Scottish dog name. Longhaired collie: features and types of breed. Feeding collie dogs

Collie – screen star, rescuer and friend

The Collie or Scottish Sheepdog has charm and acting talent, and has starred in films and TV series. For example, "Lassie", which made the dog a world star. An intelligent, good-natured and devoted dog will faithfully serve its owner, graze livestock and take care of small children.

The question of the origin of the collie has not been fully studied. There are only a number of versions. According to one of them, dogs were brought to England by the Romans, and another says that collies already lived in this territory.

The ancestors of this ancient breed are considered to be Old English Sheepdogs, which in the modern sense are a type of herding dog. Collies have been bred in their homeland in Scotland for a very long time as loyal and hardy dogs. The dog breed went through significant selection work until the twentieth century and now it contains an admixture of Irish setters and Russian greyhounds, which gives the dogs a special agility and elegance.

After participating in British exhibitions, the collie became recognizable and spread throughout Europe. The date of approval of the official standard is 1881. Clubs for breed lovers began to open all over the world already in the 20th century.

In Russia, the collie has gained recognition and popularity quite a long time ago. Representatives of the breed were orderlies back during the Russo-Japanese War, when they were purchased from the British. During the Great Patriotic War, dogs delivered important reports and searched for mines.

World fame came to the collie from the hand of the English Queen Victoria, who kept several of these dogs at her court. Her love for these animals was passed on to her subjects.

Description and standard

Collie is beautiful large dog with an unusual appearance. The graceful animal belongs to the category of herding breeds. The constitution is dry and strong.

The muscular body is built proportionally. The length of the body slightly exceeds the size at the withers. The line of the back is slightly curved. The tail is saber-shaped, hanging in a normal, calm state. With strong pubescence and a tip curved upward. The forelimbs with developed muscles are located close to one another. The hind ones are sinewy. The paws are round with closed toes.

The head is regular, wedge-shaped, elongated. In profile, the line of the muzzle and the contour of the skull are parallel. The muzzle gradually narrows from the ears to the top of the nose. The ending is rounded and blunt. The triangular ears are set high and laid back slightly. The dark nose is large. Almond-shaped eyes are painted in dark colors. Collies have a normal, scissor bite and strong jaws.

The coat is long, smooth and dense. With straight and coarse guard hair and soft undercoat. At the tips of the ears the hair is short and smooth, gradually lengthening towards the base. The front legs have feathers, and the hind legs only in areas above the hocks. At the bottom of the hind limb the hair is smooth.

The muzzle expresses a cheerful and at the same time cunning mood. The look is lively and a little mysterious.

The average height of collie dogs is 55-60 cm, and their weight is about 30 kg. Females are noticeably smaller than males. On average, representatives of the breed live for 20 years.

Collie varieties by coat type

There are three recorded varieties of collie:

  • Longhair

They are common in European countries and Russia. Animals are covered with luxurious, soft fur, which has different colors. The most common ones include marble, tricolor, and many red options. White markings are present on the bloopers, muzzle and tail. A white collar is a mandatory decoration.

  • Shorthair

The history of the short-haired collie dog began only in 1974. The species has its own standard, but is not recognized as a separate breed. Their coat is coarser and shorter than that of long-haired dogs, and their disposition is calmer.

  • American type

American collies are large and massive animals. They have a wide muzzle, and the color can be very diverse.

Color types

Three color options are considered officially approved:

  1. Sable with white inclusions. May range in color from slightly golden to mahogany. Light straw and cream tones should not be observed.
  2. Tricolor, when the base color is black with red spots on the head and paws. Guard hair of rusty tones is not allowed.
  3. Blue merle aged in silver blue with splashes dark spots. Possible dark red markings. The pattern resembles marble.

White markings are present in all colors. This may be a white chest, collar, socks, markings on the tip of the tail, sea and forehead.

What a character

Collie is the dream of a calm, obedient and intelligent dog. She gets along well with children and can replace a nanny and become the most devoted, kind and gentle friend. You can take your collie with you on walks and to the country house. An intelligent and cheerful dog adapts to its owner's lifestyle. Dogs are emotional and curious.

The dog becomes very attached to the family and does not run away from home. Responsive and sensitive Scottish Shepherds are able to predict the desires of their owner. Collies are well trained and trained, and have a good memory for remembering commands. Animals love to please their owner. But you can’t punish a collie. They have a highly developed sense of justice and pride. They cannot tolerate rudeness or loneliness.

A collie dog takes a responsible approach to performing assigned work and listens to its owner unquestioningly. Representatives of the breed do not have conflicts and get along well with other animals and guests. When aggressive behavior in relation to the owner, they come to his defense. They react to suspicious strangers by barking without showing open aggression.

