For hunting and family - Hungarian Vizsla: description of the breed, character and skills. A faithful friend and playful companion for children: getting to know the Hungarian Vizsla Hungarian Vizsla breed standard

The Hungarian Vizsla, or pointing dog, is a hunting dog. More recently, this breed symbolized the aristocracy. After World War II it was on the verge of extinction. The Vizsla breed was revived by the Hungarians. They secretly smuggled their beloved dogs out of the country, fearing that they would be exterminated.

The Hungarian Vizsla, or pointing dog, is a hunting dog.

Hungary is considered a country with many hunting grounds. People specifically bred the breed to work with it on the water. Vizslas are very easy to train. to the right teams. This dog has a calm disposition and strong nerves.

Thanks to its medium size and short coat, this breed is easy to keep in city conditions. The merit of Hungarian dog breeders is the high versatile hunting qualities developed in these animals.

In Hungarian, the word “vizsla” means “to seek.” The main task in breeding the breed was to endow it with speed, a good sense of smell, and the ability to track prey. The main distinguishing feature of this dog is its excellent body muscularity. This is very important when she is on the hunt, helping her master. Muscularity determines the endurance, strength and speed of an individual.

The coat, which is not very long and tightly adjacent to the skin, gives good streamlining to the body. This breed practically does not shed, so it is perfect for keeping in an apartment. The Hungarian Vizsla can be adopted by people who have allergic reactions, since there are no allergens in its fur and it is not capable of harming people.

After World War II it was on the verge of extinction. The Vizsla breed was revived by the Hungarians.

There are 2 main types of Vizsla:

  • wire-haired;
  • short-haired

The main colors of this breed are red and brown. It is rare, but you can find a sand-colored dog. The color determines how pure the animal's pedigree is. This can also be done by examining the dog’s paws. If there is a combination of other colors on them, then the dog either has an admixture, or it was crossed with a Vizsla, which has different colors.

Red nose too distinguishing feature Hungarian Vizsla. The eyes of a purebred individual should always be brown. It is generally believed that the darker the eye color, the better the dog. The Vizsla is one of the best hunters. She can not only bring prey, but also search for holes, finding animals there, doing everything absolutely accurately.

This breed:

  • well trained;
  • very calm and kind;
  • adapts well to any conditions;
  • tolerates loneliness quite poorly and is a wonderful friend;
  • loyal and attached to the owner;
  • has excellent muscles and a streamlined body;
  • has a good sense of smell, which helps greatly during hunting.

In addition to the characteristics described above, the Wirehaired Vizsla has delicate and soft ears that are pleasant to ruffle and stroke. Since a dog of this type tolerates various changes in the weather well and quickly adapts to any conditions, you can safely go with it to the sea in summer and to the mountains in winter.

Depending on what type of Vizsla and how it is kept, it may have different sizes. Usually the dog's height at the withers is from 56 to 66 cm. Its head has an elegant appearance. There is a special groove in the forehead area between the ears. The muzzle is rectangular in shape. The Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer does not weigh very much. Typically the weight is 25-35 kg and depends on how much active life the pet is leading. This is due to his muscles, the presence of a very wide chest and a strong back. The length of the dog is slightly greater than its height. The Hungarian dog breed, as indicated in the description drawn up in accordance with the standard, has a long tail, tapering towards the end.

Gallery: Hungarian Vizsla (25 photos)

Hungarian pointer (video)

Character of the Hungarian cop

Smart, loyal and sociable, the Hungarian pointer follows its owner like a shadow all the time. She will definitely accompany him to the bathroom. And he will touch the person before going to bed. The dog may even lay its muzzle on the owner's pillow. Such manifestations indicate the affectionate nature of the dog, which does not try to hide it.

You should prepare for the fact that the Vizsla will want to hug, wrapping its paws around its neck. Hungarians say this about this breed: if there is a Vizsla, it will live on the head. This is the dog that is good friend for a person leading an active lifestyle. She has a lot of energy. Therefore, in order for the animal to feel good, daily exercise is necessary.

The dog should run regularly for at least an hour, no matter what the weather is like outside (rain, snow). He is very capable, so care and attention are very important for him, like other dogs.

The Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla loves to chase a ball, do reaction exercises, and swim. You can take it with you on your morning runs.

If a Hungarian dog does not do the necessary exercises for a long time, it will not listen to its owner and may start gnawing on everything. Some dogs may even require surgery to clear intestinal blockages. This breed does not tolerate loneliness well. Such a dog is not suitable for a person who works far away from him.

With children who have good behavior, the Vizsla behaves in the same way as a cat - very friendly. But not all representatives of the breed love babies. As already noted, these animals fit perfectly into the hunting world, as they track, navigate and catch up well. They can do all this as a pet.

These are very curious, sweet and capable dogs that quickly learn commands. The Vizsla breed, whose puppies already become full-fledged hunters by the age of 4, will bark after they smell a stranger, warning their owner about it. But as soon as he lets a person into his house, the dog will immediately greet him by wagging his tail.

Maintenance and diseases of representatives of the breed

So that the Hungarian Vizsla dog breed is resistant to various diseases, she must receive constant exercise and eat well. Typically, representatives of this breed live 15-16 years. They are not prone to colds and allergies. And this is very rare for short-haired dogs.

Other breed-specific pathologies may appear:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • oncology (in untied and unsterilized);
  • cataracts and retinal atrophy;
  • dysplasia;
  • disruptions in hormones;
  • ailments thyroid gland.

Despite the fact that this dog breed was bred to hunt prey, it does not have to be a hunting dog for its owner to become friends with it. Vizslas love hunting, but they also don't mind substituting it in order to spend a lot of time with their loved ones.

Dogs are extremely affectionate creatures that immediately bond with people. The Vizsla, just like the Hungarian cat, is very devoted, she tries to spend as much time as possible with her owner. Thanks to her pleasant disposition, she is perfect for a family with not very young children. If the owner cannot devote a lot of time to training the dog, this breed will be a wonderful option, as it is very smart and easy to train. The Hungarian Vizsla will guard and protect the whole family.

Dogs of this breed have very strong body, so you can take them with you on long-distance walks. Many people prefer the Hungarian Vizsla because they are very easy to care for. These animals are clean, you just need to remember to comb their fur from time to time. Thanks to strong enamel, tartar does not accumulate very quickly in the dog’s mouth. Therefore, he rarely has problems with his teeth. If you raise a Vizsla well, she will have virtually no mental problems.

Dog breed - Vizsla (video)

Diet for the Hungarian pointer

If you decide to get a Vizsla, you need to remember that she has a lot of energy and loves to play. Her diet should be appropriate. You should immediately put water in an accessible place for your dog, as he is very active and loves to run, which often leads to thirst. Dogs of this breed are not very picky about food.

The main task is to ensure that animals get substances into their bodies that will help them replenish their energy.

Alternate between wet and dry food. It is necessary to offer food rich in different vitamins, protein and calcium (an excellent option is homemade milk and meat). If your dog shows a keen interest in grass, fruits and vegetables, there is no need to prohibit him from doing so. Animals are extremely intelligent and understand very well what the body lacks.

You should not base your Vizsla dog’s diet solely on store-bought food; it is recommended to feed it the following food:

  • fruits (pear, apricot);
  • a certain herb (quinoa);
  • fish;
  • vegetables (carrots, cabbage);
  • veal;
  • chicken eggs;
  • yogurt that does not contain fillers and sugar;
  • liver;
  • cottage cheese.

It is necessary to compose the Hungarian pointer’s diet not only from certain products and purchased feed. You can offer her rice or oatmeal, adding beef or pork meat to it.

The Hungarian Vizsla is an aristocratic dog. If you see her in real life, portraits immediately appear depicting nobles of the 19th century on a hunt, and this very noble dog sits next to him, holding his prey in his teeth.

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Rarely seen in small towns. Hungarian Vizsla– the breed is not yet very widespread in Russia, although it deserves to take an honorable place both among cops and among companion dogs.

Not good big sizes, good-natured and easy-going character, as well as ease of care should eventually conquer amateurs and professional breeders.

Hungarian Vizsla breed, or the Hungarian pointer, appeared as a result of a long-standing mixture of the blood of golden hunting dogs from the Carpathians and European pointers, as well as, presumably, Arabian greyhounds.

Since cynological records were not kept in the Middle Ages, there is no reliable history of the appearance of the breed. Already by the 14th century, the Hungarians widely attracted yellow-red ones to hunting, valued them for their working qualities, and selected them for breeding best representatives.

Initially, breeding followed two lines: for falconry, preference was given to red pointers (red), and for forest hunting - to golden (yellow). Later the two lines got mixed up. The Vizsla was cherished as a national breed in Hungary; the import of other breeds of cops into the country was prohibited.

The Hungarian Vizsla is one of the best hunting dog breeds.

But after this law was repealed at the end of the 19th century, the breed collapsed; only a few dozen purebred dogs remained in Hungary; hunters began to prefer the more hardy pointers. The situation was saved by American and Czech breeders, who became interested in the breed after its recognition by the FCI.

Breed characteristics and character

Dog perfectly adapted to living next to a person, even when Vizslas there is no opportunity to demonstrate your natural hunting qualities. The character is friendly, cheerful, affectionate, which is especially appreciated when living with a family. Gets along easily with children, dogs and other pets.

The dog is not aggressive, has self-control and a stable psyche, is independent, persistent and hardworking like a hunter. He is not afraid of shots, he rushes after a wounded animal without hesitation, be it water, a field or a forest.

The Vizsla is not afraid of water and easily retrieves shot game from the pond.

Affectionate, very devoted. Has his own opinion, so he may not follow absurd commands. When danger arises, it comes to the owner's aid. Does not like rudeness, shouting, injustice and corporal punishment.

The Vizsla is very clean, licks itself like a cat, and has no dog smell. Thanks to their natural energy, mobility and easy-going nature, these pets can and should be taken with you on any walks, runs, including cycling.

They feel great on long hikes and fishing. And if the opportunity arises to hunt, to run after downed game, then the excitement of the Vizsla will know no bounds.

The ideal owner for her is a hunter or an active, sporty person for whom the dog will become a companion. She is easy to train and shows good results in agility competitions.

Breed standard

Adults grow: up to 58–64 cm for males and up to 54–60 cm for females. The weight of males reaches 25–27 kg, females 20–25 kg. The balance of weight and height should give the impression of a harmonious build. Graceful medium-sized ones look very elegant and graceful. Average life expectancy at good care and health care – from 12 to 14 years.

The physique is dry and light. The muscles are strong and well developed. The head is dry, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is slightly pronounced. The skull is slightly convex, with a pronounced longitudinal groove running between the eyes. The muzzle is not pointed, long. The jowls do not droop, the lips are dry and tightly fitting.

Shorthair Hungarian Vizsla on photo very similar to the Rhodesian Ridgeback, although in reality it is somewhat smaller in size. The color of the nose, claws and paw pads helps to distinguish them. In the Ridgeback they are black, while in the Vizsla they match the coat color (or a little darker). The presence of black or dark brown nose not allowed.

Shorthaired Vizsla

Scissor bite, 42 teeth included. The eyes are medium-sized, oval, brown in any intensity, from light to dark. The ears are soft, drooping, and the tips form a V shape.

The tail is thick at the base, tapering towards the end, saber-shaped. When used for hunting purposes, in countries where tail docking is allowed, tails are cut by ¼. In other cases, the tail is not docked.

Description breeds Hungarian Vizsla necessarily includes recognized color options - all shades of red: from reddish-golden to wheaten. Not desirable, but acceptable is a white spot on the chest (no more than 5 cm in diameter), as well as on the toes (socks). Hair on the ears is allowed in a darker shade than on the rest of the body.

The Vizsla is a very smart and loyal dog.

Based on the quality of their coat, there are two types of Vizslas: shorthaired and wirehaired. The former have short, smooth fur that fits tightly to the body. The latter have a stiffer coat that does not fit tightly. Any wool has no undercoat, making it odorless.

Vizsle conducts water and field performance tests. On them, she must show not only the ability to find game under various external conditions, but also maintain contact with her leader (the owner or the person replacing him).

Care and maintenance

The Vizsla feels good both when living in a house with a large plot, or in an apartment, but only if it takes long, regular walks in the morning and evening, as well as active exercise for at least 2 hours a day.

Pictured is a wire-haired Hungarian Vizsla

This is necessary for the dog to release energy, otherwise it will begin to look for a replacement. physical activity(run after cats, dig holes, chew things) or become sad, which is fraught with illness. The more energy she spends on a walk, the calmer she will be at home, the more secure her things will remain.

To raise a full-fledged family member who will obey the owner and household members, the Vizsla must be trained with early childhood. In the future, all walks must be combined with elements of training.

When walking without a leash, the dog's hunting instinct may suddenly awaken, and it will rush after a cat or pigeon, regardless of obstacles or dangers in the form of cars.

You should always keep her on a leash when walking around the city or near roads. It is very difficult for a vizsla to get lost; she always tries to keep her owner in sight, works in his sight, and accepts praise with pleasure.

The dog loves children, she is patient and caring. But given its size, children should be supervised while they play with their pet. Hungarian Vizsla puppies They require as much attention as other breeds.

Vaccinations, anthelmintics, trimming of overgrown nails, combing, especially in adults. The Vizsla's fur sheds constantly, this becomes especially noticeable during the spring and autumn molt.

The only way to cope with the ubiquitous thin short hairs is by timely combing with a rubber glove brush. Nails are trimmed once a month with a large nail clipper.

Pictured are Hungarian Vizsla puppies

After swimming in a pond or walking through mud, you should rinse the coat with warm water and, if necessary, wash with shampoo. There is no need to use shampoo often, as this dries out the skin.


Since this breed is very energetic and spends a lot of energy on walks, its nutrition should be high-calorie, easily digestible, and contain all vital micro- and macroelements. The owner chooses the method of feeding (natural or dry food), focusing on the well-being and preferences of the dog itself, as well as on the recommendations of the veterinarian.

When choosing dry food, preference is given to high-quality brands, with markings suitable for a particular dog: “for puppies”, “for sterilized”, “for active”, “for adult” dogs.

When choosing a natural type of nutrition, you need to monitor the variety of food. The diet should include cereals, vegetables, dairy, meat and fish products. It is advisable to add vitamins to food.

Possible diseases

After walks, you should inspect your dog's paws. If cuts are found, they are treated with hydrogen peroxide. The cracks are lubricated with vegetable oil. IN winter time After walking, be sure to wash off the chemical reagents that are sprinkled on city streets. Otherwise, the reagents will corrode the skin on the paws.

To prevent tartar, use a special toothpaste, which is applied with a brush or a finger tip. If redness or pus appears in the eyes, contact your veterinarian.

Only he can determine what it is - trauma, bacterial infection or an allergic reaction. You should not self-medicate sore eyes. You can wipe it once a week for prevention. healthy eyes chamomile decoction.

Clean your ears once a week with a cotton pad. The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the ears, the appearance of pimples indicate a disease or ear mites, as well as restless shaking of the head and scratching of the ears with the paws.

To avoid the appearance of ticks, lice or fleas, the wool is treated with special means, not only upon detection, but also for preventive purposes.

Special products are available in the form of sprays, drops on the withers, injections, tablets and collars. Diseases characteristic of Vizsas: epilepsy, food allergies, hypothyroidism, hip dysplasia, cancer, retinal atrophy.


Selling a dog hungarian vizsla nursery gives guarantees of her pedigree, her health and suitability for breeding. Throughout the dog’s life, breeders from nurseries are ready to answer many questions, help with participation in exhibitions, and in selecting a groom/bride.

If buy Hungarian Vizsla“from hand”, then such help and guarantee will no longer be available. It is advisable to apply for puppies only to nurseries that specialize in this breed. For less than 25 thousand rubles, you can only buy a puppy secondhand, without documents or with a breed defect.

Price, corresponding to the breed characteristics and qualities Hungarian Vizsla, with ready-made documents and vaccinations, starts from 30 thousand rubles. Show-class puppies, promising for a show career, born from champion parents, are sold for 60-70 thousand rubles.

Hungarian hound

FCI standard: Group 6. Section 1. Breed 241 Weight: 30-35 kg Height at withers: high 55-65 cm, low-legged version 45-50 cm Color: high - black and tan with a white chest, low-legged - red with a black saddle Origin: Hungary Life expectancy: 10-12 years Recommended: This type of dog is suitable for any hunting: smart, they are easy to train. In general, these are calm dogs, they follow all the orders of the owner, and are loyal. They have an exceptional sense of smell and can bring shot game from the swamp.

The Hungarian Hound is an ancient breed. Her ancestors came to Hungary and Romania around the 11th century. Mixed with local breeds, they formed the modern Hungarian hounds. Despite the fact that this breed is one thousand years old, their appearance has remained virtually unchanged over time. Throughout the Middle Ages, Hungarian hounds enjoyed constant popularity among the local nobility. They were kept at the court of the Hungarian kings and nobility, used for hunting, including wolf and bear. At the end of the 19th century, the breed was kept pure and valued for its good instincts and fearlessness. Later the situation changed and the breed found itself in a deplorable state. The Second World War brought dogs to the brink of extinction, plus those representatives that survived in Romanian Transylvania were exterminated in 1947, along with the Hungarian Vizslas, by order of the authorities, since they reminded of the Hungarian occupation of Romania. Fortunately, several representatives of this breed have survived in Slovakia and Hungary. In these countries, breeders have put a lot of effort into restoring the breed. Currently, there are 2 varieties of the breed: short-legged, working on foxes and hare, and long-legged, working on wild boar, deer and lynx.


These are very strong and muscular dogs with an elongated body constitution of medium size. The Hungarian Hound is a very graceful breed of dog and always holds its head high. The lines of the body are correct; when looking at this dog, whether it is tall or short, you will never get the impression of disproportion.


Quite long. The skull is slightly convex. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is weakly expressed, i.e. profile without a pronounced relief.


Well-developed jaws and porcelain-white teeth.


Medium size, oval in shape, set slightly obliquely. Dark brown. The eye color is in harmony with the coat color.


Wider in the central part, rounded at the ends. Hanging down, they do not form folds.

Nose and lips

The bridge of the nose is straight. Lips tightly fitting. The nose is dark brown.


The neck is muscular, of medium length, without dewlap.


Almost square format. The chest is long and wide. The withers are clearly visible. The back is straight. The croup is slightly sloping. The stomach is slightly tucked.


The Hungarian Hound has a low tail. When at rest it hangs down; when moving, the animal raises it to the level of its back and bends it slightly.


The limbs are very strong, with well-developed muscles. Paws are round, in a ball. The fingers are strong, strong, with black claws.


Short-legged type: short, straight, thick coat.

Long-legged type: longer, thicker and coarser coat, with undercoat.


All shades of dark sand color are allowed.

Short-legged type: brown and tan (reddish tint), light tan on the belly and limbs.

Long-legged type: black, red spots on eyebrows, muzzle and limbs.

Each type often has white patches on the forehead, chest, paws, and tip of the tail.


Any deviation from those listed is considered a fault and its severity is assessed in proportion to its severity.


Representatives of the described breed have excellent health. More often than other dogs, they are only bothered by allergies.

Temperament and character

Moderate temperament. This is a brave, unpretentious and hardy dog. Obedient. Not capricious and not aggressive. A very loyal dog and will protect all members of its family, but recognizes only one owner, for whom it will give its life in case of danger. The pet respects the rest of the family, loves children and enjoys participating in their games. Doesn't require much attention, but tries to be somewhere nearby. She is not intrusive and it is pleasant to spend your free time with her. The Hungarian Hound is a very calm dog, there is no unnecessary noise from it, and it only makes a voice if a stranger appears on the property. Hungarian hounds are able to find a common language with other dogs, but they rarely manage to get along with cats. It is important that this breed of dog grows up with other pets to avoid cohabitation problems.

When hunting and during walks, Hungarian hounds are impulsive, reckless, energetic and moderately aggressive.

At home they are calm and balanced, but sometimes they show excessive playfulness and mobility.

The Hungarian Hound is reserved towards strangers. Tends to be independent.


Training representatives of this breed is interesting, but difficult. The owner will have to learn to overcome their stubbornness; persistence is required. But the dog is smart and understands what is required of it. Recognizes only one owner. The Hungarian Hound has the ability to navigate the terrain. Suitable for any hunt, it has an exceptional sense of smell and the ability to bring shot game even from a swamp.

Caring for a Hungarian Hound is easy. Wool practically does not require additional care, short and close to the body. Bath the dog as needed. The claws are cut short. Not very suitable for keeping in an apartment, because... She needs many hours of walking and sufficient physical activity, so keeping her outside the city is preferable. You need to keep an eye on them when walking, as these dogs can run away. Hungarian hounds have a hard time dealing with loneliness.

Other (or outdated) breed names

Transylvanian Track Hound, Erdeli Kopo.

The Hungarian Pointer (Vizsla) is a dog with ancient origins. Smart look, fit physique and royal figure they make her out to be a talented hunter. So what should future owners know about this breed?

The ancestors of the Hungarian Vizsla accompanied the nomadic tribe of Magyar conquerors back in the 10th century. Gradually, the nomads were introduced to civilization, and their favorites became popular among the Hungarian aristocrats.

Soon work began to improve the qualities of the dogs. Thanks to crossing with local hunting breeds, it was possible to develop the short-haired Vizsla. At first, it belonged only to Hungarians, and the spread of the breed was hampered by a law prohibiting export outside the country.

Twice the Hungarian Vizslas were threatened with extinction. First, in the 20th century, when other dogs - pointers - began to be imported to Hungary. Then - during the Great Patriotic War, when the Hungarians, freed from fascism, decided to exterminate the breed so that it would not spread in Russia. Everything worked out well when dog handlers from other countries got involved in the situation.

Pure breeding of the breed began in 1920.

And as a result - In 1936, the shorthaired Hungarian pointer (Vizsla) received FCI recognition.

The Wirehaired Hungarian Vizsla arose as a result of crossing the shorthaired Hungarian Pointer with the wirehaired German Pointer in the 30s of the twentieth century. Its breed characteristics are similar to its short-haired counterpart.

Description of the breed

According to FCI standard The Hungarian Vizsla can be of two types: shorthair (No. 57) and wirehair (No. 239).
FCI standard No. 57 dated September 13, 2000 “Rövidszőrű magyar vizsla”.
FCI Standard No. 239 dated 13.09.2000 “Drotzörü Magyar Vizsla”.
Group 7 "Cops".
Section 1 “Continental Pointers”.
The FCI standard states height at withers:

  • males - 58 - 64 cm with a weight of 20-29 kg;
  • females - 54 - 60 cm with a weight of 18-25 kg.

The standard describes the following exterior criteria.

Vizsla head:

  • rounded with a not wide skull and not a pronounced groove;
  • the muzzle is not sharp, with strong jaws and developed muscles;
  • eyes of medium size, oval, brown and darker shades;
  • the color of the nose matches the general color of the coat, but is somewhat darker;
  • jaws with a scissor bite;
  • the teeth are evenly spaced - the lower incisors overlap the upper ones without gap;
  • The ears are hanging, moderately long, V-shaped with a rounded tip.

Description of the Vizsla body:

  • the back is strong and straight with well-developed muscles, flowing into a short loin;
  • the croup is elongated and slightly inclined towards the base of the tail;
  • the chest is not too wide, but with a moderately prominent anterior part;
  • The elbow joints are located at the same level as the chest, the ribs are laid back.

The tail has a thin tip and a wide base. Usually the dog holds it straight or bent in the shape of a saber.

The limbs are slender, with strong bones and noticeably developed muscles. The paws are tightly knit, slightly rounded. The thighs are muscular and the lower legs are moderately thin but strong.

Coat and color

Wire-haired type The Hungarian pointer has a coarse and thick coat with water-repellent undercoat. On the limbs, lower chest and abdomen, the covering is shorter and thinner, as on the head and ears, but not soft to the touch. There is also a beard located on both sides of the muzzle, and it is more rigid. In the neck area the coat forms a V shape.


Shorthair type The Hungarian Vizsla has a short and dense coat, which should be rough and hard to the touch, covering the entire body. No undercoat. On the head and ears the hair is thinner, softer and shorter. The hair on the bottom of the tail is slightly longer. The underbelly is covered with sparse hair.

The standard color ranges from reddish-golden to various shades of wheaten.

The ears may be darker than the rest of the coat, but must be of the same tone. Red, brownish, light yellow or lightened tones of color are undesirable. Lips and eyelids should match the color of your nose.

It is allowed to have one spot on the chest or neck, which must be white and no more than 5 cm in diameter.

Obvious disqualifying signs:

  • head that does not meet the standard;
  • malocclusion or misalignment of the jaw;
  • spots on the nose;
  • drooping lips or eyelids;
  • atypical eye color (from yellow to light brown);
  • white paws;
  • atypical coat (silky, too long, soft, curly, etc.).


The Hungarian Pointer loves all of her family, but most of all she misses her owner and has a hard time being without him. Friendliness, obedience and loyalty- character traits that distinguish this dog from, since it is also a companion.

She is capable of joyfully wagging her tail not only for her family, but also for guests, greeting them kindly with a boisterous bark. A dog cannot live without communication and by any means will attract attention to himself in order to keep one of the family members busy playing.

This is especially true for children, because cops get along well with them and can frolic all day long. In addition they are not prone to dominance and can easily get along with other pets, excluding, perhaps, only rodents.

Hunting abilities and skills

These dogs, like real hunters, easily endure bad weather and withstand the worst weather conditions. In nature, their instincts turn on: the dog becomes serious and collected.

Their main hunting abilities include the ability to jump, changing direction, and good orientation, both on land and in water. They also have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. No wonder “Vizsla” means “to search”, since its goal is to find prey and bring it to its owner.

The pointer is excellent at hunting birds. Having caught its scent, it sneaks up on its prey and takes an elegant stance, in which it can remain for quite a long time.

The Vizsla, as a hunting dog, has inherent skills that need to be trained from an early age. From the age of six months, the puppy can be taken hunting to “train” game. If you wait until he is a little older, there is a risk that he will become less oriented in space and the training will be less accepted.

The dog should be trained without rude shouts and, even more so, without hitting.

You need to communicate affectionately, but fairly, in order to evoke only respect, and not anger, from your pet.

How to name?

Being bright and active dog, the Vizsla should have a sonorous name. His choice should be taken seriously, taking into account the characteristic nuances of the pet.

Cop-boy can be called: Alyan, Altai, Bas, Golden Eagle, Jedi, Dembi, Jackie, Horn, Kart, Kurt, Mars, Pluto, Serb, Sputnik, Tinto, Fund, Yalai.

Nicknames for girls: Aira, Veila, Winona, Hera, Greta, Dora, Dayana, Cora, Laima, Mida, Naida, Rada, Jay.

Historically, these dogs have always lived side by side with people, and therefore it is wrong to place a pet in. It is worth noting that, If on the street he literally bursts with energy, then in the house, as if by magic, he becomes a gentle animal.

Feeding does not require any frills: you can buy it, or you can make it yourself. The composition for a dog must include lean meat, boiled offal with cereals, vegetables, boiled sea ​​fish and dairy products in the form of cottage cheese and kefir.

The normal content of animal protein is 50% of the diet.

These dogs are unpretentious in matters of hygiene. It is recommended to clean the wool with a special brush or mitten 2 times a week, and once every 10 days. You need to bathe your pet once a month. IN summer time It’s good to give him the opportunity to splash around in ponds, based on his natural weakness for water. As for the nails, the best option would be to trim them every 4-5 weeks.

With proper care, Vizslas live 12-15 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any breed, the Vizsla has its own characteristics, and therefore not everyone can cope with its maintenance and upbringing.

Main advantages:

  • excellent hunter;
  • ease of care;
  • endurance and intelligence.

Main flaws:

  • the need for proper education;
  • the need for frequent and long-term walks;
  • can't stand rudeness.

average price purebred puppy ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Kennels: Tina trading, Shilla-line, Lembo Prout.

The Hungarian Vizsla is a dog that amazes with its tireless energy. It should not be started by someone who does not have a lot of free time. But for hunters or families who love active and sometimes extreme recreation, this dog will be the best in the world.

Additionally, check out short video about the Hungarian Vizsla breed:

The history of four-legged hunters began in the 9th-11th centuries, when their ancestors - pointing dogs - first appeared on the territory of Hungary. At that time, the country had not yet gained autonomy and was part of Pannonia, a Roman province where damp and unsuitable conditions reigned. comfortable stay climate. This territory became home to the Magyars, whose main occupation was hunting. To bait game, the nomads bred sandy-colored dogs that had excellent terrain awareness and were adapted to the weather conditions of Pannonia.

Like the Magyars, these animals were distinguished by a love of freedom, so they often left their homes and spread throughout the province. Cops that migrated to neighboring regions remained invisible against the backdrop of indigenous and already established breeds.

It is not known what the fate of the Magyar dogs would have been if they had not attracted the attention of Hungarian hunters with their grace and dexterity. To improve their working qualities, the animals were crossed with cops of eastern origin. The appearance of the dogs also changed: thanks to mating with Russian greyhounds, their coat acquired a lighter shade. In the first half of the 16th century, future Vizslas were influenced by the Salukis, sand greyhounds that accompanied Turkish troops during the occupation of Hungary in 1526.

Purposeful and random matings led to an amazing result - the appearance of golden hunting dogs with an established genotype. They were highly prized by the Hungarian nobles, who used the animals in baiting fur-bearing animal or birds. The ancestors of the Vizslas were considered universal hunters who coped with work in the forest or field and fearlessly threw themselves into the water after wounded game.

In addition to their excellent hunting and falconry abilities, the dogs were notable for their energetic intelligence and spectacular appearance. The amber color not only pleased the eye, but also played an important role. Thanks to its noticeable “fur coat,” the Vizsla stood out against the background of the landscape, being at a considerable distance. At the same time, pointers with a reddish tint of fur took part in falconry, while in forest hunting - with golden ones. Subsequently, the two lines of the breed mixed with each other.

Animal selection was brought under careful control in the 18th century. The initiator of the development of a new breeding program was a breeder named Zai. Under his leadership, in the Hungarian city of Zaingroc, work began to improve the parameters of short-haired pointers, which took more than 150 years. Hanoverian hounds, pointers, shorthaired pointers and even poodles have become promising “material” for mating. As a result of selection, it was possible to improve the exterior and field qualities of the Hungarian Vizsla - the future national treasure of the country.

In the 19th century, golden hunting dogs became less popular, losing leadership to German pointers. In order to preserve the breed, the import of pointers from Europe was banned until 1880. With the disappearance of the “canine barrier”, the mass import of pointers to Hungary was resumed. The efforts of the breeder Zaya and his followers were in vain. Now the existence of short-haired cops was remembered only by their ardent lovers, who continued to keep the dogs. From these few purebred Vizslas the modern line of the breed originated. In most pedigrees you can find a mention of a bitch named Kati or a native of the Nimrod kennel.

Hungarian Vizslas were increasingly found in European countries, as well as in Canada and the USA. The active export of dogs to America began after 1935, when representatives of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) introduced the breed into official register and approved its standard. US cynologists actively took up the selection of Vizslas and soon increased their numbers, thereby protecting them from complete extinction. Although pointers were attracted by their greater endurance, Hungarian pointers were distinguished by their ability to hunt in any terrain - both on land and in water.

Despite the measures taken, the number of Vizslas decreased significantly with the outbreak of World War II. Freed from the yoke of fascism, the Hungarians were guided by hopelessness and fear, which is why they made the cruel decision to kill all the dogs so that they would not become a war trophy for soldiers. Fortunately, the animals were partially preserved in neighboring countries, from where they began to conquer the globe.

The name of the breed comes from the Hungarian word vizsgál, which means “to analyze, search, study.” Indeed: these dogs have an amazing ability to find prey even in dense thickets. Now Hungarian Vizslas are rarely used for their intended purpose, but the animals still managed to win the love of dog handlers around the world thanks to their docile nature and ability to become an indispensable companion.

Video: Hungarian Vizsla

Hungarian Vizsla breed standard

The Hungarian Vizsla is a medium-sized gun dog breed. These hunters fascinate at first sight: they have a muscular and light body, long graceful paws, a noble stance, a proudly raised head and a purposeful look. Even with a fleeting acquaintance with a Vizsla, it is difficult not to notice her refined nobility.

The height of the animal at the withers and its body weight are fixed by the standard: for males - 56-66 cm and 20-27 kg, for females - 51-61 cm and 18-25 kg. At the same time, it is still not worth focusing on the approved parameters: size is less important in comparison with the overall symmetry and balance of the Hungarian Vizsla. The breed is distinguished by a pronounced sexual type: females look more elegant than males.

Head and skull

The classic cop type of head determines its characteristics: covered with elastic skin, dry, with clear rounded outlines. The dog's skull is slightly convex and wide. A small depression stretches from the bridge of the nose to the occipital protuberance. The brow ridges of the Hungarian Pointer are moderately expressed. Bitches have a less massive skull compared to males.


The Hungarian Vizsla's muzzle is quite large and long, with a U-shaped end. The transition between the wide forehead and the bridge of the nose is smoothed. The straight bridge of the nose ends in a movable lobe, pigmented in a color one tone darker than the color of the Vizsla. Wide nostrils are a characteristic feature of hunting dog breeds. When examining the animal from the side, it is noticeable that the nose is in line with thick and tightly fitting lips. The shade of their edges and outside The gums match the color of the Hungarian pointer's nose. The jaws do not droop, the chewing muscles are developed.


Vizsla ears are characteristic V shape with rounded ends and medium set. Their length is ¾ of the length of the head. The Vizsla's ears are slightly shifted back, and when at rest they lie close to the cheeks. When a dog is alarmed by something, the ears, rising at the base, turn towards the muzzle.


The dog's eyes are medium in size, oval in shape and slanted. Dry eyelids adhere to the eyeballs, completely hiding the whites. The iris is colored Brown color. Dark shades are preferred. The look is lively and insightful.

Jaws and teeth

The strong jaws of the Hungarian Vizsla form a regular scissor bite with no gap between the incisors. The teeth stand vertically, with the lower ones hidden by the upper ones. The full formula includes 42 teeth.


Oval in cross-section, medium length, with defined muscles and a convex nape. Its dimensions are proportional to the size of the dog. The dewlap—the loose skin on the throat—is absent.


The muscular and flexible body of the Hungarian Vizsla is elongated: the length of the body exceeds the height of the dog. The wide chest is formed by moderately rounded and set-back ribs. The pronounced withers flow into a strong, straight back with prominent muscles. The loin protrudes slightly above the back, leading into a sloping and rounded croup. The underside is smoothly curved towards the hind legs.


Tapers from base to tip, set low. The undocked tail is saber-shaped or straight, and when the pointer moves, it carries parallel to the ground. When lowered, it reaches the level of the joints. Working dogs are allowed to have their tail docked to ¼ of the total length.


Parallel to each other, placed under the body of the animal. They are distinguished by strong bones and lean muscles. Shoulders that fit tightly and are long shoulder joints do not detract from the plasticity of the Hungarian cop. Elbows pressed to chest. Muscular forearms lead to strong wrists, which lead to sloping pasterns. The latter end in arched, oval-shaped paws. The pads are covered with thick skin. Short curved claws are colored brown.

Hind limbs

Compared to the front ones, they look stronger - especially in the hip area. Long and muscular shins flow into short vertical metatarsals. The knee and hock joints have strong and pronounced articulation angles. The oval paws are formed by bunched toes that end in brown claws. The pads are elastic and rough to the touch.

Movement style

The Hungarian Vizsla moves at a graceful trot, and when accelerating, it moves at a continuous gallop. Every step of the dog is well balanced. When moving, the animal maintains a proud posture, its back remains straight. These cops have the ability to change direction while jumping.


Thick and short hair fits tightly to the dog's body. In general it is hard and rough, on the head and ears of the animal it is silky and thin. The lower part of the tail is covered with more long hair. There is no undercoat. Hungarian Vizslas do not have the characteristic “dog” smell, so the breed may be a suitable option for people prone to allergies.


The palette is represented by red shades - from wheat to reddish-golden. As the Hungarians say, it is the color of fried bread. The color of the pointer should be uniform, with the exception of the ears, where darker guard hair is allowed. The pigmentation of the eyelids, nose, lips, claws and paw pads is combined with the main color of the coat. The standard provides for the presence of a white spot on the throat or chest of the animal if its diameter does not exceed 5 cm. White hairs on the Vizsla’s paws are also acceptable.

Possible defects

Minor deviations from the standard are considered breed defects. Among the common ones are:

  • the presence of a large angle of the hock joints or its absence;
  • pale yellow, chestnut or black coat color;
  • eye color other than shades of brown;
  • atypical pigmentation of the nose;
  • bitch sexual type in males;
  • hare's feet.

The disqualifying faults of the Hungarian Vizsla are:

  • incomplete or excessive dental formula;
  • cowardly or aggressive behavior;
  • large points on the animal’s body;
  • partial pigmentation of the nose;
  • light yellow iris;
  • stiff and difficult movements;
  • undershot or overshot jaws;
  • uneven coat color;
  • additional row of eyelashes;
  • entropy or ectropia of the eyes;
  • presence of dewclaws;
  • black nose;
  • undescended testicles;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • cleft lip.

Character of the Hungarian Vizsla

The Hungarian Pointer is one of the few hunting breeds that are suitable for novice dog owners. These pets are rightfully considered universal, and all thanks to their insightful mind, devotion, activity, friendliness and sociability. Balanced dogs can make excellent companions not only for hunting, but also for everyday life.

Hungarian Vizslas truly enjoy communicating with family members, but they see only one person as the owner. With this honorary “title” comes a new responsibility – close contact with your pet. Short-haired cops are jokingly called “Velcro” because they accompany their owner even within the apartment. Wherever you go - to the kitchen, to the bedroom or to the bathroom - the animal will not leave this attack unnoticed. A locked room is an unreliable obstacle: the dog would rather curl up in a ball and wait for your return than go off about its business.

The Hungarian Vizsla is a breed that requires unconditional love, patience and constant attention from the owner. If you are away from home for a long time, it is worth thinking about other dogs that do not tolerate separation from their owner so hard. This could be a Shar Pei, Dachshund or Shih Tzu. It is necessary to take into account: these breeds also need regular company, so you should not perceive the animal only as a funny “accessory”.

The ideal owner for a Hungarian pointer is a sporty and cheerful person, and even better, a hunter. Dogs do not like to sit idle: for them, an active walk is more attractive than a long sleep on the sofa. In addition, developed intelligence literally “obliges” animals to resort to daily mental and physical stress. The Hungarian Vizsla will not approve of walking only to relieve itself. Lack of attention on the part of the owner will result in regular pranks, among which a chewed sofa will seem like a trifle in life.

This breed is not suitable for people who need a fierce guard dog. The most a stranger can expect is a loud bark and a warning growl. A Vizsla will not rush into an attack without a good reason, and even more so if the owner is not in danger. Hungarian cops prefer defensive tactics. A special training course will help improve your dog’s guarding qualities - always performed by a professional dog handler!

Since Hungarian Vizslas have a playful disposition, they make excellent company for children. Representatives of the breed are patient and gentle, ready to actively participate in the proposed games and at the same time not show the slightest hint of fatigue. However, you should not leave the child alone with the dog: due to its large size, strength and activity, it can inadvertently push little friend and thus cause him injury. Otherwise, Vizslas are understanding and sensitive pets that can easily cope with the role of “nanny” while you relax after a working day.

It will not be difficult for Hungarian cops to make friends with their relatives. Even dogs of the same sex do not consider each other rivals. Getting to know a cat will require your participation, and you should completely refrain from contact with small pets. Vizslas are hunting dogs, so they can be aggressive towards potential prey. For the same reason, you should not let the cop off the leash: animals tend to react violently to the presence of strange cats and even pigeons.

The lively temperament of the Hungarian Vizsla is noticeable when walking, and especially outside the city, in a field or on the river bank. The dogs seem to throw off invisible shackles and begin to hunt. No matter how far a cop runs in search of prey, it will never lose sight of its owner. Representatives of this breed work “for the public”, wanting to hear praise and approval. Vizslas are especially delighted by the opportunity to swim. Don’t interfere with your pet’s instincts - and he will thank you with wet “kisses” and calm evening after a busy day!

Education and training

Like most breeds, Hungarian Vizslas require early socialization. From puppyhood, it is necessary to teach your pet to calmly respond to new sounds, smells and, of course, acquaintances - both with people and animals. It is important to pay attention to the relationships in your “pack”. The first thing you need to do is set clear communication boundaries. The cop must know where his place is: on the bed next to the owner or on a large and cozy lounger.

If you settled on the second option, the following rule comes into force - teach the Vizsla to rest in the corner designated for it. Creating greenhouse conditions when you are near your pet every minute is not the best option. Gradually teach the dog to sleep in its place, ideally in a special box of suitable size. This will not only save you from annoying company, but will also make your pet more independent and patient.

Hungarian cops are distinguished by high level intelligence, but still, training will be beneficial only with the right approach to training the animal. The command “Come to me!” better to work in early age, when the baby does not leave the owner a single step. From birth, Vizsla puppies tend to carry objects of interest in their mouths, and this is a good reason to teach your pet the “Fetch!” command. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the cop will get used to holding the thing in his teeth, but not giving it to the owner.

WITH three months the intervention of an experienced trainer is necessary. He will test the puppy and give useful recommendations. A short course of educational training (5-6 lessons) would also be useful. The main thing is not to train a Vizsla for the sake of the process itself and the desire to show off its ingenuity among dog breeders. Each team must perform the main task of simplifying the interaction between humans and animals.

The owner of a Hungarian Vizsla must be patient and persistent. Rudeness is not the most appropriate tactic for communicating with an animal. Firstly, neglect will cause the dog to lose trust in its owner. Secondly, there is no question of productive training: the Vizsla will not follow the command if you raise your voice or hit the animal. Attentiveness, understanding and affection are the three pillars on which the training of any dog ​​is based, and the Hungarian Pointer is no exception.

Vizsla owners note that this breed requires simple, but mandatory care. The short hair of animals requires weekly combing (no more than twice) with a furminator glove or a natural bristle brush. Combs with sparse large teeth are ineffective. Due to the lack of undercoat, animals shed all year round, but especially in winter and spring. During this period, it is recommended to comb the dog’s coat every day.

You should only bathe your Hungarian Vizsla when necessary. Frequent procedures dry out the skin and gradually wash away the natural protective fat layer from the coat. Use only pet shampoos for short-haired dog breeds. During the shedding period, use a rubber glove: this will speed up the removal of dead hairs. In the winter season, it is permissible to “clean” with dry shampoo, which is rubbed into the coat and then combed out thoroughly.

The next object of attention is the dog’s ears. Healthy ears without ulcers or rashes, they have a soft pink color. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to wipe them twice a month with a moistened cotton pad or a drying agent. If your dog is shaking its head for no reason or rubbing its ears on flat surfaces, contact veterinary clinic: This is due to ear mites or a slow inflammatory process.

