Statuses about how animals are better than people. VK statuses about animals


Animals are much better than some people.

Do you know how pleasant it is to wake up not because the alarm clock piercingly shatters the silence, rattling your nerves from the very morning, but because a cat is purring in your ear, singing its cat song...

What difference does it make what title a dog has? The main thing is health and a loving owner nearby!!!

A house without a cat is not a home, but some kind of dog kennel!

Real male dogs are very patient...

It seems that our dog has suction cups on his paws, if he climbs onto the bed, no matter what you do, he won’t get away... Even our sex exercises are not a hindrance to him))

Why do cats always shit in the most inaccessible places!

An animal killing a person is terrible.
A person killed an animal - this is normal.
That's what makes all the difference, people?

It's hard to be a horse when everyone around you is a sheep.

Animals always sense someone who cannot refuse. Damn again I was left without dinner...

Is it possible to throw away pets? If you get a cat, a dog, or whatever, they become part of the family! This is the same as throwing your child out onto the street!!!

Breeds miniature dogs make owners of well-fed cats proud.

You feel incredibly sorry for animals when you know that everything, his life is over and you can’t help him...

Spring is the time when people begin to pay attention to what animals do, although they do it all year round.

God created pets to warm our cold hearts.

When the house smells like a cat, mice become sexually impotent and they leave the house away...

Insomnia is ok. You can safely eat sour cream while the cat sleeps.

A shepherd is a two-legged animal that helps the DOG guard the sheep)))

Pets are creatures on earth who love you more than themselves.

Sometimes dogs are more sensitive than people.

They say that cats help relieve stress, and it’s true! You kick the asshole and it immediately feels better.

Are you interested in how a person would like to see his neighbor?
Look at dogs and cats and their owners.

In these cold days, people, be merciful. Help animals and birds survive the frost.

There is nothing sweeter than the love of a cat, but there is nothing more sparkling than the devotion of a dog...

Pets decorate our lives... and in Hard time- table)))

A toilet for cats was built in the courtyard of the house, and naive children thought it was a sandbox.

It’s better never to yell at the top of your voice at home: “Who’s the boss here: me or the mice?” Because mice are very vindictive animals.

“The greatness of a country and the moral state of its people are judged by how they treat animals.”

For reasons still unknown, the words “can” and “cannot” sound the same to cats :-))

A dog only hurts when it dies.


Dogs are the most truly loving creatures on earth. They don't care who you are, they care that you exist.

Judging by the character of the cat, “Ozverin” and “Scratch” are added to Whiskas food

When it’s two in the morning and all the other inhabitants of our apartment have been sleeping for a long time, my cat and I EAT))))

Loyalty and devotion... Unfortunately, dogs know much more about this than people...

Pity can be reserved for suffering animals.

I am a master of blackmail, extortion, betrayal, deception, intimidation, evasion, duplicity and coercion. Just imagine the damage I could cause to humanity if I were more than just your cat!

Pets are like ice cream, chocolate and adventure: they seem not at all necessary, but are absolutely necessary for a full and happy life.

If your cat stops shitting with New Year’s “rain”, then the holiday is over...

Never throw away animals and think carefully before getting one. After all, these most loyal creatures have a hard time dealing with betrayal.

You know that today is a holiday - Animal Day. So it’s a holiday for goats too!!! I have someone to congratulate.

Whenever you kiss your kitten, the parents say: “YOU KISS HIS ASS ON THE ASS!”

What does your favorite cat think when it shits behind your sofa?
“I know it’s impossible. But first of all, it's dark here. Secondly, no one sees. And thirdly, I’ll bury it.”

The main difference between animals and people is that animals do not keep people in their homes. Although cats may not agree with me.

A sunbeam hit the cat against the wall for 3 hours...

If your cat smiles mysteriously in the morning, it’s better not to wear slippers...

- Do you keep animals at home?
- Yes. Frozen mackerel and crab sticks.

No one knows how to listen like a beloved dog.

