What is the moon responsible for in Vedic astrology? Characteristics and upayas. Horoscope: what the moon shows in the horoscope

The moon is a kind maternal energy. Those with strong lunar energy are good communicators and psychologists. The Moon gives natural benevolence and fame.

In the kingdom of the planets, the moon has absorbed the image of a loving mother. The moon has no enemies and no one wants to ruin their relationship with her, since everyone needs a sensitive interlocutor in moments of weakness or loneliness. The energy of the moon not only heals the body, but also the mind and senses. Under the maternal light of the moon, the fruits are filled with juice and the plant gains strength.

1. Mind (manas)

The mind contains two functions: sense organs and emotions. The sense organs include the eyes (vision), nose (smell), ears (hearing), mouth (taste), skin (touch). We primarily perceive the world through our senses. Emotions are a reaction to what has come into consciousness through the senses. Emotions are based on our past experiences, which are laid largely in the subconscious (unconscious depths of consciousness). When we encounter certain life circumstances, we experience completely predictable emotions. The Moon governs the ability to observe your inner world and realize the processes taking place there.

Strong moon gives the person high degree reflections - self-observation. Such people tend to become psychologists or deal with a large number of children, since raising children involves being attentive to them. In addition, a strong moon gives a sharp mind and deep insight. You shouldn’t be disingenuous in front of a person with a strong moon! He sees right through you, like an X-ray!

weak moon gives a person patterns in behavior and emotions. Such a person is easily manipulated and misled. Often people with a weak moon abuse alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and other “painkillers” for the mind. This behavior is dictated by the lack of opportunity to relax and understand oneself. In addition, the lack of lunar energy makes it difficult to capture and express your own emotions.

2. Subtle body (aura, biofield, etc.)

The physical body is just the tip of the iceberg of human existence. Behind the gross body there is a complex and multifunctional fine structure. We will not delve into the structure of the subtle body now. Behind thin body answers the moon. We can say that the inner (subtle) life of a person completely determines the outer life circumstances. There are many sciences associated with the subtle world, starting with healing, magic and ending with the karmic laws of life scenarios.

Strong moon gives powerful protection from subtle irritants and egregors. The owner of such lunar energy will always and everywhere be protected from other people’s thoughts, conspiracies, love spells, ideas, plans and much more. No matter what happens externally, he will be immersed in his inner world.

weak moon- This is a feast for subtle entities and dishonest people. One can only sympathize with such a person, because in most cases he will act on the inspiration of other people’s interests, and will not have enough energy and time for his own life.

3. Mom, motherhood

The role of a mother is to listen and sympathize with her children, husband and, if possible, other people in need. The energy of the moon does not need action, all the power of the moon lies in understanding another person. Understanding gives people peace inside and the desire to move on.

Strong moon in the horoscope means that this person’s mother fulfilled her role completely and without reserve. Therefore, her child will turn into a sensitive and calm person.

weak moon- this is the absence of the mother either physically, or there was no relationship with the mother in childhood.

4. A person's true character

Behind everyone social roles is the real nature of man. The position of the moon in the horoscope shows what kind of person a person really is. The natural manifestation of character is revealed in calm and safe circumstances. And as soon as irritants appear, automatic template roles immediately turn on.

Strong moon gives sincerity and naturalness in behavior, and weak– pliability to behavioral stereotypes.

5. Memory

Let's compare the mind to a lake. The surface of the lake is the conscious psyche, and the deeper we go to the bottom, the further we move into the unconscious parts of the psyche. The bottom is the archive of the subconscious. So memory is mainly located at the bottom of the lake, that is, in the unconscious psyche. The mechanism of karma operates through memory. In order for this or that event to happen to a person, from the day of the mind a corresponding pattern of behavior emerges and the person, as if accepting this as his action, goes in the direction required by fate. Memory is the energy of the moon.

Strong moon makes it possible to track subconscious reactions, and weak– a person thinks that he is always free, but in reality he is led by his memories and patterns of behavior.

6. Inner feminine nature

Lunar energy is natural to any woman. The moon is the native energy of all representatives of the fair half of humanity. Any woman is by nature a psychologist and psychic. Women can feel subtle changes in mood and behavior. The Moon also gives inexhaustible feminine sympathy and understanding. It is because of the moon that all women are easily vulnerable, even if they do not show it outwardly.

