Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise, the main criteria. Criteria for assessing the financial condition of the enterprise JSC "PO BMZ

In financial theory and practice, it is recognized that the main criteria for assessing financial condition self-supporting (commercial) organizations are indicators of solvency and financial stability of the organization. These criteria for assessing the financial condition can be applied in the financial analysis of the consumer society - not commercial organization. The criteria and methods for assessing solvency and financial stability used in theory and practice are based on sufficiently in large numbers indicators (coefficients) derived from the composition of the assets and liabilities of the organization's balance sheet. The very concepts of "solvency" and "financial stability", as noted by some financiers, are to a certain extent conditional and do not have strict boundaries. However, in the financial analysis of enterprises they are used everywhere. They are also used by commercial banks when analyzing the creditworthiness of borrowers.

Under solvency is understood as the ability of the consumer society to fulfill its payment obligations in a timely manner and in full. To do this, he must have sufficient funds to make payments.

Many scientists believe that solvency is expressed by coefficients that measure the ratio of current assets or their individual elements with short-term debt, i.e. showing to what extent the assets of an economic entity (organization, enterprise) are able to cover its debts.

The financial position of the consumer society, its solvency can be characterized by a number of indicators.

The need for a new approach to determining the solvency of a consumer society arose in connection with the transition of the economy to market relations.

The solvency of a consumer society in market conditions is determined by a system of indicators, the main ones are three: absolute liquidity ratio; intermediate liquidity ratio; the overall coverage ratio (or the so-called current ratio).

In addition to what has been said, we note the following. Under balance sheet liquidity consumer society, as well as other organizations, it is understood the possibility of converting its assets into cash to pay off liability obligations. For this purpose, the balance sheet assets are divided according to the degree of liquidity into short-term assets, long-term assets and permanent (non-mobile) assets. All liabilities on the balance according to the terms of payments are divided into short-term liabilities, long-term liabilities, permanent (non-mobile) liabilities.

Comparison of short-term assets with short-term liabilities (current liabilities) characterizes absolute liquidity, that is, it shows the proportion of short-term liabilities that can be repaid at the expense of highly liquid assets.

According to the approximate balance given above, we determine the coefficients (K):

where is the absolute liquidity ratio

– interim liquidity ratio

– coverage ratio

DS - cash,

KFV - short-term financial investments,

DZ - accounts receivable,

ZZ - stocks and costs,

KO - short-term liabilities.

We calculate the coefficients according to the above formulas and balance sheet data. They make up:

At the beginning of the year At the end of the year

Standard value of the indicator: 0.2–0.25.

At the beginning of the year At the end of the year

A sufficient criterion Kpr.l is in the range of 0.7–0.8.

At the beginning of the year At the end of the year

The coverage ratio makes it possible to establish whether there are enough liquid assets to repay short-term liabilities. Depending on the forms of payment and turnover working capital the solvency of the consumer society is considered secured at the level of Kp = 1–2.5.

Under financial stability is understood as the financial condition of a consumer society, in which constantly in normal conditions the financing of economic activities and the fulfillment of all its obligations to other organizations, employees and the state are ensured due to the receipt of sufficient income.

The financial stability of a consumer society is determined by: 1) the availability of own funds in circulation; 2) the ratio of reserves and costs of own working capital; 3) the coefficient of financial stability and 4) the coefficient of autonomy.

The methodology for calculating the availability of own funds in circulation and the ratio of reserves and costs of own working capital is shown above.

Supply and cost coverage ratio own funds in a consumer society is respectively:

at the beginning and end of the year - 0.58 and 0.79.

The financial stability ratio (KFU) is defined as the ratio of own funds in circulation and long-term liabilities (credits and loans) to the amount of current assets (stocks, costs, receivables).

where Sos - own working capital,

DO - long-term liabilities (credits and loans),

OK - current assets (stocks, costs, receivables).

Financial Stability Ratio (KFU) in a consumer society

at the beginning and end of the year and

The coefficient of financial autonomy (Kfa) (also called the coefficient of financial independence) is defined as the ratio of the amount of own funds of a consumer society in the form of capital and reserves to the value of all liabilities, i.e.:

The coefficient of autonomy according to the balance of the consumer society, respectively, is:

at the beginning and end of the year and

The optimal value, which ensures a fairly stable financial position of the organization, is 50-60%.

System financial indicators the organization's activities include a number of indicators of profitability (profitability). These profitability indicators are shown in Table 4.15.

Table 4.15

Profitability indicators used in financial analysis

Name of indicator

Calculation formula

Brief comment

1. Profitability products sold(goods), RRP

where Pr - profit from the sale of products (goods);

CRP - full cost of goods sold (goods)

Shows the amount of profit received per 1 ruble of costs (cost)

2. Profitability of production, Rp

Rp =

where Pb - balance sheet profit;

OF + MZ - average cost fixed assets and material costs(production resources)

Shows the amount of profit received per 1 ruble of production resources

Indicators for assessing the financial condition of enterprises

To assess the financial condition of enterprises, the sources of data are the balance sheet of the enterprise and the profit and loss statement.

To analyze the financial condition of an enterprise, four groups of coefficients are used:

    indicators of solvency and liquidity;

    indicators of financial stability;

    profitability indicators;

    business activity indicators;

    indicators of market activity.

1. Indicators of solvency and liquidity.

The liquidity of an enterprise means the ability of its assets to be converted into money. Solvency means the ability of the enterprise to repay its obligations in a timely manner and in full.

To determine the liquidity of an enterprise, the following indicators are calculated:

Absolute liquidity ratio

a.l. =

The minimum standard value of this indicator is set at 0.2-0.25. The absolute liquidity ratio shows what part of accounts payable the company can repay at the time of reporting.

Quick liquidity ratio (interim liquidity ratio)

b.l. =

Current liquidity ratio

K t.l. =

The recommended value of this coefficient is from 1 to 2. The lower limit indicates the insolvency of the enterprise. If the current liquidity ratio is more than 2-3, as a rule, this indicates the irrational use of the company's funds. The current liquidity ratio shows whether the enterprise has enough funds that can be used by it to pay off its short-term obligations during the year.

Supply and cost coverage ratio own sources

K supply and cost coverage =

This ratio shows the share of own working capital, which fall on the financing of stocks and costs.

Own current assets show what part of the enterprise's current assets is financed by the enterprise's own funds, and can be calculated as the difference between current assets and current liabilities of the enterprise. The excess of current assets over current liabilities means the availability of financial resources to expand the activities of the enterprise. However, a significant excess indicates an inefficient use of resources.

