The most important rules of life Life rules! On a note

100 rules that will radically change your life

1. Start your day with gratitude for everything you have.
2. Get up early.
3. Drink plenty of water.
4. Accept cold and hot shower for recovery.
5. Plan your day.
6. Set goals, but don't get attached to them.
7. Forgive your friends and enemies. Forgive others for their imperfections.

8. Spend at least 15 minutes a day on fresh air, and even better 30-60 minutes.
9. Don't drink after meals.
10. Avoid negative environments.
11. If you still find yourself in a destructive environment, learn "from the opposite", i.e. what "not to be".
12. Be true to your dreams.
13. Surround yourself with worthy people who will contribute to your realization.
14. Exercise every day.
15. During periods of crisis, follow the minimum program.
16. Learn from a professional mentor who will help you accelerate your professional growth.
17. Work while enjoying.
18. If you don’t like the job, but it is necessary for growth and brings you closer to the goal, keep doing it.
19. If you don’t like the job and don’t bring it closer to the goal, quit it.

20. Believe in yourself.
21. Breathe deeply as often as possible throughout the day.
22. Pray or meditate every day, cleanse the soul.
23. Regularly update your playlist of your favorite songs, listen to them when you need an energy recharge.
24. Find the best teachers in every area of ​​life and learn from them.
25. Give 10% of income to charity.
26. Be generous with praise, especially for your team.
27. Be emotional in praise and restrained and delicate in criticism.
28. Remember: no matter how good you do, someone will always be dissatisfied. It's unavoidable.
29. In success, experience gratitude for the victory. In defeat, be grateful for the experience.

30. Be a child sometimes, let yourself fool around.
31. Remember to do the most important things first.
32. Apply as often as possible the principle of "two in one" (simultaneous exercise and listening to audio books, morning marathon and motivational video).
33. To experience happiness from work, think only about the return, and not about how much money you earn as a result.
34. Strive for growth, do not be afraid of obstacles.
35. Remember: to achieve mastery in any business, you need at least 10 thousand hours of hard work.
36. Small daily improvements lead to big success.
37. Greet people first and smile at them. only strong and successful person can afford to be the first to show goodwill.
38. The only worthy standard is the best.
39. Delicately say goodbye to those people who do not contribute to the realization of your potential.
40. If these are your relatives, love them and accept them as they are. They will most likely never change.

41. Do not try to change anyone at all. Trying to change the people around you is the most Right way Unfortunately.
42. Inspiration comes from the right way of life.
43. Than worse food and the less mobile you are, the less desire and passion in your work.
44. Be an "elevator" for the people around you. Pick them up.
45. Treat critics with understanding. These are unrealized people who have no greater pleasure than expressing their disapproval.
46. ​​If the critic is qualified and speaks from the heart, make him a friend. Let him help you become better, and you, in turn, find a way to compensate him for his contribution to your success.
47. What is behind in your life and what lies ahead for you is a mirror image of what you have in it now.
48. Motivation must come from within. If it is not there, then there can be only two reasons: either there is no energy, or you are doing the wrong thing.
49. Never make any vital decisions in bad mood. First enter a positive peak state, then decide how to live on.
50. Read mail, Twitter and Facebook 2 times a day. Maximum.

51. Words inspire and words destroy. Choose them with sensitivity and love.
52. To love a person is to help him realize himself. Even if it is to the detriment of your own desires.
53. Enjoy being alone.
54. It's never too late to start a new business, introduce a new habit and start a new hobby. Keep looking for something that will broaden your horizons.
55. The opportunity and ability to inspire others to realize their potential is the highest reward that exists.
56. Keep a diary of success, especially the categories you work on the most.
57. Follow the agreements. To do this, do not promise anything if you are not 100% sure that you can do it.
58. Avoid gossip.
59. Follow the news, politics, the economy, develop spherically.
60. But remember that the meaning of life lies elsewhere - in a deep understanding of the laws of the universe and following them. This will lead to happiness.

61. “Of the active and smart, the active ones win. And among the active - the smartest. Combine mind and activity.
62. Analyze every significant event in your life. What lesson did you take from it?
63. Stop doing things that do not contribute to your realization.
64. Eat as many alkalizing foods as possible ( raw vegetables) and healthy fats (avocado, vegetable oils, nuts).
65. The better physical health, the more energy, which means the more benefits you will bring to this world.
66. My home is where you live.
67. Break the chains of attachments. Be independent and give complete freedom to those you love.
68. Once a week, allow yourself to do nothing. Most likely, these will be the happiest, most fulfilling and productive days of your life.
69. Do important things creative work in peak condition.
70. Being creative, do not be distracted by urgent, but not important things.