A manifestation of the shepherd instincts inherent in the genes is that they chase passing cars. Collies are energetic dogs and need long walks.

Collies are naturally psychotherapists, so they often live with lonely people. The dog copes excellently with the task of a guide and is considered the best among other breeds in terms of intelligence. Representatives of the breed often perform guard duty. They correspond to job tasks in intelligence and protective instincts. Collie dogs are also good shepherds and companions.

The breed is unpretentious to living conditions, which was passed on to it from its ancestors who worked on farms in Northern England and Scotland.

Collie is suitable for keeping in the house and in the apartment. The main thing is to ensure maximum stay fresh air. Dogs are resistant to cold and heat and do not need additional clothing. The undercoat retains air, which helps the dog cool down or retain heat.

The collie corner with bedding should be located away from the heating radiator and draft flows. You need to keep fresh water in a bowl nearby.

A dog's ears require attention and care. Ears overgrown with hair that covers ear canals, and infection leads to complications. The fur needs to be trimmed and the ears cleaned cotton swabs, soaked in a special lotion. It is not recommended to use water to avoid infection. The eyes should be treated with eye lotion using a cotton swab.

Your pet's nails should be trimmed once a month and hair should be trimmed between the toes where dirt sticks. The dog needs walks, games and training.


The type of coat speaks volumes about the health of the pet. Ideally, it is smooth and shiny. The collie's luxurious coat requires regular brushing every week. A more frequent procedure can injure the coat. When shedding, your collie will need to be brushed more often. A fine-tooth comb, a slicker brush, and a dog comb will work for this. When combing, the hair must be lifted.

Hard guard hair prevents tangles and tangling. The fur on the chest, behind the ears, in the tail area and on the hips is combed more thoroughly. In these areas the fur is much softer and down-like.

When combing, the skin is massaged, which helps strengthen the hair and better nutrition. To facilitate the operation, the wool is moistened with water or conditioner.

The beauty of the breed is that it is traditional, bad smell She has no “dogs”. Only when wet does the smell of “wet wool” appear. You will have to wash your dog frequently with special shampoos designed to care for this type of coat.


From an early age, a pet must be taught to feed at a strictly defined time. After eating, the dog needs to rest for an hour.

You can use high-quality feed or natural food, but mixing them is not recommended. The initial choice made in favor of one of the food options must be adhered to constantly.

When added to a natural diet vitamin complexes on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Main products for creating a menu:

  • Boiled meat or offal
  • Dairy
  • Eggs and vegetables
  • Various cereals
  • Fish and seafood

Health status

Collies are strong animals with good health, but individual diseases still happens:

  1. Eyes and vision are most vulnerable
  2. Indigestion
  3. Dermatomyositis
  4. Hereditary predisposition to hip dysplasia
  5. "Grey Collie" syndrome, when puppies die before 6 months of age
  6. Genetic pathologies associated with gene mutation. Such diseases cause a deterioration in health, a decrease in cortisone levels, and sensitivity to medications. Genetic tests help identify and exclude dogs with such deviations.


The Collie is not considered an expensive dog. The price consists of a combination of factors that can increase it.

On average, they ask for about 45,000 rubles for a dog. You can buy a puppy from a private owner without a pedigree for 7-15 thousand rubles. elite nurseries set a starting price of 40,000 rubles, and small ones – from 20,000 rubles.

Dogs that remain without an owner for a long time are sold cheaper.

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The long-haired collie is one of the most beautiful and is also called Scottish Sheepdogs. These are good and kind dogs, which are liked by many people, especially children. In this article we will look at the history of this breed. The character of the dogs, their appearance and much more will also be described.

History of the Scottish Sheepdog

Collie has always been considered Although it is called 400 years ago, it was brought from Iceland to Scotland. Therefore, by right the breed should be called Icelandic.

Even earlier, a long-haired collie was needed to guard the herd. And indeed, these dogs did the job very well. Therefore, today many parents are not afraid to entrust their child to a collie, especially if she is trained.

In 1860, the fortunes of Scottish Sheepdogs changed. From England I went on a trip. When she was in Scotland, she noticed a collie there that was very beautiful and noble in appearance. The queen returned home with several shepherd dogs.

Everyone in the royal residence fell in love with this breed. Moreover, the excellent qualities of the collie were noted: intelligence, kindness, tenderness, delicacy, good upbringing. Before today Collies have many fans from small children to old people.

The Longhaired Collie became more popular after the famous interesting film called "Lassie". Then they released a series where they showed a collie that was not only educated, but also devoted to its owner. By the way, it is worth noting that in the film the dog was not idealized, but was shown as it really is.

Collie: description and color

The Scottish Sheepdog is loved by people all over the world. The dogs have very beautiful colors. Collies can be marbled blue-gray, tri-colored, or red and white.