The influence of the moon on men

For men, the moon can play a difficult role if it is strong in their horoscope. I think there is no need to describe the emotions that arise when meeting a vulnerable man who worries about everything. This is usually an unpleasant sight, especially for women who a priori expect determination and determination from men, rather than empathy and gentleness. It is not uncommon for men with a strong moon to change their sexual orientation because it is difficult for them to get along with and understand women. Most positive outcome strong moon for men it is psychology and spiritual activity. If the energy of a strong moon in men is spent in a professional manner, then relationships with women receive some relief.

Minor Properties

Zodiac sign Cancer
Age from 0 to 4 years
Living things rodents, reptiles, insects
Bodily constitution vata and kapha
Body tissue blood
Part of the body face
Social status queen
Varna vaishyas
Cloth new clothes
Color white, milky
Direction northwest
Diseases damage to the blood, psyche, body fluids. Violation of the female cycle.
Element water
Taste salty
Plants rice, juicy fruits like watermelon, melon, cucumbers. Milk. Ice cream.
Form circle
View direction in front of
Height short
Metals, stones pearl, silver, moonstone
Character during the period of growth - good, during the period of decrease - evil
Birth back to front
Symbol Emotions, mind
Influence method Dana (bribery, temptation)
Places Seas, oceans, rivers, places near water, coasts, ports, public places
Profession Seafood trade, social or public activities, recreational work
Psychology + Receptivity, softness, sensitivity, fantasy, good memory– Touchiness, reactivity, inadequacy in communication, inability to control one’s emotions
Guna Sattva (goodness)
Relative Mother
Season of the year Varsha – rainy season (from July 20 to September 19)
Floor female
Partner man of his circle
Temperament fickle, changeable
Day of the week Monday
Number 2

Upaya - ways to harmonize the energy of the moon

  • Water procedures (shower, bath, pool) 2-3 times a day;
  • Drink clean water;
  • Eat rice dishes;
  • Walks in quiet places (forest, park, coast);
  • Psychoanalysis, meditation, spiritual practice;
  • Respect, communicate, give gifts to mother or older women;
  • Communication and care for children (especially children under 4 years old);
  • Repeat mantras to the Moon 108 times (or a multiple of 108).

Since ancient times the Moon had great value In human life. People deified the heavenly Queen of the Night, revered the Moon as the Mother of the Earth, and identified the lunar phases with the life cycle.

The Moon in astrology is rightfully considered the most important astrological object. The degree of its influence on our lives exceeds even that of the sun, because the Moon is our subconscious, soul, emotions, memory of experienced feelings. The circulation of all fluid in the body, of which 80% of us are composed, is directly related to the gravitational influence of the Earth’s satellite.

The principle of the Moon in astrology

According to traditional ideas, the Moon is a symbol of all adaptation mechanisms; psychological - symbolizing the subconscious, social - determining human behavior and response, biological - related to nutrition, and so on. This property is inherent only to the Moon and is decisive for it, therefore, the principle of the Moon is adaptation. What is adaptation from the standpoint of individuality? This is the ability and desire (not intention, as in the case of the Sun, but a desire that has an emotional overtones) to optimally realize in the external world all of its internal capabilities, all its (individuality) properties and qualities. In other words, adaptation is a process of implementation and the numerical symbol of the Moon principle is “four”, which coincides with the symbol of the Sun function.

Function of the Moon in astrology

Since the principle of the Moon is adaptation to the conditions of existence, its function is survival, individual life. That is why in specific tasks it symbolizes everything that contributes to this - mother, homeland, home, the nature of emotional reactions, the most comfortable place and circumstances of existence, and so on. To realize individual life, it is necessary to automatically, without the participation of consciousness (without using a conscious analysis of the situation, instinctively) manifest one’s uniqueness, the creative solar principle. The manifestation of individuality and creative potential, as well as creativity itself, as the principle of the Sun, is symbolized by the “five”.

