How to cook asparagus. Simple recipes for cooking asparagus. Preparing to cook

Green asparagus contains many beneficial microelements, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals for the body. Among them are vitamin C and vitamin A, calcium, iron, potassium and many others. Asparagus perfectly complements gourmet dishes and will help diversify your usual menu. To keep green asparagus spears crispy after heat treatment, you need to know certain cooking secrets. Don't be afraid to add it to familiar recipes and experiment to find a favorite dish that tastes like even a sophisticated gourmet.

There are many ways to cook green asparagus and surprise your guests. However, we will highlight the most popular and simple ones.

Method 1. Preparing shoots for cooking

  • Before preparing thick shoots, you should clean the woody stem. To do this, you will need a knife that can be used to cut off hard areas.
  • But if you decide to make an asparagus salad or fry it in a frying pan, choose thinner stalks.

Method 2: Steaming, blanching and boiling

  1. Many people are interested in how to steam asparagus. This cooking method is ideal if you plan to serve it as a side dish to the main dish. This method is also good because it allows green asparagus to retain all the beneficial minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

  1. Another known method cooking asparagus - blanching. Skip the asparagus in cool water if you prefer to serve it warm. Below is an algorithm that will help you blanch asparagus correctly.
  • Cook the stems for 3 minutes.
  • Check the readiness of the asparagus - they should not be soft, but rather crunchy.
  • Once cooked, cool the asparagus in a container of cold water.

Blanched asparagus can be added to salads or served as a side dish.

  1. Green asparagus stalks can be boiled. However, be careful not to overcook them.
  • Boil water and add 2 teaspoons of salt to it.
  • Cook asparagus stalks in boiling water until tender.
  • Asparagus can also be cooked in microwave oven. To do this, you will need a special bowl into which you will need to pour a quarter glass of water. Place the asparagus inside the container with water and cover with a lid. Cook the stems at high temperature for 3 minutes, open the lid, stir and cook for another 3-4 minutes until the stems become soft.

Method 3. Sauteing

  • Asparagus can be sauteed not only separately, but also by adding other vegetables to it, such as carrots, onions and even mushrooms. Then it will not be just a side dish or an ingredient for a salad, but an independent dish of vegetables.

Method 4. Baking in the oven

There is another good and simple way to cook fresh green asparagus in the oven.

  1. Buy only fresh asparagus that is dark green in color and firm in texture, and the tips of the stalks should also be firm.
  2. Asparagus should be stored in the refrigerator with the ends of the stems pre-moistened for no more than 3 days from the date of purchase. Do not leave asparagus uncovered among other foods in the refrigerator; place it in a plastic bag or a special container for storing vegetables. This way the stems will retain their freshness longer.
  3. Making asparagus salad is quite simple and quick. To do this, you will need half a kilogram of ready-made chilled asparagus, several tomatoes and thinly sliced ​​onions or lettuce. So easy to refill vegetable salad You can add olive oil and also add a little vinegar. Should be served cold.
  4. A butter and herb dressing goes well with asparagus. To prepare this dressing, you will need a tablespoon of boiling water, half a teaspoon of any dried herbs that you like. For example, you can mix basil, thyme and rosemary, or add just one of the above spices. The resulting mass should be mixed well with softened butter (about 60 g).

Korean asparagus is a dish that is served in many Asian restaurants. But you can easily prepare it at home yourself. This treat is not only very tasty, but also healthy, because fuju (asparagus) contains a large number of fiber and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

You should start your acquaintance with the dish under discussion with classic recipe. For it, you should use dried asparagus (180 g) and a large number of different seasonings. You need to take: 3-4 cloves of garlic, 3 tsp each. sugar and salt, 90 ml. soy sauce without additives, 1 white onion, special spices for Korean carrots, any oil for frying.

  1. To begin with, fuju is soaked in cold water for 7-9 hours. The easiest way is to leave it in liquid overnight. After this, the shoots are squeezed out of water and cut into thin strips.
  2. Any onion can be chopped in a convenient way and fried in oil until golden.
  3. Separately, soy sauce is combined with garlic passed through a press, the oil remaining from cooking the vegetable, sugar, salt, and spices are added to it. The mass is thoroughly kneaded until smooth.
  4. The asparagus is poured with the resulting sauce, placed in a hermetically sealed container and placed in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. The longer the snack stays in the cold, the tastier it will be.

To make the treat look appetizing and attractive, fuju should be cut diagonally. In this case, the cut of the straw will be visible on the finished snack.

Quick recipe

If the housewife has very little time left, then spicy asparagus can be prepared very quickly. To do this, you will need to use other ingredients: 250 g of dried fuju, 120 ml. water, 60 ml. table vinegar(you can take wine), 1 large carrot, a couple of cloves of garlic, 3 tsp. sugar, butter, a pinch of salt and ground red pepper. The following describes how to cook asparagus in Korean as quickly as possible.

