A very strong prayer to Cyprian. Orthodox prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian. The icon and akathist to Cyprian and Justinia should be in every Orthodox home

Read and listen online to the full version of the prayer of Cyprian and Ustinye against witchcraft in Russian. Orthodox prayer Cypriana and Ustinya will help you neutralize witchcraft and evil spirits!

About the holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justina! Hear our humble prayer. Even though you naturally died as a martyr for Christ during your temporary life, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord, teaching us and patiently bearing your cross with us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother was acquired by nature. Even now, be prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy ( names). Be our intercessors of strength, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, magicians and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Listen to prayer:

Human life is full of surprises, the soul is not always in joy, there are also difficult moments. On days when everything is falling apart, problems are falling one after another, health is failing or a tragedy suddenly occurs, it’s worth thinking: maybe this is all happening for a reason? Every day a person is surrounded different people, at work, on vacation, in in public places and close circles, all these people are different, and not all of them are friendly. Human envy and hatred can lead to sin and force you to damage the object of your anger.

Each person has his own energy, the state of which determines health and spiritual mood. Dark forces, sorcerers and sorceresses can cause great harm to a person’s energy, cause damage or bring black forces to the soul. No matter how strong a person is spiritually and physically, magical spells can cripple anyone. The main defenders of Christians from magicians and other evil spirits are the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justinia. Prayer to these saints can protect against demonic forces.

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Lives of Cyprian and Ustinia

Cyprian was born into a pagan family in the 3rd century BC, and as was customary, he studied the world of magic and witchcraft. In middle age, the man was an authoritative black magician, to whom people from all over the area turned.

One day, someone asked Cyprian to bewitch a young girl, Justinia, she was a devout Christian. Thanks to her strong faith in the Creator, the witchcraft did not work, the magician was angry for a long time and took turns sending evil eyes and damage to her family, but the girl, with faith in her soul, begged for the health of her loved ones.

Confused, the sorcerer decided to find out about Christianity and gradually Cyprian believed in Jesus Christ and was baptized, having first destroyed all his black books. The young man immersed himself in faith and loved the creator with all his heart. He served at the temple and achieved the rank of priest, and then bishop.

Due to the persecution of Christians, the Roman emperor and many believers, including Cyprian, were thrown into prison behind the castle, and Justinia was also there. The believers were mocked, subjected to various tortures, and demanded to renounce their faith, but they steadfastly endured all this. After their death, pilgrims began to come to the graves of Cyprian and Justinia, where miraculous healings of the sick took place.

You can pray to the Holy Martyr Cyprian in following cases:

  • for cleansing from conspiracies and damage;
  • removing the evil eye;
  • to ask for protection from dark forces and demons.

A strong prayer to the great martyrs: what they pray to Cyprian and Justinier

O holy servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, quick helper and prayer book for all who come running to you! Accept from us, unworthy, this praise, ask the Lord God for strength in weaknesses, consolation in sorrows, and everything useful to everyone in our life; Offer up your powerful prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from the falls of sin, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and all the actions of unclean spirits and tame those who offend us. Be a strong champion for us against all enemies, visible and invisible, grant us patience in temptation and at the hour of our death, show us intercession from the torturers in the air ordeals, so that, led by you, we will reach the Mountain of Jerusalem and be worthy in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing the holy name Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

They pray to the holy great martyrs for the healing of serious illnesses, ailments, for the retreat of all troubles, for the retreat of enemies, for deliverance from all evil spirits.

The prayer to Saints Cyprian and Justinian against witchcraft in the full version is considered very strong, it can pull a person out of the most difficult life situation. You can read a prayer over holy water, then you can drink it or wash your face in the morning, which will strengthen your petition to the Lord to deliver a person from all evil.

It is difficult for an ordinary believer to resist demons or magic; if there is no option to turn to the temple for help, he needs to read the prayer to Cyprian and Justina several times a day, every day. When reading a prayer, you must definitely believe that the saints will hear and help. The power of faith in this matter is very important.

The power of this prayer will protect and help with following signs witchcraft:

  • a sudden, groundless change in well-being, constant apathy, fatigue or serious illness;
  • when a whole heap of problems falls on your head, to which there is no end and edge;
  • loss of job, big money;
  • sudden family breakdown, etc.

In such cases, you need to immediately start reading this prayer and wait for improvements in life. You can read the prayer in any convenient place, it is better that there is nothing distracting, and there is an opportunity to concentrate on the request to the Saints. Parents are supposed to read a prayer over the child’s head if misfortune has touched him.

How to read a prayer correctly

A quick reading of the text of the prayer will not be enough. Since turning to the Saints and the Lord is a sacrament, there are some unspoken rules for reading the prayer. It is advisable that at this moment the person is alone in front of the icon or in the temple. In fact, it doesn’t matter where exactly the soul turns to God for help, the Saints and the Lord always hear sincere prayers.

Basic rules for reading a prayer:

  • the prayer to Cyprian against witchcraft has great power if a person believes in God and his power;
  • sincerity in asking the Saints is important;
  • At the same time, it is imperative to repent of your sins that weigh on your soul.

This prayer helps a person to cleanse himself from the influence of evil forces, witchcraft and magic. The prayer will definitely be heard if it is sincere and with faith in the soul; it is advisable to pray often and every day. You need to read the texts of prayers not only when a misfortune has happened, but also when everything is good in life. Do not forget to thank the Patron Saints and the Lord for the fact that all your loved ones are healthy and happy.

Complete collection and description: the strongest prayer of St. Cyprian for the spiritual life of a believer.

If a person is damaged, then his whole life collapses. Experiencing severe mental discomfort, he commits inappropriate actions, and his health is gradually destroyed by internal subconscious experiences. Any damage can cause harm, but the most dangerous is considered to be the negative magical effect caused by a professional magician.

The prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian against corruption has been used since ancient times. And in the modern world it is considered the most strong remedy from external negativity.

A little history of how Cyprian became a Saint

Having realized and felt the full power of the holy word, many are interested in who Cyprian is and how he became a Saint. This a real man, who was born and lived in the 3rd century AD. And he was not a righteous Christian, since he was born in a society of pagans who did not recognize new faith. From a young age, he studied black magic in the most famous schools of warlocks and sincerely believed that it helps to manage life and solve all life's problems.

Cyprian sought to explore the dark side of life and studied magic in different countries, absorbing ancient culture and knowledge of the Greek and Egyptian people. He managed to visit Olympus and conclude an agreement with the ancient gods. It was believed that they, not recognizing the new faith, turned into demons.

By the age of thirty, Cyprian had achieved his greatness. He knew a lot and became a world-famous sorcerer. There is a legend that Cyprian even managed to sign an agreement with the Prince of Darkness with blood. It was believed that with one word he could cause severe damage that no one and nothing could remove. Many people came to him, eager to pay any money just to solve their own problems with the help of his powerful magic. Cyprian demonstrated his strength with pleasure and rarely refused anyone. He punished, fell in love, killed with just one word, absolutely, without thinking about the consequences.

But one day he was approached by a man who wanted to bewitch the nun Justina. He fell in love with a girl who sincerely served God and, devoting herself to faith, maintained her virginity. Despite all the measures taken, the young man failed to achieve mutual love, and he decided to turn to Cyprian for help.

But the great sorcerer failed to fulfill the order. All his actions were useless; the girl, with prayers and fasting, drove away all the machinations of the devil himself. No matter what Cyprian did, nothing could tempt Justina, protected by a strong Christian faith.

Cyprian was surprised and puzzled. He decided to get to know the Christian faith in order to understand what its strength is. He decided to completely break ties with the dark world. Cyprian burned his books, sold his house and went to serve in the church. He was baptized and repented of his sins. A few years passed and Cyprian became such a devout man that he was elected bishop. He became the author of a large number of Christian works, in which he spoke about the power of the Christian faith. Many of his works were included in the famous book of the Middle Ages. But when the persecution of Christians began, Saint Cyprian was captured and executed. He was subsequently canonized by the church and became a Holy Martyr.

Rules for reading prayer

Cyprian’s prayer against damage not only allows you to remove the strongest negativity, but also installs protection against energy strikes. The original prayer is very long and quite difficult to understand. But meaningful pronunciation of the words of prayer is very important. At the end of the article you can watch a video of Cyprian’s prayer against corruption, which will allow you to properly tune in first.

It is very important to understand how to correctly read an effective prayer against corruption. Before praying to Saint Cyprian for corruption, you must visit the church. In the temple you should place candles near the icon of the Patron Saints, Holy Mother of God, Jesus Christ and Panteleimon the Healer. Before the start of the report, you must observe three days strict fast. It is necessary to completely abandon meat products and alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and sweets. During the preparatory days, you should maintain yourself in a calm state of mind. You should not be angry with anyone and you should try to internally forgive the enemies who caused the damage.

Many people are interested in in what cases it is possible to read a prayer to Saint Cyprian. Perhaps you shouldn’t wait until you feel that the damage has begun to destroy your body. After all, such exposure can cause incurable cancer and other serious diseases. Therefore, if you feel that you are surrounded by enemies who are trying to harm you, you should begin to read an effective prayer that not only cleanses the energy field damaged by negativity, but also provides reliable protection against it. The main condition for success is that you need to be a sincere believer.

