How do you know which blood type your child will have? How is the blood type of a child inherited from Parents 1 positive

Life Compatible Monosomy: (2)

1.monosomy by autosomes

2. + monosomy by sex chromosomes

3.not found

4.Tay-Sachs disease

5. + Turner-Shereshevsky syndrome

Autosomal trisomy is characterized by: (2)

1. + the presence of one extra autosome

2.absence of one autosome

3.not found in the human population

4. + results in chromosomal disease in man

5.not compatible with life

Typical for overdominance and codominance: (2)

1.the weakening of the action of the dominant gene in the presence of a recessive

2. + the same expression of dominant genes

3. + stronger manifestation of the dominant gene in heterozygous state versus homozygous

4.heterozygotes do not differ phenotypically from homozygotes

5. suppression of one dominant gene by another.

Polymer is called: (1)

1. + interaction of genes from different allelic pairs, but with the same complementary influence on the trait

2.interaction of two non-allelic dominant genes with the emergence of a new trait (often pathological)

3.interaction of genes of one allelic pair with equivalent action

4.interaction opposite to complementarity

5.interaction of two non-allelic genes with suppression of one gene from one allelic pair of action of a gene from another allelic pair

A qualitative indicator of the phenotypic manifestation of a gene is called: (1)

1. + expressiveness




5. complementarity

The phenocopy phenomenon is characterized by: (2) gene can cause a number of traits

3. + the sign is caused not by the action of the gene, but by the influence of the factor external environment

4. + phenotypic manifestation of exogenous and genetic defects is the same

5.Multiple gene action is observed

32. Hemoglobin contains two different polypeptides (alpha and beta). The genes encoding them are located on non-homologous chromosomes. Name the form of interaction between genes: (1)

1.incomplete dominance



4. + complementarity


With multiple allelism: (1) gene completely suppresses the expression of another gene

2.the dominant gene does not completely suppress the manifestation of the action of the recessive gene

3.the dominant gene in a heterozygous state manifests itself more strongly than in a homozygous one

4. the genes of one allelic pair are equivalent, both manifest their effect

5. + in addition to the dominant and recessive genes, there are intermediate alleles

Indicators of the dependence of the functioning of a gene on the genotype are: (2)


2. + penetrance

3. + expressiveness


5. complementarity

Forms of interaction of allelic genes: (3)

1. + incomplete dominance

2. + co-dominance


4. complementarity

5. + overdominance

Typical for complete domination: (2)

1. + heterozygotes do not differ phenotypically from homozygotes

2.heterozygotes phenotypically differ from homozygotes

3.weakening of the dominant gene in the presence of a recessive

4. + the manifestation of the action of the dominant gene does not depend on the presence of a recessive gene in the genotype

Characteristic for incomplete dominance: (2)

1.heterozygotes do not differ phenotypically from homozygotes

2. + heterozygotes phenotypically differ from homozygotes

3. + weakening of the dominant gene in the presence of a recessive

4.the manifestation of the action of one allelic gene does not depend on the presence of another allele in the genotype

5.the same manifestation of the activity of allelic genes

The phenomenon of pleiotropy is characterized by the fact that: (2)

1. + one gene can cause a number of traits

2. the same trait can be determined by different genes

3.the sign is caused not by the action of the gene, but by the influence of the environmental factor

4.phenotypic manifestation of exogenous and genetic defects is the same

5. + there is multiple gene action

Epistasis is: (1)

1.interaction of genes from different allelic pairs with the same complementary influence on the trait

2. + interaction of non-allelic genes, when one gene is suppressed by another

4.interaction of non-allelic genes with the summed action of similar alleles

Polymeria is: (2)

1. + interaction of genes from different allelic pairs with the same complementary influence on one trait

2.interaction of non-allelic genes when one gene is suppressed by another

3.interaction of 2 non-allelic dominant genes with the emergence of a new trait

4. + interaction of non-allelic genes with the summed action of similar alleles

5.interaction of non-allelic genes with mutual complement to each other

41. A person with genotype А 1 А 1 А 2 А 2 has high growth, and with genotype a 1 a 1 a 2 a 2 - short stature. Find variants of genotypes of people of average height: (3)