  1. The first step is to boil water and pour dried asparagus into it. Under such conditions optimal time soaking the ingredient will be reduced to 1 hour.
  2. Carrots are chopped using a special “Korean” grater. But, if you don’t have it on hand, you can use a regular large one.
  3. To prepare the marinade, pepper is combined with salt, granulated sugar, chopped garlic and vinegar. The resulting mixture is placed in a saucepan over medium heat. Turn off the stove as soon as the liquid boils.
  4. The marinade is poured onto the chopped fuja mixed with carrots. The snack is placed under pressure and left warm for approximately 1 hour. Next, it should be moved to the refrigerator for storage.

Spicy asparagus prepared according to this recipe will be an excellent addition to salads. You can also add it to spicy sauces for meat.

With sesame seeds

To make the dish even more healthy and improve its taste, you should add sesame seeds to the asparagus. These seeds contain a large amount of calcium, and, in addition, add originality to any snack. It is best to combine black (2 tsp) and white (1 tsp) sesame seeds. In addition to it, you should also use: 230 g dried fuju, 1 tsp. salt and sugar, a couple of cloves of garlic, 1 carrot, 50 ml. apple cider vinegar, Korean carrot spices and ground red pepper, 100 ml. oils

  1. Soak asparagus in cold water for at least 5 hours. If you do not wait for the specified time, the snack will turn out too tough and tasteless. Next, the product is squeezed out and cut into miniature pieces.
  2. The carrots are chopped using a grater and then combined with the prepared asparagus.
  3. Sesame is fried in a dry frying pan.
  4. In a separate bowl mix fuju, carrots, sesame seeds, sugar, salt, seasonings and vinegar.
  5. Olive, sunflower or any other vegetable oil bring to a boil in a frying pan, after which the remaining ingredients are poured in.

The future snack should be in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. Only after this can it be served.

Korean asparagus and carrot recipe

Spicy fuju goes perfectly with Korean carrots. Such an appetizer can become a separate independent dish for festive table. Especially if you add red sweet to it too bell pepper(1 PC.). You will also need to use: 300 g of prepared Korean carrots, 200 g of dry asparagus, 2 white onions, 30 ml. soy sauce, a mixture of ground peppers, 4-5 garlic cloves and salt.

  1. Break asparagus and pour warm water, add salt and leave for about 1 hour.
  2. Chop the onion and bell pepper, fry the slices in oil until half cooked, and then add the soaked fuja, a little water, spices to the vegetables and simmer the listed ingredients over low heat for 10-12 minutes.
  3. The resulting mixture is combined with Korean carrots and seasoned with soy sauce.

The finished spicy appetizer can be sprinkled with a large amount of chopped herbs and served as an addition to any meat or vegetable dish.

How to cook asparagus for the winter

A spicy Korean-style asparagus appetizer can also be prepared for the winter.

The recipe for such a dish is no less simple and straightforward. For it you will need to use the following ingredients: 250 g dry asparagus, 2 pcs. carrots and onions, 2 garlic cloves, 60 ml. sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. vinegar, soy sauce and sugar, a pinch of salt and Korean carrot seasoning.

  1. Asparagus is pre-soaked in cold water overnight. After which it is thoroughly wrung out and cut diagonally.
  2. Onions, carrots and garlic are chopped (the latter is best cut into thin slices) and thoroughly fried in sunflower oil.
  3. Fuzhu is mixed with prepared vegetables and then topped with a marinade made from soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt and spices.
  4. The resulting snack can be transferred to pre-washed and sterilized jars. It keeps well all winter on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

It is best to place Korean-style asparagus in miniature jars, since it is most often consumed in small portions and in open form can quickly deteriorate.

Calorie content

If ordinary vegetable asparagus has a minimum calorie content of 15 kcal per 100 g, then this figure is significantly different for a product prepared in Korean. The exotic snack has 234 kcal for every 100 g.

If we talk about dried asparagus, the figure turns out to be even higher - 440 kcal per 100g. At the same time, the harmonious composition of the product allows it to be included in any form. diet menu. Asparagus is high in protein and low in fat.

Nowadays, on the pages of various culinary magazines and on the Internet you can find many recipes for cooking asparagus. Among them there are both classic and gourmet dishes, the taste of which is loved and appreciated by gourmets. This article will list some of the most interesting and the right ways cooking asparagus.


If you are just starting to experiment with this product and don’t know how to cook asparagus, use the classic recipe. To do this, peel the asparagus (peel off the skin and remove the woody ends). Form bunches of peeled stems (6-10 pieces each), then tie them with a special kitchen thread. Take a deep pan and boil water with salt, taking into account that it should completely cover the cooked bunches.

