short, for anything but salaries), leave!

7. Work interferes with family

Returning to the topic of overtime, working on weekends, unplanned vacation disruptions and sheer negativity at work. If your busy work life is robbing you of time and energy that rightfully belongs to your family, stop and think about what is more important to you in this life. In the end, new smartphone for a child will not replace a close relationship with you.

Having changed my stressful job, I was surprised to discover that now I not only can, but also want to communicate with my family in the evenings, and not withdraw into myself after a nervous day.

8. Work affects your health

Occupational diseases are the fate of all working people. It is important to monitor your well-being and pay attention to prevention and regular medical examinations. But if, due to working conditions or the nature of your work, your health has deteriorated sharply, you should not put up with it - it’s time to run.

9. You don't like the team

If you find it unpleasant to work in a team, don’t like your co-workers or your boss, this is an important wake-up call. Think about it: you spend more time with your colleagues than with your family (unless, of course, you count sleeping in the same bed as time spent together). If after communicating with them you feel empty, think about changing jobs. Your environment shapes you like water wears away a stone, whether you like it or not.

10. You are disappointed in your employer

Let’s say that the salary, range of responsibilities and team suit you, but corporate policy on certain issues confuses you a little. If you don’t trust your company (you know that it does dishonest business, deceives clients, promotes immoral values, etc.), and you, as an honest person, don’t like it, don’t make a deal with your conscience - look for another job.

11. You're bored

If the thought of work makes you yawn, think about it: is it worth wasting your potential on such a useless activity? If a solid salary keeps you in a boring place, and obligations to your family do not allow you to suddenly drop everything and get a dream job, try to at least start an interesting and useful hobby or part-time job, otherwise you risk getting bogged down in this swamp.

12. You are not productive

If you realize that your job is turning out very poorly, and this lowers your self-esteem day after day, it is better to find another position where you will feel at ease.

Another option: your productivity is hampered by poor organization of work on the part of your superiors. But the result is the same - dissatisfaction with oneself and, possibly, criticism.

13. You understand that this is not “yours”

If you clearly and clearly realize that this position is burying your talent, that you are doing something you don’t like, quit. Find a job that you enjoy - and you won’t have to “work” a single day, because you will enjoy what you do!

If the matter is again a financial issue, return to the advice in paragraph 11.

14. You have no career prospects

Your bosses don’t listen to your ideas, nip all your initiatives in the bud and make it clear that you shouldn’t count on moving up the career ladder? Go away! What's keeping you there?

15. You are humiliated and insulted

I still don’t understand what made me refrain from leaving on my own accord after the first insult I heard from my boss. As a compassionate person, I “understood and forgave” the humiliating scene for myself and attributed it to family problems, financial difficulties and bad mood.

When history began to repeat itself regularly, I, fortunately, realized that no personal problems could justify banal rudeness and disrespect for others.

And if your situation involves a more serious case, such as sexual harassment or psychological abuse, leave immediately. Don't let yourself be turned into a silent victim.

Losing a job is always unpleasant. Of course, except when you've already for a long time you hate her and have finally decided to get rid of her. By the way, it will help you understand whether you love your job. But if the answer is still no, then you are not in a good position. The daily routine is disrupted, so are priorities, and the financial situation is unstable.

However, this is the beginning of something new. And if you do everything right, your life will only get better. And these are the directions in which we need to move.

Start saving

Now you don't have a stable source of income. This means that you will have to give up some things. We can also advise you to start getting involved in personal finance. Keep track of all the money you spend. This way you can see and get rid of unnecessary expenses. Various can help with this.

Simplify your life

Yeah, as always, very banal. But here are a few practical advice. Did you go to the gym? Start going to the stadium. Did you buy ready-made food or eat in restaurants? Start cooking on your own. Do you like to read books and buy them? Start going to the library. There are millions of things that can be simplified and made cheaper. At the same time, this does not mean that you are making your life worse.

Start looking for other sources of income

We all have talents and hobbies that can bring us income. Moreover, with the advent of the Internet in our lives, absolutely any activity can be monetized. There would be a desire and an idea. Eventually, just start selling your unwanted items online.

Start to value time

Each of us has dozens of tasks collected in our task manager that we just can’t get to. Losing your job could be an opportunity to finally reach them. Read interesting books, learn to play musical instrument or play sports. Not only to actually do something useful, but also to take your mind off negative thoughts.

Take action

You need to understand that finding a job is not always easy and sometimes you need to send a hundred resumes to get a positive response. So start sending that hundred right now.