Night. The apartment is falling asleep. The cat wakes up.

Statuses about pets

We are the missing link in the chain between the animal primates and the civilized superman. – Konrad Lorenz

The harder you try to improve animals, the richer and tastier they turn out.

Are hares really stupid animals without a king in their heads? Naturally, my dear, a true cross!

Walks with the dog - loves to get up early, going to bed after midnight.

Best status:
I am a goat from Zimbabwe, where horned animals are still sacred. Pray on your knees before me, sinful Aboriginal popuas.

A society of people will be worse than a wild forest. It is easier for animals to live, feeling their enemy intuitively.

A stupid monkey would have written a longer and more fascinating preface - after all, the beast has imagination and experience.

Man is a unique animal, causing pain and suffering from boredom, aimlessly, like maniacs. – Arthur Schopenhauer

Sincere care for animals makes their meat tastier and the soup richer.

I love animal world, but I don’t intend to meet with the lowered goat at all.

I tried to explain to the cat that the home was ours, showing the property rights and a certificate from the BTI, so that the mustachioed fellow would no longer mark the corners.

The black monkey behaves like a black monkey because he knows that he is a black monkey. If a black monkey doesn't know that it is a black monkey, then it still behaves like a black monkey and does not become a white monkey.

Women and cats always do as they please. Men and dogs can only relax and come to terms with this state of affairs.

It’s good to be a cat, it’s good to be a dog, where I want I’ll pee, where I want I’ll poop

Friday is pig day.

A man is not always a Wolf to a man. It happens that a man is a mongrel to a man, and it happens that he is also a lamb...!!

Rumor makes the pig fatter than it is

There is no greater temptation in the world than sticking your finger into the mouth of a yawning cat.

If you scientifically analyze the composition of beef sausage, it turns out that a cow is a plant!!!

As a result of the explosion at the distillery, every living thing within a 3 km radius demands that the banquet continue.

Do you know who snowflakes are? – these are flies in pajamas!!!)

Envy is when you get up early in the morning for work, and your cat glances at you, yawns and curls up into a ball...

I really want to be weak, but then as luck would have it, the huts are burning and the horses are galloping!!!

A zookeeper escaped from the zoo... although perhaps the lions are not telling something

There is no love without pain... the bunny thought and hugged the hedgehog)))

My cat's name is Stsuko. Mom thinks it's a Japanese name...

Chihuahua dog runs all the way to Huahua in a day

Happiness is when you have an aquarium with a hippopotamus at home and it doesn’t surprise anyone

A bird that does not use its wings will not fly far.

Today a black cat gave way to me... He spat three times, stood there, thought and walked around...

I envy the bears... they sleep all winter, but wake up in the spring, when it’s just a little before summer 😀

I love pigs. The dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. The pigs look at us as equals. - Winston Churchill.

Buy 2 chebureks at the station and assemble them into a cat...

Dogs and people of the stronger sex find sleep a very fun and useful activity.

Every horse thinks its load is the heaviest. – T. Fuller

A thousand hamsters cannot compare with you in softness and fluffiness...)))

No matter what power the beast has, Double punch always stronger

At 4 o'clock in the morning there are more people online than at 9 o'clock in the morning...We exchanged day for night!

Labor made a tired monkey out of a monkey

A persistent camel spat with Gopnik for 3 hours

The only drawback of a KITTEN is that sooner or later it turns into a CAT.

My cat shits in the corners. And it seems to me that he thinks that I’m beating him because he doesn’t shit enough...

When I wonder where and how he is, I will just turn on the Discovery Channel, watch the monkeys and enjoy the fact that he is happy and eating bananas!

Light story about cats

Where have you seen a cat that cares what mice say about it??

so, March is over, the cats in my head have died down and the April holidays have begun)

For good cat and November March.

ahhh, monkeys, hippos... ahhhh, crocodiles, sperm whales... ahhhh, and a green parrot...

