Open Lesson-Conference on Geography "Global Problems of Mankind". Methodical development "lesson press conference on geography" Development of a lesson conference on geography

Organization: GBOU School No. 1692

Location: Moscow region, Zelenograd

Purpose: consolidation of previously studied material.

Type of lesson: generalization.

Equipment: handout, multimedia board, presentation.

Course progress.

I Org. moment:

The group is divided into small groups (4 people).

The jury (1-2 people) is selected. Valuation of the correct answer by 5 points.

Each working group chooses a captain. Instruction cards with tasks are distributed, work is explained.

IIRelated work:

Task number 1. According to the proposed description, you need to find out the economic region. Supplement existing information.

Task number 2. one member of each team is invited to the table, where they draw out a word that needs to be explained to the general audience, the faster the word is guessed, the more points.

Captains competition. They are selected from the proposed pictures on the multimedia board for a specific task of illustration.

At this time, one of the participants approaches the jury to work on the contour map, the task is given to each participant.

The remaining members of the group work with task number 3.

Task number 3. establish compliance. The correct answers will be given to the jury. The speed and correctness of the task performed are evaluated.

The results of the work of the team captain are heard. Evaluated work on the contour map.

One person is invited to the multimedia board "Decipher the topic." Choose concepts that are specific to the topic that the participant will draw.

Task number 4. The rest continue to work on the route sheet. Working with the atlas, they give an answer to the proposed task.

The results of the work of students who worked individually are heard.

Task number 5. performs the whole group, the results are announced, evaluated by the jury.

Task number 6. Based on the distributed material, the group prepares an answer to the question posed.

III Summing up the lesson:

The results of the work of each working group are summed up, conclusions are drawn, the most active students are marked, marks are given.

IV Homework:

Prepare a project on the topic "Global problems of mankind."


Economic regions of the world.

This economic region consists of 2 countries. States go to the two coasts of the oceans. The territory of one of the countries was formed in 3 stages. The distribution of the population is determined, first of all, by the geography of cities, the total number of which reaches an impressive figure - almost 9 thousand, the type of city in a given country is distinguished by specific features, most of which are explained by the relative youth of cities. The country's industry is distinguished by a high level of industrial and territorial concentration, it is focused on the production of both mass, serial, and especially complex, unique products. The country of this region was the first to move to agribusiness. The framework of the transport network is formed by transcontinental highways of latitudinal and meridional directions.

2. Understand me.

2. New Delhi

2.Western Europe

3. France

3. North Africa

4. Overseas Asia

5. Mexico

5. North America

4. Describe the features of the industry in Southern Europe.


Southern Europe-_____________- _________;

Latin America - bananas - ___________;

6. Ecological problems of Foreign Asia.


Economic regions of the world.

1. What economic region are we talking about?

There are two giant countries on the territory of the economic region, most of the rest belong to fairly large countries, while there are also micro-states. EGP differs inconsistency: coastal and deep position of the countries. The main wealth of the region, which largely determines its role in the international geographical division of labor, is oil. The distribution of the population in the region is highly uneven. More than 90% of the country's population lives in 1/3 of the territory. Most countries are characterized by mining and manufacturing industries, the textile industry; in the only developed country, the branches of the "avant-garde trio" predominate. In the region's agriculture, there are several areas - rice cultivation, subtropical agriculture, pasture animal husbandry.

2. Understand me.

It is necessary to give a description so that the rest of the students of the group understand without mentioning this word.

3. Establish compliance by justifying the choice:

4. Describe the features of the North American industry.

5. Features of agriculture in the regions.

Fill in the diagram, justify the choice according to the diagram

Western Europe-_____________-UK;

Tropical Africa-________ - _________________;

According to the scheme, offer your option.

6. Environmental problems of Latin America.


Economic regions of the world.

1. What economic region are we talking about?

The overwhelming majority of the population of the economic subregion belongs to the equatorial race. The most backward part of the entire developing world, within its 29 least developed countries. About half of the rural population is engaged in subsistence agriculture, the rest - low-commodity. Hoe tillage predominates, with the almost complete absence of a plow. In the equatorial forests there are tribes and even peoples who still live by hunting, fishing and gathering. This sub-region is the least industrialized and urbanized in the world. Only one fairly large area of ​​the mining industry has developed here - the Copper Belt. The subregion lags behind in the development of the transport network - its pattern is represented by lines isolated from each other leading from the ports to the hinterland. Many countries do not have railways. It is customary to carry small loads on their heads.

2. Understand me.

It is necessary to give a description so that the rest of the students of the group understand without mentioning this word.

3. Establish compliance by justifying the choice:

4. Describe the features of the industry in Northern Europe.

5. Features of agriculture in the regions.

Fill in the diagram, justify the choice according to the diagram

Region - specialization - country:

Dairy farming - Denmark;

Rice cultivation - _____________;

According to the scheme, offer your option.

6. Ecological problems of North America.


Economic regions of the world.

1. What economic region are we talking about?

The position of the sub-region is determined, first of all, by its Mediterranean "facade", thanks to which the sub-region actually neighbors with Southern Europe and South-West Asia, "rear" - form sparsely populated areas of a large desert, bordering on the most backward part of the entire developing world. Economic life is concentrated in the coastal strip, here are the main centers of the manufacturing industry, the main areas of subtropical agriculture. Almost the entire population of the subregion is concentrated in this belt. The southern part of the subregion is very sparsely populated. The agricultural population is concentrated in oases. In some frequent deserts there are oil and gas fields.

2. Understand me.

It is necessary to give a description so that the rest of the students of the group understand without mentioning this word.

3. Establish compliance by justifying the choice:

1. Helsinki

1. South Africa

2.Buenos Aires

2. Bulgaria

2. Overseas Asia

3. Pretoria

3. Argentina

4. Northern Europe

5. Finland

5. Eastern Europe

4. Describe the features of the industry of Foreign Asia.

5. Features of agriculture in the regions.

Fill in the diagram, justify the choice according to the diagram

Region - specialization - country:

Monocultures - ____________;

Latin America - _________ - Argentina;

According to the scheme, offer your option.