  • When you realize that someone is trying to harm you;
  • When an angry person said bad words to you and wished you all sorts of misfortunes, including death;
  • When someone threatens your child.

You need to act especially quickly when you realize that the damage has been imposed on the child. This is due to the fact that children have very weak protection and third-party negative influences can seriously harm them. In this case, the prayer to Saint Cyprian must be read over the child, placing one hand on his head and holding a candle in the other. If the child is very small, then the father should hold him in his arms, and the mother should read a prayer over him.

And, of course, if you realize that you are in a difficult situation and have been hexed to death by a professional, then you need to immediately pray. In this case, you need to read the prayer forty times, without stopping in front of the icon of the Holy Great Martyr. You should expect this to take at least four hours.

It is important to understand that the reading of the Cyprian prayer cannot be combined with any other magical rituals aimed at removing damage. This will render it useless. All that matters is sincere faith that God is merciful and will hear you.

Text of the prayer to Saint Cyprian

The prayer to Saint Cyprian against damage in the original is used in full only when it is induced severe damage professional. Moreover, first you need to rewrite its text on a sheet of paper with your own hand and understand each word. It is also possible to read it in translation in full. This prayer should be read before a lit church candle in your own home.

As a protective measure, Cyprian’s prayer against corruption can be pronounced in your own words in any form, the main thing is that all phrases sound sincerely and from the heart.

For example, it might sound like this:

The truth of the words of this prayer is confirmed by the entire life of Saint Cyprian. This man spent many years in the service of the Devil and used the power of evil spirits to solve many vital problems. But, faced with sincere faith, I was able to understand that in the earthly world there is only one truth - Jesus Christ. The prayer to Cyprian is imbued with an understanding of the greatness of our Most High Lord and the concept of His goodness.

The prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian against corruption is composed of magic words. They are strengthened by sincere faith and will drive out evil, and also provide reliable protection for the future. Kind prayer phrases transform thin energy world and harmonize the surrounding space, so the soul is filled with peace and goodness.

Orthodox prayer of the Hieromartyr Kupriyan and Ustinya against witchcraft and corruption

Dark witchcraft forces never sleep, they try to seduce any mortal, deceive and turn him earthly path to complete hell. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from their attacks. Prayer to Cyprian and Ustina against witchcraft, their intercession for those asking before the Almighty is the strongest protection from the devil’s machinations. The prayer to the holy martyrs has incredible power and awes the demonic forces.

Prayer of Kupriyan and Ustina from evil spirits

It is recommended to read prayers against witchcraft, damage and the evil eye after a sincere confession, Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and the priest’s blessing for prayer work.

Before you start reading prayers, you should get rid of distracting sounds in the apartment, eliminate thoughts about everyday problems and believe in help from Heaven. The main thing in prayer is sincere and strong faith.

About the holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justina! Hear our humble prayer. Even though you naturally died as a martyr for Christ during your temporary life, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord, teaching us and patiently bearing your cross with us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother was acquired by nature. In the same way, now also be the prayer books and intercessors for us, the unworthy (names). Be our intercessors of strength, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, magicians and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect me with Your holy Angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel of God Michael and other incorporeal Heavenly powers, the holy Prophet and the Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John, the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, Wonderworker, St. Leo, Bishop of Catania, St. Joasaph of Belgorod, St. Metropolitan of Voronezh, St. Sergius, Hegumen of Radonezh, Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker, holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia , holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all your saints, help me, your unworthy servant (name of the person praying), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy, from all witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery and from wicked people, so that they will not be able to harm me evil. Amen.

When to Contact Cyprian and Justina

If there is the will and mercy of God, then prayer to the righteous can work miracles. An important condition: the one asking and the one for whom prayers are asked must be baptized in Orthodoxy. Otherwise, Cyprian and Justina will not be able to grant the grace of healing to a person who has not accepted Christ in his heart. One should pray to the holy martyrs for protection in cases where it is necessary:

  • expel body diseases resulting from damage or other magical rituals;
  • when the soul is tormented by a love spell or a lapel (the feeling of love seems disguised);
  • get rid of the evil eye, intentionally or involuntarily induced;
  • to protect a child, family, home if they are attacked by demons;
  • for the sake of healing a victim of witchcraft who has lost the ability of sanity.

How to recognize damage

It is necessary to call upon the help of heavenly patrons if the following signs are present:

  • there is complete discord in the family, constant quarreling between close people;
  • misfortunes “fall” on a person: he loses money, then jewelry disappears, then job cuts are coming, thieves ruin the apartment, fires occur in the house;
  • household members are often tormented by nightmares;
  • pets do not take root in the apartment;
  • Deaths often occur in the family (especially due to the same illness or people of the same sex die).

The Hieromartyrs Cyprian and Justina will certainly intercede for those praying and their relatives; they are capable of defeating the hellish demonic army.

Description of life path

The philosopher Cyprian lived in Antioch. From an early age, he was given by his parents to serve the pagan deity Apollo. Upon reaching the age of 7, his mother gave him to sorcerers so that they could teach the boy witchcraft wisdom. At the age of 10, he was sent to Mount Olympus, where he prepared for priestly service. There was a huge number of idols in which the demonic army lived. Here the boy learned to cause bad weather, turn back the wind, harm orchards, send illnesses and sorrows to humanity, summon ghosts, raise the dead from their graves and talk to them. By the age of 15, he comprehended many demonic secrets and went to Argos, and by the age of 30, he perfectly mastered various methods of crime, learned astronomy, murder, and became a faithful slave of the prince of hell. The King of Darkness gave Cyprian a regiment of demons to help him. Cyprian destroyed the souls of many people by teaching disastrous sorcery: they soared through the air, walked on water, soared into the clouds on snow-white boats. People turned to him for help in enmity, revenge, and envy.

The Almighty did not want the death of Cyprian’s soul and deigned to save the great sinner. And it was like this...

There lived a girl named Justina in Antioch; her ancestors were also pagans. One day, a girl accidentally overheard a conversation between a deacon and one of the parishioners about the salvation of the soul, the incarnation of Christ, His birth from the Most Pure Virgin and Ascension to heaven after terrible suffering for the salvation of the human race. Justina’s heart sank, her soul gradually began to see clearly. The girl wanted to learn faith. She secretly came to God's abode and over time believed in Christ. Soon she convinced her parents of this, who begged the Christian bishop to baptize them in Orthodoxy. Justina's father was appointed to the rank of presbyter. Edesei lived in virtue for a year and a half, after which he peacefully completed his earthly journey. Justina loved Christ, the Heavenly Bridegroom, with all her soul, and served him through virginity, fervent prayer, fasting and strict abstinence. But the forces of darkness, seeing the girl’s virtues, caused her great troubles.

In the same city the young man Aglaid lived in luxury and worldly bustle. Having met Justina, he was struck by her beauty, and immediately lustful intentions leapt into his soul. He tried to seduce the girl, persuaded her to become his wife, spoke flattering speeches, and pursued her absolutely everywhere she went. Chaste Justina answered only one thing: “My Groom is Christ.” Aglaid decided to forcibly abduct the girl with the help of reckless friends, and one day he waylaid her on the street and forcibly dragged her into his home. People came running to the desperate cries of the girl and freed the virgin from the wicked man. Aglaid conceived a new crime: he came to Cyprian for help, promising large sums of gold and silver in return. He promised to help and summoned to himself a spirit capable of inflaming passion for the guy in Justin’s heart. The demon calmly entered the house and tried to bite the girl’s flesh.

Justina, as usual, was praying at night and suddenly felt a storm of carnal lust in her body. Immediately, sinful thoughts arose in her and she remembered her admirer Aglaida. But she stopped short, realizing that lust had come from a demon in her chaste body. She prayed to Christ for help. The Lord helped and the girl’s heart calmed down, and the devil returned to Cyprian with bad news.

Then the sorcerer decided to send a stronger and more evil demon to the girl. He furiously attacked Justina, but she again prayed to the Almighty, abstained, fasted most strictly and again defeated the devil.

For the third time, Cyprian sent a skilled demonic prince, who took on a female form. He put on ladies' clothes and went in to Justina. He tried to seduce the girl with cunning speeches, but she recognized the evil seducer and immediately crossed herself with the Cross, prayed to the Savior and the devil immediately disappeared.

The saddened Cyprian decided to take revenge on the maiden and sent troubles to her home, to her relatives and friends, neighbors and acquaintances, killed cattle, and struck bodies with ailments and ulcers. The whole city was engulfed in disaster, people knew the reason for the great execution. They persuaded Justina to marry Aglaid and save the people. But the girl calmed them down, prayed to God, and immediately the people recovered, but they greatly mocked Cyprian’s magic. In a fit of anger, he attacked the demon, then the devil rushed at Cyprian and tried to kill him. The man remembered that demons are terribly afraid of the Sign of the Cross; he, barely alive, made the sign of the Cross over himself. The devil roared like a lion and left.