Young woman! Do you like animals? - Yes very! - Well, here I am! Homeless animal!

Bears on motorcycles learn to ride faster than you can solve quadratic equations!

Sometimes the ship stops sinking as soon as the rats leave it...

Dad, what if a lion accidentally jumps out of his cage and eats you, which bus should I take?

Life is like in a chicken coop: everyone is trying to push their neighbor over and crap on the one below!

Spring has come, you're too lazy to study, you sit at your desk like a deer

Spring... the cats have arrived...

the cat went missing. Yesterday we saw him on the street late at night, took him home. Dirty, rumpled, but happy - March was a success

Oh, how nice it is to be in nature... a fire, a tent, air, a bear... a bear?!!

pets decorate our lives, and in difficult times - the table

The hedgehog came out of the fog - he ran out of marijuana

What dogs and men love most is sleep

- Honey, feed the cat! - The cat is full! - So when he pees, then feed him!

Latent zoophiles, I am not a bunny, not a kitten, not a swallow or a fish. Save your animal affections for those you fuck.

Boredom is a toy for those for whom all houses look the same, all cats are the same, all books are alike and all people are bastards in disguise.

ate a beaver - saved a tree.

The needle is in the egg, the egg is in the duck, the duck is in the hare, the hare is in shock.

You look at him and agree with Darwin's theory that man evolved from apes.

Buy two sausages in dough from a stall and make a dog out of them...

The horse laid an egg... and not just an egg - but with his grandfather’s hoof!

Only cats get married in March. And men only promise...

A dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than itself.

October was flying, autumn was laughing, cats were freezing into the window sills; you finished smoking me and abandoned me, my genius of pure beauty.

I am a typical Lioness - hot-tempered, but quick-witted

Don't smoke while riding a horse, just 1 gram of nicotine and you'll be walking

All men are like cats; if you forgot to feed them, they get angry and grumble, but if you feed them, they purr and sleep.

We offer you a selection of statuses, aphorisms and quotes about animals. Philosophical statements will help you rethink your attitude towards nature, and funny phrases about pets will cheer you up.

Animals are an integral part of nature. Some of them represent the world wildlife, others feel like masters of human houses.

Is it possible not to love animals? After all, they amaze us with their devotion and intelligence. Unlike people, pets do not betray. They patiently listen to their masters and keep their secrets. Some people get a pet to avoid feeling lonely, others to discipline themselves, others to prevent their children from getting bored. Or someone, maybe, was just walking down the street, saw a fluffy little ball and took it home. Not many people can decide to do such an act. Most still prefer to start purebred cats and dogs, royal pigs or fish. In fact, the breed of your pet doesn’t matter, if you sincerely love it, it will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

Most often, cats, dogs, fish, parrots and turtles are kept in city apartments. The most loyal of them are dogs, the most affectionate are cats. Having a pet is not only fun, but also care and responsibility. Animals discipline their owners. They often serve as an alarm clock, but they are not very interested in the fact that you need to wake up at 7, not 5 in the morning!

The only drawback of the KITTEN is that sooner or later it turns into a CAT.

Children have this disadvantage too)

How much more wonderful life would be if we were all the way our dogs see us.

If every person had a pet, society would be more responsible and kinder.

Anyone who says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy.

Or a kitten...)

If dogs spoke, people would lose their last friends.

We make friends with animals because we don’t hear the truth about ourselves from them...

- Honey, let's get a kitten!
- No, you know, I’m allergic to animal fur.
- It’s strange, you are allergic to a cat, but not to a mink coat?...

You don’t need to feed the fur coat and you don’t need to clean up after it either...)

The only member of my family who has a personal fitness trainer is my dog!

Train and don't be jealous!)

It's a good thing my cat can't talk - she knows too much!

Pets are like a diary: they know everything, but won’t tell anyone)

The guinea pig is a unique animal. She has nothing to do with the sea or pigs.

People also have nothing to do with deer, but some walk with antlers...)