To properly cook asparagus, you need to set the timer for 15-20 minutes. After the asparagus is ready, you need to move the bunches into a new portion of boiling salted water and wait a little. Then dry the finished product on a towel and serve immediately, remembering to first remove the kitchen thread that binds the bundle.

Any housewife should consider how to prepare green varieties. The only difference is in the method of processing the original stem: white asparagus is peeled exclusively from the top, and green asparagus is peeled from the center of the stem downwards.

Boiled asparagus will be especially tasty if served with a special sauce. Here are some examples of such additives:
- Hollandaise sauce (yolk base with the addition of lemon juice and butter),
- melt, add parmesan and dried ham,
- melt the butter and mix it with fine breadcrumbs.

Do not think that you can cook from asparagus, except for its usual cooking, only complex dishes. For example, consider another very simple dish.

with cheese
To prepare, peel and boil the asparagus stalks as described above. Additionally, add a small amount of butter and a pinch of sugar to the water.

Before that, prepare a baking dish: grease it and sprinkle finely grated breadcrumbs on the bottom.

Place the cooked asparagus in a mold, sprinkle it with grated cheese and the remaining breadcrumbs, lightly pour melted butter and place in the oven. Since the asparagus is already ready, you should wait until the cheese melts, hold it a little longer and turn it off. This dish will be an excellent side dish for meat.

It is very important to cook asparagus correctly, especially when boiling, because otherwise it will be mushy and not suitable for creating other dishes. Therefore, practice well before you start preparing your next culinary masterpiece.

Asparagus dressed with gribiche sauce
No one will dare call you a bad cook if you know that you can prepare such a delicious dish from asparagus. Its creation will require patience and effort, but the result will be worth it.

Gribiche sauce. Separate the boiled white and yolk, grind them in different bowls. Mix the yolk with the yolk from raw egg, add half a teaspoon and a tablespoon of white wine vinegar to it. Whisk the mixture until smooth, adding olive oil and peanut oil. Then combine with chopped protein, chopped capers, pickled cucumber and chopped herbs (parsley, tarragon). The sauce must be refrigerated.

If you have decided how to cook asparagus and have chosen this method, then you can make the sauce 2-3 days before the main dish.

Croutons. Cut some bread hearts, brush them with olive oil, sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top, and add salt and pepper. The croutons will cook for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 C.

Asparagus. Boil the asparagus in the usual way, just keep it in boiling water for 6 minutes. Next, get rid of excess moisture and divide the finished stems into several portions.

Asparagus is served with croutons and sauce.

Frozen green beans used both as a side dish and as an independent dish. Ready beans are in perfect harmony in taste with meat, poultry or fish. In 20 minutes you can prepare a lean and satisfying meal at home.

Classic recipe for side dish

Boiled green beans are one of the simplest side dishes for main course, salad or soup. Does not contain fat and has beneficial properties for digestion.


  • green beans – 400 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • ground pepper - a pinch;
  • salt – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • water.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water into a wide enamel pan and place on the stove.
  2. While the water is boiling, remove the frozen beans, place in a colander, pour over boiling water and drain the liquid.
  3. If the pods are too large, cut into smaller pieces.
  4. Add salt to boiling water, add the main ingredient and boil for 5 minutes. Then remove the pods from the water and fry over medium heat for 3 minutes.
  5. Add crushed garlic, pepper and oil.
  6. Cover the finished side dish with a lid and leave to simmer for 5 minutes.

Video recipe

The advantage of the classic recipe is that no defrosting is required. Thanks to the salt water, all the vitamins and nutrients will be preserved in the pods.

Cooking in a frying pan with an egg

The finished stewed beans with eggs turns out very juicy. The composition contains the optimal amount of protein for a complete breakfast.


  • green beans – 500 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – ½ tsp;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Rinse the beans with water and cut into pieces. How smaller size, the faster the dish will cook. Peel the onion and chop for frying.
  2. Prepare a frying pan for stewing: put on fire, grease with oil.
  3. Fry the onion until golden brown, lay out the pods and add water so that the liquid does not cover them completely.
  4. Add salt, ground pepper and stir.
  5. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then pour in the beaten eggs and cook for another 10 minutes over low heat.

By the time you add the eggs, the water should have evaporated. If the beans are still hard, add a little water and cook until soft. To prevent the dish from boiling to a mushy mass and to ensure that the pods remain intact, drain off the excess water and place the frying pan over low heat.

How to cook green beans in the oven

For cooking in the oven, frozen green beans are used, which do not require additional processing. Pre-packaged bags from the store contain already peeled and sorted vegetables.


  • green beans – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • flour – 50 g;
  • milk – 1 l;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon zest – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. When it boils, add salt and pods. After 5 minutes, drain the liquid and place the boiled pods on a baking dish greased with butter (20 g).
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  3. Soften butter in a saucepan, add flour and stir. Then add milk, zest and grated cheese. When the liquid thickens slightly, mix with the beans and place in the oven.
  4. After 15 minutes the dish is ready.