Then the sorcerer went to the bishop and begged him to perform the Sacrament of Baptism on him. Cyprian confessed his own atrocities to him and gave him the sorcery Talmuds to be burned. Bishop Anfim taught him Orthodox faith and seeing his heartfelt devotion to Christ, he immediately baptized.

Cyprian soon became a reader and was then ordained to the minor priesthood. He later became a bishop and spent the rest of his life in holiness, caring for the believers. He made Justina a deaconess, and soon entrusted her with being the abbess of the monastery. Many pagans, thanks to Cyprian, accepted the Orthodox faith, thereby serving idols began to cease.

During the persecution of Christians, Cyprian and Justina were slandered and imprisoned. The man was ordered to be hanged and his body flogged, and the girl was ordered to be beaten in the face and eyes. After hellish torment, they were thrown into a bubbling cauldron of boiling water, which, surprisingly, did not harm the people. Then they were handed over to be beheaded by the sword. The bodies of the martyrs were taken to Rome and buried with honor, and in the 13th century they were transported to Cyprus. At the tombs of the holy martyrs, many healings occurred among people who flocked to them with faith.

With their prayers may the Lord heal our illnesses, both physical and mental! Amen.

Prayer to Cyprian for all occasions

Unfortunately, no one is protected from meeting evil people who can easily harm not only with words, but also with actions. Prayer to Cyprian will help you protect yourself from various negativity. There are several sacred texts intended for different situations.

How to correctly read the prayer to Saint Cyprian?

It is important to understand that prayer is an appeal to God and the saints, which must come from a pure heart. You can turn to Cyprian to be healed and protected from damage and the evil eye, to protect yourself and your family from dark forces and the actions of enemies. The clergy assure that no rituals or magic can compare with the power of prayer and faith in the Lord. Before you start praying, it is recommended to go to church and light candles near the image of the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and Cyprian. For three days you need to give up smoking and baking, and undergo strict fasting.

You need to use the help of a saint when someone wants to harm or wishes for all sorts of misfortunes. The correct prayer to Cyprian can be read any day and any time. The number of repetitions is not limited, the main thing is that the believer feels relief. The sacred text can be recited over water, which will be charged with positive energy and can be drunk like medicine. The strongest prayer to Cyprian for children should be read by parents, who should stand near the child's head.

Prayer to Cyprian against witchcraft and sorcery

IN Lately it has become fashionable to use different magical rituals to improve your life and harm your enemies. Various love spells, hexes and other similar rituals can significantly worsen a person’s life. The prayer to Cyprian against damage and the evil eye will help you cope with possible negativity and protect yourself from magic. There are several important rules to consider:

  1. There is no need to wish evil in response to a person, since prayer requests exclude hatred and bad thoughts. It is important to forgive your enemies from the bottom of your heart and wish them happiness.
  2. Cyprian’s prayer against corruption should be said in complete solitude, so that the existing negativity does not spread to other people.
  3. To tune in to prayer, it is recommended to use candles, the flame of which helps to achieve the desired state of mind and peace. Light a candle and stare at the flame for a while to tune in to the desired wave.
  4. During prayer, you can place a cup of holy water near you and then drink it and give it to other family members.
  5. The prayer to Cyprian must be repeated many times, otherwise it will not help.

Prayer to Cyprian for envy

In the modern world, envy is a common phenomenon and often, out of anger, people can wish for something bad and even cause damage. If everything in life doesn’t work out, scandals arise in the family out of the blue and nothing works out, then it’s worth thinking about the fact that your enemies have taken active action. The most strong prayer Cypriana will help you cleanse yourself of negativity and improve your life. After the text is read, it is recommended to mentally forgive your enemies and let go of the situation.

Prayer to Cyprian from enemies

To protect yourself from various manifestations of negativity on the part of enemies, you can use a prayer that is addressed not only to Cyprian, but also to Justina. It helps fight magical effects and creates an invisible shield that will protect throughout the day. The prayer to Saints Cyprian and Justina should be repeated seven times every day at dawn. If during the day you met with unpleasant people or someone looked at you with anger, then you can repeat the sacred text again.

Prayers to the martyrs Tryphon and Cyprian

To enhance the effect of the prayers presented above and addressed to Saint Cyprian, it is recommended to additionally read the prayer texts addressed to the martyr Tryphon. He protected people during his lifetime, and after his death he continues to respond to people's prayer requests. To cope with damage and other negativity, the prayer to the Great Martyr Cyprian must first be read, and then the text presented.

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New article: prayer to St. Cyprian against evil spirits on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Protect me with Your holy angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, the holy Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal heavenly powers, the holy prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist John, the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian; Hieromartyr Kuprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, the Wonderworker, St. Leo, Bishop of Catania, St. Joseph of Belgorod, St. Mitrofan of Voronezh, St. Sergius, Hegumen of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, the Wonderworker; Saints and righteous Goddess Joachim and Anna and all Your saints. Help me, Thy unworthy servant (name of the person praying), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy, from all witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery and from evil people. May they not be able to, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your Grace turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did - return their evil back to the underworld, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Peace in the soul, warmth and comfort

God bless you all!

The Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Holy Martyr Justina were killed in Nicomedia in 304. It is known that Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Ustinya protect everyone who turns to them from harm from black magicians, evil sorcerers and glaring people. In order to be cleansed, it is necessary to remember Cyprian and Ustinya in church with a prayer with a candle asking for protection for 12 days in a row. After all, the story of Cyprian and Ustinya is interesting because before his baptism Cyprian, who lived in the 3rd century AD. e. was a famous sorcerer, and the martyr Ustinya resisted his demonic spells without any harm. After baptism, Cyprian repented of witchcraft and began to teach people to draw from him the strength to resist obvious and secret corruption, any misfortunes, bad luck. The martyr Ustinya had her own remedies for the evil eye and damage, and everyone who remembered her with prayer got rid of the damage the 12th time.

FROM WITCHCRAFT and DAMAGE You need to pray to Cyprian and Justinia from reading the Akathist - see. HERE, and then read the PRAYERS (see below) (everything is read alone and the blessings of the confessor).

.Prayer to the Holy Martyr Cyprian

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Cyprian and the Holy Martyr Justina

Prayer for protection from evil spirits

Troparion, tone 4

Prayers read for protection from demonic attacks

Prayer “May God rise again. “

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. Like the smoke disappears; let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish in the face lovers of God and signifying the sign of the cross, and in joy saying: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended upon you into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Psalm 90 “Alive in the help of the Most High. “

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For Toy will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words; His blanket will cover you, and you will trust under His wing; His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrows that fly during the day, from the things that pass in darkness, from the debris and the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you. Look at your eyes and see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope; You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not come close to your body. As His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone, step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver; I will cover and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him; I will fill him with long days, and show him My salvation.

Part 9 – Prayer for protection from evil spirits, damage, the evil eye and other evil spirits.

Orthodox prayer of the Hieromartyr Kupriyan and Ustinya against witchcraft and corruption

Dark witchcraft forces never sleep, they try to seduce any mortal, deceive and turn his earthly path into a complete hell. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from their attacks. Prayer to Cyprian and Ustina against witchcraft, their intercession for those asking before the Almighty is the strongest protection from the devil’s machinations. The prayer to the holy martyrs has incredible power and awes the demonic forces.

Prayer of Kupriyan and Ustina from evil spirits

It is recommended to read prayers against witchcraft, damage and the evil eye after a sincere confession, Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and the priest’s blessing for prayer work.

Before you start reading prayers, you should get rid of distracting sounds in the apartment, eliminate thoughts about everyday problems and believe in help from Heaven. The main thing in prayer is sincere and strong faith.

About the holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justina! Hear our humble prayer. Even though you naturally died as a martyr for Christ during your temporary life, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord, teaching us and patiently bearing your cross with us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother was acquired by nature. In the same way, now also be the prayer books and intercessors for us, the unworthy (names). Be our intercessors of strength, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, magicians and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect me with Your holy Angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel of God Michael and other incorporeal Heavenly powers, the holy Prophet and the Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John, the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, Wonderworker, St. Leo, Bishop of Catania, St. Joasaph of Belgorod, St. Metropolitan of Voronezh, St. Sergius, Hegumen of Radonezh, Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker, holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia , holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all your saints, help me, your unworthy servant (name of the person praying), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy, from all witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery and from wicked people, so that they will not be able to harm me evil. Amen.

When to Contact Cyprian and Justina

If there is the will and mercy of God, then prayer to the righteous can work miracles. An important condition: the one asking and the one for whom prayers are asked must be baptized in Orthodoxy. Otherwise, Cyprian and Justina will not be able to grant the grace of healing to a person who has not accepted Christ in his heart. One should pray to the holy martyrs for protection in cases where it is necessary:

  • expel body diseases resulting from damage or other magical rituals;
  • when the soul is tormented by a love spell or a lapel (the feeling of love seems disguised);
  • get rid of the evil eye, intentionally or involuntarily induced;
  • to protect a child, family, home if they are attacked by demons;
  • for the sake of healing a victim of witchcraft who has lost the ability of sanity.