2. Indicators of financial stability.

The financial stability of an enterprise is such a state of its financial resources, their distribution and use, which ensures the development of the enterprise based on the growth of profits and capital while maintaining solvency and creditworthiness under conditions of an acceptable level of risk.

There are four types of financial stability:

1. absolute stability(occurs extremely rarely);

S = 1; one; 1 , i.e.  SOS  0

2. regulatory sustainability, guarantees the solvency of the enterprise;

S = 0; one; 1 , i.e.  SOS  0

3. unstable financial condition, in which the solvent balance is violated, but the possibility of restoring the balance by replenishing sources of own funds and accelerating inventory turnover remains;

S = 0; 0; 1 , i.e.  SOS  0

4. financial crisis(the company is on the verge of bankruptcy);

S = 0; 0; 0 , i.e.  SOS  0

To characterize the sources of formation of reserves, three main indicators are used:

1. Availability of own working capital (SOS):

SOS =  balance sheet liability section -  balance sheet asset section *

This indicator characterizes net working capital. Its increase in comparison with the previous period indicates the further development of the enterprise.

2. Availability of own and long-term borrowed sources of formation of reserves and costs (SD):

SD \u003d SOS +  r.p.b.

3.The total value of the main sources of formation of reserves and costs (OI):

OI \u003d SD + p. 610  r.p.b.

There are three indicators of the provision of reserves with sources of their formation:

1. Surplus (+) or lack (-) SOS ( SOS):

 SOS \u003d SOS - Z,

where 3 - reserves (p. 210  r.a.b.).

2. Surplus (+) or deficiency (-) SD ( SD):

 SD = SD - W

3. Excess (+) or lack (-) of OI ( OI):

 OI \u003d OI - Z

The above indicators of the availability of reserves with sources of their formation are integrated into a three-component indicator S:

S =  SOS;  SD;  OI  ,

which characterizes the type of financial stability.

The financial stability of the enterprise is based on the analysis of the capital structure of the enterprise and characterizes the degree of independence of the enterprise from external sources of financing.

The main purpose of the analysis of the financial stability of an enterprise is to assess the financial risk of the enterprise and determine the adequacy of its own capital and the degree of dependence on attracted resources.

The following indicators are used to analyze the financial stability of an enterprise:

Autonomy coefficient (independence ratio, equity concentration ratio)

Autonomy coefficient =

The autonomy coefficient shows the share of own funds in the structure of the sources of the enterprise.

It is practically impossible to establish a normative value for this coefficient. Normal value for a particular enterprise should be established based on the characteristics of the enterprise, its needs for financial resources and development goals.

The higher the value of this coefficient, the higher the stability of the enterprise. However, when this value is close to one, this indicates an insufficiently effective financial management at the enterprise, not being able to use borrowed funds. On the other hand, an extremely low value speaks of high financial risk and high dependence on creditors.

Dependency coefficient (debt concentration ratio)

Dependency coefficient =

This coefficient characterizes the share of borrowed funds in the structure of the sources of the enterprise's activities.

Financial stability ratio (coefficient of long-term financial stability)

Coefficient fin. stability =

This indicator characterizes the share of sustainable sources of financing in all sources of the enterprise, that is, the share of those liabilities that can be used to finance investments.

Funding ratio

Funding ratio =

The financing ratio shows the structure of the company's liabilities.

own funds maneuverability ratio

own funds maneuverability coefficient =

The equity agility ratio measures the portion of equity that is invested in mobile assets.

3. Indicators of profitability.

Profitability is the efficiency of using one or another type of assets or type of invested funds. The main purpose of profitability analysis is to determine the level of profitability of the enterprise according to various indicators of invested funds and types of property of the enterprise and to assess the sufficiency of the level of profitability received.

To calculate profitability indicators, data from the enterprise's balance sheet and income statement are used.

For profitability analysis, the following main indicators are calculated:

Return on assets , which speaks about the efficiency of using all the assets of the enterprise and shows how much net profit falls on 1 ruble of all the assets of the enterprise.

Return on assets (property) =

Return on equity

Return on equity =

This indicator characterizes the profitability of using the company's own funds and shows how much net profit is received per 1 ruble of invested own funds.

Profitability indicator of the main activity

Profitability of the main activity =

This ratio shows the cost effectiveness, that is, how much profit from sales in the main activity was received per 1 ruble of costs incurred.

Profitability indicator of turnover (profitability of sales)

Return on turnover =

This indicator characterizes the effectiveness of the company's sales, or how much profit was received from the sale of products per 1 ruble of revenue received from buyers and customers for the products sold.

Product profitability indicator

Product profitability =

This indicator shows how much profit was received per 1 ruble of costs.

For the purposes of analysis, both the net profit indicator (profit after taxes) and the profit before tax indicator can be used. Comparison of two options for profitability indicators (one - using the profit before tax indicator and the second - using the net profit indicator) allows you to determine the impact of interest payments and tax payments on the level of profitability of a particular type of asset or type of invested funds.

In addition, various profitability indicators can be calculated for certain types of activities, certain types of assets, etc.

4. Indicators of business activity.

The business activity of the enterprise is manifested in the dynamism of its development, testifies to the quality of management of financial resources invested in the property of the enterprise, and is reflected in the system of indicators of the turnover of the enterprise's funds. Business activity ratios make it possible to assess the efficiency of the use of financial resources. The financial condition of the enterprise depends on the speed of transformation of funds invested in various assets of the enterprise into cash.

To calculate the indicators of the turnover of the enterprise's funds and the speed of turnover, the data of the balance sheet and the income statement are used.

The main indicators of turnover and turnover rate:

Asset turnover ratio shows the effectiveness of the use of all resources that the company has in the analyzed period.

Asset turnover ratio =

Asset turnover period =

Equity turnover ratio testifies to the effectiveness of the use of the company's own capital.

Ownership turnover ratio capital =

Equity turnover period =

When analyzing business activity, more frequent turnover indicators (accounts receivable, accounts payable, stocks, etc.) and turnover periods in days are also calculated.

