Elisha's name day according to the church. Boy name Elisha: meaning, character and destiny

Quite often, parents who want to choose a sonorous and beautiful name for their son, they opt for something that is not too common, and therefore even more interesting name like Elisha. Even without knowing all the subtleties of origin and meaning, its perception is connected only with positive emotions. Remember the prince from the well-known fairy tale? This hero is noble, brave and beautiful - every mother and father would like to see their boy have such qualities. But before you finally make your choice, it would be nice to figure out what Elisha will be like, because the meaning of a name for a boy is closely connected with his character and destiny.

We emphasize that the name Elisha, the origin of which has several versions, is distinguished by its ambiguity. And therefore the meaning put into this word also differs. Most linguists agree that this name has Hebrew origins.

In Hebrew, Elisha sounds like Elisha and literally means “God saves.” Other experts support the point of view according to which the word in question is a form of the name Ulysses (lat.) or Odysseus. Hence another meaning of the name Elisha: “angry, angry.”

Important: Elisha celebrates his name day on June 27, the day of remembrance of St. Elisha, a disciple of the Old Testament prophet Elijah.

Characteristics of the boy Elisha

Elisha's character is bright, original, and attention-grabbing. A man with amazing charisma, who makes excellent use of his ability to charm and make people fall in love with him. Moreover, not only representatives of the opposite sex fall under his influence. Men perceive him as an undisputed leader, completely trusting him in everything.

The bearer of the name himself is aware of the power of his charm and actively uses it in all areas of life. He acts noisily, as if he is showing off his feelings, although this is absolutely not the case. The most secret thing, what worries our hero most of all, what makes up the life of his heart, will never receive publicity. These secrets will not be known to many friends and acquaintances. He will reveal his soul only to a dearly loved person whom he trusts completely.

The owner of the name is never satisfied with what he has already achieved. He is irresistibly pulled forward, he is not content with little, trying to get the most out of life. And our hero succeeds perfectly thanks to his irrepressible energy, activity and frantic temperament. He does not like monotony and generally accepted norms.

Easily breaking stereotypes, he embarks on adventures and certainly becomes a winner. He is a truth-teller who always defends justice. This is a feature due to which the characteristics of the name Elisha acquire a bright, positive and noble connotation. The motto of all men named this way is decency above all.

The owners of the name are unusually artistic, sensitive, and empathetic to music. They are endowed with a wonderful sense of humor, not without self-irony. This makes them even more attractive in communication, as people who are self-critical and not obsessed with their own greatness.

The influence of a name on a boy’s character and behavior

As a child, Elisha was a favorite child. He is active and adored by his parents and friends. He is a good student, showing an interest in reading and voraciously devouring tons of books. However, his memory is selective and, from the entire flow of information, emphasizes only what is the subject of the boy’s interest. He is athletic and prefers football and tennis. Parents will not go wrong if they send their child to learn to play the violin. It is this instrument and the music it produces that is most in tune with the boy’s inner world.

He is an excellent friend, always ready to help. His friends know about this and therefore are devoted to him with all their hearts. The negative traits of little Elisha are restlessness and a wide range of interests. He can switch from one task to another without finishing any of them. The role of parents is important here, they must correct this line of behavior. Having understood for yourself the nuances of the meaning of the name that influence the child’s character and his fate, now it will be easier for you to understand whether you want to see the listed qualities in your baby.

The fate and career of Elisha

Elisha's fate is as unpredictable and bright as his character. Being in an eternal search for an ideal, the owners of the name will never do anything they don’t like. By chance, having lingered in an uninteresting job, they will quit at the moment when a brighter prospect looms on the horizon. The following industries are most preferred for them:

  • education,
  • industry,
  • medicine,
  • transport,
  • art (literature, cultural values, music).

The bearer of the name will perfectly cope with the role of a leader beloved by his subordinates.

Love and family

Love for Elisha has a specific meaning - it is a battlefield on which battles do not stop. Enjoying great success with girls back in early age, he retains this ability throughout his life. This is a supporter of whirlwind romances, and several at the same time. Entering into such a relationship, he is looking for his one and only, but having found her, he will not let her go anywhere and will become faithful and loving husband. Although it should be borne in mind that even in relation to his only one, he can go to extremes. Periods of passionate expressions of feelings can alternate with complete withdrawal from the life of a loved one. Such is the nature of this impressionable and emotional man.