1. + A 1 A 1 a 2 a 2

2. + a 1 a 1 A 2 A 2

3.a 1 a 1 a 2 A 2

4. + A 1 a 1 A 2 a 2

5.A 1 A 1 A 2 a 2

42. Rabbit hair color is controlled by a series of allelic genes characterized by the action of a +> a ch> c h> a. Determine the genotypes of the Himalayan rabbits: (2)

43. Rabbit hair color is controlled by a series of allelic genes characterized by the action of a +> a ch> c h> a. Determine the genotypes of chinchilla rabbits: (3)

1. The boy has the first blood group, and his sister has the fourth. What about their parents' blood types?

2. The father has the fourth blood group, the mother has the first. Can children inherit a parent's blood type?

3. Parents have the second and third blood groups. What blood types should be expected in offspring?

4.In maternity hospital confused the two boys. The first pair of parents has the first and second blood groups, the second pair - the second and fourth. Boys have second and first blood groups. Identify the parents of both children.

5. A woman with a third blood group initiated a case for the recovery of alimony from a man with a first blood group, claiming that he was the father of the child. The child has the first blood group. What decision should the court make?

6. In what cases can a forensic examination give an unambiguous answer about the paternity of a child?

7. A woman with a first blood group married a homozygous man with a second blood group. They had one child. What blood group and what genotype does he have?

8. The mother's blood group is second, and the father's is third. Is it possible to establish their genotype if their child has a fourth blood type?

9. The child has the first blood group, his mother is the third, his father is the second. Determine the genotypes of the parents. What is the probability of these parents having children with the second, third and fourth blood groups?

10. During the examination of the paternity case, it was established that the child has the fourth blood group, the mother has the second, and the alleged father has the first. What conclusion should the medical examiner come to?

11. A man with what blood group is more likely to be justified in a paternity claim?

12. Under what genotypes of parents can a sister's blood be transfused to her sibling? Only the blood of the same name is transfused.

13. A mother with a second blood group has a child with a first blood group. Install possible groups father's blood.

14. In the maternity hospital, four babies with the first, second, third and fourth blood groups were born on the same night. The blood groups of the parental couples were: a) 1 and 1; b) 4 and 1; c) 2 and 3; d) 3 and 3. Distribute the children by parent.

15. The woman applied to the court to establish paternity. The child has the first blood group, the mother is the third, and the alleged fathers are the second and third. Can the court decide unambiguously who is the father of the child?

16. Three children with second, fourth and first blood groups were born from a marriage between a man with a fourth and a woman with a second blood group. Determine the genotypes of the parents and children. Is there anything in this message that is in doubt?

17. Two parental couples apply for one child with the second blood group. The first couple has the first and fourth blood groups, the second has the first and third. Which pair has the best chance?

18. The father has the third blood group, the mother has the second. What are the genotypes of the parents if they have 12 children and all with the fourth blood group.

19. The boy's grandfather on the mother's side has the fourth blood group, and the rest of the grandparents - the first. What is the likelihood for this boy to have blood types I, II, III and IV?

What blood group will inherit future baby?, - this question worries a lot of couples who are "waiting for a miracle." To find out, we will tell you what blood type and Rh factor are, and whether it is possible to predict in advance what they will be in a child.

What is blood?

Blood is nothing more than liquid tissue circulating inside human body and supporting correct exchange substances.

It consists of:

  • the liquid part, that is, plasma and cellular elements;
  • erythrocytes and leukocytes;
  • platelets;
  • gas (nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide);
  • from organic matter, which include proteins, carbohydrates, fats and nitrogenous compounds.

What are the blood types?

A blood group is nothing more than a difference in the structure of proteins. As an indicator, it cannot change under any circumstances. Therefore, the blood group can be considered a constant value.

It was discovered by the scientist Karl Landsteiner at the dawn of the 19th century, who stood at the origins of the definition of the AVO system.

According to this system, blood is divided into 4 known groups:

  • I (0) - a group in which there are no antigens A and B (molecules involved in the formation of immunological memory);
  • II (A) - blood with antigen A in the composition;
  • III (B) - blood with antigen B;
  • IV (AB) - this group contains two antigens at once, A and B.

The unique ABO system (blood group) changed the idea of ​​scientists about the composition and nature of blood and, most importantly, helped to avoid errors during transfusion, which occurred as a result of incompatibility of the patient's blood with donor blood.

Rh factor - what is it?

The Rh factor is a protein antigen located on the surface of red blood cells. For the first time, scientists discovered it back in 1919 in monkeys and a little later confirmed the existence of the Rh factor in humans.