How to recognize damage

It is necessary to call upon the help of heavenly patrons if the following signs are present:

  • there is complete discord in the family, constant quarreling between close people;
  • misfortunes “fall” on a person: he loses money, then jewelry disappears, then job cuts are coming, thieves ruin the apartment, fires occur in the house;
  • household members are often tormented by nightmares;
  • pets do not take root in the apartment;
  • Deaths often occur in the family (especially due to the same illness or people of the same sex die).

The Hieromartyrs Cyprian and Justina will certainly intercede for those praying and their relatives; they are capable of defeating the hellish demonic army.

Description of life path

The philosopher Cyprian lived in Antioch. From an early age, he was given by his parents to serve the pagan deity Apollo. Upon reaching the age of 7, his mother gave him to sorcerers so that they could teach the boy witchcraft wisdom. At the age of 10, he was sent to Mount Olympus, where he prepared for priestly service. There was a huge number of idols in which the demonic army lived. Here the boy learned to cause bad weather, turn back the wind, harm orchards, send illnesses and sorrows to humanity, summon ghosts, raise the dead from their graves and talk to them. By the age of 15, he comprehended many demonic secrets and went to Argos, and by the age of 30, he perfectly mastered various methods of crime, learned astronomy, murder, and became a faithful slave of the prince of hell. The King of Darkness gave Cyprian a regiment of demons to help him. Cyprian destroyed the souls of many people by teaching disastrous sorcery: they soared through the air, walked on water, soared into the clouds on snow-white boats. People turned to him for help in enmity, revenge, and envy.

The Almighty did not want the death of Cyprian’s soul and deigned to save the great sinner. And it was like this...

There lived a girl named Justina in Antioch; her ancestors were also pagans. One day, a girl accidentally overheard a conversation between a deacon and one of the parishioners about the salvation of the soul, the incarnation of Christ, His birth from the Most Pure Virgin and Ascension to heaven after terrible suffering for the salvation of the human race. Justina’s heart sank, her soul gradually began to see clearly. The girl wanted to learn faith. She secretly came to God's abode and over time believed in Christ. Soon she convinced her parents of this, who begged the Christian bishop to baptize them in Orthodoxy. Justina's father was appointed to the rank of presbyter. Edesei lived in virtue for a year and a half, after which he peacefully completed his earthly journey. Justina loved Christ, the Heavenly Bridegroom, with all her soul, and served him through virginity, fervent prayer, fasting and strict abstinence. But the forces of darkness, seeing the girl’s virtues, caused her great troubles.

In the same city the young man Aglaid lived in luxury and worldly bustle. Having met Justina, he was struck by her beauty, and immediately lustful intentions leapt into his soul. He tried to seduce the girl, persuaded her to become his wife, spoke flattering speeches, and pursued her absolutely everywhere she went. Chaste Justina answered only one thing: “My Groom is Christ.” Aglaid decided to forcibly abduct the girl with the help of reckless friends, and one day he waylaid her on the street and forcibly dragged her into his home. People came running to the desperate cries of the girl and freed the virgin from the wicked man. Aglaid conceived a new crime: he came to Cyprian for help, promising large sums of gold and silver in return. He promised to help and summoned to himself a spirit capable of inflaming passion for the guy in Justin’s heart. The demon calmly entered the house and tried to bite the girl’s flesh.

Justina, as usual, was praying at night and suddenly felt a storm of carnal lust in her body. Immediately, sinful thoughts arose in her and she remembered her admirer Aglaida. But she stopped short, realizing that lust had come from a demon in her chaste body. She prayed to Christ for help. The Lord helped and the girl’s heart calmed down, and the devil returned to Cyprian with bad news.

Then the sorcerer decided to send a stronger and more evil demon to the girl. He furiously attacked Justina, but she again prayed to the Almighty, abstained, fasted most strictly and again defeated the devil.

For the third time, Cyprian sent a skilled demonic prince, who took on a female form. He put on ladies' clothes and went in to Justina. He tried to seduce the girl with cunning speeches, but she recognized the evil seducer and immediately crossed herself with the Cross, prayed to the Savior and the devil immediately disappeared.

The saddened Cyprian decided to take revenge on the maiden and sent troubles to her home, to her relatives and friends, neighbors and acquaintances, killed cattle, and struck bodies with ailments and ulcers. The whole city was engulfed in disaster, people knew the reason for the great execution. They persuaded Justina to marry Aglaid and save the people. But the girl calmed them down, prayed to God, and immediately the people recovered, but they greatly mocked Cyprian’s magic. In a fit of anger, he attacked the demon, then the devil rushed at Cyprian and tried to kill him. The man remembered that demons are terribly afraid of the Sign of the Cross; he, barely alive, made the sign of the Cross over himself. The devil roared like a lion and left.

Then the sorcerer went to the bishop and begged him to perform the Sacrament of Baptism on him. Cyprian confessed his own atrocities to him and gave him the sorcery Talmuds to be burned. Bishop Anfim taught him the Orthodox faith and, seeing his heartfelt devotion to Christ, immediately baptized him.

Cyprian soon became a reader and was then ordained to the minor priesthood. He later became a bishop and spent the rest of his life in holiness, caring for the believers. He made Justina a deaconess, and soon entrusted her with being the abbess of the monastery. Many pagans, thanks to Cyprian, accepted the Orthodox faith, thereby serving idols began to cease.

During the persecution of Christians, Cyprian and Justina were slandered and imprisoned. The man was ordered to be hanged and his body flogged, and the girl was ordered to be beaten in the face and eyes. After hellish torment, they were thrown into a bubbling cauldron of boiling water, which, surprisingly, did not harm the people. Then they were handed over to be beheaded by the sword. The bodies of the martyrs were taken to Rome and buried with honor, and in the 13th century they were transported to Cyprus. At the tombs of the holy martyrs, many healings occurred among people who flocked to them with faith.

With their prayers may the Lord heal our illnesses, both physical and mental! Amen.

Prayer to St. Cyprian from evil spirits

Prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian (the strongest prayer against damage, the evil eye, entities, possession, evil spirits and any witchcraft).

The prayer of the martyr Cyprian is one of the most powerful prayers against any witchcraft, corruption, evil eye and evil spirits. It helps in cases of possession by entities and magical attacks. This powerful cleansing prayer helps to energetically cleanse and protect a person or cleanse their home of any evil.

If you feel that you and your family are being damaged, read this prayer every day, naming the names of those for whom you are asking. You can read over your child's head when he goes to bed. Adults read the prayer themselves. If the climate in your home has changed for the worse, then it will not be superfluous to read this prayer of Cyprian. The prayer itself is below: in audio and text form.

IMPORTANT: If you think that you are damaged, or you need cleansing, or you have found a treasure, or you are scared that something has been done to you, Please, before making hasty decisions, go through first Diagnostics energy field from the healer of our center to know for sure whether there is negativity about you! After all, when you have a toothache, you go to the doctor, and do not try to diagnose yourself! Any energy manipulation without proper qualifications and knowledge can be dangerous: You must agree, it would be strange if a person pulled out his own teeth or performed operations. Do not think that energy sessions are easier to conduct and do not require a certain level of energy and knowledge.

Diagnostics will definitely show, if it's on you negative impacts, what kind of generic negative programs you have, what is the state of your chakras and energy field, what you should work with in order to change your life for the better!

Our energy master healers never intimidate or force help on you.(which, unfortunately, is what various pseudo-healers on the Internet often do). Only you can decide for yourself whether you need help, and from whom. There are no analogues to the diagnostic consultation conducted by healers Valentina and Laura (let the numerous reviews about our center and masters on independent resources be proof). Eg: Reviews about diagnostics on the Odessa forum, Video reviews about us, Reviews on the Prom ua portal, etc. Please note that we work only with light energies and follow the path of awareness and goodness. We do not engage in witchcraft, love spells or any other dark manipulations that contradict commandments “do no harm”, as well as ethics and common sense.

Get a diagnostic consultation via Skype or in person:

Cyprian's Prayer: audio recording.

Full text of Cyprian's prayer.

We begin to say the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian: in the days or in the nights, or at whatever hour you exercise, all the forces of resistance will fall away from the glory of the Living God.

This Hieromartyr, praying to God with all his soul, said: “Lord God, Mighty and Holy, King of kings, now hear the prayer of Thy servant Cyprian.”

Thousands upon thousands and darkness upon darkness stand before You, Angel and Archangel. You weigh the secret of the hearts of Your servant (name), appear to him, Lord, as Paul in chains and Thecla in fire. So, let me know You, for I am the first to create all my iniquities.

You, holding the cloud and the sky, have not rained on the garden tree, and that is the fruit of the uncreated. Idle wives wait out, and others do not conceive. They only looked at the fence of the city, and did not create anything. The rose will not bloom and the class will not vegetate; The grapes do not bear fruit, and the beasts do not bear fruit. The fish of the sea are not allowed to swim and the birds of the sky are forbidden to fly. So, You showed Your power with the prophet Elijah.

I pray to Thee, O Lord my God; All sorcery, and all evil demons who tend to the sin of man and commit sin on him, You, by Your power, forbid! Now, O Lord my God, the Strong and Great One, who has favored the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Thy Holy flock, I pray to Thee, O Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with himself, do for him what he asks for with it.

