Important skills that will be useful to a student in life. The main skill in life

We live in a surprisingly comfortable and well-fed time. The tap flows cold and hot water, in the next store the shelves are full of food, and a computer friend gives an immediate and comprehensive answer to any question. This is not to say that this is bad, not at all. But can we live without these benefits of civilization? What will we do if our personal fate (or the fate of all humanity, why not?) suddenly changes dramatically and we have to provide ourselves with everything we need?

IN last years The “survival horror” genre is very popular - survival after a general apocalypse. However, computer entertainment does not contribute much to real skills. To check your readiness for any life circumstances, we provide a list of the 20 most essential skills that everyone should know. I wonder how many items from this list you can check off?

  1. Light a fire. Many of us will not be able to light a fire even if we have dry wood and matches. What can we say about more difficult conditions.
  2. Have basic survival skills. Knowing where to find water, what you can and cannot eat in wildlife, how to build a shelter, how to catch fish, how to cross a river correctly, how to maintain body temperature.
  3. How to grow vegetables. If all the shops disappear, then only the vegetable garden will help you survive. If, of course, you can grow something.
  4. Can swim. There are a number emergency situations, when you may need to know how to swim in order to survive yourself or to help another person.
  5. How to change a tire. Applies to both cars and bicycles.
  6. How to provide first aid. We constantly see dozens of different deadly plots on our screens, but it’s worth being in dangerous situation when human life and health depend on our help, we fall into a stupor.
  7. How to dress properly. Exists great amount fashion magazines, talking about the color of ties, but you may need completely different information. Learn how to protect yourself from cold and heat, how to protect yourself from insect bites and how to protect yourself from injury.
  8. How to interact with people. IN Hard times you will need mutual assistance and help from people. It's time to restore these lost skills in the age of social media.
  9. How to lift your own weight. If you can hardly move from the refrigerator to the computer and back, then you are unlikely to be able to help yourself and your loved ones in difficult situations. You're more likely to be an extra burden.
  10. Know how to bargain. In times of crisis, the cost of things will change greatly and money may lose its usual status. Your well-being will greatly depend on your ability to bargain and negotiate.
  11. How to protect yourself from one or more attackers. Self-defense skills are not acquired by spending many hours destroying monsters on a monitor screen. In the event of a crisis, this is probably the first skill you will need.
  12. Learn to tell stories. In the absence of electricity and the Internet, nothing will brighten up your long evenings more than a fascinating life story.
  13. How to fix everything in the world. You will have to master the profession of carpenter, joiner, auto mechanic and plumber. And it's not about saving money at all. There will simply be no one to call.
  14. Master navigation without GPS. The ability to navigate using a compass and map is almost forgotten in our time.
  15. Learn to sew. If you are embarrassed by the girl sitting with a needle, then master the dressing and sewing of animal skins with a bone needle.
  16. Know how to drive a car. Perhaps you are currently traveling to public transport or you will be driven by a personal driver. But in the event of a crisis, neither option works.
  17. Know how to store food. You will now have to dry meat, can it, make pickles and preserves yourself, rather than choosing it from the supermarket shelf.
  18. Learn to cook. Sooner or later you will have to do this. Unless, of course, you want to die from eternal bacon and eggs and sandwiches.
  19. How to live without Google. You may feel a little orphaned. Be strong.
  20. Learn to run. If you have learned some of the skills suggested above poorly, then running may be your last hope.

What valuable crisis management skills can you boast of? Amaze us with your comment starting with the words “I can…”!

Today there will be a very important article, because in it I want to consider the main vital knowledge, skills, abilities which, in my opinion, everyone should have modern man. That is, something that will directly contribute to any business.

Now the world It is completely different from what it was 30, 20 and even 10 years ago, therefore the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to live in it are also different.

The modern world does not stand still - it is developing rapidly. Therefore, in order to live well in these rapidly changing conditions, a person must also develop at the same pace. If its development lags behind, or does not exist at all, this will mean moving backward relative to the environmental conditions moving forward. Thus, the knowledge, skills and abilities of a person in the modern world must not only be appropriate to the times, but also constantly develop and improve.

What, first of all, does a person need in current conditions to live a normal life? full life? The answer is banal and simple: money! It is money that plays the most important role in the life of absolutely any person: in fact, the achievement of almost any life goals directly or indirectly depends on money. And, more often than not, in the most direct way. To eat - a person needs money, to eat quality food - he needs more money to dress - he needs money to raise children - he needs money to relax - he needs money to buy, build or even rent much-needed housing - money is needed again.