Video cooking

If there is no lemon zest, lemon juice in the same amount will replace it. To serve, place a portion of the dish on each plate, sprinkle breadcrumbs on top and drizzle lemon juice.

Recipe in a slow cooker

The recipe is similar to baked beans, but helps to reduce the time of direct participation in the kitchen several times.


  • green beans – 400 g;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Bay leaf- 1 PC.;
  • coriander – ½ tsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp.


  1. Cut the beans into pieces, chop the carrots on a coarse grater, and chop the onion finely.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl except tomato paste.
  3. Leave to simmer for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before ready to add tomato paste and stir.

Cooking in a slow cooker is a dietary option that is suitable even for those who are on a diet and want to lose weight. For recipe lovers, saturated fat, you can additionally fry the onions and carrots before adding them in the “Frying” or “Baking” mode.

The shelf life of frozen green beans is 6 months. If used after this time, the product loses beneficial features and will have the opposite effect.

  1. Green beans contain a lot of vitamins and microelements that have a positive effect on the nervous and digestive system person.
  2. You should not consume it in unlimited quantities, especially for older people and those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers).
  3. During cooking, you need to drain the first water so that after eating, the beans do not cause gas formation.

Frozen green beans have unique properties– it stores more useful substances than in fresh. In addition, the pods are not affected by toxins and fumes from environment. It is low calorie and dietary product food from which it is easy to prepare side dishes, salads and holiday dishes.

Many people are familiar with asparagus - it is a prickly indoor plant with branchy shoots. But not everyone is aware that the young shoots of this flower are asparagus. This delicacy has a delicate delicate taste. Its benefits have been known for several centuries.

Benefits of asparagus

Any variety of asparagus contains very few calories. This product is very lightweight in every way. It perfectly saturates the body and at the same time is easily digestible. Asparagus contains a large amount of vitamins and even more microelements. This vegetable is especially useful for people who, because with low calorie content it is very satiating.

Asparagus is recommended for nutrition, because it contains a lot folic acid. Just 100 grams of asparagus will provide you with 40% of the daily value of this substance. In addition, asparagus is good for people with heart disease, including children suffering from congenital defect hearts. If you are planning to have a baby, then start eating asparagus about six months before conception to saturate your body with folic acid.

Asparagus is an excellent diuretic. It contains a lot of fiber, which is good for digestion and has a beneficial effect on the beneficial intestinal microflora. The substances contained in asparagus tone the intestinal muscles, reduce the formation of gases and influence its biochemical reactions. Asparagus contains saponins, which are useful for lipid metabolism and thinning mucus in the lungs. Carotene, which asparagus is rich in, has a good effect on vision and prevents. To strengthen vascular walls and improve heart health, asparagus contains coumarin.

Asparagus has a good effect on the activity of the liver and kidneys, has positive influence to work nervous system, cleanses the lungs and bronchi of toxins. Green asparagus contains a lot of antioxidants, which rejuvenate the body and prevent the development of diseases.

During the Middle Ages, asparagus was considered the strongest aphrodisiac. It was believed that asparagus excites men and has a wonderful effect on their health. This is to some extent a natural substitute for Viagra. On the other hand, asparagus also has a stimulating effect on women. In India, women used it to normalize hormonal levels and treatment of infertility, as well as as a means of rejuvenation.

Harm of asparagus

In addition to the obvious benefits that asparagus brings to the human body, some people should not abuse it. First of all, this warning applies to those who are genetically predisposed to stones in bladder. The fact is that this plant contains a certain amount of special acid, which tends to influence the formation of stones.

Patients with cystitis, rheumatism and prostatitis are also not recommended to eat asparagus. The saponin contained in it irritates the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. For this reason, asparagus is also contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems.

How to cook asparagus

There are no special tricks to cooking asparagus. The main task is not to overcook this vegetable so that it does not lose color. Asparagus goes well with all foods. It is suitable for preparing salads and other dishes.

Here are the main ways to cook asparagus:

  • The easiest way to blanch asparagus. To do this, cut off the thick part of the stem and immerse the vegetable in boiling water for four minutes. As a result, the asparagus will be tender and juicy.
  • Asparagus is great for roasting. Simply cover the stems with grated Parmesan and pop into the oven. You can serve this dish with egg yolk hollandaise or lemon sauce.
  • You can also cook asparagus. Before this, tie the shoots in a bunch and in this form, standing, place them in a pan of boiling water. This will cause the tops of the vegetables to protrude from the water and become steamed. This method allows the vegetable to cook evenly. After all, the stems take longer to cook than the tender tops. To make the asparagus taste better, add lemon juice to boiling water.
  • To preserve color and crisp up the asparagus, place it in cold water after cooking.
