Characteristics of Cancer men and women born in the year of the Horse. Eastern zodiac horoscope: Horse – Cancer

Eastern Zodiac– Yours zodiac sign gives you a certain set of characteristics, but also an annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called character of a combination. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs
Eastern signs:
Zodiac signs:



Everything that is rational, reasonable, gray and dry in the soul should be left in the soul. And we need to bring out the emotions, beauty, sensuality of the sign. Moreover, separate good feelings from evil ones and throw out the evil ones once and for all. You must be everyone's favorite, get along with everyone and never, with a single hint, demonstrate that you can be angry with anyone... You are either an angel with wings and everyone loves you, or a devil with horns and then the worst consequences await you. Special attention it is worth paying attention to grace and stature. But we can say less.

Harrison Ford (13.7.1942). His Indiana Jones - kind, resourceful, brave, noble - is the same moral hero, which should be at the center of the best cinema. About himself: “I am Mr. Anything, an ordinary guy who looks at himself soberly. I don’t show off my face, and I don’t shine with intelligence. A romantic, a simpleton.” Well, modestly and tastefully.

Frunze Mkrtchyan (4.7.1930). “Mimino”, “Vanity of Vanities” - the charm of the characters he created is boundless. His heroes are like children, pure, spontaneous, naive. It is impossible not to be offended or angry with them. Watch and copy.


Well, for what image was the horoscope so generous, who did it make the leader of society, what person did it assume was the most common among people? Well, the world of light and goodness can triumph, it is truly said that beauty will save the world, for The main purpose of the Aristocrat is to bring beauty to the world. Everything here is just like in a textbook, as Chekhov taught: “everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.”

Let's start with the simplest thing, with clothes. The most correct thing: follow fashion, create fashion, spend a lot of money on clothes, expand your wardrobe ad infinitum. But this is only the beginning - elegance, the beauty of gestures and facial expressions, and the beauty of the eyes are much more important. However, the eyes are already about the face.

The face for an Aristocrat is even more important than clothes. It just so happens that most people with this horoscope have large and expressive eyes and really very beautiful harmonious faces. But even if for some reason the face has not become the standard of beauty, then it must definitely be sweet, gentle and friendly. We're talking, of course, about facial expression.

As for the soul and thoughts, here we come to the most important thing. An aristocrat must appear human morally impeccable and clean. Any, even the most insignificant doubts about moral impeccability, self-interest, malice, or secret intentions must be refuted instantly.

You can add any number of new words to Chekhov's list. Let there be beautiful furniture, beautiful smells, a beautiful hairstyle, a beautiful voice... Elegance and grace, every gesture, every flutter of eyelashes, every look - everything should be perfect.

There is only one “but”, we are talking about stylish beauty, elegance, unity of style, but not about sweetness and prettiness.


So that the picture is not so idyllic, we immediately note that such an accurate understanding of beauty and style is given to the Aristocrat due to the finest adjustments of emotional perception. It is spiritual subtlety and sensitivity that guarantee the beauty and harmony of an Aristocrat.

So you have to pay for beauty with a subtle nervous system that is not suitable for rough relationships. Hence the wish for those around us to take care of Aristocrats, treat them tenderly and reverently, and literally blow away specks of dust from them. The reward for such attention will be the continuous flowering of the Aristocrat. Imagine that this is a delicate flower, you can come up with a name yourself - rose, tulip, lily of the valley, and so on. This is how you treat the Aristocrat like a flower.

Well, the Aristocrat himself must carry out a very thorough revision of his arsenal of emotions, selecting joyful, favorable, beautiful emotions, expected by the very spectators who surround him.

Thus, the Aristocrat brings to life not only beauty, but also emotional richness. He should be able to rejoice if he is given a gift, he should be able to have fun if he is amused. Well, if an Aristocrat was offended, then he should be very seriously offended. So that you immediately want to feel sorry for him. An Aristocrat must constantly evoke a feeling of compassion, a feeling of pity.

In a word, we are talking about a game, but a very sincere one, coming from the depths of the soul. But you shouldn’t play around, just as you shouldn’t play what is not expected of you. It’s stupid to be offended if no one offended you, it’s stupid to have fun if no one thought of making you laugh. And so on.


It is easy to guess that the great gift of emotional genius is not very effective in face-to-face communication, provoking an emotional duel when too much energy is splashed out on the opponent. It's a completely different matter when there are a lot of spectators. There is a direct analogy with the traditional way of life for the aristocracy, filled with various social events, balls, receptions and so on.

So it is strategically important for the Aristocrat to have more people around so that he is always the center of attention. Only then will the Aristocrat appear in all his splendor.

We can say that Aristocrat is the best sociologist, because he amazingly studied the laws of the auditorium, the crowd, and society. The aristocrat is the best expert on the collective mind. Therefore, it is he, with all his external unreasonableness and emotionality, that is the best sociologist, political strategist, advertising agent, and so on. It is not analysis, but precisely a subtle instinct that helps the Aristocrat recognize the preferences of the masses. Well, in order to become the soul of any company, he only needs to want it.

But it’s better for an Aristocrat not to strive for power. His desire to please absolutely everyone can play a cruel joke on him. A ruler must sometimes take unpopular measures. In addition, the Aristocrat receives too large advances that need to be worked off. As a result, in power he always goes from top to bottom, but it should be the other way around.


So: It is undesirable for an Aristocrat to go into power, - a sea of ​​​​charm, but inevitable disappointment. And what else?

And you don’t have to pretend to be a great smart guy; it’s much more important to seem honest, noble and moderately naive. There is no need to chatter non-stop; it is better to remain beautifully silent or speak briefly, succinctly and aphoristically. Long and meaningless conversations are not a noble thing, especially serious conversations that affect emotional sphere. The aristocrat quickly boils and, when boiling, instantly loses all its charm. It is better to have some familiar words prepared in advance for all occasions, and most importantly, intonation. For an Aristocrat, intonation means more than the word itself.

You should absolutely never be at enmity with anyone. If you really can’t stand it, then it’s better to flare up and shout, but just not quarrel on an ongoing basis. And therefore, no long-term grudges, no revenge. There should be an even, friendly relationship with everyone. You shouldn’t join one of the warring groups, you shouldn’t perform feats in the name of friendship, you just need to have pleasant, unburdensome relationships with everyone. Absolute goodwill towards everyone is the only way to preserve own health. But you need to take care of others in moderation. They must take care of the Aristocrat. After all, he is the center of the universe.

The presence of enemies is destructive for an Aristocrat; when he is not loved, he melts like a candle.


If an Aristocrat is a boss, then he must have a Cerberus deputy who would compensate for the goodwill of a too soft boss. In all other cases, the Aristocrat should strive to become everyone's favorite, the most beautiful, the most elegant, a pleasant person in all respects. But the main thing is that he is a person above suspicion, with impeccable moral authority.


The free, capricious Horse woman under the sign of Cancer becomes softer and more flexible, nevertheless, remaining with the same requirements for life. She looks like a calm, fair, reasonable and emotionally stable person who approaches all situations wisely.

Personality Traits

Cancer-Horse is always full of energy and determination. She is passionate about hard work, which is why a woman with such an astrological combination is respected at work and in the family circle. She is sociable and easily makes new friends - the shyness inherent in the zodiac Cancer, thanks to the Horse, is almost gone in her.

A sensitive and vulnerable woman, accustomed to hiding her feelings.

Cancer-Horse rarely lets anyone close to him. During times of stress, this woman tends to back away, driving herself into a corner because of her own experiences. Deep internal contradictions often lead to depressive states. But she will never show this in society, so as not to ruin her reputation. Lives in accordance with personal interests.

What are Cancer-Horses like in a love relationship?

Emotionality is used to its advantage, turning this character trait into a personal mystery. Men like sensual women and, despite the difficulties in relationships, they accept this uniqueness of Cancer-Horse. The unusualness only fuels their feelings.

Cancer-Horse woman is a holiday that is always with you.

Activity and dynamism make the feelings and impressions that this lady evokes varied. Tenderness and devotion do not mean that she is ready to sacrifice her interests; she values ​​independence and freedom above all else. She never imposes herself, which she will not tolerate in a partner.

Marriage and family of a Cancer woman born in the year of the Horse

Such women rarely become housewives; this area is too narrow to show their full potential. However, a prestigious job does not prevent them from cherishing their loved ones, devoting a lot of time to raising children and maintaining a home.

Cancer-Horse - example strong woman, which is enough for everyone.

A reverent attitude towards family traditions, celebrations of anniversaries and small events, traveling with the whole family to distant countries - this is the way of life of a Cancer-Horse family woman.

Without love, a person simply cannot live. But everyone has their own time for this. Someone is trying to build a family, but they just can’t do it. Why this happens, you can find out from astrologers. They provide answers to questions such as who should get married and when, and whether these signs are compatible in love.

Characteristics of a Cancer – Horse man

The Cancer Horse man has a special character trait. He is a resourceful person. He will always find a way to circumvent punishment and evade the task. This is a very unpredictable person. People around them often cannot understand what is on their mind and what they will do in the next minute.

The Cancer Horse man is one of the representatives of the strong half of humanity, who is devoid of logic in the usual sense of the word. But at the same time he is a very lucky person. He always gets his way, but only using methods known to him. Sometimes he oversteps the bounds of what is permitted and uses dishonest methods. As they say, it goes against general principles and rules of morality.

Cancer-Horse man loves freedom. He obeys no one. His parents will also say what a difficult child he was as a child. Society does not accept such free-thinking people. Their behavior is brought into the realm of the absurd.

By nature, the Cancer-Horse man is courageous and ambitious. He always sets a high goal for himself and tries to achieve what he wants using his own methods. Thus, he wants to prove to everyone that he is unique, a genius, but no one believed in it.

The ideas this guy is always full of don’t always lead to something good. A representative of this sign often finds himself in an unpleasant situation. Usually they cope with the problems that arise themselves. But no lesson is learned from this. After some time they get into trouble again. To prevent this from happening again, they need to think more carefully about their plans. Inconstancy of character is their main enemy.

Cancer man - Horse loves risk. He always immerses himself completely in the implementation of his idea. For this he doesn’t feel sorry for anything. He can spend all his savings for this. The representative of this sign does not know how to plan and manage his own financial resources. They just never think about what will happen tomorrow.

Advancing up the career ladder for these guys is not an end in itself. Most likely, this is a pleasure for them. They enjoy the process itself. This ease helps them quickly move up the ladder of professional improvement.

Compatibility in love between Cancer and Horse men

Cancer - Horse man enters into a relationship with a girl while still early age. However, such a connection does not end anywhere. The unpredictability of this zodiac sign rules everything in this area as well. Even if this guy feels something for a representative of the fair half of humanity, he can abandon her for the sake of an idea he suddenly came up with. Especially if intimate relationships prevent him from realizing it.

As he gets older, the Cancer-Horse man becomes calmer. Now he doesn't change his mind so dramatically. However, he still focuses on own feelings. If the love has passed and feelings for the girl have cooled, then he simply breaks up with her. Because of this, these guys are often left alone for the rest of their lives.

If a Cancer-Horse man has finally found a family, then he needs to try to keep close people close to him. You should not constantly criticize your wife. You need to treat her as an individual. Then the woman will feel care and love from him. Relationships between loving people will be happy.

If a Cancer-Horse man does not wallow in his loneliness and decides to connect his life with a representative of the opposite sex, then he should pay attention to women who, according to the horoscope, belong to the year of the Tiger, Dog and Horse. But girls born in the year of the Dragon, Rat and Monkey are completely unsuitable for them.

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As you know, there are several options for the horoscope, and it is recommended to listen to all of them. Intersection Eastern horoscope- a symbol of the year of birth with a horoscope according to the signs of the Zodiac - the constellation corresponding to the day and month of birth creates a variety of combinations of characters. These horoscopes can enhance or weaken the qualities of the signs and their symbols. The Cancer-Horse horoscope is a characteristic of people born from June 22 to July 22 in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026.

The combination of Cancer and Horse combines the emotional stamina of the Horse with the good-natured traits of Cancer. Such people have strength, intelligence and a free spirit. They, like all Cancers, are endowed with a dreamy imagination, and the timidity and uncertainty of this zodiac sign is completely compensated by the sign of the energetic and self-confident Horse. However, these Cancers are much calmer and more balanced than all other Horses. That is, based on comprehensive analysis combined horoscope, it turns out that Cancer-Horses are balanced, self-sufficient and quite nice people. It’s always a pleasure to be in company with them and discuss the most incredible news. These people are always well informed on many issues and have their own opinions on everything.

Cancer-Horse character is usually cheerful and gentle. This optimistic sign loves communication and values ​​the team that interests him. He can talk restlessly or conduct active correspondence tirelessly. But, along with this, Cancer-Horse is a rather homely sign that values ​​the intimate space of its territory and carefully protects its family from unpleasant life situations.