This is an enviable father who adores his children so much that it makes his wife jealous. He is extremely tactful and intelligent, understands the psychology of children, which allows him to deal with any teenage and children's problems in a timely manner.

Name Astrology

Elishas patronizes zodiac sign Cancer. The planet that favorably influences them is the Moon, giving them insight, calming passions and forcing them to look deeper into themselves. The talisman color is blue, the mineral is moonstone, the plant is aspen and lily.

Elisha is a name that you rarely see among the inhabitants of our country. It is very beautiful and sonorous, and its meaning promises the child good life. Today, many parents select names by carefully studying their characteristics.

The name originates in Israel. It is derived from the Hebrew name Elisha. There is another version of the origin of the name, according to which it is of Greek origin. It is believed that the name was derived from Odysseus.


The meaning of the name Elisha depends entirely on the variant of its origin. Therefore, there are several options - “salvation by God,” “angry,” “wrathful.”


If you don't raise a boy, he can grow into a selfish man. The makings of this are already evident in childhood. The baby is growing persistent, quite capricious and wayward. He loves his parents and chooses one leader in his family. Usually his upbringing is carried out by his mother, who cares for and cherishes the boy. But if the father does not shy away from the process of education, then he is able to reduce the child’s ardor and teach him to live according to certain principles.

As a child, Lesya has many friends whom she attracts with her extraordinary mentality. It's fun to spend time with him, because he is a great inventor and dreamer who can turn any familiar game into something surprising and exciting.

Elisha is doing quite well at school. He reads a lot, but remembers practically nothing of what he read, leaving in his memory only what he may need in the future. He can be interested in art, sports and even science. It is pleasant to spend time with him if he does not become stubborn and demand that others fulfill his whims. In general, the boy’s childhood proceeds in a calm manner, he does not bully others, and tries to be diplomatic in any situation. But if tact does not save him, then he can stand up for himself with his fists.

The guy's youth also passes modestly. He is surrounded by numerous comrades with whom he likes to spend most time. With perseverance, a young man can graduate with honors educational institution. But he does not always immediately understand what he wants to do for the rest of his life, so he may abandon his first education, as he considers the chosen direction uninteresting and boring.

As for choosing a profession, Elisha gives preference to leadership areas. It will be useful where it will be possible to supervise at least someone, even if they are elementary school students.

Since Elisha has a special ability to convince people and win their favor, he easily climbs the career ladder. And if he wants, he can certainly become both the director of the school and the chief physician of the hospital. Intuition, which has been developed since childhood, also helps him in this.

Since he is interested in art and sports, he would make an excellent gallery owner or sports club. He might also try his luck in the antiques market, but only if he works alone.

Elisha knows that money will not fall from heaven to him. Therefore, he knows how to earn it, but is not always able to spend it wisely. Often a man has funds that could be spent on his family or himself, but he can spend them extremely unexpectedly, for example, bequeathing them to a nursing home or donating them to orphans. This attitude towards finances deserves respect, but his relatives often do not understand such actions when they themselves live from paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford anything extra.

In relationships with women, a man does not accept leadership from them. Having many fans in his youth, he gets married quite late, because he is looking for a wife who will share all his views on life. He is faithful to his wife, helps her around the house, and sincerely loves her. He dreams of children, whom he will raise on his own, leaving his wife the right only to change their diapers and cook porridge. He does not consider it necessary to spend money on expensive wallpaper and floor coverings, and furniture, in his opinion, should serve exclusively for its intended purpose.

Regarding health, one thing can be said - if Elisha leads an active lifestyle, then no disease will threaten him. If he allows himself to often lie on the couch and not lead an active lifestyle, then he will have to face joint disease, problems with the heart, blood vessels and digestive tract.


The meaning of the name Elisha for a boy is also due to the presence of certain character traits:

  • Energy.
  • Ability to reason and think logically.
  • Developed intuition.
  • Kindness.
  • Sensitivity to others.
  • The ability to calculate the situation several steps ahead.
  • Loyalty to your own ideals.
  • Inflated ambitions.
  • Frivolity.
  • Gullibility.

Elisha can be called a powerful, but noble man. He has excellent organizational skills, he manages to quickly get what he wants, because those around him are happy to help him with this. Lesya may seem too trusting, resigned and soft, but this is only at first glance. In fact, he uses this technique only to take a leading position.

He is almost never happy with what is considered unattainable for other people. He is ready to go towards his goal, just to achieve something much greater.

