Gemstones that suit Pisces. Which stone is suitable for fish?

To accurately determine which stone is suitable for Pisces, you need to know the date of birth of the sign’s representative.

Astrological decades and stone selection

  1. Pisces related by date of birth ( February 19th - March 1st) by the first decade of the sign, are under the protection of Saturn. They like to play capriciously and dream, and are not afraid of change, including in personal life. Suitable stones for them are carnelian, aventurine, blood jasper, moonstone, amethyst and tiger's eye.
  2. Those who are in the second decade by date of birth ( 2nd - 11th March), feel the influence of Jupiter. They strive for fame and recognition, and are very sensitive to deception. Suitable stones Pisces of this period are heliotrope, opal, pearl, coral and hairy.
  3. Pisces of the third decade by date of birth ( 12th - 20th March) are exposed to Mars. They love to move in society and are always ready to provide a service to their neighbor. Astrologers say that the sign reacts positively to the following minerals: alexandrite, emerald, chrysolite, aquamarine, sapphire, diamond and tourmaline.

Precious amulets for Pisces

Those who, by date of birth, belong to astrological sign Pisces, aquamarine is very suitable. A talisman with this stone corresponds to the calm, thoughtful energy of the representatives of this sign. Aquamarine helps its owner control emotions and restrain excessive manifestations of altruism characteristic of Pisces. The gem makes the sign bolder and more persistent in achieving its goals.

Aquamarine teaches Pisces, according to their zodiac sign, to react more calmly in stressful situations and not to worry about trifles. This Pisces stone prevents its owner from flying too high in the clouds, helps to complete started projects and embody ideas. It is better for Pisces to wear aquamarine during the day, then it will fill them with energy and strength.

Pisces' gemstones should give them energy and protect them from external negativity. Astrologers believe that sapphire will do this best. This is a stone of altruists and honest people, to whom this sign belongs. Sapphire protects its owner from diseases and nervous shocks. A talisman with a mineral teaches Pisces, according to their zodiac sign, to take care not only of others, but also of themselves.

According to the horoscope, Pisces obeys the element of water, so pearls suit them. The sign is very sensitive to public opinion, censure and criticism. Pearls as a talisman protect against evil words, betrayal and betrayal. It brings joy and happiness into the life of its owner. White pearls fight illness and fatigue. Decorating with it helps this horoscope sign to relax and escape from business.

Pisces often cannot relax because their thoughts are constantly busy with something. Golden topaz helps to “clear” your head, distract yourself and calm down. The straw-colored mineral brings good luck in all endeavors and does not allow you to give up in case of failure.

Topaz blue color reduces the consequences of stressful situations, gives enlightenment and protects against diseases.

The Pisces sign often becomes a victim of deceivers both in business matters and in personal life. Topaz helps them not to be disappointed in people, not to succumb to the tricks of provocateurs and scammers. Blue topaz develops intuition and logical thinking.

Stones for female Pisces

The sign is very “feminine”, so everything characteristics are most clearly manifested in women of this zodiac sign. Beautiful representatives of Pisces sacrifice their time and health for the sake of their loved ones. Topaz blue helps a woman recover psychologically and physically. A talisman with this gem takes care of the health of its owner. In addition, topaz allows a woman to preserve her beauty and youth for a long time.

For an unmarried Pisces woman, pearls are very suitable as a talisman. It attracts the attention of men to its owner and gives her confidence in his irresistibility. Pearls tell a woman when she needs to pay special attention to her health.

A talisman with an amethyst suits the Pisces woman's zodiac sign. This gemstone preserves marital love and brings constancy in relationships. Amethyst makes a woman more sociable and open. The mineral helps to find true friends and associates. Decoration with amethyst protects against lies, pretense and envy.

Choosing a talisman for a man

The sign of Pisces makes its male representatives somewhat soft and confused in difficult situations. Golden sapphire helps its owner build a career, teaches him to defend his own opinion. A talisman with this gem protects the sign from ill-wishers, enemies and envious people. Astrologers believe that sapphire is capable of fulfilling the cherished desires of its owner.

Aquamarine is suitable for Pisces men who occupy high positions. A talisman with this stone makes them confident, protects them from dishonest partners and dangerous deals. Aquamarine teaches you to defend your opinion and helps in the fight for justice.