Accounts receivable turnover ratio =

Receivables due date (in days) =

Inventory turnover ratio =

Inventory turnover period (realization period) =

Accounts payable turnover ratio =

Payables due date (in days) =

5. Indicators of market activity

book value of common stock

basic earnings per share

ordinary share dividend

dividend payout ratio

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  • One of the most important characteristics of the financial condition of an enterprise is the stability of its activities in the light of a long-term perspective. It is related to the overall financial structure of the enterprise, the degree of its dependence on creditors and investors. In market conditions, when economic activity enterprise and its development is carried out at the expense of self-financing, and in case of insufficiency of own financial resources - at the expense of borrowed funds, an important analytical characteristic is the financial stability of the enterprise. Financial stability is a certain state of the company's accounts, which guarantees its constant solvency.

    The solvency of an enterprise is determined by its ability and ability to timely and fully fulfill payment obligations arising from trade, credit and other transactions of a monetary nature. The liquidity of an enterprise is determined by the presence of liquid assets, which include cash, cash in bank accounts and easily realizable elements of working capital. Liquidity reflects the ability of the enterprise to make the necessary expenses at any time.

    Assets, depending on the rate of conversion into cash (liquidity), are divided into the following groups:

    Al - the most liquid assets. These include corporate cash and short-term financial investments.

    A2 - fast-moving assets. Accounts receivable and other assets

    A3 - slow-moving assets. These include "Current assets" and the item "Long-term financial investments" from section I of the balance sheet "Non-current assets".

    A4 - hard-to-sell assets. These are "Non-Current Assets"

    Liabilities are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their return:

    P1 - the most short-term liabilities. These include the items "Accounts payable" and "Other current liabilities"

    P2 - short-term liabilities. Articles "Loans and credits" and other articles of section V of the balance sheet "Current liabilities"

    PZ - long-term liabilities. Long-term loans and borrowings

    P4 - permanent liabilities. "Capital and reserves".

    When determining the liquidity of the balance sheet, asset and liability groups are compared with each other.

    Absolute balance liquidity conditions:

    A necessary condition for the absolute liquidity of the balance sheet is the fulfillment of the first three inequalities, the fourth inequality is of the so-called balancing nature: its fulfillment indicates that the enterprise has its own working capital. If any of the inequalities has a sign opposite to that fixed in the best option, then the liquidity of the balance sheet differs from the absolute one.

    For qualitative assessment solvency and liquidity of the enterprise, in addition to analyzing the liquidity of the balance sheet, it is necessary to calculate the liquidity ratios of current assets. Liquidity ratios are used to assess the ability of an enterprise to meet its short-term obligations.

    The absolute liquidity indicator is determined by the ratio of liquid assets of the first group to the total amount of short-term debts of the enterprise ( Section III balance sheet liabilities).

    Kal \u003d A1 / (P1 + P2)

    It is the most stringent criterion for the liquidity of an enterprise: it shows what part of the short-term debt can be repaid immediately, if necessary, at the expense of Money.

    In domestic practice, the actual average values ​​of this coefficient, as a rule, do not reach the standard value. The normal limit is Cal > 0.2 ~ 0.5. A low value indicates a decrease in the solvency of the enterprise.

    The coverage or current liquidity ratio is calculated as the ratio of current assets (working capital) to the amount of current liabilities (short-term liabilities):

    Ktl \u003d (A1 + A2 + A3) / (P1 + P2)

    Normal limit - Ktl from 1 to 2. The coefficient shows what part of current liabilities for loans and settlements can be repaid by mobilizing all working capital

    The current liquidity ratio summarizes the previous indicators and is one of the main indicators characterizing the satisfaction balance sheet. Gives a general assessment of the liquidity of assets, showing how many rubles of current assets account for one ruble of current liabilities. In Western accounting and analytical practice, the critical lower value of the indicator is given - 2; however, this is only an indicative value indicating the order of the indicator, but not its exact normative value.

    Quick liquidity ratio. By semantic purpose, the indicator is similar to the coverage ratio; however, it is calculated for a narrower range of current assets, when the least liquid part of them - inventories - is excluded from the calculation.

    Kbl \u003d (Debtors + cash) / current liabilities

    In Western literature, an approximate lower value of the indicator is given - 1, however, this estimate is conditional.

    The overall liquidity ratio is calculated as the ratio of the total amount of current assets, including inventories and work in progress, to the total amount of short-term liabilities.

    Kolb \u003d (A1 + 0.5A2 + 0.3A3) / (P1 + 0.5P2 + 0.3P3) - used for a comprehensive assessment of the liquidity of the balance sheet as a whole

    A coefficient of 1.5-2.0 usually satisfies.

    Liquidity ratios are relative indicators and do not change for some time if the numerator and denominator of the fraction increase proportionally. The very same financial position during this time may change significantly, for example, profit, profitability, turnover ratio, etc. will decrease. Therefore, for a more complete and objective assessment of liquidity, you can use the following factorial model:

    Current assets Balance sheet profit

    Cry. = Balance sheet profit * Short-term debts = X1 * X2

    Where X1 is an indicator that characterizes the value of current assets per 1 ruble of income;

    X2 - an indicator that indicates the ability of the enterprise to repay its debts at the expense of the results of its activities. It characterizes the stability of finance. The higher its value, the better the financial condition of the enterprise.

    And another indicator of liquidity (self-financing ratio) is the ratio of the amount of self-financing income (income + depreciation) to the total amount of internal and external sources of financial income. This ratio can be calculated as the ratio of self-financed income to value added. It shows the extent to which the enterprise is self-financing its activities in relation to the wealth created. You can also determine how much self-financed income falls on one employee of the enterprise. Such indicators in Western countries are considered as one of the best criteria for determining the liquidity and financial independence of the company and can be compared with other enterprises.

    Taking into account the varying degree of liquidity of assets, it can be safely assumed that all assets will be sold urgently, and therefore, in this situation, there is a threat to the financial stability of the enterprise. If the value of Kt.l. significantly exceeds the ratio of 1:1, it can be concluded that the company has a significant amount of free resources generated from its own sources.

    On the part of creditors of the enterprise, this option for the formation of working capital is the most preferable. At the same time, from the point of view of the manager, a significant accumulation of inventories at the enterprise, the diversion of funds into receivables may be associated with inept asset management of the enterprise.

    If an enterprise has a low interim liquidity ratio and a high total coverage ratio, the deterioration of these turnover indicators indicates a deterioration in the solvency of this enterprise.

    An analysis of the solvency of an enterprise is carried out by comparing the availability and receipt of funds with payments of essentials. There are current and expected (prospective) solvency. Current solvency is determined on the balance sheet date. An enterprise is considered solvent if it has no overdue debts to suppliers, bank loans and other settlements.

    The expected (prospective) solvency is determined on a specific upcoming date by comparing the amount of its means of payment with the urgent (priority) obligations of the enterprise on this date.

