First period when next. The first signs of the onset of menstruation in a girl

menstrual bleeding It's not a pathology, it's natural process in the life of every woman, signaling the onset of the reproductive period. For girls, the arrival of the first menstruation (menarche) is always accompanied by excitement, and in order to avoid many inconveniences, you need to seriously prepare for this process.

What is menstruation?

Every month, preparing to receive a fertilized egg, the functional layer of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) increases in size. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium is separated from the uterus and destroyed, passing through the cervix and vagina in the form of bleeding. This process is often accompanied feeling unwell and pain, especially on the first day.
You can find out about the onset of menarche in advance. Sudden mood swings, breast enlargement, fatigue, a spasm in the lower abdomen - these are all signs that the girl will soon begin her first menstrual cycle in her life.

Time of the first menstruation

The norm for the onset of menstruation is 12-14 years. But in reality modern life very often there are cases of earlier or late menses. And if our mothers and grandmothers had menarche at an older age, now the opposite situation is observed: due to early puberty, menstruation begins at 10, and even at 8-9 years. The first menstruation occurs after the formation of secondary sexual characteristics (appearance of pubic hair, in the perineum, growth of the mammary glands). Before the onset of menarche, acne and blackheads on the face may occur.

The role of a mother is very important in such moments. Often girls notice changes in the body, but do not understand what exactly is happening. In such a situation, the mother needs to explain everything to her daughter and assure that such a condition is absolutely normal for every girl.

Deviations from the norm

The following situations are cause for concern:

  • too early menstruation, which appeared before 9 years;
  • absence of menarche after 15 years.

Such situations may indicate quite serious deviations:

early menstruation

The onset of the first menstruation earlier than normal caused by the following reasons:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • decreased ovarian reserve;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • features of the constitution, excess weight;
  • mental trauma;
  • lifestyle (excessive physical activity);
  • lack of nutrients.

Early menstruation indicates early puberty, which is directly related to the state of the brain.
Pathology of the brain that causes early menstruation:

  1. pituitary and hypothalamic tumors or congenital changes in these areas of the brain;
  2. impulse disturbances from the cerebral cortex.

All these pathologies lead to an increase in the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which activate the ovaries and cause the process of ovulation.
The time of the beginning of the first menstruation is also affected by mental condition in which the girl is: in case of malfunctions nervous system and emotional overstrain, the risk of earlier menarche is obvious. In addition, the appearance of early menstruation is also affected by the food consumed by the girl: the predominance of a large amount of spicy, sour and salty foods in the diet can accelerate the onset of menarche.
Situations when the first menstruation began in early age, and then a long period of delay set in, is also not considered the norm and requires a doctor's consultation.
In women whose menarche occurred earlier than normal, in the future may appear:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • osteoporosis;
  • diabetes;
  • mammary cancer.

late menstruation

If girls do not start their periods before the age of 15, this is a cause for concern.
Factors affecting the appearance of menstruation at a later age:

  • pathology of the development of the uterus;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • emotional stress and nervous strain;
  • diets;
  • constant and exhausting physical activity;
  • fluctuations in body weight;
  • malnutrition;
  • ecological situation.

Very often, the reason for the absence of menarche is the excessive thinness of the girl. It has been noticed that in thin and undersized girls, menstruation begins much later than in peers of normal build. The reason is that when enough adipose tissue, the body does not produce the right amount of the female hormone estrogen and this causes primary amenorrhea (complete absence of menstruation).

At an early age, this disease is successfully treated and easily diagnosed.
Girls with a later menarche are at risk of developing:

  • endometrial cancer;
  • breast cancer.

First menstruation

Normal is considered to be menstruation, which comes and ends at the same time intervals. Ideally, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but its increase or decrease does not indicate any pathologies and is also considered normal. According to studies, in women, the menstrual cycle lasts 21 - 35 days.
The nature of the first menstruation is directly affected by the individual characteristics of the girl's body.

  • In healthy girls, regular periods are established immediately and subsequently occur without delay.
  • In weak girls, the menstrual cycle is irregular both in duration and in the amount of spotting.