In the marble version, the dog's chest and head are painted in light gray color, and the back and tail have a blue tint. The tricolor collie is predominantly black. There are very few beige and white colors, but they exist.

Sable is a color that contains red and white colors. There is much more of the first than of the second. Collies with this color can be found more often in Russia than, for example, in England or Scotland.

The coat of Scottish Shepherds is not only beautiful, but also very long, double-layered. Only on the muzzle and lower parts of the paws is there very short hair.

These dogs do not live as long as we would like. Typically, life expectancy is no more than 12 years. However, these are only statistics. As you know, with good care they can live for 15 or even 17 years.


The Longhaired Collie is a wonderful, kind, sympathetic dog. She is easy to train and quickly becomes a friend and family member. This breed is irreplaceable for children. As a rule, the child is not afraid to play with the dog, and the parents are calm about their baby, since he is under good supervision.

The Scottish Shepherd is kept not only in their own homes, but also in apartments. After all, these dogs are wonderful both as guards and as nannies for children.

The Longhaired Collie is a wonderful family dog. These dogs cannot be kept in an empty apartment or country house, as they cannot stand being alone. Even if there are cats, birds or other animals in the family, the collie easily gets along with everyone and even looks after the kittens, which is very interesting to watch.

A collie has no idea that it has one owner. She treats each family member equally. He loves everyone, waits for them from work, from school, and is very happy that finally everyone is home and doesn’t have to wait for anyone. This is why they love the collie breed. Her characteristics are only positive. No one has anything bad to say about this breed.

Predisposition to diseases

In fact, collies are very healthy dogs; they rarely get sick. However, like any living creature, they have a predisposition to certain diseases.

  • Congenital collie eye syndrome. This hereditary disease, which affects vision. The dog cannot see in the dark because the retina of the eyes is destroyed. Over time, if sick, the collie begins to see poorly during the day.
  • Entropion. This is a disease in which the edge of the eyelid and all eyelashes are turned towards the eyeball. This causes the dog to have constant irritation and redness of the eyes.
  • Distichiasis. This is an abnormality in which an extra row of eyelashes grows. They affect some parts of the eyelid, causing not only irritation of the eyes, but also gradually loss of vision.
  • Yeast dermatitis. This is a fungus that multiplies quickly, causing your dog to itch.
  • Congenital deafness can be inherited. This disease does not appear on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dog’s heredity.
  • Epilepsy. This is a neurological dysfunction. This disease is extremely rare in dogs, and not only in purebred dogs.

To avoid the above diseases, it is necessary to get all vaccinations and, at the slightest suspicion, contact a veterinarian, who will immediately find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Choosing a collie puppy

These cute fluffy little balls will not leave any person indifferent. Collie puppies are sold in markets. However, remember that they can be half-blooded. Therefore, always ask the sellers for pedigree.

Most right choice is a certified kennel where collie puppies are sold with all necessary documents. Here you will be shown the parents, their pedigree and given advice on care and upbringing. In no other market will you receive such comprehensive information as in a nursery.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its build and jaw. The body should not be too massive, nor should the jaws. The collie is very gentle and graceful, so it cannot have rough limbs. The puppies' paws are straight, without curvature, and the tail is moderately long.

Wool is an important aspect when choosing. Even in puppies it is straight, bright, long and smooth, but not curly or dull. The coat of small dogs is very pleasant, and the color is rich. White color in puppies may indicate mixed type. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to both pedigree and color.

Puppy from a real purebred Scottish Sheepdog very kind, affectionate, playful. He has no aggressiveness. Pay attention to friendliness. It's very important factor in a dog. The friendlier she is, the faster she will become a member of your family. Very beautiful collie puppy. The photo above shows what color they come in.

What nickname to choose for a collie puppy

It is described above that this is a service dog. Therefore it is more acceptable to give short nicknames so that the dog reacts quickly. It is important that the letter “R” is present in the nickname. After all, then the name is more sonorous, which is important for a dog.

Dog handlers recommend the following nicknames for collies: Arnes, Astra, Kirka, Cedric, Lycra, Mink, Laura, Frant, Laur, Lard, Dark, Roy, Bravo, Curry, Sarri, Freda, Madeira, Gerka, Rona. These names will help you name your puppy something that the whole family will like.

Many people name their dogs based on their color scheme. If a collie's color is predominantly black, then it is called English language- Black. When there is more red color, the dog is called Orange. Many owners use this method to make it easier to choose a name for their dog.

Collies need a calm atmosphere. They love to bask on the mattress. Long walks are not for her. For this breed, it is enough to get out into the forest once a week. The rest of the time the collie will be happy to walk near the house. Two walks are enough for her (in the morning and evening).