    "Tax planning", N 4, 2004

    Analysis of the financial condition of the organization allows you to form an idea of ​​its true financial position and assess the financial risks that it bears.

    The financial condition is characterized by the availability of financial resources necessary for the normal functioning of the organization, the expediency of their placement and efficiency of use, financial relationships with other legal and individuals, solvency and financial stability.

    An analysis of the financial condition includes an analysis of the balance sheet and the statement of financial results of the evaluated organization for the past periods in order to identify trends in its activities and determine the main financial indicators. the main objective analysis - timely identify and eliminate shortcomings in financial activities and find reserves for improving the financial condition and solvency of the organization.

    Analysis of the financial condition of the organization involves the following steps:

    I. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of balance sheet items.

    II. Assessment of the financial situation.

    III. Evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of financial and economic activities.

    Stage I. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of balance sheet items

    In the process of functioning of the organization, the value of assets and their structure undergo constant changes. Most general idea qualitative changes in the structure of funds and their sources, as well as the dynamics of these changes, can be obtained using vertical and horizontal analyzes of the organization's financial statements.

    The purpose of the horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements is to visualize the changes that have occurred in the main items of the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement, and to help company managers make decisions regarding further activities organizations.

    Vertical analysis allows you to draw a conclusion about the structure of the balance sheet and income statement in the current state, as well as analyze the dynamics of this structure. The technology of vertical analysis consists in the fact that the total amount of the organization's assets (when analyzing the balance sheet) and revenue (when analyzing the income statement) are taken as 100% and each article of the financial report is presented as a percentage of the accepted base value.

    Horizontal analysis consists in comparing the organization's financial data for the past two periods (years) in relative and absolute form.

    The form of vertical and horizontal balance sheet analysis is shown in Table 1.

    Table 1

    Form of vertical and horizontal balance sheet analysis

    IndicatorsBack to top
    of the year
    of the year
    Change (+, -)
    in specific
    1. Basic
    2. Other
    3. Stocks and
    4. Accounts receivable
    5. Cash
    funds and
    other assets
    6. Capital and
    7. Long term
    credits and loans
    8. Short term
    credits and loans
    9. Payable

    Stage II. Assessment of financial position

    For a general assessment of the dynamics of the financial condition, the balance sheet items should be grouped into separate specific groups on the basis of liquidity and maturity of obligations (aggregate balance sheet). On the basis of the aggregated balance sheet, an analysis of the organization's property structure is carried out. Directly from the analytical balance can be obtained the most important characteristics the financial condition of the organization, which are presented in table 2.

    table 2

    Indicators of the financial condition of the organization

    Share in balance
    for the reporting
    date, %
    thousand roubles.
    values, %
    total cost
    property of the organization
    (p. 300 - p. 252 -
    page 244)
    (non-current) funds
    (assets) (p. 190)
    The cost of mobile
    (working) funds
    (p. 290)
    Cost of material
    working capital
    (p. 210)
    The value of own
    means of organization
    (p. 490)
    Amount of borrowed funds
    (p. 590 + p. 690)
    Current own
    working capital
    (p. 490 - p. 252 -
    page 244 + page 590 -
    page 190 - page 230)
    The value of the receivable
    (p. 230 + p. 240)
    The value of accounts payable
    debt (p. 620)
    working capital
    (p. 290 - p. 690)

    The dynamic analysis of the indicators given in Table 2 makes it possible to establish their absolute increments and growth rates.

    Liquidity and solvency of the balance sheet

    The financial position of the organization can be assessed in terms of short-term or long-term perspective. In the first case, the criteria for assessing the financial position are liquidity and solvency, i.e. the ability to timely and in full make settlements on short-term obligations.

    It is necessary to analyze the liquidity of the balance sheet in order to assess the creditworthiness of the organization (the ability to pay off all its obligations in a timely and complete manner).

    Balance sheet liquidity is defined as the extent to which an organization's liabilities are covered by its assets, the maturity of which is equal to the maturity of the liabilities. Liquidity of the balance sheet should be distinguished from the liquidity of assets, which is defined as the temporary value necessary for the transformation of assets into cash. The shorter the time it takes to monetize a given asset, the higher its liquidity.

    Solvency implies that the organization has sufficient cash and cash equivalents to settle accounts payable requiring immediate repayment. Thus, the main signs of solvency are:

    • availability of sufficient funds in the current account;
    • no overdue accounts payable.

    Obviously, liquidity and solvency are not identical to each other. Thus, liquidity ratios may characterize the financial position as satisfactory, however, in essence, this assessment may be erroneous if a significant proportion of current assets falls on illiquid assets and overdue receivables.

    Depending on the degree of liquidity, the assets of the organization can be divided into the following groups:

    A1 - the most liquid assets. These include all items of the organization's cash and short-term financial investments. This indicator is calculated as follows:

    A1 = p. 250 + p. 260;

    A2 - quickly realizable assets.

    Accounts receivable for which payments are expected within 12 months after the reporting date:

    A2 = p. 240;

    A3 - slow-moving assets.

    Articles of section II of the balance sheet asset, including inventories, value added tax, receivables (payments for which are expected more than 12 months after the reporting date) and other current assets:

    A3 = p. 210 + p. 220 + p. 230 + p. 270;

    A4 - hard-to-sell assets.

    Articles of section I of the balance sheet asset - non-current assets:

    A4 = p. 190.

    Liabilities of the balance are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment:

    P1 - the most urgent obligations. These include accounts payable:

    P1 = p. 620;

    P2 - short-term liabilities. Short-term borrowings and other short-term liabilities:

    P2 = p. 610 + p. 660;

    P3 - long-term liabilities. Balance sheet items relating to sections V and VI, i.e. long-term loans and borrowings, as well as debt to participants for the payment of income, deferred income and reserves for future expenses:

    P3 = p. 590 + p. 630 + p. 640 + p. 650;

    P4 - permanent, or stable, liabilities. Articles of section IV of the balance sheet "Capital and reserves". If the organization has losses, they are deducted:

    P4 = p. 490.

    To determine the liquidity of the balance sheet, one should compare the results of the above groups for assets and liabilities.

    The balance is considered absolutely liquid if the following ratios take place:

    A1 >= P1; A2 >= P2; A3 >= P3; A4<= П4.

    The fulfillment of the first three inequalities in this system entails the fulfillment of the fourth inequality, so it is important to compare the results of the first three groups by asset and liability.