Your Most Holy Majesty, who was merciful to me and did not want to destroy me with my iniquities; Thus, do not destroy anyone who prays to You with this prayer.

Strengthen the weak in faith! Strengthen the weak in spirit! Give reason to the desperate one and do not turn away everyone who resorts to Your Holy Name.

Now, falling before You, Lord, I pray and ask Your holy name: in every house and in every place, especially on the Orthodox Christian, there is some sorcery from evil people or from demons, may this prayer be read over the head of a person or in the house and may it be resolved from binding by evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, malice, intimidation, effective poisoning, from pagan poisoning and from any spell and oath.

Let whoever, having acquired this prayer in his home, be kept from every trick of the devil, indulgence, poison by evil and crafty people, from spells and all witchcraft and sorcery, and may demons flee from him and may evil spirits recede. Lord my God, having power in heaven and on earth, for the sake of Thy Holy Name and for the sake of the unspeakable goodness of Thy Son, our God Jesus Christ, hear at this hour Thy unworthy servant (name), who honors this prayer and through it may all the devil be resolved intrigues.

Just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let all sorcery and evil spells perish from the face of a person who honors this prayer. Like the name, the Life-Giving Trinity, is enlightenment for us, and don’t we know another god than You? We believe in You, we worship You and we pray to You; protect, intercede and save us, God, from every evil deed and sorcery evil people.

Just as You brought out sweet water from the stone to the sons of Moses, so, Lord God of Hosts, lay Your hand on Your servant (name), full of Your goodness and protect from all deeds.

Bless the house in it, may this prayer abide and everyone who honors my memory, send your mercy to him, Lord, and protect him from all sorcery. Be his helper and protector, O Lord.

Four rivers: Pison, Geon, Euphrates and Tigris: the Edenic man cannot hold back, so no sorcerer can manifest the affairs or dreams of demons before reading this prayer, I conjure by the Living God! May the demon be crushed and all the nasty and evil force unleashed by evil people on the servant of God (name) be driven away.

As he multiplied the years of Hezekiah the king, so multiply the years of him who has this prayer: by the service of the Angel, by the singing of the Seraphim, by the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Archangel Gabriel and the incorporeal for the sake of Her conception, our Lord Jesus Christ, by His glorious Nativity in Bethlehem, by the slaughter of Herod the king four times ten thousand infants and His Holy Baptism received in the Jordan River, fasting and temptation from the devil, His terrible victory and His most terrible judgment, His most terrible miracles in the world: He granted healing and cleansing. Give life to the dead, cast out demons, and fulfill His entry into Jerusalem as a King: - “Ossain to the Son of David - from the child crying to Thee, hear” the Holy Passion, the Crucifixion and Burial, enduring, and on the third day the Resurrection came, as it is written, and into heaven ascent. There are numerous Angels and Archangels singing, glorifying His rise, who sits at the right hand of the Father until His second coming to judge the living and the dead.

You have given authority to Your holy disciples and Apostles, saying to them: “Hold and hold on - decide and they will be resolved,” so through this prayer, allow every devilish sorcery over Your servant (name).

For the sake of Your Holy Great Name, I conjure and drive away all wicked and evil souls and the combing of evil people and their sorceries, slander, witchcraft, eye damage, sorcery and every trick of the devil. I pray to You, O most merciful Lord, take me away from Your servant (name), and from his house, and from all his acquisitions.

As you increased the wealth of the righteous Job, so, Lord, increase the household life of the one who has this prayer: the creation of Adam, the sacrifice of Abel, the annunciation of Joseph, the holiness of Enoch, the righteousness of Noah, the conversion of Melchisidek, the faith of Abraham, the holiness of Jacob, the prophecy of the Prophets, the shrine of the Patriarchs, the blood of the Holy Martyrs , the slaughter of Peter and Paul, the childhood of Moses, the virginity of John the Theologian, the priesthood of Aaron, the action of Joshua, the holiness of Samuel, the twelve tribes of Israel, the prayer of the Prophet Elisha, the fasting and knowledge of the Prophet Daniel, the sale of the beautiful Joseph, the Wisdom of the Prophet Solomon, the power of one hundred and sixty Angels, by the prayer of the Honest Glorious Prophet and Baptist John and one hundred to ten Saints of the second council, holy confessors and swearers of the terrible unspeakable name of Your Holy, All-Glorious All-Seer God, and before Him stands a thousand and ten thousand Angels and Archangels. For the sake of their prayers, I pray and ask You, Lord, drive away and overcome all malice and wickedness from Your servant (name), and let it flee to Tartarus.

I offer this prayer to the One and Invincible God, for may salvation befit all Orthodox people in that house, in which there is this prayer, written in seventy-two languages, and may all wickedness be resolved through it; either in the sea, or along the way, or in the source, or in the vault; either in the upper pose or in the lower one; either behind or in front; either in the wall, or in the roof, let it be resolved everywhere!

May every devilish obsession be resolved in the course or in the camp; or in the mountains, or in dens, or in the precincts of houses, or in the abysses of the earth; or in the root of a tree, or in the leaves of plants; either in fields or in gardens; or in the grass, or in a bush, or in a cave, or in a bathhouse, may it be resolved!

Let every evil deed be resolved; either in fish skin or in flesh; or in the skin of a snake, or in the skin of a man; or in elegant jewelry, or in headdresses; or in the eyes, or in the ears, or in the hair of the head, or in the eyebrows; either in bed or in clothes; or in cutting foot nails, or cutting hand nails; either in hot blood or in icy water: let it be resolved!

Let every crime and sorcery be resolved; or in the brain, or under the brain, or in the shoulder, or between the shoulders; either in the muscles or in the legs; either in the leg or in the arm; or in the belly, or under the belly, or in the bones, or in the veins; either in the stomach or within natural limits, let it be resolved!

May every devilish act and obsession committed be resolved; either on gold or on silver; or in copper, or in iron, or in tin, or in lead, or in honey, or in wax; or in wine, or in beer, or in bread, or in food; May everything be resolved!

May every evil devil's intention against man be resolved; or in sea reptiles, or in flying insects; either in animals or in birds; or in the stars, or in the moon; either in beasts or in reptiles; or in charters, or in ink; May everything be resolved!

Even two wicked tongues: salamaru and remihara, pursuit; elizda and the devil from the servant of God (name), by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord with all the heavenly powers before the High and Terrible Throne of God, create Your servants scorching fire. Cherubim and Seraphim; Authorities and Pristoli; Dominance and Power.

In one hour the thief entered heaven through prayer. Joshua, the sun and the moon, prayed a prayer. The prophet Daniel prayed and stopped the mouths of the lions. Three youths: Ananias, Azariah and Misail extinguish the flame of the cave with fiery prayer. I also pray to You, Lord, grant this prayer to everyone who prays to it.

I pray and ask the holy council of the prophets: Zechariah, Hosea, Jesse, Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Amos, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Nahum and the Prophet John the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord: - I pray and ask the four Evangelists, Matthias, Mark , Luke and John the Theologian, and the holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul, and the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and Joseph the betrothed, and James the Lord's brother according to the flesh, Simeon the God-Receiver, and Simeon the relative of the Lord, and Andrew Christ for the sake of the fool, and John the Merciful, and Ignatius the God-Bearer, and the Hieromartyr Ananias, and Roman the singer of the kontakion, and Mark the Greek, and Cyril the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Venerable Ephraim the Syrian, and Mark the grave-digger, and the three Great Saints, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, and others like them the holy father of our saints Nicholas Archbishop of Myra Lycian wonderworker, and the holy metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip, Hermogenes, Innocent and Cyril, Moscow wonderworkers: St. Anthony, Theodosius and Athanasius, Kiev-Pechersk wonderworkers: St. Sergius and Nikon, Radonezh wonderworkers ; Reverends Zosima and Savatius, Solovetsky miracle workers; Saints Guria and Barsanuphius, Kazan miracle workers; Like our holy fathers: Pachomius, Anthony, Theotosiya, Pimen the Great, and like our holy father Seraphim of Sarov; Samson and Daniel the Stylites; Maximus the Greek, monk Miletius of Mount Athos; Nikon, Patriarch of Antioch, Great Martyr Kyriakos and his mother Iulita; Alexy, the man of God, and the holy venerable myrrh-bearing women: Mary, Magdalene, Euphrosyne, Xenia, Evdokia, Anastasia; The Holy Great Martyrs Paraskeva, Catherine, Fevronia, Marina, who shed their blood for You, Christ our God, and all the saints of the Father who pleased You, Lord, have mercy and save Your servant (name), may no evil and wickedness touch him or his house neither in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in the days, nor in the night, let him not touch.

Save him, Lord, from air, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits of evil.

I pray to You, Lord, even as this holy prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian was written, it was confirmed and marked by the Holy Trinity for the destruction and driving away of all evil, the enemy and adversary of demonic nets, catching people everywhere with the witchcraft and sorcery of Zadok and Naphael, called Ephil, and the daughters of Samuel, skilled in sorcery.