The role of the Moon in astrology

The moon gives a person the appearance of life, gives the solar creative impulse external form expressions, defining the specifics emotional state and behavior, their changes. In this sense, the roles of the Sun and Moon are oppositional - the Sun symbolizes content, and the Moon symbolizes form, here the Sun is active, and the Moon is passive. Consequently, the role of the Moon can be defined as an appearance, a form of manifestation, and the numerical symbol of this role will be “two”. The Moon is also the astrological ruler

The place of the Moon both as a planet and as a planetary principle in astrology, mysticism, and the field of spirituality is very mysterious. Some esotericists believe that, as a separate luminary, the Moon has no influence on any atom or self of this Earth. Others, on the contrary, are confident of a huge influence on everything life cycles. So which one is right?

The role of the Moon in astrology

About this cold luminary modern science knows only that it reflects an objective ray of sunlight and nothing more. Even modern schools Yogis have not yet reached that stage of revelation that would allow them to realize the possibility of life at the freezing point and even below.

For human beings living at the level of individualization, that is, animal people, the Moon acts as a stimulant of the minds to behavior determined by their previous karma and expressed through their emotions, feelings and reflexes.

This is indicated by the egg of their twelve houses in their natal chart along with the transits of planets over these houses. For those living on the personal level, the moon stimulates the minds to activity on the mental plane. This activity is conditioned by their present karma and is expressed by “union through discrimination,” which we call the social, political, economic and religious spheres of activity.

Two points point to them:

  • what signs the planets are in at their birth (not in what houses) and
  • transits of planets above them.

The first marks a "destiny" that is unchangeable until they reach the next stage in the evolution of the self.

The second (transits) marks "free will", which is changeable by the individual as he is stimulated to do so by his present and past karma.

At this stage, a person no longer believes in the existence of a higher order and plan and believes that the decisive factor is the efforts of the person himself. This indicates that Mars plays a role in the evolution of his personality.

Saturn then gives him the required sequence of experiences until he begins to suspect the existence of a higher plane. The second of the two points above, related to transits, has four divisions, which will be discussed separately and in detail in the following chapters.

The Moon in mysticism and esotericism

Our Earth receives the lunar ray from animal, plant and mineral magnetism.

This magnetism is the cause of ocean tides, cloud formation, and the water cycle that forms part of the Earth's annual metabolism. With the help of the moon's ray reflected onto the earth, the center of our earth can attract and gather matter around itself, thus acquiring a ball of atoms (garbha) which we call the globe.

The very formation of the present globe from invisible planes into a material state is a consequence of the magnetism of the Moon. For the same reason, the Earth is able to transform the colors of the sun's ray into the seasons, the fertility of flora, fauna and humans.

Without the moonbeam, the chemistry and biology of this globe would be like an eye receiving sunlight, but not equipped with a mind. All the main statements of the original scriptures and commentaries on them convince us that the Moon is the mind of our Earth. The place of the Moon in spiritual symbolism. The second function of the Moon is that its ray, whether visible or subtle, forms the mental body of this Earth.

“The moon is born from (HIS) mind,” says the ancient stanza (Purushasukta). In relation to the solar principle, this mental vehicle of our Earth has sixteen phases. On the physical plane they are expressed as lunar phases. They also manifest themselves on our mental plane, acting in us as moods.

On a larger scale, these phases are expressed in solar systems and universes. Each sun has its own lunar center or source of mind, to which it responds in the same way as our Earth responds to our Moon. This happens due to the fact that in relation to the larger sun, our Sun is also in the position of the earth.

When these lunar phases operate in solar systems, suns and constellations, they are called

  • manvantaras,
  • kalpas
  • and mahakalpas.

And this scale unfolds according to our ability to perceive.

Moon from a yoga perspective

The Yogis of the Himalayas say the following about the Moon: each atom of the six lower planes of each planetary ball, including the Earth, contains lunar principles (the seventh is the solar principle).

The lunar principle is called Soma, and the Moon itself is called Chandra in the books of wisdom. This lunar principle focuses on the Earth by its mother, that is, the present Moon. The statement that the Moon is a dead planet is a fact for a certain stage of consciousness, acting as a screen for the self that has not yet reached the necessary stage of vision.