Is it possible to throw away pets? If you get a cat, a dog, or whatever, they become part of the family! This is the same as throwing your child out onto the street!

Having an animal at home means taking responsibility for its life.

A dog only hurts when it dies.

Departure pet tantamount to the departure of any family member...

Judging by the character of the cat, Ozverin and Scratch are added to Whiskas food.

It would be better if they added Anti-Fleas there)

About man and animals

Only someone who had never been an animal himself could come up with signs prohibiting feeding them.

If people were allowed to feed the animals at the zoo, can you imagine what they would bring them? Chips, popcorn, cotton candy...)))

— My wife loves animals.
- And my vegetarian.

Mine likes to look after them, not eat them...)

They say that a dog is man's friend. I hope this huge Rottweiler without a muzzle is running to find out how I’m doing...

In the meantime, look for a tree and climb it...)

Do you know how pleasant it is to wake up not because the alarm clock piercingly shatters the silence, rattling your nerves from the very morning, but because a cat is purring in your ear, singing its cat song...

And the chorus of the song goes like this: feed me, feed me...)

Do you know why the oceans and seas are salty? The ocean is salty from the tears of sharks who just want to hug, but no one understands them!!

Tell me also that they are just flirting with people, and not attacking them...)

The Beast knows who he is and accepts it. A person may know who he is, but he questions everything. He is dreaming. He hopes. Changes. Growing.

Animals always have specific goals. It would do well for a person to learn from animals...

In fact, at the zoo, children learn their first lesson in cruelty. Take a closer look at what the ponies look like there, especially those that give rides to children. Tortured, old, sick, unfed. Because none healthy horse or the pony will not allow a child to be placed on it. And to the circus it is necessary from the very early years instill disgust. The circus teaches children to have fun while watching other living beings suffer. I don’t want my son to go to shows whose performances are based on humiliation and mockery of other beings. When our children become adults, there will be a different world around, better and more humane, and we cannot drag old cruel fun into it. (A. Nevzorov)

But with us it’s the other way around: cruelty turns into a spectacle and brings pleasure to everyone.

Animals know much more than people. Dogs can sense an earthquake in advance. Birds fly halfway around the globe to find their nest. If people listened to animals more often, they wouldn't make so many mistakes. (Helen Brown)

People think they are smarter... naive.

But the fact of the matter is that for centuries it was not the stick that lifted man above the animals and carried him upward, but music: the irresistibility of unarmed truth, the attractiveness of its example. (Boris Pasternak)

If animals could play music, they would listen to it too.

Quotes and aphorisms

Lion is the king of the animals. Until the lioness woke up.

The male is in charge until the female comes.

A house without a cat is not a home, but some kind of dog kennel!

And a house where there is a cat, a dog, a turtle and a parrot looks like a zoo...)

To understand whether animals have a soul, you must have a soul yourself. (Albert Schweitzer)

Animals feel and experience no less than people.

Animals are very sweet friends: they don’t ask questions or criticize. (George Eliot)

And instead of advice they ask for food)

He who feeds a hungry animal feeds his own soul. (Charlie Chaplin)

Feeding a homeless animal is showing everyone that you are capable of good.

Having got a dog, you will guard it, and it will walk you.

When walking a dog, a person first of all goes for a walk.

Chickens live in peace and harmony under one roof, but two roosters can never get along in the same chicken coop - such is their nature.

And they also say that there is no such thing as female friendship...)

The mouse is an animal whose path is littered with fainting women.