Elisha is also sensitive to his habits, which he can change only if they no longer become acceptable to others. This applies to his clothing style (he is several steps behind fashion), everyday life (his apartment resembles a Soviet dormitory), behavior (he is as gallant as a hussar), etc.

The character largely depends on the season of birth of the boy:

  • Autumn Elishas – people are distrustful and irritable, jealous and temperamental. At the same time, men born at this time of year are distinguished by restraint and the ability to admit their mistakes.
  • Winter namesakes love to be the center of any company, are open to communication, have a special charm, and are extremely attractive to women.
  • Spring Elishas – artistic nature, loves art in all its manifestations. They can become actors, musicians, writers or artists. Such men seem too reserved and like to be in silence.
  • Summer Elisha - a kind and sympathetic person. He may show excessive sacrifice towards strangers. It will not be difficult for him to give his last shirt to a beggar, or to feed a piece of bread to the birds freezing on the city pond.

Name day

Name color

Name flower

Church name, calendar

The name Elisha is present in the Orthodox calendar, so at baptism it remains unchanged.

Translation of name, in different languages

On various languages Elisha is spelled and sounds differently:

  • In German – Elisa.
  • In English – Elisha.
  • In Spanish - Eliseo.
  • In French - Elisée.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

What is the abbreviated or diminutive name for Elisha? The name may sound like this: Lesya, Elya, Yelesya, Liseyka, Eliseika, Seiko.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

From this name the patronymics Eliseevich and Eliseevna are formed. There are many names that go with it.

Girls names:

  • Daria.
  • Olga.
  • Anna.
  • Svetlana.
  • Zhanna.
  • Arina.
  • Galina.
  • Olesya.
  • Allah.

Boys names:

  • Andrey.
  • Peter.
  • Oleg.
  • Matvey.
  • Michael.
  • Semyon.
  • Yuri.

Name compatibility

Lesya will be happy with owners of such names as Aida, Sarah, Iraida, Raisa, Zhanna, Olga, Maria.

Relationships with Danna, Elizaveta, Alla, Rosa and Daria will become difficult.

How to incline

This name, like others, can be declined according to cases:

  • Nominative – Elisha.
  • Genitive – Elisha.
  • Dative - Elisha.
  • Accusative – Elisha.
  • Creative - Elisha.
  • Prepositional - Elisha.

Famous people with this name

Among famous people with this name there are different personalities:

  • Elisha Buza - was a Cossack foreman who, in order to fulfill his duties (imposing yasak on residents), went on dangerous journeys along rivers, seas and mountains. The 17th century traveler was not afraid of any obstacles, he lost companions who died in unbearable conditions, but he moved on towards his goal.
  • Elisha Bomeliy - was born in Holland and was known as a real adventurer who wandered around Europe in search of good place, but arrived in Russia. He managed to become Ivan the Terrible’s doctor and with his help (more precisely, thanks to mental state Tsar) killed dozens of boyars and hundreds of common people. Bomelius died in torture, as he was caught in treacherous relations with Stefan Batory (the Polish king).
  • Elisey Bobrov – was an artist in a drama troupe Imperial Theater. He was often given leading roles in performances, which brought unprecedented popularity to the actor.
  • Elisha Pletenetsky - was not only the archimandrite of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, but also the founder of the Lavra printing house. Thanks to this, all clergy and parishioners had the opportunity to obtain prayer books on modern paper of good quality. Leaflets were also printed that told about God.
  • Elisha Izenberg - a Danish ambassador who was able to convey to Ivan the Terrible not only a letter from King Frederick, but also its essence. The king complained to the king that the Norwegians were being persecuted by the Russians, who were taking away their lands. Asked the king to respond to this situation and assured of his sincere friendship. Ivan the Terrible believed both the king’s letter and the ambassador, who was distinguished by his ability to persuade. The letter was answered in as soon as possible, and the Norwegians received their lands.