For a Pisces man, a talisman with peridot. This stone helps to achieve success in the professional field. The mineral is useful for men's health and improves sleep quality. Peridot teaches patience, wisdom and improves oratory skills. The gem gives courage, eliminates doubts and warns against making wrong decisions.

Which stones are best to avoid?

Many astrologers do not advise wearing blue topaz often. family Pisces Zodiac sign. He can plant unnecessary doubts in their hearts about the fidelity of their spouse.

It is not advisable for Pisces zodiac sign to wear jade. The stone is capable of turning an already hardworking representative of the sign into a person obsessed with work. Jade can make you feel depressed and make you lose faith in your abilities. When choosing a stone for Pisces, you should not categorically refuse powerful gems. They can be worn for a short time in difficult situations when energy replenishment is required.

Talismans have great value for many people. This is quite justified, because stones have great power, which acts to improve the life of its owner.

You can choose from several options, the main thing is that it suits her and matches her life goals.

Choosing a stone for a woman according to her zodiac sign is Pisces.

Pisces are most often very vulnerable and sensitive individuals; they take everything to heart and are not very picky about people. It is very easy to offend such a person, so the amulet will be incredibly useful. A correctly chosen stone will allow you to avoid those who have selfish motives, are unkind or envious. The stone can also attract life the right person, with whom a Pisces woman will find real family happiness.

Which Should she choose to be pursued by good luck and avoid all misfortunes? You can consider options that are great for people of this zodiac sign, help them achieve success and fulfill their cherished desires:

Labrador allows its owner to gain confidence in himself and his abilities. According to the zodiac sign of Pisces, this stone helps a woman find her direction in terms of profession and achieve success in it. Labrador is good amulet from envious people and ill-wishers, which is very important for fish.

- This is the strongest amulet of peace and harmony in family life. He attracts fish into a woman’s destiny the right man, who will become a reliable support and faithful life partner. Pearls help to reveal to a woman all her inner beauty and the richness of the spiritual world.

Sapphire is an incredibly strong talisman against all failures; it allows you to bypass obstacles on the way to your goal. This stone protects you from unkind people and allows you to meet the right people. Thanks to pleasant accidents, more and more happy moments appear in life.

Aquamarine has incredible power, allowing you to use it for the benefit of your health and mental state. According to the zodiac sign of Pisces, this stone brings happiness to a woman, adding vital energy for new achievements.

Amethyst– an incredibly powerful amulet that affects all areas of the life of its owner. It helps to find a life partner with whom a woman will be truly happy, find a favorite profession and achieve success in any of her endeavors.

Protects the bonds of marriage, helps to establish relationships with all the people around you and find true friends. Coral natural origin white or pink will ensure happiness in your personal life and protect your family from envious people and slander. This stone is most suitable for those who find it difficult to meet people and are also not entirely confident in their abilities.

The choice of a talisman or amulet for fish is very important, since a person gains protection and a symbol of good luck in the form of one stone. The chosen talisman must remain close to its owner throughout his life, then his powers will always be aimed at creating happiness.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, belongs to water element. The symbol of this sign is two fish tied together with a ribbon or thread and swimming in different sides. The duality of the image means the contradiction between the material and spiritual worlds.

Pisces are considered one of the most mystical signs of the Zodiac circle. They have a gentle character, are sensitive, sentimental, gifted with creative intuition and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of ideals or dear people.

Due to their rich imagination and tendency to live in their inner world, this sign seems helpless and not adapted to everyday life.

A talisman stone that suits this sign is able to protect against evil and activate creativity.

Talisman stones

The water element of Pisces determines the color of the talisman stones: blue, light blue, green, aqua or foam (white, gray, crystal clear).

The most effective amulets are those chosen according to the date of birth. This approach will strengthen the connection between man, the stone and the patron planet.

Each mineral has its own character and power aimed at solving various problems and troubles. Depending on which mineral you choose, different positive traits of a person are activated.

A talisman is a very personal thing; it connects material and mystical space, protects against external and internal negative aspects. Stones should never be stolen or obtained through deception, otherwise the positive energy will be distorted. When choosing a stone, they focus on tactile and emotional sensations: a real amulet seems warm, it’s pleasant to hold in your hands and you don’t want to let go of it.