The Rh factor includes more than 40 antigens, which are designated using numbers and letters. Most often, Rh antigens D (85%), C (70%), E (30%) and E (80%) are found in nature.

According to statistics, 85% of Europeans become carriers of a positive Rh factor, and the remaining 15% are negative.

Mixing the Rh factor

You have probably heard that when mixing the blood of parents with different Rh factors, a conflict often occurs. This happens if the mother carries a negative rhesus, and the father is positive. The health of a child in this case depends primarily on whose rhesus is "stronger".

If the future baby decides to inherit his father's blood, then the mother's blood will “increase” the content of Rh antibodies every day. The problem is that, penetrating into the fetus, they will destroy the red blood cells, then the body itself, which, as a result, can lead to hemolytic disease of the baby.

What are Mendel's laws?

The laws of Gregor Mendel, an Austrian biologist, on which geneticists and physicians rely, are nothing more than a clear description of the principles of inheritance of certain traits.

They served as a solid foundation for the subsequent emergence of the science of genetics, and it is on them that you should rely on when predicting a child's blood group.

Principles of inheritance of blood groups according to Mendel

  1. According to the laws of Gregor Mendel, if parents have 1 blood group, they will have children without antigens A and B.
  2. If the parents of the unborn baby have blood groups 1 and 2, then the children will inherit them. The same goes for groups 1 and 3.
  3. 4 blood group is a chance to conceive children with 2, 3 or 4 groups, excluding the first.
  4. The blood group of a child is not predicted in advance if his parents are carriers of groups 2 and 3.

The exception to these rules, which have not changed over the years, is the “Bombay phenomenon”. We are talking about people in whose phenotype A and B antigens are present, but for some reason they do not manifest themselves in any way. This situation is very rare and most common among Indians.

How is the inheritance of the Rh factor?

The Rh factor is designated by the letters Rh. When positive, it carries a plus, and negative carries a minus sign.

It is possible to guess its type with an accuracy of 100% only if the Rh of both parents is negative, in all other cases the Rh will be different.

Inheritance system

The positive Rh factor, which is determined by the D gene, has different alleles in its structure: dominant (D) and recessive (d). In other words, a person with Rh (+) type can carry both DD genotype and Dd. A person with Rh (-) rhesus is a carrier of the dd type.

Knowing this inheritance pattern, it is quite possible to predict the future Rh factor in a child who has not yet been born. If the mother is negative with the genotype dd, and the father is positive (DD or Dd), then the baby can inherit any of the possible options. This is clearly illustrated by the following table:

Thus, if the dad carries the DD type in himself, the offspring of the couple will get Rh-positive Rh, and if he is of the Dd type, then this probability decreases to 50%.

What else can a baby inherit?

Of course, parents are not only concerned about what blood type their child will have. They are also wildly wondering if the baby will inherit, for example, their eye or hair color.

Dominants and recessives

Such intriguing questions are answered by a geneticist, and this is done thanks to her knowledge of two types of genes: dominant and recessive. The former are always ahead of the latter and suppress them.

Overwhelming, dominant signs include physical features such as blood type, freckles or dark skin, dimples, fluffy eyelashes, a hump on the nose, myopia, or early graying.

So, for example, for brown eyes father and blue mother, the little one will be dark-eyed.

Inherited traits

The following can be inherited:

  • blood group and Rh factor (as we found out earlier);
  • color of the skin;
  • features of vision (myopia or strabismus and other defects);
  • height (low or high);
  • individual features of the structure of the arms and legs;
  • hearing characteristics (ear for music, hearing loss, or deafness);
  • facial features (including freckles and dimples on the cheeks);
  • the shape of the mouth, nose and ears;
  • hair color;
  • diseases (for example, diabetes and hemophilia).

But the character of the baby on these grounds is rather difficult to predict. If you only try to determine the psychotype of the personality to which the child will belong.

What about IQ?

Of course, a child can take not only a blood group and outward signs from their parents. However, the value of IQ, which is also often worried about future moms and dads, does not strongly depend on heredity.

Oddly enough, for the development of the child's intelligence and brain, a favorable family environment and early communication are much more beneficial than heredity.

At the same time, according to experts, women who constantly engaged in physical education during pregnancy can give birth to a gifted child. Also stimulates the child's mental activity and breast-feeding(increases IQ by 6 points).