Collie fur requires regular grooming. It needs to be combed every evening to avoid tangled hairs. Infrequent brushing is bad for the coat. It becomes dull and ugly.

For hair care you need to use special shampoo, which maintains color and shine. If there is very long hair on the paws or belly, trim it, trim it so that the silhouette becomes more harmonious.

Collie food

Puppies up to six months old need to be fed 6 times a day. Then you can gradually switch to three meals a day. Closer to 12 months, the dog is fed 2 times a day. The water needs to be changed every morning to keep it clean.

Collies need to be fed diet food. This is beef, lean chicken, milk, egg, cottage cheese, fish, vegetables. Porridge is the basis of nutrition; you need to add meat, offal, milk, vegetables, fish, and vitamins to it.

Do not overuse dry food, as it is harmful to health. Try to alternate it with cereals. Frequent feeding of dry food becomes addictive, and the dog refuses other food.


The Scottish Shepherd dog easily follows any command. They grasp everything very quickly. The main commands that a collie should know are “fu”, “fetch”, “near”, “to me”, “bring”, “place”. After training, your pet will easily learn to fetch slippers or a newspaper, stand on its hind legs, ask to go outside, and much more.

A collie will not make a vicious guard, since she has no aggression at all. Therefore, she will not be able to attack the enemy. However, if he sees danger, without any training he will sacrifice himself for the sake of his owner.

Pros and cons of the Longhaired Collie

Scottish Shepherds are very good and friendly dogs. However, in such breeds there are both positive and negative points. The advantages include the dog’s kindness, devotion, and lack of aggression. Therefore, you can safely leave your children with a collie, and you will be sure that the kids are under reliable supervision.

The disadvantages of this breed, although insignificant, still exist. Scottish Sheepdogs have very long hair that requires regular grooming. It is not very convenient to keep such a dog in an apartment. After all, fur is hard to get rid of. People with allergies should not own collies. Plus, these dogs have a very hard time being separated from their owner, even for a few hours.

Look at the collie puppies. The photo shows what a kind and gentle look they have. Is it possible to refuse such a beautiful dog?

Collie is the personification of canine beauty, devotion, intelligence and goodwill. This interesting breed has become a symbol of sincere friendship between man and dog.

Security qualities
Protective qualities
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

The history of the collie or Scottish shepherd is replete with reliable facts, and at the same time, it has not been possible to find out for certain the origin of this dog.

The first mention of the Scottish Sheepdog dates back to the 14th century and belongs to the poet J. Chaucer. Then representatives of this breed were described in the books “ English dogs", "History of Quadrupeds" and in the "Encyclopedia Britannica of Dogs". Everywhere they talk about collies as a herding breed with long hair black or black and white.

The origin of the collie has at least two opposing versions. According to one of them, the collie's ancestors were brought to Northern Europe Roman legionnaires; according to another, Britain already had its own herding dogs by that time. Most likely, both Old English Sheepdogs and dogs of conquerors and migrating peoples were involved in the formation of the breed.

Herding dogs were especially common in the Highlands, a mountainous region between England and Scotland. An interesting difference between collies and other herding dogs - the lack of aggression - is explained by the fact that wolves were exterminated in the British Isles long ago. Therefore, the main task of the collie was the ability to herd sheep so that they did not stray from the flock.

This skill is so entrenched in the breed that even modern collies really don’t like it when people walking with them move away from each other. According to their concepts, everyone should walk together in a “pack,” and they vigilantly monitor this, driving everyone together by barking.

Interestingly, the first popularizer of the breed was Queen Victoria of England. She took notice of herding dogs in 1860 and brought them to Windsor Castle. From this moment on, the development of the collie as a companion dog can be traced. For this purpose, the most spectacular representatives with thick hair were selected. Dogs that continued to be used as shepherds were called .

The collie breed was first presented at an exhibition in 1860, and 21 years later it was published official standard breeds The first collies were black and black and white, and only thanks to targeted breeding work a variety of colors appeared: red, sable and harlequin. The first collies were distinguished by a rougher physique and head structure. Modern elegance comes from the addition of Russian greyhound blood.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, collies became popular dogs in other countries: they were exported to the USA, Russia, Australia and New Zealand. At the same time, breed clubs were created in the USA and Europe that were actively involved in breeding work, and in Australia the collie was mainly used as a shepherd on sheep farms. In Russia, and then in the Soviet Union, collies gained enormous popularity as dogs; they participated in military operations during Russo-Japanese War as orderlies. During the Great Patriotic War collies delivered secret messages and looked for mines.

Collie General
During the war years, Collie Dick helped discover 12,000 mines, including a huge landmine near the Pavlovsk Palace in Leningrad. He was wounded three times, lived to an old age and was buried with military honors.