Dangerous stones for Pisces

The impact of stones on character and energy is very strong. Many talismans can be too powerful and activate negative character traits.

Which mineral is contraindicated for the Water sign? Pisces women should avoid bright red stones. Such minerals will have a suppressive effect and awaken unusual activity.

The contradiction between the soft nature and the motivation of the stone will ultimately lead to depression, or even depression.

The following stones are contraindicated for the water sign of the zodiac:

A well-chosen amulet reveals the best traits in a person. If you wear contraindicated stones, you can disrupt the harmony of the individual, cause depression, depression, attract troubles and resistance from the Universe to all matters and undertakings.

Which of the contraindicated stones can you wear if you like the jewelry? If the mineral is pleasant to hold in your hands, you get the feeling that the stone is in its place, such a talisman can be used. This means that some character trait is very weakened and requires additional stimulation, active influence, and the help of other signs and spheres of influence.

Pisces is the most mysterious, but energetically vulnerable sign of the Zodiac circle. Therefore, natural helpers-minerals are of particular importance to him. Properly selected stones for Pisces will share their strength, and the person will become a healthy, self-confident optimist.

What should be the stones for Pisces?

Astrominerologists have found that everyone Zodiac constellation there is an ally in the mineral kingdom. They also established that the element of man must correspond to the element of stone.

The best stones for Pisces as a Water sign are translucent or opaque (moonstone, aventurine, pearl, topaz, aquamarine).

You can use gems of a friendly element. For Water it is Earth. These include lapis lazuli, turquoise, heliotrope, cacholong, coral, and others.

Fish stones

Zero compatibility between water minerals and fire minerals. Talismans in such a combination are useless, since the energies of the elements will destroy each other.

The main stones of Pisces are pearls, opal, selenite, cacholong.

Pisces is the only sign in the Zodiac circle with which pearls are friends.

Caution is required when using “air” minerals: together with water stones in jewelry, they create vibrations that are uncomfortable for sensitive natures.

Select by date of birth (decade)

Astrologers suggest choosing a stone talisman based on your date of birth.

February 21 – March 1

These romantic people are patronized by Saturn. Minerals suitable for Pisces of this decade are energetically powerful: aventurine, amethyst, jasper, selenite, tiger's eye. The stones will reduce the degree of daydreaming in Pisces and help them look at things pragmatically. Leave speculative problems alone, paying attention to everyday life.

Stones suitable for fish by date of birth

March 2 – 11

Powerful Jupiter takes care of those born in the second decade. Their souls are wide open, but with an admixture of vanity. They need to wear golden hairy quartz, heliotrope, pearls, coral, light opal.

Light opal

Having guessed with the option by date of birth, they realize the desire to be recognized by others.

March 12 – 20

The curator of the final ten days of Pisces is militant Mars. People born on these days are purposeful, cheerful, and sociable. But these are perfectionists, sometimes placing increased demands on themselves and those around them. They value earthly joys and achieve them. The best Pisces stones of this period are alexandrite, aquamarine, sapphire, peridot, emerald, tourmaline.

Gems that fit the canons of astrology will allow you to achieve results without regard to other people's opinions. Creative people can more easily overcome mood swings with them.

Depending on year of birth

You can choose a gemstone according to the Eastern horoscope:

  • Rat. Pomegranate will soften the owner’s harsh disposition and make him more lenient towards people. Along the way, it will add strength for great achievements.

  • Bull. The tiger's eye will become a strong support and protection in problematic situations. It will help develop intuition in order to avoid mistakes and correctly interpret dubious signs.
  • Tiger. Amethyst will become a tool in the implementation of creative ideas or projects. The person will become financially independent.
  • Rabbit (Cat). Pearls will be an amulet against curses, the evil eye, damage, and a talisman throughout life. The owner will first think, then act (and not vice versa), choose expressions.
Gold earrings with pearls
  • The Dragon. Peridot is best suited for your horoscope. It will make the owner a confident, respectable, more sociable person.

Golden ring with peridot
  • Snake. Peridot will make you believe in yourself and your external attractiveness, look at the world more confidently, and be kinder to people.

  • Horse. Excess emotions neutralize aquamarine. Jewelry with a gem is especially necessary for people who are prone to panic if something doesn’t go according to plan.
  • Goat. Decoration with pomegranate will smooth out the roughness of character, nourish the owner energetically, and add optimism.