Our solar system has not yet advanced to such a stage as to realize Soma in the form of a planet. And until then, the temporary center of distribution of the Soma principle on the Earth is the Moon.

Moon and spiritual development

For those who have focused their personality on unmotivated activities (that is, svadharma or yajnadharma replaces purusaardha for them), the Moon forms a group mind or soul consciousness that connects them with all other beings located on this level, wherever they are.

Here at this point, their moon changes their focus of manifestation and stimulation. Until now, all a person's affairs have been focused and stimulated by the degree of his natal Moon. Now the degree of the Moon in which fertilization occurred in the womb of his mother becomes the focusing and stimulating center.

This center is what we call the ascendant (mystical east or mystical sun) of birth. From unmotivated work at the soul level, a person evolves to the “level of the great bull,” or creation through his word (vishuddhi chakra).

Here the Moon, through its rays, supplies him with “oil for the flame of creation to ignite his 21 rods of sound fuel,” as one sloka of tantric texts says.

Such a person uses his objective word for creative work - such as blessing or establishing order - when the Moon is waxing, and he uses his subjective word when the Moon is in detriment. Upon reaching these two levels, the soul is guided by the Moon - not because consciousness is conditioned lunar phases, but because it does not show disobedience to the law.

It is subject to the effects of the lunar phases even when free from them. “As in heaven, so on earth” is his Christ principle. If this is not the case, and freedom is used for disobedience, temptation will arise and man will fall because of the “tree of knowledge.” This disobedience is called individual independence or black magic(asuric nature).

Not out of fear or under compulsion, but out of reverence, goodness and virtue, a man of soul keeps the law. On next stage the same ray of the moon produces creation through the “winged serpent” and through its gaze, which gives the “eagle and serpent” so that this creation becomes immortal.

The Moon in astrology is responsible for emotions, a sense of self-preservation, nutrition, motherhood, instinct. The Moon rules the zodiac sign Cancer and the fourth house of the horoscope.

All ancient cultures had a Moon goddess, each activity had its own phase. Without it, there would be no ebbs and flows and other natural cycles. Its attractive force causes ebbs and flows on Earth, and the phases coincide with biological rhythms in the life of plants, animals and people. For ancient people, the phases of the moon - new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter - symbolized the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. People have always been fascinated by the lunar cycle, associated with the endless repetition of events. Being a satellite of the Earth, it does not emit light, but only reflects the sun.

Properties of the Moon in astrology

The moon is responsible for emotional mood and how you react to your surroundings. It embodies the universal human needs for safety, security and protection, the need to receive and give, to nurture, to feel a sense of belonging and to have individuality.

To survive, we, like babies, need warmth, communication and love. Lunar energy pulls back into the past, to the bond between mother and child, because the basic emotional and physical needs have not changed since then. It represents your basic, instinctual need for protection and safety. If she doesn't find satisfaction, you feel anxious and insecure. The Zodiac sign and the house where the Moon is located in the natal chart will give more detailed description something that gives you a feeling of confidence.

The way you perceived maternal or dominant female influence V early childhood, plays a decisive role in the formation of emotional security. In the future, this will affect how you approach your physical needs and, in particular, your relationship with food. The Moon shows how life's earliest experiences shape one's response to the ups and downs of life. Everyday life. The emotional state is inextricably linked with the sensation of the body, because it is the body that is the sphere of its influence. The ability to take care of yourself is instinctive, although you don't always show it. If you lose connection with the Moon, then you lose connection with your body.

In astrology, it is also traditionally associated with memory: everything you once experienced is stored away and, to some extent, continues to influence your present life. Thus, the Moon is like a book about your previous emotional and bodily experiences, which reflected your whole life, right down to mood changes.

Symbolism of the Moon

It symbolizes a childhood experience, a time when you felt cared for, protected and supported. In addition, it shows your attitude towards existence in your physical body. A negative Moon creates a feeling of alienation, a positive Moon gives a feeling of “comfort” in oneself. It reminds you where you came from, where the source and the beginning are. You could say it's an archetype" inner child"that you take care of within yourself. It is associated with your earliest memories and impressions and, like your upbringing, influences you most strongly in those moments when you are unsure of your surroundings. It continues to influence feelings and perceptions even though you you don't realize.

