What grows on rocky soil. Plants and flowers for difficult corners of the garden - shade, waterlogged, dry and infertile areas. Characteristics of poor soils

Holly - tree or deciduous evergreen shrub, most common in tropical and temperate climates. Since ancient times, the branches of this plant have been used to strengthen the entrance to a home. It was believed that holly could ward off evil spirits.

Baltic, Celtic, Slavic, Scandinavian peoples used the branches of this shrub. Holly branches can be found on cards, packaging, wreaths and garlands. Few people know, but it belongs to the poisonous plants.

Description of the plant

Holly has the following characteristics:

The most common types

There are about 400 species of this plant in total, but we will look at three of them.


Found in Asia Minor, Southern Europe, North America. This is an evergreen pyramidal or spherical tree, reaching a height of up to 15 meters. Its lifespan is up to 100 years. It grows in nature even in the North Caucasus. Outwardly, it looks like a Christmas tree.

Its branches are spreading and short. The crown is dense, oblong or pyramidal. The leaves have an oblong-ovate shape with wavy edges.

Holly holly flowers white, fragrant small ones. They will remain on the branches for 14 days. Then they will be replaced by bright red fruits, the size of which can reach up to 1 cm. They remain on the stalks throughout the winter.

This species can be perfectly located in the shade, is resistant to frost, tolerates temperatures down to minus 22 degrees below 0. The plant is located in middle lane Russia, is not able to winter, so it is grown only in winter gardens.

It is worth knowing that holly is the variety through which other varieties were developed. It is a dioecious plant with a deep root system. Fertile neutral soil is suitable for growing this species. It prefers either full shade or partial shade. It perfectly withstands smoky, polluted air.

Crenate holly

This plant is native to Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. This species can be either a tree up to 7 m high or a shrub. The latter is less common.

Crenate holly stands out for its dense greenery, appearance resembling boxwood. Bred in Japan. In this country it is a dwarf topiary shrub.

Holly meserva

This is a hybrid of common, wrinkled and Korean holly. It is especially common in Russia, as it can withstand frost well. This species has many varieties, the leaves of which are darkish, blue-green in color.

This plant loves shade, rich, light and moist soil. A substrate made from the following components is perfect for growing: humus, peat, sand, clay mixed with activated carbon. Drainage is also necessary. Its thickness must be at least 3 cm.

Holly holly requires cross-pollination. Therefore, you should have several such plants on the site. You can combine varieties by planting male and female trees next to each other.

It should not be planted in a place where there is a lot sunlight. The plant may suffer from this, so the best place for him it is where there are no bright rays. However, there are bicolor species that have variegated leaves. In order for them to retain their color, these plants should be planted in a place with bright light.

Holly does not tolerate excessive heat. In the summer, it is recommended to move it to a room where the air temperature will not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. Only young plants should be replanted every year. After that, as needed, every 3 to 4 years. In the spring it is simply moved to a larger container.

Main methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings. This method is more common. Semi-lignified cuttings 10 cm long are required. To root them at the end of summer, the cuttings are placed in a peat-sand mixture and placed in a place where there is no direct sunlight and high temperature. After the roots have appeared, the cuttings are planted in separate containers.

Since holly is a beautiful tree, it is often grown in pots. At home, the tree needs to be replanted in the spring every 2 years into a larger pot.

Holly holly does not require excessive attention. Both sandy and clay soils are suitable for it. The main thing is that they are waterproof and humus is present.

The plant does not like drought. In summer, when it is hot, it should be watered abundantly. By winter, the amount of watering should be reduced to moderate, preventing the soil from drying out. Pruning should be done after fruiting has ended.

IN spring period young plants should be covered to protect them from sunlight. From spring to autumn, once a month you should feed the tree with liquid complex fertilizer, diluted in the following ratio: 30 ml per 10 liters of water.

Features of cultivation

When growing holly, you may encounter some difficulties:

  1. Fungal diseases. In this case, purple spots will appear on the leaves. The fungus appears due to the fact that there was not enough watering during increased acidity soil. Or the plant did not have enough necessary nutrients- potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus.
  2. Holly can be affected by late blight, which will lead to root rot and death of the tree. If this disease is discovered, the plant should be immediately destroyed and the soil around it should be treated with disinfectants.
  3. Holly does not tolerate aridity and heat well. He prefers cool places.