  • Monkey. Opal will tell you how to realize your dream. It will bring calm to a soul burning with righteous anger. It will help reason prevail and choose a new vector of life.

  • Rooster. The Rooster's excessive boastfulness will be reduced by aquamarine. The gem will force you to control yourself, maintaining composure in a force majeure situation.

  • Dog. An accessory or a pearl bead will be an amulet and an amulet at the same time. The mineral will make the owner invulnerable to negativity and wean him from the tendency to gossip or slander.

  • Pig. Moonstone will add strength and relieve fatigue or tension. The person will become an optimist.

You can use the power of talismans in jewelry or individual crystals. But they must be natural.

Pisces Women Stones

Astrology for the Pisces woman recommends the following gems as allies:

  • Cacholong. Stone number one. Rare beautiful view(the second name is pearl agate) is needed by a lady of any age, social or family status. It will help those in doubt make decisions, trust people, and can protect them from tears and disappointments. The hostess is not threatened with betrayal or reasons for jealousy. She will begin to believe in herself more. Suitable for a teenage girl.

  • Aquamarine. A must for anyone who doubts their personal attractiveness. Will add confidence, courage, independence. The owner of the stone will easily achieve goals and calmly respond to problems. The gem will warn of potential danger or illness with turbidity.

  • Selenite(Moonstone). Heals the soul and body (especially women's sphere). Will awaken natural femininity and fragility in the “iron lady”. In order for the union to be strong and long, they “organize” a gift of jewelry with a mineral from the other half. If you need to find it, use a “lunar” accessory.

In addition to these “three pillars”, there are other stones that are appropriate for Pisces women.

The talisman of older women is amethyst. The gem will help a woman be healthy physically and emotionally.

Emerald stone suits Pisces women well. This is the boss lady's best ally. It will attract business success, financial abundance and family well-being.

Sapphire is considered energetically strong, therefore it is acceptable only for a self-sufficient Pisces woman.

Pisces stones for men

Stones suitable for a Pisces man are pearls, aquamarine, amethyst:

  • A mineral of good luck that guarantees a positive outcome and financial abundance. Protects people of mental work or businessmen. He will teach you to take care of your loved ones without neglecting your personal interests.

  • Aquamarine. Necessary for people working on themselves: it will sharpen intuition, establish a channel of communication with By higher powers. Will teach you to neutralize intriguers or envious people. Inhumans will be made more open and sociable.

  • Amethyst. It will become a “battery” for the body, especially a depleted one. Will tell you how to use your inner potential to develop harmoniously, believe in yourself, understand the world. A mosaic of talents and abilities will form a single puzzle. Necessary for those who are unable to cope with emotions or alcohol addiction. Heals the body as a whole.

Other gems intended for Pisces have a narrower specialization.

Sapphire is indispensable for health, as it protects against diseases, especially those related to the nerves; inspires a feeling of joy and positivity.

With tourmaline you can achieve success in the field of creativity.

Coral is a stone that brings good luck to financiers: it helps to concentrate, accept correct solution, establish relationships with partners, implement the project.

Individual talismans and amulets

People born under the constellation Pisces are favorably influenced by Neptune and Jupiter.

They have several patrons in the mineral world. Since the sign is energetically weakened, stone talismans or amulets, on the contrary, are strong in this regard:

  • Aquamarine. It will teach you to really evaluate people and help only those who deserve it, while at the same time not forgetting about yourself. Pisces will become bolder, more assertive, and will force others to respect themselves.

  • Amethyst. The properties of the stone are indispensable for everyone who is powerless to say goodbye to alcoholism or drug addiction. Helps when called “on the carpet”. Silver is a “magnet” for money, establishes business connections, and attracts lucrative contracts. It is of particular importance for ladies who want to become mothers.

Pisces money stones are pearls, coral, amethyst, jasper.

  • Jet. A strong assistant to truth-seekers and a protector of the weak, makes Pisces cautious and restrained. Increases resistance to adversity.

  • Heliodor. Semiprecious stone, associated with the Sun, will pull you out of despondency and melancholy. It will make you self-sufficient, respected people, teach you to love and value yourself. It will serve as a social elevator.