The new collection includes quotes about animals and beasts:
  • A bold comparison between humans and pigs - I love pigs. The dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. The pigs look at us as equals. Winston Churchill.
  • An interesting statement about fishing - ...The art of fishing is the most cruel, cold-blooded, stupid activity of all that claim to be a sport. Byron
  • An ingenious comparison of animals and people - When it comes to loyalty, devotion, love, many two-legged animals are lower than a dog or, say, a horse. It would be wonderful for thousands of people if they could stand in front of a judge and say; “I loved as truly and lived as honorably as my dog.” And yet we continue to call them “low animals”! Henry Beecher
  • Your dog is always on the wrong side of the door. Ogden Nash.
  • The more I get to know people, the more I love dogs. Madame de Sevigne.
  • External circumstances influence the form and organization of animals. Jean Baptiste Lamarck, "Philosophy of Zoology"
  • A man and a horse are united by a whip. Jan Lechitsky.
  • All living beings seek happiness; so let your compassion extend to everyone. Mahavamsa
  • Man must feel his closeness and his duty towards any form of life with which he comes into contact. Francis Bacon
  • Children love having a dog in the house—until the dog has children.
  • Man is superior to animals, not because he can torture them, but because he is able to feel sorry for them. And man pities animals because he feels that what lives in them is the same thing that lives in him.
  • Discrimination against living beings solely for the benefit of one's own species is a form of prejudice. Peter Singer
  • A good person is ashamed even in front of a dog. Anton Chekhov.
  • Dr. Michael W. Fox
  • Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people. Eliane J. Finbert.
  • If you see children torturing a kitten or a bird for their amusement, you stop them and teach them pity for living beings, and you yourself go hunting, shooting pigeons, racing and sit down to dinner, for which several living beings are killed. Will this glaring contradiction not become apparent and stop people? L. N. Tolstoy
  • Only a person who has a dog feels like a human being.
  • Cruelty to animals is only the first experience for the same treatment of people. J. Bernardin
  • I can't stand horses: they are uncomfortable in the middle and dangerous at the edges.
  • Animals are part of the natural law, they have their rights because they are intelligent. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Those joys that give a person a feeling of pity and compassion for animals will repay him a hundredfold for those pleasures that he will lose by refusing to hunt and eat meat. L. N. Tolstoy
  • Animals cannot express their opinions. It seems to us that we could be the ones who represent their interests. River Phoenix
  • Dogs laugh too, but they laugh with their tails. Max Eastman.
  • We do not want to accept the animals that we have made our slaves as equals. Charles Darwin
  • A dog jumps on your lap because it loves you; cat - because it’s warmer for her. Alfred Whitehead.
  • The lecturer’s task is to connect the conclusions of astronomy, astrophysics, geology that relate to the globe, and to derive from them, as a consequence, modern climates, the distribution of phenomena of dynamic geology, soils, plants, animals, and human tribes. Andrey Nikolaevich Krasnov