We don’t have communism, where in theory all this could be free, but capitalism (from the word “capital”). That is, even the name of the social system in which we live seems to hint at what is the fundamental factor for life in it.

Thus, all the key knowledge, abilities, skills necessary for life in the modern world are in one way or another connected with the “extraction” of the resource that underlies it - money.

What knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed to make money? Previously, everything was simple: for this it was necessary to get an education and get a job. Those who did not have an education also got a job and earned a little less. But in any case, everyone had enough money to live normally.

Now everything has changed radically. Firstly, having an education does not guarantee having a job, and, even more so, does not guarantee having a job with good earnings sufficient to live on. Many studies show that very few people are satisfied with their jobs and wages, believe that their salary is enough to live on. And the vast majority, even working, actually live in poverty (and many even in huge debts!).

Secondly, getting an education itself is now very expensive. And if we consider education as an investment, then its “payback period” often exceeds the period of study, that is, it ranges from 5 years and above. While people who did not go to study, but began to earn money by opening their own business, by this moment already have many times higher earnings. Therefore, the question about the need to obtain higher education can no longer be answered as unequivocally as 30 years ago: everything flows, everything changes.

And thirdly, due to the rapidly changing situation in any field of activity, higher education will in no way be able to provide the knowledge that you will use to earn money for the rest of your life. On the contrary, as practice shows, it provides knowledge that is no longer relevant. At best, they have been out of date for 5 years, and at worst, 20 years. The education system, unfortunately, really doesn’t keep up with the changing world, so in life, at best, 10% of what you were taught at the institute will be useful to you, but it is more likely that nothing will be useful at all (it all depends on the specialty). But you will have a diploma, without which, as many believe, “you’re nowhere now”...

IN modern conditions our education does not provide knowledge, skills, abilities, necessary for a person in life. Often he receives knowledge that he cannot apply anywhere else due to its irrelevance, and therefore quickly forgets.

However, it cannot be said that obtaining an education is completely unnecessary. It gives some important skills (not knowledge, but skills!), and I will mention this a little later. The main conclusion I want to draw from all this is the following:

Since education practically does not give a person the vital knowledge, skills, and abilities, a person can only obtain them independently - through self-education.

Moreover, in many cases this can be done completely free of charge, or, in any case, not for such a huge amount of money, which would cost to study at the institute. And there will be much more benefits.

Well, now let’s move on to the most important thing: what knowledge, skills, and abilities are vital in the modern world?

1. Working at the computer. The richest man of our time, according to Bill Gates, said at the end of the last century: “Whoever masters perfectly by email– will become a millionaire in the 21st century.” Of course, he is right, if you do not take this quote literally. In our era Computer techologies are used literally everywhere, so it will be very difficult to achieve success in anything without sufficient and up-to-date knowledge, skills, and computer skills.

2. Communication skills. In the modern world, it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to achieve any life goals alone. You constantly have to communicate with other people: employers, subordinates, colleagues, partners, clients, officials, etc. And the success of the business you are involved in largely depends on how competently and effectively this communication takes place. Including . Therefore, well-developed communication skills and abilities can be considered vital.

3. Self-development. To achieve success in any business, you need to be an individual, that is, to stand out from the general mass of people, to have some kind of individual knowledge, skills, and abilities. To do this, you need to practice: set goals for yourself, strive to achieve them, conduct introspection and improve yourself in all directions.

4. Financial literacy. As you remember, money is one of the the most important factors achieving any goal. Therefore, every person should be financially literate: know how to make money correctly different ways, how to spend it correctly, how to take it into account and distribute it, how to save and increase money, that is, everything that the concept includes.

5. Ability to learn. And finally, the most essential skill that I left for last is the ability to learn. It’s not for nothing that I paid so much attention at the beginning of the article to the fact that the modern world is changing and developing very quickly, and any, even the latest knowledge acquired very quickly becomes irrelevant. Based on this, in order to achieve life goals, a modern person must constantly be in the learning process: study new legislation, new work technologies, new opportunities for earning money, etc.

And these are the skills and abilities to learn that can be acquired at an institute, which, in my opinion, is much more important than the knowledge that it gives. Because knowledge will quickly become outdated, but the ability to learn will always be necessary. And this is the benefit that can be derived from receiving higher education today.

I consider these 5 listed skills and abilities to be the main vital ones today. It is their presence and constant development that will help a person earn money - a resource without which it is impossible to provide a decent life for yourself and your loved ones.

And, what is most interesting, you will have to develop this knowledge, skills and abilities mainly on your own, because they will not teach you this anywhere, and even if they teach you, the knowledge will quickly become outdated.