The normal duration of menstruation, on average, is 3-5 days and directly depends on the girl's lifestyle. Menstruation that lasts less than 3 and more than 7 days is a deviation from the norm and is caused by a violation of the function of the ovaries, as well as a change in the amount of production of sex hormones.
The volume of blood that is released during menstruation should be 50 - 150 ml. The most heavy bleeding is observed in the first 2 days.
A deviation from the norm is considered:

  • excessive abundance or scarcity of secretions;
  • severe and prolonged pain;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • the duration of the menstrual cycle is less than 21 days or more than 40 days;
  • violation of the previously established cycle.

The first menstruation is very significant event, indicating the girl’s readiness to enter into “ adult life". This is a kind of signal about the completion of sexual development and the possibility of pregnancy. But too early or very late onset of menarche may indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist.

Girls' first period or "menarche" is a special moment in their lives, indicating that they are already entering reproductive age, and their body is capable of conception and bearing offspring. It is important that the girl knows in advance at what age menstruation begins and what to do when they appear. Mom should explain all the nuances of this process, but in this article you can get comprehensive information about the timing of the arrival of the first regulations.

When does a girl's period start?

Even 100 years ago, no one could have thought that menstruation at the age of 11 was normal, because in those days, according to statistics, most girls had their period at the age of 17-18. Now, most girls begin their periods at 12 years old, well, a maximum of 13. For residents eastern regions characteristically early puberty at 11 or even 10 years old. Critical days can begin for the first time and at 9 years old, but this will already be a sign of premature puberty.

From the point of view of medicine, the arrival of regulars at the age of 11-16 years is the norm.

Before the age of 11, they can begin for the following reasons:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • improper nutrition.
  • First critical days may be delayed up to 16-20 years, this may be due to the following factors:

    • hormonal disorders;
    • mental disorders;
    • underdevelopment of the ovaries;
    • malfunction of the pituitary gland.

    What determines the age of menarche

    The onset of puberty usually occurs at 10-11 years of age, and the reproductive system is fully formed by the age of 17-18. During this time, the mammary glands grow and the genitals develop. A year and a half after the first signs of puberty appear, menstruation will begin. At what age this happens depends on many factors.

    We list what factors affect the onset of the first critical days in a teenager:

    • hereditary predisposition;
    • physical development;
    • psycho-emotional state;
    • social level and lifestyle;
    • availability of information about sexual relations;
    • general state health and existing endocrine diseases.

    If a girl is sickly and has been taking a large number of drugs, then her period may be delayed.

    Normally, the first critical days should appear at the age of 12-15, everything below and above these limits may be a sign of hormonal disorders or anomalies in the development of the genital organs.

    What should be the first menstruation

    Menstruation first appears in a girl when her ovaries begin to fully function. puberty It begins with the fact that the pituitary and hypothalamus produce hormones that promote the secretion of estrogens in the ovaries, as a result of which the egg begins to mature, ovulation occurs, the inner uterine layer develops, and the girl can already become pregnant.

    Menstruation is a process of rejection and removal from the uterine cavity of its inner mucous layer, provided that the fertilization of the egg has not occurred.

    In menstrual flow, there is not only exfoliated endometrium, but also blood from damaged vessels.

    What does a girl's first period look like?

    Since in the menstrual flow there is not only blood from torn vessels, but also parts of the torn endometrium, the first critical days may have a heterogeneous consistency and have clots. Their color can range from dark red to burgundy. In this case, the girl may experience slight discomfort and pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back.

    During the time of regulation, no more than 150 ml of blood should be released, intense discharges are allowed only in the first 2-3 days, then they should look more like a dark daub.

    How long does the first discharge last?

    According to statistics, in 38% of cases after the first menstruation in girls before following allocations over 40 days. 10% of adolescents are waiting for new discharges for more than 2 months, and they come to 20% in 20 days.

    • the girl’s figure is rounded, her breasts are greatly enlarged, her mood changes, she becomes more feminine;
    • dark hairs begin to grow in the pubic area and armpits, the genitals increase in size;
    • hormonal changes in the body provoke an increased work of sweat and sebaceous glands, which gives rise to acne on the girl's face and back;
    • hair roots on the head begin to quickly grow fat;
    • a few months before menarche, a whitish or yellowish secret is discharged from the vagina.