And again it smacks of banality. But sometimes being alone with yourself, not rushing anywhere and not thinking about anything is really useful. Take a break from the constant hustle and bustle, relax and, with renewed vigor, begin to search for the work of your life.

Have you ever experienced being fired? How were you able to get back on track?

Wrote for CPU detailed instructions about what to do for those who are faced with dismissal.

How to force yourself to calm down and why you shouldn’t make decisions immediately after dismissal, what to pay attention to for those working under an employment contract, what is important to think about for unofficial employees, how to format your resume and why you can’t sit idly by.

"You're fired!" - a very unpleasant phrase for any person. It ranks with “We should live separately,” “We’ll call you back,” and “Hey, come here!”

And yet, you may have to hear it. Or I already had to. In a similar stressful situation A couple of tips will certainly not be superfluous.

Calm down

Getting fired is always stressful. Moreover, there is stress even if you wrote the application yourself - you will have to join a new team, change your habits, morning route, and so on. In the case when the initiative does not come from you, stress multiplies by an order of magnitude.

The thoughts in your head can be very diverse - and that the boss - bad person, and that you are a loser, and just unformed anger, which will be replaced a little later by thoughts about finding sources of income.

Remember what happens to you when you are angry. Are you able to adequately assess your surroundings and choose the most correct option behavior? Is not a fact.

What to do

Go out, have a smoke, have lunch, and, if possible, leave the decision on how to continue living until the next day. The morning is wiser than the evening - this is not just a saying. It is necessary to extract all possible advantages from any situation, and to see them, you need an unclouded view.

Take action

OK, you're fired. We need to decide what to do now. It is assumed that by this point you have already meditated, kicked a punching bag in the gym and generally returned to normal. So…

You are officially registered

Great. In this case, if you are offered to separate, you can try to negotiate compensation. When official reduction You are required to notify you two months in advance, maintaining your standard salary (which, by the way, according to the law, cannot be reduced in principle), and upon dismissal, pay compensation in the amount of two salaries. Perhaps more, but this is only the case if you register with the employment service.

If they don’t want to say goodbye to you due to redundancy, then there is an excellent option - by agreement of the parties. IN general view this presupposes the following: you enter into an agreement with the employer, which states when you stop working and what amount you receive upon dismissal.

If you are threatened with dismissal for non-compliance with your position, then, if you have no disciplinary sanctions (absenteeism, tardiness, violations of discipline), do not give in to pressure, because for such dismissal it is necessary to assemble a commission that will confirm the fact of non-compliance. You must be notified one month in advance. The procedure is not the fastest.

If disciplinary action you are registered, you know - two officially registered tardiness means you can be fired under the article. One officially registered absenteeism is the same.

You are registered informally or under a civil contract

Super. This is an excellent opportunity to improve your communication skills - after all, in the event of an unofficial registration, they do not owe you anything, and they may well offer to say goodbye on the same day. All that remains is to pull yourself together and talk to your boss like a human being.

Of course, there are no universal tips here and everything depends on you. Please note that any sentence that begins with the words “You are completely ****** (crazy)” is controversial decision. Remember - no one canceled the request for recommendations from the previous place of work. In the case of a good relationship, an adequate boss himself is quite capable of recommending you to someone else; such cases are not uncommon.

Find out about this opportunity on his part - it obviously won’t be superfluous.

Work on mistakes

People don't just get fired. There must be a reason for everything. And, by and large, there are three main reasons - you do not bring money to the business, the business is in crisis and cannot pay you, or you do not work well with your boss or colleagues.

What to do

If company in crisis, there's not much to do. The reason is not you.

If, according to the boss, your work does not suit the company, you simply must make the most of the situation for your benefit.

Check with your manager for a list of your shortcomings and, if possible, work on these points. At an interview, a story about such work on mistakes will earn the respect of any recruiter, who will then present you to a potential boss.

Decide for yourself - maybe the problem is that you have chosen a field of activity that is not ideal for you? Evaluate what parts of your work gave you pleasure, and what aspects you put up with simply because “you need to earn money.” You can even make a list if you're a nerd (which isn't a bad thing at all).


So you're looking. Remember - a resume is a description of a product, a selling text, if you will. It sounds very cynical, but it is true.

What shouldn't be there:

1. Outdated information. You have one try to get in interesting company. If the resume does not contain comprehensive information, then, given the not very good economic situation in the country, when there are quite a lot of candidates for each vacancy, the recruiter is unlikely to waste time calling you with clarifications. In his folder next to him are 50 resumes with relevant experience, in which the candidates were not too lazy to adequately describe all their advantages.

2. Critics of the previous employer. Everyone understands that such a moment can occur. But if you pay attention to this point in your resume, although you could spend useful space describing your strengths, this indicates that you are not okay with stress resistance, as well as with goal setting.