    In the case when one or more inequalities of the system have a sign opposite to that fixed in the optimal variant, the liquidity of the balance to a greater or lesser extent differs from the absolute one. At the same time, the lack of funds in one group of assets is compensated by their surplus in another group in value, but in a real situation, less liquid assets cannot replace more liquid ones.

    Further comparison of liquid funds and liabilities allows us to calculate the following indicators:

    Current liquidity (TL) - indicates the solvency of the organization for the nearest period of time to the considered moment:

    TL - (A1 + A2) - (P1 + P2).

    Prospective liquidity (PL) - solvency forecast based on a comparison of future receipts and payments:

    PL \u003d A3-P3.

    The analysis of financial statements and liquidity of the balance sheet carried out according to the above scheme is approximate. More detailed is the analysis of financial indicators and ratios given in Table 3.

    Table 3

    Liquidity indicators of the organization's balance sheet

    DefinitionCalculation formulastandard
    It is applied for
    integrated assessment
    liquidity balance
    generally. With the help of this
    indicator is being
    assessment of change
    financial situation
    in the organization from the point
    liquidity perspective.
    Also used when
    choosing the most reliable
    from potential partners
    L1 = (A1 +
    0.3A3) / (P1 +
    0.5P2 + 0.3P3)
    L1 >= 1
    Is the toughest
    liquidity criterion
    organizations. Shows
    what part of short-term
    loan obligations can
    be if necessary
    repaid immediately for
    cash account.
    In domestic practice
    actual averages
    the value of this
    coefficient is usually
    do not reach the standard
    L2 = page 260 /
    page 690
    L2 >=
    0,2 -
    Similar to coefficient
    current liquidity,
    however, calculated according to
    narrower circle
    current assets.
    Shows predicted
    payment options
    organization, subject to
    settlements with debtors.
    Analyzing the dynamics of this
    coefficient, it is necessary
    pay attention to
    factors that caused it
    change. Growth
    liquidity associated with
    mostly with growth
    unjustified receivables
    debt, cannot
    activities of the organization
    positive side
    (p. 290 -
    page 252 -
    page 244 -
    page 210 -
    page 220 -
    page 230) /
    page 690
    L3 >= 1
    Gives an overall rating
    liquidity of assets,
    showing how many rubles
    current assets accounted for
    for one ruble of current
    obligations. Logics
    calculation of this
    indicator is
    that short-term
    obligations are repaid
    mainly due to current
    assets; hence,
    if current assets
    Current responsibility,
    organization can
    regarded as
    successfully functioning
    (on at least,
    in theory). Meaning
    indicator can
    vary by industry and
    activities, and
    reasonable growth in dynamics
    usually regarded as
    favorable trend
    (p. 290 -
    page 252 -
    page 244 -
    page 230) /
    page 690
    L4 >= 2
    Characterizes the presence
    own working capital
    funds needed for
    financial stability
    organizations. Meaning
    this ratio is less than
    0.1 gives grounds for
    structure recognition
    unsatisfactory and
    organizations -
    (p. 490 -
    page 252 -
    page 244 +
    page 590 -
    page 190 -
    page 230) /
    (p. 290 -
    page 252 -
    page 244 -
    page 230)
    L5 >=
    Calculated for
    6 months if
    security ratio
    own funds and
    (or) current liquidity
    less than normative
    quantities. Meaning
    coefficient greater than 1
    testifies to the real
    opportunities for the organization
    restore your
    L4 end lane + 6 /
    t (L4end.trans -
    L4initial lane) / 2
    L6 >= 1
    Characterizes own
    working capital,
    which are in the form
    cash, i.e.
    funds that have
    absolute liquidity.
    Other equal conditions
    indicator growth in dynamics
    regarded as
    positive trend.
    Acceptable indicative
    indicator value
    independent and dependent
    for example, from
    how high
    daily need in
    free cash
    L7 = page 260 /
    (p. 290 -
    page 252 -
    page 244 -
    page 230 -
    p. 690)
    L7 from 0
    up to 1
    in assets
    Characterizes the share
    own working capital
    funds in total
    household funds
    (p. 290 -
    page 252 -
    page 244 -
    page 230) /
    (p. 300 -
    page 252 -
    page 244)
    L8 >=
    Calculated as
    magnitude ratio
    coverage sources
    stocks and the amount of stocks.
    If the value of this
    indicator is less than one,
    current financial
    state of the organization
    regarded as
    (p. 490 -
    page 252 -
    page 244 +
    page 590 -
    page 190 -
    page 230 +
    page 610 +
    page 621 +
    page 622 +
    page 627) /
    (p. 210+
    page 220)
    L9 > 1

    Financial strength and capital structure

    An assessment of the financial condition of an organization will be incomplete without an analysis of financial stability. Determining the degree of solvency, compare the state of liabilities and assets. The task of financial stability analysis is to assess the size and structure of assets and liabilities. Indicators that characterize the independence of each element of the assets and property in general, make it possible to measure whether the analyzed organization is financially stable enough.

    Under the financial stability of an economic entity, one should understand the security of its reserves and costs with the sources of their formation. A detailed analysis of the financial condition of the organization can be carried out using absolute and relative indicators.

    The simplest and most approximate way to assess financial stability is to comply with the ratio:

    < Текущие оборотные средства (стр. 490 - стр. 252 - стр. 244 + стр. 590 - стр. 190 - стр. 230).

    This ratio shows that all stocks are fully covered by own working capital, i.e. the organization is not dependent on external creditors. However, this situation cannot be considered normal, since it means that the administration is unable, unwilling or unable to use external sources to carry out its core activities. Therefore, the ratio is more fair:

    Inventories (line 210 + line 220)< Текущие оборотные средства (стр. 490 - стр. 252 - стр. 244 + стр. 590 - стр. 190 - стр. 230) + Краткосрочные заемные средства (стр. 610) + Расчеты с кредиторами по товарным операциям (стр. 621 + стр. 622 + стр. 627).

    However, in addition to absolute indicators, financial stability is also characterized by relative coefficients, which are accepted in world and domestic accounting and analytical practice (Table 4).