6. Environmental problems of foreign Europe.


Economic regions of the world.

1. What economic region are we talking about?

The EGP of the countries of the region is determined by two features: first, the coastal position of the vast majority of countries, many of which are located near the busiest sea routes; secondly, the neighboring position of the countries in relation to each other. All branches of industry characteristic of developed countries are represented, with the branches of the "avant-garde trio" especially predominating. Under the influence of natural and historical conditions, three main types of agriculture have developed in the region. In the second half of the 1990s, a unified transport network of the region began to form, which developed into nine transport corridors, combining highways, railways, inland waterways, seaports, and air communications.

2. Understand me.

It is necessary to give a description so that the rest of the students of the group understand without mentioning this word.

3. Establish compliance by justifying the choice:


2. Nairobi

2. Northern Europe

3. Uruguay

3. Tropical Africa

4. Overseas Asia

5. Montevideo

5. North America

4. Describe the features of the industry in Latin America.

5. Features of agriculture in the regions.

Fill in the diagram, justify the choice according to the diagram

Region - specialization - country:

North Africa- _________- ____________;

Sheep breeding - ____________;

According to the scheme, offer your option.

6. Ecological problems of Tropical Africa.


Economic regions of the world.

1. What economic region are we talking about?

The EGP of the region is determined by the fact that it is located relatively close to the United States, but at a great distance from other large regions. Most countries have either wide access to the sea or are islands. The region ranks first in terms of water resources. Huge wealth is forests, it is no coincidence that the extensive name “green continent” has been assigned to this region. There is an active process of formation of urban agglomerations, and urbanization is false. For a long time, the industry was characterized by the mining industry, recently, the leading role in the industry has passed to the manufacturing industry. Agriculture is represented by two sectors, while its backwardness is observed, which is expressed in the preservation of old forms of land ownership and land use. In many countries of the region, a regional policy is being implemented aimed at smoothing out the disproportions between the economic capital and the territory of the state.

2. Understand me.

It is necessary to give a description so that the rest of the students of the group understand without mentioning this word.

3. Establish compliance by justifying the choice:

4. Describe the features of the North African industry.

5. Features of agriculture in the regions.

Fill in the diagram, justify the choice according to the diagram

Region - specialization - country:

Meat farming - Denmark;


According to the scheme, offer your option.

6. Ecological problems of Eastern Europe.

Task: Describe the topic of your choice

A political map of the World

form of government, form of organization, monarchy, sovereignty,

"Big 7", presidential republic, non-European countries, developing countries, transition economy, unitary.

2. Population.

Reproduction, mortality, birth rate, demographic crisis, population, "population explosion", aging nation, demographic policy, "We are two - we are two", "One family - one child".

3. Population displacement.

Migration, brain drain, international, internal, political, labor, refugee flows, immigrants, military conflicts, emigrants.

4. Settlement.

Urbanization, false urbanization, megalopolis, rural population

urban population, agglomeration, North American type, nomadic

form of settlement, mixed type.

5. World economy

Economic geography, transport, machine industry,

division of labor, industry of specialization, MGRT, global TNC,

economic relations, world market, transnational corporation.

6. World natural resources

Resource supply, natural resources, world land fund, mineral resources, desertification, fresh water, recreation areas, northern forest belt, wildlife resources, alternative energy.

Task: Understand me:

EU, Tropical Africa, "economic corridors", "rear", false urbanization, megalopolis.

Task: Working with a contour map by commands

Put on a contour map:

A) giant countries (3 countries);

B) mark "India's economic corridors".

2. Apply to the contour map:

A) inland countries (3 countries);

B) note the features of the economic development of Japan ("rear" and "front" side), draw the main centers of industry.

3. Apply to the contour map:

A) archipelago countries (3 countries);

B) note the features of China's economic development (economic zones), mark the main centers of industry.

4. Apply to the contour map:

A) peninsular (3 countries);

B) note the features of the economic sub-regions of Foreign Europe, draw the main centers of industry.

5. Apply to the contour map:

A) island (3 countries);

B) Plot on a contour map countries exporting and importing coal.

6. Apply to the contour map:

A) countries with the largest population (3 countries);

B) Plot on a contour map countries exporting and importing oil.

Jury answer key

Team number 1.

North America

3. 1-3-2; 2-1-4; 3-5-1; 4-2-5; 5-4-3.

Team #2

Foreign Asia.

3. 1-5-2; 2-4-3; 3-2-4; 4-1-5; 5-3-1.

Team #3

Tropical Africa.

3. 1-2-5; 2-1-4; 3-5-1; 4-4-2; 5-2-3.

Team number 4.

North Africa.

3. 1-5-4; 2-3-3; 3-4-1; 4-2-5; 5-1-2.

Team #5

Foreign Europe.

3. 1-5-2; 2-1-3; 3-4-5; 4-2-4; 5-3-1.

Team No. 6

Latin America.

3. 1-3-4; 2-5-3; 3-1-5; 4-2-1; 5-4-2.


Maksakovskiy V.P. Economic and social geography of the world: textbook. for 10 cells. general education institutions / V.P. Maksakovskiy. - M. : Education, 2012. - 406 p.

Zhizina E.A., Nikitina N.A. Lesson developments in geography: Grade 10, -M .: VAKO, 2010. - 320s. - (To help the school teacher).

Maksakovskiy V.P. New in the world: figures and facts. Add. chapters for textbooks "Economic and social geography of the world" 10th grade: A guide for students in general education. institutions. – M.: Bustard, 2009. – 288s.

Geography: A reference guide for high school students and university applicants. - M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2013. - 656 p.