Health issue

As for diseases, everything has long been known here that, unfortunately, along with the color of the eyes and hair from our parents, a bunch of all kinds of diseases can be transmitted to us, including allergies, schizophrenia and even mental retardation.

But there is also good news: today, a person can get their hands on their individual genetic passport in order to find out about the dangers that threaten him. You can get it by contacting medical laboratory doing DNA analysis and genetic research(and not just such standard tests as blood type and Rh factor).

Having made such an analysis, you will receive a personal "decoding" of the characteristics of the body, which will indicate a tendency to certain diseases, attitude to sports, a list of unwanted foods and even a list of climatic conditions unfavorable for living.

For a long time, people who had the first blood group were considered universal donors. And only recently, with the discovery of new substances in the composition of blood, scientists have refuted this statement. However, in the absence of an alternative, the first negative is given to all patients. At the same time, the 1st positive blood group is not suitable for everyone: it is also administered to patients with any group, but always with a positive Rh.

The blood group is given to a person in the womb, during the formation of the fetus, and remains unchanged. What exactly it will be depends largely on the group of parents, and how exactly it was combined in the child. For example, if the mother and father have the first, the baby will definitely inherit it. But if the blood type is different, any combination is possible.

A person's blood group depends on antigens on the membranes of erythrocytes (red blood cells, the main task of which is to transport oxygen and carbon throughout the body), as well as antibodies that are produced in relation to them. Coming out of this, the AB0 system was developed, which provides for the presence or absence of antibodies and antigens in the human body. Later it was found that the most common group is the first, while the fourth is the rarest.

The antigens were discovered by scientists after it became clear that blood transfusions are often fatal. During their study, such a concept as group compatibility was established: it turned out that if blood with antigens is poured into a person who does not have them, immunity begins to produce antibodies against a foreign body that has entered the body, which leads to the death of a person.

But if you use biomaterial during transfusion, in which the antigens of the donor and recipient are the same, antibodies to them will not be developed. This means that the blood is good and the treatment is successful.

The same applies to Rh compatibility, which implies the presence or absence of protein antigen D on the membranes of red blood cells. Its absence is a rare case: according to what is written in statistics, the protein antigen is present in 85% of people. It does not affect health, but if it turns out to be in the blood, in which the D antigen is absent, the recipient may die. That's why positive blood an Rh negative recipient is not suitable for infusion.

Features of the 1st group

For the first blood group, it is characteristic that it contains no antigens A and B. Therefore, it is designated as 0 (zero), in many sources it is written as I. Due to the absence of antigens that cause an immune response, long time it was believed that the first group can be infused into any person (the main thing is that there is an appropriate rhesus).

V recent times additional characteristics and properties of red blood cells were discovered, which refuted its universal compatibility. But when compared with other blood groups, the immune response is much less common, so it is still used in the absence of biomaterial with the desired group.

It should be borne in mind that only the first group, which has a negative Rh, is considered universal in compatibility. Positive due to the presence of protein antigen D is not suitable for everyone, since it can only be infused in people who have it (I +, II +, III +, IV +).

But if the recipient is the owner of the first group, the blood of the other group cannot be transfused to him due to the presence of alpha and beta agglutinins in the plasma. This is the name of the antibodies that immunity produces in order to protect the body from foreign invasion. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to inject other blood groups into the owners of the first group, since they contain:

  • one of the antigens (in group II - A, in III - B);
  • both antigens (group IV, designated as the rarest).

As for the Rh factor, the recipient from the first positive group any blood is suitable. At the same time, people with negative rhesus need only blood in which the antigen D is absent: if tissue with the missing antigen enters the plasma, an immediate reaction of the body will follow.

How to calculate a group

The presence or absence of antigens A, B, D has absolutely no effect on human health. Information about the compatibility of groups is needed mainly during blood transfusion and during pregnancy in order to assess the risk of a mismatch between the baby's blood and the mother's. Studies have found that if parents have different groups blood, various combinations are possible, up to the fact that the group of the baby will not coincide with the parent. But if the mother and father have the first group, the child will have the same.