The site is one of those resources that gives you the opportunity to obtain this necessary knowledge and skills completely free of charge. In addition, you can obtain and improve knowledge from books, other Internet resources, seminars and trainings. All you need is the desire to develop and action in this direction. Remember that no one will give you this vital knowledge, skills and abilities unless you want to get them yourself.

Therefore, I am always glad to see each of you among the regular readers of the site, active commentators and forum participants. If you have any additions or objections, or your opinion about what knowledge, skills and abilities are vital in the modern world, I will be glad to hear them in the comments. If you find this information useful, share the link with your friends on in social networks and on forums where you communicate. See you again!

We would like to acquire a useful skill that will be useful to you in the future or will help you master new profession? In a short period of time, for example, six months, you can learn a lot. And this will definitely be useful for you and will ensure the development of new skills. Read on to learn what you can learn in 6 months.

Speed ​​reading. Bill Gates was once asked what superpower he would like to have if possible. He replied that it was speed reading. This is quite logical, since the faster you read the text, the more information you can master and use it to achieve your goal. This is a serious and promising skill. Speed ​​reading courses are very popular today. For example, online lessons. Just enter the query “master speed reading” into a search engine and you will see how many different results you will get. Learning to speed read if desired and practiced regularly will give good results. At the same time, there are plenty of such courses on the Internet, both paid and free. To master speed reading in good level it will take less than six months.

WHAT DO THEY ADVICE?: You can take Read Speeder's free online courses or use the Spitzlet app for lightning-fast reading of articles in your browser and more.

Rhetoric or oratory. If you are afraid of speaking in public, then this skill should definitely be mastered. The freer and more natural you feel in front of a large audience, the easier it will be for you to Everyday life: in telephone conversations, in sales, in communicating with clients and more. Special courses and trainings from professionals in this field will teach you how to speak in front of an audience.

Billionaire Warren Buffett, speaking to graduating students, constantly argued that the ability to speak in public is a skill that those who dream of becoming successful and rich cannot do without in life.

In just a couple of lessons you can get rid of this fear and start practicing your performances. And in six months you can perfectly hone such a skill and become a real professional. Your speech will be able to reach the heart of every listener.

WHAT DO THEY ADVICE?: English-speaking community Toastmasters, which organizes meetings around the world and teaches this skill to everyone.

Accounting. Knowing the basics of accounting will help you get comfortable in any business and will definitely come in handy in life. You don't have to be a professional accountant, but every sane person needs to know about proper handling of finances. This skill will help you manage your income and improve your life qualitatively. Maintaining accounting A useful skill for those who plan to develop.

WHAT DO THEY ADVICE?: look for tutorials on accounting or online courses, which will help you master this skill in a short period of time - 6 months.

Learn foreign language , for example, Spanish. It is the second most popular language in the world after Chinese. How to learn a foreign language in six months? They say that Spanish is the most easy language for mastering. It is spoken by half a billion people around the world. One of the main problems why people fail to learn a particular language is the wrong choice of learning method. It has been scientifically proven that people only remember 5% of what they learn in a lecture, 20% from visual apps, and 90% from life situations. How to learn a language? To help with this language schools(lectures), books and Duolingo (apps) - they will speed up your learning process.

WHAT DO THEY ADVICE?: on the Internet there are a large number of resources and communities that will help you master this or any other language.

Photo and video editing. In today's digital world, content in the form of photos and videos will have its value for a very long time. Therefore, the ability to process it correctly and efficiently is one of the useful and very worthy skills. And if he is also at a professional level, then this is a good opportunity to find a highly paid and creative work to your liking.

You can start learning with any program you like, or with Photoshop, or with its free analogues. For video editing, iMovie or Final Cut Pro are most often used. Entire communities have formed around these programs. They can be for you the best textbooks. On thematic forums you can always find the answer to your question. And on YouTube there are thousands of free video tutorials devoted to both basic processing tools and more advanced effects. In just a few months of hard work, you will be able to master photo and video editing on your own. high level and perhaps even become a professional in this field.

WHAT DO THEY ADVICE?: There are many useful video tutorials online that can help you learn photo and video editors on your own. For example, studyingAdobe Photoshop CS6 or Lessons on learning simpler Paint . Enter “Photoshop tutorials” into a search engine and you will be surprised how many different offers you get.

Blogging. How to create your own blog?

A blog is not only a powerful tool for spreading your ideas, but also a great opportunity to build a brand or expand your business. It doesn’t matter what position or profession you have, you can easily create your own blog and find readers on the Internet.

