Kazan State Institute of Culture and Arts. Kazan State University of Culture and Arts: description, specialties and demand for graduates. Subordinate structural units

Creative and talented individuals connect their professional activity with music, dance, theater, cinema and other fields of art can only after receiving education. A special university has been created in Kazan for such people. Its name is Kazan State

The modern abbreviated designation is KazGIK. This is due to the fact that the previously existing university is now an institute. It was founded in the 60s of the previous century. Over the years of existence, the highest educational institution It has produced many specialists who have found their true calling in the profession, contributing to the preservation and enhancement of cultural traditions and the development of art.

KazGIK is...

The institute, which has been operating for about 40 years, can be characterized by different sides. First of all, this university has qualified teachers. They not only provide students with theoretical information for study, but also create a special cozy atmosphere in an educational institution, thanks to which students develop as individuals, discover and improve their talents.

Kazansky State University culture and arts is an individual approach to people who enroll to receive an education and improve their abilities. It is impossible to teach a person something if he does not know in which direction to develop. That is why university teachers always strive to work individually with each student.

And further. The university in question offers frequent competitions, interesting theatrical performances, and concerts where you can show off your talents. Various events allow us to say with confidence that student life here is very rich and memorable.

Kazan State University of Culture and Arts: specialties

The institute, formerly called the university, is famous for its wide range of training areas. IN educational organization future choreographers, musicians, singers, conductors, directors, actors, designers, managers study creative teams. For individuals seeking to obtain modern and prestigious specialty and those who want to be closer to art, the institute has suitable areas of training:

  • "economy";
  • "management";
  • "service";
  • "hotel business";
  • "tourism".

Admission to the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts begins for most people while still studying at school - students choose subjects to take the Unified State Exam in accordance with established entrance examinations. In addition to the unified state exams, creative tests have been approved in some areas of training.

You can prepare for them and for the Unified State Exam in the courses offered by the Kazan State University. They are more actively conducted for applicants in the spring and summer, before the start admissions campaign. Every year, Days are held for future students open doors. The next one will take place on April 22, 2017. It will tell you about the possibility of submitting documents to electronic form, as well as testing using remote technologies. This is very important for people with disabilities health.

Demand for graduates

Students who complete their studies at the institute do not face problems in finding employment. Graduates are in high demand on the labor market. The fact is that creative professions are in demand today more than ever. Qualified specialists are needed to organize and conduct various holidays, events, concerts, and to teach other people creativity.

Graduates of higher educational institutions work in various organizations. Someone found himself in teaching, getting a job at a school, college or university, institution additional education, some conquered the theater and audiences, some began acting in films, and some began working on stage and demonstrating to everyone their voice and skills in playing various musical instruments.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts is a special and unique educational institution. It employs creative and gifted teachers and talented students. If you wish, link your future life with culture and art, Kazan applicants should definitely try to enroll here.

language kazgik.ru/Abitur

mail_outline[email protected]

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 16:30

Sat. from 09:00 to 13:00

Latest reviews of KazGIK

Anonymous review 15:10 03/30/2018

If you want to enroll here, be careful, after what is hidden behind the door with the inscription “admissions committee”, you will come out depressed, and you will lose the desire to enroll here. You turn to the woman who sits in this office kindly, and she answers the question “What directions are there?” , answers: “Am I at the market to offer you something?!” . Before this university, I visited 5 others, each told me everything and answered everything politely. And at the institute of “culture” they were rude and humiliated. Think d...

Anonymous review 18:36 04/17/2017

Graduated from university last year. Finding a job was not as easy as we would have liked, but everything turned out well in the end. Thanks to the theater department for this. In general, everything depends only on you, there are no complaints about the university, they provide knowledge, the teachers are good. There were quite a lot of creative activities, this is one of the main advantages. I don’t see any analogues to this university in Tatarstan. The downside is that there are very few budget places. There was also sometimes a lack of equipment. But this issue was always resolved by common efforts.

general information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education"Kazansky state institute culture"


No. 01800 valid indefinitely from 12/03/2015


No. 01774 is valid from 03/25/2016 to 11/13/2019

Previous names of KazGIK

  • Kazan State University of Culture and Arts

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for KazGIK

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 5 6 4 3
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study68.65 62.44 63.56 59.96 62.89
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget72.68 65.58 65.46 62.30 64.24
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis64.18 60.28 60.68 57.28 61.49
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students57.95 50.13 49.93 49.51 50.59
Number of students1856 1925 2085 2401 2497
Full-time department1189 1255 1281 1541 1587
Part-time department0 0 0 0 0
Extramural667 670 804 860 910
All data

The university was founded in 1969 as a branch of the Leningrad State Institute of Culture. N.K. Krupskaya, in 1974 it was reorganized into the Kazan State Institute of Culture.