    3-4 months before the arrival of the first regular, a girl may be angry for no reason or, conversely, lose interest in everything, she may be disturbed by headaches and pain in the lower abdomen, the child may become whiny or overly touchy.

    When these signs appear, parents should definitely talk to the girl about puberty and tell her about all important points this period.

    How to properly prepare for menarche

    Parents of girls, when the first signs of approaching menstruation appear, should tell the child how to prepare for this process. In a conversation with your daughter, the following questions should be raised.

    • First, talk about the fact that menstruation should come monthly with an interval of 21-35 days. It should be mentioned that at first there may be delays, but the situation will normalize in 1.5-2 years.
    • Be sure to tell your child about hygiene products ah, how to use them and where they are in the house.
    • An important issue in preparing for menstruation is the ability to maintain a menstrual calendar. The girl must understand why it is important to monitor the regularity of the cycle;
    • A girl needs to know what can and cannot be done during her period, for example, excessive physical exertion should be avoided.
    • It is important that the girl understands that now her body is capable of conception, which means that contraceptives should be used during sexual intercourse. The task of parents is also to devote the child to the issues of protection from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

    It is important that the conversation takes place in the most calm and confidential atmosphere, so that in the future the child knows that he can with any question on this topic contact your parents without being ashamed.


    During menstruation, the reproductive system of a teenage girl is practically defenseless against infections and pathogenic organisms, in order to reduce the likelihood of their penetration into the dilated cervix, you should know several hygiene features during this period.

    • There are many hygiene products of different quality and absorbent properties. Girls should prefer pads.
    • You need to buy high quality pads, they will better protect against leakage, are invisible under clothes and save the girl from awkward situations at school.
    • Correctly select the “droplets” of the pads, that is, their degree of absorbency. With intense secretions, choose pads for 4-6 drops, with meager secretions reduce absorption.
    • You need to change the pads every 2-3 hours, before that you should wash your hands thoroughly.
    • To avoid allergic reaction, you need to choose pads without flavors.
    • During the regular, you need to take a shower at least 2 times a day and after a bowel movement, using a special gel for intimate hygiene.

    early menstruation

    If for the first time menstruation comes to girls under 11 years old, this is considered too early start puberty. There are cases that they occur in children under 8 years of age. But this is not always a sign of pathology. If menarche also appeared early in their mothers and grandmothers, then this situation is due to a genetic predisposition. Provoke the early appearance of regulation can be intense sports activities or accelerated physical development.

    Even under the condition that early attack puberty is due to genetics, it is recommended to examine the child by a gynecologist in order to exclude hormonal disorders and abnormalities in the development of the organs of the reproductive system. Tumors in the brain, in the area responsible for the production of hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, can provoke a hormonal imbalance.

    Early menarche is common in children with diabetes and also for those who have experienced severe stress or psychological trauma. Such a reaction can be provoked by early acquaintance with the topic of sexual relations between a man and a woman.

    What are dangerous

    The arrival of menarche at an early age can cause such health problems in the future:

    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • hormonal changes in the body;
    • high risk of cancerous tumors in the organs of the hollow system and in the mammary glands.

    With the onset of puberty, growth intensity decreases and physical development slows down. In order for the reproductive organs to develop correctly, it is important that the girl has complete diet and normal living conditions.

    Preventive action

    • Try not to let stressful situations that can cause trauma to the unsettled children's psyche. Provide for your girl a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family, make it a rule to have confidential conversations with the child, introduce her to the problems of puberty in a timely manner.
    • Provide your child with a balanced diet without junk food. Remove spicy, too salty and sour food from the girl’s menu, exclude coffee, strong tea, and minimize cocoa. Never allow beer or alcoholic beverages to be drunk.
    • Treat endocrine diseases in a timely manner.
    • Control what your child watches on the computer and on television.