  • Hematite. An ideal attribute of rebels who decided to swim against the tide. It will give you direction and give you energy and courage. However, a person will evaluate himself realistically and make only feasible promises.

  • Coral. Awakens intuition, stops doubts, suspiciousness or self-flagellation. Any decoration (except for dark red inserts) will bring love and money to the owner. Corals also help with travel and travel (but not business).
  • Opal. A stone valuable for Pisces, who prioritize family values and the love sphere. Dreamy natures will receive protection from envious people, creative people will increase their potential, scientists will work more efficiently. The gem will nourish you physically and emotionally.

  • Selenite. A mysteriously flickering moonstone will wean you from worrying or panicking over little things and from watching your words. Will evoke prophetic or pleasant dreams, will be sedative around the clock. This is a barometer of tender feelings: as love fades, it dims. The new moon allows you to start life over again, discarding empty dreams and unrealistic plans.

  • Chrysolite. Will open it for a person best qualities, will show personal beauty, adding charisma.
  • Jasper. An earth mineral (except dark red) will bring dreamers back to reality.

Jewelry with turquoise, lapis lazuli, sapphire – suitable options to achieve creative or business heights. They also attract wealth.

Connection with chakras and metals

For the chakras associated with the sign of Pisces, blue-blue or indigo minerals are beneficial.

Lapis lazuli, blue aventurine, and amethyst stones are used in manipulations with the sixth, Brow chakra (Ajna). Pearls, topaz, selenite - from the seventh, the Crown (Sahasrara).

Metal of Pisces – silver. This is a universal natural amulet against the evil eye, diseases and troubles. Guarantees success in all areas of life, especially personal.

What stones should not be worn by a sign?

Pisces are energetically weak; natural minerals of the opposite sign of Virgo in the Zodiac circle are dangerous for them.

They will “pull out” all their strength on the physical and mental plane.

Pisces are not suitable for stones of dark or red shades: they create uncertainty, causing hopeless depression.

This applies to jewelry with corals (if you want, you can choose a green, blue-blue or olive variety) and jasper. It serves only a person who unconditionally trusts it, therefore it is contraindicated as a talisman stone for freedom-loving creative people.

The following gems require caution::

  • opal needed only by those who know exactly what they want from life and how to achieve it;
  • onyx– delicate Pisces do not perceive these almost universal stones according to the signs of the Zodiac; the energy of gems makes the outcome of any of their projects negative;
  • will not plot emerald, but you need to wear it occasionally, at critical moments (for example, when there are problems in the love sphere).

However, the number one banned mineral is carnelian.

He makes a fanatical hard worker out of a person, which for weak Pisces is fraught with nervousness and physical exhaustion. They will lose confidence in themselves at the slightest shock. The stone will complicate contacts with family and friends, creating an impenetrable cocoon of emptiness around the owner. Jewelry with red stones will make you aggressive.

Features of using stones

Talisman stones for the sign of Pisces will work if the jewelry is worn correctly:

  • Professional success and self-confidence will be provided to men by silver cufflinks or a tie clip;
  • a woman on a date should wear beads or earrings with a moonstone;
  • since the energy of the Zodiac sign Pisces circulates in the area of ​​the feet, it is better to decorate the ankle: a jewelry talisman consists of fish figures on an elegant chain;
  • Only jewelry made from one type of stone is suitable for Pisces; a combination of several is unacceptable: the chaotic energy of gems will provoke mental disorders and diseases;
  • Stones-amulets or amulets are not put on display so that the bad energy; It is better to wear such things under clothes.

Suspicious, insecure, or prone to mood swings, Pisces require remarkable dedication from the stone chosen according to their zodiac sign.

Periodically they are sent to rest in a box. If it is wooden, it is better to choose Pisces talisman wood as the material: willow, birch, linden, elderberry or pine.

Pisces – empathy and naivety

Pisces is certainly one of the most gentle signs of the Zodiac. You need to be extremely gentle with them so as not to offend their sensitive nature. Sometimes Pisces are so trusting that they begin to perceive other people's thoughts and ideas as their own. These people are absolutely non-confrontational and are ready to agree with any arguments of their opponent, just so as not to provoke a quarrel. If you show excessive aggression and rudeness towards them, then you can kill a person’s interest in the world in general for a long time.