Holly holly is not a very fastidious plant. Knowing the characteristics of this plant, variety, planting and care rules, no special difficulties should arise. It is important to follow all the recommendations, and only in this case the plant will grow beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Holly or holly is a mysterious plant that is reflected in Spanish poetry. Among the river oxen, sedges and hollies, the most mysterious mysteries of Spanish dance and festivals of passion and dance took place.

It is not surprising that gardeners are trying to grow this strikingly beautiful plant, accustomed to a tropical climate, in the Moscow region and even in colder regions, with some success. Preference is given to evergreen plants with carved, dense leaves and bright berries of blood red, scarlet or yellow color.

Holly is found with black or white berries. There are more than 400 species of holly and most of them are strikingly beautiful and used in landscape design and for home decoration.

The holly got its name from special form dense leaves - in some species, curly cutouts of foliage end in long and sharp thorns. Due to its density and the presence of thorns, the plant is indispensable for creating difficult hedges. As you can see in the photo, the decorative potential of holly is impressive.

The classic holly or Meserve's holly is a plant with a special mystical power. Even before the founding of Rome, holly wreaths were used to ward off evil forces. It was believed that holly destroys evil, slander, envy and helps brave, strong and passionate people achieve their goals.

Holly or ilex is the plant of Saturnalia, the descent into the underworld. The banks of Lethe, rivers in the kingdom of the dead, are overgrown with ilex and its sharp shoots wound the feet of inconsolable souls who parted with their love. You can often see rosettes of holly leaves and berries on Christmas cards.

Few people remember the ancient mystical meanings, but the use of the plant as a blessing and warning sign has been preserved in relatively new religions. In ancient Celtic cults, holly also received significant attention as a plant that drives away evil in any form.

In Celtic ornaments of the present time we can trace stylized holly leaves. Initially, holly is considered a plant of the god of healing Asclepius, although the god had to collect it in the afterlife, on the muddy banks of the river of oblivion.

Crenate tropical holly is a tree about 7 meters high. This species produces the densest greenery, reminiscent of boxwood. Unfortunately, in Russia, even in Crimea, the climate is too cool for this species.

Meserve's holly is a relatively new hybrid, resulting from crossing the Korean, wrinkled and common holly. It is this hybrid that can withstand the climate of central Russia; it can be grown in the Moscow region. It is an evergreen plant that does not shed its foliage with characteristic bright berries.

IN wildlife The holly tree can reach considerable sizes. Average height classic holly - about 15 meters. In Russia, holly is presented in the form of low shrubs. Be sure to check the type of holly you are purchasing for planting.

The stubborn and tough shrub withstands dense planting and holds its shape perfectly after pruning. The hedge can be given almost any shape and it will delight the eye with thick and dense greenery.

Carved leaves provide beautiful dense shade, and a holly hedge invariably attracts the eye due to its unique texture. In autumn, a mature shrub is covered with scatterings and clusters of bright, as if varnished, berries. The fruits remain on the branches all winter and it is very beautiful.

With enough patience, you can form pyramids, perfect even balls and other shapes from bushes.

Holly perfectly cleans the air, drives away insect pests that are intolerant to essential oils holly. It's always easy to breathe next to holly. It is believed that he drives away bad thoughts and longing.

Difficulties in growing holly in central Russia

Holly is a tropical evergreen plant. The ideal climate for it is about 20 degrees. It tolerates heat and short frosts well, but long Russian winters, constant high humidity, and lack of sunlight have a detrimental effect on the plant.

In England and other countries washed by the warm breath of the Gulf Stream, holly feels better.

Planting and caring for plants in central Russia is complicated by climatic conditions.

Growing holly in northern latitudes is no easier than growing lemon or thuja. It is possible, but it will take considerable effort. Holly can tolerate the Russian climate, starting from the North Caucasus.

Some types of holly can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees, but for a short time. In Russia, you need to make special boxes for wintering plants, protecting them from prolonged cold weather.

The shrub loves moist, humus-rich soil and readily colonizes river banks. But flooding and flooding on loamy and clayey soils and rising groundwater levels are difficult to endure.

The plant does not tolerate transplantation very well. The death of seedlings in the first year after planting is normal, even with ideal care in ideal conditions.