  • Dog - clear example human ingratitude.
  • Changes in external conditions can give rise to new needs in animals. Jean Baptiste Lamarck, "Philosophy of Zoology"
  • From a sanitary point of view, a dove is nothing more than a rat with feathers. Arthur Benline.
  • When a person needlessly destroys one of humanity's creations, we call him a vandal. When he needlessly destroys one of the Creator's creations, we call him an athlete. D. W. Krutch
  • Didn’t nature place all these springs of feelings in the animal so that it could feel? Doesn't it have nerves so that it can suffer?
  • Cow: A landscape-chewing creature. Mieczyslaw Shargan.
  • Nature has endowed man with the high and wonderful gift of compassion, which extends to dumb animals. And there is no doubt that the noblest souls have the greatest gift of compassion, and narrow-minded and narrow-minded people believe that compassion is not a quality that they need to show to other living beings; but the great soul, the Crown of creation, always sympathizes.
  • Cat: A dwarf lion who loves mice, hates dogs, and is a patron of people. Oliver Herford.
  • The time will come when people will look at the killer of an animal the same way they now look at the killer of a person. Leonardo da Vinci.
  • The rabbit is a civilized hare. Anthony Regulsky.
  • Why do animal paw prints please us more than human footprints? Tadeusz Gitzger.
  • A horse is the only animal into which nails can be driven.
  • The horse's intelligence is best evidenced by the fact that it was afraid of cars even when people were only laughing at them.
  • I don't care about a human religion that doesn't care about the welfare of cats and dogs. Abraham Lincoln
  • There will never be peace among people whose hearts seek pleasure in killing other living beings. R. Carson
  • We are responsible for our younger brothers, because they are older than us. Kubersky, Igor Yuryevich, “Year of the Guinea Pig”
  • No ugly dogs- there are only unloved ones.
  • The meat industry is responsible for more deaths in America than all of this century's wars, natural disasters, and traffic accidents combined. If you think that meat is real food for real people, I advise you to live really close to a real hospital. Neil D. Barnard
  • There is no significant difference in mental abilities between man and higher mammals.
  • The time will come when humanity will be humane to every creature that breathes. Jeremy Bentham
  • Not to cause suffering to our lesser brothers is our first duty to them. But this alone is not enough. We have a higher mission to serve them whenever they need it. Francis of Assisi
  • Interesting Animal Quotes - Don't look at your dogs as people or they will start looking at you as dogs. Martha Scott.
  • It seems incredible to us that ancient greek philosophers embarked on such deep discussions about what is good and evil, but never noticed the immorality of human slavery. Perhaps, thousands of years from now, it will seem just as incredible that we do not notice the immorality of human oppression of animals. Sunday Times newspaper
  • If you don't have a dog, get a friend. Gennady Malkin.
  • Mouse: An animal whose path is littered with fainting women. Samuel Johnson.
  • No pet will jump on a chair during dinner unless it is absolutely confident that it can contribute to the conversation. Fran Lebowitz.
  • You can wean yourself from pity even for people, and you can accustom yourself to pity even for insects. The more pity a person has, the better for his soul.
  • Oh yes, how could we live without it! A wonderful morning murder! Everyone's necks are twisted: all the birds are dead! Once upon a time they could fly! Fly and swim! Fly and swim! And now they are all dead and sold for next to nothing at the market! M. Corelli
  • The best thing a person has is a dog. Toussaint Nicolas Charlet.
  • Drive away from yourself everything that prevents you from seeing your connection with all living things. L. N. Tolstoy
  • Buy a dog. This is the only way to buy love with money. Yanina Ipohorskaya.
  • The righteous man takes care of his cattle, but the heart of the sinner knows no mercy. Book of proverbs
  • A crocodile is a creature that always has to choose: life or wallet. Gennady Kostovetsky and Oleg Popov.
  • Examples of men condemned for enlightening the human race are almost as numerous in physics as in morals.
  • A cat is full of mystery, like an animal; The dog is simple and naive, like a person. Karel Capek.
  • Animals without reason also feel pleasant things; beauty is only for people. Immanuel Kant, "Critique of Judgment"
  • When I play with a cat, it is not known who amuses whom more. Michel Montaigne.
  • Irritability in all or known parts is the most common feature animals. Jean Baptiste Lamarck, "Philosophy of Zoology"
  • What poverty of mind it is to say that animals are machines, devoid of understanding and feelings. Voltaire
  • Dogs are loved because they do not want to become owners. Gennady Malkin.
  • Of all the animals, humans are the only ones who blush, laugh, believe in God and kiss with their lips. Therefore, the more we kiss with our lips, the more human we are. Jonathan Safran Foer.
  • A dog is a very unusual creature; she never bothers you with questions about your mood, she doesn’t care whether you are rich or poor, stupid or smart, a sinner or a saint. You are her friend. That's enough for her. J.C. Jerome
  • Animal life has its own purpose and is not a means to satisfy human needs.

Are you looking for something original to post on? social network? Then why not try statuses about animals? So, they are both easy to understand and, as they say, topical.

What are our little brothers silent about?