71. Remember the balance of spiritual and material. Don't get carried away with one while forgetting about the other.
72. Study the lives of great people.
73. Surround yourself with the most talented and happy people that you can only find.
74. Never take anything from a person if you are not ready to give what he needs from you.
75. If you were betrayed, you are to blame.
76. The steeper the climb, the more painful the defeat that follows it. Be ready for it (create a rear and a reliable team).
77. Defeats are inevitable. These are your main teachers. Love them.
78. The stronger the fall, the more seriously you need to work for the next victory. It is from the deepest defeat to the next upswing that true success is measured.
79. Be open with people close to you in spirit, and closed to those who are far from your values.
80. Always record all agreements in writing. Sometimes people forget them, and sometimes they "forget".

81. Be generous with generous people. With greedy - greedy. Then you will not violate the law of energy interchange.
82. In order to give a lot to people, you need to take a lot and qualitatively from life. It can be quality food quality rest, sports, sauna, swimming, sun, communication.
83. Remember that often in life “a black stripe becomes a take-off”.
84. Strive for nobility in all respects.
85. Develop inner grace - the totality of wisdom, dignity and kindness.
86. Pay no attention to people from your past. Because there is always a reason why they are not in your future.
87. The best investments are investments in learning and relationships.
88. “The wall is the same step. You just have to grow up to it."
89. At the end of your life, you will regret what you didn't do more than what you did.
90. "Sometimes a step forward is the result of a kick in the ass." People who have been successful in your business can serve as that motivating kick.

91. The more responsibility, the more power. The more power, the more opportunity to help other people. The more you help others, the happier you become.
92. Regularly put things in order in your life and ruthlessly get rid of rubbish.
93. Always tell people your expectations and find out their expectations of you before entering into any relationship or making deals. 99% of quarrels and resentments are due to a misunderstanding of the expectations of the other side.
94. Life is like riding a bicycle: if it’s hard for you, then you are going up.
95. Take deliberate and calculated risks regularly. It trains intuition and character.
96. Buy yourself a new dress at least once a month. Or shoes. Or a hat. AT last resort, buy something from technology. But do not stop pleasing yourself with material things, because you are a woman!
97. Madonna is an example of how you can become a superstar without much outstanding talent. Mother Teresa - how you can change the world through service. Oprah - how to overcome any trials and become the most powerful woman on television. Deva Premal - how to heal the souls of people through music. Remember the uniqueness of each of these women and develop your individuality.
98. The main task of a woman is to learn to love, to create comfort, warmth and a benevolent atmosphere wherever you are.
99. Love all, be friends with a few, be with one.
100. Happiness is your maximum realization in all spheres of life.

When there is an emergency at work, and endless chores at home, you often want to run away to the ends of the world - away from the hustle and bustle. We begin to get nervous, take out anger and aggression on loved ones. As a result, strong relationships are destroyed, scandals, quarrels and complete misunderstandings arise. To avoid an unfavorable scenario, you should develop the golden rules of daily life that will help you maintain balance, as well as replenish your energy and strength, which will help you cope with troubles both at the domestic and business levels.

Appreciate what you have

The basic laws that will bring happiness and give peace of mind were developed by the famous Bulgarian figure, astrologer, alchemist and occultist Omraam Aivanhov. The golden rules of daily life, in his opinion, begin with the main thing - the ability to cherish what is given by God. Life is the most precious good. Throwing it away for nothing, taking risks, not using existing opportunities and chances is a real spinelessness, even blasphemy.

Before complaining about problems in the family or at work, think about the positive things. Are all loved ones healthy? Are there children running around the house? Is your husband on the couch? It's already good. The main thing is that you have them, and minor penalties can be eliminated. If you strive to achieve peace and quiet family well-being, start with yourself. Become kind, gentle, able to listen and understand. Think about how you love your loved ones. Believe me, this feeling is the key to vital activity. When there is someone to work and try for, then any, even the most difficult, business is argued in the hands.