Whatever the fate of a person, it largely depends not only on the name, but also on upbringing. If parents make efforts on this issue, then Elisha will definitely grow into a man who will achieve a lot in life and will be the pride of his family.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Elisha


Meaning of the name Elisha

God saves. “Saved by God” (Heb.) This boy, very sociable since childhood, knows how to get along with his peers, a leader in all games, but not a dictator of his own will. Children gladly accept all his suggestions, including the introduction of new rules to long-known games. He is an inventor, a dreamer. Very musical child, therefore, it is advisable to send him from the age of five to a music school for violin class. He has a subtle psychology, and the violin suits him like no other child. At school, Elisha does not stand out in anything special, except for increased attention from the girls. He is cheerful, cheerful, and has a subtle sense of humor, which attracts the attention of all his classmates. Elisha does not give obvious preference to anyone, he is even with everyone, always friendly and polite. Loves sports, enjoys football and tennis. A brave boy, he knows how to stand up for himself, and without hesitation he rushes to the defense of a friend. Smart, all-round developed child, but very stubborn. He loves to read and reads voraciously everything that comes to hand, but his tenacious mind carefully filters information and decisively discards what is not useful to him, the rest remains in memory forever. He has an analytical mind and can prove himself both in the humanities and in the field of exact sciences. The adult Elisha is no less stubborn than in childhood, hot-tempered, but smart enough to carefully hide it; knows how to control himself. An unusually enthusiastic person, he can do what he loves for days on end, but does not tolerate monotonous activities that do not require initiative and permanent job mind of occupations. If he doesn’t like the job, he can change his specialty, quickly switch from one to another, and instantly grasps the essence of the matter. Elisha is a kind and sympathetic person, ready to help everyone. He has many friends whom he values ​​very much. He is a reliable and devoted comrade. He never lies, has an innate sense of justice. He does not like to talk about his personal life, is secretive in his feelings, and experiences failures alone. Has stunning success with women. Sociable, cheerful. He may have several sexual partners at the same time, but this cannot be considered promiscuity, but rather a way to find the one who will become his betrothed. In marriage, he is a fairly faithful husband, attentive and loving. "November" Elisha is a somewhat nervous, vulnerable and irritable person. He is careful with women and trusts few people. Prefers to deal with experienced partners. He won't get married for a long time. “Summer” is a cheerful, good-natured person. He is ready to give his last to his friends, he can sacrifice personal interests for the sake of others, which many take advantage of. “September” and “October” Elisha is reserved, does not like noisy companies, prefers to spend time with loyal and trusted friends. Unhurried and thorough in everything, does not tolerate fuss. Sometimes he overestimates his capabilities, but knows how to admit mistakes and correct them. In relationships with women, he is jealous, unusually temperamental, ready to have sex at any time. Contradictory, unpredictable: he either calls his beloved several times a day and longs to meet her, then disappears for a long time and appears as if nothing had happened, again passionate and very much in love. Born in March - redundant introverted person, taciturn, even when necessary he speaks little and succinctly. Doesn’t like to repeat the same thing several times: he gets very irritated and angry. He loves solitude, spends time reading a book or fishing, where he sits for hours on the shore with a fishing rod without saying a word. In marriage he is just as secretive and withdrawn. It is difficult to motivate him by asking him to go somewhere. It is difficult to get out to visit, yielding to the requests of his wife. "Winter" Elisha - sociable and more open man for others. Loves company, always in the center of everyone's attention. A talented storyteller, he knows how to parody and copy loved ones to the general laughter of those present. She dances well and knows how to get everyone going. Elisha's wife is very jealous, which often tires him. "April" and "May" Elisey is very talented in the field of art: he draws well and plays music. He can become a professional musician or artist, or he can devote himself to literary activity or acting.

Name day: June 14 (27) (June 27) - Holy Prophet Elisha, disciple of the Prophet Elijah; with preaching and miracles he supported the faith in the true God among the Israeli people (9th century BC). NAME DAYS: June 27 (14) - Prophet Elisha and Venerable Elisha of Sumy (Russian). July 3 (June 20) - Prophet Elisha (transfer of relics).

Numerology of the name Elisha

Soul Number: 2.
Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, are easy for them and reveal all their most strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.

Hidden Spirit Number: 4

Body number: 7


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, deer.

The name Elisha as a phrase

L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
With Word
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
Y Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i - Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Elisha

L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
WITH - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
Y - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
Short form of the name Elisha. Yelesya, Eliseyka, Elya, Lesya, Liseyka, Eliseito, Cheyo, Sezeu, Liseu, Seyo, Seiko.
Synonyms for the name Elisha. Elisha, Elisha, Elisias, Eliseo, Eliseu, Eliseus, Ulysses, Ulises, Ulisses, Ulisses, Wallis, Walliss, Walises.
Origin of the name Elisha. The name Elisha is Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, Greek.