By the Word of the Lord, heaven and earth and everything under heaven were established; by the power of this prayer, all enemy obsession and indulgence were driven out. I call upon all the powers of heaven and Your ranks for help; Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salafail, Yehudil, Barahail and my Guardian Angel: The power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross and all the powers and spirits of heaven, and may Your servant, Lord (name), be observed, and may the wickedness of the devil be put to shame by all means By Heavenly Power to the glory of You, Lord, my Creator and to the glory of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, always now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

God! You are the only All-Powerful and Almighty, save Your servant (name) through the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian. Say this three times and bow three times.

Lord Jesus Christ the Word and Son of God, through the prayer of Your Most Holy Mother and my Guardian Angel, have mercy on me, Your sinful servant (name). Say this three times and bow three times. All saints and righteous ones, pray to the Merciful God for the servant (name), that he will preserve and have mercy on me from every enemy and adversary.

(Say this three times and bow three times.)

In this case, they undergo training at our school and take level 2 so that they can cleanse themselves, their family and their home on their own. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to “drive away” a witch without changing anything inside yourself, because... such witches are lessons from the universe that are given to you for some reason. Most often, this is a development incentive to begin to develop yourself. Look at the situation from a different angle and think about what you need to re-realize and change in yourself. What exactly does this “lesson” mean for you? Because such situations do not arise by chance. But to ask yourself the right questions, you need high level awareness. With a low level of awareness, a person tends to blame others for his problems (even if someone does damage). If it is high, he understands that this is a Divine lesson, and it was given to you for some purpose (so that you change something in your thinking, for example).

About the steps: http://chistki.com.ua/obuchenie/posvashenie

Training program: http://chistki.com.ua/obuchenie/chemy-obuchaem

And based on the state of your energy field, we can talk about what is recommended for you. The fact that a child under 6 years of age is in the mother’s field is a fact. If you want to harmonize and cleanse your child, you need to work with yourself.

But again, I repeat, without diagnostics it is impossible to recommend anything!

There won't be a happy relationship? She acted through magic through food, water, hair, blood, etc!!

3) I read the prayer of detention, Psalm 90, to Cyprian from the prayer book, this to Cyprian.

4) I went to my grandmother to remove the damage cheaply. She said at the end to throw the egg over her shoulder with some words to the DOG, saying the dog will lick it, the damage must pass on to someone.

5) there is only one egg left that gets spoiled*

6) placed a bowl of water at the head of the spoiled one and broke an egg into it with the words """ take from the servant of God (baptized and worldly name) everything bad and dashing. """. in the morning he poured an egg into the toilet without words or with the words “from who came to that, left to that and stay.” the bowl was washed with water and used for food.

5.1) egg for the morning and with candles and cloudy protein like boiled and one big boiled white snot stretches to the top. Well, there’s little point for now.

Evil spirits are strong and never subside, they try to seduce every person living on Earth, deceive, change his life and turn him into complete hell. That is why you need to be able to deal with them correctly and protect yourself and your loved ones. Prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya against the evil eye is the most powerful protection from the devil's tricks.

Prayer directed to the saints carries very strong energy and evokes only fear and trembling among evil forces. Cyprian and Justinia who are they? Icons located in the temple.

Prayer of Kupriyan and Ustina from evil spirits

Start reading a prayer for damage, witchcraft and the evil eye are advised only after a sincere confession in church, Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and blessings from the priest himself on petitions and prayers to higher powers.

Before the process of reading the text of the prayer, you need to remove all irritants and unnecessary noise around, get rid of thoughts about everyday problems and sincerely believe in the power of God. The main thing in prayer considered sincere and pure faith in Christ.

Prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya against witchcraft

O holy priests Cyprian and Justina! Hear the humble prayer. Like your temporary life of martyrdom, you died for Christ, but do not leave us in spirit, according to the commandments of the Lord, you followed us teaching and help us to patiently carry your cross. This prayer to Christ God and His Most Holy Mother was received by nature. In the same way now, wake up prayer books and protectors for us, unworthy of the name. Be intercessors for us, so that through your protection we may remain protected from the influence of evil forces, magicians and demons; we glorify the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and then, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian against damage and the evil eye

O holy servant of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, we soon pray and ask for all those who come running to you! Take from us, unworthy, this praise, and ask the Lord God for strength in weaknesses, consolation in sadness and everything useful in our life; Offer your strong prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from possible problems, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and other actions of evil spirits and pacify our enemies.

May we have strong protection from all enemies, visible and invisible, give us patience in temptations, during our death, show us protection from torturers in the air ordeals, and together with you, we will reach Mountain Jerusalem and come to the Heavenly Kingdom, where there will be with all the saints to sing the holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

In what life situation should you ask Cuprian and Justinia for help?

If you believe in God, then prayer to the saints can create real miracles. The main thing is that the person asking, or the one for whom the request is being made, must be Orthodox and Christian. Otherwise, Justina and Cyprian will not be able to give mercy and healing to that person who has not accepted the Lord God in his soul and heart. You should ask the saints for your protection in order to:

How to recognize damage, how can prayer help?

You should rely on the help of saints, if the following factors exist:

  1. There is a complete misunderstanding in the family, constant fights and swearing occur between family members.
  2. Difficulties and failures simply fall on a person: a budget is lost, precious items go missing, layoffs occur in an enterprise or company, thieves rob property, unexplained fires occur in the house.
  3. Family members are plagued by nightmares.
  4. Pets feel unwell in the house and cannot for a long time live in it.
  5. Deaths often occur in the family (especially during the same illness, people of the same sex die).

The Hieromartyrs Justina and Cyprian will soon come to the aid of those praying to them, they will be able to deal with the hellish demonic army.

The life story of Justinia and Cyprian

The philosopher Cyprian lived in Antioch. From childhood, his parents gave him to serve the pagan deity Apollo. At the age of seven, his mother gave her son to sorcerers so that they could teach the boy to perform witchcraft rituals. At the age of 10, the child was sent to Mount Olympus, where he was trained for priestly service. A large number of idols were located in this place, in which the demons themselves lived.

It was in this place that the boy learned to cause grief, change the direction of the wind, harm gardeners' gardens, send grief and illness to people, summon ghosts, raise the dead from their graves to talk with them. At the age of 15 he learned big number of demonic secrets went to Argos, and by the age of 30 he perfectly used various magical tricks, learned astrologers, murder, and became a real slave of the prince of hell. The prince gave Cyprian as assistants a whole regiment of demons. Cyprian destroyed a large number of peaceful souls by learning disastrous witchcraft: they flew in the air, walked on the surface of the water, rose into the skies and circled on snow-white clouds. People came to him to get help in revenge, bad deeds, and enmity.

The Lord did not want Cyprian’s soul to perish and decided to save her. It all happened like this:

A girl named Justina also lived in Antioch; her ancestors were also considered pagans. One day, by chance, a girl heard a conversation between a deacon and one of the parishioners about the salvation of the soul, the humanization of God, His birth from the Most Pure Virgin and departure to heaven after long and difficult torment for the sake of saving human souls. Then Justina’s heart suddenly changed, and her soul sincerely began to see clearly. Justina firmly decided to learn to believe in God.

She quietly came to church and over time began to believe in Christ. She soon proved this to her loved ones, who asked a Christian bishop to initiate them into Orthodoxy. Justina's father became promoted to . Edesei lived in virtue for about a year and a half, and after that he peacefully ended his journey. Justina sacredly believed in Christ and loved him with all her heart. But the forces of darkness, seeing the girl’s virtue, began to cause her great trouble.

In the same city the young man Aglaid lived in the wealth and bustle of the world. Having once seen Justina, he was surprised by her beauty, and at that same moment lust appeared in his soul. He tried to seduce the girl, asked her to marry him, told beautiful speeches, followed on her heels, wherever she was. The chaste girl in response repeated only one thing: “My Groom is Christ.” Then Aglaid decided to forcibly kidnap the girl with the help of his stupid friends and waylaid her on the street and forcefully dragged her into his house. On loud screams and the girl's sobs All the townspeople came running and freed her from the wicked man.

Then Aglaid decided to commit a new evil; he came to Cyprian for help and offered a lot of gold and silver in exchange. He promised to fulfill his wish and called on a spirit who was supposed to inflame a passion for Aglaid in the girl’s heart. The demon easily made his way into the house and tried to seduce the girl’s flesh.

Justina, as always, was praying at night and suddenly felt the ignition of lust in her body. Immediately she had bad thoughts and she immediately remembered about Aglaid. But she quickly came to her senses, realizing that lust appeared in her body due to the influence of a demon. Then Justina began a prayer to God. The Lord heard her words and helped her, the girl’s soul calmed down, and the devil came to Cyprian with sad news.

Then the sorcerer decided to send an even more powerful and stronger devil to the girl. He furiously attacked the girl, but she again resorted to the help of the Lord, abstained, fasted for a long time, prayed to the icons and again defeated the demon.

For the third time, Cyprian sent a skilled demonic prince to Justina, who changed into a female form, dressed in women’s clothes and came to Justina. With cunning, enticing conversations, he tried to seduce Justina, but she quickly realized that in front of her was an evil seducer and crossed herself with the Cross, prayed to the Lord and the demon left at that very moment.