    It is important that the girl is moderately involved in sports, not overloaded both physically and mentally.

    late menarche

    If a girl's critical days first come after 16 years, this is a deviation from the norm. A sign of late sexual development is also weak growth of the mammary glands.

    Menstruation may come late due to abnormal development of the uterus and appendages, malfunction of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, and also due to neuropsychiatric disorders in the child. Such a reaction can provoke transferred to early childhood infectious disease such as measles, mumps, scarlet fever, or rubella.

    The late appearance of menstruation is characteristic of excessively thin girls, because body fat along with the ovaries, it produces estrogen, but if there is little adipose tissue, then the amount of estrogen may be insufficient for normal functioning reproductive system.

    Other factors can also provoke late regulations:

    • vitamin deficiency;
    • poor environmental situation;
    • consumption of GMO foods.

    Possible consequences

    If a girl under the age of 15 does not have a regulation, it is necessary to consult a doctor, otherwise teenage anomalies in the development of the genital organs can lead to genital infantilism in the future.

    The sex organs of adult woman will be underdeveloped, which will lead to external changes and hormonal imbalances, which can affect overall health.

    In adolescence, such pathologies are treatable; in adulthood, these anomalies are almost impossible to cure.

    When to See a Gynecologist

    • or very late.
    • If during the period of menstruation there are too abundant discharge, the volume of which exceeds 150 ml, especially in cases where they are scarlet. These may be signs of both abnormal development of the genital organs, and hormonal imbalance. Besides, profuse blood loss are observed in blood diseases, tumors and against the background of taking hormonal drugs affecting the development of the inner uterine layer.
    • If more than 3 months after menarche. The reason for such a serious delay can be not only a strong overload during sports or ballet, but also inflammation, infections, endocrine diseases.
    • If 1.5-2 years have passed since the first appearance of the regulation, and. Cause over the years menstrual cycle never returned to normal, pathologies, injuries, vitamin deficiencies, debilitating diets and starvation can become.
    • If during critical days the girl feels severe pain.
    • If and last no more than 2 days. Such short-term discharge may be caused by estrogen deficiency due to underdevelopment of the ovaries. If they last more than a week, then the girl has an increased functionality of the ovaries or a weak contractility of the uterine muscles.


    So that critical days do not cause fear or panic in the girl, parents should tell her in advance about their future onset. This conversation will take quite a bit of time, but the child will understand and not be afraid of those physiological processes that take place in her body. She will be ready to enter puberty, not only physically but also mentally.

    You should always be interested in the well-being of the girl, ask about the regularity of her menstruation, the intensity of pain and possible delays. If the child complains of any discomfort, you should definitely seek medical help.

    In contact with


    - this is always an important event for which you need to prepare in advance, both for the child and for all family members. 2 - 2.5 years before the onset of menarche (first menstruation), puberty begins. The girl's body begins to produce female hormones, the reproductive system is being formed. Hormonal changes are what cause stress. psychological state, severe mood swings, aggressive reactions to simple things like help around the house or remarks about behavior.

    Puberty begins with breast growth, followed by pubic and armpit hair. There is an acceleration of growth - during this period, girls become much taller than their male peers. Due to the fact that the growth rate of bones, muscle and adipose tissue is different, teenage clumsiness appears, which is psychological problem for girls.

    It also increases the production of sebaceous and sweat glands, which leads to the appearance of a specific smell of sweat and acne on the face, chest and back.

    Clear or whitish vaginal discharge, in the absence of itching and odor, is also part of puberty. The task of parents during this period is to clearly explain to the child that these temporary phenomena are only a consequence of the formation of the body, since for children such changes can cause strong feelings and complexes. Also, you need to take care of the right balanced diet. Strict diets that many girls torment themselves with adolescence, which then have a negative impact on reproductive system and the ability to have full-fledged, healthy children.

    At the first signs of menstruation, it is necessary to have a conversation with the child so that the girl is not afraid and is psychologically prepared. The purpose of the conversation is to explain how the body develops, to teach how to use hygiene products. The first signs of menstruation are an increase in the mammary glands, sudden mood swings, increased fatigue, headache attacks, increased appetite, cramps in the lower abdomen.

    When girls begin critical days, you must also carefully monitor the normalization of the cycle, with anxiety symptoms identify the cause. Any disease genitourinary system not cured for early stages will have a negative impact on health in the future. Therefore, at the onset of menstruation in a girl, it is necessary to understand which phenomena are normal and which indicate disorders in the body. To do this, let's look at how the critical days for girls begin and flow.

    Depending on the climate, nutrition, psychological state, the age of the onset of the first menstruation in girls may vary. Poor nutrition can negatively affect puberty and the formation of the body, also affect the development of stressful situations.

    Most often, menstruation in girls begins at the age of 12-13. When the first menstruation appears earlier than 9 or later than 14-15 years, it is worth conducting an examination, since such deviations may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system, developmental disorders of the body. The first time menstruation in girls usually lasts 3-7 days, the cycle has a 28-30 day duration. Over time, the duration of the cycle is 21-35 days. In the first year, menstruation in girls may not be regular, but after the cycle is established, any violations are the reason for a visit to the doctor. If the cycle has not been established within 1-1.5 years, then this also indicates deviations. Before the cycle is established, the periods between menstruation in girls can vary from 1.5 to 3 months, too frequent or very rare periods indicate health problems. In the absence of menarche and acute attacks pain in the lower abdomen, you need to see a doctor - this may indicate a developmental deviation in which the hole in the hymen overgrows and the blood does not come out. Such an anomaly is dangerous because the blood stagnates and can enter the ovaries, then it is necessary to perform an operation. Moderate pain during critical days is not a cause for concern, the cause may be the hymen, which prevents the normal flow of blood or serious sports.

    You need to seek help from a specialist if:

    • after the first menstruation, the girls do not have critical days for 3 months;
    • severe pain is observed (the cause may be infection, inflammation, hormonal disorders);
    • after the normalization of the cycle, violations begin;
    • bleeding more than usual.

    Hygiene procedures during critical days are frequent water procedures and use special means(pads). The use of tampons for girls is undesirable, although they do not affect the physical structure of the genital organs, they can cause intoxication of an unformed and immature body.

    From the first day of menstruation, it is necessary to start keeping a menstrual calendar, in which it is necessary to mark the first and last day of each menstruation. At first, parents need to be reminded to mark the right dates. A menstrual calendar is needed for girls so that you can determine when the cycle is normalizing, as well as in time to identify cycle violations that need to be addressed.

    So that critical days for a girl are not a heavy burden, a number of simple steps must be taken. Go in for health-improving gymnastics, watch your diet, stick to the daily routine. During menstruation, provide a child good rest. Do not escalate conflicts - you must understand that the cause of aggression is hormonal changes, and not a lack of respect for elders.

    To avoid problems adolescence, which usually begin with the first menstruation, parents need to learn to see in their child a person worthy of respect, to become true friend, which does not suppress, but on the contrary, will always support.

    The beginning of the first menstruation in girls: precursors and character. Norm of duration, color and volume of the first monthly girls.

    The first menstruation is a very important and rather exciting moment for young ladies. Some girls are waiting for this moment with interest, and some are madly afraid of it.

    In this article, we will try to figure out what time girls can expect to start puberty, what are its symptoms and duration.

    At what age do girls start their first period? Is the first period in girls 11, 12, 13 years old normal?

    • Just a few decades ago, the puberty of girls fell at the age of 17-19 years. Today, young people are developing much faster and faster. The same goes for the development of their genitals.
    • Menstruation in modern girls, as a rule, begins already at the age of eleven to sixteen.
    • Late periods at 17-18 years old are considered a delay in a girl's puberty
    • There are times when a baby's period begins at 8-9 years old. This is also considered an anomalous phenomenon and may be due to malfunctions in hormonal development crumbs. Also, excessive physical activity can become the causes of early puberty in girls.

    The beginning of critical days for girls depends on several factors:

    • diseases suffered in early childhood (encephalitis, colds and viral diseases, meningitis, head trauma, chronic tonsillitis)
    • physical development (weight, height)
    • genetic predisposition
    • mode of life
    • food quality
    • emotional background
    • place of residence
    • race

    • If a girl in early childhood suffered serious illnesses, then in adolescence this may affect the time of her puberty. Often, these girls menstruation begins much later than their peers.
    • If the girl’s mother or grandmother has critical days at an early age, then it is likely that they will go just as early for her
    • Lack of vitamins, microelements, as well as unbalanced and malnutrition can lead to a delay in the development of the child. This also applies to puberty. A girl should from an early age receive in sufficient quantities useful and nutrients for the full development of all their systems and organs
    • It is believed that southern women and eastern women begin to mature sexually much earlier than representatives of northern and western nationalities.
    • Childhood emotional trauma, constant worries and stress can also leave their mark on a girl's puberty. They can provoke both too early and later onset of menstruation.

    Symptoms and signs of the first menstruation in girls

    The following external manifestations can signal the imminent onset of the first menstruation in a girl:

    • changes in the figure (adoption of more rounded shapes)
    • breast augmentation
    • hip extension
    • appearance hairline on the forehead and under the armpits
    • acne on the face, back and chest
    • an increase in the volume of the external genital female organs
    • darkening of the genitals
    • increased oiliness of the head, the appearance of dandruff
    • whitish vaginal discharge

    Except external changes, the girl may feel some emotional changes:

    • frequent mood swings
    • tearfulness
    • fast fatiguability
    • weakness
    • apathy
    • aggression
    • headache
    • lack of appetite
    • nausea

    Can there be pain during the first menstruation in girls?

    • The first menstruation may be accompanied by symptoms familiar to adult women. That is, the baby may experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen, slightly extending to the lower back. As a rule, such sensations last from one to two days.
    • After this time, the pain should subside.
    • In order for the girl not to be afraid of such sensations, a conversation should be held with her in advance. She must own complete information about all the processes taking place in her body

    Not all representatives of the fair sex are characterized fever before the first menses.

    However, raising body temperature to 37.5 degrees before menstruation is not considered an abnormality, and can be considered the norm.

    What does a girl's first period look like?
    • The first menstruation in girls can be manifested by the presence of small drops of blood on the underwear. On average, during the first menstruation, blood loss can range from fifty to one hundred and fifty milliliters of blood. These figures are relative, the amount of discharge will directly depend on the characteristics of the female body
    • The most abundant will be the discharge on the second or third day of the cycle
    • First bleeding usually have a peculiar smell. This is due to the work of the secretions of the vulva

    Are girls' first periods always brown?

    The color of the first period in girls can vary from bright red to dark brown. This is due to the fact that during the exit bloody issues mixed with the mucous inner ball of the uterus (endometrium), as well as vaginal discharge.

    Thus, both light brown and dark brown, and cloudy red, and scarlet discharge are considered normal. Such colors of menstruation should not cause concern.

    How many days does the first period last?

    As a rule, the first menstruation can last from three to ten days. Everything, as always, will depend on the individuality of the female body.

    There are cases when the first menstruation passes in the form of weak smears for a couple of days. This also should not frighten the girl. Most likely, next month she is already waiting for a full selection.

    The monthly cycle at the first menstruation is quite unstable. Its formation takes place throughout the year.

    Breaks between the first menstruation can be from two weeks to three months. This is considered the norm.

    Copious discharge during the first menstruation are also indicators of the norm and directly depend on the heredity and characteristics of the girl's body.

    The first menstruation in girls, how to determine the cycle?

    • Adjustment of the menstrual cycle in girls occurs during the first two years. Therefore, one should not expect any constancy during this period.
    • The first cycles can be from 28 to 34 days. For some babies, the breaks between periods sometimes last up to six months.
    • It happens that the first menstrual cycle is twenty-four days, and the next thirty, or vice versa. This is also considered normal.

    • In order to at least tentatively predict the next menstruation, the girl needs to get herself a calendar. In a special calendar, you need to mark the date of the beginning and end of menstruation
    • Such records will not give critical days the opportunity to take the girl by surprise. In addition, if in the future monthly cycle the girl never stabilizes, such a calendar will help the gynecologist trace the entire history of the onset of menstruation
    • In any case, a week before the expected date of menstruation, the girl should always have all the necessary hygiene products with her. This will protect her from difficult, unforeseen circumstances and embarrassment.

    When will the first period start - a test for girls?

    Today on the Internet you can find a lot of various tests for girls that help determine the approximate age at which the first menstruation can begin.

    These tests are based on a series of questions. Questions help to find out information related to factors that directly affect the onset of the first menstruation. Here are the approximate wording of such questions:

    1. How old are you?
    2. When did your mother's (grandmother's) first period start?
    3. What is your height?
    4. What is your weight?
    5. Have your breasts started to grow?
    6. Do you have underarm and pubic hair?
    7. Have you noticed any discharge on your underwear?

    After analyzing the answers of the girl, it is possible to predict when her first menstruation will begin approximately.

    • In any case, whenever the girl's first menstruation begins, she must be mentally prepared for them. Her mother, grandmother or older sister can help her in this.
    • The girl needs to be explained that menstruation is a natural process, and there is nothing shameful in it.
    • Also, the baby should know about the rules of hygiene these days, and in her purse, just in case, there should always be feminine hygiene products.
    • In addition to the rules of behavior on critical days, the girl must be correctly informed about the possibility of becoming pregnant after the onset of menstruation and the need to use contraceptives

    Video: First menstruation in girls

    The first signs of menstruation are something that your daughter may not know for some reason, and what you should definitely pay attention to so as not to miss such milestone in physical development child. Over time, we forget what feelings we ourselves experienced in our youth, so it’s better to refresh our knowledge a little.

    So, what are the first signs of menstruation in girls? As a rule, a few months before the menarche, girls notice the appearance of whiter. It is important for the mother to delicately pay attention to the appearance of these secretions. If they don't have pungent odor, they are transparent (may be slightly whitish or yellowish), the girl does not feel itching - this is the norm. This means that hormones (sex) have begun their work, since leucorrhea is the first harbinger of menstruation. If the teenager is not warned about this phenomenon, tell them that there is nothing to worry about, and that the discharge simply cleans and moisturizes the vagina, thus preparing it for menstruation. The nature of whites can be different - from a viscous consistency to a liquid. In any case, this is not a sign of a terrible disease, as a girl might think, but only a herald of the upcoming puberty. By the way, a couple of months before the onset of menstruation, leucorrhoea becomes a little more abundant.

    And what are the first signs of menstruation to keep in mind? Curiously, these are all symptoms of adult PMS - tearfulness, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, headaches for no reason, frequent mood swings (from stormy joy to gloom). Therefore, be on the lookout if your daughter is already 11 years old, and you notice in her behavior the PMS features of a mature woman.

    External signs of menstruation are a change in the figure of a teenager - the hips become wider, the chest and the outer part of the genital organs increase. In some places, hair begins to break through - on the pubis, in armpits girls, sometimes on their feet. Thin and, as a rule, light hairs may appear on the mammary glands. The first menstruation in girls is also characterized by the activity of the sweat and especially the sebaceous glands. The active activity of the sebaceous glands leads to the fact that adolescents become a "victim" of the attack of acne and acne. These unpleasant phenomena (also called "acne") cause a lot of problems, as they pour out in the most inappropriate places - on the back, chest, face, and sometimes even on the mucous membranes. Until the period of hormonal restructuring of the body is completed, you should follow a diet and properly cleanse the skin. Otherwise, you will have to contact a dermatologist.

    Another side of the problem is the violation of the periodicity of the arrival of menstruation. After all, until the cycle has been established, the time period of 28-30 days, which doctors talk about, may not be mandatory. Often, adolescents experience delays of 2-3 months. But this phenomenon is temporary and does not require treatment. After 1-2 years, the cycle should be established.

    The first signs of a delay in menstruation in adolescents are small swelling of the face and body, as fluid accumulates in the tissues, which cannot yet come out. However, additional, more noticeable external signs is not revealed. The delay can come from stress (exams, quarrels at home or at school), from cystitis, strict diets or heavy physical exertion.

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