3. Uncertainties. Resumes like “Guitar player, cleaning lady, model, and in general I can do anything” are thrown into the trash. If a person himself does not know what he wants, HR will not decide for him, but will choose a purposeful candidate.

What should be there:

1. Updated information. Re-read your resume and make changes that have become relevant since your last job search. If for Last year If you have become the head of a department and are applying for this particular position, your resume should describe a manager, not a specialist, as you were in the past. Indicate your experience in leadership (from the point of view of achieving the strategic goals of the unit, and not from the point of view of someone who still sees his responsibilities only as linear tasks).

2. Specific successes and achievements(unless they are a trade secret). What we achieved, what we implemented, numbers, if applicable.

Looking for a job is also a job

I'm afraid that the idea is not new at all, but it wouldn't hurt to repeat it. Your work on this moment is a job search. Only now you have meetings not with clients or customers, but with potential employers. There is neither subtracting nor adding here.

Losing a job is a big stress for almost every person. This is especially true in cases of unexpected dismissal from work. where a person has worked for many years and is completely accustomed to it. Moreover, in situations such as, for example, staff reduction or liquidation of an enterprise, dismissal occurs completely unexpectedly for the employee, which unsettles him.

Dear readers! The article describes typical ways to solve legal problems. Your case is individual.

At such a moment, the main thing is to gather strength and not allow yourself to lose heart. Dismissal, no matter how sad it may be, must be regarded as the prospect of opening up many opportunities for yourself.

Why do you get fired from your job?

There can be many reasons for layoffs...

In reality, there are many reasons why even the most promising employees are fired. This is influenced by many factors: employee behavior, relationships with management and employees, the financial situation of the organization, etc.

In many cases, the dismissal procedure lasts quite a long time, since the employer, in addition to the break labor relations with one employee, it is necessary to find a suitable replacement to replace the latter.

Even in cases where a replacement is quickly found, some time is required to old employee transferred all his projects to the new one - this will allow the company to continue its activities without much interruption. Among other things, the employer must pay former employee certain compensations. which are not subject to taxation. Among the most common reasons, which serve as a reason for dismissal, can be identified:

  • violation of labor discipline during work
  • frequent absenteeism
  • staff reduction
  • inappropriate qualifications of the employee in relation to the position he occupies
  • liquidation of the enterprise
  • cases of theft
  • conflictual relationships with the employer, etc.

Of course, for single absences or minor violations of discipline such radical measure, as dismissal will not be undertaken. But if such situations are repeated systematically, then the employee can quite rightly expect to lose his position. It should be noted that employees who hide work errors or search for a new job during their working hours are often fired.

Considering possible reasons layoffs, some of them quite obvious and inevitable. For example, it is not surprising that if an enterprise is liquidated, staff is reduced, or an employee fails to adequately perform his job duties, dismissal is inevitable.

There are many reasons that can serve as a reason for dismissing employees. These reasons arise both through the fault of the employee and regardless of him.

Ways to protect against some reasons for dismissal

Getting fired is a stressful situation for many people.

There are quite frequent cases when employers try to fire some employees without objective reasons. So, for example, sometimes an employer wants to hire an employee workplace your relatives or friends.

Moreover, often such people do not have the necessary professional skills or desire to lead labor activity, but, nevertheless, they are provided with the protection of the leader who patronizes them. Almost any employee can find themselves in a similar situation.

In order to protect against dismissal similar reason, you should ensure a sufficient level of demand in the organization. If an employer is at least a little sensible, then he will not fire his best employees in order to put incompetent favorites in their place, as this may well harm the business.

A quarrel with a manager is a situation from which few people are protected. Some employers have a proud, capricious nature and in such cases they will not hesitate to fire employees with whom they have a conflict. In addition, management often sets the bar too high, demanding maximum productivity from employees and at the same time not providing them with an appropriate salary.

Greedy employers, saving on everything, burden employees with various non-core activities. In such cases, you need to either be calm about the behavior of your superiors, or quit on your own and find a decent job in another company.

The employee’s high competence is another reason why some bosses, worried about their own position, try to get rid of such an employee. This is due to the fact that such a skilled employee is quite capable of replacing his own boss in the future. As a result, he will lose his job.

In order to protect yourself from such situations, you need to try not to speak negatively about the manager’s competence, while demonstrating superiority over him. Taking a neutral position and conscientiously performing duties - The best way save your job.