WHAT DO THEY ADVICE?: To run a blog, you need a content management system, such as the free WordPress. To write quality articles, it is better to practice. There is a ton of information on how to blog on the Internet. useful information. On this topic separate article “”.

Become a programmer in six months?

Programming is one of the most popular in Lately directions for training, including self-study. They say that anyone can learn to program, if only they have the desire and time for it. Everyone can check this for themselves. To do this, use online courses, for example, free ones. You can master them without leaving home. There are also many thematic forums where you can ask advice from a specialist, and generally find a lot of useful information for developing your skills. How to become a programmer - you need to study the theory and immediately apply it in practice. If you work hard, you can achieve excellent results in 6 months.

WHAT DO THEY ADVICE?: Codecademyis an English-language resource used by many specialists. The learning process should consist of several stages: choosing a language, getting to know the theoretical background, practicing in the interactive console.Courses– introduction to programming languages ​​C/C++, Java, Python.Habrahabr– useful materials in the field of computer and IT. Here you can also ask questions and get answers from people with experience in this field.

Learning Excel.

You are familiar with the basic functionality of Excel (spreadsheet program). It is one of the most popular and used applications in the world. Excel allows you to do a variety of calculations, has graphical tools and the VBA macro programming language. This is an excellent tool for creating and working with tables, making calculations and displaying them graphically. Everyone should know him.

WHAT DO THEY ADVICE?: There are a large number of tutorials that can be downloaded on the Internet without any problems. For example:Entry level, introduction to the program; Basic course of more than 50 lessons on Excel

Sports training, such as weight lifting.

Sports abilities, for example, lifting weights, is also a skill. In six months you can achieve good results in this area. Of course, you won't become Schwarzenegger, but you will get the desired result faster if you understand how to pump correctly. Compliance with safety and regular training will yield results in 6 months. The main thing is not to stop.

WHAT DO THEY ADVICE?: Check out the Youtube channel for a general idea. Find a good trainer and start training.

How to stop being afraid of changes in life? Ways to change your life in the article.

I hope you have enough patience and perseverance to master a new skill. Perhaps you learned something different in six months? Share your experience with our readers.

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Do you think seven days is too short a time to learn something new? I thought so too, until we gathered as a content force and remembered what each of us managed to learn in a week. At least once. It turned out to be quite a list. Browse, choose activities you like and take action, of course.

1. Learn the alphabet of a foreign language

By dedicating 10-20 minutes every day to memorize and repeat the alphabet of a language - Swahili, French or Bulgarian - you can learn it by heart in a week.

2. Learn to play one song on the ukulele

Proven by Sergei Kaplichny. Ukulele - Hawaiian musical instrument, resembling a small guitar. And even someone who is far from music, but close to bears, who have a habit of stepping on the ears of just about anyone, can master it. You'll be able to play a simple melody within a week.

3. Talk about yourself in Spanish

And Tanya Burtseva added this to her “treasury of ideas”. In just a week, she learned to talk about herself quite well in Spanish: “Hello! How are you? My name is Tanya. I'm 29. I'm from Russia, and you? I like to travel and I really like to sleep. I also have two cats.”

More accurately, so. Hola. What do you think? Me llamo Tanya. Tengo 29 años. Soy de Russia. Y tu? Me gusta viajar y me gusta mucho dormir. Tengo dos gatos.

4. Make a real video.

If you haven’t imagined yourself as a camera operator and video editor even in your wildest dreams, it’s time to act. The impossible is possible - that's true. Completely unable - at first - to handle “movie makers” and other programs with no less scary names, this year the videos were made Sergei Kaplichny , Larisa Parfentyeva And Tanya Burtseva. Take ten minutes to see how cool they turned out.

5. Ride a bike without hands

Of course, if you know how to ride with your hands :)

6. Juggle

Helpful advice: it will only work if you have it on hand good instructions.

7. Paint a gradient with watercolors

Yulia Bayandina will soon be recognized in stores in Perm, where everything for creativity is sold. This year she learned to beautifully draw a gradient and a real rose (it didn’t turn out the way she wanted the first time, but a week is enough for you to learn how to draw flowers almost with your eyes closed).

8. Cook falafel

Since Sergei Kaplichny moved to Moscow, he organizes falafel parties on Thursdays (in fact, there were them in both China and Yekaterinburg), where a variety of - and very interesting - people come. Well, their name speaks for itself. Here is falafel made by SKaplichniy.

9. Run for 15 minutes without breaks

Remember physical education lessons at school? “Five laps around the stadium! Don't hide behind the pillar - I see you. Forgot your uniform at home? Have you forgotten your head? Run in what you came in!” Even if you still wake up sweating from the scream of your physical education teacher, this is not a reason not to run. Just a week - and you can feel like an athlete with a capital “A”, as Yulia Bayandina managed to do.