The harmony of the worlds

The golden rule of life is to put things in order in your head. First, evaluate your real capabilities, get from the depths of consciousness those qualities, feelings and skills that you do not use. Enjoy them. After all, the greatest wealth of a person is not material wealth, but that individual and unique one that makes him truly happy. Live a spiritual life, help others, do not criticize them, do not interfere in someone else's life. Do what brings pleasure - your joy and satisfaction will attract people, make them happy. And yes, they will pay off handsomely.

Secondly, remember that the outer world is a reflection of the inner state. The rules that will help in life make it clear: do not look for in people what you yourself do not possess. That is, if there is not enough wisdom in others, perhaps you yourself do not shine with the mind, therefore you attract similar personalities. Develop, read, visit theaters - than more beauty, love and intellectual possibilities you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in others.

Balance between times

Another Golden Rule life - enjoy the present. People often worry about the troubles that the future may bring them. But why beat yourself up? Why poison existence with thoughts of possible diseases, bankruptcy, death. Many psychologists are sure that a person programs himself for possible events. Therefore, tune in to the future as positively as possible and discard bad thoughts. All problems should be dealt with as they come up.

Appreciate the past and dream about the future. But live in the present. The events that await us are built on the foundation that we are building in these very moments. If it is decrepit and unusable, then it is useless to hope for a brilliant future. So mold the future with my own hands right now.

The golden rule of life - do not worry if every day does not turn out the way you want. In case of failure before going to bed, once again analyze the causes and consequences of the mistake. Tomorrow morning is a great time to fix it and create Better conditions for existence.

Randy Paul Gage's opinion

An American self-development expert, a specialist in the field of achieving success, developed his golden rules in He calls them the laws of existence, the main objective which - to increase the well-being of the one who follows them:

  • Emptiness. If you need a new coat, throw out the old one. Without regrets part with stereotypes and complexes.
  • Circulation. To get what you want, let go of what you own.
  • Imagination. Dream of an ideal world, draw it, describe it in words. When things go wrong, review your notes.
  • Creation. The energy of thinking, intuition and fantasy help to achieve prosperity.
  • You - to me, I - to you. Remember: what you give out comes back to you tenfold. Share blessings, share gifts with others.
  • Tithing. The universe always takes 10% of what you have. But he will give in return: money, recovery, new relationships.
  • Forgiveness. A person cannot while resentment, hatred, envy and other negative feelings live in his soul.

These simple 7 rules will become your reliable assistants in the struggle for the favor of fate and the achievement of inner harmony.

Eastern practice

In India, people solve all problems with the help of meditation. They advise using this golden rule of life for those who cannot gather their courage, do not have the strength to solve pressing problems. According to Hindus, yoga lovers, people are obliged to devote more time to caring for nervous system, making for her unloading. For example, when the charge of vivacity is almost running out, you need to put aside business and take time to rest. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax your limbs and imagine how a beam of light penetrates the body. It slowly spreads through the veins and veins, filling every cell with energy. After a few minutes of this meditation, you will immediately feel that the body has recovered.

In addition, yoga makes us self-confident, strong, hardy. It returns As a result, a person, having received a new burst of activity, is ready to move mountains. Therefore, daily oriental practice is the golden rule of life for every person who does not stop there, but wants to further development and self-improvement.

Sports and healthy food are our best friends

This is a postulate that should be instilled in children from birth. After analyzing the basic 19 golden rules of life, you can see that proper nutrition occupies the last place in this list. It has been scientifically proven that fatty, smoked, fried and sweet foods cause a person to feel overwhelmed and devastated. In addition, weight increases and there is heaviness in the whole body: you don’t want to work, move, do your favorite hobby.

But a diet enriched with greens, fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat products, fish and seafood makes us healthier, more active, enterprising and optimistic.

The same can be said about sports. Swimming and running, aerobics and gym improve physical well-being, figure, positively affect appearance. Seeing the changes in the mirror, a person will also want inner perfection, which will make him work on himself, discipline feelings, control emotions, giving others only positive and delighting them with openness of the soul, genuine honesty, goodwill and love.

9-02-2016, 17:57

1. Happiness inside. We spend too much time seeking approval and comfort from outsiders. And it always turns out that we are looking in the wrong place. Look inside yourself.

2. Be grateful for everything. For the good, for the bad, for the terrible. Life itself is a priceless gift. And pleasure and pain are part of our journey.