    Table 4

    Indicators of financial stability

    DefinitionCalculation formulastandard
    Shows how much
    borrowed money
    the organization attracted
    1 rub. invested in assets
    own funds. Growth
    indicator in dynamics
    testifies to
    increased dependence
    organizations from external
    investors and lenders
    those. about some reduction
    financial sustainability, and
    vice versa
    (p. 590+
    page 690) /
    (p. 490 -
    page 252 -
    page 244)
    sti or
    Characterizes the share
    owners of the organization
    the total amount of funds
    advanced in his
    activity. The higher
    the meaning of this
    ratio, especially
    financially stable
    stable and independent of
    external loans
    company. Supplement
    to this indicator
    is the coefficient
    concentration of borrowed
    (loan) capital - their
    the sum is 1 (or 100%)
    (p. 490 -
    page 252 -
    page 244) /
    (p. 300 -
    page 252 -
    page 244)
    U2 >=
    0,4 -
    Shows the share of debt
    capital in total
    sources of formation
    capital and reflects
    addiction trend
    organizations from borrowed
    sources of formation
    (p. 590+
    page 690) /
    (p. 300 -
    page 252 -
    page 244)
    U3 = 1 -
    reflects part
    own capital,
    in mobile
    (p. 290 -
    page 252 -
    page 244 -
    page 230 -
    page 690) /
    (p. 490 -
    page 252 -
    page 244)
    Shows security
    current assets
    long-term sources
    (p. 490 -
    page 252 -
    page 244 +
    page 590) /
    (p. 300 -
    page 252 -
    page 244)
    U5 >=

    A generalizing indicator of financial independence is the surplus or shortage of sources of funds for the formation of reserves and costs, which is determined as the difference between the value of sources of funds and the value of reserves and costs.

    The total amount of reserves and costs (ZZ) is equal to the sum of lines 210 and 220 of the asset balance:

    33 = p. 210 + p. 220.

    To characterize the sources of the formation of reserves and costs, several indicators are used that reflect different types of sources:

    1. Own working capital (SOS):

    SOS = p. 490 - p. 190.

    1. Own and long-term borrowed sources of formation of reserves and costs, or total functioning capital (CF):

    KF = p. 490 + p. 590 - p. 190.

    1. The total value of the main sources of formation of reserves and costs (VI):

    VI \u003d p. 490 + p. 590 + p. 610 - p. 190.

    Three indicators of the availability of sources of formation of reserves and costs correspond to three indicators of the availability of reserves and costs by sources of formation.

    It is possible to distinguish four types of financial situations (Table 5):

    1. Absolute financial independence. This type of situation is extremely rare and represents an extreme type of financial stability.
    2. The normal independence of the financial condition guarantees the solvency of the organization.
    3. An unstable financial condition is associated with a violation of solvency, but there is still the possibility of restoring balance by replenishing sources of own funds, reducing accounts receivable, and accelerating inventory turnover.
    4. Crisis financial condition, in which the company is completely dependent on borrowed sources of financing. Own capital, long-term and short-term loans and borrowings are not enough to finance working capital, i.е. replenishment of stocks comes at the expense of funds generated as a result of slowing down the repayment of accounts payable.

    Table 5

    Types of financial situations

    Stage III. Assessment and analysis of financial and economic activities Assessment of business activity

    The assessment of business activity is aimed at analyzing the results and effectiveness of the current main production activities.

    At a qualitative level, such an assessment can be obtained as a result of comparing the activities of organizations related in the field of capital investment. Such qualitative criteria are: the breadth of product sales markets; availability of products for export; the reputation of the organization, expressed, in particular, in the popularity of customers using its services, etc.

    When analyzing the turnover of working capital Special attention should be given to inventories and receivables. The less financial resources of the organization are such assets, the more efficiently they are used, turn around faster and make a profit.

    The turnover is estimated by comparing the indicators of the average balances of current assets and their turnover for the analyzed period. Turnovers in the assessment and analysis of turnover are:

    • for production stocks- production costs of sold products;
    • for receivables - sales of products by bank transfer (since this indicator is not reflected in the reporting and can be identified from the data accounting, in practice it is often replaced by an indicator of sales revenue).

    The turnover, expressed in turnovers, shows the average number of turnovers of funds invested in assets of this type for the analyzed period; turnover, expressed in days, is the duration (in days) of one turnover of funds invested in assets of this type.

    A generalized characteristic of the duration of the deadening of financial resources in current assets is the indicator of the duration of the operating cycle, i.e. the number of days on average from the moment of investing funds in current production activities until they are returned in the form of proceeds to the current account. This indicator largely depends on the nature of production activities; its reduction is one of the main intraeconomic tasks of the organization.

    Usage performance indicators certain types resources are summarized in terms of equity turnover and fixed capital turnover, characterizing, respectively, the return on invested funds.

    Table 6 presents business activity indicators calculated in the process of financial analysis.

    Table 6

    Business Activity Indicators

    Characteristics of the indicatorCalculation formula
    in calculations
    Decrease in turnover says
    on the decline in sales, demand
    on products or growth
    accounts receivable.
    Turnover increase
    funds in settlements
    characterized as
    positive trend.
    This indicator is calculated
    in turns. If for analysis
    need to get the value
    indicator in days, then 365 days
    needs to be divided into
    number of revolutions
    Obsr/calc =
    VR / DZ,
    where BP -
    proceeds from
    DZ - medium
    accounts receivable
    Characterizes the speed
    consumption or sale of raw materials
    or stocks. In practice often
    there is a situation where
    managers, fearing
    product shortages and
    "underearnings", create
    excess inventory to
    insure without hesitation
    that it leads to redundant
    spending, freezing
    funds and reduced profits
    Reserved =
    VR / ZZ,
    where ZZ -
    reserves and
    Associates the amount of money that
    organization must return
    creditors (mainly
    suppliers) to a certain
    term, and the current value
    purchases or purchased from
    creditors of goods/services. how
    as a rule, this indicator
    expressed in calendar days,
    characterizing the average term
    payment for goods and/or services,
    purchased on credit. high
    share of accounts payable
    reduces financial stability
    and solvency
    organizations, however
    accounts payable
    suppliers and contractors
    allows you to use
    "free" money for a while
    its existence
    Obkz \u003d KZ / SR,
    where short circuit -
    accounts payable
    debt x
    analysis, SR -
    cost price
    implementation or
    from implementation
    reflects activity
    use of funds.
    The low value of this indicator
    indicates inaction
    part of own funds.
    Turnover increase
    say what you own
    means of organization are introduced
    into circulation
    Obsk = VR / SK,
    where SC -
    The operating cycle is equal to the time
    between the purchase of raw materials and
    materials or goods and
    receipt of proceeds from the sale
    products. With a decrease
    operating cycle with other
    equal conditions decreases time
    between the purchase of raw materials and
    receiving revenue as a result
    which increases profitability.
    Accordingly, the decrease in this
    indicator in days favorable
    characterizes the activity
    OCprod =
    (in days) +
    (in days)
    The financial cycle begins
    from the moment of payment to suppliers
    materials (repayment
    accounts payable),
    ends at the time of receipt
    money from buyers
    shipped products (repayment
    accounts receivable)
    FCprod =
    OTsprod - Obkz

    Profitability assessment

    The effectiveness and economic feasibility of the functioning of the organization are measured by absolute and relative indicators: profit, gross income, profitability, etc.