The name Elisha has two versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Elisha comes from the Hebrew name Elisha, which means “God is salvation,” “God saves.” This name was borne by one of the prophets in the Old Testament, a disciple of the prophet Elijah. In Islam, the prophet Elisha is also known as al-Yasa (Al-Yasa).

According to the second version, the name Elisha is one of the pronunciation options for the name Odysseus. The name Odysseus comes from Greek name Odusseus translated means “angry”, “wrathful”. In Latin, the name sounds like Ulysses. This name was borne by the king of the island of Ithaca, one of the leaders of the Achaeans in the Trojan War, mentioned in Greek mythology. This name also sounds like Ulises, Ulissesh, Ulisses, there are options with the addition of “o” - Wallis, Walliss.

The diminutive address Lesya is also an independent name and an affectionate address to other names, for example, Alexey, Olesya, Leonid, Oleg, Larisa.

Among Catholics, Elisha's name day is celebrated on June 14. The remaining dates listed are Orthodox name days Elisha.

Elisha is a good inventor and has a rich imagination. He often proposes introducing new rules to well-known children's games. Elisha is distinguished by his musicality. Since he has a subtle psychology, violin classes at a music school will benefit him. During his school years, Elisha does not stand out much among other students. However, Elisha does not give obvious preference to anyone; he treats everyone with calm politeness and friendliness. Elisha is athletic, enjoys tennis or football, and is able to stand up for himself and protect a friend. The boy is smart and comprehensively developed, spoiled by his excessive stubbornness.

In his youth, Elisha read a lot. He is interested in any book he sees. However, from what he read, Elisha remembers only what he may need in the future, and the rest he decisively discards. As he grows up, his stubbornness is accompanied by a quick temper, but Elisha is smart enough to hide both. Elisha knows how to control himself well. This man does not tend to lie; he has an innate sense of justice.

“Noyabrsky” Elisha is an irritable person and trusts few people. “September” and “October” Elisha is more restrained. He is leisurely and does not tolerate fuss. Having overestimated his capabilities, the “autumn” Elisha knows how to admit his mistakes and tries to correct them. In Elisha, born in summer, main feature His character becomes his kindness and willingness to help loved ones. It is Elisha's willingness to sacrifice his own interests that others often take advantage of.

Elisha is characterized by an analytical mindset; he has abilities in both the exact sciences and the humanities. Elisha will not be able to engage in monotonous activities that do not require mental effort and initiative. His favorite business captivates him. He would rather change his specialty than do something that is not interesting to him. But, having changed, Elisha will easily get involved in the work and instantly grasp the essence of the matter. “Spring” Elisha shows abilities in the arts. He draws and plays music well. He will make a good musician or artist, and perhaps he will choose an acting or literary career.

Elisha tries not to advertise his feelings and experiences, preferring to experience them alone with himself. Elisha's personal life is hidden from others. For women, a man with this name causes stunning success. Elisha is not promiscuous, although he can have several affairs at the same time. This is Elisha's way of finding the only one who will become his girlfriend on long years. Having found such a woman, Elisha becomes a faithful, attentive and loving husband. Elisha, born in November, is distinguished by vulnerability and nervousness. He prefers to deal with experienced partners and behaves cautiously with women. Many years will pass before he decides to marry.

“Autumn” Elisha is jealous. This is a very temperamental man. In relationships, he is unpredictable, sometimes he surrounds his chosen one with attention, sometimes he disappears for a long time. Having married, Elisha becomes a voluntary recluse and devotes himself to his wife.

Elisha has been growing up as a sociable boy since childhood. He gets along well with his peers, quickly becomes a leader in all games, but does not seek to dictate his will. Elisha is cheerful and has a subtle sense of humor. His cheerful character attracts his peers to him. In communication, Elisha is distinguished by kindness and responsiveness; he is always ready to help his friends. And Elisha has many friends, and he values ​​all of them very much. The man named by this name is a devoted and faithful friend.

Born in autumn, Elisha is not a fan of noisy companies; he prefers the company of close friends. “Winter” Elisha is more open to others. He, on the contrary, loves big companies. Always in the spotlight, Elisha proves himself to be a talented storyteller, parodying his acquaintances, which causes everyone to laugh. Elisha, born in the spring, like the “autumn” one, is closed and taciturn. He speaks little and concisely, and does not repeat the same thing several times. He prefers solitude, spending time reading a book or fishing to society.