The same applies to rhesus. If the parents do not have the antigen, the baby will have a negative group. An ambiguous answer about what the Rh factor will be if:

  • Rh factors in mother and father do not match;
  • in the father and mother it is positive (the possibility of a negative rhesus is likely if one of the ancestors had it).
Parents What blood group will the baby have (indicated as a percentage)
I + I 100
I + II 50 50
I + III 50 50
I + IV 50 50
II + II 25 75
II + III 25 25 25 25
II + IV 50 25 25
III + III 25 75
III + IV 25 50 25
IV + IV 25 25 50

Thus, if the parents lack antigens A, B, D, the baby will have a negative first group. If Rh is present, the blood of the heir can be either positive or negative.

If one of the parents has the first blood group, the other has a rare fourth, the child will not inherit the parent's blood group. This is due to the fact that both antigens are absent in the blood of one parent, while the other is present. Therefore, with such a combination, one of the antigens in the baby will be accurate, while the second, most likely, will not appear. Other combinations: 1 + 2; 1 + 3 give the same chances of which blood the baby, mother or father will have.

Mismatch of groups of mother and baby

During pregnancy, most often problems arise when the Rh factors do not coincide, when it is negative in the mother, and positive in the baby. If there is no blood compatibility according to the AB0 system, the danger to the baby, although possible, is much lower.

This is due to the fact that the organisms of the mother and the child during pregnancy are closely related to each other. Therefore, there is a high probability that a situation will arise in which the baby's blood will enter the mother's plasma. If antigens A, B, D are present on the membranes of the child's erythrocytes, while the mother will not have them, this suggests that there is no compatibility between the blood of the mother and the baby, which will lead to an immune response from the mother's body, as a result of which the child's life will be in jeopardy.

The powerful immune attack of the mother's body during pregnancy, which was provoked by the lack of compatibility, leads to oxygen starvation of the baby, so if measures are not taken in time, he may die. If he survives, he will have hemolytic disease, which can be expressed in icteric, anemic or edematous forms.

The most dangerous is edematous, since with this ailment, the baby has an increase in the liver, spleen, heart, the body will have a reduced amount of protein, there will be oxygen starvation... These problems can provoke a malfunction of all organs and systems. If treatment is not started on time, this will lead to the death of the child.

Fortunately, scientists have solved this problem, so if the woman is under medical supervision during pregnancy, the problem can be avoided. There are different treatments to prevent the destruction of red blood cells. . If the tests showed that the immune system has not yet begun to produce antibodies, the woman is injected with Rh immunoglobulin twice throughout the entire pregnancy.

If the moment was missed and the immune system began to produce antibodies, an injection cannot be given at this stage of pregnancy. The doctor prescribes supportive therapy and chooses expectant tactics, carefully observing the health of the mother and fetus. V severe cases prescribes intrauterine blood transfusion to the child under ultrasound control... They resort to the procedure only in last resort since it is carried out almost blindly, the fetus and placenta are in constant motion and there is a risk of overshooting, falling into an artery instead of a vein, which can lead to the death of the child or severe blood loss.

The injected biomaterial necessarily has a negative Rh, if the child's blood group has been established, it is poured in, if not, the blood of the first group. Thanks to this procedure, during pregnancy, the immune response is weakened, which contributes to the improvement of the baby's health. Several such procedures are required, up to the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy, when the baby becomes viable and, if necessary, the doctor may decide to stimulate labor or perform a cesarean section.

Inheritance of a blood type by a child

At the beginning of the last century, scientists proved the existence of 4 blood groups. How are blood types inherited by a child?

The Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner, mixing the blood serum of some people with erythrocytes taken from the blood of others, found that with some combinations of erythrocytes and serums, "sticking" occurs - erythrocytes clumping and the formation of clots, while others do not.

By studying the structure of red blood cells, Landsteiner discovered special substances. He divided them into two categories, A and B, highlighting the third, where he took the cells in which they were not. Later, his students - A. von Decastello and A. Sturli - discovered erythrocytes containing A- and B-type markers at the same time.

As a result of research, a system of division according to blood groups arose, which was called ABO. We still use this system.

  • I (0) - blood group is characterized by the absence of antigens A and B;
  • II (A) - established in the presence of antigen A;
  • III (AB) - antigens B;
  • IV (AB) - antigens A and B.

This discovery made it possible to avoid losses during transfusions caused by the incompatibility of the blood of patients and donors. For the first time, successful transfusions have been carried out before. Thus, in the history of medicine in the 19th century, a successful blood transfusion was described for a woman in labor. Having received a quarter of a liter donated blood, she said, she felt "as if life itself penetrates into her body."