    Profitability indicators are relative characteristics of the financial results and performance of the organization. They reflect the profitability of the organization and are grouped according to the interests of the participants. economic process. These indicators characterize the factor environment for the formation of profits and income of organizations.

    To calculate the main indicators of profitability, the data of the consolidated balance sheet and income statement are used (Table 7).

    Table 7

    Key profitability indicators

    Name of indicatorThe content of the indicatorCalculation formula
    Profitability of salesProfit per unit
    products sold
    page 050 /
    page 010 of the report
    Profitability of the main
    Profit from sales
    for 1 rub. costs
    page 050 /
    (page 020
    report +
    page 030
    report +
    page 040
    total capital
    use of capital.
    Profitability dynamics
    has an impact on
    share price dynamics
    (page 140
    report -
    page 150
    report) /
    (p. 300 -
    page 252 -
    page 244)
    (page 140
    report -
    page 150
    report) /
    (p. 490 -
    page 252 -
    page 244)
    Payback period
    Number of years during
    which are completely
    investments will pay off
    to this organization
    (p. 490 -
    page 252 -
    page 244) /
    (page 140
    report -
    page 150
    Rate of return (ROS)Net profit ratio
    to gross sales
    page 140
    report /
    page 010 of the report
    Return on assets
    Net profit ratio
    to total assets
    page 140
    report /
    assets (amount
    lines 300
    balance on
    beginning and the end
    period / 2)
    return on capital
    Net profit ratio
    to equity
    page 140
    report /
    funds (amount
    lines 490
    balance on
    beginning and the end
    period / 2)
    <*>Hereinafter - the profit and loss statement.

    These indicators do not have standard values, depend on many factors and vary significantly depending on the profile, size, structure of assets and sources of funds of the organization, so it is advisable to analyze trends in their change over time.

    T.A. Fadeeva

    Head of evaluation department

    CJSC "BKR-Intercom-Audit"

    AT methodological recommendations on the development of the financial policy of the enterprise, approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation (order No. 118 of 01.10.1997), all indicators of financial and economic states organizations divided into two levels: first and second. These categories have significant qualitative differences between them.

    To the first level includes indicators for which normative values ​​are determined. These include indicators of solvency and financial stability.

    Analyzing the dynamics of these indicators, one should pay attention to the trend of their change. If their values ​​are lower or higher than the normative ones, then this should be considered as a deterioration in the characteristics of the analyzed organization. There are several states of indicators of the first level (Table 1.13):

    Table 1.13. The state of indicators of the first level

    State I.1- the values ​​of the indicators are within the recommended range of standard values ​​("corridor"), but at its borders. An analysis of the dynamics of indicators shows that the movement is in the direction of the most acceptable values ​​(movement from the borders to the center of the "corridor"). If the group of indicators of this level is in the state I.1, then this aspect of the financial condition of the organization can be rated "excellent".

    State I.2- the values ​​of the indicators are within the recommended limits, and the analysis of the dynamics shows their stability. In this case, according to this group of indicators, the financial condition of the organization can be defined as “excellent” (the indicator values ​​are in the middle of the “corridor”) or “good” (the value is at one of the boundaries of the “corridor”).

    State I.3- the values ​​of the indicators are within the recommended limits, but the analysis of the dynamics indicates their deterioration (movement from the middle of the "corridor" to its borders). The assessment of the financial condition in this case is “good”.

    State II.1- the values ​​of the indicators are outside the recommended ones, but there is a tendency to improve. In this case, depending on the deviation from the norm and the pace of movement towards it, the financial condition of the organization can be characterized as "good" or "satisfactory".

    State II.2- the values ​​of the indicators are consistently outside the recommended "corridor". Rating - "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory". The choice of assessment is determined by the magnitude of the deviation from the norm and assessments of other aspects of the financial and economic condition of the organization.

    State II.3- the values ​​of the indicators are outside the norm and are deteriorating all the time. Rating - "unsatisfactory".

    Applying this technique to the results of calculating solvency and financial stability ratios, we can make following conclusions(Table 1.14):

    Table 1.14. Assessment of the state of indicators of the first level

    Name of indicator



    Indicator status

    General indicator of solvency



    Kt absolute
    liquidity K AL

    Does not match



    Does not match



    Kt of current liquidity K TL

    Does not match






    Kt security own. funding sources




    K-t capitalization K K

    Does not match



    Does not match



    K-t financing K F

    Does not match



    Does not match



    Conclusion. Thus, according to most indicators, MUP "Management Technologies" has unsatisfactory performance.

    It means that not everything is so “excellent” in assessing the financial condition of our organization. Unfortunately, the answer to the question about the financial condition of an organization that has various meanings indicators of the first level, this technique does not give.

    This possibility is provided by a technique based on a scoring of the financial condition. The essence of this technique lies in the classification of organizations by the level of financial risk, that is, any analyzed organization can be assigned to a certain class depending on the “scored” number of points, based on the actual values ​​of its financial ratios.

    Column 1 records the names (symbols) of the coefficients (indicators) of solvency and financial stability.

    In column 2, it is written “meets the standard” or “does not meet the standard”.

    Column 3 describes the trend "deterioration", "improvement", "sustainable".

    In column 4, one of the six states of the indicator is fixed: I.1; I.2; I.3; II.1; II.2; II.3.

    Column 5 gives an assessment of "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory" in accordance with the noted state of the indicator.

    Then a general conclusion is made about the financial condition of the enterprise.

    The analysis reveals indicators with different estimates. This indicates that not everything is so “excellent” in assessing the financial condition of the enterprise under study. Unfortunately, this method does not give an answer to the question about the financial condition of an enterprise with different values ​​of the first level indicators.

    It should be noted that the methodology includes the analysis of not only indicators of the first level (normalized), but also indicators of the second level (non-normalized).