Cheerful disposition and kind heart

The versatile abilities are explained by the character of the Scottish Shepherd. These good-natured dogs are devoted to their owner and adapt to his lifestyle. With athletes, they become active participants in competitions and fast runners. With them you can participate in various active species sports In families with children, collies take on the functions of a caring nanny, a cheerful friend and a protector for children. For people leading a quiet lifestyle, they become excellent walking companions and understanding friends.

Collies try to avoid conflicts with strangers and other animals, but if necessary they can give a worthy rebuff to the enemy. Modern collies exhibit excellent guarding, detection and herding abilities, and are an excellent companion for humans. After a special course, training becomes professional for the blind.

Collies have an active temperament, they are always ready to play and run, they react vividly to everything that happens around them, they are inquisitive, intelligent, quick-witted, easy to train and have an excellent memory. The breed also became famous thanks to its acting talent.

Who played the role of Lassie
The famous film about Lassie, based on the book by Eric Knight, created the image of a smart and devoted dog in the hearts of millions of people. The female role of Lassie was always played by collie boys. The first of them was called Pel, which translates as friend. Subsequent film adaptations about Lassie, of which there are 11 in total, starred Pal's descendants.

Breed standard: main characteristics

The Shetland Sheepdog has two varieties: long-haired collies and short-haired collies.

In our country, collies with long hair are better known. They are characterized by the following parameters:

  • harmonious addition
  • dry strong type of constitution
  • light noble movements
  • long narrow head
  • scissor bite
  • the eyes are almond-shaped, giving the expression of the muzzle a special cunning expression.

Coat colors come in: tricolor, red: from light to sable and merle. Particular importance is attached to white markings: for any color, a white collar is required, white socks or socks on the paws, a white tip of the tail, and a white blaze on the muzzle are desirable.

Collie ears are small triangular shape, at the end approximately 1/3 of the ear is bent forward. The tail is saber-shaped and hangs down when at rest.


The height of a male dog at the withers is from 56 to 61 centimeters. The height of the bitch at the withers ranges from 51 to 56 centimeters. Male weight ranges from 20 and a half kilograms to 29. The weight of the bitch is from 18 to 25 kilograms.

There is also the so-called American collie type. In America, dogs of this breed are larger in size, including a wider muzzle. There are many more colors recognized here, there are even white collies with small spots of any color on the body and head.

American albino
US President Calvin Coolidge had a completely white collie named Rob Roy.

Short-haired collies had their own standard much later: in 1974. This dog has common ancestors with its “furry” brothers, so they are similar to them in many ways. The FCI does not recognize the Shorthaired Collie as a separate breed, so the only hallmark The standard is considered to be a short, straight, close-lying coat.

How to choose a collie puppy

If you have already decided that you only need a collie, then you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing it. If you want to make a friend for the soul, then you first need to pay attention to the health and character of the puppy.

If you have ambitious plans and are planning a show career for your pet, then you need to strictly evaluate compliance with the standard for identifying the slightest defect and study the pedigree of the puppy’s parents.

The main thing is health

In the first case, you can completely cope on your own Healthy puppy A collie at 8 weeks of age looks like this:

  • straight back
  • strong, even paws
  • the muzzle is not narrow, but rounded
  • Long neck
  • ears hang forward
  • the body has a roughly square format
  • scissor bite
  • developed coat

In 1904, when this breed was making waves all over the world, millionaire J.P. Morgan bought a US show champion collie for as much as $10,000. In today's money that's about $250,000.

Collies live well in an apartment if they are walked well and for a long time every day. Despite their thick coat, they tolerate heat well. Wool traps air under the fur and helps keep the dog cool. Collies have few health problems. They are susceptible to joint dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy.

Under no circumstances should she be given medicine for skin diseases called evermectin. Collies are very sensitive to this medicine. Collies are loving and instinctively protective of children.

It is important for people to remember that the collie is a herding dog. Many herding dogs have problems with playing fetch and biting. This needs to be monitored.

Choosing the character of the Scottish Shepherd to your liking

It is known that even littermates can differ significantly from each other in character. There are puppies that are more fearful, more active, some have been distrustful of strangers since childhood, while others have friends all around them.

Of course, the formation of character largely depends on the patience and perseverance of the future owner, but still, many habits and habits are already laid down at the genetic level. There are a lot of methods and tests for choosing a puppy based on its character.

Experts have found that by 49 days of life, a dog’s intelligence is already sufficiently developed to be able to determine its future abilities. Therefore, from this age, tests can be carried out, which reveal the puppy’s ability to communicate with a person, follow him, dominate or obey. Already at this age, you can determine the ability to train, and also find out whether your dog will be afraid of heights and react painfully to every sound and touch, or whether this is a real Spartan who is not easily scared by anything.