The moon is the past, family, heredity and your attitude towards them. The first unconscious worldview is what parents said about life. Positive and negative inherited patterns, such as instincts and psychological imprints arising from childhood experiences, are all within her purview. In astrology, the Moon is a symbol of the feminine principle (Yin) and everything connected with it: the process of conception, pregnancy, birth, development, aging and dying.

The positive influence of the Moon can be seen in the ability for intimacy, emotional attachment, in the knowledge of what to do with one’s needs and how to adequately respond to others, in the ability to adapt to new conditions. Loneliness, isolation, lack of affection, difficulties with emotional development are often a consequence of negative stereotypes ingrained in childhood. These qualities manifest bad influence Moon, which is the link between reality and the ability to emotional manifestations. To attract positive lunar energies, you can use the Moon talisman.

Lunar influences make us react involuntarily, like a reflex to a corresponding stimulus. This reaction is difficult to correct because it is instinctive. The Moon in astrology is responsible for the instinct of self-preservation, for example, an involuntary reaction to danger when you do not have time to analyze the situation. It dominates the passive, receptive side of the personality - the basic instincts and feelings. The process of human development from an infant to a mature adult depends on how solar and lunar energy interact in the natal chart.

Metal: Silver.
Day: Monday.
Color: White.
Direction: North-west.
Abode: .
Exaltation(Elevations): .
Exile: .
Falls: .
Friendly planets: , .
Hostile planets: None.
Organs: mucous membranes - eyes, lungs, stomach, intestines, in women - gynecology.
Diseases: nervous disorders, stomach diseases, acidity disorders, gastritis, colitis.
Events: changes (positive and negative).
Symbols on the map:W

The mysterious and mystical image of the Moon has always attracted the attention of people. For creative and gifted people, she was a source of inspiration; the Moon helped people in love to tell each other all the secrets and mysteries of the heart.

This heavenly body is very clearly visible to an earthly observer, and since ancient times people have noted for themselves the relationship between the lunar phases (, and) and their state of health, mood and reproductive cycles. Knowledge made it possible to predict the ebb and flow of tides, as well as increase plant productivity. Ancient healers focused on when collecting and processing medicinal plants, and healers, using astrological knowledge, successfully determined favorable time for medical procedures and operations.

Moon in the horoscope

Most people know theirs, that is, they take into account the position at the time of their birth. The solar horoscope will tell you a lot about a person, her worldview and aspirations. Meanwhile, the Moon, its location at the moment of a person’s first breath and its other characteristics are also very important. The moon will help reveal features personal life a person, understand his individual qualities, habits and preferences. Analysis of the position of the Moon, among other things, will clarify the following points:

  • The image of the mother in the horoscope;
  • Native's attitude towards children;
  • Attitude towards home and family;
  • The image of a beloved woman in a man's horoscope;
  • Characteristics of a woman as a mother and wife in the women's horoscope;
  • Ability to adapt and restore vitality;
  • Taste preferences;
  • Rhythm and lifestyle.

According to traditional ideas, the Moon is a symbol of all adaptation mechanisms, psychological, symbolizing the subconscious, social, determining human behavior and response, biological, being associated with nutrition, and so on. This property is inherent only to the Moon and is decisive for it, therefore, the principle of the Moon is adaptation.

What is adaptation from the standpoint of individuality? This is the ability and desire (not intention, as in the case of the Sun, but a desire that has an emotional connotation) to optimally realize in the external world all of its internal capabilities, all its (individuality) properties and qualities. In other words, adaptation is a process of implementation.


Since the principle of the Moon is adaptation to the conditions of existence, its function is survival, individual life. That is why in specific tasks it symbolizes everything that contributes to this - mother, homeland, home, the nature of emotional reactions, the most comfortable place and circumstances of existence, and so on.

To realize individual life, it is necessary to automatically, without the participation of consciousness (without using a conscious analysis of the situation, instinctively) manifest one’s uniqueness, the creative solar principle.