3. Change your perception and your life will change. When you feel fear, anger, resentment, just look at the situation from a different angle.

4. Celebrate your victories. Relish everyone, even the smallest success.

5. Remove the blinders from your eyes. Do not focus solely on your own goals and desires. You risk missing out on the beauty of this life and the people around you. The world is amazing when you walk through it with your eyes wide open.

6. Every person comes into our lives for a purpose. And we already decide for ourselves whether to study the lessons that he teaches us or not. The worse its role in our lives, the more serious the lesson. Wind on the mustache.

7. Believe. Just know that at the most Hard times The universe will turn its back, and everything will be all right.

8. Don't take things too personally. The actions of other people are a reflection of what is happening in their personal life. And usually it has nothing to do with you.

9. Nature heals. A walk in the fresh air and a view of beautiful landscapes are surprisingly able to clear your head of unnecessary thoughts, bring you back to life and cheer you up.

10. Offended people offend people. And still love them. Although no one forbids you to love them from a distance.

11. To heal, you need to feel it. Put your fears and weaknesses right in front of you and shine a bright beam of light on them, because the only way to get rid of them is to go through them. It hurts to face the truth. But I swear it's worth it in the long run.

12. Perfectionism is an illusion. The most, I must say, painful. Relax. Strive for perfection, but allow yourself to make mistakes and be happy no matter the outcome.

13. The world around is a mirror. What we love in others is a reflection of what we love in ourselves. What upsets us in others is an indicator of what we need to pay attention to in ourselves.

14. You can't make everyone happy by being true to yourself. Still, it's better to take a chance and be misunderstood than to be loved, but pretend to be who you really are not.

15. Know how to forgive. First of all, you need it, and not those who offended you. By forgiving, you gain the peace and freedom you deserve. Forgive easily and quickly.

16. We all have incredible intuition. If you stop, freeze and listen, you can hear the voice of your inner wisdom. Listen to the quiet whisper of your heart. It knows the way.

17. Let your soul sing! Be real. There is no one on Earth like you. Be sincere, live and breathe full chest moving towards the set goals.

18. We are all creators. Seriously! With due perseverance, concentration and perseverance, anything is possible. Remember this.

19. I radiate light. You are radiating light. We all radiate light. Some cast a shadow on their own brightness. Be a beacon of light to others and show them the way.

20. Don't take life too seriously! No one gets out alive anyway. Smile. Allow yourself to be stupid. Seize the moment. Have fun.

21. Surround yourself with people who love and support you. And love and support them. Life is too short for anything less.

22. Spin through life in a free dance. If you have a big dream, follow it with passion. But gently and at a certain distance, to be flexible and mobile enough, adjusting to the changing rhythm of life.

23. The more you give, the more you receive. Share wisdom, love, talent. Share easily. And you will see how much beauty comes back to you in this life.

24. The main thing is not to give yourself away completely. Because if the inner bowl is empty, then there will be nothing more to give. It's important to keep a balance.

25. Say "Yes!" everything that makes your eyes light up. Say an uncompromising "No" to everything you don't care about or don't have time for. Time is the most valuable resource that is not renewable. Spend it wisely.

26. Sometimes we outgrow friendships. This does not mean that we or friends are bad. It's just that our paths diverge. Keep them in your heart, but if they start to offend or hold you back, then it's time to set a distance and let go of your friendship.

27. Fear is a very good indicator of what we really want and need in this life. Let it be your compass and enjoy the exciting adventures it takes you on.

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To change life in better side, you need to understand that everything that happens around us is shaped by us: our feelings, our thoughts and our beliefs. By changing ourselves, we change lives. If there is enough energy of love and pleasure in our life, then desires will be realized as quickly as possible and the number of unpleasant lessons will be minimal.

These are the basic rules of life

1. Make peace with your past. It cannot spoil your present. The past does not determine your future. It is created by your beliefs and actions.

2. What others think is not your problem. Only what is important to you and what you think is valuable.

3. Time heals almost everything. Scars make us who we are, explain our lives and why we became the way we are. Our job is to be strong.

4. No one can be the reason for your happiness, except yourself. Don't waste time and effort looking for pleasure and enjoy what you have.

5. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their path was. If we put aside all our problems and look at others, then our life will seem just wonderful.

6. Stop thinking too much. You cannot know the answers to all questions. There will be no answer and never has been. Here is the answer. Just accept it and move on.