What to do after dismissal

Check whether your rights have been violated upon dismissal

In those cases where the dismissal does occur, you should remember that this sad period will end sooner or later, and that you should not give up. It is necessary to collect your thoughts and not take rash actions, the consequences of which could cause regret in the future. To cope with the situation, you can adhere to the following action plan:

  • Upon learning of your dismissal, you should not panic. Dismissal is not the end of life, but just the completion of one of its stages. You need to regard dismissal as an opportunity to gain strength, increase your salary, and find a more promising job. You shouldn’t dwell on the sad – you should look forward.
  • in order to avoid various mistakes and rash actions, it is quite reasonable to spend several days or weeks on rest, trying to collect your thoughts during this time. The decisions that will come during this period do not need to be implemented immediately; it is better to wait until everything settles down a little
  • in most cases, under the normal dismissal procedure, the employee receives severance pay and a paid couple of months of job search. This time is enough to recover from being fired and find a new job.
  • Regardless of the amount of severance pay and its availability, you need to carefully plan your expenses, refuse large purchases and loans, so as not to end up in an unpleasant situation when there is neither money nor work
  • When transferring your old projects to a new employee, you need to do it efficiently and in full accordance with the requirements - this approach is considered professional
  • a few days after dismissal, in order to decide on a new place of work, it is advisable to periodically review information on the labor market and communicate on this topic with friends from other enterprises
  • If after a while of work you still can’t find it, then don’t despair - free time should be used with maximum benefit, constantly developing my professional skills, helping friends and family. The main thing is not to sit still; it is extremely important to remember the support of friends. If everything is very bad, then by consulting with friends you can not only sort out your condition, but also, perhaps, find a job

If the dismissal does occur, do not despair. The resulting freedom should be used for relaxation, improving professional skills and finding a more promising job.

The right search for a new job

Getting fired is an incentive to change your future!

When looking for a job, you need to remember about possible deceptions. This is especially true for employment based on an advertisement. To protect against fraud. It is necessary to be wary of vague proposals where the requirements for a job applicant are not entirely clear.

Jobs in which the employee is promised a large salary, and at the same time do not require any professional qualities from him, as a rule, are fraudulent. You also need to avoid the pitfalls of network marketing.

Such organizations lure people into their ranks, requiring them to purchase a certain range of products with a view to their subsequent resale and making a profit. Such promises often turn out to be false and a person ends up with a bunch of unnecessary things and no money in his pocket.

When interviewing at an organization, you need to be suspicious of various demands to pay for certain documents, educational materials, or something else. This is how scammers most often act. Most normal recruitment agencies do not require money from applicants.

When applying for a job, you need to remember employment contract. If such a document is not drawn up, the employee finds himself in a disadvantageous position. He is not protected from increased employer demands, and in the event of dismissal, it is quite possible that he will not be paid compensation. which are due to employees upon termination of an employment contract.

The search for a new job must be done competently and with caution.

If fired, any person will likely feel confused for some time. During this period, it is important to control yourself and not do stupid things. Losing a job should be seen as an opportunity to start over. clean slate. It is important to remember: you can always find a new job with a higher salary and career prospects.

But you can learn how to resign of your own free will from the video:

I was fired from my job, what should I do?

When the work of one of the family members is practically the only source of family income, and the whole family lives on dad’s (or mom’s) salary, losing a job is a “more than terrible” situation. The first thought that comes to a person in such a situation is the thought of hopelessness. Lack of prospects, lack of understanding of what will happen tomorrow and how to continue to survive, and even the loan for the apartment has not been paid off.
In any case, you cannot despair and give up. You can and should find a way out of the situation when you were fired from your job!

So, you were fired from your job, what to do now?

Regardless of the reason for dismissal (and dismissal can be due to staff reduction, or due to the employee’s “unwillingness,” or in the case when the company is bankrupt..), we accept the situation as it is. If you are the lucky owner of a financial cushion, you can simply move away from home and simply relax. A resting body, however, gives certain impulses to the brain, and rest assured, by the end of the vacation you will already know what to do next, where and how to look for work, or another source of income.

If there is no financial safety net at hand, or it is so small that it is only enough to live for a couple of months (I hope you received severance pay?!), even if this is not the case, and the money is not even enough for a “go to the store” “There’s no need to despair anyway!

What to do if you are fired from your job

First. Regardless of your financial situation rest for a couple of days at home. Do not under any circumstances drink alcohol or psychotropic substances! Nothing good will come of this. It is best to get some sleep, or lie in bed, or read an interesting book. It is possible, of course, in computer games play if it helps you relax. Even better - go out into nature, into the forest, into the garden - to be in fresh air, go hiking for a couple of days. Or do physical labor - do some spring cleaning at home.