Confirmation of what was said :)

10. Make origami

The tireless Sergei Kaplichny - I suspect that his secret is in the Lifelist - said that origami can also be mastered. So think about what kind of paper figure you want to make, and get started.

11. Make a delicious cocktail

Or five cocktails. Take a shaker, Google and everything edible (and drinkable) that you need for preparation, and begin the experiment.

12. Learn card tricks

Of course, you can’t become a Copperfield in a week, but you can definitely master one or two tricks.

13. Stand in plank for two minutes

If you find it difficult to tear yourself off the floor today, in a week you will do it once or twice. Those who are especially persistent will master

14. Spin the hoop

There is nothing to explain here. We take a round object that you can crawl into and vigorously rotate your hips.

15. Ride a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, hoverboard

Who likes what. While it's summer (by at least, while there is no snow), you can practice.

16. Find a way to relieve stress

Every day - new way. So in a week you will definitely find the one that works better than others. Here are some articles where you can get inspiration (and these very ways):

17. Maintain a sleep schedule

Are you complaining about bad dream? Follow the regime for seven days, and you will wake up like a rested adult.

18. Plan a budget

Oh well, at least get started. Of course, this won’t turn into a habit in a week, but you will get used to recording your income and expenses. I’ve been doing this for three years now - it’s convenient: you see where the money is going, where you spent more than you should have, and in the next months you can adjust your spending. Download the application on your smartphone (try several to see which one you like best), think about the categories and write down everything, even a hundred rubles.

I can see at any time when and what I spent the money on.

I take out my phone right at the cash register in the store and write down the exact amount that the cashier calls. Usually I manage to do this before the money is debited from the card. It's faster than you think.

19. Become more confident...

...if you pass . The seven-day challenge is also a test of strength. Many MYTH members have gone through Hell Week (catch the reports: one, two and three), and I can say for myself: we are capable of doing much more and much cooler than we imagine. Every person has potential that is waiting to be unpacked. And Hell Week is the first step in this direction. Just be sure to prepare yourself so that you can make the most of this difficult—really difficult—week (but it will leave lasting impressions).

This article will not talk about soft skills, the topics of which our resource is globally dedicated to, but about several specific skills. Having mastered them, you will acquire valuable skills that can be useful in life and work, become a hobby, and allow you not only to learn something new, but also to improve your professional skills. Along with a short description of each of them, we have compiled a small list of resources where you can start mastering these skills. Use it!

Graphic editors (Photoshop, etc.)

We live in a digital world. And the ability to use graphic editors can help good service. It doesn’t matter for what purpose you can use this knowledge - to eliminate defects in your own photographs, drawing or web design needs. Moreover, it can become both a hobby and a profession.

For example, using Photoshop, one of the most popular graphic editors, you can create collages, layouts, infographics, animation, retouch portraits, and draw pictures. And this is just small part. You can start mastering such programs with simpler and free editors offered by the market.


Most users of the Microsoft Office suite are not even familiar with the basic functionality of Excel (spreadsheet program). And this, by the way, is one of the most popular applications in the world. Excel provides economic-statistical capabilities, graphical tools, and the VBA macro programming language. In its simplest sense, it is a tool for creating and working with tables, making calculations and displaying them graphically. A kind of must know.

Links that may be useful

Besides large quantity Various tutorials available on the Internet are suitable for training:

Fundamentals of financial literacy and financial management

It is not entirely correct to classify financial literacy as a skill. Rather, it is a set of knowledge, by applying which a person can learn to manage their money wisely. For what? Each of us deals with finances every day. And often how we spend, what guides us when making purchases and assessing the profitability of a particular offer remains with us. As a result, it becomes difficult to control your expenses. Some people fail to start saving, saving, or gaining financial independence. Why does this happen, how can you learn to manage your funds and manage them wisely? Almost every modern person needs to know the answers to these and other related questions.

Links that may be useful


Today it is difficult to find a person who does not take photographs - using a smartphone camera, an amateur or professional camera, or an action camera. Nowadays, everyone can be considered an amateur photographer to one degree or another. And learning the basics of photography, shooting for yourself, and eventually to sell photographs, is a completely feasible task for anyone. All you need to do is study the theory (working with the technique used, light, composition, etc.) and practice, improving your skills.

Links that may be useful

Due to the popularity of the topic, a lot of materials are devoted to teaching photography: from how to properly take pictures on your phone, including selfies, to tips on professional photography. Here are just some resources:

When writing this article, materials from the site were partially