How to care for Meserve holly

Since Meserve's holly is the only one of the huge family of ornamental hollies that can withstand our frosts, we will focus on care for this species.

After planting in the ground and in early spring, the plant needs shelter from direct sunlight. It is necessary to provide sufficient watering, but avoid overwatering and flooding of plant roots.

It is best to prune and shape the bush in late autumn. There is no need to repeat pruning in the spring - the holly grows slowly and holds its given shape well.

Holly propagation should be done by cuttings. The best cuttings are fresh, this year, but have already passed the woodiness stage. Make the cut with a sharp knife, at an angle. There should be at least 2-3 buds per cutting.

Removal and rooting of cuttings is carried out in moist and loose soil, in a greenhouse. Rooted cuttings can be planted in regular soil after about a month. Let us remember that the plant does not tolerate transplantation well. Be patient.

On the vast territory of big continent- Eurasia - more fully than in others, one can notice the manifestation of the planetary law of geographical landscape zoning. Despite the fact that the border between Europe and Asia is quite long, the formation of their soil covers did not proceed in the same way. That is why the flora of Eurasia is so diverse. Various plants There are so many here that it is difficult to count. Titles ornamental trees and fruit crops of the continent are so numerous that they fill weighty volumes. We will look at just one rather interesting plant.


Photo of this representative flora our continent is familiar to everyone. With its branches, fixed together with mistletoe and rowan tassels above the entrance to their homes, our ancestors drove away long before Rome was founded. The name of ornamental trees of the Holly family is found in Celtic, Baltic, Scandinavian and Slavic literature.

Description of the species

Holly, a photo of which can often be found on Christmas cards, belongs to the family of the same name. It has about four hundred varieties, distributed in both temperate and tropical regions. Few people know that all its types are Photos and their names are in any manuals on plant growing.

These are evergreen shrubs or trees with spiny, jagged, or less often entire leaves. All representatives of dioecious plants have small, axillary flowers and berry-like fruits - drupes, which look very appetizing, but are inedible: they are all poisonous plants.

Photos and names of holly varieties

There are many varieties of this representative of the Eurasian flora. For example, the crenate, also called Japanese, subspecies is an evergreen plant, the height of which reaches only two and a half meters. It has small and rounded leaves.

Another variety is the meserva holly, which is a hybrid that has many varieties with very dark bluish-green leaves. The purely “male” Blui Prince is considered an excellent pollinator for its “brothers”. Golden and Blue Princesses are also same-sex. Some varieties, including Blue Maid, have both female and male flowers on the same plant. They have ordinary green foliage, not as showy as, for example, Blue Angel, since it lacks the characteristic metallic sheen.

Most varieties have red fruits, although some, such as Golden Princess, have yellow fruits.

Many people think that hollies are only evergreen, but this is not true. In the family of the same name there are also deciduous subspecies. The decorative whorled holly is especially interesting in appearance. It is native to the northeastern regions of North America. It gets along well with other hardwoods. Whorled holly can only be found in moist soils, such as swamps or along the banks of streams.

Ilex aquifolia

This is the name in Latin for the most common variety - holly. It is valued for the shine of its leathery leaves - dark green or bicolor - as well as for the brightness of its eye-catching fruits - red or yellow, white or black and even orange.

The holly (or common) outwardly looks like a real one. It reaches a height of up to nine and a width of up to six meters. It has a conical (and in adult specimens slightly rounded at the apex) shape. Small white and strongly fragrant flowers appear in June or July, depending on the region. They remain on the branches for only two weeks. Then they are replaced by bright red fruits of berries, reaching up to half a centimeter in size. Holly is the plant on the basis of which many varieties have been bred.

Description of the species

This evergreen shrub with a pointed cone-shaped openwork grows quite slowly. The holly branches grow very densely, and the lower lateral shoots are drooping. They have densely arranged ovate-lanceolate leaves with notched-wavy edges. Holly -

He has a deep root system. The lateral processes spread widely. They can form root suckers. Holly holly grows well in fertile neutral soils. He prefers partial shade or even full shade. Young plants may suffer from frost. However, holly is a tree that can withstand smoke and gas pollution very well. It propagates by cuttings.