So, the offended Cyprian decided to take revenge and sent misfortune to the girl’s house, her relatives, friends and acquaintances, killed animals, and infected human bodies with ulcers and diseases. Trouble spread throughout the city, people understood why this was happening. They asked Justina to become the wife of Aglaid and save the entire city. But the girl quickly calmed them down, prayed to Christ, and all the people immediately began to recover, and they began to laugh at Cyprian’s magic for a long time. In a rage, Cyprian attacked one of the demons; in response, the devil attacked Cyprian and tried to kill him. The man remembered that the devil was very afraid of the Sign of the Cross; on the verge of death, he made the sign of the Cross over himself. Then the devil roared like a lion and rushed away.

After Cyprian decided to go to the bishop and asked him to perform the rite of the Sacrament. Cyprian told him about his evil deeds and gave him the sorcery Talmuds to be burned. Bishop Anfim taught the man the Orthodox faith and, seeing his sincere devotion and faith in Christ, immediately baptized him.

Soon Cyprian became a reader, and then was elevated to the junior rank of priesthood. Then he became a bishop and spent the rest of his life in faith, caring for those around him. He decided to make Justina a deaconess, and soon ordered her to become the abbess of the monastery. A large number of pagans with the help of Cyprian they adopted the Orthodox religion, thus the service of idols began to disappear.

During the persecution and attacks on Christians, Justina and Cyprian were slandered and sent to prison. They decided to hang Cyprian, and ordered the girl to be beaten in the face and eyes. After much suffering, they were thrown into a seething cauldron, which, to their amazement, did nothing harm to the young people. Then they were entrusted with beheading them with a sword. The bodies of the saints were taken to Rome and buried with honor, and in the 13th century they were sent to Cyprus. Near the tombs of the saints, healings of the sick who came to them with faith took place.

How to properly read the text of a petition?

If your friend or loved one is very sick, and therefore he simply cannot pray on his own, you can read this prayer over water and give it to the patient to drink. He will immediately feel better and will be able to continue the treatment process on his own.

October 15 marks the feast of Ustinya and Cyprian. On this day it is worth going to church and ordering a prayer service in front of the icon. In this way you will definitely ensure take the protection of the saints and receive their support. they can be found in Cyprus.

Yakov Porfirievich Starostin

Servant of the Lord

Articles written

The impact of spoilage on human life and health is enormous. Even if the magician is not very talented, his work causes damage to the biofield and energy of the victim. Anyone can become the target of black magic. Righteous Christians had their own solution to the problem: they prayed to Saint Cyprian. He is considered the patron of good forces that are able to resist the tricks of magicians, black sorcerers and simply evil people, sorcery. If you believe in God, learn this prayer, and trouble will bypass your home.

Who is Cyprian?

The fate of the saint himself, whose name is used to combat evil intentions, is interesting and multifaceted. This is one of the first Christians to change the path of the pagan to the righteous. Since the fourth century, prayers in his honor have been used by millions of people in trouble.

Cyprian was born into a pagan family and into a society ruled by those who believed in idols. Moreover, his ancestors were famous warlocks and raised their son in the traditions of dark magic. From the age of 7, Cyprian studied the skills of witchcraft and sorcery; he managed to see the Prince of Darkness and conclude an agreement with him, which he signed with his own blood.

Over time, the sorcerer became famous for possessing enormous power of words. He knew how to curse so that a person could not move. No magic lifted Cyprian's curses. The warlock continued to learn his craft, visited Egypt and Greece, and on Olympus received the condescension of the old gods. Even then the pantheon was recognized as demonic, because Greek gods did not bow to the coming of Christianity. During this period, Cyprian gained fame as a powerful sorcerer; people came to him in droves to bewitch, punish, curse...

The Power of Repentance

The limitlessness of divine forgiveness is clearly illustrated by the example of Cyprian's repentance. The sorcerer turned to the righteous path not by chance. One of his visitors asked to bewitch the nun Justina, one of the devout Christians among the first servants of God. This innocent girl aroused the passion of a man who went to Cyprian to solve this problem and perform magic.

Suspecting nothing, Cyprian began to cast a love spell, but for the first time in long years his spell didn't work. The sorcerer, in bewilderment, reads the black plot for the second time, but all his attempts are unsuccessful, because no magic works on the Bride of Christ. Clever Cyprian was surprised how strong Christian faith against witchcraft. He tried to find out why it was possible to resist witchcraft.

An epiphany descends on Cyprian, and he breaks his contract with the devil, sells his house in despair and goes to church. Sincere repentance and a request to forgive sins could not help but melt the hearts of the Lord. Cyprian becomes a diligent and devout servant of the church and very quickly gains the rank of Bishop. Such is the power of Christian repentance.

Over the years of following righteous principles, Cyprian wrote many books that reveal the essence of witchcraft and its illegality. He never once doubted the power of true faith. Even when the pagan Diocletian comes to power, the bishop defends Christianity to the last. He will be brutally killed and the martyr will be given the canonical status of a saint.

How does the Cyprian prayer work?

The essence of any prayer is an appeal to God and the saints. This is a frank conversation, during which the prayer asks for intercession, and the Almighty will help. The believer must be humble, otherwise no sacred text will work. Why pray to Cyprian?

  • for healing from the evil eye and damage;
  • to protect yourself from demons, spirits and enemies;
  • to find your own path;
  • in order to get help in the fight against dark forces.

In order for the Cyprian prayer to work, you do not need to constantly go to church. If it is not possible to visit it every week, find time to pray in front of the icon. It will become your Orthodox amulet.

When should you pray to Cyprian?

In a hopeless situation, when the usual methods cannot help, prayer to Saint Cyprian will remove damage and the evil eye from a person. You don't have to act the way your enemies do. To remove the evil eye, do not turn to sorcerers and magicians, but pray to the martyr who has already walked this whole path. This must be done immediately after you have discovered all signs of damage.

The Christian faith knows no signs, so the prayer can be read at any time of the month or day. Objectively, the evening or early morning, when you are in solitude, is most suitable for this. It is important that after the ritual you do not need to go anywhere, because you may need to rest and sleep.

Video with a prayer against damage, the evil eye, witchcraft and the tricks of the devil

How to read the sacred text correctly?

If you understand that they begin Hard times, learn the prayer by heart. You will have to read it many times. The text is long and complex, but the result is worth it. In addition, prayer also works on children. It was once passed down from generation to generation, but is now freely available.

  • Damage to you. You will need to reprimand against the evil eye, that is, say the text many times.
  • Damage to children. The prayer should be read by the father or mother.

Before the rite of reprimand, you must visit the church and light candles to the Virgin Mary, Christ, and Panteleimon. Three days before, keep a strict fast, do not smoke, do not drink, exclude meat, sweets and coffee. Let nothing distract you from your spiritual practice.

For the first time, say the text once. Gather yourself, sit near the home iconostasis, light a candle. Cross yourself and say your name or your child's. It is imperative to be in a good mood even towards your enemy. Give him the opportunity to repent and come to his senses, as Cyprian once did. Text of the prayer:

“A thousand thousand and darkness upon darkness stand before You, Angel and Archangel. You weigh the secrets of the hearts of Your servant (name), appear to him, Lord, as Paul in chains and Thecla in fire. So, let me know You, for I am the first to create all my iniquities. You, holding the cloud and the sky, have not rained on the garden tree, and that is the fruit of the uncreated. Idle wives wait out, and others do not conceive. We only looked at the fence of the helicopter city, and nothing was done. The rose will not bloom and the class will not vegetate; The grapes do not bear fruit, and the beasts do not bear fruit. The fish of the sea are not allowed to swim and the birds of the sky are forbidden to fly. So, You showed Your power with the prophet Elijah.

“I pray to Thee, O Lord my God; All sorcery, and all evil demons who tend to the sin of man and commit sin on him, You, by Your power, forbid! Now, O Lord my God, the Strong and Great One, who has favored the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Thy Holy flock, I pray to Thee, O Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with himself, do for him what he asks for with it. Your Most Holy Majesty, who was merciful to me and did not want to destroy me with my iniquities; Thus, do not destroy anyone who prays to You with this prayer. Strengthen the weak in faith! Strengthen the weak in spirit! Give reason to the desperate and do not turn away anyone who resorts to Your Holy Name.”

After reading, cross yourself three times and kneel down. In the case where the damage lies on the child, he will have to do this. Be prepared that after reading the last paragraph, everything inside your body may get sick. This is how healing occurs from the evil eye and damage that does not want to go away voluntarily. The pain will pass without consequences, since the power of Christian prayer protects against damage to health.

In addition, the candle may begin to behave in strange ways. If the flame suddenly begins to smoke or smolder, do not stop. At this moment, it’s bad for the one who put the curse on you. Continue:

“Whoever has acquired this prayer in his home, let him be kept from every trick of the devil, from connivance, from poison by evil and crafty people, from spells and all witchcraft and sorcery, and may demons flee from him and may evil spirits recede. Lord my God, having power in heaven and on earth, for the sake of Thy Holy Name and for the sake of the unspeakable goodness of Thy Son, our God Jesus Christ, hear at this hour Thy unworthy servant (name), who honors this prayer and through it may all the devil be resolved intrigues".