But until the end of the 20th century, such manipulations were sporadic and were carried out only in emergency cases, sometimes doing more harm than good. But thanks to the discoveries of Austrian scientists, blood transfusions have become much more safe procedure that saved many lives.

The AB0 system turned scientists' ideas about the properties of blood upside down. Further study of them by genetic scientists. They proved that the principles of inheritance of a child's blood group are the same as for other traits. These laws were formulated in the second half of the 19th century by Mendel, based on experiments with peas, familiar to all of us from school biology textbooks.

Child's blood type

Inheritance of a child's blood group according to Mendel's law

  • According to Mendel's laws, parents with I blood group will have children who do not have type A and B antigens.
  • Spouses with I and II have children with the corresponding blood groups. The same situation is typical for groups I and III.
  • People with group IV can have children with any blood group, with the exception of I, regardless of what type of antigens their partner has.
  • The most unpredictable is the inheritance of a blood group by a child in the union of owners with groups II and III. Their children can have any of the four blood types with equal probability.
  • An exception to the rule is the so-called “Bombay phenomenon”. In some people, A and B antigens are present in the phenotype, but do not manifest phenotypically. True, this is extremely rare and mainly among the Indians, for which it got its name.

Rh factor inheritance

The birth of a child with a negative Rh factor in a family with Rh-positive parents, at best, causes deep bewilderment, at worst - distrust. Reproaches and doubts about the spouse's fidelity. Oddly enough, there is nothing exceptional in this situation. There is a simple explanation for this delicate problem.

Rhesus factor is a lipoprotein located on erythrocyte membranes in 85% of people (they are considered Rh positive). In the absence of it, they speak of Rh-negative blood. These indicators are designated with Latin letters Rh with a plus or minus sign, respectively. For the study of rhesus, as a rule, one pair of genes is considered.

  • A positive Rh factor is designated DD or Dd and is the dominant sign, and a negative one is dd, recessive. When people are allied with heterozygous rhesus (Dd), their children will be Rh positive in 75% of cases and negative in the remaining 25%.

Parents: Dd x Dd. Children: DD, Dd, dd. Heterozygosity arises as a result of the birth of a Rh-conflict child in a Rh-negative mother, or can persist in genes for many generations.

Trait inheritance

For centuries, parents have only wondered what their child will be like. Today there is an opportunity to look into the beautiful far away. Thanks to ultrasound, you can find out the gender and some features of the anatomy and physiology of the baby.

Genetics allows us to determine the likely color of the eyes and hair, and even the presence of a musical ear in a baby. All these traits are inherited according to Mendel's laws and are divided into dominant and recessive. Brown eyes, hair with fine curls and even the ability to curl the tongue into a tube are dominant signs. Most likely, the child will inherit them.

Unfortunately, the dominant features also include a tendency to early baldness and graying, myopia and the gap between the front teeth.

The recessive ones are gray and blue eyes, straight hair, fair skin, mediocre ear for music. The manifestation of these signs is less likely.

Boy or ...

For many centuries in a row, the woman was blamed for the absence of an heir in the family. To achieve the goal - the birth of a boy - women resorted to diets and calculated favorable days for conception. But let's look at the problem from the point of view of science. Human sex cells (eggs and sperm) have half the set of chromosomes (that is, there are 23 of them). 22 of them are the same for men and women. Only the last pair is different. In women, these are XX chromosomes, and in men, XY.

So the probability of giving birth to a child of one sex or another entirely depends on the chromosomal set of the sperm, which has managed to fertilize the egg. Simply put, ... dad is fully responsible for the sex of the child!

Inheritance table of the blood group of the child depending on the blood groups of the father and mother

Mom + dadChild's blood type: possible options(v %)
I + II (100%)- - -
I + III (50%)II (50%)- -
I + IIII (50%)- III (50%)-
I + IV- II (50%)III (50%)-
II + III (25%)II (75%)- -
II + IIII (25%)II (25%)III (25%)IV (25%)
II + IV- II (50%)III (25%)IV (25%)
III + IIII (25%)- III (75%)-
III + IV- II (25%)III (50%)IV (25%)
IV + IV- II (25%)III (25%)IV (50%)

Table 2. Inheritance of the blood group of the Rh system, possible in a child, depending on the blood groups of his parents.

Blood type

Father's blood type

Rh (+)rh (-)
Rh (+) AnyAny
rh (-) Any Rh negative

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