  1. Perhaps you don’t even realize that when you get a dog, you get a free job as a fitness trainer.
  2. It's not that I don't like communication, but in most companies I feel guinea pig: I have nothing to do with pigs or the sea.
  3. Because of cats you have to suffer constantly, but because of dogs you only have to suffer when they die.
  4. A person is not at all obliged to feed homeless animals, but he is obliged to be fully responsible for his own pets.
  5. Have you noticed that vegetarians, in principle, are either too evil or too kind?!
  6. If a dog is man's friend, then let my friends attack my enemies just like Rottweilers or Shepherds...
  7. A cat suddenly coming into your bed and laying down peacefully next to you is the best thing that can happen in the morning.

You take a kitten, you get a cat

Statuses about animals with meaning will allow us to compare our own qualities with the characteristics of our smaller brothers. It always turns out that we are more evil, envious and calculating than the representatives of less developed species close to us.

  1. In fact, happiness can be bought. You can even take it for free on the street. I'm talking about the puppy.
  2. To a bad dancer, the bees are all wrong, and the honey they make is all wrong.
  3. After another meeting and several missed deadlines, Vasily realized that it’s not so bad to be a little dog or some kind of domestic cat.
  4. You don't have to be born one to be an animal. And in order to become a person, you must first step over yourself.
  5. Only man is capable of laughing in this world. Otherwise he would not have survived...
  6. Only in a mink coat limited person will see luxury. The truly wise will see the limitations.
  7. You know that question about what you would take from a burning house other than money, documents, etc.? So, I would take the cat.

How will your animals surprise you?

Pets take up quite a lot of time and attention from our lives. But even at the same time they manage to remain an absolute mystery to us. This is what we will talk about in statuses about animals with meaning.

  1. A hamster is a reason to return from a long trip, remembering that you didn’t pour water for him.
  2. But I am sincerely surprised by the yard dogs. They look at everyone kindly, although they mostly receive negative things from life. Yes, they simply cannot survive any other way, but still...
  3. Before you rant and fight for great causes, just try to be careful while driving and not hit animals.
  4. Yes, people don’t have any soul, it’s all fiction. But dogs have it!
  5. Maybe animals don't smarter than people, but this also saves them from learning purely human meanness.
  6. I want to believe that, together with robots and super-smart machines, man will be able to invent a way to produce meat without killing animals.
  7. The world of wild animals is cruel, and neither man nor his tamed pets can survive there. But among people there are such individuals that it seems they could definitely do it.

Compassion is the best quality of a person

A status about children and animals will definitely attract attention to your page. In addition, you will be able to speak out on a rather exciting topic.

  1. A cat living in an apartment saves you from loneliness. Two cats living in an apartment save you from boredom.
  2. A dog means endless trips to the veterinarian, buying food, treats, and the need to get up earlier. But all this pays off in the end with boundless happiness...
  3. Think about it, we live in a world where caring too much about homeless animals is still considered strange.
  4. Most of us try not to notice the small remorse when it comes to animals dying to get to our table.
  5. It seems to me that black cats consider people at least strange.
  6. Riding a horse is like stepping into another reality. A few minutes - and you completely forgot about the existence of fussy affairs.
  7. Some say that cats can easily find their way home from any corner of the Earth. Others argue that the cat doesn't think it has a home at all.

Fight or justice

After discussion serious topics Traditionally, it’s worth moving on to more relaxing things. Namely, to funny statuses about animals.

  1. Once again, Nature did not care about its own laws and created the scorpion.
  2. If you are tormented by mosquitoes, spray one of them with men's deodorant and let them sort themselves out.
  3. Think about it, if you change the wording: “The jaguar killed the man” to “The jaguar did not die of hunger,” it immediately becomes easier and more pleasant.
  4. Another difference between a girl and a dog lies in the fact that the first one gets offended much more often.
  5. “You’re a vegetarian, right? Well done, I also love animals, but life is not the same without meat”...
  6. Black or white? Peace or war? Europe or Asia? Love or hate. And the most main question: cat or dog?
  7. Or maybe the sharks are crying because no one loves them, and that’s why the sea is salty? But not river water washes salts out of the soil, and that’s all.

Choose only the best statuses about animals on VK!