“Lord, have mercy, save Thy servant (name), let no evil wickedness touch him or his house, neither in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in the days, nor in the night. Save him, Lord, from air, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits of evil. I pray to Thee, Lord, even as this holy prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian was written, it was confirmed and marked by the Holy Trinity for the destruction of the expulsion of all evil, the enemy and adversary of demonic nets, catching people everywhere with the sorcery of Zadok and Naphael, called Ephil, the daughters of Samuel, skilled in sorcery. Amen!".

This long prayer must be completed even if you are not feeling well. The healing power can cause pain - it will pull on the stomach, back, legs and throat, but if you stop reading halfway through, the damage will then be almost impossible to expel. If it’s really bad, you are allowed to drink holy water and cross yourself.

Read also: Make peace with your loved one through prayer

Closing words are part of the defense. She puts a kind of block that protects the reader and his child from new damage. This is the difference between the prayer to the martyr Cyprian and Justina from other sacred texts. The saint, like no one else, understood how powerful warlocks were and what they could do to a righteous person. Thanks to this, he created a prayer that not only eliminates damage, but also protects from new troubles.

Situations to contact

The main reason why people turn to this prayer is the presence of damage and the detection of the evil eye. This is a very special magical effect that is very difficult to experience. This is both mental and physical harm. Damage is the cause of oncology; this condition even causes infertility. But prayer can also be used for protection, to create an invisible but powerful barrier.

How to understand that you are damaged? It is necessary to trace the events that occurred before the deterioration of health. Perhaps someone spoke harshly to you or you inadvertently offended the person. The evil eye can appear even when the potential enemy does not even suspect it. A lot of evil happens without intention, be prepared for protection from witchcraft at any moment - in line at the store, at the post office, while traveling, at school, etc.

However, you should not unfoundedly suspect everyone of causing damage. It could be an ordinary illness or mental fatigue. In any case, you should first consult a doctor, as it is very easy to confuse these conditions. On the other hand, people who have experienced the evil eye say that it cannot be confused with anything, since problems immediately begin in life on all fronts, not only health suffers, but in general all components of a comfortable existence.

Child in danger

If a child begins to complain that he doesn’t feel well, and doctors cannot diagnose anything, it’s time to turn to Cyprian and Justinia. Do not be afraid to overdo it with protection, because in small children it is extremely small, and serious harm to the child can be caused even by accident. Teenagers under 16 years old perceive everything from the outside very easily and quickly, and then you will have to reprimand them.

To get rid of the evil eye and damage, the ritual must be performed on the child twice. The baby must be held in your arms and a candle placed next to it or given close relative. This powerful prayer helps even in difficult situation when someone deliberately caused damage to death. The holy forces will punish him, you should not hold a grudge against a person who has become a toy in the hands of dark forces, do not judge him, but rather concentrate on your child, his health and well-being.

We give our best to our loved ones, we make every effort to ensure that they have a good and happy life. Perhaps this is why the prayer to Cyprian, which needs to be read for a child, is longer and more complex. But as soon as you learn it and read it twice, things will immediately improve, and you will get rid of witchcraft. Spare no effort to protect your loved ones.

Text for getting rid of damage for loved one(second version of the prayer):

We begin to say the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian: in the days or in the nights, or at whatever hour you exercise, all the forces of resistance will fall away from the glory of the Living God.

This Hieromartyr, praying to God with all his soul, said: “Lord God, Mighty and Holy, King of kings, now hear the prayer of Thy servant Cyprian.”

Thousands upon thousands and darkness upon darkness stand before You, Angel and Archangel. You weigh the secret of the hearts of Your servant (name), appear to him, Lord, as Paul in chains and Thecla in fire. So, let me know You, for I am the first to create all my iniquities.

You, holding the cloud and the sky, have not rained on the garden tree, and that is the fruit of the uncreated. Idle wives wait out, and others do not conceive. They only looked at the fence of the city, and did not create anything. The rose will not bloom and the class will not vegetate; The grapes do not bear fruit, and the beasts do not bear fruit. The fish of the sea are not allowed to swim and the birds of the sky are forbidden to fly. So, You showed Your power with the prophet Elijah.

I pray to Thee, O Lord my God; All sorcery, and all evil demons who tend to the sin of man and commit sin on him, You, by Your power, forbid! Now, O Lord my God, the Strong and Great One, who has favored the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Thy Holy flock, I pray to Thee, O Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with himself, do for him what he asks for with it.

Your Most Holy Majesty, who was merciful to me and did not want to destroy me with my iniquities; Thus, do not destroy anyone who prays to You with this prayer.

Strengthen the weak in faith! Strengthen the weak in spirit! Give reason to the desperate one and do not turn away everyone who resorts to Your Holy Name.

Now, falling before You, Lord, I pray and ask Your holy name: in every house and in every place, especially on the Orthodox Christian, there is some sorcery from evil people or from demons, may this prayer be read over the head of a person or in the house and may it be resolved from binding by evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, malice, intimidation, effective poisoning, from pagan poisoning and from any spell and oath.

Let whoever, having acquired this prayer in his home, be kept from every trick of the devil, indulgence, poison by evil and crafty people, from spells and all witchcraft and sorcery, and may demons flee from him and may evil spirits recede. Lord my God, having power in heaven and on earth, for the sake of Thy Holy Name and for the sake of the unspeakable goodness of Thy Son, our God Jesus Christ, hear at this hour Thy unworthy servant (name), who honors this prayer and through it may all the devil be resolved intrigues.

Just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let all sorcery and evil spells perish from the face of a person who honors this prayer. Like the name, the Life-Giving Trinity, is enlightenment for us, and don’t we know another god than You? We believe in You, we worship You and we pray to You; protect, intercede and save us, O God, from every evil action and sorcery of evil people.

Just as You brought out sweet water from the stone to the sons of Moses, so, Lord God of Hosts, lay Your hand on Your servant (name), full of Your goodness and protect from all deeds.

Bless the house in it, may this prayer abide and everyone who honors my memory, send your mercy to him, Lord, and protect him from all sorcery. Be his helper and protector, O Lord.

Four rivers: Pison, Geon, Euphrates and Tigris: the Edenic man cannot hold back, so no sorcerer can manifest the affairs or dreams of demons before reading this prayer, I conjure by the Living God! May the demon be crushed and all the nasty and evil force unleashed by evil people on the servant of God (name) be driven away.

As he multiplied the years of Hezekiah the king, so multiply the years of him who has this prayer: by the service of the Angel, by the singing of the Seraphim, by the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Archangel Gabriel and the incorporeal for the sake of Her conception, our Lord Jesus Christ, by His glorious Nativity in Bethlehem, by the slaughter of Herod the king four times ten thousand infants and His Holy Baptism received in the Jordan River, fasting and temptation from the devil, His terrible victory and His most terrible judgment, His most terrible miracles in the world: He granted healing and cleansing. Give life to the dead, cast out demons, and fulfill His entry into Jerusalem as a King: - “Ossain to the Son of David - from the baby crying to Thee, hear” the Holy Passion, the Crucifixion and Burial, enduring, and on the third day the Resurrection came, as it is written, and into heaven ascent. There are numerous Angels and Archangels singing, glorifying His rise, who sits at the right hand of the Father until His second coming to judge the living and the dead.

You have given authority to Your holy disciples and Apostles, saying to them: “Hold and hold on - decide and they will be resolved,” so through this prayer, allow every devilish sorcery over Your servant (name).

For the sake of Your Holy Great Name, I conjure and drive away all wicked and evil souls and the combing of evil people and their sorceries, slander, witchcraft, eye damage, sorcery and every trick of the devil. I pray to You, O most merciful Lord, take me away from Your servant (name), and from his house, and from all his acquisitions.

As you increased the wealth of the righteous Job, so, Lord, increase the household life of the one who has this prayer: the creation of Adam, the sacrifice of Abel, the annunciation of Joseph, the holiness of Enoch, the righteousness of Noah, the conversion of Melchisidek, the faith of Abraham, the holiness of Jacob, the prophecy of the Prophets, the shrine of the Patriarchs, the blood of the Holy Martyr c, by the slaughter of Peter and Paul, the childhood of Moses, the virginity of John the Evangelist, the priesthood of Aaron, the action of Joshua, the holiness of Samuel, the twelve tribes of Israel, the prayer of the Prophet Elisha, the fasting and knowledge of the Prophet Daniel, the sale of Joseph the beautiful, the Wisdom of the Prophet Solomon, the power of one hundred and sixty Angels , by the prayer of the Honest Glorious Prophet and Baptist John and one hundred to ten Saints of the second council, holy confessors and swearers of the terrible unspeakable name of Your Holy, All-Glorious All-Seer God, and before Him are thousands and thousands of Angels and Archangels. For the sake of their prayers, I pray and ask You, Lord, drive away and overcome all malice and wickedness from Your servant (name), and let it flee to Tartarus.

I offer this prayer to the One and Invincible God, for may salvation befit all Orthodox people in that house, in which there is this prayer, written in seventy-two languages, and may all wickedness be resolved through it; either in the sea, or along the way, or in the source, or in the vault; either in the upper pose or in the lower one; either behind or in front; either in the wall, or in the roof, let it be resolved everywhere!