Elisha's name day

Famous people named Elisha

  • Elisha Bobrov ((1778 - 1830) artist of the drama troupe of the Imperial Theaters)
  • Elisha Pletenetsky ((d.1624) Archimandrite of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, founder of the Lavra Printing House)
  • Elisée Reclus ((1830 - 1905) French geographer, historian, anarchist)
  • Eliseo Salazar, Eliseu Salazar Valenzuela ((born 1954) Chilean racing driver, participant in the Formula 1 and sports car world championships, as well as the CART and IRL racing series. The only driver from Chile to take part in the world championship " Formula 1".)
  • Eliseu Pereira dos Santos ((born 1983) Portuguese footballer)
  • Elisha Isenberg (Danish ambassador. In 1572 he came to Ivan the Terrible with a letter from the Danish King Frederick, in which he assured the Tsar of unchanging friendship, complained that the Russians were taking away lands and fishing grounds from the Norwegians, asked for a “dangerous letter” for the ambassadors of Emperor Maximilian , traveling to Moscow. Ivan responded to this letter on July 27 of the same year. Magnus’s messenger, Kaspar, also came with Isenberg.)
  • Elisey Sinitsyn (high-ranking officer of the NKVD and KGB of the USSR, organizer of intelligence networks in Poland and Finland)
  • Elizeus Bomelius, in Russian sources - Elisha Bomelius ((c. 1530 - 1579) an adventurer from Westphalia at the court of Ivan the Terrible, who was professionally involved in astrology and magic. In the chronicles he is mentioned as the “evil sorcerer Bomelius.” Officially he was listed as a physician. Sometimes he performed duties executioner.)
  • Elisey Kolbasin ((1827 - 1890) Russian writer, critic, literary historian)
  • Eliseo Quedas, Ilicio Quedas, nicknamed Carioca (former Brazilian football player)
  • Eliseo Subiela ((born 1944) Argentine film director, screenwriter, producer)
  • Eliseo Diego ((1920 - 1994) Cuban poet, novelist, translator, author of books for children)
  • Elisha Kent Kane ((1820 - 1857) American polar explorer, doctor. Member of two sea expeditions in search of John Franklin. The 1853-55 expedition led by Kane discovered the Kane Sea, Kennedy Strait, Humboldt Glacier and Washington Land (northwest Greenland ).)

The meaning of the name, their interpretation, provides a lot of information that reveals the character, main qualities and potential of the person to whom it belongs. The mystery of the name envelops the child from birth, predetermining positive and negative traits that will manifest themselves throughout life. Great importance has a patronymic, origin, and also a decoding - what the name Elisha means. Traditionally, the meaning of this name is “my God is the savior” or simply “salvation.”

History and origin

The Hebrew origin of the name Elisha can be traced back to the Old Testament. According to holy scripture, the prophet Elijah called Elisha to serve and ascended to heaven, leaving the latter as the receiver of his prophetic spirit. Since then new prophet performed unprecedented miracles and mercies. To his deeds Old Testament refers to the division of the waters of the Jordan, the transformation into drinking water from the poisoned spring of Jericho, miraculously supplied drinking water Israeli and Judean troops, the resurrection of a child and more. Performing miracles even after death, he became the patron saint of the name.

In Islam, this prophet is known by a rather consonant name - Al-Yasa. The mystery and history of the name Elisha in Rus' was revealed with the adoption of Christianity in 988, when some of those who were baptized began to be given this name.

There is a second version of the origin of the name. In ancient Greek culture there is a name called Odusseus, which we know as Odysseus. It is possible that Elisha is a phonetically adapted name that has successfully settled in our culture. It means “angry” or “wrathful”, and is pronounced “Ullis” in Latin. While studying mythology and the Trojan War, you can stumble upon the leader of the Achaeans - the king of the island of Ithaca, who bore this name. It is possible that the secret of some of the hot-tempered character of the boy Elisha originates here.

Characteristics of the name

The male name Elisha has a character that is distinguished by gentleness, compliance and kindness. This a positive person, which gives others positive emotions, saturating them with fun and joy. Treats others with respect, acting as he would like to be treated. He is polite and has a heightened sense of justice since childhood. Highly moral and moral personality. The interpretation of the name makes it possible to describe Elisha as prone to art and those areas of activity where you need to be able to think outside the box, globally, and notice little things.