Testing should be carried out in a calm environment, before eating, against the backdrop of impeccable health of the puppy. Tests for determining the personality of a collie puppy are the same as for other breeds. Put them into practice and you will learn a lot about the personalities of the puppies on offer.

Assessing the puppy's appearance

It is very advisable to look at both parents of the puppies, especially if you are purchasing a pet without a pedigree. It should be noted here that collie children are not at all similar to adult dogs of this breed, therefore, without deep knowledge of the standard, you can quite easily purchase a mixed breed or even a puppy that has the most distant relationship with a collie.

If you decide to buy a puppy for breeding, then it is better to take with you a specialist who is familiar with the slightest nuances of this breed. He will help you choose the future champion. Another option is to find a nursery with an impeccable reputation. A real breeder will never deceive the future owners of his puppies, because he is interested in the most best puppies from his dogs they ended up in show hands and continued the glory of their parents.

If you are very serious about finding a promising puppy, then you need to act purposefully: study the history of collie nurseries, visit exhibitions and look for future owners for your dog, and reserve in advance the right to choose the first puppy in the litter.

How to care for a collie's coat

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at a collie is its gorgeous coat. And immediately everyone has a question: caring for it probably requires a lot of time and effort from the owner. This guess is not far from the truth. Of course, wool requires special attention before exhibitions, but also during Everyday life it must be carefully looked after. To do this, you need to purchase several combs at once: with fine teeth and a standard brush for combing wool.

Long hair needs to be combed, lifting it to reach the roots. Particular attention is paid to the areas behind the ears, chest, pants and tail, where tangles most often form. It is better to devote 15-20 minutes to this procedure every day than to then cut out clumps of hair that cannot be combed.

Therapeutic collie wool
Collie wool is unique in its properties, so it is actively used to create socks, hats, and belts. Products made from collie wool not only provide warmth, but also heal illnesses and relieve pain and tension.

Feeding Basics

You can feed your collie according to one of two schemes: ready-made dry and wet food or home-cooked dishes. The first option is preferable for busy people, but you need to remember that later it will not be easy to transfer the collie to another menu.

Many people unknowingly perceive feeding home-cooked food as a more economical option, because they think that scraps from their own table are suitable for this. But you need to think through the collie’s menu and prepare her nutritious food from quality products. Waste from slaughterhouses and unsold products from markets can pose serious dangers.

Of course, every owner can find an option that is acceptable to them by creating a more economical, but at the same time nutritious menu. For this, knowledge about and healthy products for collie.

List of useful products:

  • boiled beef meat
  • liver
  • boiled fish without bones, preferably sea fish
  • dairy
  • grain crops
  • vegetables
  • seaweed
  • herbal supplements from medicinal plants
  • yeast

List of harmful products:

  • raw river fish
  • tubular bones
  • raw pork and lard
  • peas
  • pearl barley
  • fried potatoes
  • sweets
  • flour products

Using these lists as a guide, you can make your own full menu your dog, which must include vitamins.

Where to buy a collie puppy. Price

Collies are no longer so often seen on the streets of cities in our country, but this does not mean that purchasing a puppy of this breed is associated with serious problems. There are a lot of options for where to buy a collie. Of course, the simplest answer to this question is to contact one of the nurseries, find out about the availability of puppies in it and discuss with the breeders the possibility of purchasing them. Everyone has famous nurseries, the number of which amounts to several dozen in our country, have their own websites where you will find out all the details of interest. You can also send a request to a foreign collie nursery.

Less famous representatives of the breed can also be purchased from non-professional breeders who simply love collies. This option is known to everyone as a dog for the soul, and should not be discounted. After all, not all collie lovers want to participate in exhibitions, so they buy a puppy without a pedigree. Of course, there is some risk in this, and you need to adhere to the rules for choosing a puppy.

How much does a collie puppy cost?

The price of a puppy largely depends on the purpose of your purchase. A collie without a pedigree is worth from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles. Puppies from kennels usually cost from 15,000 and above. Even in the same litter, puppies often differ in price: some are defective in standard, which affects the price; others, on the contrary, have a rare color or other obvious advantages, which means they will be more expensive. Puppies that have been stranded without owners are also usually cheaper. There are also cases when purebred puppy they give it away for a nominal fee because it was bought and the child developed an allergy or there were other compelling reasons for urgent resale.

In any case, remember that the collie has too trusting and loving a heart to treat it only as a prestigious dog for exhibitions and sell it if it is not needed. Buy a collie when you are sure that you are ready to devote a lot of time to your dog and give love and care.