This lesson is the first lesson from the section "Global problems of mankind". At present, every person, regardless of his specialty, must be environmentally educated and environmentally cultured. Only in this case can he realistically assess the consequences of his practical activities when interacting with nature. The lesson takes the form of a conference where students reveal the essence, causes and solutions of global problems.



Lesson press conference "Global problems of mankind", geography Grade 11.

Gavrilyuk Olga Vladimirovna

Geography teacher

MAOU secondary school №38

City of Kaliningrad

Lesson Objectives:

  • Educational: to form a concept of the global problems of mankind, their essence, causes and solutions.
  • Developing: develop the skills of critical analysis of information, the ability to systematize it, evaluate it, use it to create a forecast.
  • Educational: to show the role of peaceful cooperation of all countries in solving world global problems, Russia's place in their resolution, the responsibility of each person. Formation of geographical and ecological culture of students, respect for nature.

Equipment: political map of the world, atlases for grade 10, handouts, student presentations, multimedia projector.

Lesson type: conference lesson.

Educational and methodological support:UMK: V.P. Maksakovskiy "Economic and social geography of the world" Moscow, "Prosveshchenie", 2011.

V.I.Sirotin. Geography. Workbook with a set of contour maps - M .: Drofa, 2012.

Lesson plan:

1. The concept of global problems.

2. Classification of global problems.

3. Main features of global problems.

4. Solutions.

During the classes:

1. Motivation-target block.

Teacher: Is the statement true: "If earlier our planet could die from natural phenomena, now it is not only from war, but also from peaceful conditions." (Student response options).

Teacher: One of the characteristic features of the modern world is the aggravation of global problems.

For thousands of years, man lived, worked, developed, but he did not even suspect that the day might come when it would become difficult, or maybe impossible, to breathe clean air, drink clean water, grow anything on the ground, since the air is polluted, the water is poisoned, the soil is contaminated with radiation and chemicals. The fact that this is a real threat to the entire Earth, many people do not think.

The term "global problems" entered the international lexicon in the second half of the 60s, it comes from the Latin "globe" - that is, the Earth and has three meanings: ubiquitous, characteristic of the globe as a whole, for all countries and peoples; significant, large-scale; general, comprehensive. A problem (from the Greek problema - task) is a complex, theoretical or practical issue that requires an adequate theory for its solution.

The last decades have put many acute and complex problems before the peoples of the world, which are called global and on which the survival of mankind on our planet depends. And today we will talk about the essence of global problems.

Problems are called globalwhich cover the whole world, all mankind, pose a threat to its present and future and require the joint efforts of all states and peoples for their solution.(Entry in a notebook)

The analysis of global problems is inconceivable without their scientific typology.There are various classifications of global problems. According to various sources of information, there are from 8-10 to 40-45 of them, and it is not possible to consider everything within 45 minutes of the lesson. Let's use the classification offered by the author of the geography textbook V.P. Maksakovsky.(Work of students with a textbook p. 353: write out 4 types of global problems).

1. "Universal" character.

The most "universal" problems of a political and socio-economic nature (preventing nuclear war and maintaining peace, ensuring the sustainable development of the world community and increasing the level of organization and control over it);

2. Natural - economic nature.

Problems of a predominantly natural and economic nature (environmental, energy, raw materials, food, the World Ocean);

3. Social character.

Problems of a predominantly social nature (demographic, interethnic relations, crisis of culture, morality, lack of democracy and health care, terrorism);

4. Mixed character.

Problems of a mixed nature, the unresolved nature of which often leads to mass deaths of people (regional conflicts, crime, technological accidents, natural disasters, etc.);

Teacher: main question (problem)to which you must answer today:Why are there problems on a planetary scale? What are the causes of global problems?(Children's answers).

Teacher: Having become acquainted with global problems and having understood their specifics, try to answer the question at the end of the lesson, if you are at a loss now.

2. Learning new material:The lesson takes the form of a press conference.Speakers (students of the class who received a leading task) speak with their works, which are designed in the form of presentations.

Global problem characterization plan:

1. The essence of the problem.

2. The reasons for its occurrence.

3. Ways to solve the problem.

The audience asks questions about the topic of the speeches. Fill in the table in notebooks. At the end of the lesson, they exchange opinions, give an answer to a problematic question.

Global problem

Evidence for the Problem


The accumulation of weapons of mass destruction in the world.


Disarmament control.

Peace treaties.

2. Environmental problem.

Climate change, ozone depletion, "greenhouse effect", environmental crisis in various parts of the world.

Growth in the number of protected areas.

Treatment facilities.

Creation of non-waste technologies.

Rational placement of "dirty industries".

3. Demographic problem.

Population explosion in developing countries, demographic crisis in developed countries. Uncontrolled urbanization, resettlement of refugees. Increasing pressure on nature.

Active demographic policy.

Increasing the economic level of development of countries.

Improving living conditions and medical care.

4. Food problem.

The world's population is growing faster than food production, especially in developing countries.

Intensive way of development of agriculture.

Growing demand for raw materials.

Depletion of the natural resources of the world.

Using the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution.

More complete extraction of minerals from the bowels.

Use of alternative energy sources.

Resource saving policy.

Brief abstracts of students' speeches:

1. The problem of peace and disarmament, the prevention of nuclear war.

The world has accumulated a stockpile of nuclear weapons sufficient to destroy life on Earth many times over. Until recently, six countries were classified as nuclear powers: the US, Russia, China, Britain, France, and India. All of these countries have signed a nuclear non-proliferation treaty that prohibits the transfer of nuclear technology to other countries. However, several countries are conducting independent research and are close to creating their own images of nuclear weapons (Iran and North Korea). This can lead to the fact that nuclear weapons will be used by countries that do not realize the full danger of their use and are not limited by international agreements. International terrorist organizations, for which there are no moral prohibitions, are also striving to acquire atomic weapons.