The characteristics of virtues are replenished and less good qualities such as stubbornness and short temper. A man tries to hide and curb some negative manifestations, which he does successfully, and the older he gets, the better he succeeds. Can study different types activities. Increased curiosity about everything explains why the guy has such high level intelligence and education. Reads, studies, listens a lot. Feel free to ask, clarify and detail information from knowledgeable people, if such an opportunity arises.

  • Respects every culture, is interested in art, creativity, science. Monotony makes him sad and despondent, therefore, he will not be able to do one thing all his life if it is not associated with regular mental exercises or initiatives. Throughout his life he can look for his favorite pastime, and when he finds it, he can delve into it headlong, reaching great heights and the respect of colleagues and subordinates. He can easily change his specialty, moving into a radically different field of work altogether, if he knows for sure that this is his calling. At work, Elisha is praised and loved. He is able to create a comfortable working atmosphere in any team simply by entering the room. Management, as a rule, values ​​such an employee, although sometimes they may be afraid that a purposeful and professional guy will take the place of a manager.
  • Restrained male character traits also manifest themselves in personal relationships, sexual and family life. He is not always happy to advertise and put his feelings, emotions and experiences on public display, preferring to share his most intimate things exclusively with close and dear people. He will listen to the rest with pleasure and help with advice and deeds. All personal life hidden from prying eyes and ears. He will probably prefer peaceful gatherings in a narrow circle of friends, with pleasant conversation, to noisy and loud companies.

Most Eliseys have incredible success with women. Those from afar see the ideal, sensitive and balanced, real man of dreams. However, the man himself does not neglect the opportunity to have several novels at the same time. He needs this not so much for entertainment, but for entertainment, but for successful searches exactly that same, only woman. He is attracted not only by the well-groomed appearance of his partner, but also by the presence of intelligence, thriftiness, and tenderness. Having chosen one woman, he can live the rest of his life with her, remaining loving, faithful and attentive to her and to the children. Loves children incredibly.

  • Positive qualities: intellectual, versatile, artistic, kind, generous, attentive.
  • Negative qualities: dreamer, frivolous, fickle, flighty.

Meanings for a child

Elisha is successfully developing both physically and intellectually, and if not for excessive stubbornness, he would have been able to reach heights at a young age. Being scattered in many different directions that he likes, he does not always choose a specific one, losing time, energy and enthusiasm. At school, he may not stand out among his peers for a long time. He studies averagely or well, but very smoothly and calmly, without making any special efforts on his part.

Health is average, belonging, to a greater extent, to people of creativity and culture, and not to manual workers. You can raise and maintain his level of health by hardening yourself, as well as with vitamins, since there are obvious serious violations the name does not promise.

Compatibility with Middle Names and First Names

The secret and meaning of a particular name also depends on the patronymic. It is best to call the son Elisha: Andrei, Alexei, Bogdan, Boris, Vyacheslav, Grigory, German, Igor, Ilya, Konstantin, Leonid, Nikolai, Nazar, Nikita, Oleg, Pavel, Peter, Renat, Yuri.

The characteristics of a couple’s family life also largely depend on the harmonious combination of their names. A good union is expected with a girl named: Alena, Anna, Anastasia, Violeta, Victoria, Borislava, Ekaterina, Elena, Irina, Ilona, ​​Inna, Inga, Margarita, Miroslava, Natalia, Nellie, Olga, Rima, Sofia, Yana.

The influence of the season

The birth of a child at one time or another of the year expresses specific aspects and character traits of the boy.

  • “Winter” children are quite sociable, open, giving smiles. They can be in the spotlight for a long time, “warming” those present with their talents and skills. In life, they will get a good job in the field of art or science, choosing humanitarian fields.
  • If Elisha was born in the summer, it means that he is the kindest person, bringing warmth, joy and light to all the people he knows. He can give his last to those in need and won’t even think about it. His calling is to bring happiness and joy by any means. They will find themselves in any field that is directly related to people: medicine, trade, art. The stage is his second home.
  • The description of “autumn” children reveals the vulnerable character of the baby. To some extent this means irritability, caution and accuracy. The boy will prefer quiet company to noisy gatherings, and nice talking colorful performances. He is unhurried and does everything without fuss, approaching the matter thoroughly. He will show himself best in the field of exact sciences.
  • The meaning of the name “spring” Elisha includes completely different character traits. To a greater extent, these men are secretive and introverted. They develop within their own world and their own shell, which does not prevent them from becoming famous, in particular in the world of art and creativity. They can become professional artists, photographers, writers, and musicians.
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