Do you write your own life story or do you let other people and circumstances write it for you? You may not even perceive yourself as the person who is being led through life, but there are a few signs that you are not in control.

You don't love your job. Perhaps you have chosen something that is easier and safer than the career of your dreams. Or worse than that- you just do everything under the pressure of your family.

You live paycheck to paycheck. Often the problem here is not money, but your priorities. The property you own has long since taken possession of you.

You feel obligated to do what you don't want to do. First of all, you owe yourself. You cannot save the world if you need to be saved.

Managing your life is not easy. To do this, you must free yourself from many different prejudices. At first, such freedom can be frightening and painful, so a limited number of people do this. It is much easier to follow the rules of society, even if they do not give you the opportunity for self-realization.

Here are 7 rules to help you start building a life worth living:

Rule One: Never let others tell you how to live your life.

Not your parents. Not your other half. Not your children. In managing your life, you can allow other people to interfere, but the final decision should be yours alone. This means that the choice of profession, relationships with people, your religion and lifestyle will be determined only by you and no one else.

This rule becomes especially relevant when doubts begin to overcome you. Don't let doubt become your weakness for other people to take advantage of. Are you unsure of what you want out of life? This does not mean that you should sit idle and let other people decide for you.

Rule two: Don't let yourself get attached to things.

The world is filled with rubbish. Don't let junk get in the way of something important. If you start getting attached to things, you are no longer in control of your life. Ask yourself a question: if you have to throw away 90% of what you have acquired tomorrow in order to catch up with your dream, can you easily do it? If you hesitate, then perhaps you are not able to manage your life because of your weakness in attachment to things.

Rule Three: Own the money. Don't let money own you.

Money is the means by which you can manage your life. You can use money to provide convenience, to focus on important work, to learn and improve your skills. But if you live paycheck to paycheck, that means money controls you.

Here are some goals you can set for yourself to learn how to manage money in your life:

- Establish an estimated annual spending amount.

You must spend less than you earn.

- Know how, if necessary, to significantly reduce your costs.

Financial freedom does not mean that you can buy whatever you want or live in luxury. This means that money is a tool with which you manage your life, and not something that prevents you from managing it.

Rule Four: You need relationships with other people.

Do you know people who can't stand being alone? They get rid of one inappropriate connection only to start another equally inappropriate one.

Why? Because they are very dependent on other people. They cannot exist without emotional and possibly financial support.

In any relationship, you must remain a person who will be in the foreground. This means that you can enjoy some kind of relationship, but you should not make it an end in itself.

Your goals and ability to manage your life must be formed before the relationship you enter into. Surprisingly, when you do just that, your relationship becomes stronger and closer, because there is no jealousy and a sense of ownership in them.

Rule Five: Never change your mind based on other people's opinions.

“You can share food between people, but everyone has to digest it themselves,” said Howard Roark from the movie “Sourcebook”.

To control your life means to be the master of your views. It means never agreeing with something without thinking and deciding for yourself that it really is the truth. Think critically about everything in life. There are so many thoughtless thoughts around you that are trying to put you right in the head and, most likely, this sometimes succeeds.

Rule Six: Whatever you lack can be learned.

Never think that something in this life is beyond your power. People have said more than once that you lack intelligence, willpower, physical strength or charisma in order to do something worthwhile? Pay no attention to them. Have you told yourself that you have no talent? Pay no attention to yourself.

Let your initial rule be that any quality can be developed and you will find almost no exceptions to this rule. For example, I was shy as a child and closed child. Now my friends describe me as being in the extreme open personality who is not afraid to meet new people and they are proud of my ability to perform in front of a large number of people. Start with something like an idea: you can't know what you're good at until you learn something.

Rule Seven: The goal is developed based on your creative abilities.

Do you want to know what is the purpose of your life? Everything is very simple. Stretch your arms out in front of you and squeeze them. Then look at them. Here is your goal and the means to get there.

The goal is your ability to develop creative powers and communicate them to the world. You and I can choose different ways implementation, but our goal is the same. You can be a manager creating the art of communicating with people, a programmer creating knowledge about algorithms, as well as an entrepreneur creating the art of doing business.

Don't worry if you haven't found the right implementation for you yet. One day you will feel this great purpose of your life and it will become clear to you that this is it. By believing this, you have become the master of your own life.