At the same time, Pisces is a very capable and even talented sign. Their sensitive soul helps them realize themselves in art, primarily in theater. They are endowed with a vivid imagination and high intelligence. Their empathic abilities (the ability to empathize) are also striking. Pisces will help those in need even to their own detriment, and this makes them indispensable workers in medicine, education and charitable organizations.

Pisces' penchant for introspection and deep reflection also plays an important role. It often happens that a person, because of his suspiciousness, completely withdraws and voluntarily dooms himself to loneliness. They treat people undemandingly and turn a blind eye to almost all their shortcomings.

In work, this sign can achieve good results - perseverance and responsibility make them good subordinates. However, Pisces can be found very rarely in “commander” positions - they lack the determination and self-confidence for this.

Date of birth is the most important criterion in choosing gemstones for Pisces

Although Pisces is protected by powerful and even aggressive planets, this has almost no effect on them. Most of them remain dreamers and romantics. Picking up Gems for Pisces, it is better to pay attention not to the date of birth - it will help you not make a mistake in your choice.

  • February 21 – March 1. The influence of Saturn is quite strong for children born in these numbers. However, this power distorts the typical characteristics of Pisces and makes them capricious individuals, often living in a world of pipe dreams. Men of this period are quite greedy for women. Women, in turn, love loneliness. The best Gems for Pisces first decade: hematite, bull's eye, amethyst, tiger's eye and jasper.
  • March 2 – March 11. The natives of these days are influenced by Jupiter. Such children grow up to be extremely ambitious and truthful, but the modesty characteristic of Pisces rarely allows them to realize themselves to the fullest. Pisces born in early March adore ceremonial atmospheres and all kinds of ceremonies. Among gemstones for Pisces, suitable for this decade, it is worth noting hairy, heliotrope, coral and opal.
  • March 12 – 20. Despite the fact that Pisces born during this period are under the influence of Mars, they do not grow up to be warlike. Rather, they can be described as helpful, polite and sociable people who enjoy spending time in a group. Beautiful gemstones for Pisces the last ten days are considered: diamond, aquamarine, emerald and sapphire.

Gems for Pisces women

Pearl agate (cacholong) is an excellent choice gemstone for Pisces woman. It is suitable for those who are looking, but have not yet found their betrothed, and for those who have already done it and are slowly mastering it family life. Kacholong will be useful even for those women who are expecting a child or are already raising one. This gemstone for Pisces woman serves good talisman for daily wear. It is believed to attract happiness and pure love to a person. Its only drawback is its rarity, which results in a decent price.

Brooch “Penguin” with sea pearls and cacholong

It often happens that women of this sign are so busy with chores that they forget that they are women. Moonstone will help the fair half of Pisces to always be beautiful and feminine. It fully reveals the sensuality of Pisces and attracts men.

Gems for Pisces men

In the perception of other people, men of this sign are likely to be “not like everyone else.” A rich imagination, innate acting talent and sensuality of the stronger half of Pisces are reflected. Often this opinion of people makes the Pisces man somewhat constrained and awkward with women. Aquamarine will help get rid of this. A sea-green stone will contribute to the development of communication skills and will not allow a person to become hardened in his soul. Aquamarine also successfully helps in the fight against ill-wishers.

Amethyst rosary

To increase self-confidence, you can also use this gemstone for Pisces men like an amethyst. This stone will help Pisces, avid lovers of introspection, to better understand themselves and those around them and provoke the most harmonious development of personality.

The most powerful gemstones for Pisces

Amethyst, according to astrologers, is the best gemstone for Pisces. This purple handsome man can't stand it long-term wearing– it is better to periodically remove it and replace it with another stone. This is explained by the powerful, almost supernatural power of the stone - it protects the owner from hostile magic, helps a person in any of his endeavors and makes his mind clear.

Since ancient times, amethyst has been credited with a sobering effect. These Gems for Pisces will protect their owner from alcohol and drug adventures, and will also remove the consequences of yesterday's party. Astrologers explain such amazing effects by the fact that amethyst strengthens a person’s willpower, and, therefore, it is easier for him to resist the temptation to get drunk. This can be very important for Pisces, because when faced with misunderstanding or aggression from others, some of them will seek solace in a bottle.

About others precious stones for Pisces:
