Stavropol State Medical University. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Stavropol State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Conditions

: 55°47′09.37″ n. w. 49°08′42.38″ E. d. /  55.785937° s. w. 49.145107° E. d.(G) (O) (I) 55.785937 , 49.145107

Kazan National Research Technological University(tat. Kazan milli tiksherenü technology universities, Qazan ilkülәm tikşerenü texnologiə universitetı) originates from Kazan United Industrial School, opened in 1897. In 1919, the Kazan Industrial School was transformed into Kazan Polytechnic Institute. May 13, 1930 on the basis of the Faculty of Chemistry Kazansky Polytechnic Institute and Faculty of Chemistry Kazan State University was created Kazan Chemical Institute, which since June 23, 1930 has been called Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute named after. A. M. Butlerova, and from April 23, 1935 to December 1992 - Kazan Chemical-Technological Institute named after. S. M. Kirova (Kazakh Chemical Technology Institute).

More than 27 thousand students study at KNRTU. According to the results of the ranking of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for 2008, the university ranks 11th out of 160 technical and technological universities. More than 1,100 teachers, 175 doctors of science, professors, 612 candidates of science, associate professors work at KNRTU. Rector - Dyakonov German Sergeevich.

University structure

Engineering Chemical Technology Institute (ICHTI) (Engineering Faculty, former 1st faculty)

  • Faculty of Energy-Intensive Materials and Products (FEMI)
  • Faculty of Environmental Technology Information Security(FETIB)

Institute of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (ICHME) ( 2nd and 3rd faculties)

  • Faculty of Mechanics (MF)
  • Faculty of Power Engineering and Process Equipment (FEMTO)

Institute of Petroleum, Chemistry and Nanotechnology (INKhN) ( 4th and 6th faculties)

  • Faculty of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies (FNNT)
  • Faculty of Petroleum and Petrochemistry (FNNKh)
  • Faculty chemical technologies(FHT)

Institute of Polymers (IP) (formerly 5th faculty)

  • Faculty of Technology and Processing of Rubbers and Elastomers (FTPKE)
  • Faculty of Technology, Processing and Certification of Plastics and Composites (FTPSPK)

Institute of Light Industry Technologies, Fashion and Design (ITLPMD) (formerly 7th faculty)

  • Faculty of Light Industry and Fashion Technologies (FTLPM)
  • Faculty of Design and Software Engineering (FDPI)

During its existence, the university has graduated more than 74 thousand specialists. Its graduates work in all corners of Russia and abroad. Many of them are senior officials of ministries and departments, higher education and scientific institutions, occupy responsible positions in state and public bodies, are general directors and chief specialists of the largest enterprises in Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan.

The University is rightfully proud of its students, including Academician V.V. Kafarov, corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences P.A. Kirpichnikov, S.R. Rafikov, I.V. Torgov, B.M. Mikhailov, Yu.S. Klyachkin , laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, RF and RT, prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR L. M. Beikin, S. G. Bogatyrev, R. S. Gainutdinov, S. N. Kosolapov, V. G. Shatsillo, G. K. Klimenko , A. I. Sidorov, V. A. Shishkin, A. G. Liakumovich, A. D. Nikolaeva, Kh. E. Kharlampidi, V.F. Sopin, A.F. Makhotkin and many others. The university employs major scientists, honored scientists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, full members and corresponding members of the academies of sciences of Tatarstan and Russia, who contribute to the growth of the prestige of existing scientific schools and the emergence of new ones: N. S. Akhmetov, R. A. Nugaev, R. S. Sayfullin, F. P. Madyakin, V. P. Barabanov, S. G. Dyakonov, F. A. Garifullin, V. A. Ivanov, V. A. Maksimov, A. A. Kirsanov, A. L. Salagaev.

The University sacredly preserves the memory of its outstanding scientists. A museum of the history of KSTU was opened in the city, memorials were created to academician A. E. Arbuzov, corresponding member of the Artillery Academy of Sciences B. L. Kondratsky, professor G. Kh. Kamaya, corresponding member. USSR Academy of Sciences P. A. Kirpichnikov, memorial plaques were installed and monographs were published about the life and work of prominent scientists and teachers of the university.

Public life

SSA KNRTU is a self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of students united on the basis of common interests to realize common goals, aimed at solving issues of life of student youth, developing their social activity and supporting social initiatives.



“A doctor is our profession, medicine is our calling.”

Stavropol State medical University was founded in 1938. Multi-level continuous education includes the training of qualified specialists with higher medical, economic and humanitarian education from pre-university training up to doctoral studies.

Helping applicants in their desire to become university students is the main task of the Faculty of Pre-University Education at StSMU. Small medical Academy, operating on the basis of the faculty, is an opportunity for students in grades 9-11 to get acquainted with the medical profession, acquire research skills, meet with prominent clinical scientists, visit the departments and museums of St. State Medical University, and adapt to the conditions of study at the university. The university accepts schoolchildren for training courses in basic subjects for StSMU: chemistry, biology and Russian language.

The structure of the university includes 4 faculties of basic education - medical, pediatric, dental, humanities and medical-biological education, where more than 3.5 thousand future specialists are trained.

The Faculty of Humanitarian and Medical-Biological Education began its work in 2011 and provides training in 6 areas of two-level training in undergraduate and graduate programs: economics, biotechnology, biology, adaptive physical education, special defectological education, social work. The demand for personnel in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, agriculture, economics and management provides a wide range of opportunities for our graduates.