A kind, considerate attitude towards others allows these people to get along well with others. And selfless hard work always provides them with a high position in society. In addition, Cancer-Horses have a rich imagination and an analytical mind, which allows them to achieve success in any field. They get real pleasure from traveling, to which the Horse’s innate love of freedom pushes them. They are not afraid to take risks and are able to enjoy life in the open spaces under open air. Their uncontrollable passion for a free life pushes them to various exploits, but they always look forward to returning home.

Of course, this sign also has its own negative qualities And weak sides. If Cancer, born in the year of the Horse, has personal space in sufficient quantity, you may never know the worst sides of his personality. But when he feels driven into a corner, he becomes rude and straightforward, which, of course, is not liked by those around him. He can sharply express dissatisfaction with this or that issue, and openly demonstrate his negative attitude To individuals or phenomena. However, there is a small plus in this - such people quickly speak out and do not hide a stone in their bosom. Therefore, most often they themselves come to the realization of the need to find a compromise solution.

The Horse-Cancer man easily changes his mood, and often he himself is not sure how he will look at the world after the next hour: with a cheerful smile or frowning eyebrows. He combines the most incredible combinations in his character: dynamism and melancholy, loyalty and love of freedom, dreaminess and realism. But one thing can be said with certainty: this Horse is very careful because Cancer is completely uncharacteristic of imprudent behavior.

Such a man needs to be a leader, he really does not like to lose, but at the same time he does not position himself as a person with strong character. Cancer's indecisiveness and timidity is balanced by Horse's confidence and energy, which allows him to achieve a lot in life. For a long time romantic aspirations and searches, in the end, culminate in the choice of the one and only life partner. Then the family becomes for this person a quiet haven, a place of peace and tranquility.

The beautiful and mysterious Cancer-Horse woman has a subtle spiritual organization. She is prone to emotionally intense experiences that only she understands. Unfortunately, this woman will not be able to avoid disappointment in love because she is too sensitive, vulnerable, romantic and naive.

After getting married, she considers service to a man to be the main thing in her family. She adores her children and her selfless love for them is based on understanding and spiritual closeness with them. Comfort and financial well-being, but, nevertheless, she does not consider this the most important thing in life and, if necessary, can refuse everything. Treating people with kindness and respect, along with high intelligence help her to succeed in life and take a high social position in society.

The Cancer-Horse child, like most Cancers, is a very secretive and unpredictable baby. He does not know how to openly express his feelings and always tries not to show his subtle emotions and vulnerable sensitivity. All this can be hidden behind a mask of confidence, playfulness and eccentricity. Such puzzle children require a lot of attention and patience in order to unravel their true intentions and experiences. But, in the end, they grow into honest and respectable people.

People who combine the qualities of the signs of Cancer and Horse know how to work in a team and deftly cope with the responsibilities of an organizer. But if the planned project does not bring them material benefits or moral satisfaction, they are able to easily and without regret abandon it. By and large, such people are primarily preoccupied with themselves, and direct all their rather powerful energy to the realization of their personal interests.

Union vulnerable Cancer and the strong-willed Horse - a harmonious combination that endows its representatives with nobility, sensitivity and spiritual generosity. Such people are modest, sensitive, dependent on the opinions of others, but at the same time they have sufficient inner strength to help others. Timid Cancers, under the influence of the hardy Horse, become emotionally stable, gain strength and self-confidence. True, they retain their characteristic caution and are in no hurry to open up to everyone. According to the combined horoscope, Cancer-Horse is a balanced, harmoniously developed personality. People of this combination have self-control and self-control, so they know how to restrain negative manifestations of their character. They give the impression of happy, satisfied people with life.

Characteristics of Horse Cancer

Such Cancers value their reputation: they are vulnerable, touchy, and painfully experience criticism. Although they do not betray their insecurity in any way: they are cheerful and optimistic about everything that happens. The obstinate, hot Horse is unable to overcome the shyness of Cancer, force him to become more relaxed and free. This representative of the water sign is characterized by indecision and a tendency to self-examination. Even in tandem with the Horse, he remains true to himself: he reliably keeps personal secrets and secrets. Cancer-Horses are distinguished by their isolation and secrecy: they are afraid of getting into an unpleasant situation or hearing an unflattering opinion about themselves. They prefer friendly, non-binding communication; they act as pleasant interlocutors, but nothing more.

Charming Horse Cancers know how to make a good impression and are distinguished by refined manners. They avoid conflicts in every possible way, do not like to quarrel and sort things out. The Horse itself is an obstinate and freedom-loving creature, but in alliance with Cancer it becomes more patient and collected. Therefore, people are drawn to her, looking for sympathy and understanding. main feature Cancer-Horse sign - compassion and responsiveness. However, one should not confuse the goodwill and gentleness of Cancer-Horses with weak character and lack of will. They are quite capable of defending their opinion, they will not indulge the whims of others and act against their will. Of course, they will do without quarrels and scandals, but they will definitely do it their own way.

Such balanced and calm Cancer-Horses are actually not too confident in themselves. They are subject to mood swings, prone to long thoughts, and find it difficult to make any decisions. They can be quick-tempered and irritable, and in the heat of a quarrel they can say unnecessary things. True, they know how to pull themselves together in time and cope quite successfully with panic moods. For those around them, Cancer Horses are cheerful, sociable people who can support any conversation. There is nothing annoying about them; on the contrary, they attract attention with their friendly demeanor. They have developed eloquence, a rich imagination, and love to indulge in daydreams. However, at the same time, they are practical and reasonable, firmly following the principle: every person is the creator of his own destiny.

Cancer Horse Compatibility

IN love relationships Cancer-Horse manifests itself as a gentle, romantic person. She feels her partner subtly and reacts emotionally to changes in his mood. Perhaps he doesn't show his affection too clearly, but he takes relationships seriously. Cancer-Horse dreams of a strong marriage and is not prone to frivolous relationships. You can completely rely on this person: he doesn’t promise fireworks of feelings, but he will take care of you until the end of your life. What comes first is not external attractiveness, but the spiritual qualities of the partner.

The love horoscope promises Cancer-Horse a prosperous family life. He is deeply attached to his loved ones, gentle and caring towards them. Likes to spend time at home, painfully experiences separation from family, rarely and with great reluctance goes to business trips. The Cancer Horse is an ardent supporter of family traditions and gets great pleasure from a quiet and measured life. He idolizes his soul mate and does not notice any shortcomings in her. He devotes a lot of time to raising his children and tries for their well-being.

Cancer Horse Career

Reasonable, restrained, diligent Cancer-Horse is an example of an ideal worker. He is distinguished by crystal honesty, hard work and a responsible approach to business. Whatever field of activity you choose, you will definitely prove yourself with the best side. It has such a set of qualities that it is completely unlimited in its choice. Easy to find mutual language with people: conflict-free, always ready to compromise. Therefore, it is not surprising that Cancer-Horse has a reputation as a wise and talented leader.

Executive, attentive to details, Cancer-Horse is not afraid of monotonous work. Although the active Horse strives for freedom, it needs frequent changes of activity. Restrained Cancer teaches her perseverance and a serious approach to business. Therefore, people of this combination know how to work in a team and are not afraid to take responsibility. They have good organizational skills and are quite successful as politicians and public figures. In addition, among Horse Cancers there are famous athletes, scientists, actors and writers.

The sensitive and vulnerable Cancer-Horse man tries to look like a confident person. People like his polite, courteous manner. Tries to control all his words and actions, but by nature this is quite emotional person. Moreover, he is insecure and always doubts himself. Despite his sociability, he often feels the need to leave and hide from everyone. The Cancer-Horse man is completely devoid of leadership ambitions, so he chooses a job he likes. But no one can accuse him of laziness; he is a very responsible and hardworking person. In love relationships, he manifests himself as a timid partner, ready to make concessions. He will be happy with a powerful, confident woman who can control him.

Cancer-Horse is a woman full of contradictions; it is difficult to guess her real feelings. This is a prudent person, endlessly devoted to her family. WITH early years dreams of getting married and finding a reliable protector. At the same time, she is quite a freedom-loving woman, capable of getting involved in dubious adventures. Men like her softness and femininity, but Cancer-Horse can be stubborn and selfish, even tyrannical. Therefore, she needs a partner who is ready to rush to help at the first call, but who does not limit her freedom. A woman of this combination of signs is a complex person, but quite predictable if a man can find an approach to her. True, one can never be sure of her true feelings, because the inner world of a Cancer-Horse woman is a great mystery.