In 1991, it was renamed the Kazan State Institute of Arts and Culture, in May 1995 it received the status of an academy and became known as the Kazan state academy culture and arts.

On July 4, 2002, the university received state accreditation status Kazan State University of Culture and Arts.

Today the university is a center for training and advanced training of specialists in the field of culture and art recognized throughout Russia.

KGUKI provides specialists not only to the Republic of Tatarstan, but also to all other national republics Volga region and a number of regions of Russia. The university is the educational, scientific and methodological center of the Volga region university complex, created in 2001 on an associative basis. Members of the University Complex are the Ministries of Culture of Mari El, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia and the professional higher and secondary specialized educational institutions subordinate to them.

In connection with the preparations for the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the city of Kazan, students are being trained in the following specialties: “ Social pedagogy", "Directing theatrical performances and celebrations", since 2003 - "Variety Musical Art". The list of specializations has also been expanded: pop orchestra and ensemble, choreography (modern dance, sports ballroom dance), folk choir, arts and crafts, management of national and local history resources, psychology and pedagogy of information and library activities, organization and management in the field of tourism.

Taking into account modern demands in the development of the culture and language of the Tatar people, the Institute of National Arts was created in 2000, which has no analogues in any university in Russia. The training of specialists at this institute contributes to the process of revival and development of the culture of the Tatar nation not only in Tatarstan, but also beyond its borders, and to the strengthening of cultural and national ties of the Tatar diaspora in other republics and regions of Russia.

For the successful training of specialists in the field of culture and art, for achievements in educational, scientific and creative activities, KSUKI twice (1999 and 2000) became a laureate of the All-Russian competition of institutions and educational institutions: “Culture “Window to Russia”; in 2000 he was awarded the UNESCO Palme d'Or commemorative gold medal.

The demand for specialists trained by the university averages 87%, and in some specialties the number of applications for specialists exceeds the number of graduates.

The most in demand specialties:
– folk artistic creativity
– social and cultural activities
– library and information activities
Changes in the structure of training of KGUKI specialists are determined by the need in the socio-cultural sphere of the Middle Volga and Urals for specialists in new areas.
New professional educational programs have been introduced at the initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the Republics of the Middle Volga and Urals (directing theatrical performances and holidays, pop music, museum work), and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan (social pedagogy).

The university is working on the prospect of increasing the number of professional educational programs. At the final stage of development there is a professional educational program majoring in art history.
KGUKI is headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Rivkat YUSUPOV.

On this moment on full-time department There are 1850 students studying at the university, and 952 students in the correspondence department. Every year, about 45 students graduate with honors.
Among the outstanding graduates of the university are Ildus Tarkhanov - Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, until 2005 - Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mikhail Vasyutin - Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Mari El, Minister of Culture, Press and National Affairs of the Republic of Mari El, Nail Kambeev - Director National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, Anatoly Muzykantov - Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Chuvashia, head of the folk dance ensemble "Suvar" of the Palace of Culture of the Industrial Tractor Plant, Cheboksary, Sergey Fedotov - Honored Worker of Culture Russian Federation and the Republic of Chuvashia, head of the exemplary orchestra of folk instruments of the Republican Palace of Children's Creativity, Salavat Fatkhutdinov - People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, head of the Tatar theater stage department of the KGUKI and many other outstanding personalities who found themselves in various areas creativity, as well as in leadership positions. On October 21, 2004, the KGUKI Alumni Association was established.

Kazan State University of Culture and Arts(KGUKI) was founded in 1969 as a branch of the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after. N.K. Krupskaya, in 1974 it was reorganized into the Kazan State Institute of Culture. In 1991, it was renamed the Kazan State Institute of Arts and Culture. In May 1995 it received the status of an academy, on July 4, 2002 it received the status of the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts.

Kazan State University of Culture and Arts ( KGUKI) is a progressively developing university, adapting to modern socio-economic and socio-political conditions, playing an increasingly active integration role in the regional, federal and international educational space.

KSUKI teachers actively participate in scientific and creative activities, develop problems of history, philosophy, classical art, national cultures, ethnography and folklore of the peoples of the Volga region, cultural studies, museology, social pedagogy of library and information activities, book distribution, documentation support for management, applied information science. The University annually holds scientific conferences at the regional, all-Russian and international levels.


  • "Publishing and Editing"
  • "Culturology"
  • “Documentation and documentation support for management”
  • "Social pedagogy"
  • "Instrumental Performance"
  • "Acting"
  • "Vocal Art"
  • "Conducting"
  • "Variety Musical Art"
  • "Library and information activities"
  • "Folk art"
  • "Socio-cultural activities"
  • "Directing Film and Television"
  • "Design"
  • "Choreographic art"
  • "Ballet Pedagogy"
  • "Directing theatrical performances and celebrations"
  • "Applied Informatics"
  • "Economics and enterprise management"
Kazan State Institute of Culture
(KazGIK )
International name Kazan State Institute of Culture
Former names Kazan State University of Culture and Arts
Year of foundation
Type state
Rector R. Sh. Akhmadieva
Location Russia, Kazan
Legal address 420059 Kazan, Orenburgsky tract, 3
Website kazgik.ru

Higher academic institution located in Kazan.

The university was founded in 1969 as branch of the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after. N. K. Krupskaya. In 1974 it was reorganized into Kazan State Institute of Culture. In 1991 the university was renamed Kazan State Institute of Arts and Culture. In May 1995 it received the status of an academy and a new name - Kazan State Academy of Culture and Arts. Since July 4, 2002 it was called Kazan State University of Culture and Arts. In 2015, it was reorganized into the Kazan State Institute of Culture.

Institute structure

The Institute has 7 faculties:

  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Theater Department
  • Faculty of Artistic Culture and fine arts
  • Faculty of Musical Arts
  • Faculty of Choreographic Art
  • Faculty of Tourism, Advertising and Intercultural Communications
  • Faculty of Cinematography and Television

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Faculty of Social and Cultural Activities. Established in 1976 as the Faculty of Cultural and Educational Work, in 1990 it was renamed the Faculty of Cultural Studies, in 1999 - the Faculty of Social and Cultural Activities, in 2016 - the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.


Dean - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Shamsutdinova Dilbar Valeevna.

Deputy Dean - Ivanova Anna Vladimirovna.


  • Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Pedagogy
  • Department of History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
  • Department of Library Science, Bibliography and Documentation Science

Theater Department

The faculty has an educational theater, classrooms, training bases in city theaters, a creative laboratory that develops new and promising directions theater sciences. The laboratory organizes annual creative shows. It is planned to organize new departments for training specialists in theater studies, theatrical and decorative art, and organization of theater business. Training is conducted according to bachelor's, specialist, master's programs and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in assistantship-internship.


Dean - doctor philosophical sciences, Professor Tazetdinova Rufina Rinatovna.

Deputy Dean - Shamsulina Maryam Raisovna.


  • Department of Directing and Acting
  • Department of Theatrical Creativity and Directing of Theatrical Performances
  • Department of Tatar Theater Variety

Faculty of Artistic Culture and Fine Arts

The Faculty of Artistic Culture and Fine Arts has been one of the main structural divisions of the university since 1999. The faculty carries out extensive educational, research and cultural activities to study, preserve, revive and popularize material and intangible cultural heritage peoples of Russia.

Management Dean - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Albina Kiramovna Yarmukhametova. Deputy Dean - Kazantseva Liliya Ivanovna. Departments

  • Department of Design and Museology
  • Department of Monumental and Decorative Arts, Painting and Art History

Faculty of Musical Arts

The faculty trains specialists under the guidance of cultural, artistic and scientific figures. Students are prepared for both performing activities in the performing arts and pedagogical work V secondary schools and institutions of additional education for children. Management

Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Svetlana Gennadievna Dodonova

Deputy Dean of the Faculty - Voznesenskaya Alfiya Rafisovna

  • Department of Musical and Instrumental Performance
  • Department of solo singing
  • Department of Choral and Ethno-Artistic Creativity
  • Department of Music Education, Pedagogy and Musicology
  • Department of Pop and Jazz Music

Faculty of Choreographic Arts

The faculty was created in 2006. Graduates of the faculty work in well-known groups of Tatarstan, including the State Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Chamber Ballet "Panther".

Management Dean of the Faculty - Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Dilya Mustafovna Davletshina. Deputy Dean - Oksana Vladimirovna Kovalenko. Departments

  • Department of Folk Dance;
  • Department of modern and sports ballroom dance;
  • Department physical culture and sports.

Faculty of Tourism, Advertising and Intercultural Communication

  • The dean of the faculty is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization Rezeda Saitovna Garifullina.
  • Deputy Dean - Elina Airatovna Tuganova.
  • Department of Management, Advertising and Public Relations
  • Department of Tourism
  • Department of Philology and Intercultural Communications

Faculty of Cinematography and Television

The faculty was created in 2010. The faculty has 2 departments. Students and graduates of the faculty are laureates of international and all-Russian film festivals. The training is conducted by prominent figures in the cinematography of Tatarstan and Russia, television workers, laureates international festivals, film awards, theater and literary awards.


  • The dean of the faculty is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Leonidovna Berieva.
  • Deputy Dean - Anton Valerievich Shutov.
  • Department of Television Directing.
  • Department of Cinematic Arts.

Faculty of Correspondence Studies

The faculty was founded in 1969 as a correspondence department, and in 2002 received the status of a distance learning faculty.