2. Environmental problem.

The deterioration of the quality of the habitat as a result of human economic activity can lead to the degeneration and even extinction of man. In some countries, the ecological situation has reached the level of an ecological crisis. There was a threat in the form of climate change on the Earth, the destruction of the ozone layer, thermal pollution of the atmosphere - the greenhouse effect, the frequency of natural disasters, desertification of land, deforestation, deterioration of air quality and fresh water.

3. Demographic problem.

Population growth is rapidly increasing the pressure on nature in general and natural resources in particular. A large share of this increase is accounted for by developing countries, whose economies cannot provide the population with the basic necessities. This increases the backwardness of these countries and intensifies the effect of the global problems of depletion of raw materials and energy.

4. Food problem.

The world's population is growing faster than food production. According to the UN, only 1/3 of the world's population is provided with a normal diet. Almost 2/3 of humanity lives in countries where there is a constant lack of food. 50% of the African population is on the verge of starvation.

5. Energy and raw materials problem.

This problem is associated with a very rapid growth in resource extraction and their irreplaceability, limited reserves. The existence of civilization in the absence of basic types of resources and energy sources looks problematic.

Teacher: So, using different sources of informationyou got to know some of the global problemswhich, in your opinion, can be considered the most serious and for the solution of which humanity needs to expend maximum efforts.

Why exactly in the 2nd half of the 20th century did most of the global problems become aggravated?(Student answers)

Causes of global problems:

  • Global problems arose as a result of the objective development of society and exist because of the contradictions between humanity, the environment and society;
  • The technical power of civilization has surpassed the achieved level of social organization and threatens to destroy all life;
  • The motives for the activities of the overwhelming mass of people, their moral values ​​are very far from ideals;

3. Reflection:

1. Can we say that global problems are relevant only for countries with a low level of development?

2. What global problems are most relevant for modern Russia?

3. At what stage did harmony reign between society and nature?

4. Why do problems get worse over time, rather than being solved?

Homework:pp. 361-364. A creative task on one of the global problems not covered in this lesson.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 32 named after the "Young Guard"

Oktyabrsky district of Rostov-on-Don

Development of a lesson-conference in geography for

9th grade

using multimedia presentations
on the topic “European South. Republics of the North Caucasus"

Compiled by: Makiyevskaya I.S.

geography teacher MOU secondary school №32

Grade 9

Economic and social geography of Russia

lesson-conference “European South. Republics of the North Caucasus"

geography teacher MOU secondary school №32

I.S. Makiyevskaya
Lesson type: lesson - conference
Lesson Objectives:

  • to continue the formation of ideas and knowledge among schoolchildren about the economic regions of Russia;

  • to acquaint students with the peculiarities of the geographical position and the main features of the nature of the republics of the North Caucasus;

  • to study the characteristics of the population of the region, its composition and structure;

  • analyze the main problems of the region - social, economic, environmental and possible ways to solve these problems.

Tasks lesson:

  • to develop in students the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

  • contribute to the formation of an information culture;

  • formation of skills to work with different sources of geographic information;

  • to promote the awakening of cognitive interest in the study of the native region and socio-emotional, patriotic feelings for the Motherland;

  • develop the ability to interact in small groups (communicative activity);

  • understanding the importance of tolerance and social behavior in a multinational country;

  • respect for the history and culture, traditions of the peoples of Russia;

Lesson technologies:

  • setting up the educational process on a proactive basis;

  • pedagogical cooperation;

  • critical thinking.

Lesson methods:

  • integrative

  • student-centered


maps of Russia - political-administrative, physical, North Caucasus, computer and projector; presentations of students on the republics of the North Caucasus; atlases.

Preparing for the lesson
The class is divided into groups in advance, these are representatives of the republics, experts, correspondents. In a group of 5-6 people. Each group makes an electronic presentation on the republic.

I. Activation of basic knowledge
Teacher asks the audience questions:
1. List the features of the economic and geographical position of the North Caucasus?

2. Describe the features of the relief of the area. 3. What is the main branch of specialization of this area?

4. What are the features of the agricultural specialization of these territories?

5. Why is the city of Rostov-on-Don called the "gates of the Caucasus"?

6. What minerals are being mined in the North Caucasus?

7. List and show on the map the republics with capitals, territories, regions that are part of the SFD and North Kazakhstan

students give answers using wall maps of Russia and the North Caucasus
II. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson
Teacher . The North Caucasus is the most multinational region of Russia. 140 nations live here. It includes the Southern Federal District and the North Kazakhstan region formed in 2010 (Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, North Ossetia-Alania, Chechen and Ingush Republics, Dagestan).

The main reason for the unification of these territories is the commonality of social and economic problems. The purpose of our lesson: to get acquainted with the economic and geographical features of the territories on the example of the republics of Adygea, North Ossetia-Alania, Dagestan, Ingushetia;

reveal the socio-political prerequisites for the development of civil society in the North Caucasus; identify ways to resolve religious and national problems (the objectives of the lesson, the plan of the conference are written on the board).

III. Greetings to the participants of the lesson-conference:

(the music of the peoples of the Caucasus sounds)

Representatives of the republics address the participants in Armenian, Lezgin, Azerbaijani, Assyrian, Adyghe Ingush languages:

“Hello, dear guys! You are welcomed by the friendly family of the peoples of the North Caucasus. Russia is a multinational state. Its history is the history of the relationship between its peoples. Each of the peoples has its own language, way of life, customs and traditions, culture, labor skills. Today's tasks are to create conditions for peace and prosperity on our Earth!”

Pupil reads a poem by Burtyleva E.G. Russian language teacher MOU secondary school No. 32 "Friendship is dearer than all"
The Don Land is the Motherland for everyone,

Various peoples live on it.

After all, they are all like fingers in a fist,

Fought for life on earth

And for the sake of happiness and freedom!

Tatars, Russians, Armenians,

Chechens, Germans, Ingush,

Lezgins, Turks, Ukrainians,

Georgians, Greeks, Latvians.

And we won the war only because

What friendship united us,

And the friendship of all nations is strength,

That nothing can replace

For this, the world is worth living!

Student reads the words of Rasul Gamzatov
“Every person from a young age should understand that he came to earth in order to become a representative of his people, and should be ready to take on this role.

A person is given a name, a hat and a weapon, a person is taught native songs from the cradle.

Wherever fate throws him, he must everywhere feel like a representative of that land, those mountains, that aul, where he learned to saddle a horse.

When they ask you who you are, you can present a document, a passport. When the people are asked who they are, then the people, as a document, will present their scientist, writer, artist, composer.

Teacher The North Caucasus is a pain point on the map of Russia. Let's remember and honor the memory of those killed in the terrorist attacks in Beslan, Moscow, Kaspiysk, Volgodonsk and other cities.
(quiet mournful music plays)
Student September 1, 2004. Who doesn't remember this date?!

It entered the life of our people as a tragedy in Beslan. A peaceful, so pure and touching day, which was always September 1, shuddered with grief, crying and pain. As a result of the villainous, unparalleled in cruelty terrorist act in the city of Beslan, hundreds of civilians were killed and injured, most of whom are innocent children. We will never forget that bitter day. Let there be a moment of silence. Eternal memory to those who died in Beslan! (Moment of silence)

1st reader

Snow on the stone, snow on the mountain ash,

Snow appeared in the temples of mothers.

Who did not wait for their sons

From a school in Beslan, And daughters...

Who will comfort them? Who will help them?

Who ordered their children to be destroyed?

Who will muffle their great pain?

2nd reader

No, they can not find, perhaps, peace.

You raised and raised them,

Joy, happiness they wished in life.

But their young life was cut short ...

Those who returned, both intact and crippled,

They will remember terror forever.

3rd reader

And the children will be told about the grief in Beslan,

About what happened then in the country ...

I dedicate a verse to dear children

And I send a low bow to mothers

4th reader

And we will not forget about this terror,

About those who died in Beslan,

About those who died in battle.

IV. Group work

Teacher: The North Caucasus has a special geopolitical position, it is an international transport corridor - the "Gate of the Caucasus". The region is the only one in Russia that has access to the basins of the three southern seas: the Azov, Black and Caspian. Unique resort economy: warm sea, mountain peaks, mineral springs, medicinal waters and mud. Unique culture, rituals, dances, traditional crafts, numerous languages ​​and dialects - all this makes the region unique and attractive to explore.

Teacher in preparation for the conference, correspondents and economists were asked to prepare questions for discussion at the lesson.
Correspondents and economists formulate questions:

  1. What sports have been developed in the North Caucasus, why?

  2. Are there bans on professions for women in the Islamic republics of the North Caucasus?

  3. Ways to solve the problem of preserving national languages ​​in the republics.

  4. What problems arise in the Chechen and Ingush republics in connection with the special demographic situation?

  5. What branches of mechanical engineering can be developed in these territories, why?

  6. Your view on separate education in schools for girls and boys.

  7. What is the need to preserve cultural, ethnic characteristics in a multinational state?
Conference participants express their opinions on the proposed issues based on knowledge of geography, history, social science and personal experience. A discussion arises between the groups, which proceeds to the presentation of students' presentations on the economic and geographical characteristics of the republics

V. Protection of a slide show on state symbols

(the image of the coat of arms, the flag of the republic is projected on the screen)
Teacher invites to speak with the protection of slides on the state symbols of Adygea, North Ossetia-Alania, Dagestan, Ingushetia.

Teacher Guys, why do you think any state, republic should have a coat of arms, flag, anthem? What is their significance, role in the formation of the personality of a young person?

students express their opinions

VI. Protection of presentations by republics

(images are projected on the screen)
The Republic of Dagestan

  • The capital is the city of Makhachkala

  • Area - 50300 km2

  • Population - 2711679 people

  • Federal District - North Caucasian

  • Code of the subject of the Russian Federation: 05.105

  • Density-53.9 people / km

  • December 17, 1991 - renaming to the Republic of Dagestan.

  • 1994 - adoption of the constitution of the Republic of Dagestan.
The orography of Dagestan is peculiar: a 245-kilometer strip of foothills rests on transverse ridges. Two main rivers break out of the mountains - Sulak in the north and Samur in the south.

The territory of Dagestan borders with Azerbaijan in the south, with Georgia in the southwest, also with the Chechen Republic in the west, with the Stavropol Territory in the northwest and with the Republic of Kalmykia in the north. From the east, the territory of Dagestan is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The south of the republic is occupied by mountains and foothills of the Greater Caucasus, in the north the Caspian lowland begins. The rivers Terek and Sulak flow through the central part of the republic. Dagestan in translation from the Azerbaijani language means "Country of Mountains".

The capital of the republic is the city of Makhachkala.

The city received its modern name in 1921 in honor of Makhach Dakhadaev. Later, Makhachkala became the capital of the DASSR. Today Makhachkala is a cultural economic and scientific center of the South of Russia.

Derbent is the second largest in Dagestan and one of the most ancient cities in the world. In Derbent, there is the Naryn-Kala fortress, whose age is about two and a half thousand years. Derbent is the oldest cultural center of Dagestan, from where art, craft, writing, etc. spread.

The rural population of the republic is 57.6%, and the urban population is 42.4%. The peoples of Dagestan speak the languages ​​​​of four groups, 95% of believers are Muslims of them: 90% are Sunnis, 5% are Shiites. 5% of believers are Christians.

The birth rate is 19.5 per thousand population (3rd place in the Russian Federation, after Ingushetia and Chechnya). Dagestan is the most multinational republic of Russia. 14 languages ​​of the peoples of Dagestan have been given the status of state languages.

Dagestan has long been considered a Muslim stronghold in the North Caucasus. Islam began to penetrate the territory of Dagestan thanks to the Arabs in the 7th century. The crescent is a symbol of growth and rebirth. If the month is depicted together with a star, as in the Islamic tradition, then in this case it acts as an allegory of paradise.

The main productions of the republic:

  • Agriculture

  • Winemaking

  • Fishing

  • Folk crafts

  • Oil production

  • Light and chemical industry

  • Power generation

Lezgin poets S. Kochkhurov and E. Emin, Kumyk poet I. Kazak, Avar poet Makhmud (M. Magomedov), Dargin poet Batyray are widely known in Dagestan. Rasul Gamzatov is a world famous poet of the republic. The folk-poetic creativity of the Dagestanis is rich - songs, fairy tales, traditions and legends.

Of great interest are the old buildings of Dagestan. Dzhuma-mosques and Naryn-Kala citadel have been preserved in Derbent. In the mountainous regions of Dagestan, numerous buildings and fortresses remained. The terraces of the mountain villages are also old monuments. Residential buildings built in the 18th-19th centuries form a single stepped structure. Domed mausoleums, arched bridges, and architecturally decorated springs were widespread.

Jewelry in women's costume is a special topic for Dagestan women. In the past, gold and silver were most valued.

Dagestan women's clothing is extremely diverse in form, material used, artistic composition and decor. Each costume has its own artistic image, its own individual expressiveness.

The peoples of Dagestan appreciate the dignity of a person and condemn his shortcomings. The wisdom of the people teaches:

  • The first virtue of man is the mind

  • The second dignity of a person is friendship

  • The third dignity of man is conscience

  • The fourth virtue of a person is a good upbringing

  • The fifth virtue of man is happiness
Lezginka is a folk dance of the Caucasian highlanders. The famous dance "Lezginka" is known in Iran under the name "Lazgi, Lezgi", in Georgia "Lekuri". Lezginka dance is a competition demonstrating the dexterity and tirelessness of dancers. It is impossible to characterize modern Dagestan cuisine unambiguously. Dishes that exist in each individual region of Dagestan have a special flavor. For example, in each national region they prepare khinkal, which is served as the first or second. Common dishes are "kurze", "chudu", which are prepared from herbs, cottage cheese, vegetables.

Republic of Adygea
The land of Adygea has been inhabited since ancient times. Written evidence of the ancestors of the Circassians is available in the works of ancient Greek writers from the 5th century BC. Adygs - the people who gave the name to the republic - the most ancient inhabitants of the North-Western Caucasus, known since the XIII century. like Circassians. The Adyghe language belongs to the Adyghe-Abkhazian group of Caucasian languages.

In the Middle Ages, the famous Great Silk Road from Europe to Asia passed here.

The ancestors of the Circassians created a culture known in world archeology as Maikop. Dozens of mounds connected by legends, mysterious dolmens testify to its brightest flowering among the most ancient Caucasians, their close ties with Europe and the East.

Adyghe Autonomous Region - was formed on July 27, 1922. On June 28, 1991, at the V session of the regional Council of People's Deputies, the Declaration on the state sovereignty of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea was adopted. The Law of the Russian Federation of July 3, 1991 formalized the transformation of the Adygei Autonomous Region into the Soviet Socialist Republic within the RSFSR.

The area of ​​Adygea is 7790 sq. km, the length of the borders is 900 km, the length of the territory of the republic from north to south is 208 km, from west to east - 165 km, 441.2 thousand people live in it. The republic includes 7 administrative districts: Giaginsky, Koshekhablsky, Shovgenovsky, Krasnogvardeysky, Maikopsky, Tahtamukaysky, Teuchezhsky. Adygea is part of the Southern Federal District.
The position of Adygea in the south of Russia, in the foothills and mountains of the Caucasus, in the interfluve of large rivers is favorable for the development of the territory and convenient for communications with its neighbors.

One of the major rivers of Adygea, its natural boundary in the east is the Laba River. It is the largest tributary of the river. Kuban. Its beginning is considered to be the confluence of the Bolshaya and Malaya Laba rivers. The length of the actual river. Laby is 214 km, together with Bolshaya Laba it is 341 km; the total area of ​​its drainage basin is 12,500 sq. km. The water regime of the river. Laby is peculiar, its water content varies significantly according to the seasons of the year. Severe spills and floods are possible in almost all seasons except winter. The causes of floods are spring snowmelt, summer glacier melt and autumn showers.

The main forest resources are located in the Maykop region, where 98% of all forests are concentrated. In the low-mountain forests, the pedunculate oak and the Hartvisa oak dominate. Maple, ash, Caucasian pear, apple, dogwood, hawthorn are also found here.

At an altitude of 450 - 500 m, oak forests give way to a belt of beech forests. Rock oak and Caucasian hornbeam also grow. From the tertiary relics here you can find yew berry.

The fauna of the uppermost landscape zones is represented by a significant number of endemic species and subspecies. Caucasian mouse, Promethean vole, Kuban tur, Caucasian chamois, stone marten are distributed only in the Maykop region. The main attraction of the fauna of the republic is the mountain bison. The forests of mountainous Adygea are inhabited by the Caucasian red deer, Caucasian tour, chamois, Caucasian brown bear, Caucasian species of otter, badger, lynx, wild cat, fox, pine and stone marten, etc.

The leading branch of production is the food industry, the share of which in the total production is more than 35%. Meat, canned fruits and vegetables, confectionery, pasta, wine and vodka products, various dairy and meat products are produced. The presence of forest resources in the republic led to the development of woodworking and pulp and paper industries,

the products of which are industrial wood and products from it, parquet, semi-cellulose, cardboard. Mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises produce and supply to various regions of the country and beyond its borders medium and heavy cylindrical gearboxes, technological equipment for logging, metal-cutting and woodworking machines, machine tools, etc.

Agriculture is one of the priority areas of economic development. The leading place is occupied by the cultivation and processing of grain, sugar beets, oilseeds and essential oil crops, vegetables and fruits, tobacco, the cultivation of cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry, horse breeding.

The unique natural and climatic conditions of Adygea contribute to the growth of such southern crops as peach, cherry, dogwood, quince, pear, grapes, and tea. Industrial products of the agro-industrial complex account for 32% of the total industrial output of the republic.

The territory of Adygea belongs to the zone of mixed tourism. There are favorable conditions for organizing both sports and recreational and educational routes. The territory is full of natural objects, many of which have a high excursion value.

The government of the Republic of Adygea is doing a lot of work to attract tourists and vacationers to the region, to form its positive image.

The population of the Republic of Adygea, as of January 1, 2007, is 441.2 thousand people, including 69.6 thousand people - children under 14 years old. The average population density is 56.6 people per 1 sq. km. km, which is almost three times higher than the corresponding figure for Russia. The highest population density is in areas located on the plain - up to 141 people per 1 km.

North Ossetia
It was formed on July 7, 1924 as the North Ossetian Autonomous Region; On December 5, 1936, it was transformed into the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; since 1990 North Ossetian SSR; since 1991 the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

North Ossetia is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus.

In the north of the republic, the Stavropol Plain extends, to the south of it rises the Tersky and Sunzhensky ridges, in the central part the North Ossetian Plain is located, in the south rises the Main, or Watershed, ridge of the Greater Caucasus (the city of Kazbek up to 5033m high)

The territory is 8 thousand km2 (0.05% of the Russian Federation), the population is 709.9 thousand people, the share of the urban population is 65.3%. The population density is one of the highest in the Russian Federation - 84.5 people per 1 km2.

The most densely populated Pravoberezhny district (120 people per 1 km2) in the east of the republic and the area around Vladikavkaz. Cities: Vladikavkaz (315.1 thousand inhabitants) - the capital of the republic, Mozdok 942.6 thousand), Beslan (35.6 thousand), Alagir (21.5 thousand), Ardon (17.5 thousand inhabitants) . Official language is Russian.

Leading industries: non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical, woodworking, light, food.

The industry is represented by the production of zinc, lead, cadmium, sulfuric acid (the Electrozinc plant), hard alloys (the Pobedit plant), lighting electric lamps, appliances, leather and footwear.

Meat-based animal husbandry predominates in agriculture. Grain farming, horticulture and viticulture are successfully developing.

The transport network of the republic is quite well developed. Road transport plays a leading role in transportation. The density of the road network is 285 km per 1,000 km. The Military Georgian and Military Ossetian roads begin in North Ossetia. A road was built from the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia through the Roki Pass. The railway transport is functioning.

North Ossetia is rich in recreational terms. The balneological resorts of Karmadon, Tamisk and the mountain and recreational complex in the Tsey Gorge are very popular. The Republic is one of the centers of tourism and mountaineering in the North Caucasus.

The Republic of Ingushetia
The name of the republic comes from the Russian name of the population (Ingush - from the name of the village of Angusht) and from the Georgian suffix -eti-, which in total means "the place where the Ingush live." But this name began to be used only from the 18th century. The very name of the people is "gІalgІay" - which means "builder", "dweller of towers"

The Republic of Ingushetia occupies an area of ​​19.3 thousand km2, the population is 460 thousand people by the standards of 2009.

The capital of the republic is the city of Magas.

It borders on the Chechen Republic, but the borders are only conditional.

President of the Republic - Yevkurov Janus-Bek

  • urban population - 198 thousand people

  • rural population - 269 thousand people

  • population density - 127 people per km2

  • average age - 26-28 years

  • ethnic composition - Ingush 77%, Chechens 20%, Russians - 2%
The most important resources of the republic are oil, natural gas, marble, and clay. Oil, of course, is the basis of the fuel and energy complex. Approximately 11 million tons of oil are produced per year. Thermal springs are used as water for health bathing, and as drinking mineral water.

Mountain and clean air is the secret of Ingush longevity. There are many thermal springs, beautiful landscapes, a great number of historical monuments in the republic. A feature of the republic is the unique, traditional construction of houses. Most of the population lives in mountainous areas, so their homes are simply unique! Buildings withstand landslides from the mountains and falling stones.

The most favorite food of the Ingush is meat. Most of all in the republic they use mutton and poultry. The national dish is char-grilled lamb garnished with vegetables.

The national costume of the Ingush looks very much like the costume of the Don Cossacks. But the Ingush are distinguished from the Cossacks by the brightness and variegation of the fabrics of the costume (in this case, women's) and the addition of sheep's wool. For women, it was a sundress dress of several layers, the hair, as a rule, was partially covered with a scarf. For men, the national costume is not repeatable. It consists of a vest and a high hat made of sheep's wool. Previously, only a married man was allowed to wear a black hat and vest, but now this has lost its meaning.

The most important tradition in the entire existence of the Ingush is respect and reverence for the ancestors. On every holiday, it is customary to visit relatives at the cemetery. The same tradition includes complete obedience to parents. Another interesting tradition is hospitality. Any person who entered the house of the Ingush immediately became a guest. The guest was given food and, if necessary, given an overnight stay.

Ingush are Muslims. The dominant religions in the republic are Sunni Islam and Orthodox Christianity. There are 45 Mosques. And in the village of Sleptsovskaya there is an Islamic Institute.

Industry in the republic is poorly developed. Only the oil industry is booming, everything else is in decline. In addition to oil production, there are chemical, knitwear, metalworking, and confectionery industries (factories) in the republic.

VII. Summing up the lesson
Teacher Guys, we met with presentations that helped us answer the main questions of our lesson. I suggest you at home in your workbook answer the following questions in writing:

(questions are projected on the screen)

  1. The North Caucasus has always attracted residents from other parts of the country, why? List at least three factors.

  2. Highlight the most acute contemporary problems of the region.

  3. Is it possible to consider that the preservation of political stability, the peaceful resolution of ethno-political and economic contradictions between the peoples of the North Caucasus is the main task of the long-term development of the region.

  • Grading

  • Homework

8th grade
Topic: Geological chronology and geological map.
Purpose: to form ideas about the features of the geological structure of the territory of Russia.
To acquaint with the features of the structure of the earth's crust, with the geochronological scale;
To form the ability to work with maps (tectonic, geological) and draw conclusions, identify patterns;
To develop a cognitive interest in Russia through the studied material.
Equipment: physical, tectonic, geological maps, geochronological table, atlases
Organizing time
During the classes
New material.
Magnificent science - geology -
About the turbulent past of our Mother Earth.
Many dreamed of geology in life,
But few could devote their lives to her.
(Valery Sergeev)
Geology is a science that studies the structure and history of the development of the Earth
Geotectonics is the study of the structure of the earth's crust and its movements.
Geochronology is a branch of geology that deals with the study of the age, duration and sequence of formation of rocks.
The result of the research of scientists geologists was a geochronological table, which reflects the geological history of the development of the nature of the Earth
Analysis of the geochronological table. (Working with the table).
The table is read from bottom to top.
The table necessarily indicates eras - periods of time that correspond to major stages in the development of the earth's crust and the organic world. An era is the time during which a group of rocks accumulated with the remains of groups of animals and plants. Eras are very large periods of time, including millions, hundreds of millions and billions of years.
How many time stages (eras) is the geological history of the earth's crust divided into?
Name the eras, the duration of the eras?
What events took place during the Proterozoic era?
Which era was the longest?
What periods are eras divided into?
What are the periods of the Paleozoic era, Mesozoic era, Cenozoic era?
What is the shortest period?
What period are we living in?
Work with the textbook. Read and say how the age and time of formation of rocks is determined?
How is the absolute age of rocks determined?
The earth's crust within modern Russia was formed over a long time as a result of various geological processes. Therefore, its parts are different:
a) by the structure, composition and occurrence of rocks,
b) by age and history of development.
a) According to the structural features, mobile and stable sections of the earth's crust are distinguished.
Most of the territory of Russia is occupied by stable areas of the earth's crust - platforms: East European, West Siberian and Siberian. Platforms have a two-tiered structure. Their lower part is the foundation. These are the remains of collapsed mountain systems. Loose sedimentary rocks (sedimentary cover) overlie the foundation. They were formed during the destruction of mountains and the slow sinking of the foundation, when it was flooded with the waters of the seas. There is no sedimentary cover in some parts of the platforms. Such sections of platforms are called shields.
(Entry in a notebook)
A platform is a stable area of ​​the earth's crust. It has a two-tier structure: a foundation of crushed metamorphosed rocks and a cover composed of sedimentary rocks.
Shields - the exit of the platform foundation to the surface.
Map work.
- Find platforms on the tectonic map (East European or Russian, Siberian)
- Overlay a physical map on the tectonic map and determine which landforms are located on the platforms
- What is the conclusion from this?
Conclusion: Large plains are located on ancient platforms.
In Russia there is another large plain - the West Siberian. Find the area of ​​the earth's crust to which it corresponds. (This is the West Siberian plate)
- The plate is a young platform.
- Find the shields on the tectonic map.
- What landforms correspond to the shields?
The most ancient parts of the earth's crust in Russia are the East European and Siberian platforms. Their foundation was formed in the Precambrian more than 1.5 billion years ago.
In the history of the Earth, there were several epochs associated with planetary and cosmic causes, when the speed of the Earth's rotation changed, the mobility of the plates increased, their collisions became more frequent and the processes of folding (mountain building) took place. These epochs were called the epochs of folding. There were several:
Baikal folding
Caledonian folding
Hercynian folding
Mesozoic folding
Cenozoic folding
Using the atlas maps, you can now find out the time (age) of the formation of each section of the earth's crust on the territory of Russia.
Working with maps: By overlaying the physical and tectonic maps of Russia, find out which mountains were formed in different eras of folding?
Caledonian folding (Sayans).
Hercynian folding (Ural, Byrranga mountains).
Mesozoic folding (Verkhoyansk Range, Sikhote-Alin, mountains of North-Eastern Siberia).
Cenozoic folding or Alpine (Caucasus, Kuril - Kamchatka region).
At the end of the Proterozoic - the beginning of the Paleozoic (1000-550 million years ago), Baikal folding occurred. In the Paleozoic, there were two foldings - Caledonian (550-400 million years ago) and Hercynian (400-210 million years ago). In the Mesozoic - Mesozoic. About 100 million years ago, the last Cenozoic (Alpine) folding began, which continues to the present. As a result of each folding, a new continental crust was formed and folded mountain belts were formed, bordering and connecting the East European and Siberian platforms. The largest belts stretching through the territory of Russia are the Ural-Mongolian, Alpine-Himalayan (Mediterranean), as well as part of the Pacific belt.
The folded belt is a mobile section of the earth's crust that has a complex folded structure. (Entry in the definition notebook)
The formation of folded belts is associated with the collision of lithospheric plates and the crushing of rocks accumulated on their margins into folds.
Folding processes are accompanied by magmatism, metamorphism and earthquakes. Cenozoic (Alpine) mountains are formed as a result of the interaction of modern lithospheric plates. Mountains are located on the earth's crust of the Cenozoic age and are currently located.
Folded belts of Mesozoic and Paleozoic age were located on the boundaries of ancient lithospheric plates. Their number, size and shape have repeatedly changed throughout geological history. Many of them were later destroyed. In their place, young platforms were formed, the largest of which is the West Siberian. But some areas of Paleozoic and Mesozoic folding, due to active movements of the earth's crust, again became mountain structures.
Sign concepts
The exit of the crystalline foundation of the platform to the surface - ______________
The doctrine of the structure of the earth's crust - __________________________________________
Map containing information on the location and age of tectonic structures - ____________________________________________________________________
The mobile section of the earth's crust, which has a complex folded structure - ___________________________________________
A stable section of the earth's crust, having a two-tiered structure - ________________________
Homework: item 11 Answer the questions at the end of the paragraph.

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