Sunflower oil vodka shevchenko. Is treatment with vodka and oil according to the Shevchenko method realistic? How to drink to prevent cancer and other diseases

Desperate patients and their relatives sometimes find very original ways to alleviate their condition. Methods that have been tested and approved by official medicine, as well as very dubious ones, can be used.

Why and how much to drink vodka with butter

One of the traditional methods of treatment is to drink alcohol with vegetable fat. It captivates patients with its simplicity and accessibility.

How to drink vodka with butter correctly:

  1. Take alcohol, vodka or moonshine, the main condition is that the alcohol must be diluted to 40°.
  2. The second ingredient is vegetable fat with high content linoleic acids. Unrefined sunflower is suitable.
  3. Mix 30 ml of each liquid, seal the container tightly and shake for at least a minute. Drink the resulting emulsion in one gulp.
  4. Take on an empty stomach for 10 days, then break for 5 days, and repeat the course. After three cycles, take a break for 2 weeks, then repeat again.

Will treatment with vodka and oil according to the Shevchenko method help?

Official medicine is sharply negative towards this method of healing. The author has neither medical nor biological education. He encourages followers of his technique to believe in healing first and foremost and to give up medications. It is difficult to say what such attempts will lead to in each specific case, since no scientific research has been conducted.

There are several factors in Shevchenko’s method that cause sharp distrust:

  1. The author encourages you to believe in the result. This will work if the patient starts a chain of self-healing from the placebo effect.
  2. A diet is assumed with the abandonment of such important components as fermented milk products, fruits and juices.
  3. The author calls for abandoning traditional medicine completely, in addition, he assures his followers that he received knowledge of the method from above. This should raise suspicion in any sane person.

The only thing that can be achieved from such a dubious method of treatment is to alleviate the patient’s suffering through daily doses of strong alcohol.

Method of getting rid of the disease using alcohol and vegetable fat new and not yet having any serious justification. The effect is possible only due to the already known placebo.

The Shevchenko method is used to eradicate many “incurable” diseases. Cancer, sarcoma, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, nephritis, any ulcers, diabetes, hypertension, angina pectoris, arthritis, asthma, allergies.

Vodka with oil for incurable diseases! Few people know about the Shevchenko method

Nikolai Shevchenko warns that you should not stop treatment using this method, lie to the patient about his diagnosis and be treated by others traditional methods, which may affect the result.

While taking the medicinal emulsion, you should avoid animal fats, eating oil (only possible as part of the emulsion), any sweets, and sweet fruits. Only in this case will the oil and vodka work!

Vodka with butter: how to prepare


  • 30 ml unrefined sunflower oil;
  • 30 ml 40% vodka;
  • container with a lid for shaking.

Preparation and reception

Pay attention to the quality of the oil and vodka that will be included in the composition. medicinal mixture. The oil must be unrefined and fresh. Vodka strength - not lower than 40%.

Shake the vodka and oil for 5 minutes and drink as quickly as possible.

Take the mixture 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The mixture should be drunk for 10 days in a row, then take a 5-day break. And so on twice in a row. Drink the mixture for the third time for 10 days and be sure to take a break for 14 days. This is one course of treatment.

Under no circumstances should you change the above treatment schedule or drink more or less doses of the mixture than prescribed according to this method.

Reviews of Shevchenko’s “vodka with butter” method

This treatment method was well known some time ago and has helped many people. Recently, a friend of my mother, a doctor by profession, decided to take a similar course: she was diagnosed with “ multiple sclerosis" The woman's condition has improved!

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The Shevchenko method is one of the most common and effective unconventional ways fight cancer. Although it does not guarantee a 100% cure for the patient, it certainly alleviates his condition and prolongs life for some time.

Mixture recipe: vodka with butter

Take 30-40 ml of unrefined sunflower oil and the same amount of 40% alcohol (vodka), pour into a glass container, close the lid tightly, shake vigorously for 5 minutes, exhale and drink as quickly as possible, preventing the mixture from decomposing into oil and alcohol. You can start with a ratio of 30:30, increasing the dose to 35:35 and 40:40. The mixture should be taken three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. In this case, only three meals a day are recommended, you should not snack between meals, and in the morning before the first dose of the mixture you should not drink.

The author of the technique claims that treatment will be effective only with faith and prayers. Shevchenko's mixture is drunk for 10 days, then a break for 5 days. The full course includes three such repetitions. After which you need to take a two-week break and start new course. Treatment will take a long time - it will take two to three years until complete healing. You cannot violate the schedule, because the mixture will lose its effect on the body and cause tumor cells to become addicted to it. You cannot go to the bathhouse and use heating procedures, or be treated with other antitumor drugs.

Cancer prevention using the Shevchenko method

Those who have non-cancerous tumors (cysts, nodes, adenomas, fibroids, polyps and others) are recommended to take a mixture of vodka and oil in the morning and evening in the same quantity and according to the same scheme in order to prevent them from developing into malignant ones.

Positive aspects of treatment

Possible complications during treatment with the Shevchenko method

In the first days of treatment, pain may worsen in the affected areas and in the most unexpected places. Large decaying tumors cause bleeding. From the gastrointestinal tract there is often a reaction in the form of nausea, heartburn, loose stool. For some time, swelling, shortness of breath, a feeling of a lump in the throat, tachycardia, decreased appetite, and weakness may appear.

Believe this method whether or not to treat cancer is a personal matter. Official medicine its effectiveness has not been confirmed. Moreover, medical experts give only one point out of twelve in assessing vodka in combination with oil as a medicine against cancerous tumors. The effectiveness, according to them, varies in the range from “no effect” to “deterioration”, and the pancreas and liver can withstand such a daily load only in absolutely healthy person.

Comments: 8 »

    Have pity on cancer patients, please. Not all of them are suckers worthy of dying in the wilderness of deception, believe me. Don't write such nonsense again.

    People, be careful, first visit a competent doctor, and only then drink vodka and it’s better for your health than for your health. Don’t risk your life, take pity on your loved ones, timely medical treatment may I help. I drink Baikal with friends after treatment with friends and my head doesn’t hurt in the morning.

    Unfortunately, there are no competent doctors. All doctors are taught the same thing.
    And doctors have a goal. We can talk separately on my website But the doctor has nothing to do with it. This is how the SYSTEM works. The system is very interesting. The sick must remain sick. Then you can extract money from him. Constantly.

    As for Mr. Shevchenko, he has already repented. That he gave people what seemed like a freebie (no need to try, no need to work on yourself... just drink...). And there will definitely be a person who will say: vodka and butter helped me...

    But tell me, have you ever read that vodka + butter does NOT help? Are there really no such people? That's it... People tell me on the phone. But for some reason they don’t write about this. Strange, right?

    People! figure it out. What do you need? Kill cancer cells or become healthy...

    There are competent doctors, believe me! Unfortunately, less and less... And this remedy is for those whom doctors have refused....hope dies last....what if? Can you suggest something else? I have a relative who lived for 20 years taking this, after the doctors refused, the period was a maximum of a year... the doctor said - well, it definitely won’t get any worse... it was hard, thanks to the wife who poured it into him, it’s very difficult to drink... This is not a cure, but it is hope! But this is only after everything possible options passed...

    I didn't have any cancer, thank God. I started drinking vodka with butter just out of interest, and drank not 30 ml, but 15 once a day before bed. Although I hardly drink alcohol at all, I didn’t have any difficulties with taking it - on the contrary, a pleasant warmth spread out. The results came very quickly - performance increased, at 12 o'clock at night there was no fatigue, the intestines started working like clockwork. When I walked for 2 hours, my feet began to hurt, and I came home to rest - after taking the mixture I could walk much more and there was no fatigue. Probably, the mixture awakens some internal reserves of the body. I took the whole course, but then I quit – I just got tired of it. After that, the intestines no longer worked like clockwork.

    My dear UNBELIEVERS.
    This method is simply excellent. It was described in the Healthy Lifestyle magazine in great detail.
    I drank it 12 years ago for 1 month. For cleansing, drink it once a day on an empty stomach. It's unpleasant to drink at first, but then you get used to it. I still use this method for coughs. 5-7 days and the sputum is coughed up from the lungs and the cough goes away, although I have Chronical bronchitis and asthma had already begun, I could cough for 2 months. Only injections of ceftriaxone, an antibiotic, helped. The antibiotics made my stomach and intestines work poorly.
    It really cleanses the entire body gradually. After two weeks of taking it, my back started to hurt a lot - I intervertebral hernia. The pain lasted for 1.5 days, then the pain went away and my back didn’t bother me for 2 years. Then it started hurting because I was lifting heavy things.
    And my bowel function has improved so far, although since childhood I had hidden constipation once every 2 days.
    My father came out with stones like sand and feces. My kidneys hurt for about 10 days.
    To avoid nausea, you need to drink citric acid. I took a few grains of citric acid.

    If you haven’t tried it, then don’t blame this method. About 10 years ago I drank for only six months (3 times a day) - and there were no kidney stones, that’s worth a lot! I couldn’t dissolve them with anything, the pain was so terrible with colic. Now there are stones again, and with age there are still a lot of ailments - I started to be treated again. Nothing bad happens - only good.

In 1994, an 80-year-old woman had a large sarcoma-type tumor removed from her knee area. The operation seemed to be a success. However, about a year later, metastases were discovered in the lungs, and the oncological process progressed incredibly rapidly, accompanied by terrible pain.

The doctors—her mother was already in the hospital by that time—announced Lyudmila Nikolaevna that it was time to think about ritual paraphernalia: the old woman, they say, did not have much time left to live. But it so happened that Lyudmila Nikolaevna caught one of the articles about Nikolai Viktorovich Shevchenko, published in AiF Health during 1993-1995.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna went to him with the results of her mother’s tests, with extracts from the medical history, with pictures... From Lyudmila Nikolaevna’s story “Shevchenko looked at the documents. He gave me a prescription for the medicine and instructions for use. Everything was so simple that at first I didn’t even believe in the reality of any improvements.

I decided to try it myself first. I mixed sunflower oil and alcohol in the required proportions. I drank... Wow, what disgusting. I decided: “It won’t be worse for my mother. Need to try".

She took her mother from the hospital and began giving her medicine. The pain went away almost immediately, and the need for painkillers disappeared completely. After the first 10-day course, my mother began to feel so much better that I took her home - she lives in another city. She completed only two courses - she couldn’t stand it anymore, or maybe she just didn’t want to. But one thing is certain: the mother literally came to life.

He takes care of himself completely, does laundry, works in the garden. How much time has passed since June?..” Lyudmila Nikolaevna gave us Shevchenko’s phone number, and a few days later we were in his small apartment on the first floor of the Khrushchev building.

Shevchenko mixture recipe

Pour 30 ml of unrefined sunflower oil into a jar (no other oils or fats are suitable!) and 30 ml of 40% alcohol (vodka, all types and varieties), close the lid tightly and actively shake your hand for a couple of minutes, exhale and drink quickly .

Moonshine instead of vodka is allowed. If cotton wool soaked in vodka or moonshine does not burn, it means that it is less than 40 degrees and this product must be replaced with another. Take the medicine in this way three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals, preferably at the same time.

Drink for 10 days in a row, then take a break for 5 days, and so on twice in a row. Drink another 10 days and be sure to take a break of 14 days. This is one course of treatment. Repeat further courses of treatment in this way until complete recovery - at least 3, at least 4 years, at least five years!

In the vastness former USSR and in other countries, such an alternative “method of treating all kinds of human diseases” as Shevchenko’s method - drinking vodka with butter - is still widely heard.

The worst thing is that the so-called Shevchenko method provides complete failure from any official treatment, including from radical surgery, which allows you to completely remove the tumor from the body and give a person hope for recovery.

Instead, the “healer-engineer” suggests taking his miracle cure for all diseases - 30 g of vodka with 30 g of unrefined sunflower oil. Shevchenko recommends using this “magic elixir” in the form of an emulsion three times a day. Thus, a seriously ill person should drink 90 g of vodka and 90 g of sunflower oil per day.

Shevchenko method: effect on the body and harm caused

What effect does vodka with butter have on the body (Shevchenko’s method)?

  • We have all heard about the dangers of alcohol since childhood. One can imagine what such harm would be like for a cancer patient: an exhausted, weakened person, poisoned by cancer toxins. His liver is already unable to cope with cancer intoxication, and here it still has several repeated blows of alcohol per day. Long-term use alcohol leads to the development of liver cirrhosis and cancer Bladder, pancreatic and intestinal tumors, pelvic neoplasms. True, cancer of the esophagus and stomach occurs somewhat less frequently when using the Shevchenko method due to simultaneous administration vodka with butter. It turns out that a person hopes for Shevchenko’s method as a panacea for cancer, and as a result, in addition to the existing tumor process, he receives as a “reward” cancerous lesion another organ. This is the treatment!?
  • Regular drinking of alcohol itself quickly leads to the development of alcohol dependence. And if in a healthy person alcoholism develops after 10-20 years of drinking alcohol, then in a person weakened by a serious illness - after six months or a year of drinking vodka with butter. So it turns out that Shevchenko’s method slowly but surely kills the body, and the patient is already accustomed to his daily dose of alcohol and feels worse without it (withdrawal syndrome)
  • Not less harm A huge daily dose of sunflower oil (90 g per day instead of the average norm of 10-20 g), used in the Shevchenko method, also has a positive effect on the liver of a sick person. This quantity fatty acids stimulates the formation of bile in the liver and its release into gallbladder. It’s just that they are often unable to cope with such a load even healthy liver. As a result, the function of liver hepatocyte cells is quickly disrupted and the patient dies from cancer intoxication.
  • In addition, alcohol taken according to the Shevchenko method along with sunflower oil causes spasms bile ducts and complicates bile secretion, leads to stretching of the gallbladder, stagnation of bile and the formation of gallstones
  • Large doses of vodka with oil have a negative effect on the pancreas - sunflower oil stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, and alcohol prevents their release from the ducts of the pancreas into the intestines. The Shevchenko method is a guaranteed way to get a disease such as acute and chronic pancreatitis
  • An increased amount of sunflower oil has a pronounced laxative effect, disrupts the process of digestion and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, weakens the body, leading to great loss nutrients and fluids resulting from repeated diarrhea.
  • Vodka with oil according to Shevchenko’s method leads to exacerbation of hemorrhoids and the development chronic inflammation rectum (proctitis)

Could there be any benefit from vodka with butter?

First of all, it is worth understanding that drinking vodka with butter cannot cure cancer and stroke, allergies and other diseases. It is a fact. In what situations can Shevchenko’s method help?

  • In this ratio, as recommended by the author of the “method” - 30 g of vodka and 30 g of oil in the form of an emulsion, there is no benefit to the body. This technique can only be used by patients suffering from both peptic ulcer stomach and alcohol addiction. They are strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, but they can no longer stop drinking, so they are trying to somehow reduce the harmful effect of alcohol on the gastric mucosa
  • Any positive results that may appear as a result of using the Shevchenko method are due solely to the placebo effect, that is, the patient’s belief in miraculous power vodka with butter. In the case of a high patient, such a belief can occasionally lead to positive results. But a strong susceptibility to suggestion is statistically observed in only 3-5% of the population. But even in this case it is possible to achieve excellent results(and without any harm to health) by seeking help from a qualified psychotherapist. You can also use auto-training techniques, meditation, healing attitudes and spells for home psychotherapy. And at the same time, I repeat, there is no need to poison your body with toxic doses of vodka and butter.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that the only possibility recover from cancer - early treatment medical care and timely modern treatment from illness.

How to replace Shevchenko's method?

What should those who have tumor process gone too far? You should not use vodka with oil according to Shevchenko’s method or other similar absolutely inadequate recommendations. There is a whole range of methods and means that help fight cancer without having a negative effect on the body. This and proper nutrition, individually developed for each patient (and, Revici’s diet, etc.), and moderate physical activity, and , and the use of some traditional medicine (Shevchenko’s method folk medicine has no relation).
The main thing is not to give up, not to give up, to believe in recovery or the maximum extension of a full, active life.

What do you think about using vodka with oil according to Shevchenko’s method to treat various diseases? If anyone has real experience after taking this mixture, write in the comments about the results in your situation, about the benefits or harm for you or your loved ones.