The Hungarian Vizsla's eyes need to be examined daily, especially after walking and hunting. If excessive souring and tearing are not observed, owner intervention is not required. Morning discharge is acceptable and can be removed with a cotton pad or a lint-free piece of cloth. Redness of the eyes is a good reason to consult a specialist who will determine the cause of the inflammation. Often this is not only an allergic reaction to food, but also accidental damage, for example, during active running in tall grass.

Concerning oral cavity cop, you should take care of brushing your teeth, but not more than once or twice a month, otherwise you will damage the enamel. To remove plaque, use a brush or a finger attachment; as a hygiene product, use paste for dogs. If the Hungarian Vizsla eats dry food, the teeth are cleaned involuntarily. When only natural food is used, the procedure requires special care. For prevention, you can purchase “bones” from compressed animal veins: they will slow down the formation of plaque.

Note: the use of “human” toothpastes is prohibited. Firstly, they are distinguished by a sharp and unpleasant taste for the animal, and secondly, the hygiene product can cause an allergy to any of the components.

To trim nails once a month, you need to purchase a nail clipper for large breeds. Burrs and sharp edges are smoothed using a file. Since most often dogs are not delighted with this procedure, it is necessary to accustom it to it from puppyhood. If the Vizsla is nervous and tries to run away from you, limit yourself to trimming the nails on one paw. The rest should be postponed until the next day. After the procedure, praise your pet for its patience and reward it with its favorite treat. This will help establish a trusting relationship and will speed up the creation of a neat “manicure” in the future.

There are no special requirements for the nutrition of the Hungarian Vizsla. The main conditions are low fat and calorie content of products, as well as the presence of nutrients necessary for the full development of the dog. Lean meat (boiled or scalded with boiling water) is an essential component of a cop’s natural diet. It must be supplemented with cereals, seasonal vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products and boiled eggs (twice a week). Vizsla owners recommend adding the animal to their food every day vegetable oil(no more than 1 tbsp): this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the coat. To replenish fatty acids, you need to give the cop fish oil.

Please note: if you have opted for natural nutrition, consult your veterinarian regarding mineral and vitamin supplements for dogs.

For convenience, you can limit yourself to dry and wet food of the premium, super-premium or holistic classes, ideally options for dogs with sensitive digestion. The serving size must match that indicated on the package; increasing it can lead to excess weight.

The diet of a shorthaired pointer should not include:

  • foods that cause bloating (peas, beans, raw cabbage);
  • pickled, salty and spicy food with spices;
  • milk with increased content lactose;
  • raw, boiled or fried river fish;
  • tubular bones of any size;
  • carbohydrate-containing products;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • flour and sweet;
  • fat meat;
  • berries.

Since this is an active breed, your dog's bowl needs to be filled with fresh water, preferably bottled, daily. Flow-through water is also suitable if you leave it for 6-8 hours before use.

Hungarian Vizslas feel comfortable both in a private house and in an apartment - however, subject to regular walking. Despite the ability to adapt to harsh climates, dog experts do not recommend keeping these dogs in an enclosure due to the missing undercoat. For winter walks, it is worth purchasing warm clothes for the Hungarian Vizsla: a vest or overalls lined with fleece.

Representatives of the breed need two daily walks, each about 1.5-2 hours. To do this, it is recommended to find a fenced area away from busy traffic and crowds of people. Only here the cops have plenty of time to run around without a leash and stretch their paws. Help make your walk more fun and active sport games– for example, chasing a frisbee or a ball, – as well as agility (going through an obstacle course).

Health and diseases of the Hungarian Vizsla

With proper exercise and proper nutrition, representatives of the breed can boast of stable immunity. Hungarian Pointers are not prone to colds - a rarity for short-haired dogs. However, cynologists identify a number of diseases that are most often found in Vizslas. Among them:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland and, as a consequence, hormonal imbalances;
  • cancerous tumor (most often in unsterilized bitches);
  • retinal atrophy;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • epilepsy;
  • cataract;
  • allergy.

How to choose a puppy

The first step towards purchasing a healthy dog ​​is finding a specialized kennel. Private breeders offer a lower cost, but at the same time do not guarantee good health and a balanced psyche of the Hungarian Vizsla.

The next stage is a conversation with the breeder. Ask him to shed light on the nuances:

  • titles and awards of parents;
  • conditions for keeping the puppy;
  • vaccinations received;
  • diet

Your task is to get as much information as possible about your future four-legged friend. Express your desire to “talk” with the dog and the bitch: this will help identify possible defects in the baby. If the breeder avoids a direct answer, he has something to hide. To avoid the risk, you should contact another nursery.

Now you can start getting to know the litter. Healthy puppies distinguish excessive activity and curiosity about the environment. If your baby's instincts are important to you, give him a little test: tie a game wing to a fishing rod and lower him into the enclosure. At the sight of prey, the Hungarian Vizsla puppy will stand up, and this is a sure sign that you will get a great hunter.

Carefully examine the candidates for the role of your friend. A baby in good health is moderately well-fed, clean, does not limp and is playful towards you. Choose a medium-sized puppy with no noticeable defects. Be prepared for the fact that your baby's appearance will change with age. For greater confidence in compliance with the breed standard, it is worth focusing on adult dogs.

The sex of the Hungarian Vizsla is an equally important selection criterion. Bitches are distinguished by a more docile and friendly character, as opposed to males - independent, capricious and inclined to “challenge” the owner’s leadership. At the same time, females often create additional problems during estrus, which can result in an unwanted pregnancy.

Most often, puppies are put up for sale at 1.5-2 months. At this age, babies have already learned to feed themselves, acquired primary socialization skills, are strong enough and are ready for a new life without maternal care. Buying a Vizsla younger age will result in many problems, including an unstable psyche and weakened immunity.

Hungarian Vizsla price

The price of Hungarian Pointer puppies is determined by several factors:

  • location and popularity of the nursery;
  • class of the dog - for participation in exhibitions (shows), breeding (breeding) or keeping as a pet (pet);
  • characteristics of the animal (including compliance with the breed standard);
  • awards and titles from parents.

The average cost of a Hungarian Vizsla varies from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles. Dogs with an elite pedigree can cost owners more money, while animals with defects cost less. People from the poultry market are attracted by their low price, but there is a high risk of buying a non-purebred dog with a weakened immune system. You should not spare money on your future companion, because the joyful moments that communication with a Hungarian Vizsla will give are priceless!