The collie is descended from the Scottish herd dogs. After the Roman conquest, the invaders' dogs were crossed with local breeds (short-haired and long-haired herding dogs). The result was a magnificent animal with a proud posture. The breed was formed in Scotland at the end of the 18th century. In addition to excellent herding qualities, collies have proven themselves in almost all services - sledding, guard, rescue and search. The first collies were brought to Russia in 1904 and became famous as ambulance dogs during the Russo-Japanese War.

Video: Scottish Collie


U longhaired collie strong body, rectangular in format, with a dry neck, deep chest, rounded ribs, straight back, slightly convex loin.

The head is wedge-shaped, chiseled, elongated, of proportional size. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size, dark brown in color. Blue Merle dogs have blue or blue speckles. The ears are directed forward, with a “kink”, semi-erect, widely spaced, medium in size.

The tail is long, reaching to the hocks, and the dog usually carries it down. The limbs are dry and muscular, with oval paws and tightly clenched toes.

The coat of long-haired collies is straight and hard, thick, there is a mane and frill, feathering and pants on the paws. The tail is fluffy. The recognized colors are sable (light golden to mahogany), tri-color (predominantly black with tan markings on the head and legs and with a white collar), blue merle (blue-gray merle, sometimes with a black speckled pattern).


Collie is a smart, intelligent, active and sociable dog with developed intelligence. Excellently brought up and trained, but with patience, gentleness and perseverance. She always tries to achieve the praise of her owner, she is sensitive and affectionate. Enjoys taking part in active games. The collie is usually balanced, but can also be overly timid or temperamental and needs constant movement and physical activity. She is inquisitive, does not treat strangers very kindly, but does not show aggression. Loves to bark.

Specialization and content features

The Scottish Collie is an excellent herding dog. Very popular as a companion and pet, and recently it has become widespread as decorative due to its impressive appearance. Can perform successfully sports competitions and be used as a guide dog.

Can live in an apartment, but best of all - on a personal plot. She needs daily long walks with physical activity. For grooming, the coat should be brushed twice a week.

The Border Collie is a fairly popular breed of herding dog in our country and among foreign dog breeders, bred in the UK. Research conducted by specialists from a British university has proven that the border collie is the most clever dog among all breeds known today.

History of the origin of the breed

The first mention of the breed is just under 500 years old. It is generally accepted that the name of the breed was obtained due to the habitat represented by the border between the territories of England and Scotland. However, it is currently quite difficult to establish for certain the origin of the breed. The main version is based on the opinion that the ancestors of the Border crossed with local shepherd dogs, but were brought over by the Vikings.

This is interesting! Thanks to a very beautiful and thick coat, as well as an elongated, pretty muzzle, border collies had a very noble and aesthetic appearance. appearance, and Queen Victoria was madly in love with them.

First full description The breed dates back to the very beginning of the nineteenth century. The animals took part in a kind of herding competition, the purpose of which was to select dogs with excellent working qualities, regardless of their external characteristics. Nevertheless, the exterior of the Broder Collie is quite interesting - the animal is extremely charming and cute, not too large. In 1976, the breed was recognized by the English Club, and twelve years later the Border Cauley was included in the FCI list.

Description, appearance of the border collie

The Border Collie is a very graceful dog, characterized by a well-proportioned build and a strong and strong frame. The height of males varies between 47.5-55.0 cm, and the height of females is 45.0-52.5 cm with a weight of 13.5 to 22.5 kg.

The coat can be of medium length or short. In both cases, there is a well-developed and very dense undercoat, which serves as excellent protection for the animal in unfavorable climatic conditions. Standard coloring is characterized by a predominance of white color.

Breed standards

In accordance with the FCI classification, the following standards are established for the Border Collie breed:

  • a fairly wide skull with a not too pronounced occipital protuberance;
  • equal length of the skull and the front part of the muzzle, strong and tapering towards the nose;
  • there is a well-defined transition in the area from the frontal zone to the muzzle;
  • a nose with well-defined nostrils may be black, brown or slate in color;
  • widely spaced, most often Brown eyes, have an oval shape and moderate size;
  • ears are medium-sized, widely spaced, erect or semi-erect;
  • there must be strong teeth and well-developed jaws with an even and quite beautiful scissor bite;
  • a strong and muscular neck has a slight curve and widens towards the shoulder blades;
  • body of athletic build, with well-springed ribs;
  • region chest deep and slightly wide;
  • the lumbar region is deep and muscular, not at all toned;
  • the back line has a smooth slope towards a slightly sloping, relatively long and wide, muscular croup;
  • the tail is set low, with good hair, without casting over the back area;
  • The forelimbs are characterized by a parallel arrangement and the presence of a strong, but not heavy skeleton;
  • wide and fairly muscular hind legs have a graceful curve at the caudal base;
  • The thigh area is long, deep and muscular, with good curvature knee joints and firmly set, powerful, low-set hocks;
  • paws are oval-shaped, with deep pads, with short and strong claws.