The moon gives a person the appearance of life, gives the solar creative impulse an external form of expression, determining the specifics of the emotional state and behavior, and their changes. In this sense, the roles of the Sun and Moon are oppositional - the Sun symbolizes content, and the Moon symbolizes form, here the Sun is active, and the Moon is passive. Consequently, the role of the Moon can be defined as an appearance, a form of manifestation.

Significator of organs and diseases

The moon shows a person’s ability to adapt and is responsible for the absorption of substances. Associated with the stomach, uterus, mammary glands, endocrine system, in particular with the pancreas (together with Venus, Neptune and Pluto), is responsible for the mucous membrane of any organ, the cerebellum, lymph, leukocytes and blood plasma. Gives nervous disorders, stomach diseases, acidity disorders, gastritis, colitis, oversaturation with liquids, endocrine disorders resulting from inflammation of the glands, visual defects, allergies and women's diseases.

Huber classification

The most common problems in the natal chart associated with the Moon are difficulties in establishing personal contacts, correctly perceiving the feelings of the environment, joining small or large groups, communities.


Understanding and sympathy from others are extremely important for a person. Inner needs and desires are strong. Reactions are largely determined by mood, which is constantly changing. Need cares for those who are worse off. Soulfulness, but, on the other hand, impressionability, mental fickleness, capriciousness.


Absence of serious essential needs and social claims for the subject. Emotional underdevelopment. Lack of intuition.


A bad relationship with the mother, a difficult childhood, obstacles for unknown reasons, and other, seemingly “undeserved” burdens and grief are likely. Anxiety, an abundance of complexes, doubts, distrust.


Almost complete mental comfort in almost any circumstances. Ability to learn easily, good memory, ability to listen.


Developed intuition, subtle perception, impressionability.

The moon is a symbol of femininity and motherhood

Everyone imagines the movement of the Moon. She always accompanies the Earth on its journey around the Sun and does not leave it without her attention for a second. Isn't it true that this relationship is reminiscent of maternal care and guardianship over a child? This comparison is not accidental. The phenomena of the cosmic world are always reflected in earthly reality, and therefore each planetary interaction in the natal chart creates a unique code for an inhabitant of the Earth.

So, the Moon is a symbol of the feminine principle, which is called upon to protect, care, protect, nurse and feed. In the horoscope of the natal chart, she will describe the feminine and maternal image inherent in the consciousness of the individual, talk about the attitude towards children, as well as towards the home and family as a whole.

For example, is a very strong position for her. Such a person will be distinguished by a strong attachment to home, concern for the comfort and well-being of all members of his family. The Moon in Cancer will always feed, warm, listen and hug.

But a mother with the Moon in airy Gemini will take care of children and loved ones differently. The main thing for her is to create conditions for intellectual development child and make family members’ time fun, interesting and varied.

So, the Moon in a woman’s natal chart describes a woman as a wife, mother and mistress of the house, keeper of the hearth. An astrological analysis of the Moon in a man’s horoscope will not only allow him to recreate the image of his mother and identify the specifics of his relationship with her, but will also help determine the type of woman he considers attractive.

Moon and the unconscious

Everyone knows that the Moon always faces the Earth with only one of its sides. The other side is always invisible to the earthly observer. That is why this heavenly body is responsible for the human psyche, or rather, for the unconscious part of it. If the Moon in the horoscope is strong in status and has favorable interactions with others, then the subject feels harmony in the soul, and even if some difficulties arise in life, he easily overcomes periods of trouble.

For owners of the Moon located in conjunction with other planets (for example, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter or Uranus), if stressful situations And depressive states you should pay attention to relaxing procedures and practices (yoga, meditation, balneological procedures, massage and swimming), take time off in a timely manner and, of course, visit specialists who can provide the necessary psychological assistance.

Moon and health

If we talk about the work of the body, then the functions of the Moon include the distribution of energy in the human body. It is also responsible for fluid circulation, food absorption processes, reproductive function and child feeding.

People with a strong and harmonious principle of the Moon in the horoscope (for example, the Moon in Cancer or Taurus, the Moon in angular houses, in good aspects, etc.) are distinguished by good memory, rapid recovery from illness, good adaptation to changing conditions, resistance to stress, good women's and men's health).