Holly is widely cultivated in Western Europe. Its cultivation in the Russian central zone is somewhat difficult due to the low winter hardiness of young animals. But it can be safely planted in gardens in the Caucasus or Black Sea coast. Holly is well suited as a plant with temporary cultivation: overexposure during the winter cold in cold rooms with low but positive temperatures. It grows well not only on drained soils, but also on any soils that are not too poor, including moderately dry-moist, humus-rich soils. Moreover, on relatively moist soils this shrub is more light-loving. When breeding, you need to remember that holly often dies from sunburn.


Holly is a plant that does not require any attention in the garden. increased attention. It can successfully take root in both sandy and clay soils, but only if they have high water permeability and the presence of humus. Holly holly is drought-resistant. Formative pruning of the bush is best done after fruiting has ended.

When planting in the garden, keep in mind that holly requires cross-pollination. Therefore, for abundant fruiting on the site, you need to have several plants; you can even combine two varieties, planting male and female trees not far from each other.

Sometimes holly is affected by late blight, leading to rotting of the rhizomes and the complete death of the plant. Therefore, if this disease is detected on a tree, the plant must be immediately destroyed and the soil around it must be disinfected.

In case of prolonged drought, the plant should be watered very generously, especially young or potted specimens. Every spring, holly needs to be fed with liquid fertilizer diluted at the rate of thirty milliliters per bucket of water.

In biblical stories

One of the legends says that where the Savior walked on earth, holly bushes sprouted. There are even images in which on Christ’s head, instead of a crown of thorns, he wears a thorny wreath made of holly.

According to the biblical legend, the berries of this plant were once snow-white, but turned red, stained with the blood of the Savior.

"Magic force

People paid attention to holly (or common) long before the advent of Christianity. Residents of the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, where this shrub grows wild, have deified it since ancient times, endowing it with magical powers.

This resilient plant can survive even in deep forest shade, where not a single seed will sprout. It enters the peak of its decorativeness in late autumn and survives the winter evergreen, decorated with leaves and fruits, armed with its blood-red poisonous berries, which provide protection to people.

It was believed that it could be used to make magic wand, and a spear with a shaft made of its wood will bring unconditional victory over evil forces. Today there is still a belief that a bountiful harvest of holly fruits is a harbinger of a harsh winter.


Holly holly berries ripen in the fall. They spend the winter well on trees. This plant is one of the most beloved and most expressive symbols of Christmas. In Christianity, holly, a photo of which is even in biblical literature, is an expression of suffering. It is symbolized by blood. But in general the plant represents eternal life and revival.

Holly berries have been used centuries ago to treat fevers and several other illnesses. There is evidence that they helped more than once during smallpox epidemics that broke out in Europe.

Traditional healers know that both the fruits and leaves of holly, although they have antipyretic and some other medicinal properties, but they must be used with great caution. Drugs made from them are very dangerous due to the content of such a highly toxic substance as ilicin.

Just fifteen or twenty berries will be enough for an adult to get severe poisoning after eating them. Although in fairness it should be noted that not very many fatal cases are known in history. German healers say that if you are poisoned, you need to knock it out “wedge with wedge”: it is enough to rub against the trunk of the first holly bush you encounter for almost immediate healing to occur.

Holly in landscape design

This beautiful plant has excellent uses, like other shrubs in the natural garden. It provides food for birds in winter thanks to its fruits, which are stored on the branches until the next flowering begins. And it is thanks to the birds that holly reproduces in the wild: by eating the berries, they spread the seeds contained in them almost everywhere.

Gardeners know that the young shoots of this plant are the most intrusive weeds. Holly holly lends itself well to topiary. Therefore, designers very often use it to obtain beautiful topiaries. Bonsai enthusiasts also love working with this shrub.

In the garden

From a practical point of view, holly (or common holly) is of interest as a windbreak planting and is well suited for planting on the sea coast due to its high resistance to salt. In addition, it produces very reliable unusually prickly leaves of holly on plants planted closely - reliable protection of the garden from unwanted visitors. And decorative compositions made from this holly for Christmas or New Year, make this culture even more attractive.

At home

Because holly is so beautiful, many people prefer to grow it in pots. At home, it needs to be replanted every two years (in the spring) into a container larger than the real one. The substrate for growing in a pot should be a mixture of fertile turf soil, peat and sand, taken in equal quantities, seasoned with complex fertilizer.