The movements are free, but soft, with a slight lifting of the paws, which creates the impression of a “sneaking” gait.

The topcoat hair is quite thick, with average hardness. There is a well-defined soft and very dense undercoat. An animal with a semi-long coat has a clearly defined mane, “panties” and a “fox tail”.

The coat does not have a distinct odor and does not shed much during the molting process.. In the area of ​​the muzzle, ears, parts of the front and hind limbs, the coat must be short and extremely smooth.

Border Collie Personality

The Border Collie is a very fast and extremely energetic dog. The breed is characterized by receptivity, intelligence and insight, and requires constant physical and mental stress. He is wary of strangers, but in the family he is obedient, responsible and sensitive to everyone around him.

Training a young dog should begin at about eight months. The animal is extremely devoted to its owner, very smart and easy to train from a fairly early age. Does not show timidity or unmotivated aggression. Has excellent instincts.


If the border collie is provided good care, complete and rational nutrition, as well as the required level physical activity, starting from a very early age, then the average life expectancy pet be thirteen years, and sometimes more.

The breed is completely unpretentious in care. Such a four-legged pet will not cause trouble even for novice dog breeders.

Standard measures when keeping this breed at home are: proper care grooming, periodically bathing the pet, trimming nails and other hygiene procedures, as well as creating an optimal diet.

Care and hygiene

Puppies need to be walked several times during the day, which will allow the animal not only to actively spend accumulated energy, but also help to accustom the four-legged pet to the daily toilet.

As necessary, you need to carefully clean the eyes and ears, accustoming the animal to these procedures from a very early age. Ear cleaning should be done very carefully, using a soft cloth and hygienic lotions.. Grooming in the form of combing is performed two to three times a week.

This event removes dead hair and stimulates the growth of new coat. For bathing, special conditioning shampoos are used, which must be selected correctly depending on the type of coat.

Diet – what to feed a border collie

Providing adequate nutrition for your border collie is an important step. home care breeds The diet must contain sufficient quantity nutrients, as well as the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of the animal. You cannot limit your dog's access to fresh and clean water, especially if used for feeding. Daily food should consist of approximately 50% meat, fish and offal.

This is interesting! Feeding dogs of this breed is no different specific features, but should focus on motor activity animal and its age.

Formula-fed puppies must be provided with special milk formulas. A good result is achieved by using a homemade mixture consisting of eggs, sugar and milk with the addition of special vitamin and mineral complexes.

An adult animal needs to be fed a couple of times a day, which minimizes the risk of developing pathology of the digestive system. It should be remembered that proper digestion of the Border Collie directly depends on providing the pet with adequate nutrition. physical activity, as well as regular physical activity.

Diseases and breed defects

The breed is characterized by endurance and very good health. However, along with other breeds, border collies are also susceptible to some specific diseases unique to them, which can be presented:

  • congenital deafness;
  • ocular abnormalities, including retinal atrophy;
  • osteochondritis dissecans;
  • increased susceptibility to drugs from the group of anesthetics;
  • cancer diseases.

In order to maintain the health of a four-legged pet, the owner is obliged to provide the pet with regular veterinary examinations, as well as timely vaccinations against the most common diseases.

A special feature of the Border Collie breed is the genetic ability to perform the work of a shepherd, therefore animals sold by professional breeders are completely devoid of aggressiveness. Animals lacking independence or intelligence are culled.

World and national championships make it possible to actively identify animals suitable for use in further selection and breeding, so all serious breeders are interested in participating in such events.

Where to buy, what to look for

It is best to purchase a Border puppy from single-breed nurseries. An animal born in our country is in no way inferior in quality and all breed characteristics to puppies from foreign breeders.

IN last years The breed is usually classified as universal, so when choosing a puppy, you must be guided by the further purpose of the animal. You can purchase lively and active puppies as a companion dog and family friend.

Important! To participate in shows and exhibition events, it is advisable to buy a calmer animal with the most impressive exterior.

Border Collie dog price

The cost of a puppy depends on many factors, but the determining ones are the titles and regalia of the animal’s parents, its class, and the status of the kennel.

Pet-class puppies will not be able to participate in exhibitions and are not used for procreation, which is due to the presence of certain defects that do not affect the health of the animal.

The average cost of such a puppy starts from 15 thousand rubles. An animal belonging to the “breeding class” is most often purchased for the purpose of procreation. In any average nursery, puppies of this breed of breeding class cost at least 18-25 thousand rubles.

“Show class” puppies are especially highly valued. It is these animals that constantly participate in exhibitions and belong to the category of standard breed representatives. Purchasing a puppy of this class can cost a hefty sum, because the cost starts from 30-35 thousand rubles.