    To the second level includes indicators whose values ​​cannot serve to assess the efficiency of the enterprise and its financial and economic condition without comparison with the values ​​of these indicators at enterprises that produce products similar to those of our enterprise and have production capacities comparable to those of the enterprise, or for trend analysis changes in these indicators. This group includes profitability indicators, characteristics of the property structure, sources and status of working capital. For this group of indicators, it is advisable to rely on the analysis of trends in indicators and to identify their deterioration or improvement. The second group of indicators is proposed to be characterized by the following states:

    "improvement" - 1,

    "stability" - 2,

    "deterioration" - 3.

    For some indicators, you can define "corridors" optimal values depending on their affiliation various types activities and other features of the functioning of the enterprise.

    In order to obtain a more objective assessment of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise, it is proposed to compare the status of indicators of the first and second levels (Table 1.15).

    Table 1.15. Comparison of the states of indicators of the first and second levels

    It should be noted that the method described gives a very approximate and quite overall result assessment of the financial and economic condition and does not indicate to the management of the enterprise the directions for improving management.

    Considering the variety of financial processes, the multiplicity of indicators of the financial condition, the differences in the level of critical assessments, the emerging degree of deviation from them of the actual values ​​of the coefficients and the difficulties arising in connection with this in general assessment the financial position of the enterprise, it is recommended to make a scoring assessment of the financial condition.

    The essence of this technique lies in the classification of enterprises by the level of financial risk, that is, any analyzed organization can be assigned to a certain class depending on the "scored" number of points, based on the actual values ​​of its financial ratios (Table 1.15).

    • 1st Class- these are enterprises with absolute financial stability and absolutely solvent, whose financial condition allows you to be sure of the timely fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the agreements. These are enterprises that have a rational structure of property and its sources, and, as a rule, are quite profitable.
    • 2nd Class- These are enterprises with a normal financial condition. On the whole, their financial indicators are very close to optimal, but there is some lag in some ratios. These enterprises, as a rule, have a non-optimal ratio of own and borrowed sources of financing, shifted in favor of borrowed capital. At the same time, there is a faster increase in accounts payable compared to the increase in other borrowed sources, as well as in comparison with the increase in receivables. Usually these are profitable enterprises.
    • 3rd Class- These are enterprises whose financial condition can be assessed as average. When analyzing the balance sheet, the “weakness” of individual financial indicators is revealed. They either have solvency at the minimum acceptable level, and financial stability is normal, or vice versa - an unstable financial condition due to the predominance of borrowed sources of financing, but there is some current solvency. In relationships with such enterprises, there is hardly a threat of loss of funds, but the fulfillment of obligations on time seems doubtful.
    • 4th Class- These are enterprises with an unstable financial condition. When dealing with them, there is a certain financial risk. They have an unsatisfactory capital structure, and solvency is at the lower limit allowed values. As a rule, such enterprises have no profit at all or very little, sufficient only for obligatory payments to the budget.
    • 5th Class- These are enterprises with a crisis financial condition. They are insolvent and absolutely unstable from a financial point of view. These enterprises are unprofitable.

    Table 1.16. The boundaries of the classes of enterprises according to the criteria for assessing the financial condition

    Criteria Conditions

    Class boundaries according to criteria

    Kt of absolute liquidity

    0.70 and more assign 14 points

    0.69 - 0.50 assign from 13.8 to 10 points

    0.49 - 0.30 assign from 9.8 to 6 points

    0.29 - 0.10 assign from 5.8 to 2 points

    Less than 0.10 assign from 1.8 to 0 points

    Intermediate coat set

    For every 0.01 point reduction, 0.2 points are deducted

    1 or more > 11 points

    0.99 - 0.80 > 10.8 - 7 points

    • 0,79 - 0,70 >
    • 6.8 - 5 points
    • 0,69 - 0,60 >
    • 4.8 - 3 points

    0.59 or less >

    from 2.8 to 0 points

    Kt of current liquidity

    For every 0.01 point reduction, 0.3 points are deducted

    • 2 or more > 20 points
    • 1.70 - 2.0 > 19 points

    from 18.7 to 13 points

    from 12.7 to 7 points

    from 6.7 to 1 points

    0.99 or less >

    from 0.7 to 0 points

    Share of working capital in assets

    • 0.5 or more >
    • 10 points

    9 to 7 points

    from 6.5 to 4 points

    from 3.5 to 1 points

    Less than 0.20 >

    From 0.5 to 0 points

    Security kit
    means to OSS or

    To-t of security of financing

    For every 0.01 point reduction, 0.3 points are deducted

    • 0.5 or more >
    • 12.5 points

    from 12.2 to 9.5 points

    from 9.2 to 3.5 points

    from 3.2 to 0.5 points

    Less than 0.10 >

    0.2 points

    Capitalization set

    For every 0.01 point increase, 0.3 points are deducted

    Less than 0.70 > 17.5 points

    1.0 - 0.7 > 17.1 - 17.4 points

    from 17.0 to 10.7 points

    from 10.4 to 4.1 points

    from 3.8 to 0.5 points

    1.57 or more >

    from 0.2 to 0 points

    Set of financial independence

    For every 0.01 point reduction, 0.4 points are deducted

    • 0.50 - 0.60 or more >
    • 9 - 10 points

    from 8 to 6.4 points

    from 6 to 4.4 points

    from 4 to 0.8 points

    0.30 or less >

    from 0.4 to 0 points

    Set of financial stability

    For every 0.01 point reduction, 1 point is deducted

    • 0.80 or more >
    • 5 points
    • 0,79 - 0,70 >
    • 4 points
    • 0,69 - 0,60 >
    • 3 points
    • 0,59 - 0,50 >
    • 2 points

    0.49 or less >

    from 1 to 0 points

    100 - 97.6 points

    93.5 - 67.6 points

    64.4 - 37.0 points

    33.8 - 10.8 points

    7.5 - 0 points

    A generalized assessment of the financial condition of the analyzed enterprise is carried out in tabular form (Table 1.17).

    Table 1.17. Classification of the level of financial condition

    Financial condition indicators

    For the beginning of the year

    At the end of the year

    Number of points

    The actual value of the coefficient

    Number of points

    Absolute liquidity K AL

    Set of intermediate coat K PP

    Kt of current liquidity K TL

    The share of working capital in the assets of DOS

    Kt of provision with own funds K OSS or

    Kt of provision with own sources of financing K OSI

    K-t capitalization K K

    Financial Independence K FN

    K-t of financial stability K FU

    According to the calculations, it turns out that the organization we are analyzing belongs to the 3rd class of (average) financial condition, but by the end of the year the indicators became a little better.