Our students have at their disposal about 400 thousand copies of books and periodicals from the academy’s scientific library; the reading room provides access to more than 1000 electronic textbooks, including educational and methodological manuals teachers of St. State Medical University.

Already from the first day of study, students, in addition to theory, gradually gain practical skills of their future profession. A practical skills center unique for the South of Russia, equipped with last word technology, gives students the opportunity to work with phantoms and expert-class mannequins. Clinical training of students takes place on the basis of 28 medical and preventive institutions in Stavropol and three of its own clinical departments: an eye microsurgery clinic, a borderline clinic, and a dental clinic.

The faculty of foreign students has been training doctors for more than thirty countries of the world for decades. Stavropol State Medical University is one of 12 medical universities in Russia accredited to train students from India.

StSMU is actively integrating into the pan-European educational space. The university cooperates with the non-profit partnership “National Union of Medical Students”, which unites medical universities 14 cities of the Russian Federation. By participating in programs international exchange, our students study the experience of other countries in the field of science and healthcare.

The university has the largest postgraduate and postgraduate institute in the south of Russia. additional education, which consists of two faculties. Internship training is carried out in 19 specialties, in clinical residency - in 43 specialties, in cycles of professional retraining and advanced training - in 72 specialties. The Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers implements additional programs vocational education in pedagogy, computer science, specialty and applied related disciplines.

Stavropol State Medical University successfully trains personnel for practical healthcare. During its existence, the university has become one of the largest medical schools in Russia. A number of outstanding scientists and doctors made significant contributions to the development of the university and medical science generally.

Today, Stavropol Medical University strives to maximally expand the list of educational programs offered different levels– specialty, bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate, doctoral, second higher education, advanced training programs. Now at St. State Medical University you can also get secondary specialized education. In 2012, the Academy included the Essentuki Medical College, which provides professional educational programs in the specialties of Medicine and Nursing. College graduates - paramedics and nurses - have high level training, which ensures guaranteed employment in medical and sanatorium-resort health institutions of the region and the North Caucasus region. After graduating from college, students receive state diplomas and the opportunity to undergo specialization and advanced training in 30 medical specialties and receive a certificate.

Research is one of the components of learning, and an opportunity for students to open up prospects for the future career growth. The most important element The infrastructure of the university is a center for scientific and innovative development, which includes six laboratories: experimental surgery, nanotechnology medicines, cell technologies, laboratory of pharmacology, physiology and endothelial pathology, laboratory of pharmacogenetic research. Today there are 4 scientific schools at the university. Three dozen awards won over the past 10 years at various international medical exhibitions and forums give an idea of scientific activity teachers and students. The university also cooperates with the RUSNANO corporation in the practical implementation of the most important scientific developments for the people of Russia.

Student health improvement is one of the important components of the policy educational institution. A 25-meter swimming pool, three gyms, an outdoor basketball court, and the Iskra sanatorium make Stavropol State Medical University a university healthy image life. Specialists of the Student Health Center constantly monitor the physical and mental state students at St. State Medical University.

Studying at the Medical University is not only theory, practice and scientific research. During the teaching process, teachers pay a lot of attention to the harmonious development of the personality of each student. In the centers educational work- volunteer movement, patriotic education, KVN team, dance and music studios. Vocals, performing arts, choreography, folklore, sport sections, tourist club are just a few of the areas where a student of St. State Medical University can realize himself. The university has 4 dormitories equipped for comfortable living.

By the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on May 26, 1937, it was decided to organize medical school. The real work on its opening began in the summer of 1938, and classes began on September 19. 166 first-year students began their studies. Due to the lack of their own educational buildings, training was carried out in rented premises of the veterinary and pedagogical institutes. At the beginning of 1939, the two-story building, previously occupied by high school No. 6 on the street. Kaganovich (now Morozova), house 8, and then the neighboring building at number 6.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War The evacuated Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute joined the university. The duration of training was reduced from five to three and a half years. On August 1, 1942, the first graduation of young doctors took place. During the occupation of the city by Nazi troops (from August 3, 1942 to January 20, 1943), the institute suffered significant damage: equipment was looted, clinical base, 68 employees and their family members were killed. But already on February 8, 1943, the institute resumed its work.

In 1937-1994, the name of the university was “Stavropol Medical Institute”. In 1994-2013 - Stavropol State Medical Academy. On February 18, 2013, the academy received university status.

More than 50 doctors of science, 274 candidates of science, and more than 180 qualified teachers work at 72 departments of the Stavropol State Medical University. Among the teachers are 20 members of various international academies and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 28 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, 3 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 2 Honored Workers of Higher Education.

In 2012, the Essentuki Medical College was included in the university, implementing professional educational programs in the specialties of medicine and nursing. College graduates - paramedics and nurses - have a high level of training, which ensures guaranteed employment in medical and sanatorium institutions of the region and the North Caucasus region. After graduating from college, students receive state diplomas and the opportunity to undergo specialization and advanced training in 30 medical specialties and receive a certificate.

The university has four academic buildings, four dormitories, dental clinic, clinics of eye microsurgery, borderline conditions, vertebroneurology. All clinical departments are located at regional and city bases medical institutions and are equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment.

The educational institution has its own sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool, gymnastics and gyms, solarium, sauna, massage rooms and medical supervision.
